The Signal, 1909-9-16, Page 44 TutateMAY, f3KrvratinKH 111, iOt
A Considerable Amount of Construc.
tipn Work Going on in Goderish
and Vicinity --A Partial Survey of
the Year's Reepgd. •
'i hough this has been regarded as a
comparatively quiet year in real et,
hal,. oaattrw, there it quite a lot of
building going un at present in
lio•lerich and vicinity. A major-
ity of- t he dourest now under
construction are large and roomy, and
in many caves brick -veneered. The
(i•derich PI g Mills have large
forte of mea at work, both in the fiat: -
tory and on the buildings under con-
rtruetion. Following is a net of the
Inn:.tings for which they are furnish-
u nish-ing the will work an 1 in wavy ca •ea
doi Ig thee/epruLer work.- In tunny,'.s Cheri. Reid has the contract
for the foundations, brickwork mud
pia 'tering. 'Ole fi4ule.s giveu are.
only ,approximate. tieing given merely
to show the clasp of Iuildingr which
are beiug erected.
On N1gin avenue, near Welliugtuu
street --a $2„Iss1 .tory-and• 4 -half house
for Win. Abell. lower portion to he
bricked and upper portion shingled.
Corner of Nelson and Colborne
streets --a iitl,teet two-story brick house
for Mrs. R. li. Smith. Thr frame
110urewW iohlocestari ot.,nlfnn ll'lla lilt
was purchased by Hobert Clark and
moved W a lot on tat, Hedge r Ctr,l-
On Nelson street -a $0,1IM1 two
story house for H. J. Acheson. Thr
brickwork is being done by Wm.
On Hayfield road --a $1,5/11 story -
and -a -half honer for lieu. L)rew.
David Sproul is doing the brickwork.
On Emit street --a.$3,5110 two-story
brick house for J. W. south.
On Elgin avenue, neat the Huron
eassel-a 419,401 b moot ry . brick ?-""--
for Robert Orr.
On Lighthouse street - a $2,tsoi
story -MA -a -halt house for. J oh u
Young. Wua. Phillips has the con-
tract for the brickwork.
On South street a $1,200 brick cot•
Cage for James Knuckle.
Om St. David's street - u $_',IIsi two
story tried house for Walter ?Indio.
Aa=AoMreiey-seoswu+rtory cement
block house for D. J. :Belem).
At Nile -a two-story prick house
for Rich. McWhinney. Isaac Curry
is (caking extensive alterations and
building an addition to his house.
At Beneniller-a 1 wu•atory cement
block house for J. W. Gledhill.
Between Nile and Auhurn-a 0I,51I1
story-and",a half frame house for Chas.
At Laurier -a Iri.0110 two.story
cement block house for Wm. Hue
At .Kincaid -a $2,1,151 two-story
frame house_ for M. Bowler.; n two
story cement block house for John
Courtney : John McKay 'is overhaul
ing his house and making alterations.
At Hayfield -a cement hloek office
for 1)r. Smith.
Near Hansford bait works -an Stift
x1511ft. boiler shop for the D).0y
Engine Works. (ieo. Hato -I has the
contract for the cement work.
At Dungannon -the mill work for
the Methodist church is now under
conatrnction. Deo. Begley hot .the
contract for the carpenter work and
Geo. atnthers that Inc the brickwork.
At. Clinton -the Oolerich Planing
Mill, are furnishing mill work for the
new waterworks power house.
The following houses in Gnderich
hove recently been completed :
On *hayfield road-ta gloss, two-
ator�y brick house Inc Wnl. Waite :
$1,211) story -and -a -half house Inc Rob-
ert Thompson : Mrs. Mc Lvoy's house
has bre practically rebuilt ;It a cosi
of SI,2511-
On `(t. David's street -a $I,t$M) one -
and -a -half -story brick house for
Harry Wyslt..
On Huron road --a $1,1111) frame c•' -
tage for Geo.. Williams.
un :Newgate street -is $1.2,11 61..
ho1141• for H. 1'. Munnings.
• O.0 Maple street-tt $:',1551 stns y-aan l-
a -half house felt Mrs. Hussey.
On Hamilton street Fare's hotel
has been rased andirae•tieally iOmit'.
At Meneeetung Park -O. F. Ham -
link !milt an addition to the hotel tut
a coat ut about $I,O(MW.
Broke the Record in St. Marys -Strat-
ford Road Race.
In the Stratford -St. Marys roiul race
MI Labor- Day Norruan Melhntg•I4:
the Porter's Hill runner, won a.tuatlsrr-
victory. He not only won the sae
but hrnke the remind for the course.
doing the thirteen and oa-uarer
miles in one hour, '22 minutes and l:.
seconds. Pepper, a Stratford roan.
was only thirty-tive seconds behind
McDougall.. There erre twenty-flve
The Stratford Herald in its report of
the race says:
"The laurel wreath
day above the smiling
man McDougall, the
cessful Porter's Hill r
winner of the Stratford -St.
Marathon. Yestenl
magnittrently contest
inauguration of this
Dougall again finished
dentally (lipped off 1 1
filer ...comm f • the
Hilton (iret•u last year.
server( and popular w
news that Mi•Dougall
to take tip 1141 rteldet
and will tlnubtles+, be
contest under Classic
the future Take
Nnish the race was r
held and may long r
it was the fastest and
battle of the road y
Stratford sports."
este proudly to-
day features of Nor-
man And
Bader and twit...
ay in th-' 11101
ed rata mince 111
roast tA.e, Mc-
Dougall first and inti
Wu minutes An,
retard made . h)
It was n de
In and 11 in good
expects shortly
Ice in Stratford
aero in many n
: ('qty colors in
Taken trout start t.
.{lily the beat gel
•main a record.
hardest -fought
t'1 witnessed by
Legal Questions.
From The MMI and Empire.
E. H.. Blyth -Qu. --A woman nlleel
Inc nlimnny a few years ago, and re-
ceived same. Her heshand died note.•
time ago leaving a will bequeathing
ell hie real and perennial property to
his two children : the rest of the fan,
ito and the wife were net mentioned
Has the wife a right to claim het
third, there iweing no separatism
papyri' ?
Ans. The husband had a right to
will hie property to whorl he pleased.
The will cannot he impeached merely
because it given the proper[ to two of
the children And given nothing to the
widow or to the ether children. 1f
the husband owned any real estate of
course hie widow will be entitled to
Halm her dower therein, notwith•
standing the will. Her dower will
consist of a life estate in one-third of
the real property of her husband,
°wood by him at the time of bis ( c
death. aid in any nt.her property that t
he might have owned during the time
of their marriage, provided his wife
did not bar her dower in it.
J. R. A., Lucknuw -tjn.--Mrs. A.
flied without a will, leaving property.
What e•lalw has her husband, if any.
to her property. there bring several of
their children living 7
Aust. -Thr husband is entitled to
one -thin) of the whole estate of his
decreed wife absolutely. The chil-
dren will take the remaining t wo-
thirds thereof. but the husband way.
within six months. elect to take his
ram. as "tenant by the courtesy." In
the real and personal property of his
deceased wife. Where • husband
takes Ilia estate as **tenant by the
courtesy" he cannot claim the estate
giveu to him by the Devolution of
, O Chap.
See t S. ;a telt Act.r l
F t•
Sec. 4.
From Tie Presbyterian.
The visit of Lord Charles Heresl'utd
to Canada has attracted considerable
notice, and lath the personality and
the utterances of the gallant Admiral
have created a favorable iulpreseion,
His epeechee have been marked by an
unexpected moderation of aentivaent,
and this. with his frank and unaf-
(rctld bearing, has dune much •todist.
anti the ant.agonasw of those who dif-
fer from his views. Nevertheless, we
are convinced that the poeitiun taken
by Lord Charles and all his school on
the question ..t Imperial defence is
fundamentally wrung, and it is
greatly to be hoped that the people of
Canada will not be misled by their ar-
guments, no wafter how forcibly and
.aincrrely they may be presented.
Everyone agrees with'Lotd Charles
Beresford in' he vital im-
+Torfanee or trent Brit -foreign
trade and the necessity of keeping
safe the merchant vessels engaged in
that. trade and the sea roualong
which the haat of the British people
is btit'ne to their shores. Thr q estion
at issue is how that safety can beet he
It is claimed by Lonl Charles B s -
font -and the statement is often
permed as n it Were axitualttrc- that
order to keep the trade r rules it vie
late a British tleet lutist be wain•
toured whose suptenl.v•y is -hal"
tengeaitite. Militia uluat hr Iritstrer
of every sea. This (loin' is sometimes
urged in terns so offensive to other
nations that a t'ight•thinking British
subject, as lie reads or distrust, is put
10 shame. This of course'does not ap-
ply to Lord Ousel** Beresford : but
et unples could easily to given if it It
were necessary.
Setting that aside, however, and
supposing the - dia't the of navat
supceettaey to be preached with all the
mlalerotiun and propriety possible,
what sent of is pris+pa-et it open
up Iwfure Greet Britain- and the rest
of the civilized world? At what cost
is naval supremacy to be bought land"
niiultaiuwl :' Will it not tae at a coat so
great that neat even lbs united notions
which compose the British Empire
will be able 10 hear it? Can we not
see bow the claim to British suprem-
acy on the seas will affect the other
nations? There is no utber nation to
which sea -horn" .commet-c means We
b as it does to Britain ; but there
are,other nations which ars 101guly
engaged in foreign tet le and whose
desire and intrutiun it. is to extend
their trade as t..r ,.. possible. ,To
these nations a British fleet of irresi-t-
lhlesupresnacy must moan that they
can only engage in moi Id -will• q 'uu-
tne!ce on sufferance, on once terns
and to such an relent. ,aa Britain may
peanait. Will nntthe consequence be
that, as the British fleet grows'
stronger, those nations. singly or in
ro-operation, will strain every nerve,
that. in the matter of n teal re rength,
they may meet their trade rnnipeti-
tnr, as nearly eta tpOesil)le un equal
terms? And so the present rush tot
harbariaru will continue ; the burden
of naval 'expenditure - and with it '
of military expenditure -will grow i
heavier and heavier until it crashes
the nations that hare to tear it into
Ilnt, it i_+ said, if only the dn
athier l
11 Worts r fly aroused the mottle' land-,
a euuite:l• tion wilt be bunted. art
all slag this the °Awl• c,.11.01 n'. .111
we, 111 l utb • of atte.opi mg 14. 4 . MI. '
tot 1. 111' 111v, arm err -4.1, and will
.4111 d it the It relr.a .1, e,g.•h•. W..
real n .1 fl,le nor.eIe•c. Iliac Ili..
Will 1, the ,dee•ive to. financial
Iain. A entint which claims
sure emery Over a will e•veke Gu-
rney of all. The jea nn• nations may
torn and rend one a other, but first
they will cuu1hit,. a 1t the object ,
of their Pollution je.i�,.11a et and if Bri-
tain's claim to Ruptai .y it rrlain-
tained as now she will ant is. day have!
•to faie a cmuhination Whir not even'
the support of her 1••)%11 ailghtet•a
will enable her to tetiat. -
R'hat is our alternatives t h n ? Is I
r can
there any direction in which
.see.n gleam _of_ hope ? Only i
direction nt an international
tient by which naval armaments e
be r•eetlu'ed to such proportions
maybe r
nal eesAa for Ile'
rymilking 11
trade routes of the .1,P/in. the high-
way of the notions which should 11r
open And free to all. We Seer surely
not prepared to admit that Christian-
ity and civilization have an far tablet
Gott the most euligghteded countries
et fight one another for the trade
of the world as wild beast, contend
for their prey!
It umty 1e said thst In this direr'ien
Britain has already done what she
could, having declared her willingn-se
to discuss the yaeetinn of the reelne-
tiio of artuarnrnte with the repremen-
tatives of other nattunt, if this is a0,
why should the offer not be repeated?
Why should 0 not 1e brought for-
ward again and again by representa-
tive nl"u like I, end Charles Ii -rewired
as an alternative to the descenbus
Averni upon which we have now en-
tered!? And this above els - why
should mut Itritain enter into such a
conference with the understanding
Ova she should not insist upon
supremacy, but only uponserllri•y, as
a principle preliminary to discirsly,n?
it'might wd1 he that In an interne-
tiunal rrenference the exec t i• mal p1-
tion of (heat Britain would be r'eog•
nire'd• and arnnng the reduced arm-
aments hers might still he the
strongest : but when such A status is
concealed by international agreement
thele in no ground of offence such as
is ereateed when a nation claims
supremacy for itself.
Sten have found it hard to barn 11ie
lesson of humility in the personal life,
and it is harder yet to learn it in the
life of a nation. But it is the mime
God who rules in both spheres, and it
may be found II'tte of nations M Of In-
dividuate, "Whosoever exalteth him-
self shall b• abase( : and he that hum -
birth himself shall he exalted."
North Huron Telephone Co.
The North Huron Telephone Co.
seas organized at • meeting of the
sharehrelders held in the c emelt sham•
ler al Wingham on Friday afternoon,
3rd Met. The meeting was fairly wall
attended. Oen. apntton, one of the
provisional directors, occupied the
hair and H. B. Elliott wood we secre-
tary. The company is eapltalized at
Cars in Pride..,
$111,1111 and starts off with ninety-
seven shareholdgte, holding shares to
the amount of $3,41111. The first busi-
ness at the tweeting wall the adoptlna,
the company's bylaws, after which
directors were elected as fullness :
Ww, .Maxwell, W. J. Greer, Henry's.
Thomson, tiro. Spotton and L. F.
Hinkley : auditors - A. 11. Musftt•uvt.
and Peter W. Scott. Immediately
atter the directors met and elected
°meets as follows : President, Geo.
Sp,LLon; vice-president, W. J. Greer;
managing director, Wilt. Maxwell •
solicitor and treasurer, It, Vanstune ;
secretary, H. B. Elliott. The Wing -
haul Titers says: The company has
very bright prospects ahem! mf it.
The line to Wltiteciturch has already
been built and work or the line h•
Whitechurch u S s is be-
ing pushed along as rapidly as pos-
sible. The lines to Belmon+, Illuevale
and Belgrave will be taken over from
the Bell Telephone Co.. and the North
Huron.t'u. will start off with nearly
fifty suhucribe'rs and others will he
added as rapidly as new lines can be
built. The Bell Telephone Co. will du
the Switching Inc the new company
and all subscribers will have the tree
use of alt tele hones m
on the Wingha
exchange. We understand that the
\Vroxeter Telephone Co. has arranged
with the hall ('o. to do theirswitclung
and this may in time make it possible
for the North Huron e'o. and the
1Vr,xete-r Co. to have a switching
arrangement. The Brussels Co. has
not yet decided whether to establish
their own office or connect with the
Bell Co. if eunnection were wade
with the Hell Co. the Brussels sub-
scrilera would have a tetter nervier
and Soots day arrangements could be
made for a switching arrangement
with the other rural companies,
ansL-all the. .nl meshes.. un the rugal_
lines would have a touch h -t -
ti l' service. Without the Bell cun-
nectionrural subseriters have is lini-
ite•tl.service. -
Liverpool and Chicago Wheat Futures
Close Higher -Live Stock -
Latest Quotat1ions.
Monday Evening. dept lit.
'Liver d wheat futures closed to -day ling,-ke•alt,
thatt'liatwrdal-- rv,n 4 d-e-lant-•ts,-nax
t+ lad higher. ,•.1 14,u to
'hlcago September wheat closed to -day Mil {s to
Pe - higher- than Saturday. September stews. 1t t
rue lac lower and t-ptentter nets iW 36. S, to 44
luws Sheep a
K 11 Sept mbar w). rat Nosed le-Zti.DC
tltatler, pte,nber higher. $4.75.
Wheat--�l k;t b.. r: y. sl .•.amber 8 4i,c, ;atttb
May 1$%e•\
fsflatilmiolttOOer Lt. ln'.embrr Iii. -=-
l erento Grain Market.
Wheat, fall, ,hush, 111 OD to t,.,.
Wheat. red, �uah
Wheat. goose, bush 044
Rye, bushel 0 7a
Ruckwheat. bus el 010
Barley, bush - 0 64
Peas, bushel 1 M
Oats. bushel - 0 44
Toronto Dairy Market
ID I rc. r. t • A
proud t!: -It 0, • •
ured lair 'y b, ,
atilt ha lou u., >) .- . - 1 .
lawn that hat, ,•, 1' 1, ei 1
Our 1oo.1 I
'lenity as ns a 1.,•11 • )
food and which , ... c
the ruacttucut ;LI r,
could Ibly b. L, 1:.1 k
sounded by the;,, r1y 1„ 1„•
food tor leaking s:rrl.I,l, sit 1.,1;,, 1 -
and brads:
all Mods. The superiority of titlaLe:
Oats tner all uth'r u:.:t'..;Is is d.., to
tau things; the K:cat..i1 .••err its the
srlectluu of the llh.: t u or ub.. ' i',.c
and the special uta -!I::l ry by wilds
tidal °atm 1s cleaned, rullvd and p,ick•d
TheQuaker foto lane is the old%
T Oats l
manufacturer of oatmeal that has sal
Istactorlly solved the prublrtu of rt
moving the busks and black specks
which are so autuuy lug when nth,•t
timid* are eaten. 1
'ver way
vredr well
and they keep you
dt'y while you are
wearing them
,11111 1\
i '
E . u C,s,,rtu Cntsttcretsc Co
r T31o,',1 Cda
1u t.• l:c lower;rou steers, 5.60 le 11r;
-,ae{„ug. 1..60 to SS butchers. M.K. to
t• I,rlfrrs, $3.k to ' .M, cows, R.60,tu
S, Lull*, $11.15 t N 1a. .tuckers rad
to IN stuck heifers, 43 to
torah cow's ....d .springers t' to Oa1
\urs--R.rrip( 1 `P head fairly active
and .7.- Maher, t - b 71
. II,. s nr.,d fairly active ,
•w; + t,.. {e to44{;
87.Z W 57.60;
80.71, ladles rod grosser;
J Land :� 1:., eiyts. 14.4W head;
es, it II .r. Iamb* 44 lu
few, 3, •:, )rarlings, 1., S6 to i
ethersiI s- t., I3 ewes, N.3 to
sharp 1Na,d s: to 84.16, Canada
. res to
-rekkelittAailfli.StOCit. ..
Ili AGO. Sleet 1 Cat(Ie.-Receipt/
lorded at NAM. r i kat wank) sieers,ei
Or to 130; eon - 8,. lu $6 73 heifers.
3.:N to E. DJila, i• t•, I4 *G. 4al%rs, 83 to
tae rt,i, 4. ,, sad re, dere. 83 7:, to 83.13
'logs- hecrlpty u,, -led, at :',Ir,. m,ar- steered, 11k' 1......•r, closest rtra.Iy,
1..0 heavy. Ir• I,• 8S butchers, Inti
Itght. n,.%r,I {a:i W {{40.
light. I.eo 'u Is paeklea. Mile
tit 3, : phis, {; , . '8. 5,.bulk of salad.
S�• alp Bud I.:tntbs--11.' siett* estimated
at :a,., -W . markt for choice western
Louissteady, others ,1u• to l c tower:
sl .ap, 14.::.. tL RAS, lambs, 46.T0 to PAC
turnigs, Rte K.Z.
\ Winnipeg Options.
Butter, separator, dairy, !b. 0 II 0 a
Butter, store lots.0 1$ - 0 11
Butt*, creamery, lb. 0 M OS
Butter, creamery, solids 0 r, 0 34
Cheese, new, Ib' , 0 0 1P4
Fags, case lots, daunt
Ho'wy, ex raetrd - ..,.
New York Dairy Market:
NEW YORK, Sept. U. -Butter -Steady
receipts, wit; creamery, special., 714:•' t•
33e, extras, 31c; third to first, S., ,a IMO'
process. first to Special. Mc to• c west-
ern factory, c to .mare; western *a.
lion cteanery. 34c to Sc.
Cheese -Steady.: receipts, 311; state.
full cream, specials. Stec to 1$%c: dui
small, colored or white, or large, colored..
fancy, liege; do., common to good. 1134o
144Lc; aklme full to specials, 4itc to
I:ggs-Firm; receipts. 10.470, state. -Penn-
evlvlanla and nearby, white, hennery,
fancy, etc to 33c. fair to choice, gathered,
white, Er to 33c, brown. hennery, fancy,
30c to etc; fair to choice. brown, gather-
ed, Sc to '.!r•: western, extra 'fleet. Mc to
flrst. *c to ;14c. neeunds, ;9c to 22c. turn. the d icer h tel .ly Ir.'
CATTLE MARKETS into A fence corn r. The,
• Frightened to Death.
4•limon News -Record : '•Ts lie y.'
• hr favorite driver in Mr. J. W. E--
1 1t's livery bun, for which the pen
10 1. 1,.1. hest t.t•nt•t $22(, wLitt
1, t
cut 1 to death by a (ioaleri h ,t1:1,,Indite about 14 .:, on %lon.lsy
nigh!. ••'Poesy" was a high -amend,
nervous sonnet w ith a perfect dread
(l( an nett°. and .,o of our citizen.
w s rettrrninr 11-11111W Song the Heron
ors we -t ..f llolnrer.vihe ilea Iliad
light o1 a etschin. were Aeon op- ,
pr assn( Af .r 10 rising in vain fey..
.- tires -4m or mem Ione down whi.•it'
the rn•rre�
ocmp rots
/11t11/100,1 An thpy - epproaeloot and
crept past A. nietlr eta pn.sih'e and
west nn their way.' • Tope," was all ,
111.0 time in A tr. nil • And whet 1e.1
1.0,k to t he r , sl re reel. 1 an l fell
baeL: and 44111 >:- ';user • r two wee
deed - 1,afttt b•.1 n des h. Ti..
dries r• ' eeS1•ed tv• .1 bed elite nn '
II+'' Ise.- AR th-mr.le rd, ^ 1,,. h 1 ,•
h -',t 10 hate dr••.r 1 1 y tae e•trpe ti, ,
11e is ge•nnln-ly -.Wiry ov the in' -
My .
many tiutes and Ph. West
favorite tI,his.
f the note reabz, d the
Cables Study -.Chicago and East
Buffalo Markets Firm.
',riotous. !sept 13. •London cable. for
1'0111.- are ste..dy, et 1:i,c to 14isc per Ib.
for l'anadiau steer., dressed. weight.
refrigerator beet Is y11o11kt at 171µ R, 110
per Ib.
Toronto Junction Live Stock.
TORO-NTu, Sept. 13. --Receipts of
live stuck at the Union Stock Yards
were 92 carloads, consisting of IOWrutile. 444 1.111•1,and 98 calves.
Prime picked lots sold at 1.60 to 83 75;
Made of good to choke butc=hers' lord at
to $6.64; medium, k (U 116.36; com-
mon. M to $4 . cows,ef; to x4.40 per cwt.
and Springers.
Peed )tuwntree bought L' milkers aad at R: to $63 ea.:h.
Veal Calves.
Prices for veal calve. held steady .at
88 W per
Sheep and Lambs.
Export ewes sold at 13.60 to 44 per cwt.;
rams. coo to R am
per cwt.. lbs, 1.60 t•
per cw
- P. Kennedy' r -p
-Artsd hog prices un-
changed, at 8104, ted and watered at the
market. and Mit f 0.0 cats at country
Montreal Live Stock.
MQNTRaA.L., Sept 11-{9peclat.)-A1
be Montreal Stock Yards West R
ceed Mar-
, the reipts+ of lire Kock for the
k ending Sept. 11 were 8160 cattle, 1326
abeep and Iambs, 1,76 hugs and 470 calves.
Th. offerings at the market for local
ronsgmption this morning consisted of
1}6 cattle, 00 sheep and lambs, 1100 hugs
d x1
an0 calves.
A tea re of the trade to -day was the
strooter undett one to the roars et for
cattle, prices 'scored an advance of
%c per ID. eomgar•ed with those of a
week ago. hla was due to the lae•reased
demes fee pptles on secoust of the
large number of stranger befits 1s the
env, and, In tine to this. tonere was
also • nuer • rarluads brought for
shipment to the ower provinces tonse-
'lueuttp the. mar t on the whole was
active, and the pro p(s are that pricer
will go still high's lo the near future
Cable advice. from Liverpool to-daY
Rated that the weath r was good, but
trade eras stow, and h cuaar•quence •
weaker feeling has level • • In the mar-
ket fur Canadian cattle, '.d prise. ■how
a decline of %c to lv per Ib sauce this
day week. There was nu emend from
exporters herr to -day Choi stern sold
at 6%c to Seta:, good at 4%c to ; fair at
4%r is 4+Av madlem at 3%.• t 4c, bulls
at Pet to 436r; tanner. at Ilk. , :c per
th.. and bulls at as t. 4344 , r cwt.
There continuer to be a strung atrtoria
to the market fur hugs on account . the
Minted .opply run„ue forward. an the
keen demand for t0e same from pec re
and dealers, and the Indications are t t
unless rerelpts Ihrreaae In the near f
tete value, will go stn? higher 'rhe butt
of the stock which arrowed this morning
halt horn contracted for loaf week at II
per rvrt., roneego.nmy the offering. on
the market for .ale was. vary small, and
the IvMde prleee for selected tuts were
M 71, to Is Se per lei IW . welshed off cars t.•
All the leading foreign markets for •n• -
dies Imeuu a» very strong og account
of short suppik., and , able advices re-
ceived note • further advance. I• pries*
of to to 4.
.-wt mince en to
The demand for smell meat■ to -day esu
eery hrtek, and an sr live trade was done
Supplies were large, than usual, and es-
pecially ao of lanes. but, notwlthrtand
lag thiofact,fact, 15. market for theesu
stronger, and prices •dra.eed, with sales
at ere to etc per ID Sheep were firm, at
Syr to 4c. and calves sold at from all to
DLL each. an to *Ise and quality
AI the r'analtlan Psrlflr INv Stock mar-
ket the receipts for the week ending kept
11 were 4210 cattle for expert account, and
151 , Attie. .beep and lamb., Yeti herr
and 440 calve. for In. al consumption The
supply on the market this morels( for
aria arnountr.1 to ,L1. cattle, 600 •seep Me
Iambs, :M hogs and 13 rale,.
East Bursate Cattle Market.
6.114T pt•I'FAtat Sepal It Cattle-As-
sMpta eels seas. teed 11{dad1;,. !MOW
dent, apart free) an neon
sideration, as he Ia drive
g .at
Thr w: fo who rail keep her 11.1
in 1'r. sh:tight ,and narrow pet h ire
titled t, • solid gold Is d., .t a 1d.•.
with diamonds, -Buffalo New,.
We succeeded in
.ale days. Note care u
money-makers for the buyer, s-
Loming Fait -aswettas far now.
ink together a lot of Special Values for these two
he following item's and prices. They are
thing that is useful and suitable for
OR the.saving.`
Alsml 4,'ull yards of Scotch,
I•:tlglish and Canadian makes.
1ja.olar 1241• and l5c. on sale
days 1lc. Some of the hest
patterns we hail this rummer
sure in Ibis lot, from 8 or 4 to 20
yards is in eneh piece.
'l'hs balance of our Etnbroid-
rrire are to be sold at a big
nm ritite. line -quarter off every
urse in stock. Some Inc :k,
wore for letter ones.
Cashmere }lose
We got it lot just in. Hand-
made, all pure wool, sold every -
it here for :1k•, our price 85e or -3
pails Inc $l 1M1. sizes 84, P, 114, 10,
Summer Underwear
Doing here at less t h a n
Iuitk rs'
picas. Ws roust get
them out at some price, nu teat ter
,%fist that price is.
Imperial Waistings
We wet with a lit of WaIst-
inK s. The
price a Is lac to
'Jl)c. You can have your
choice on Saturday or Monday
for 121e. This is a rate chance.
Y pieces iti the Int.
Dress Tweeds
Just is Kwall Int of i/ress
'tweed*, suitable for girls. rotas
or school dress.. Mostly t
ltrie to 75e, 4 4 to tel inches wide
Our price ill now,25c 1, iiI.. Not
many yards in a pieee. They
are karst 1.10 Kaifu,
Small Wares
Prat I Buttons, '2 'bezel' for :s•.
Hooks and Eyes, 2 dozen for d,'.
white. 111) steel Hair Pins,
ursurte•el size's, ewe. 51*) electro-
plated Pins. good 'Him amt abate.,
ce Curtains
Jn+tt what-jp`eft over. Not
many pars, ata g?
to I
tient out • i
Fall stock conies on. Sale
pricer :
Ir for like Kit for itis:
111.110111.110•for K,i1• 1t 1.'21 fur 118,'$$1.511 for 11.31 =2.lMI for $1.541
a$1.541Y.IMI for :*
$ r 52.25, and a few mid
pairs about half-price.
1•hildrru's colored b a r d ,• r
Handkerchiefs, tegular ,ic, sale
price 2 for :A•. iVhitr ones,
heulslitctaed, fs t.•gular, 2 f,,t
Sc'. Embroidered Lac line f„r
Inc, Initial Ilsndkerehief- 13,•
for ilk,
xpert Tailors
It's to -work that
"Persis, Ilt, heftily team -play."
You see the .I t u t i fu) result' on. the fiel(l, on-' IC F0ot4all "gridiron,"
and around the 1 iselull diamond -in
every -walk and work of Iifir "talus -play"
wins out.
Semi -ready, Tailoring s a system of
orgiulized team -work --wl lexale tailor-
, ing-that develops telull w rkers„ tailor
teen who become "stars" tin( "artists" in
the conception and product•, n of fine
.clothes fur lien.
The quickest elan we convince is ti
who knows -the retail tailor hi
Last scion 100 merchant tailors
Canada alone applied for the Semi -
Tailoring rights for their town.
Trent Mark
0 amI1i11•
150 Man=Tailored Suis 4
Ooderich's largest, smartest and
shot Mg of net% Fall Suits.
tri exitibitio�)
LifTlidies. Apparel which de-
monstrates the versatility and genius of English
and American designers . and the moderateness of
our prices.
The garments we show will prove a real rev-
elation in style and beauty, a lesson in practical
ecunernm\ and .it source of correct fashion.
Information to all those who desire sonle-
thing iHut 444-1{.e osd-unary-in ready -to -pelt -on suits.
Our g:n•;;lents are strictly man -tailored- and of the
latest Neiv York designs.
We 'would further, like to impress on the
liiilids of the public of Goderich and vicinity that
we bought these suits direct from the manufac-
turers, for the MIGII1'Y CASH (no two alike),
and at prices made possible only by the excep-
tional purchasing powers we wield, -„and wg_"are
positive that the prices which we quote you are
• values that are not equalled by any Other concerti
in the country. We seek the opportunity --to
, prove the assertion. May we have the privilege? -
For further information and Price List
seeCi i f
SPECIALS in Grocery
Department (Basement)
The Department Stores.
Cameron & Moore
Goderich Branch.
\il'LEAN Itl,t )ti.
Tyr, -54000 bootie-oreartee Sack 44I. -
Sews. Wonted' opt Tepee -0 {1f, N
sad M.
For Hardware and Stoves
hence Niekel Trimmings, extra large square Ovens. A high close
Range et n Inw price. (inarnnteed to please in every way.
We have the largest and (test assortment of STOVES in the county•
Over fifty different styles. blood second-hand RANGE'S and HEAT
ERS. Repaint Inc every Stove, Range or Furnace.
Eavestrsughiig, Plumbing, Pursues and Repairing.
we Saes open every night till 41 p m. HAMILTON RTRKFI