The Signal, 1909-9-16, Page 3BOOKBINDING
bound or repaired,
(TOLD I.1$'[`fK No
inordee &Winded W Ott leavingl
T CMI JAL Oodmich.
Any perwu who (e the role head of a family,
any male over IN yearn old may homestead
x qurerseclluu of available Dominion land In
Manitoba. Saskatchewan or Alberta. The
:g,plicent nu/.t appear l t1 per+on at W 1(
e omin-
c Lnds Agency or dub -Agency fur Lir
deified. Retry by proxy may be made tit any
agency, un certain 4oIlitons, by father
wisher, 1.00, daughter, brother or abler of
Intending homesteader.
Itatles--the monthsresldonee upon and
eulllralloe of the land In each of threeears.
A homesteader may lave within nine miles of
hit houmrl0ad on • farm of at least N1 acres
.Mall' awned and occupied by him or by hoe
father, mother, son, daughter. brother or
le 'xrtaln dh+tylru • LonueeWaler in goal
tuuding may pre erupt • ..anter-noolloo
alongside Ala hotneete•d. Price un per acre.
Duties -Mutt reside six mon' ht in each of siz
years fromdate of homestead entry 'Including
the tune required W earn homestead patent)
and cultivate fifty arras extra.
A ho,ue+ttader who has ezhau.ted bis horue-
ntead right and cannot obtain • pre-emption
1n1,7 take a purchased homestead In certain
dl.trlrta, Peine $1.00 per Nee. Duties Must
rrdde do e1011(1 a in each of three yearn, mitt
arty acres and erect A haus worth Vacua
W. W. t'UKY,
Deputy of the Mlnlater of Lhe Interior.
N.& -U aahllnstlon of dear .d•
rrtiaement will not be paid for.
Watchmalc ing, eto.
...cath dde of square. l:oslrnrh, Un(.
Civil Engineering
and Hydrsullr Knglneer, Ontario laud
Sun eyur.
omen - McLean Block, Ooderlch, corner
Montreal street, Telephone 177.
_ _ _A. T. gtrasaox, M, D.
W & Tutorial/A. 11, B.
1mee. Hamilton Street- Phone tut,
110. KmNrwn • resldenoe, North street.
elpperate BL Ueorge•church, 'phone 113.
Dr. Turebull'a rtoiden.>., Montreal street.
1euthwst of Public Library. Phone Irl.
1'11. W. F. OALLOW, M. B.
.,mte and residence. North .l reel, lioderich.
north of County Kegtstry orrice . Telephone, 121
,nllritor, notary, etc. Money to lend et
I,.ac01 rata, (Mines -North Street, Underfelt
,r. r statist Oleek la eleaforth Saturdays
and Moldaya.
171 TJCR, adIsker. notary entitle. (Mleee-
Hamilton Aurelia. Ooderlcb, third door from
[ Nuristan). salt -hers. notaries, pnMic pn •
tocsin the Markt me ('art eta UTIw, .•,•t she
s.,nate, t.ex1 MoorC. A. *laden'. grosary. Pet
nor fends to Nas kweit worn of Interna.
tc. Pto7UDFOOT. K. C. ft C. [LAYS, J. F
(UAKLEy(i/tit1tO1V, L. It IIA'1t•
RIRTI IL attorneys. ,ollniL'r, etc., ,1„tic• Money to Mod at Iowa[ ratan.
s citor, eetnmlw,lonrr. notar7 pobbr.
Hamlltsn atzret, Oodoriok Ont -
insurance.. Loans. Etc.
IbG /0 th PR.'VATE FUNDS T(t
e'A Ma. ApnIv an 01 (1. t' �!N-
f: .t. Harrt.(ee. Hamlitun ..trot, tindenrh.
ww INsUlteNcE Aries: r.
F1117 AAD Llor'(inKo: Witten, Carnelian and
A' l' 101107 SIC*)laaa AND 0.411`1.0t RNA' LIANII.
ITr : The (nese Abilene and Onaranlor.
'or,oeauoln�t LImIIM. of Inndoe. Kelt.
FIu'IJT, *Nm ldv*a..' TSR 11010: The U. s.
Fidelity and Itinerante, company.
4MIee at r111,14•1100. northeast corner of Vic.
and Rt- David's stte•et& 'Chloe 1;1(.
el and accident insurance. Agent for lending
mutual and stock ram1'anlee. insntai r in all
lin.. eiraated ns on beview sad at lowest teen..
4 a11 at eleq wee,s.ts Street awe Sgmore
or address .1. W. i4IUIIL, tiodor(eh, (ML
Isle .hone st
TMu)wuaY, SgPTYlauart to, lt1W 3
Xews of the Sistriet.
hinter Nichol has sold his form on put doubled. The !nestlings( of the old
the 1st line of Morris Pi Win. If. firm, Andrew ,and George Stewart and
Fraser, ot that township, for $II,0I71, D. J. McCall , will rotten' in charge
Mr. Nichol is truing to Oalifornia. of the mill.
Miss Emma Keys. of Crrdltun, wan Blyth Man Dropped Dead.
o the
'rt 1 n "uosda
marc tat London 1
Y' Kdward Littlefair, x highly respected
7th inst., Its They willd. C. silt n M of citizen of Blyth, drugged dead on the
first city. 11x1111 in Mout- street in Toronto 041 Saturday. the. llIJ
ford' inst. - He was visiting his suns and at -
1:, W. French, principal of Kelt To-
runto high schu0l, who wan at one
time on the staff of the Clinton Col-
legiate Inetitnte, has leen appointed
principal of a high school at Tampa,
The relent of the sudden death of
J. O. I:jmigh, of Blyth, which was
current last week. is happily false,
as Mr. Enligh is enjoying his usual
good health.
1 )r. James 01111 Mrs. 13utcharl and
children, who have been spending
their furlough at Dr. Butchart's par-
ental home 111 Stanley, have left on
their return to Chin►. They sail its
J. N. Nethery bar sold hie Iisnaere hart(, Rev: Jawed Awdr. of Harull-
[arm on lot 111 0[ the:Ind - concession ton. tied the knot, Assisted by Rev. J1.
Curly, of f.undoahorti . Mies Mary
Brogden, of iondesioto', pleyr(Ithe
welding; nla11h.
tending the exhibition. His reulaine
were brought to Blyth for interment.
tirceasetl, who was sixty -live years of
age, was a native of Morrie and a car -
hcuter by trade. He Iasurvived by
is wife and a family of grown-up
children. MIs, Neil Taylor. of Morris,
is one of the daughters.
Hallett Nuptials.
An event its which many Huron
people were interested took place at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Win. MCC0IlI, 401
Ifullet1, on \Vedneeday, the 8th inst.,
when their second daughter, Lillian
M., who was formerly on the staff of
the Wingham Business College, was
united to J. Lloyd Awdr, of Wing -
of Morrie to Henry Matberr. whose
farm adjoins it, for a consideration of
&easy Mr. Netheryy is looking for a
farm nearer 13ruwels.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Galbraith, of A Shocking Affair.
the Pith cVICeseton of fiowirk, are John Welsh, electrician, of Ilru•• 111.
mourning the death of their son. hs'l a narrow escape lest week. lee
Harold. Deceased, who was fifteen took in his Mull a wire which he eel,
years of age, had heel suffering from sidered dead but which, owing to Ihr
heart trouble for suave months. dampness of the evening. proved to lie
John Kemp Campbell, of Rahway, heavily charged, and he fell un -
N. ,L.-Jternterly_ proprietor of The
Hettsatt Aserre•r, baa - entsrwil the
ranks of the iwuedicte. The lady of
his choice is Miss Hattie May Croft,
of Brooklyn.
SU HA N C k (' U. -Form and belated
town property Insured.
tMlrrm-J. R. McLean. Peer... Klppen
T. Fraser Vtoe•I'ros., Itu.,earld
rn1'. O
Thos. C flats. Ser. Treat., :towforth 1'. 1)
Directors -w nt. Chesney. Mentors h ; John
t: Grieve, Wln,hmt+.p1'; Ornrrr pale. Seefhtlh;
.Inhn 110nnewrl., Dublin; Janes Evans, Ipsrh-
worrl: John NAIL 1(arl'u'k; The.. Poo -ere
inieetle d ; John 11. Mr LI nu. Klemm ; .J .
('nnnolby, Clinton.
J. 14, Yen. Holme.ville. agent for 'West
Huron. Policy-heklera can pity amis.tnrnta
arid get their cards reel luted at Tozer t
Browns. Clinton. or at 1a. H. 4'utt'e err 17.
Marston street. lioderich.
*arsiate Lucenses
Watchmaker, Jeweller and Optician.
Ismer of Marriage License.
• • . Asa Bosoms, t:utis ic*. Ont.
James litre Nichol. a former Myth
boy, died of typhoid fever in Fort Seaforth's Centenarian.
%Villiata on Sunday. the :itIt fort. De-
ceased, who wits its his twenty-fifth Thus. Darwin, of SeaJortlb, cele -
year, was a ern of David Nichol, of brace d his our -hundredth birthday on
lot J) of the Itlh concession of Hitt. Menday of last perk. In spite of hie
tett. weight of years Mr. Darwin ie enjoy -
O, J. 4 o)ittire, L), S., of Lethbridge, ing remarkably good health and
Alta., ion ot A. J. Courtier, of ineutal activity. Itis a great source
ILoluiteville, was married in Lawr. of joy M hien w have been able to
conscious to the gnlund. N'ortimati•
ly his, wife was_ withL.hiO3 111 en
deavoring to putt her hti bmstd-
rhe received an interne. •hock, but 111
recovering she pluckily knocked the
wire out of Nis !rand with it RUek 114,41
he was with difficulty restored to life.
as many native horn girl 111111 their
way 1110 the le • hiewleaa life ,If
vier. And all to lite. ,the packet.' of
wealthy trafficker. to women.
Two eo11lperatively poor women
have recently sent in each $.', lite our
to Rev. 'Ih•, l%atmen, ' lite other le
Hee. Ur.ESheAqrer, president ;told 414.1.1•-
tary respe•tivtely et the 1lot•al and
Ref.,' ni Council of Canada, which
has undertaken the laudably and di111-
cult task ail' 11(1011.g this Mutable traf-
'nide Conned is i1l,•nleionti1alheed.
land in l':Ouula, l lie ;llrtht diet Church
iti 1 mails, the Ptrtbyugt'uul Church
its (',4011,,, the Baleist Church its ('au-
eda, Ilse 1,'uugregatiu1al Church its
Canada, the '1'1x11+•. 0(411 Labor Coli-
ma -At of ('utt(Wu, the. 1uunlHiun
Grange and Farmers: Arswcittimi. and
the Salvation Arno .
-Are then, nut couutlrse 1(114.1'
M0111011, rte well as nom, throughout
Commie. w'hu w .1:41 enlewnt it u p1ivi
loge to h:(,4' a similar shale its Ibis
luuu4ne and '11 -needed Ivork: II
so, 11 14411( may I, -.Hit lo,.11101 will be
duly acknowledged by, like treasurer.
Hen. v Moyle, i(4 the meet..•tt4'y. Item,
1)'. Shearer, either 0? 44)400. may he
addle•, ,'d at 1 . 1'0nfrdt•ratLon bile
Ituldiuii, TWuptu. Thew geutle111 11,
trod those assn-i114d with thew, are
duet; Ville work ens iIll% without'te-
St. Isidore; N. It, tiepteuilier I:{t le
1lpeeiali. In .1 • few couviu, we.
t%0..I4 Mr. Lez•ar•• ti, Duclos, 01 'il.
(.4d.11'.'. N. 13., tells tin' story u( hes
aufTt•riugrand aule.equent restitution
u.e t.( Dtptde Kidney
"I write three bay wind.," nays Jlr
i tn,14 A, ''La lel you know that 1 mu
slid guile well. 1lieu(11 it is eo Lst;
neo that Ih1ld's Kidney 1'111, rated
1111. Mine was .1 4••104' 44 lame tee k
brought on lluough Lidney 11uub14',
and 1 suffered tel r111y, for I could not
stoop t1 .la•Ird Illy leek to tit) illy
work, Out lhahi's Kidney P1ltsslue
ale aid - *ad evade it hig!(fg.eatit:-
(:u'tol \' cure 0f a eery h.i41 s
encevillo, III., recently to Miss Irene lescorl bra vote f.* 11+P .LValtrul Laur-
Wiewell, of that place. Mr. and Mrs.
Couttire are vending their honey-
moon at the groom's old home.
The death of Mrs. Oean'ge Denomy.
n of the Matilde lineh which occurred
anent thee early settlers of that die-
trice. Deceased, who was about Two Seaforth Weddings."
seventy-five yeoreof age, it survived Two hymrno(al ,atre)JL't Werweren
by her husbtnd and a grown-up farm- feafeature of SrnfoM►4.'a Labor Day cele-
ily. bedtinn. The home of Mrs. 11'arwick
A happy .•vent occurred at the was the scene of the marriage of their
home of Joseph Sharron., of the Lake youngest daughter. Marion, to W. O.rond, Stephen. on Wednesday. the 1st Mather., of Lethbridge, Alta.
inst.., when his youngest daughter,
Adeline, was united in marriage Co
Norman Turnbull, of the Sautes (Inc.
Hay. Rev. S. A. ('arriere performed
the rere y in the presence of about
one hundred gu44(m.
ter bust October. Mr. Darwin was the
recipient of very many tangible felici-
n tel-
tationson his centenary ; one 'of the
Nt. pleasing was the presentation of
one hundred 1..'autiful I mipieta of
on rehay, the 7th 4Pinst., 701110a Hnwen, be am wary white robed
1 u
Thls well known and popular stand
oilman. patrons the brie merrier In shaving
hair mining, err... etc. (a4laa' atusintioains 3
�pr+csalty. (her ,killed hnnd+ empl"7.d.
Your ppawtorraje will he appreciated. 11 H.
BUk'BMSR, Pr07040(ew.
Shortly after the crremo y, which
was perforated by pee. F. 11. Larkin,
the happy cnuplh left for their West -
ori home. Miss Margaret Mnrr•.ay
and Alva Weetrolt plighted their
troth nl Ihr 111,111.0 of the !nide a site
Rev. .1. 1.. Stewart, a fanner junior ler. Mrs..(ienrge P. Canino. Hey. 1t.
pastor of the Ethel Metheiliet circuit, Rogers wits the officiating clergymen.
who is now a missionary in West Mr. and Mrs. \Vrhtcott will reside in
China, was married in London on tSe.dorth.
Wednesday. the let inst., to Miss Death of Harvey Davis, Clinton. •
Della Dunkin, of that city. Mr. and ThP death of Harvey Davie. the
Mrs. Stewart nt•e spending a few eldeat aro of Mr. and Mr„. Georg..
week.. in M(4akoka lefote leaving for I),pvi,, of Clinton. which occurred on
the (hie•nt' Friday, the aid lost , was n grievous
The fourteen -year -ofd daughter of shock to many in the eommuni/y.
hien Smith, of Crediton, 'net with a iters WWl hal 'ren confined to ied for
horrible accident on Sunday of Iaat ,t month, but his illit•ss did not
week. when the horse which she 14114. n('Nnnlr n HerinnN 1011.rt. until the Last
bringing from p*etlrre kirked her, , few Jaye. The end ca111P goiekly :
breaking off s large piece of her jaw- ' with a senile of greeting for an old
Irene. Happlly Mir Immedistela• IP ' friend Who eves enteiinir the roost he
came unconscious. She IA progri•asing passed peacefully Away. Mr: I)twis,
as well as could be expected. whn wee tbirlyninc years of age, PON
Mimi TeAkbe ham remigned her po+i- a native of Clinten. Ile hail 144.015 en•
lion as rlassicel teerber in the teen•! gaged in the livery business in the
forth Collegiate Institute to iterepso i town for some rears and had won the
position in Prime. Alpert. Her err• I este-111 of all with whom he rattle in
and general anrtloneer. (IMesi on South
['tercet, where he will be round at all time
whew not 'trying salsa. Terms rneeomahlr and
twat' ellbrt used to etre 7m1 ,at.lsf.ruon
Phone de
All braanites a trefAllr anon lel tn. Fai n
tabs*, litre sleek Alder. MAI '.tate and merchan
A tee ,ales made anywbe ce. n'Ht, for dales or
e.0 and talk 1t over with
Geo. Beckett,
Hamilton street. Goderich Ont.
Telephone No. 1o6
reser will probably le. Miss Carrie
Knight, a former pupil of the arhool,
who is teerhing school in Sarnia. A
substitule will he eec)red until Clu•iet-
inns, when Miss Knight's present en-
gagement "MN expire.
cnntaet. He is survived by lies pal
ente, flue sisters and one heroine -
Mee. Harry Mend' and Miss Bertha.
of Detroit ; Misses Bessie, May Anil
Mtrearer. amt Newsome, at home.
An Automobile Accident
Mrs. Louis Hildebrand. of Ailey
On Sunday, 3111 inset, \V. J. H •nry,.
Crnig, who was formerly MIRA Hilda of Kinesniine, met with 0n a,xident
Kocheni, daughter of }'rook Kocbcnl, I with his awtnnnbih' while returning
of %nrir.h, digiti in tit. Joseph's hos-
from a trip to tiosh•rjcb, toys, The Re
pita(. London, 11)1 Movtday, the (kik ttarter:, HP was areompe.ntrd by atm.
incl. Demeaned. whn whim only ewe ty Henry, Mise Jennie Herne, 1V d.•
years of Ng.•, leaves, three little chit- ,p14.1mini Itenry nod \piss Sentt, rd (11•
dirt), the youngest about HVP Weeks t'Geary weer rn1)1 (1 up 11‘..hill
old. ThP internment took pltre et .,1 Ei;ht'en mot, Itiv.r. w'filrtn 1. t•rry
%mrieh. strep, whe•11 he (-wine 01(t1led. P.l.'.
iVillirm Diamond. who was for Iletin• and .iliac Henry gut out of the
many years riigaged in the (neat tneai- car, the nth, Hl i,•nraininl in, 1111.
1)es0 in 1Vingham, diel of typhoid! Henry then slot 1eo1II) )....k 11.1441) the
fever et Cobalt last week. (beveaasd. I hill to mike another inn at 1'. tioutr-
who was fifty -Aix year,. of age, w414 thing went wrong a1),I tllr ;oil •1n•.Iu11
a son of the late John 1)!a -'shot over the ( went y•1*'r•finete1)1;11,k-
nlonil and elth. Diamead. of Hlurvale, I mint. Mies S(' ,11 and Wilh,hnilia
Besides him willow and his aged Henry' jnnnprel, Iambi); 0I1 the lout,
1,101 her he leaves 11 fitfully of threw but Ili.Henry **u'. 14)1.11 ,w1)1• (01111
0)1110 mid two daughtete: the ear, which i•ended right side up in
The home -ad -Mr, and 111ra. John the river bed. In the Hight he w ns
Hntrhart, of Stanley, was the. mrene of thm.en thrvnsh air air and !andel
a quiet wedding on 1\'ednPsday, the heavily on his ahmdder and side, 'Th,•
Imt inst., when their daughter. Agnes former is 1e:ally bruised and two of his
C., heroine the -bride of lle,ls•rl ('roll I rills are broken 11im escape haul
Legg, of Lyons. Ont. The Ceremony
WAN perfnrned by ltev. W. O. Charl-
death is rrrtemily IC,nisark. He was
amsieted to a nearby tw0ldlwe and
tau, of Hillrburg, lint., assisted by I brought home on Monday, and hr is
the bride's brother, Rev. F. D. Butch- doing ne well as can he expected. Itis
art, nt Cleveland. condition while not serious Meyer hint
A joyous company nt ninety guest" pabnfuily bruised a Id sore and he will
including friends trot..(ioderich,' have to lay up for a trw weeks. The
Exeter and Walton, assembled at the
home of Mr. and Mis. Robert Worlds,
of i.limville en Wednesday the lith
automobile du, not fare an bully after
its frightful plunge. One hind tire
was punctured, the top damaged and
inst., on lhr auNpicinns (*melon of the gI*so front broken. it wee pulled
the marriage off their daughter, up 011 the road and it ant found the
Berths Blanche. to (`hnrlPm Richard !! engine and tilechaniem were 111 goer(
Down. of Rlimville. The ceremony1 shape. They brought it to town un
was performed nt high noon by Rep. Tuesday. Mr, Henry is resting easily
I1. %Vattern. Mies Sarah Down, of nt present and he and his family ere
1,nndnn. Meter of the ggnat', was tha11kful that (milers are 110 rmtre
bridesmaid and the bridle's brother, serious.
Lewis Woods. was lest man.
One of the fl,st residents of Wing. To Be Afraid Is the Greatest Mis-
ham, in the person of Alex. Dodds.
entered into his rest on Friday, the
sed Inst., at. the ripe age of eighty-one
Years. Deceit -Ned had panned several
yearn in the Western Staten, Mit had
returned to Wingliam to pans his de-
clining years with his daughter. His
mite iving children are John, of Sen -
forth: .lames, of Flint, Mich.;
Thoma., of Mitchell; William. of
Wingham : Mrs. 0, Johntton, of Mon-
tana: Mee. Cao.cls, of California;
Mrs. Drew, of Toronto, and Mrs. ,las.
M)Manns, of Wingham.
Trophies Wrested from the Crusaders
Found to the Sudan.
Among the trophies of arms display -
'ed on the wall. of Windsor cattle
one of the most hteresting of the long
series is a group of weapotls and artnor
Sind to Queen Victoria by Lord -Kitch-
ener after tbe LN,ugola campaign on
the upper Nile In istxi.
The trophy consists of a coat of
chain mall, a number of spears and a
long cross hilted sword. On tbe
strth let steel blade of the sword there
la on inecr)ption in odd fashioned let-
ters: "No me saques sts raxon. No me
cntralnes sin honor.'
The words are Spanish, but the same
motto was Inscribed un sword blades
In the days of chivalry In most of the
iam tlages of Europe. 1ts meshing Is
the knightly rule fur all who bel the
sword: to nut draw we without
sun. 10 not sheathe Inc without bon
The weapon Ras takeq (rota the
:abandoned camp of Wad Wsharia, the
dcrclsti"geucral, after Me battle of
lin fir (Sept. ^'t,. (Kea. now came n
blade with such a motto to t* found
In a Muslim blvouac to tbe heart ot
the Sudan?
The presence of these crusader
swords In the Sudan Is not so difficult
to explain. In the thirteenth century
the'Mohammedan caliphs of Erupt not
only carried un successful wars
agniti t the crusaders in Syria. de-
stroying the last vestiges of the Latin
kincdom of Jerusalem. but also de -
tented two nttempts of the Europeans
to invade Egypt itself, one of them
--14'11 by lit. !,rola of France.
L°normees quantities of western
nrmo and warlike equipments must
hive thus passed Into the possession
of the Mohammedan conquerors. -
Chamber's' Journal.
Miss Miry Wilkinson, one of the
most respected resident(' of Wingham.
who had been s •uIerer from rheuma-
tism for R(uoP t1me, died suddenly on
Saturday, the II It loaf. )Mime Wilkin
M111, who WW1 ei%ty.Fight yearn 4.'f
ape, wits a• na11le o1 quieter, hut
had been engaged in the drewmaking
Want ed I in Wingham for over hlry-
Fight y.a7N. the 4440 a devoted' mem•
her of the Wingham Methodist
church. 111e is survived by three sis-
ters and one brother and her Meer,
Miss Margaret, Tihla, whn ham made
her home with her fence childhood.
A Business Change at Seafnrth.
The Ogilvie (company ham amintmed
an intermit in the Seaforth Minims
KERNIGNAy Ccomprany, which is hereafter to he
eondocted as the Seat.'th MillingR
BenmiIler, a levator will be enlarged and the reit
1 Am prepared to hue all
kinds of grain at MrOaw on
Wednesday, Thurwley and
Friday of each week tinting
the season. Highest mAIkr-,
pettpaid and full weight.
guarani Ped.
J. N.
Company, Llndte•d 7'11P m ill
There are two kinds of merchants
that are developed Ity store Mlv.rsiiy,
One is the man who is intimidated
bpromptly when "Fortltnn" rein% A few
lows upon his head. Ire I- the tiler.
chant- whose fleet thought, under the
stress of unestisfaetory Mosinee.. ie to
"save" the money he would usually
emend for navel -timing. 'That impulse,
if acted neon, endo his career ai a
merchant - is his self-initicliel death
sent ener. The outer sort of merrhnnt,
when "hit hard" by discourogntg eon-
ditioes, plans how he may n0nble hie
adverttsing -them efleetnalh' "hitting
hark." Ile is the sort of nein wren
creates and ennstr(lete-who htllldo
success out of any on tevials, tinder
any en vir/+nnhisitn
Al Appeal to Readers of The Signal
for Funds to Fight it.
Reader/. of The Vlgn:.l hive hn n, of
the heartless tr.fflc in Feting gin Is for
immoral 9411(1 .t0. rallied on ley
abandoned wretches wt 1w411 a, x,.,
who do not serophn to tram,• In virile-
14NA And weak hnn,aril, y. Ilon. E. W.
Mimi, of 4'hirag", h•'11.v,•a that (heir
, are not lee.. th.n I.i,lhn foreign girls
imported and wild into title tram.' an.
finally in the Unitwd States. and Cana -
Ida, atsi probably three or four tines
For Benefit of Women who
Suffer from Female MIs
Minneapolis, Miuu.-" 1 was a great
sufferer from female troubles which
caused a aeaklras
and broken down
cuuditboO of thesystem. I read so
much of a hat Lydia
E. Piukhaw's
etable Compound
had done -for other
suffering women I
fet sure it wuufd
help we, and 1 utust
say it did help we
wonderful)). MT
pains all left we, I
(,rem etrouge r, and within there mouths
1 etas a perfectly will wuwau.
" 1 want this letter made public to
show the benefit women may derive
from 14411a E. Piukh;iw's 1'egetahle
�'uutpuuud.''- Mrs. Jun:: ti. MOL11.aN,
5 S
111ecund St., North, Minneapolis,
Thousands of unsolicited and Feuu-
ine testimonials like the abort prove
the efficiency of Lydia E: Piukhaw's
,' L.IDlp$llrld 'shirt' is made
exclusively from roots and herbs.
tfulneu who suffer from those dis-
tressing ills peculiar to their sea should
tout lose sight of these faets ur doubt
the ability of Lydia E. I'inkham's
Vegetable Compound to restore their
1f you want speck') advice write
to Dirt. Pinkbam, at l.ynit, Muss.
confidential. Fur .O yours she
has been helping sick women lie
thio way,' tree 4.1' charge. Don't
hesitate - write at once.
A girt doesn't like to 1.' called a Ii1',
w111•sn ,1110 1011'1•
tine tv:.y to break a drought is to
get un 11 Sunday school picnic.
1f a nein keine,' all about you and is
still your friend, he'll do to 1!.• 111.
.tinny n, wan thinks he is lestili4.1 in
larking the bout un the sea of Ina(. b
The.gtost enjoyable fe`►turns of 41
vacation are in looking forward to it
and b,u'k to it.
An Infantile Habit That Sometimes
Sticks and Breeds Trouble.
Once in awhile a rare stammering•
case fomes to the laburatory where
there's nothing the matter with the
child -the. (natter Is with his dear
tuntotna. In IOD:, Dr. Witmer examin-
ed n boy of twelve who talked baby
talk -a bright,'alert .youneeter. to all
•Ippearinces normal. But nobody could
dente/atand n word be uttered -except
Mamma:- she understood It all per -
feet iy. "t-sw-ow--ay" was to her
ear "1 want to go out to play" as
plain as anything could he. It was her
tender custom to reply likewise, and
she took pride In the thought that she•
bad never allowed her Willie to asso-
ciate with the children on the block.
She bad encouraged him to be ber
baby and "kept him from growing up
too soon" by prattling to him.
Except for his unintelligible lan-
guage, the examination did not reveal
a defect, physical or mental, in the
boy, and Dr. Witmer was forced to
the conclnsfoo that the trouble Ly in
the persistence of an tn'tanttle habit of
articulation tor which Ole mother was
solely responsible. Through Rent/ -
mentality and overindulgence "she had
almost ruined his chances for n use-
ful and possibly Nueee.sful Ilfe:'
(Psychological clinic, Marcie 19417.)
Months of painstaking, expert Inhor
bad to be ''v'pendrd npon him to break
up the habit his mother had carefully
developed, before he could even bells
to make himself understood icy any
one eiee.-Dr. Witmer of Yat. In (Min
Clure's Magazine.
They Help your Stomach Uut
And Save You a World of
A stnmaeh that cannot digest a good
meal is certainly 0 sure trial. It has
been responsible for almost everythiug
its the wad of human misery, up to
The trouble in most cases is tliat the
sto •lark and other digestive brgans
lack -Igor. Not enough of the uices
neeess. y to digestion are secreted, nor
,kit : ih • stuur:tch work up the food
The of it is that there is not
se icient nout4 bment taken out of the
God to restore the system's vigor, end
the trouble goes from bed to worse.
The stomach needs help.
"Little Digesters" meet the need
exactly, One "Little Digester" after
each meal will ensure perfect digestion.
provided, ot course, th.,t the room is
good and wholes,me.
"Little Digesters" are guaranteed
to mire indigestion; and I.lsyspepsia, air
our money wilt be refunded.
25C atyour druggist's, or by mail
(romthc Culei;i.m Medicine CD.,Toronto.
'PHONE 15 r)a 24
When yon want
T11N: 11E01'
(WareWarehouse /4 cr. t
Yanl+) 1 r.,, . )
a1 Hoek ' un
Mr Ail reset weighed on the utN,4.•i 4..l.•
where you get 2101 1b,, fora 1011.
'Phone 5O Da M ILLARCO . 'Phone 5(►
Dress Goods
Many new 1utri to hand1 lh1w week. incl,1a numb, ol111.'
l e•ngthe, in the• neweei weaves and .ell I lie bales/ sh ties,
Children's Wear
Our first large conwigntnent of Children's Weal is just to hand,
caking our stuck complete in ,111 lite•+.
lefanti Robes. in Cashmere and Bedford Cord. Infants' Bearskin Coats,
from $ each, infants' Carriage Rotes, in new styles Children's
Velvet Coats. in Brown, Cardinal, Navy, etc. Children's Head weal . one of
our specialties. Bootees, infants' Gaiters Leggings, Overalls, Knitted
Jackets. Wool Clouds and Children's Fir Sets.
Mitts hosiery
We have a 1• aupi,'le saN k of above gondo, its till 1 h best . ualit►ee
for ladies:, gents' end children's wear. l'errin's Cloves in kid and
l 4 brie,
'('his in • 01 aur heading depailments, w1,,', • are to be found all She
moot reliable 111,1. 'i lop When, gent and cllikllwu's wear. Turnbull■
Perfect N't'stoe and (',•.•tee• Underwear, l•nnanl's ' Vs tit( `Brand''
Underwear hie holier argil children, "'Diger Hinter 1'ndetwear for men.
For the Summer Toilet
We have in stock'all the leading Toilet Preparations.
American and French Perfumes.
Sachet 1'owders.
High-grade Soaps.
Face Powder; and Creams.
Any special nuke not 111 stn, k we can procure for you.
Bedford Block,
The Druggist.
Art. to ll- at 1'. 1', I.F:11;'11 11;14...•. 31oe
. Iwo .Ido of !femme. promptly 4110101 ...110.
its. _^
A Newspaper
Not An "Organ"
The man who wapta an open-minded ddscusdoa of
politica, the steady support of right, jnstice, and
decenccyy, without cant or bitterness, and an 13,9
judioed, common-sense treatment of public affairs,
will thoroughly enjoy the
Toronto Daily Star
• stpx is not US to any party or, any'"interela."
It has definite opinions of its own on political, social,
and moral questions -but it recognize. Use right of
others to hold exactly opposite opiteous without
necessarily being scoundrels or fit subjects for abuse.
The Star's editorials are broad-minded, onest, u
keen and clever as some of the best wrf'testin Canada
can make them, and always Fair.
The Star is published for fair-minded, WWII/est
people who take an active interest iu Canada nthe
World. Coas•queotly it Has More Rstadere Thins
Any Other paper la Ontario.
$1.50 A Year
M. mow reel the TORONTO DAIL r STAR to aNsi roe
a. Jeer, S2.20 Og•nnfssl Figaf.L. Paosivi4 foe 99..
a/dad h a`•N sale•r'iplien pease.
"BABY I •..i' )ivs',.Ilrb(ftarf,;tT
TO :MLLE' IN A /%.
'!i Iar
"'Whet' we visit other ladies I always kwew if they
are particular mother) L'ea'ns particular 'n,,,d„•rs
know ali sirest the se ybiltq sway oI a `LIMIJI e{;iisf.
" 11.e at(0101 ppm( to Il,e pont, I want to utak.. Lire.
" The 'pnn!pere Iriple•coned, inel, tempered steel.
lust anter 1 toGLai QN
"�'he hub+ on on wheels ars n1 ,with
abbey caps. .'
" 1 here's 00 (1•1111.0 (.1 n ratrhinu the hamlet tviten you
.trivr the ball round the house 111 s Gjr„'eg'2 N. II's
<.a•y to un.l..1(1140117' .040,1 ,,,,4fl,4rl iltsr1 •11 s tarkigleafilliellf.
Pere ler baby '•
Sold by 111t lIrnp, Las dealers.
Wrl'aio as If your dealer
.10e•e '1 ).trey [hent.
" Ctit4roa hlannfat:turing Co.
r�e� �w�• 111 1111',•) o "'v .01.0rowttu��.��t�!
J' : 1.4 .MiiLTIVkilfre itiE3S .i'
you esnynyed a ; eckage six months stn. REAR
Rut mus ore to EOIENr They etre delicious. h m
to -day. iIm rnvement In prowess, and materials hat
resulted In (rester (Tierra" finer (laver, • a ae
&Wi nee quality. They are ss a r to all. Tromp It. � D DAS
Make a test. Try theta my..: