The Signal, 1909-9-16, Page 61
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Return limit October 10, 11#111,
titsm.a`aas WWarssatts.s•a
ib7nternatlonal JYewspaper
bible Study Club
upgesteve Questitns on the lntnaolioflJI Sunday School Lessons. Preprre+.
\orby Rev. D►. Lrnsrutr. Braraf%ord
T_e Tight of saerlat'e w*u la N.cbi'a
eyes, anti her checks were blaucht,l
, with the pallor of a great reeol,ul.lou,
"I'll IN• here In an hour," she sat.(
e oIce , closed u di iris sue
twirl turddt ktektvl out11: thou, druwtflug rat
breath lie '•1 ids clic hands
raised N l heti h11m Y
above ilia head ami gave u great all h
of oxtail:triotn. Next lie took out has
sh•sner laud, sauducd It carefully,
• -.
elrrbrIle slid -t e
ore- ttitktt, ss. Ire titled
I the guu w11h pew owes. hx,seutd the
W410,40141 cat anontalire with the t'uvyrfigbt Arlo
three haver bultutr of his feat and slid
Sunday. Sept. Kith, Mott Review, I the wealr,n Weide his trousers halal;irhlr
t:'u Text for )Ire iinarter--Su twerp thagi. paying only one n sag tr llhl;,• Uuyt, ho g11�Ae utktu cat' l:ul0'a
mightily grew Die Word of Ci4afiand wry, Anarmed- eines 41+6++4 plaealy-. „ .
,,rryuiltsL - Act'. six.: 91. tiule to act as [wett r% 1 +vua a lou` tliui• cwulug. u;kitil
Tho following review can be used as August $--1. Thess. v.: I2 -2I. Pttuf.- but 1'111 bore, mud 1.,,„ gut yuy where
, N Thessalonians. f . .I lrle t 1 •.
.' 1, lh T d t o I la.e dfhs•u •es.
a rom,f .lesson in itself, ,.iii nr as a rr• Instructions! ) re.,
t leve of the eleven preceding lessuus. Gulden Text : 1. 'rhes'.. v. : 15. See 1 e+, nold 1'vv ;;cat sorrel(! By
'1'b. date and title of emit lesson that none render evil ter evil outs. lu•:nrn, Iii; is my ui lou.
e.+.1 whirr f 1, flu• 1ioldrn Te. i. any man: but ever foIIttW that which Itis litter laxly br,un.e puuthrr-Ill's
aid tate yurstiou Il law r:u•h lesson fol• is �,ttowl. , is. wise. ills bearing- that of the meat
low : `'rrtee'.'1 --l'an the real truth rvr•r e:ulu u111 1113 a1,d his foam vett in a
...July 1 Avis ' w.: :#1 to %co.: I:.. In, it bort to a true Man, and should g
Y:wl'a Second 1 tssiunat3' Journey not south N won 1st es glad to , I:ulg.. liertt•. exulta,S( cruet() as ha blew• out
uollr ••..� ,
July ll 'Actr.ii.: tn•lit, Phut Kit- w4tldit%WIt%L atlt rxlrnsiuu of 111111 i till quarter* l'p'►eIyPiKkutl pt lits dont,
e 'a c tube 7
Iwt elm n1 1 I
t• all t l
progress d k u
1 i i. n r f r h :i
0 1 11' s'ot ar'y (Dorney The. I 1 111 11 � t t It iters 5isu cuuptrJ w
Ids light uud lett the cabin.
A ula1r.11Y l� l'SlLa%El.Clll
it)t LN7' I:i ftltlsla. was eon-
stdtaably 1.ikon aback' open a
yliarler cat `. ti hour atter the
)uuug Iw•cr''. a• .lath• rt•
Antioch to Philippi. .holden Text. his opttnuus, whru h. hind ht 1
Acts xTj.. it Come over into Mace- wrung, iw to change a woos -mit gar -
(Ionia and help"• • mr11t fora new nor?
\''.•rtes :IT!a1-I a •tail lark. .Angus( I!. A•:tsrswill,: S3 to'dilt.:
of otiur.lgr ui• tact.'or 1'aithtulues4, in 22.• Pate's Third 1lissioSary lemma'
ItueiIiou, does that in any nuemitire • Kphrsu.... l:tLhen 1'rxt ; Avis xis. :
diee(1lalify hlnlfr,utgelling another, It. Tltr moue of the 'Lord Jess.:
or horn euecr,s when in another Iasi- Christ ax magnified.
ed.• ithat lion d:w:
n. Is l 1.... •••-
iau.tnilrr, t:wlJ.'u Text:-Actelfvi.• .alvatimt ilsrlt 11(x111 the z"111, kWh! late hour acrd hie Souther cuuntenauce,
:f1.. believe on the lewd Jesus t heist
Sud th.ti shaft 11e saved.
Vets*. Irl -In what cleat du you pelt
(hose who, knowingly, either directly
..c ittilv'Ctty. 4 , "int by -this -Mine ,uLIAL
and goodness of those who alrrttdv_. _.__..._
otxelasl urN a,Wph, Uk,ll;
1•niuy Its (x•nelk,: w .� ` .."lie's here to It. 4s
August t'_'- Aet'. xjx.: �t 0 xx : 1 1 t. but it won't
Pate's Third lfiasioonly Journey Ft'.• thought the i.euti•natlt :is he wade
in items. Goblet' Text : Lis t isiter t,el:uut••
(' :�� lir riot 1ldiriTltrP, 111 (foveae -is - h: � Y,P
Ire wuurru'1 or,• x11. rinttttrr eustr
luny 1"i -Acts xvii,: L.11. 1'Nul's Kt'ace is sufficient fur then: fur 115 .mt twtwisili u h:.I:F,u ?;"up uuJ, go
S.•eond Missionary Journey--Thrssa- strength is made p,trfe,•t in weakness. Imt; to the stilets• u,l. brought belt a
lonica and Berea, tinl1en Text : Psaln) \'rrws 1.1.2. \\'lava the Krurrnl' I utll. sutur glass• :u1J a, l I ie of
1111: 11. Thy word have 1 hid in, my welfare of the people is injured by the I• ba•,•u. ilk it U'•• Id luau' sigh of
heart, that 1 might net sin against lousiness .1 the few. lea. or not, tit•' hal lar ; g t' 6
thee. - duty of the state toslakesuchbusi,it•s. F to it sat to itlf duw'u,be•avl-
Vet•se''--►e it ut•t•t•ssary fol us to illegal?,
ty, be r:wu�kid Rywpatbetb ally: •.
udupt all Pant's vpimions, deductions August :M.-1. Cor. sill.: 1e.. Pisul "Mr. Gale, you've made a luug\trhp
mein prognnstit•3tiuns, in under to lie on Christian Live. Bolden Text : I. today' awl you' wast hex tired. If t la
well pleasing focal : tier: xiii.: 1:1. Now ultitltth (.tilh. talk is to tri; 1.Q,etb):, why liut.have i.
July 2i --Acts xrid.: lui•:11. Paul's hope. lour. these three : lull Ihr great- drink w'th duo bow .'ad postpote 1t nn.'
, d Missionary .Tourney -Athens.
Golden Text Matter iv. •-14+r
Spirit, and thev that worship Hint
malt- worship mint in spirit and in
wit It.
Verse t8 Which brings tie more/sit-
orelast-Ing happiness and develops the nobler
character, and why the Epicurean phil-
osophy, a life devoted to the et/assures of
sense ;or the Stoic, Chri's't^ philosophy,
a life devoted to the service of others, and
to self denial t .Thig-gtrestion must be
answaredm wnuag by members of the
• Through ear rim -vier ft•oiu Toronto
and Hamilton, via Grand Trunk and
Lehigh ['alley Railways.
Secure tickets from Grand 'Trunk
F. F. t,AW1tEN('E,
!Loran Town Agent.
Office hunG $, nl. to P p til.
Seattle; tip"k:uu•, Port laud, lire. (rout
. September lath to (irtol,er 15th.
September 21st, gest returning No-
vembe•r'Skd. lake cat• nal.
exec.. Nevada. Sti,tit,rl,i' 1.4. i, t
her 13th.
Oat your tickets and infurmetiun
K I DD, Agent..
• Square and West Street.
'Pho (t, Residellea
' Office botirsa a. nl. to x.:9'1
I(.11A141) 1 1111s,i , 11(41' 11
A Fresn water Sea Voyage
Palatial Steamships
Superb Scenery
Faultless Cruising
Moderate Charges
Ideal N •1. Oolongs un the Ili...t,
Lakes, Georgian Bay, or among the
Thirty Thousand Islands.
information and ticket! f all
rbilwa_v agents.
H. H. Crildersleeve C. H. Nicholson
Mgr., Coning wood Traffic. Mgr., Sarnia
Something About Moose
and Deer.
11 is now pretty well known
among hunters that the beet deer
hooting reentry in Ontario is
on the line of the fainedian
Northern Ontario. and that hunters
receive imperial talent Mu. Mr C.
Price Breen, Paaiw nger Agent, of the
lin., is * hunter himself who goes
right with the perties and looks after
them: in fart, he located most of
them This veer the line will he
opened( north nt Aellwool Into the
midst of the MOO.. country. They
are r•etx,tld vety thick : the engineer,.
wry thatthey have never seen any-
thing like it. The rnnosc MMnn tip
there open Oct.oIwi- 151h, fifteen (Nye
before the deer.. We have 'something
special on a ar•w place that will take
three parties of deer hunter.. Write
O. PR14)) I:RR1lN, (lantdlan Nnrth-
srnBnlMlnS, Toronto.
est ..f lhrst• is luvr, til toun.rre
-N'hy is it that hive 'T'.,
lends ltrpr)03ute patiener, poldrnesa. h 1 a„
kindness, gentleness, humility and Ihr utter rvplkd. 'onil ht 1 bow to
ever!' olht•r virtu, % - rested." I
vrptrrulwr.:--Acts ex.: L'-aK. !'.oil's "\\'ell. let's tet at i'," tbe y,nupger
Third Missionary Journey-Rareeells. wail 1' -linty said I
Golden Text : 1'hil. iv.: 13.' I can do "t suppose leu Il w int to interrupt
all things - through ('«r•µi.4.0t W--1,--aft-twit 1'N atilt ,
st u•ogi heuet (line• ruin t,' let 0.e Ie'. ,. :-'ory the way
\'.•ars ,-1'2-Why is it that . hureh it Ila. t•.:tie tf: ! tit out Like-
-nrrrs 'tt. nwrN.ietlar- s, .a5,,p- 1 what alt
houtemtrs itt it
withpo�ihtCa1tensitttne•II, anal. Krt tlr I : i . i:,. . •• -••.e t•
tired of even a glee! sern►on, if it hole t
August 1 -Acts viii.: 1.12. I:los< longer than 1 irly•
t P 1' Second Missionary Journey.
li' Ida Text • John xvi • 111 In the septenther I'2 -Acta xxi. 1 17.
, 1:1 yoand Imre
' s"r.iy.� 1 :lttsetl 1
eo ru Paul's
world ye shall have tribulation. but (lose of Tbird Missionaryl
Journey. isoldrn lest: Acts axl.: ll. '
he-ol -good cheer: I have overcome O1 phi aid pros(
h' world. ..The will of the Lord Ge dune. Darrell removed his p I
it,w a+'2 :4 \ Gn41Iy prep ;et ion of Ventre 14 -.Should ('hristian 1.,' et Its coal Wiper-on:1i1y. '
.n Ili, • r+hip of the church have enta.train their children from Miran •c "I love Irer s., u4•1,, Mr. 1:ale, thin
the ability to preach: ought not this to know (i,tJ, to to skilful in prayer, nothing you can s.,y 44111 affect nee
rhet r 1n be d..veloa+l. the: giv,n g to. to faith an4 in good works % I--1 hesitated at first about asking her
every local ehurch eeveral preachers Lesson for Sunday. ¢Ieptember :)i 1. b. my wife las•;lii:e, oppr.-
who could divide the preat'hing h' Temperance l.r'.son. I. (',w. x.:.t_'rt elate the uuu'.u.a well, ber unusual
history, You see, 1 to nie fr,tln,a claim -
try where Mixed bh.ud l..:ib.•11t the
Sea, that w•:te N. IH'n't worry. I only thing that can't- he facet( tt,.tvn or l
didn't mean :nlc'harn,:" •
overlooked, and l're 4sru raised with i
"You hurt nit' shoulder," She said.: notions of family honor and prido ter'
nh:n:F: rea+Iv 3,, cry.''41141 • Mart 1nr.• -I >�t seem prrfv,,,trn+tt+ and Ye4.set.t nos end birth, aIA res, forth, that
By Rex Beach
sht, 1708, b7 Harper & iirwlher.
nntlnnt'd from
'Yon halve vision>. of such [pings,
"Yes. burl came • generation late.
,reef's all. and i've got That other we.
itwuiauul. 1'w not a half breed. I'm
not me at all. I'm Merrily-Merrldy!
That's who 1 am,"
Iter fact' was turned away from him,
,n that she did not notice the frightful
r(fert her words had upon Stark.
•"Where did you get -that name?"
Ills v.L•e was pitched. In a different
kee-atow. Then after 'a moment he
addle(,-"F,rom the story f told you at
the mite that uigbt, I suppose,"
"ftb, no," she -answered. "I've al-
ways had 1t, though they call me Ne-
ts. \herrkly was my father's mother.
guess I'm like ber In many ways, for
1 often imagine sae Is a part sof me,
that her spirit is' mine. It's the only' ,
way 1 can account for the sights I
ay." I
' l uuttather's ,wother.T' be said Inc--
Ude:liiy "That's queer." fie seem-
• .1 to be trying to shake himself free
.voter ,.omstblug. "It's heredity, i sup -
'0 •. 1'uu have visions of a white wo-
, u a woman named Merrldy, eh'!"
:i odde'nly his manner changed, end be
poke so roughly that she looked at
llu vague alarm. ,
"Hoe du you know? How do you
know she was Ills motherr
"Ile told me so."
Stark snarled. "He (leer'
"I t•an show you her wedding ring. 1
1'rc nlwayjt worn It." She tumbled for
the +'hats about her neck, Ind It eluded
her trembling lingers. "It bas her
name fu 11 -'From Dan to Merrtdy."'
Stark's band darted forward and tore
the thing froth her shoulders. Then he
dirtied It tinder the Tamp and glared nt
Ilio Inscription, while his fingers *Amok
'o that he could ban), dlittlbgulsh tbe
words. ills eyes were blazing and his
fere Ilvid.
Nr. sa cried. out, but he dropped the
orrmtnent and seized her fiercely, lift-
ing her from the chair to ber feet.
I'hen with one swift, downward clutch
he Mid hold of her dress at the left
/emitter :mripped at half to her
waist. A hoarse sound .ante from his
throat, a ray half of amazement, half
I trinniph.
"Let me go! Let me. go" she garlic-
-led to free herself, but be held her In
ylw'like trills, while be peered closely'
,t n blemish well down upon her back.
Then he let her slip from his grasp.
Ind, seized with terror, elm Mattered
nkny from Klin. He wile leaning hent-
.;y.alth lion) hands upon the table, his
1hll, lips grinning, hilt whole manna
sn, terrifying that gibe shrank back.
Sire turned and mhde for the .lo..r
nhereupon be stralghtened.up and 'in id
Inn queer, commanding voice:
"'felt. Don't go. 1-I -yon" • II..
Ticked hie lips as 1t they were ,lu t
dry, passed an uncertain band nin.s,
Its beetled !wow and, raising the w:,
ter pall beside the door to his mouth,
drank heavily In great. oaks 51111.1
'Lot 1 me nut of here"' the girl d,•
,d+d intperionely
1.uo't be ware,," h/. nail, rn••re
.011e11)- non "Tee must etrtt.e me
.-0o--xas gava we an '.vets( fright.
' err.'. " r.:w 044* aaRelty.-.':uty-""4
dre,'.. Are you crazy?" 1 to you. But h.::p of cuu,elt.; t l.•
' "You sr•e, It's Ilke•thls-that name that have been bred Into, unto from:
-il,•••-tdc ...Tel that ring -well, for e h
generations lark. They elm In tilt•
thing was so startling I --I went off Woad of every obi fatuity ,u my mutt-
ony heed It came sudden, and 1 try, arts s,, i'iu n••huumst to say-.. 4
thought -it don't'matter what I hesitated and tied to te•u+,nl r,;s.•:f
thought, but I'm' sorry. I'It apologize, lata giving her tip, but I've- had til,
and I'll get you a whole lot of dresses eyes opened. and 1 sir how little I:re •
things anomia to, after all. l'rn goi:,;
to marry Necia, )br. Gale. 1'41 like t•
do it the day after t"mui•ru,w. Shed a
but she Isn't 'rf age yet. and If y. a ..t.
feet we'll have to wa11 until No'
bee, when she turn,, eighty it `t •
both like your consent. of c"':r•.• t t
be sorry W marry.Let_ti.UltUUt 1''. I:nt
It you refuse we'll be ft.ri.41 to dis-
please you." 11. looked dp'nnil reel
tbe father''. gaze steadily.
The other mao's lips framed a Iai:o.
"We'll Sar, 1 wish to God 1'J Ina'
your dee•Isluu whru 1 was your : t•
Thio story w'tuld be ditrt•reut nud ea,
ler to tell."' Ile waited u ruola r,
then settled to Ills self appointed t.. 1•
was mining :.t the Mow cat, it, I!.
mother lade country of 4'u1ifor•.
which was the frontier Them. pi. :;
030421: as 1111-4 Is now. oily 44.:• I, 1.1
ter things to eat. I 'lvaa-'tlte .'1 1 b,.
men into a camp; named +'4nt •. .
helped 10 build 11. In. fact -and
of Some ground that looked real
It wax bard mining, however, a _.1. 1
Ing poor, 1 was atilt gripping t::, 4.r,
and hammer after the town had i• i,
if you like." ti..
Ilia first IwpuLse bad been to t011 her
everything. but his atnazemeut had
rendered him st.eichleaa• and non. be
was thankful for lt. Care must to ex-
erelsed, She mast not learn too utuch,
fur if she suspected the truth she
would go to her soldier lover at (Ate,
and uo power on earth could hold her
barn. That would Llotk the venge.
an.e that he waw shaping In the dank
rrc•esRes cat Ids 4lstorted braid. s
-First, and above all, he must get the
girl away from Flambeau.
These Inst few moments had driven
Ni'cla's own worries from her mind,
but he was bent un recalling them and
sv ' ontlnuel cautiously:
.:You were Raying that you thought
you'd go away. I think that'e n good
plan, and you'd be wise to do 1t for
"Learns out of here!' the girt demanded
mom reasons than one. It will give
you time to thluk it all over and know
your own mind. i want to help you -
I'm going to help you- because rye got
an Interest in you like you were mine."
Again he betrayed that straage, mirth -
lees nmalement.
"There 1s no place for me to go," said
Neel* blankly, "ezrept the mltston,
and 1 have no way of getting there"
"Don't you worry. i'l1 furnish the
menna, and you'd better go tonight" -
she flinched -'yes, tonight. There's no
use prolonging your agonyi'11 get a
bet ready nod Rend n trusty man with
you. The current Is swift. and 1f he
rows well you ran mate It by tomor-
row evening. That'll only one night
out, and 1'11 put nom/. htankete aboard
so sun inn wrap up end have a sleep."
"i must go bark and get some
clothes," eh, Bald, at which he would
hare demurred had he not seen that
she could not travel In her present con-
"Very well. Rut don't let anybody
see you."
"Of coins. not"
"it's getting late, and your folks w111
be abed." Re looked at W watch.
"MMalebtt Bs here la aa bow."
"A woman cave out from til.
Vermont It nae -and- ecltx.ltr,o•
was her line of business. Dine ,
hadn't been raised to It, 3131 :I;, • .,
ber first clatter at the giline. II r
folks -axed and left her up against L.
I gnthe'ed.kfrutu what little she told
me` -sort of aft old story, 1 'guess, and
usual, too, onAfor her. She was
stun* unusual"
He :teeing' to ponder , is u' momeut
and then reeumed:
"It don't. make any djRerene
bore 1 8gat•suw her anti how I
to forget that anything else In the
world was'worlh haying but her. 1'd
Ilved.jn the woods : '1 w$' 'ilriS; '15. 1
aald,eand.kuew more , . rt birds and
%MS !and tees than i dtd shoat mom.
UM- t want been uroke proper and
didn't know buw.W act with Mean, but
1 le1V out W get Ode girl, and 1 dill
faarty well. There's something wild lu
every w0111311 that nt'tds to be lamed,
and 1t isn't like the weduesa that rums
In world otters. atm cue wlu that
over by gcutleueaa, but you' (tuv1i to
take 1t away front u woman. Every
Live thing that 4ouldu't talk 1515'. wy
friend, bur wade the Mistake of
courting lily pwu klud 1110 suave way,
not knowing that when two of tiny
species urate lite wale must rule. 1
wag too gentle. ,sveu so, 1 reckon I'd
have wuu out only fur *mother 111311.
Iheu l,cuuett was hili uawe the kind
animas Mit '-a+w1-+►vlb-
that dumb an e•,
that takes his measure. Ills rouge
wine mud though 1'd
adjoined uevcr Y
seen Wum, I heard stories nowt and
then -the sort of tales you cuu't tell
to a goal wetuau--so It worded we
whim 1 heard of Intl atleuttuus to this
girl. Iiitlhl, 1 thought she'd surely. Mid
hint out and recognise the kind of fel.
low he was; but. Lord, u w'uwau can't
tell' a taxa trues a dug, and there
wasn't xey tar to warn her.
"Tile .Bennett calve from the lima
below, where he ran a suluuu and n
brace game or two; but, being us he
rude into our camp and out again in
the night and as 1 didn't drink nor
'hetet to the music of the little toilful;
tall(, why, we us. r duet even after lie
began eutulug w Chandon. Under-
stand, 1 wasn't to) good fur those
amusements. 1 )ust dtdu't Gapllen to
hanker after' them, fur 1 was living
with the image of the little school-
ing -1M. . W .sty. wlud, and that destroyed
what bud habits 1'J formed. •
'It was along ten the early spring that
she began to ser 1 had uotlona about
bee, but my d - J backwarduesii
wouldu't let toe speak, and, an addi-
tion. 1 eta getllug closer to ore every
shut at the wine and was folding off
netil 1 could lay bath myaeif and my
gold mine at her feet aid ask her to
take the, two of us. ss. tf one didn't ]tan
out the otber might. But it itrewrd
tike 1'd never get. lido pay. The closer
1 trot else harder r worked. rind,
course, tae•lesa 1 saw of her, Ifkewlete
the oftener'lieunctt cave. 1 rt, lion no
wan eve[ eyorkrd like 1 did --tit.. shine
a da) t+ikhteen .Inturs, with six to
sleep. The st.hi calm. ,.R of 1114 habits,
and 1 5taggertd when 1 canoe out lob;
the daytir,ht. tt t,.t h-t.nck-it-
stt11 1 w titan aw htle• lu iLe•r ti!I 1 could
be sure. Then 1 went ditto to tuy 111•
Oto stla k and lot un my other clothes,.
'1 remi•wtter I'd tame so thin that this'
hung louse. and- my palms were ss. raw
1 hail/mid work llatidnit; til. leitti re
and ;:cat illy shfrtlall blo„s's'. for 1'd
to tin• drift -forty boars v. It hunt
teerp mid hrt•altllug 1wwlIcr t,tuuke li0
Wy knees buckle.' and wabt,i tl under
tae. TO this day- 1!:•• smell of mate.
powder suwkr i'to$e, u wunolut of toe.
but that morning 1 sang, for t was g.'
Ing for my bride. and thew .rid tins
brighter fano It b:, : et, r leen for
elgbteen years: The Iiule'at•li..vlhuos
was closed. at tvL:,'h 1 recce o e•r.•.1
that the tern was
lag ander.- .
track lar
mast the
me n long ti,.,e f-ir I w..' : r.•.•
In my heed, hint w'L.,, 1'11 t'-nr. d .1 ..
i.waat eau Io w•1•.•.,' !h. ,t:es Is.:i1.11112
"The woman of the place cam. to
tt1•' door, a trutehwv.mau. Rbc b:nl a
uwle pn her ebiu, 1 remrtniwr, a brown
ish black mole It1th three hairs 11: 1 -
She ,Fore an apron. taw, that was kind
of checkered and three buttons were
•q,eu at the 'neck of her ince:. 1 re•ra''
for inure cat 1lttte thlugs about h.-.
Ih-,_tt 1114' nst of whet happened 1=
"I a.i.ed f..r Mornay, and she lull
slit. J ns• away -guile with 11.1.
i vt 'fti ' i Fn•Tme, wbTh T iotas
ughblg bl..,hl
from, tide powder
itioki : thin _t hey. were married In the
front room and that the bride looked
Is :1ut1tul She had cried n bit on leuc•
Lt, Chnudon and - nod --that was about
all. I mounted the buttons on 1h.•
t'i onl:uis wnl,t eight. or .ten
times• nod by noel by she asked If. 1
u:a sick. DUI I wamn'I She was a
Lind hearted woman, and 1'd been to
her hulls,• n cr.otl 11031, so alit asked net
to come ill and real. 1 wa.u'1,1ir.•d, so
1 WU/11 away :mrd , Iluil tsl bac(: ill, to
the little shark :old the mine that 1
hated now.
"1 turned Into n kind of hermit after
:hat. and 'I wasn't good 0. astont;ite
,t1W.. Men _got so they shunned me.
,ul1 1 knew they told sir:ulge stories,
1,.. glare 1 krait,1 them whisper when I
tawaf to
bloc '.tures for gruel once a
r t i. • iii„ire.
undtaee ,set Undcrtattng wareroom.,
West scde Sgusre.
I•tO\R attire at, 11xlertch
ttesidsnee 175
re. I.: .4' residence, Si Wlni.i,u
Mt reet.
f apanese Menthol is unequal.
led as a pain relieving agent.
Applied is. the "I). & L."
Menthol Plaster it is the most
effective remedy • known for
Lumbago, Sciatica, Rheumatic
Aches and Pains. Try a "-I).
& L." Menthol Plaster the
next time you are suffering
from any one of these com-
plaints and be'convinced. 25c.
each at druggists.
A Splendid Tonic
Builds up the System
Strengthens the
M u soles ,
Clvelt New Life
r,. ,l 1„ ell earth. dadaistsI. , ., .t. IJwrta, , . , Montreal. -
�1t7lza70� FINE TAILORED 1
� nn�
Wy tri ).
--- I rte LEMMA/ --
Funeral Direc tors
and Embalmers
Ureas c.,. full, •tt., ,d to .1 .11
boor,, night or a,
When trade by
The Tailor West St.
Stays Shined. Dust won't dull it. Rain won't
spot it. Dampproof and waterproof. Keeps out
moisture. Softens and preserves the leather
Just put it on, rub two or three times with a
brush or cloth
and a brilliant
and lasting
shine results.
No substi_
tutes even
half as good
ill 4
lookst�f e
n 00top
Istove, bakes in
.7) oven at same time
V .• ., 'n _- .n;r ewer hat -hole
ti kc til i',intle)ra 'even at game
11 ,a - an I get i,t rf, et results. That's
Ire :u1tic r , .!;;t,.draft it. alMt flaking
,ltsft. I .n,'.:.r. c•,pstructcd that
l.11 !, - '- 1:1 et I`: tinder ,every
L, .i:l•i . r.mild even twice
t'. • ,:, i.. .1i•• iii, rhimnet. ,Nu
. •I 11•. 1 instead fuel does
.4:'ty, a\ int' Pandora QWnefS
ti titrte attrl nn,ney.111
N. •.„l,1) .cc not I:1., t.• ee n Pandora owner?
l�--Sale by HOWELL HARDW
and mar or
this Fail.
The Fall is an excellent time to
paint your buildings. The weather
as a rule is more favorable for paint-
ing in the Fall than any other time
less damp and rain to soak the
lumber before painting, and no flies
and insects to stick to the wet paint
spoil the surface. If your buildings need paint
from the winter storms, do not delay. Paint them
Ask your dealer for
Matte in Canada T1r J+l ilffA' slaw(' Co Montreal iwonl.