The Signal, 1909-9-16, Page 8L'•t t,i1r l,:•: �1+..t 1., 11'1
Psalm 'Books
For North Street '
Methodist Church
- 11 r Marr t+er daitr w-.+(.kII4I*.4 aswa•t
HYMENEAL. iii uta Jihad. l*h for t'ahhu'y. and Clifton
%Lefttn's,tr silt fund. also is among the %is
11U4, to tis 11.M1.
Allis Andet-.on pa.' wtlirurd from 1ttuultsg.
where be sen4* eWtag edltt slot eyleit to cosines-
11- lieu 11, Ill the elw:lrte dekelup.usut Sark. 1I"s
fy : und.`r+tared Ile Intends Urine to •laceu'.l 1'111
Y- ' vsr.ny liil-tx9
et. V, t rites, Ise Potuoleel rah
Briscoe Wilkinson.
Th. warriagt• of Miss Ora 1Vilki
,,et, let Miuneapolie, Miuu„ .lot•tnet
of lioderiek, to R. A. Briscoe, , a dr
goottet rner••hant of Balt, look pie
t ery quietly at Toronto on Monad
:he 13th Inst. Miss 1Vilkiuson tt
Iw•ru visiting her sister, Mrs. J.
McKendrick, of u,tit, for the last 1w
Witty Warn •k, L• Aywl,dil.w the week, In
)'. + society is holding rt....ernial W044111g 1110ru aud
all 1h.n.1tme•ti it. of tine fruit wanton of IAtlwriu
proved tut gwat for Mr. W'arau: k to reslet.
1'hw !'n.ddcur tlull0dd. '.. ret cry Johu.,tuu
,lel Ur. clerk of tlw t:edrrieh- I.Ju.trlal ks
merit of The Book o1 Psalms which
has 14,41 adopted in Isle North St,
Methodist Church for responsive iwa.l-
ins. )lelow is ,a list of _Nt yle s of hind-
ing. ,' and ureic des -------
Limp l'htth, good print. price Iter. each.
Limp ('loth. extra large print. price.
! k .
Full ,'loth. good print. lute.. Cte, each.
Full ('loth, extra large print, pricell5.'.
and 711e. recti.
Horoi r.0 hound, teanall size, good print.
price 51k•.'each.
Morocco hound, larger s; /.• Std Iai'ger
pried. price •. each.
- Court.lionse Slluart, (10I,H: )l'll
.. 'Phone leo.
Eighteen (hounds for one doliat.s
Eighteen,fwnlnds of -this ...iglu. g...••farther than twenty-two of any other
'I'ulr Ern'uog RHA\p,
Two shi lments :nude weekly, Tut,
days and F ,
Side ai... . .. . 2ie Iitt,
Flack Bacon .. ... . .... ....22c pound
Tho Hallway 'ot blah ears use (fiis
brand exclusively, where they want
the'hest. d
From Dungannon. • 2,t' a pound
Guaran treed the hest.
Highest cash price paid to t•'armrr.
for BITTER. EDON and LAlttt,
P1 to 1 .' ‘Vest 44:
Rates_JI .
The Signal is pleased to lie
dile again to announce the
completion of 'tabling, 11,
rnugernents with The Tot•
onto Weekly Globe, whelp.
The Signal and
The Weekly Globe
will bemsat 4i.. any add. ess
in Canada or (heat 13:1; -
ain for one year ftir $1,60.
Special Offers
To New Subscribers
A. a .{e•eial iOdut.etltetlt to
nrw 14111tserit111•1'd, the two
I•apera will he sent from
1,1.w until the 1st of Jan-
uary. 1411, to'r the price 11f
a year's subscript' -•$I.80.
That is, the remainder of
this yt•nr is given free.
For the balance of thi 'Pat-
.inls,-from nor. toiJ4)nury7
let, Bi10, ,the two pap1•re
will hetientfor 30c.
A.1.1 nes : '
The People's Grocery
All seasonable goods,of first-
rate quality and at rishtprie,
White Wine and Cider Vine.
gar for the pickling season. - 4
' Let 111 hays 711111' orders for'
Prompt delivery,
phone No; Itt. Iluuillnn St.
Mosn.(v, Sept. lath.
I1. Adair, late /dation master here, is
s•trceedel by Cl. Martin, formerly of
Wingham. Mr, Alair bas gone to
Vancouver, B. C. '
A. R. Anderson hiss mold his ggrrccer
httiiness to W. J. Powell, of Atwood,
who is already in poeneiasinn. Mr.
Anderson will r.•main in iairknow,
Among th,Me who went West on
the harvesters' exeureinn list week
are John McDonald, Kenneth MrIMn-
ald, Jas. Graham, D. N. Mr'(irt'gor,
Wnt. Smeltery, W. O. McKenzie,
Samuel Metlairmid and John Riley.
The leseknnw fair will he held next.
week. Septemirer Aird and '14th.
Eliot► Schafer.
The Signal extends coin/F(0i at lone
this week He 1Viltiaul E. Elliott, set
of Ur. and Mrs. ti. M. Elliott, sn town.
on leis marriage stn M lay to Mies
Jlh••• ydW1 'l., )ottnye.t, dough,.
1rr of lhe%late Philip 1'. M tf*•r. The
leveret was quietly eidcllitistel al ":k►
ti clout at the residence of 1 hr !r idr'N
er, Ws. F. H. 1iichardsuo, 1:, 11t1.
11111(44 st'e't. Toronto, Thr .'t.1enetoy
Itemsg perforated by Rey. 1►r.
ltaukiu. lel' SI. Paul's %letlhidis
1huye•h, in the presence o1 a few ie
mediate relatives, iucluJiug t
grertuh's parent's. Nr. and Me. Ir. J
Elliott. of theleri -t . The hridr w'a
dressed in white -ilk mull and earth
white I'Nae•N.. '1'11ra,• nett. nn 11
telethons. MI 4.1 Ward. )Ir. :tied Mt
Elliott left for a...1... boll, where a po
lint, i.f the honeymoon is beingeeften
the bride travelling' i11 n suit 'of taint
cit ti with velvet hat to m.ttrh. Alt.
a week or MP they will sett I, down n
S7 Thr Itiel¢ctut)'. 1.'ii Ltn. 41111.
Hats Vanstate. 1
The rrshh'nrie or Mrs- Venal one.
Hroa:k street, was the sour of a happy
•'tirret on 1%editend,t)' 31 high noon.
when her youngest daughter. Miss
Matteis:et Dolphin.. V n1Ntone, iw'1•atne
rbc -tttttttr
iter. It. 1V. Mildyurd, pastor of Vie
toric strut .Irthttdist church, (ser
formed the ceremony, -pod' the Wed
ding mewl, Iva+ played h)• his son
Ut t cuuitle Mill vi rd, 'Hie bride, sees•
her travelling suit ►tel e•,trrird a fain
Tvet id roses and uiiitidenhait• terns
he happy 't,tl !e were unattended
anti sushi before It bank' of tiOwere
The laida. was given. away sty_ hpr
brother, A.• E. V*-n.Jone. of bottle
After• the t•et•rro ouy about forty . gums
sat down to the festive hoard, these
Iroho our'of town tiring Mi.
u -
t -
t.. V1 es 1111 l' duels, Ind on reads ing
t, \Vinci-fwg on their return trip from
Edmonton over the line of the I; rand
k Nordic 1t. ailwv wired (itis.
t H. ILtvs, prltaidrnt .f 'thi' lrrauJ
'l'runk,i'aced, at 1'an••oe►•er, who i+
abet in the Weettut e. tour of home,-
tion ret' Ilie new line in cumpauy with
Sat' t'112tilte+-11115'1's•�1!'11 n.11, I,te+1,ir111
of the tit•uul '1''mark wstern. and
futrtjj as follows
-XV.,believe Ili it • every font of the•
1 sed 1t ta•er,.•,1 I,v 1lie tot., is eruiu
s1Uty .ttl•aul n(rag
1 1., (rain growl
wi\e.1 tareniug or the ke.'ping of iv..
'1o.•L ined 16'11 it roust sown develop
into a regi,nl i'f 1,r.•+Iu'I'0Ua
W.• :the. unite in exptr'ssing• our -tad'
rhe Nsosaalty of Advertising and the
• *Meieney et Salesmen.
A wan may have several carloads of
ability He um) have bralus aud ideas
sudother desirable Hillevi. But all the
deur ever -Ideated" wUI not avail to
raise a matt who ucgtt'cts that all lal-
ht+ week
portant IIcut of advertising. You .Ise
ply Must get attention. of course you
Min get attentlou by tlriug off • re-
e.dver eluting olttcr hours or you can
it by wearing loud ',Mame and pro
/omittlnj; your kinship In the eporttug
feats Bill Bel most mea who have
l'.144'11 from tlic ranks have carefully
me:leeks] to use methods of this klud.
Every' ()Mee eau must act as lila
ow a aal,stnau. Ile must first prepare
hi ast•If by increasing his efi4eleucy.
tic ,use tie aha• t., do the work for
widen he Is hirers. Not wily should
to' d" w
that for 'itch he Is hired. but
he must do that work better than It
ever' was done before. When that Item
has Wen attended to It la then time to
. Met: about for inure work.
The wise employee will keep hie eye
on the job *Mimi or. tenter stall. will
oak let a Job which does out exist. but
which should exist for the good of the
biesIneie. The next step is to think
out n selling talk that will grt the at-
tention, arouse the Interest. create a
and bring about In the mind of
the employer a dewire to do what the
lire employee desires him to do. -Book-
keeper. • v
London this
,• nit it a le twee a a Castrop. Ir 41 -pro
44044d 14,1 1141'0 10r the Uaieri,h exhilntloei. ,
i1.-'. L Turnbull return.rl 14 town on Mon-
d.) Maki la..t and G ogaMt to eharge of the
Iurt.'11 ,d, st Ueorge,. VII.. Turnbull, wile,
.td been visiting relative. at tahadoa int
l'etede ti arrived 133.1 week. T1144 rector of ,it
he+11441 cont,. 11,1,40• -true ex `deur.••
1. Our
the a ty of cxhw. 1110 serener of life and the
w.u,ilr.,lat ion. of nal un+ There twine eo dist set
hum the. country. \'e1, A0'hdeacon Joe.,
'lawman. of :110/11414.1, WIN) ha. Well taking Mt.
Turnbull'. wort donna the en
u.taer. Iwavr- o
normN' 11•'1'Ida)'1 -for Toronto. and he and Mr -.-tree. Ilmeniou r:ul 'Morph for 6auttend, where
tier will .1-,t for 3 tea,. prior 114 returning to
M, vise.
Agricultural Editors.
Duringt 1*' past month 11 tarty of
t doors rept•t•senting 1.111111. of file heist
important agricultural papet•s in the
1'nit est Si ate,. have twee touring
ureies of the high that:u'ler and
the .-.a)tpietent•ss iIt cometructi441 of
I,hc rout 311411%1 id -Mal, which must
anon give tit' road high rank A gt
tranrcontiueni•.1 rashes)' s)'ateht•."
Tib• 1,1117 r.m.itteil of the follow-
'11t7t '
M Prof. Thos., Sh tee. of the "l )r.tnge
.Iuddt Furtnrr" 111141-"I (kw it 1r,u Miter'.'
NtHcul \tine
Mrs. Yj"'rt . I' rrhert ljttick, editor- of "F'Itrm, and,
Forster. of llohurwille :. Mr u 03r
•uusin lee the bride, .4 Saskatchewan
Mr. and Mrs. T. II. Kin(;, of Hayfield
and .fr. 'tits, St1l1s ). of I.-.ndot
Mn.. King and Mea. Srotev being
sistet'Y of the !tide : Miss Ida !tassel'
)( Regina, So,k.:• Mt. :1,,d Alt's. A F'
VattBMW of ttnrt'te, and Miss ttexidi' ,
d Ifennliller. tit ' l't many la•autifu
presents wereit cabinet .7'f ailvtt•wat'
f l'ltuterutr.\ Nluun.Ju_winei es-
rtht• bride held 11 re'sls.n-
aible sit.ion, and a chair frets the
employees ,.f tit,. wheel department of
the (hetet irh 11'hrel Itiga feetory, of
which the ground was foreman. -Thr
sappy young couple left tin the aftet-
non C. 1'. It, wain for a visit at
Wellesley., li,•rinl and Toronto.
- Robertson -:Tisdale.
Front The lvinui .'g'retegrun.
A pert t)' wedding took place en
11 ednewlay morning ret 11,.:41 111 race
1tt'th.xli..t church, when Mies Jose-
phine Tisdale. laughter tt air. wedAirs. George Ti,dgle. of Mt., beeantr the bride of .Icahn F:.
Rohe' INon, druggi.t, ('rttik.' Soak ,
f,.rrnt Iy o f N'innifw•g. Tuttle strains
of the wedding maul, played 1,7 Mr.
Vivre., organist for lira... church, the
bride, carrying a ficluq ll•t of cream
est'm and snit i . entered the ehirch
n the arm of her brother, H,ar•y
I'i,dnl•, who gave her away. The
bride 1.a,kerl rh,trnling in leertravel-
ling suit of taupe bro,tdcloth, Horde nu
he empire -pr Mee., lines. the bodice
string tin the ledereffect and having
1 a
14.110.+et He of et embroidered net.
i'h•• bridesmaid was Miss M Iy'Tay11.1 :
of Dominion l'i('. who W111.44 a 1.1.447
gort of old rose hrnndclnth un the
princess liner, and c,uricd',1 In/Wine(
of pink.n,srs. Roth bride and htides- I
maid 4. 111• hats U.'t 'toilet. their gown..
The gr. ensilall was W. lis Kyte,'
t 44-ney .4 .'tfeetit.retly
1'o, ' II.• grnoltt'+ gift t.. the beide seam
11,good ting Net with twv latgepeaide•'
and a ruby, to the bridesmaid) a pearl
,•redeem, to thegr,iirinstilan a (air of
1111.11140. till eutf-licks and to the ushers
p..a1•d etirk-pin.«. TIii rPIMt11.t ly was
performed by the 11'v. Dr t'r nhNny,
inefut•diab'I)' After which the lit-idol
)at y ►nil guests repaired to the home
of 11e• gr,snn'+ sister, Alt., %Villennr
4'atuerun, 113,\ Scutt . 441 114141, FMt
11.41111.4,,, tvht•r,' 1t rere•pti'm was held
and ,ill sot down to it dainty lun'•1.-
eon. The bridewarthe recipient o1
e 1..•t y large ;t'i+nrtnieet of InaUtitul
:ills In Ni{ter chin:► ,hill ru) glees, ,t
w•)11 red hatheisumle i'hptllli.i,. from
friendat a distance. Mo.'"Find Mh's
Robertson left on Ihr Y2.,41 train f,,
Banff, where they will enjoy 'a honey
moon before returning p. take u1,
refider rRlnr'
• I Fireside," Springfield, hiss,
'.t ohn Arthur Dixon, managing .'di -
I • for of "Horne Life," 4'tlicago.. iII.
• Philip E1stml111, editor of Capper
1 publication., including, "Nebraska
ealnt Journal, -Omaha. Net..: ".Mss-
",o.iii Valley Farmer." Topeka. Kum.:
1 •'•h,u•u1..1 s Mail and Breeze,' 'Topeka,
e i Kan... "Iw4 vk.t.-- {chisel." Tnpektt.
' Kau.
1 E. E. Flnvelle,-editor -Successful
Farming." Des Moines. fowls.
P:. S. Itt)vtrd, ' editor • N,at ional
lStockman and Farmer," Ptttsb,rg•
C. P. Reynolds, editor of ''Prairie
Farmer," Chicago, 111.
I The p.u•ty was also ,tec.nulrtided
by Mr. Herbert Vantterhuot, editor of
1 Ames► 41'e'et Monthly." 1Vinnifwg.
Man , and If. C. W. Ltt. Travelling
Passenger and Colonization Agent,
Brand 'Trunk Pacific Railway, 1Vinui•
1 1"x'
A Quotation That the Poet Campbell
Failed to Recognize.
'Phot (pacts, file other folks, some-
tluws forget their owu creations Is
showed by an iuel,leut related by Sir
1'reaterlck Pollock, At a dinner where
Thomas Cnmpbt•I and Lord Nugent
erre press t the ,•onversatiun drifted
from ;he use, of Latin words in Englishil
-eacs one tz-
Pressed a dou . t tv hither two consecu-
tive lines eoml *sed of words of one
syllable could be found in our
language. Lord N' eut�at once quoted:
"t) that dread nan, .we wave the sword
- em tetwR,
Ar,d swear for her t• twee -with her 1
l'auepbell said 'he did ooh believe in
the lbws .and asked w . re' they cattle
frmn -Lard -Nal . ret s:tt. • "From your
to `Pleasures of elope.' "How do
co know that:-' asked tb poet. "I
luow 1114111 bx heart," rept) Nugent
"1'11 lief you a Rulueu you ca • t repeat
wild Catuplwlt The bet w taken
-ire/ Nugent started declaiming. The
te'et ow -got tired. and said: me
you know the I»ns. Don't go
furer" The other Insisted upoli
I'.'at(ng the whole poem or claim
deuhlr stakes, mei Campbell paid the
extra guinea In order to be spared the e•I
rlal of the poem which bad made
hum famous -which he had forgotten.
110•, t girt un law return« 1 flour 1.., 1.1.11
th- s 1', Molt. and Mi.. Jennle'I'ethuit .re !
rt -It lug friend, In St. Thoma-.
Mt. end 114• s 1':. Hick have returned from
14e.Kits44n and. MoutmaI- _..-..-
1I1.- AG,',. .(.'nee+Icor her bonsai.- at Kut.
tele and the tall-lr She wen et (Tinton over
„i tlday,
Lbsl-ay hotrod. left o)1 $a11,01a•• fur Stmt.
font', when. he will take a omit. -.tint ie Csi'".1
Itu,ttlt ,w college.
Rev. W. A. Shannon hen returned to We.
s:wrvr, Tenn.. liter r1+Iting friend, in Uo ort, h
for-„et.rsal. werirk...
to i.e. mn .1 4 ro.well, Ntt4t,
1V t:I,N ,san%V, Sept. 15th. .
Rt\ nA' 1)%V.-tiundsv, Seprwr b•r
with, will be Sunday sehnol Hatlledt.)•
het e. The - .rrrire wilt be at 20*'
,n., when the special It 1).y
pro•rain "The (Able, Lifa•"1. Guide•
Will h•. carried out. The
Shem)*tdton. EI1ene'z••r and Cedar
Valley schools are invited to Min with
16. Nile school for the ore: on.o.
His Limited Taste. '
Mrs. Up(x•t I do sa enjoy. repartee.
Mrs. Pease -- Aly huslend won't
think anything but oolong. ,
Now They Do Know.
"Ah, sir, WI' .lo enj ,v %sine twr-
mot.s !" remarked an oil lady to et
new sulcate '''heyare Yn irlalteel've.
sVeitttrrr Weir-wyt•,it vin- tva� lint
yourrtimet to the parish :'
"1 bit your asci.' telile•r11Il.,' y,111 in
his will i" "Yes: he diverted his es -
rentor. to collect all the loans he hail
mule me."
Will Med.:ru . of town, and 4 Mct.r:ue.
of Mont teal, left this rooming. per aulrntwhil••
on a Guidon,
Mr-. lhtek Itnhettdmn, of St. Mary.,
Rural theft. .t week M the r.-i.nw'
and- J1r•. JJ
'.una•k Ifortuerty... Mi.. M. .t• '
.Murray. w:., rep frau itrantford Inet week, re•
tt►rtdtst_oathuaiMny...- .----�
%•III Maths -o1, left o•t Tnr+d,ty morning Rn
.Ann Arbor, LA... to lake it emir., .ri1, meds 1 •
hide Ill the tit 1 Stat 1' I
St ore,,
A.. we hncotue acquainted, we
find it ie touch easier ►Juin
business, We aim. not only to
gale, but to retain your ...on.
ildenee, %Ye do exactly as we
.tdiiirilse, Bred airs we 'give a
special price it is et genuine
h.trgaw, (nut uld or useless
stock). Our store is oleos and
airy. Our stock is large and
fresh. tVhy not deal at our
store, where you are sure to get
the best f
:u Ib+ No, 1 It/•dpath granulated
Sugar. ,=1,111.
Mixed Pieklee, per quart sur
'1 dozen wooden Clothes PinsIIk'
2 vane French Peas .. Yi,
2 cans Maple leaf I'ea.s 15c
.cans Aylmer ('urn ..rise
' bottles Extract tatty Haver) 15c
\lixed Pickers, per quart We
.1 the Baking Soda - 5c
New June Cheese, per Ili 15c
Maple Syrup, net can 2.7,.' and :pk
5141 -ssor to C. A. NAIRNf:
How to Patch a Car►oe.
Tle•rt• are several different "home-
rr•rde" metidsls by which to repair a
ersek or teak In a canoe. Perhaps the
wrest permanent 1. varnish or 'Della.
and silk. Put a little varnish over the
crack, place a small silk patch over the
varnish, letting it dry, then varnish or
shellac over the silk. Two coats will
be dltfilcleot If it U a varnished ca-
noe. use, white silk, and the patch can
hardly be detected, the silk being.
transparent. Tills may be put on botb
Inside and outside If necessary. White
lend :rid varnish mixed well and put
In the '-.n.-k is also a good permanent
repair If ou a Cruise In the woods
tit, wino*. The necessary articles to
n,-ike n permanent repat- ;et n 11111e
sprues _urn off the trees, beat and add
s little gr'ame a -'t put over the crack.
The grease has a tendency to keep the
Rutin from getting eery hard. and It
wet Dot 'brett, go ~My.
Hamilton Street - Goderich.
The atlpnUonaritrnn•rti-.lit.,1.,tto11.'Gu'r(kart amine p,
urns to ■tippl) their want.. in the lily• ..I 1MPI.EMENTSand alACIIIN
ERV with the best gt"sI' '11 night p, , 1 41.111 agent for
Deering Farm Implements
Brockville Buggies
Paris and Wilkinson Plows
Page and Frost Wire Fence
Dairy Maid and
National Cream Separators, etc.
)iVe AVM 1.t. gLvl Iot Levy nn oppnt'unily ,.f showing l'OI" oar
goods nn4 /prising prdees. ()ler aim jet(' supply the HEST IMPLEMENTS
41n Ihr mai ked t.' 1I,.' t it inter. „t (him di•triet.
tdgail State fn. et.• 11.
H. nerd. It i4, Mayne and 1'. Munro. of , tt•
taint, wets Ilio guest.. of Mr. fiords Adrr,
MIS `t'. Fra, -r, for a few dee. last wreck.
\- Mthrhelt Adroetate: Mrs. 11, .Inns .11d
d.,nelaer and Mr., J. (ashhn,ok, of udt•
o,;, I,
n1•. vl'ltmg at lin hone of `Ir• 1 ))'deter,
jingh Mel.areo. of Pott k{.th., fnruirrly m,n
,0'.' of the (tank of Ham llto), :of Ilsoaoi..
Mine., woe the seri of T. 1'. ie+'kir pin of In•
ThNin*, Na`inr. of Walker*III., .4,a, in toe
for ,0,.e der., doting the sere.. ..eine std
frielek. and let on MI, return on Tnee.hty
Mr, Al t. clerk and danahiee, .Mt„ 11.:.4e.11,,('l.atk loft fa.t week for few soasoar (41.40
trten.l.h4Winntpet.nedother Mar,. of Mont
tor* end Dream n. .
Myr/pile y%reile IM inter. left 044 Mtiturdaya;f o,- :n et
tenW'dem Toronto, Mont red, gnaw. and
Northwest points,
swot Hsi, formerly On the staff"( she wank
of commerce here, land lanrrty of Nlenhmenr.
line been (ranelerrtel to N'lm'holdt, Seek., witt
t be pelt tett of t.11.•r.
%(ii. it'rnna.-nel..1 dhr,"re-. at Ilotol Aum
Wt. left arc Toe -day for London• on her way to
her 1,0,11. ret Windsor, the •d.awen at the ram -
mer hotel hoeing ov'ee.
rirleSnenwthnnranCollege. he e&M p,
rattled by MTs. Phoebe lkanom, who le mak•
Inge *Idt In the Yoreret eitr.
H. N Ilrrkett of Meant ford, b
, wAe ' town on
dal Imlay for a few mimeo.. We seew ples..d
to 'hake heed. with our former townanan And
rn k, 1444 that ire I. ernepertne.
it 111 M.'I4. mess left nt, Tnratar on hie re
ant to Sandi t after a week In til' vlolnity,
e mews rep to alt��prl iii. femoral M tin /reel.,
the Inte.lamw. MCKardr,ef(*Seine.
MT Lolly (tela( left trot seek on
trip to yammerer tt� Alberta, NU. peed
Hulls heir sous Ie weeds, S. C. Lee gray
Xigledlass .1411h -tent
is ihlw really \t till a _complete line or
the newest in all lines of correct millin-
ers' n)velties; also a special line of the
latest tailored designs for I ;ill
wear, which will be found to h' becom-
ing and practical. Prices reasonable.
A special invitation is extended to the ladies of
town and 'vicinity to call and inspect.
Are necessary factors in the cul-
inary department of eve r y
Iwuaehold, sea+ ai,n 1.. meet
the most exacting demands
Heade upon us for the supply
of Butter and F:ggr to our
\re aIle reeuisitiee in every
home. It is our purpose to
keep in stock .vet ythittg under
the above head that is PI'RE.
FRESH and 0001),
er Oats, reg. toe packages
Brand Soda, good, reg. Sc.
for 3c, • 3 for sc,
Bee : Starcb, reg. toe, for
7c, or 4 ' s5C.
Reliance Baking Powder, reg
45c for tsc. Reg. 2.5c for roc.
Large roll Mitt Paper, reg. 7c,
4 for 35c.
Maple Le, f Grocery
(;rtICt41 rs, Proviu'tu, Fruits.
China, 1.Ia4+ and Cr' eryware.
','three 52 ttAAtt. 'N ser
School Shoes
The time has come again for your boy or girl to start
the fall term at schoofi_-_
•Ther will require to have .t good, serviceable solid
leather pair of Shoes, the kind that will stte
any, weather ales. are likely to have at this seaso
procure that.i
P kind at the lowest possible'ri
conte to us and see what we have to offer. Cep'
We have been very careful in selecting our stock of
School Shoes, and are prepared to supply you
with the best that can be procured from the
leading manufacturers.
o ing 5' MacVicar
North side elf Sq
ncert and
to .
Under the Auspices of the Girls' intermediate Class.
Vocal 5nln„... ..
Recitat inn
Vocal Solo
.Rung of the How Mr. Jar. F. 11. (trop
The life Boat .. . lilies F'lorrw'e young
Queen of the Earth. ..Mn. Huggins.
Organ Voluntary.... Mr. A, Roy Adams.
1. Recitation ' The l'ra:ki' 1 :.1 Alias Alia Saunders..
2. Vocal Solos. (at My Ain 1 k....
ihl Bide a W. . Mlas Keturah Brown
g rhe nos I.u.t
Journey 1 ...e \t ...Lir enl.Rev. Dr. Dougall..
4. Vocal Bolo A hundred Pipets.... Ur. Jas. F. Thomson
1. Violin Solo.. .....Selected Irish Ain Mise Helnicke.
2. Recitation leery O'fler..... ....Miss H. Pridharn .,
3. Vocal Solo ,tory Larlin' Mr. A E free►
1. Address C•atiada's (ireate-st Need -
The Eofranchisernent of Her tVoneen Miss Aegesta Mrl.eod
2. Piano Solo Mr. A Coy Adams
:i. Vocal Solo... .. The Maple Lent' ... Mr. Sid. Belcher
Cantata --Festival of the Flori;rs.
Soloists in ('sntxta--Misses Olive S•nilh, Marve+et McKinnoln,
Eva Huggins, 1..dtie McCreath, Mus. Hltggine. 4.14.. tette Mires
Scrimgr•tntr, St,sldart, Hamilton and Saunders. 710, Welt, eluggiris,
Misses McLennan and Hamilton.
(1014 SAVN: THY. KINO.
Proceeds for the Benefit of the Debt Fund.
will be held on hursday, September 23,
and fol • wing days
You are invited to be present at ur formal opening display' of Fall
Millinery, on the afternoon of Thurs ty, September 23, and following
We want you to feel free to, come and • • as you please, to study and
examine the season's new styles at your le .urc ; in a word, to make
yourself perfectly at home in the show room, whenever and as often as
you find it convenient to come.
Make a -note of the time, commencing at 2 o'c ick p. m, on Thursday,
September 23, and continuing the balance of the week.
.30(1 pairs Sample
Hose at Half-price
Half their regular selling
price is all we will ask on
Saturday for theme. :CO fair's
!tubes' Satitple. Hose. There are
eot.ton Hose, lisle thread and silk,
in blank, tan. colors and fancy
embroidered. Regular selling
prices 23e to 1111.50. The entire
lot nn a hilt tattle, Saturday,
at your choice -
Handsome Cheviot
The newest fabric for Mall
btetitinge, enngh weave, very
firm, bright flnith, one of the
seam.'n's most fashionable suiting
fahrive. Meitlengths only 11)
all All the new shales for
Fell and Winter, at c1.75
per yard
Are you getting a share o the
we are giving in Little Things ?
If not, you ought to ser them. The litt'1e
things are welling at very small prices ind
for a week lunger, and it will pay you to
for month. ahead. Herr in :he lint. Hee for
are doing
paheru sir' Pin+ for. . . . be
2 cards 5c Safety Pins for ......'c
10c Safety Pin. for re
5c Hair Pins, 2 ix)xe. fnr .....sic
1 dozen flat fins for....
Hooks and Eyes, :( cards for 5c
2 package' Needle* for fie
I dozen learning N1'1.inaa for 5e
rte Toilet ('ins, 2 for , , .. C,
big bargains
every day wanted
The sale will last
lay in a supply
remelt what ser
Lace Pins, 3 name r
2 dozen Dome Fasten
I dozen men's Shoe i
for. ••-w
for ..7e
4 pairs ladies Shoe laces tr
Vic and 20c Combs for... .. `:,1111'
1..c Pearl Buttons, 3 doyen for+c
Sc Pearl Buttons, fl dozen for 25c
3 rolls Tape for ,.,., 10e
Mending %Void, t
4 halls Cir Mending for........ Ilk