The Signal, 1909-9-16, Page 5THF SIGNAL : GODERICHI ONTARIO
The Barrier,
By s�
Flex Beach
YY COP/RtGli V. l9Q9, ev HARPER 6 nHOTr1ERS,
AA up river steamboat was just laud
ling as be neared the trading post -
freigtRer, as he noted by ber lights
la the stare at the river hank t1t• ea
1 ren and 1 will. fon wort nut
a marry me, M. It's not, right; It
can't be" She soddenly realised what
Chir renunciation would mean and be -
h>iwus and the trader, who had evi-
dently ntnrued from IAee's creek, rad
wtthow acvosttng thea be hurried ou
lo the store. Peering In from the dark -
set, he saw Aluua. No doubt Necla
wits alone in the Ware behold. So he
1Rumbiid around to the book to dud
the window of her rem aglow behind
fta cartels, and, receirtng uu answer
ao to. k.00ck, he entered. fur It wus
tviR.oanry at Oale'1 to waive cere-
mony. 133rd .e the big room be paused,
than rimmed awtfity serve aud rap-
ped at her doer, tallhigg bassi a pace as
d m tams out_
limessed of speaking at unite, as he
tad Weasel to prevent her taeaplug,
he was struck speechks's, fur the
wham that wet bis ells was thut
which be had seen one bathe *twin
morning throw mouths t,eture, but to
night Dime was uo shawl to conceal
her welly rounded neck sod 'boul-
ders. *Wow whiteners was rtartlrug
' imbue the Week of the ballroom
gown. The slim gokt ebaiu bung
aromsd her ueet . and ber hair was
piled high. as before. He noted every
smallest detail as she stood there wall -
tog fur bleu to speak, forgetful of ev-
erything else.
She had put uu the gown again to
set If perchance there might be ;emir
mark of her blvd ..r breed that had
tromped her previous rc•rutluy, aud, as
there wits no nue to observe her, elle
had attired bergelf slowly, aleuerlw•d
in her whimsy. iter wistful beao'y
awed the youug mon and rubtsd hlnl
of the words he had rehearsed, but as
stir made to flee from him, with n
pitiful gesture. toward her neon the
tent •.,1 I ling her armee.] lata and
spurrd bis wit
"Don't gal away' ! bane something
1 moat tell you. 1'3e thought It es er.
and you're got to listen, Ne•la "
"[ am Aliening." Moe au33wer.-31 ery
"Uaderstaud me. I'm nut whining.
and _i'm willing to lake my rmel3,tne.
I eouktn't talk ur think very atralgbt
thin afternuon, hut you were wrong "
"Yes, I know now I waw wrung. It
wes most unladylike, wasn't It? But.
you see, 1 fru Only a little ea3age"
'T don't mean that: I mean you were
wrong when you Pal 141 1 lend played
wtth you. In the sight of God. I "'wear
you were, mistaken. Yon have made
me love you, Nerds. C'an't you aper
She made no sign.
"1f you can't, 1 owe it to y411 need to
myselt (0 art you right. 1 nen not
tabawed to stkaaperedge my lore, and
even when you are married to I'oleon
I watt you to know that I shall love
you always "
Even yet she made no sign. Woe he
trot merely repenting the game etupty
words with which he had so often be-
guiled her? There was no word of
marriage. He still eoneiderrd her un-•
worthy, beneath helm.
'You do love rale, Necla you do! 1
Ow 1t in your eyes:" And he etartel
toward her with upon nrma,i but she
Ubrank away from him.
"No, ao! Don't touch me!" Mee at -
toast screamed,
1 "try dear etre." he breathed.
must listen to nue. Yon ha, a bottling
to fear, for i love yon love you love.
you! You Were made for me: You'll
be my wife. Yen: you'll be married
en Sunday, but to (31(3 nut to 1'rdte,n ur
lap other man !"
Did rhe hear arigbt? Was he, her
Moldier lover, asking ber, tbe ludhuu
'Tum "do love me, don't you?' be.
pleaded. Hut still elle could not 'meek,
ad be tried to rend the answer In ber
',gloaming eyes.
You mesa - you want to --marry
mer abe murmured at last, hesitating
shyly at the word:that had coulee to�
Oaf so momentous a part lu ber tittle
"[indeed 1 do," he declared, with em-
yiaaga, "in spite of everything, any-
thing! Nettling else nutters. 1'33 quit
the may. I'll glve up the 'wrote and
sly people tow. I'll put everything
back of one, and we'll start out anew --
lost you awl I."
"Walt a moment." ahe said, retreat-
ing a lane farm hla eager, outstretcb-
ed sena, 'Witty do you need to do all
"Never mint! why II'R as good as
rase. Yeti wouldn't undergtnnd.
"fiat 1 think I du mM I.rsl:uid now.
realearra,, all 'bat to you?"
7 y
"Yea, aud wore"'
"Listen to me," maid the girl quietly:
"I want you to talk slowly go 1 may
sot mlaandereinnd. If you taarry
me must you forego all those greet
things You speak of --your prolesdn",
eoor family, your future?"
"Nonsense!" ezelelm.d the soldier.
'4f they dont bother me, Ne•Ia, why
should you worry r
"Would you really hear to gh-e up
ler family—your slater? Would these,
'10P4(40 Tali ere ei proud of nod who
are so IROad of yea— wonid they vet_
!ds Aell"
'Where IR no quiatlen of ,-nitli,g nR.
,1 have no tntw'rltanee cooling 1 don't
want any. i don't want anything ex
ceps you, dear "
"Won't you tell me?" she persisted
"You see, I am dull at three U'l"!pe"
"Well, what If they do?" he eon
reeled. "Yon more than (make It up to
Ise. You outweigh a thousand tam -
Ilk"', -,
"And would your marriage to n--a--
lo me destroy your army career?"
"Well, It will really he notch eaglet
for both of us if i realign from the
service," he finally admitted. "lo tart,,
'I've decided to do no at pore."
"No, no! You mostn't do that. T -
flIeht you think I am worth the price,
but a ley will cotnV'
Ite leaned forward and cameo bet
bands In his.
"Meade, 1 can't let you de It "
"i'd iike to ase you hip yvwlradlrw
he said beeterlarty
gait to shiver.
"it will be over before you know It,"
she beard hitt' saying in a latae at.
tempt at levity. "Father Barnum Is
au expert, cud the operation won't Qc
copy Mut ten minutes."
At that tuutueut they heard the
yoked of the trader 131111 his squaw
outside, approa.•hing the htlline. The
glrl'e breath caugltt In her throat. She
flung herself reeklesaty ripen her lov-
er's breast and threw her army around
31133 neck It, an agony of farewell.
"Meade, Meade, my 'soldier," she
Rubbed, "kiss inc goodby for the last
Bine!" ••
"No," he sad roughly, •
"Ni,w you must go." she said, tear-
ing Woolen' nw•ay, "and for my sake
'1`wrftf` twill: 1 wilt ask awr-fte
Ihrr fur y04 tonight."
"No, nu! I)uti't, plot wr don't! Walt
1111 t111 tomorrow -1111 1 say the word!
Pruurfse mr! On your love, promise:"
Ihrr r)eV Weld such a +Woeful en-
tre:tly that he nodded arqulionente as
the dour 'peeled uid her fattier and
:\Ilona tottered
• ('11.11'TEIt iilll.
•i 5nK tV.1.n A IIA 9U' 17 711 t: eA?l i'
., dalous. 1 won'i auto! for It. 1 ilk*
you too wucb."
He led her he,lde his cabin aud
-lurid the dour 1t, the face of tbe night
8'11111 before be Plruik a light.
"1 don't stand to 'see you cry," he re-
peated as he adjusted the wick. "Now,
as Noun as"-- He stopped lu astonish
went, fur he had turned to behold la-
stest) of the little half breed girl Ole
slander, sorrowful streuger lu her
atuurtngly wonderful raiment.
"By"-- He checked hituertf lusensl•
Lly aud stood wutlunleae for a long
"i I hope you'll excuse we fur act -
lug this way," she mailed at hilt, plte-
ousl Ih bat•
"Yri/, John. Aods,lt 1 dcn't believe,
what Is a stranger to say? No ul,u,
kuowlbg you o .old Ie'Uece (lie I:,i••
With)u( pru.t. Suppose she doubted
Have you ever thought of that? Would
you not rather hale her die still lov-
ing you than live and disbelieve':"
"Yes, yes! 1)f eunrse 1 I've thinly&
of th.'lt, but - Wouuln, you're worse
thou a ruttlMln,Ic
" Even If lir knew, tie might nut
marry her. Y. u :it Ira t ore clean,
and that other won wag \o devil. -\
brave man's life is too gr a prickle
pay for a grief that will (Ile n ye:1r."
Alluua wits speaking sw•Iftl,- In leo
un•n language', !ler body Ie re. her
fare ablaze, slid no nun . sect g her
'amid ever again have called hie 011
pie stolid.
"You think Hulce will core n love like
That?" h. sold.
..Ver, yea." •
"Ttmt•!r^rtY) ala L uuw irr�uur tt, lime
may act that way perhaps In eltlrs and
su.h places, ball .alt In the Hills It 34
different. \\'b',, yuu'ce gut *be breath
of the forest 1t, lou, 1 any It Is differ
rat. Time! Why, I've lived Often
years In !b.• open with a Ili Ing mev,e-
ury. Esrey telaht I've drequxd It over;
eie•ry dap 1',e Heel it thr't,Oh. In ev-
er' eanudire Peer. a tare, laud ovefy
wind from the owl!) brings a vole!
1111 Die. Every stormy eight a girl with
.. .. tet_ mor_
have I, follow. Every patch of Inoun-
IljihL sletotsleer •:oiling at mr, lust
beyond: Just In the shadow•', edge.
1.03 O! Tint,'', \ally, .1 lluna, love Is
the only 1 dim; In the World that never
Olen. and tttrwormly makes it the more
lie t.s.k wp.ttle white shine' hat be
len! tem...;, ,Taw» when hi'''311,W-in
rad envois' to the dour. ,
"Where are yeti going, ' Inquired th)e
aowto fl'nrfully. ,
"1'11 Ihr hirr:)el\i to gft'' niyeelt up!"
She ttuu, herself at him. with e great
,•rv. and seize) him 11133.111 the 538let
"Yen wes.•r loved nee, Oahu, but I
idle (sya a g....3 wonlall to yell, .:i1
II'oug!, 1 kora you were always think -
mg ..f her and had no th,night 111 the
1 Late hired (him girl herein* yon
loved ler. 1 have hated your enemlrw
be. :twee you hated throe, and now I
remember. while yell forget."
"!•'rept: \:-hitt do you mean?"
The-nlan paused. "1 Ilii almost for -
;tet hltn :end after fifteen )•errs!"
"l,rt ws kin hint tolthht; then we
nil a.( to the Pohllir *.;;ether, rldl'•I•v
ride. 1 nue your Wnnuea. Ne. la will
hook after the little ones.
(:ale star el rat her. amid Ma he gazed
Vic red pigment 311xlertn•alh lief skin.
the straight 11angln:, ntaneltk.' hair.
the gaudy sh:nxl she never Weill With-
out. the shpls'tess, t•l1t shod feet,. the
eloveoly. III tittle:1 Rath of n udwald
Womm�--vantshr'd, and Lr' saw her SP
the en1 on n day lima'past. 11 slim.
rhy: r•Ilent emanon•, with gnat watch-
ful, 1rnaUr, eyes and a soul nos ,1 s
R M k 1
Nn woman had ever been Re Ioya1, so
mnrunq.h1lning:. Ile had robtcd her of
her lee!113 and it, r F' .1 e Ile hid
shifted hither evil yon at the call of
11133 Uncrltnln fortune .r :it n IIZ'I of
dean Inrk11:' fekr ill it 3hca:g .1. xge1
WM. and rhe h:iel 3.,•.'-r lea his Able.
never elites:I-111 el n, 1 er thane tell, Ir,:
n3Wa)33 men eel III 111 1119! n s!:t14.. Wi1h-
,.ut nskIng fee n pert le Owl ether
love. WllhOut R11:11Ig lee the c13r.ssetl
he. had . onre'ruril J,. a w-en11111 she
had never sl3'!I '
"11y heaven, yriere g1111e. AlIIl,a,
hilt .herd, a limit even to 331m1 1 can
Ink, fr you," be said at hist- "1
don't ever seem to have nut heel 1t be-
fore. (here' Is. No. i'te got tie do
this tilhlg jtleene tonight, ia11 of 11, fur
you have no blare gal It, and 1 can't bet
the little ,:Irl gra .01 like thio. 'l'he
se.onrr.tbai meddler krloun the better"
He leateel down aud ((Melted her
I.row-1, month w-i:h Ii3.. grizzled 333.13
"'Thank you, ,tnluw, tar waking a man
of rap whin 1'11 nearly forgotten. Noir,
you stay here." Ile kiwis lie could
',and on liter els'lltuc(, 1„x1 go he lift
her. When 1,e had gone she drew the
shawl up over tter five and (-rewired
111 the d,MIrwI•, stralulug her ryes.raft
er blue through the dark. In time elle
began to r.” k and 3353x)• and then to
Meant unf*3•(he night menal•d with the
death Kong eef her people.
Neeln lead no leen wh1Uler she went
ilir only 'nought wag to Ape from her
kill, who .-'n1,1 not understand; to hide
rus,'r It, w1 ' mut' ,.'. r
tinder Wim 4 a n , L I 1 1
. I
let the dar!:ness s5talluw• her up. gal
that Ow might glee way to Ler grl..f
and he just a poor Weak woman. •(3n
she stumbled blindly through the mink
irr:e- seine fore t•rrittnee of -Held rent -
out and banished
She had not smr((edel In infirm; h:;•
Is0lalln, herg1.lf, h11ave3,r, for :1 (nail
who Wing lle'ring his course by the
sense et feel noel the WtInl'g direetIon
lu•onl h(r.ned paused. Mantels! were
mmtllwl In (31' raft footing, gal I.1 at
she 11311 811 tenoning of lila pr'a,'nre
a'1t13 he 55333 near enough 111 ellsIn-
7ol33h Der dltnly where abs leaned
alit affably, but :Is hl+ glance
fell melds d11u3hn'r he st.,piuvt
Salm** *31111 on the Ihri:hold.
"I told you ttro,'r to wear tient dress
again," hr said In a dry. harsh vo1.•r
The girl wide n., atiPlavr, for her
heart was breaking, but turned 313.11
Went Into her rowel Puree(' had nn
rfen 1t, loll (::il, ji$t
'w:rel:.ed Ida d:ni'efer for lila wife. It
would be nn nuwout,.l pleasure to
startle this it.1m gr:ey Ohl mon aid the
331 as% .3 :u.d sh-tmbling nlnnutty of
rod. With (1M'Irtwlakln; c)es that :sl -
3'4 r:udnded blot of two uzh,arl
rlu•rrio 33, Int 1t,• had given Ne. -la 4113
premise. W. ler 1103 eudel .11. tem rx-
1-fringe ..f oreanaty 6.14.33 and Inquired
for the news of the / reels_
"Needa', crewel Is gettingbetter ev-
ery 1 ," Ihr !ratter en Id. "1'.•ster.l ly
they found n sixty dollar pan."
"Have you on yours'!"
"Nu; 1'olein 833(1-1 seem to hold bad
haunts. 14.1111'' of his lay Men rare quit•
flux work. Tlirv've (-roes .•nt to half
a de.ram pinees and rant find n colter."
tial,' went to Matrass door and rolled
ter, but when sh.•.appeanr(1 he was rim
prepared for the Irn;fl' fare with with+
she genet .111rn.
"i►:twghter," he tan 14. "d!tn't feel had
over What 1 wall. 1 didn't 1114.1111 13 be
e1.o3g.with )-art, hurt -1 don't Ilk.' Ihdl
"Were %I U crass wll11 nM, 11:1414)•?'
elm raid dolly. "1 didn't hear. Wient
did you say?"
i3" Iookrd
at.her lu nmazt'ntent, "Ne
eta, little :tri, whet la the trouble?"
She a a
. he Win Merle:: tenet t hint.. rind her
I1••71'r* were fumbling helpI»'eiy with
eh' 1 i -r ..f her 3:11131. lint she began to
slmeter -ACttg ..4 +'••lisle e
"I sent 1,13:3 algal I 103" 1111(1 um,
w 1:122 be W81 11114 enc r anted mr - 1331,
rl:ddy, Lr 53aa1. to nnrrr rale :11111
' 'nt Mtn nernyr'
"il,' n-io:1 yl n t,. In trey him In In -
1.1 spier 11f who ), n are :old Wh:33 .I
"Yee: he 14 1.4.011y to give lip Ills
Iitlon, 11Is army. lel + future. 6133 fatally.
everything, for me to na.•rltre 11 all.
arty .w1, of course, 7,rnldn'1 /et bio "
14114' spoke klmply, as If her futile;
would surely m,dr•rstind and approve
her ui•lion. while in.her 33iee w•na n
note of Inevitable reslgnaUon, "You
3.51., 1 111,3er umdersl.isl 5.1,211 my 311.41t1
would mean to hits mall tonight. I've
been selfish and I*.n,htles•, 1 _tress. 1
jtut -'autratl_ h3u1. _AWL w"11II(rd blln rt,
"aim mr, but uu\t_that Ile is ,,,fur I
lure hila more than 1 thowghl. 11.- 1
so dear to me that 1 emit drug kiln
duw'n--I can't 1 can't"" She went to
Ilse ,,poll d,w,r 11114 111111111 14.3flhIl
1,13(13331 the teasing, Melee( the rood out-
er darknciw, her face hidden from
them,. her -farm aacring wearily, as If
Idle *3tni3,ue had sapped her whole
*Hemel le. •
AIlunn .rcpt to the trader and l.w,k-
oel up( n3 *111,3 eagerly, Wtelapering:
"Thiel will end It, a little While, John. -
Rh,' is young. She can go hack to the
m1a33111n tomorrow. She will Rum for-
'.:m rt: )o o think
o -
1 ra I al l L ahe._can f r
get ? "
"Any woman eau forget. Only men
''It Le the red blood In yon lying.
You know yon Ifs." .
"1t la to Pave ,yonr Ilfe." she sold.
"I knew, but It's no use." To Ncria
he Pr. 1.1, "1'nu needn't worry, little
dnorlarr.•' Mil icer .ars. were dent
".Yon needn't give 1,181 no, 1 nary 'This
•..444 -end n41 r1414"
Ft ',leg *hat •hit glue on elan of heel.
nc, he 'demerit Amer and swung her
eleert 1111 sir flood I:1m
"Can't yaw ten 1 nm MIA pre! time?
Tran nhray*-nave Before. Nelda. I say
he'll remarry ren. :amt It will rem" out
?Me :nixed her hopeless ryes aud
strove gamely to alert him, then, fail -
hr;. broke may. nod turned ha, k to
the dem'. "1 knew you couldn't under-
stand. 1 1-0 0.41. 1 lao,' hila s.,'"
11 ith a wry like that o1' a wounded ltuh
mal she fled out I:00 the might. niters,
she could give vent to her anguish um
Peen, for 3311(3 had uecer wept before
her father, but alnny1 crept away and
hid herself until her grief wan spent
(rale would have started raft
er her.
Allan33 drug/rod hlm heck fiercely.
"No, no: It means your life, John.
Let the Menet /k, and she well for-
get. be 11 130 yoppg, Time Will cure
her. Tline cans everything i)rxe't
tell her, don't til ally oro, and, shore
all. don't tell that Soldier. Its wetly
Rot believe. Roe IMMO MIL Even i
love doubted."
a;;•dnat the tog waft of n half
rd cabin.
To Ids qu(M11nb, "What's the Ito We
:tete?" she made no miniver, but mitred
away, whicrenpon he detained' ber.
There's ,tomethIng wrong. 1Yhn are
yon anyhow?"
"It's only Neela, Mr. Stark," rad
the girl, nt which he advanced nod
took her h) the arm.
' Wbnt alts you, child? What In the
world aro yon doing here? fume!
It's only a step to my 0111111. TOY
must come In and rest awhile, and
you'll moon be all right. Why, you'll
break vontk
race In this darkness"
Rhe hung heck, tint he compelled her
311 go with him In spite of her ,nwIlI
"Now, now," he adtnonl.hed, with
minimal kindliness for him; "3.11
know you're my little friend, nod 1
can't let you go os this wy, it's sats
y; eu, u rviug 31134 rtruuge tea•
tures: "11'hy,. wbut,ls the matter, Mr.
/Murk? Are you uugryr
His hawklike face was strained and
colorless. his black e)•es• here..' and
eager, his body brut us if to pont8•e"
up"u u 13,11,,,. 1: truth, be wag now
the predatory uuitual-
"Nu" he replied us 1f her question
ranted nu tura:Aug; then, cowing to
himself. "Nu, to; 01 euursr tet. lint
you• gave we u start. Yeti rt.minded
we of some our. Iluw du you cone.
to be dressed 1111• that? 1 Dever Ln.'N
)•uu had such clothes."
"l'u3eute brought thew fruw Rowson.
They are the first 1 ever bad."
11e Rimed: bis head in a slow, puzzled
"You luck just like 'a white girl 1
wean --1 don't know what 1 weals."
This time ter Mused htturelf fully, the
effort being more like a shudder.
':Yo 1 have always thought," she
Wild, aud ber eyes. 431led-+tgllu:
Tie ,Ttuvtd f.fis fYJ""a 13ig'icbalf with -
a wulfskiu fiuug over It, linty whi, h -
ahr souk dejectedly, while her stepped
to the shelves Weide tbe Yukou stove
and Wok down a bottle and some
"Fin not tilled up very well yet," lie
apologized, "I've beets leu busy alt the
ea330D to waste time uu laving guar-
-tens Hut lea onenfurtable rouug11 for
:an old ruadgier like me."
lie was lalklug to give her leew-
teddy he:doleed tI: o she must drink It,
which elle did listlessly, while he- rano
did uu:
"I've uuticad :i few things lu my
life, \lIsM Noels, cud one of thein le
-Out reef—few—does, a !teapot good t., l.4
out and talk things over—nut -t!1at a
fe4ew gsite any real advantage from
d►weauivaliug- ...hie 4Vu* rteN,.--.but • It
sones It, sort of Caw' Ida 'flint'. folks.
• It is well to have on hand
1 remedy, simple, effective and
easily applied, for mosquito
bites, insect stings, sores,
bruises, sunburn, aud injuries
to the skin, aud forty other
ailments' not always danger-
ous, but which cau be cured
by outward application. Such
a remedy is Davis' Menthol
Salve(TheD.&I,,),,which comes
in tius for 25 cts. at druggists.
and twisted with It all that l `can't
plan, Wit 1 have thought 1—ought—to
gal, away"
"Good!" he said quickly, but his ac.
quiescence, Instead of seething bee,
had the cuutrary effect, and she burst
eel Inundatvray :
"Ott isn't—i-era'+4-44en'ioaway
and never seer Wm! 1 can't do It! i
Want to stay where he Is!" She bad
been bolding herself in stubbornly, but
at last gave way with reckless aban-
don. "Why waeu't 1 burn white like
ether girls? i've never felt like an its.
diem. Pie always dreauud and fan•
cirri I N:Is different. and 1 am Itr wy
soul. 1 know 1 situ! The white is so
strong 1n tut that k has killed the red,
any) I'111 one of fathe'r's people. I'm
nut like the ether -two They are brown
and silent aud as .•old its little t(ie 3
Hut I'm white aud full of Ilfe all over.
They never see the men and women
hat 1 see in my dreams. They never
Rave wy 51>lonr of the Iwuutlful snow
'tyLUu mother wtih the teuder mouth
'111 the :7:111 ryes that always smile at
nn•. '
(1e ftotdi /err. n l.,•!1{r lou( R"Inv (111100r1..
•3e10 ',Owe . omr it, in.. fee alt Ice ..r
eeteethy. 1 4.1a'( hive II 10 3,33,4. 1111
ill %Co3' it 33 3'1 hole. yeti 111 1011 1:11.11:1.11
.':::in1.1 11,1, night nlaran::i:lg ral,cdi•
too,- r -Te- Tmsi
11:• 1y41 i 1111: "I si!,•".r.• 1',..r.•'s
n 1.1 r'I' reas,ms abs 3,11 sl 11:1141 '1
.44 .13•'11 i , 1 ,,' 1 .1.11'1 'I:'. ,• 1-11:11 e:d
::1111 r )•nn-: , r ,111,‘ ,.11 .. , friends,
1.111 1.::1)Iw• t1111's why I',1, interested
if 11,1,Y ..f 11uwu has upw•1 you I'll lake
I a 1 11 I xli
nr p:rnnre 311 helping )•oq gel
.I "
"I don't w„d to get 33 en. alM I there
is bu:hlu:f to 1,!1," Paid Ne, -1:1. ••1.'44414
:1 girt',, tr•iailel.•.. nod 1 1.nn'( talk about
Minn." She suliied n pailful (r'e.k4d
311111.. rat -
"four old eon has been rough to
Mo: !Oohing of that sort."
"'Tien les that soldier'!" he quizzed
•lerewdh.. "I knew yeti carrel n heap
"V - -That's the i-rmtlrlee. •aiP3. 11e
ea111P 1" marry nu/'.• Ile swevrg tie %til
n site of ,S*.?'letng" - -- -
")tree herr 1 don't quite fellow I
rbott ht yen !;' cel him !Ira's rhe kF,
most w„i•n•te e,. daffy over”•
"1,Ike 1,11n:" The girl Ir,rnb'nd Ith
-nwrbm '441re-131rw! - -wow— ♦. 1
worth! do fools 1117 to make hi 11 r,
1 ,tries 1 1 -tris le kind sf 4(41.'
Stark. saki 1'r,'evelly
"l'on'e • ,m roe ^'t
"S.; cr e' b i! 1:'ith t'o:,
Stark ,::e 1 o hhur It, f., I,• f t,1:1
he 55:1:1 1 ', In'• 1 tl
is 1`1.1".•....
u.d 351133 alt ,t.ul de ed Uhl r)
s.df to the k:0 1 teeters' Amoreant.7
yolnh 11171:1 11:111 ,,'st(d 1.113. 113.1; 11
petty +4es/ors Ni -i etri ...' l.--j..s.•.w1
Homily to . errell L•,t , a h ,:red
rlroh:: 11111 u• 11 111 hr. in. t., lir ay.
(13111;13 3Ia 1,1311 a ,13't.vnatlr 1;11 111
11.• hl I:,sniell ,1,•r I i
WIWI41 fr•0fI the Ileutrnrnl 1.11 r
their .est /1.1=.1* for 3,,Tits I I;, a 1'
far . 3.1.i1 ITi,'.1.!y orisi:, foot, w..• •.
lel outdo 111111, Wil rk. . tet i1 en; .1
1111:1, I1:,' .fs r '. graben( of a diseased
dlstortcd 1,111,0.
"9m ,ran like him tint touch to stand
In hie_ -way:' --7w• aril Toed .1-I11v11;
"llmi' 11o4.14 )'tit father to. k :u 1:?"
••131. W:Inns 11.• lleufeta,it ii marry
m,. it, ,•.," g,,, wit Rs it up hit
r17ht I'ut he doesn't understand
11,W 51.11111 II,7'''1
V4 -5t .55#45-.4114141.4554---44111,” c0pv33
Ind the Iwo h;1.4•rt1$Cntly, ":11111 you'll
1!1 r to he 1;1.10 'oil rel. 11 omt " Now
th t • int!, his enemies 4,'rb. d thi.
thin; he was •.1 on preventing It re
¢3Mleaa of the girl. "Ilpw did the
Ilcutennnt t,k,' It when yr:u refused
"nr ,n • n't
t all He rant
is :heti nod da •tired he w.,nld marry
me anyhow!' .'Alm very thought thrill,
tot her
-Deem he know you love I:Im?"
'1'h,• lender, subbing Multi ehe gave l
was a!moo an33v'r.
"Well, what'," y'o.i• plant'
"1--1--1 teal Lot w. 1 SIM Po tori
be the WrongtPlum.
• .i logged Weigh orstur ammo
loop pretty smeeessfnl to ban-
tering Irishman, , ween the tatter
asked blltl:
'Mow did you cometto lose your
"Well," said Jones, "on, examining
my pedigree and looking sup my de -
o • itt I fount there wasesome ltiab
111,3331 In me, anal, becotultzg convinced
, L•al est was settled 31, tiles left leg. 1
11:1.1 It cat off nthobce."
"Ivy the potterer." said l'ar 3"dt would
nal.' .144.5 n (mud tiring -1f It heed
•,•'1l,d In roe r br:111!'33--i,oudoa
The pool.
I1,• on -I moble l..rd, ur1 be Was In
"831,1 r,re with .M. of 3,333 foot -
id I1Ne4r' (Iii.'"' 1.•• •4rinlmed
'e . t•••' ,a 111!1 '
1n •.„ •• repilr, Jai
1,.17 ,.mal 1
1•• F'r'et
pysmsa• t
- :stip
of hoesold work Is taken
away hen Sunlight Soap is
ht into the home.
Fe thoroughly cteansing
if rs
, metal -w
ori, walls
and woodwork, Sunlight
is the moat economical both
In time and money,
it lien rt 1111(1 3.131('311 ant to make a
fold of himself he inveterately works
overtime on the job,
The Ivan who has had a piano in iia
home for a dozen yenta wonders how
the foxholes are able to continue in
busiurs. 1 lhirago N.'sR,
Weans Baby
Every Mother dreads
weaning Baby. Any old
food was formerly good
enough—so long as it was
an inducement—regardless
of its Food -value.
But now — the age of
Kellogg's Toasted Cons
Flakes—weaning is a
trivial matter.
Kellogg's in pure, sweet
and wholesome—it's
Nature's Olen Food.
That's why Children love
and thrive on Kellogg's.
Civelaby Kellogg's when-
ever be wisbes—it will do
him good, but be sure it's
All U D`D
t.seaers !/
Corn Flakev
Tsuaausv, BKPI11iitRaa ter 1400 6
Threshing Time
The wife will likely require some extra
Knives and Forks
We have some real good values to show
you at $2,00 per dozen of eadh.
will find us 'fight on all lines of
IIThe Howell Hardware Co.
l.uial Agent for Pandora Ranges.
Its richness and exquisite
fl.tvorgive an added delicious-
ness to homemade "sweets"
and dainties. Be sure you
get COWAN'S -- the cocoa
with the Maple Leaf Label.
More bread and Better bread
Atpd the Reason for it
bowed, frusti esttgag wheat
Manitoba hard wheat is acknow-
ledged the strongest to the world—
aad that is the kind used for
Purity Flour.
But that's not all Every grain
olthis wheat coutatns both high-
B[ade and low grade p:ope•rties.
'separating the high-grade pa ta
the low-grade the We,te
Canada Plow. Mills put the h
wheat th rough a process so exacting',
last ■ot ■ single low-grade part `
has the remotest chance of getting
la with the high-grade.
Of course this special protests
were erpenatve to operate but it
means a Int to Parity dour tees,—
that's why we use It
It means that Parity Mow Is
made entirely at the highest -shade
dour parts of the strongest wheat
in the world.
1t intense high-class, strong /oar
and therefore yields "more Mand
and better bread."
Purity may east s little ranee
than wars doers, lint results prove
it the ch epeat sad most teasers.
lit! are as
1t fru AT Wlttwer*G, Qgp133aJCR.
1Vr Late ' ire, :, sort 0 'rat • i 1 i.e 'l's!eumx,
tllanufactilred, owl mixt,, thein in different odors:
Nn,Ireer,, Vj•.Irf, N,,trtrro 1t 1g,', `ir•,rttrn !'clan
'reylor`a Valley Violet, \Villfam, Coronation.
.shove at 'Lac a lin. AI ., Palmer's (larland all" Violeta,
win/. Wm tart, tiny cheaper '1;'Y , from llle lip, -at.. -
Drug Stone Goderich:
Prince Rupert
1'1( INCE 1t1'PEHT, the 1'ari114.11olutt terminus ,'(tl,.' (3,',, 1,13 Trunk
1'nrillr. Hallway, is dr..linwl to beeli m one 'f the gr'atent ermnlnpcial
and industrial renters et 3w/ /dation on 1dlie continent. No city 3n its
making ever prevented tri the world greeter po*Mihilitirs Own Prince
Rupert. Investorsthrnugtwulthr Trained States and Ovando, tfen with
foresight, kern discernment nod financial rx h(1•irnre, rt," investing rind
invealing heavily in Ihis new City of the Towt Great 1Veat. Primo'
!(11p eel offer., another ,pp. '3'? 11*11(7 for making it fort 11 in }teal Estate,
for which tl,.' Pacific ('oast cities have Vern the wonder of the world.
The nor 133•x3 Way the 4.11ee Burn way for all to .faste in the rapidly in
r•ree*3ing valnep, end p.ettleip.iM In the weRltie pertain to hr made in
3'lillee 11.1311.11, is Ileruuuh loysln„v,j. it, 131.• ,hit,,'. of THE PRINCE
ItUI'it: NT Ith:AI. I*I'I'ATI: INV1,:sTMttN:P C4), LTI)., organized to
combine the Parings of ineeeton,, both large and emelt, for permanent
hive/Omelet in Pi inee Hotpot. real estate. eepoo the. ssb•r otin that has
emitted all real Baste lot inlet'. rot, taet7 live right whrr.• )on are,
stay by r00r preeetet tank, and yens Ilenelits will pile tirp Iu,441. after
annul h and tear alter year. 11'.. offer 111 j115 1711111,D1 s a limited toe. of
sterno ni this l)otr-pany at. par 414.351 Free emir', payable It, per 1•''1,3
,Town end i,, per rent. Ihl) , or et dire inn* 11f :. per rent, for cosh
Thr own who ire alone unable to pnro•has.' well *elected property nee)
ns e•t his enroll)" fund. in 11» shares of this 1' patty n.,.I 333, •.-, g ,.,
rate in the large pretlte certain to areru.' from the upleeildtl.g of tr-
businena and the vale, of its trolly holdings. To the smell
investor who drub", s something mane Ihnn jnwt aafrty far bin nine.
we offer hit ret1,14,1
toesafety end o high .
ar1ing on the inv.33tne.
Erni de 31 o r
I it f the FNIx' P a , • ' •
) magi a matter of Fra 1 h, 'mold and has 1, "
indorsement Of the test Int•ineee int etrsl{e M the Northwest. Hest honk
references, four Iosineven *,l,' ited. %Mite
The Prince Rupert Real Estate investment Co., Ltd„, Nnihln,(. 1 ,n' .,1,1, 11.' Primo Hovels. R.C.