The Signal, 1909-9-9, Page 5THE SIGNAL : cunb;lt!ell. ON T A l{lt> The Barrier lis ruliewt'd per to at* watching be asee[bl movement, and attewptlug with Ida free aad eery lisotenc e, to make frisadty mdoseces; but, seeing fast she reamed to WOW! Mtn, be be tame piqued and gnaw iaslOer- •lrote bare, *eta: yore a mighty pretty girt. I've bad sty eye oil yeti ever More 1 banded, and the wore I ne tar you the better 1 Like pots" -It isn't uereaeary W tell we that," she reytlud. "The price of sugar w11 be Just the ate." '.Yes, and you're luight, too.. be de ' dared` -Ohara what I tike to a wo- '.man good Woke and brains. 1 believe ' 1n etruna aletbuda and mortalght talk, fw moor of this aerenadtlg and moou- j light mush fur me. Whets 1 see • girl I like 1 go and Ret par. Ttaat'r me. 1 wake /tee like a maa ought lo," The girt laleted derisively to his face. I "Now, don't get more 1 Mean boot —Irons I'm no soft talking southerner wltb gold buttons and hlgbfalutln voile ays� Rex Beach COr ent4Mtlpt ntre.NARPtI A @ROTttt14S r "11. .bould have know' dat, too,' , I •told I'.f1,W1►. "Yrs," ebe dared up. "Ile knew 1 wait only an ludbu girl" • I ?be only color 10 (Wret'a free lay n ow In his l'hee►s, where the sun had put It, but he smiled at her We warm, eugagln; -smile and laid his great brown hand upuu her tthoulder auflly "I've look' Ili bees eye an' I'm al. ways riot. he's goow! 'nen. 1 dual' ur1,•r t'Ini he'll mak' fun of pope little tial„ -Lot be has, Puleon. That's Just what Ile hes dour." She earn". near to breaLillg duwu uud finished putbetieul ly, "they're tolling the story ou the street, se Ituuut1,u says." "1Nl'ss ems) ting for favi," br said "Itunjk,u she dou' spread no mere • tury lak' dao." 'l don't t•arr wtat they may. 1 waut the trUttf 1 went to know what he momism, what Ills' Intentions are. Ile swears he love* we, and Yet 'he her never asked tttaits Marrs Will, Ile her game too far. He ban made a fool of we to awUM4 himself, and acid 1 couldn't see It unitl today. Hr's laugh lug at we, Poieon; he's laughing at use bow! Ub, I can't bear !t:" The Frenchmen Idok up his wide bat from the coaster and placed It care. ' ways. I don't care tt you are a sou :le. 1'11 take you." "Don't talk to 1ne!" she cried In dis- gust, her vol,, hot with auger and re- sentment. But he coutlrntod. unbeeding: "Now, aft out these sirs and get duwu to -saes. 1 mean what 1 say. I 1st we roe've bean casting etisep's eyes at Bur- rell; Out, IoM. he wofldu't Wove you. so matter bow rirb you get! elf counte run acted careless In going idle alone with him, but I dont m w it :bey're saying arouM camp. for I've made little allpsa like that myself, anti we'd get along." "I'll have yen killed!" she hleete' tbrnugh her elite -heed teeth. ands- be' whole bods etbrated wIth pante* elm eau Pole,, and have 'him about yon.. She pointed to the raver bank • hundred yards away.. where the Lien dean was busy nswrting skins. But he uuly laughed tot her show if temper and shrulcl:wI kla 'boulders as be answered her roughly: "L'nderetaad ate. Pm on the aquaria so think It over and don't go up In the air like a nkyro;ket." Rhe cried 'ou't at hint "Go --go-go!" and finally be took np bit bundle, asp fag as he ifepped out elowlo: "All right! But I'ni coming back mild you'll bave to listen to me. 1 don't mind being called a squaw man Too're pretty near white. and you're good enough fur aur. I'll treat yos right. Why. 1'11 even marry you 0 you're dead wt nn 11. Sure;" She could 'car•ely hn'athe, but clocked bar feet inclination to call Potpie'. knowing that It,ueeded only ■ wool from tier to set that out brown savor 'at Itonni.w'i thrvwt. Other . thoughts began to crowd her brain mod to .tide her. 'rhe fellow's welds had 't' bawd her eun4clou•ness and done something for her that gentler means would not have accomplished. They hod opened her eyes to a thing that ehe had forgotten- a hideous thing that had reared Its fangs once hefnre to strike, but that her dreams of hap pinion had driven omit of her Eden. 411 at once ebe saw the wrong that had been done her and realized from oho. brute's Inentl that those early Oaten bad been well grounded. It stud• ilenoy occurred to her that In all the hours she bad 'pent with ber lover. In all those nnspeek•bly 'sweet and intimate horn., there had neler been one wary of marriage. Ile had Iunkcd Intel her eye. and rowed he could not I live wits t her, and yet he bad never, geld the words he should have .ald. the word,/ that would bind ber to him. • Ht. orms and i,le Ilps had comforted ber end stifled her fears; but, after all. he had merely made love. A cold fear crept over We girl. She recalled the old corporal's words of a few weeks 1 age, and her conversation with Stark nae bark to her. What if It were Rue - that which Blnnlun Implied? Whnt If he did not Intend to ask her, atter all? What 0 be had only hero amusing himself? She cried out sharp- ly at thts, and when floret staggered 10 t.enentb a great load of tklns he found her In a strange excitement. When he had finished his •crnaoting with the Indian and di/minted hem she turned an agitated face to the Frenchman "Poleoa," his said, "i'm In trouble. Oh, I'm to MAI awful trouble!" "it's dat RUnnlon! i seen 'im pass on de More vette I'm down below:" His brown knit 1n a black 'cowl, and his voce slid off • pitch In tone. "W'at be ay, eh?" "No, no; We not that. ole paid me 5 great 'ompllment." She 'enghed harob17. "Why, he asked me to marry him." The man betside her cursed at thWO, but •be continued. "Don't blame him for liking me. I'm tax only wo- man for 600 tulles around or I was Until this crowd came so bow could bio lwlp himself? No; he merely khotred me what a fool I've beeu." "1 Oleos you tetter tell me all 'bout die !'Ing," wild l'oleon gravely. "You know I'm 111 tam' reedy for help you. Nerla. W .n you wa. little feller an' Cot bust your finger you run to me gae,'k, as' 1 fee' it" "Yee, i know, deer Poleon," else as vented gratefully, "You've been • brother to me, and i newt you now more than I ever needed you before. i toot go to'father. He wouldn't ns- 'dentabg, or else be wonld understand too tnueb and spoil it all, tqa temper b iso gok'k. Don't t►Ink I'm unwomanly, Polron, for I'm not i may be foolish and faithful and too trusting, but I'm •0t anmaldenly. You see, I've never been Ilke other Idris. •nil he was no Boo, so different, he made me love him. lt'e pert of a snMle"e training, 1 allOpone. It was se sweet to be near him and to hear him tett of bimself and all the world he knows. 1 Jnst let myself drift. I'm afraid-- I'm afraid 1 Ilitetled too well and my mom heard nserw than ise said My bead M too full of books, you know." fully upon his head, but she stopteel 'him as In moved toward lite dour. for site read the meaning of tbe glare ifs h im eyes. "Watt till you uuderatand- walt, l mai! He basn't-dune anytbing yet. "Dat's de trouble. I'm goin' mak' 'itu do aomet'In'." "Nu, no 1t len't that. 11's these doubt," that ■rr Lining we. I'm not mare '- "I bear Malebo•.'• be said. "Deters no tam' fur wunlry r0lm• " t "1 tell you he way be hottest," obit declared. "ole fray wenn to mare, 1a, but I've got to know. That's why I came to you 'That's o hat you mast fed nut fur toe " "I'm good trader. Neecla," said the Canadian after a moment. "I'll mak' bargalo wit' you now. If he say yam We'll marry run 1 don' ask o1, more. but If be ay no you geeve 'lw to me. la It goy' Elbe hesitated, while he connoted wuslugty, ' 1 don' see how no man un alt die wort' eould let' you go," tbsu to her, -Visas, Is it barguio':" "Yea," she 43141. the lodlan blood speaking now, "blit you mutt learn the troth. There must he oo mistake. That would be terrible." "Dere 1.5:' guilt' be no hostel•'." "If he rhould refuse 1-1'11 marry some one quick. 1 won't be laughed at by this ramp 1 won't bea Joke. Oh, l'ok"m! I've given my -.elf to blot Just ss truly as If --well, he --be has taken my first kiss." Duret smote bis bands together at this and began to roll Ida head back wnrl from side to side as It in some great pain, but him lips were dry and lslle•1It. .tfter a moment the spell left bin1, the fire died down. leaving only ■ dumb agony In Its plaee. Rhe came dotter and continued: "I'll never let them point at me and say. There goes the squaw that --he threw nwnv.•" "Yon mak' dim very hard ('Ing for me," he 495,1 wenrlly. 11.• lulled himself together and went out with the tired galt of tut old wan, flim great shuck head bowed luw. ,t few moments later he returned. "1've sent 11.1' Jean fur 'inf. You get In dere out of sight -au' wail" CHAPTER X11. TavuLur Winn. LIEN Burrell entered be wast ed mu Uwe lu grectlugs, "I kuuw wby you scut fur Coe, Puleuu. I've heard the news, and 1 woukl have been up auy- how to cungratuate her very auuu. I call It pretty due." "Yes, dere's beefs Dreg strike all tleht, are Neela Is golfs' be riche gal." "1'w as pleased aa 1t the claim were wine, and you feel the salve way, of course." "You know me for good wan, eb? Ati' yon know I mu' try for bre'k up alar fellers' blsut'sse, never! Waal, 1'u; .'ane to you now lak wan good tutor bJcranjee. l'm ,gp.' b d Me on de min', an' you mua'u't get sure.'. "There's no danger, Poieon- Let's wk\e /t. If tbere la anything 1 can du y'ull `{ ray count tau me." • "W 1," he begun nervously, c'learlug his th at, "it's Ink dim. Dare's feller been cal a some 'bout semb, an' It min lice talk nelder." _.__-.'_ "Who b he?" exclaimed the soldier lu • lone (bat trade tele girl's heart leap. 'Ian fl! of the anew, , and you IMtrrit tar no longs r " "lat en," stir went on, self with pity and seorT: "Yon say father Barnum will he here on Sun. day. well, I'll marry 'tome one. 1 don't care whu" Tben, with a sadden Inspiration, she cried. "I'11 marry you. Yon snld 1 ronld Tip a wife to yon Ile uttered n sharp cry. "You mean slat. Xrcln?" "Yes" .he declarer]. "Why mitt 1"nu'Il do It for my peke, won't you?" Wnnld you *tan' np wit' me 'long. dde of de pries', loyln' dat oder fellet ell de tam'?" he *ekedgweerty. "Yes, yea! I'd rather It was you than anybody, but married 1'll be oe Sunday. t'll (sever let them lane/at me." Iroret bold himulledce for a moment: then be looked np and said In level tones' o "it's Ry Oleg for go an' ask 'Im, but yew mum' hear hers nnewer colt' en your own earls; dyou t•an't !'Ink I'm 'yin'. i'll fetch 'Im 'ere on der place If yon feet It for hide yotese't behln' dos. post" Ile Indicated a bundle of fur' that were nape.nded *pints a p15- lar sod that offered ample room fat roncealmeet "Dere'e goon' be no ilea today." mm a •ee o you w a a say; den we'll talk tout fees: lm ptalute•e. lie ray dare's Joke down on Stark's .:eloreu dot N.''ia trate la mak' fool of lirw''t on you ate dat you alit' care for marry het'," "Runnlon!" cried Burrell ana•started for the door. "I'11 settle with WIq1 now for tale:" But !Odeon blocker bb way upd, observing bin' gravely, con- tluulT1u u lobe that the other could not disregard' nor mistake: 'No, m'sieu. Itefore you pass on dat place you'll tol' me !f It's• true." " r.' the h• "Tru lieutenant retorted. an- grily. " yowl? What buslnees is It of yos? This commis lot ` "AD'we lout Ow w':,t you, call gill, deeu for ','cls 1111 John Gale come back•, ate I'm broader of tier too. -You prowls' Jus' uuw• you duu''get mad, am' 1 don' say stir's Itunnion welder w'at splk duce tine. H's eremore dan 'lm leen tel55,'. Is I1 true?" 1154 sterunes' offeuded Burrell, fpr the soldier was nut the kind to die cuss 514 affairs In this way; therefore We drew bark,ss.'owfing. ••l'ulenu Don't," be saki, "It's not one's email"... who du him Injury; It's his d-- 11 foul friends. I have learn- ed to regard you blgbllm y, 'cau.e you are u brace 10311 and an buneest one, but It seems that you are a sentimeutal Itllut." "stew 14 tough word," buret replied. "lout dare's reason w'y 1 can't tak' tau tau madue.r. You say I'm bones'. Waal, I'm hones' uuw, an' 1 come to you wit' fair words, an' I show my hat' to you- I dou' bol' out no cards, tai elan' -but I dun' ('ink It 5s you who have play square •Itogcder. e.l'm Ne- ela's hien', nn' 1'11 fight fur her Jus' so queet'ker tali you, but I mus know dim ring fur Are, so 1f you have de gom1 heart an' de courage of good man you'll tell me de truth. iW you have the ft'elin' for worry un her?' ;muse that The ;muse followed was awk- ward Tor both of thew. while the girl, who stool concealed near by, held het breath and buried her nails In her patine. Wby did he hesitate? Would be ',ever speak? "I am amazed at myself for llsteulig to you," he said at last, "mad quite shocked, In fact, at my unsweriug your questions, but perhaps I'd better. after a11. First, however, let rue say that tbe little girl 1s Just as pure now as abe was before site knew Inc.'. Polson threw up his hand. W 5 ale data more closet to de Insult dan w'at you calf me Jus'- now• You dos' aced for lspoke,lt." "You're right. There's nu need to tell you that As for "bowing her cer- teln attentldnt-well, I admit that 1 have, as you know; but. thank Uod, 1 ran say I've been a gentleman and all doomed her ne 1 would the fairest lady I've known." ".lei you mean for marry, ebr probed tbe other. "i dki not say so," Burrell declared nt last, •'11'a a thing 1 can't discuss, lecnune I doubt It you could under- stand what i would may. Tbla itfe of yours In different from mine, and 11 "wised tie nsele.s for me to explain the 't'etmuon why I cannot marry her. Leav- ing coot all question of my sentiment, there p neurmouttable obetaclee ato such a uto But, as to this tails, 1 n"l think that catao�et.oppld without an. impute. to her, tavy.as for the test, ur we cot trust to Ume 'w. bring about a proper adjustment" -- A low. diseordnnt sound of 1.. • Wet nrrested his words, and, turning, he Swint Nw•standing revealed In the dimness. "',Chet an nmueing person you are!" she said. 'Tye had hard work hold - lee In all this time while you were tor - ting yrntr mind and twisting the hnnret. English tang -nage out of shape and meaning. 1 knew I should have to laugh sooner or later. Teat's your Dixie chivalry, I suppose. Well, Pre played with yon long enough, ideu- tenant Burrell. I'm tired of the game, and you Interest me no longer." "Yon you say you've been playing with we!" stammered the man. The bottom of things 'teemed suddenly to slide from under him. ile wee like one sinking In some hideous quagmire. Ile felt ne If he were choking. "Why, of comer," she cried scorn- fully, 'Jost as ynn took me up for amusement. Yon were each s fine, well dressed, lmmacnlate mound of . nneett that I couldn't resist the temp - Ion, tnrk,n, and ynn MO your condescension Ito poorly that 1 thought yeti olrght to be taken down a no. I koew 1 wits a egllaw•, but 1 wanted to sot if 1 wore not like other woun'u, utter all, 111/41 11 you were not IMO other men." She was fall'log rapidly ttuw, almost shrilly, fur she had never attempted to Uri before, while he Wood dazed and spe'ec'hless, fuwbliug at ails throw! while she railed 3t t4,n. "You needn't waste liwe debeling'wbeater 1'wgoodgu "bough fur you, because 1'w el not -s "idedly l'w not your kind, :old you are a Joke to we." Ile uttered au IuaMtculate cry, but she ran tau unhet'tltug, tint• eyes wide and gluwlug like coals, her lips chalk white. "You ret•, it's 4ueh fa,llstlfsess anyhow, for I'm to Is• tuarrled on Sunday." "You nre golug to be married?' he muttered !abortwl.V "Yes, to l'ulitou. Wby, that's been' understood for yeul-s." 115' 'whirled mom the .t'unadlan lu n fury, Raid his word. curve hot and to bllu;; s "D -don'[ binute him!"cried 141 gi: hysterically. "It Is all my doleg. 11 If' d tau part In it." "Yes." said .Muret lu a rentrtlim .I b',•, "die uii no work alt tulne'." "1'. "ere a liar!" breathed the Is Itteid,U,,_ now fairly Wild w1111 :•1 : Leaf th-ANk e'+er I4M,wl haw +:.lature'1 1•. 1 wren the eves u11) mantleIx. move. .'•\Palau;" he crawl, '•1'm Ilrin' t'urty wear an' ower bok no mon' auk' dat 1jeft r..,, but dare's r.•psun here w'y. 1 . 'mn't mink' 110 answer." ••Why, .you aren't really nugry, jleu temaut'' moc'ke'd Stria. "Ire only tin )all..• et un Ignorant halt breed girl tvh• se' Renee of humor is all nut of ,e;r:•.. You muslu't quarrel over -..• Even people who -are usually healthy occasionally require some kind of a food tonic. Fer- rovim, that excellent combi- nation of beef, iron and sherry wine, if taken when the sys- tem is run down from over- work • or a slight cold, will prevent a more serious illness Ferro\' iul gives strength tu emr- valescents and all thin -blooded Uwe { stoplwd plupke. S1 f e ► a bottle net JVIENTNOL z PLASTER CURES every tort 05 Muscular vein. such e. Sciatica, stitches. l -r,, k., Twichule of the Muscles. Lumbago and Headache. Don't throw away Mowry for worthless Imitations, by un• scrupulous meters, Get the genuine. Each ;twice :se. in en sal-tirbt t,o bus. 1 raid rolli.uu. !14,214 uiuu r(cl,pt all puc1, tar Simple fur St. CC WC GUARANIInst they will retitle ;alts 123(515 dims auy other plaster. r1A 1•4s & I.A$a1i Vi li io., Moats -fill. ".111' dab's de cud of It all," be mused. "Flee year I've wait -an' jhs' for ills " Meade Iiiurill never knew how be gained his quarters, but when he 51:,,1 dune sal he locked the dour behind bice, loosed then ld his hold un things mate- rial. Ho raged about the room like a 1'Ild,lutllttal and vented his spite oU every Itsutwn food ute thing that lay withi faire taunted tilts i;O.. a baited Woe, for ods tblug was getting le•yoed her ruut1,1, and the manage instincts of'the 51lldcrnss pwere uppermost. "You are quite right," be replied. "1 u n very foolish, and the laugh le with yore." Ills lips tried to frame n smile, but failed. Ile bowed low and turuin;;, walker) out. The moment be was gone she cried breut bless ly !amen. Aa yotTilr ' gfilkftNT teat' dully the tact (bat she was to marry :Mother, but gradually this thought in turn took. Iwsseswtou of him. She would be sons one else's wife In two days'.. The thought drove the lover fruntte, nod he felt that madness lay that wrty if be, dWelt on 'such fancies for lung. As he grew calmer his reason began to dissect ale serve that had taken plate in the stone, mid he wouderld ty lits to him. after all. No doubt' elle tied been en- gaged to the French an and had al- w'ny4 planned to wedI'ol•on, for that was 1 5 nue of re:5O,m. She mighte' ,• , I '' .• >., ls out wctllevoumly to !'mar beseK with Woo but ut the 1-Dt>�ef uo of thein rapturous hours j1C4 Aad spent together he declared Mild tint 1(bc had loved hlw,.and him ttiak- Chary ivatlnct toAlba shuttled. Mat she loved him In spite of her nt Osmet pdtefaUou,, A Wan Came with pts supper, -but he vaned to hint to Ixguur. '''Wen are those wbo behave that In passing from daylight to darktleas a subtle tetanal- Oun u�ceum aklu to the cbauge from pedtive to negative In un electrical torrent and that this intangible, un- traceable atmospheric IUtlueuce eferts a definite psychical effect upon then and their modes ,,f tbougltt. , Be this as It may, It is certain that ae the night grew darker the lieutenant's tomes changed. ate tort his fierce an- ger at the girl, and reasoned that he oWeed It to her to net hhgself right in e b- r\\eyes; that hl alt Native to her be might t o prove ht4 own sincerity. To be rnannies!. got to do it now:" "Olio you Ieuu,dnt for sure?" he Bald, "t<an't you see there's nothing else for it, after:this? 1'11 show hint that ho tool Mate we 1t toy to salt IALw .C17e r •' u- Ielloe. -I've .told him 1 would mart, v„n . n Sinelay, aced 1'll3b It or die. Of lour -e you anti love w , Ytir you don't oleoku.w, wli'`vei:5, riinppwie. lloic - -04.4 -Or- gan to catch her`l.i'('alh aurid roughing soba that sholk`�lter sleuder body, though they, left be�r,even _dry and te- terish. "t -1'w veri'-,unhappy'. b -but 151 I4• a good -wife to you. Oh, ['oleo'', if you only guew"-- lie drew n lune breath: When he .p1,1.• hlv *(lee hn?1 the timbre of Burne soft lc !Stayed Instrument, and`it tremor run Ihro •h his Word,, -No! 1 ou' know w'at kit' of love 14 1114, for ure. De kin' of lode 1 Many•t man bre noble minis -bol it is the hits tbut count, Beware of the stranger who display" a friendly interest in yin ; the chances are he luta art axe to grind. '1', enible4 t e to all uten ; boot are a (hove who are twoking for them will have the largest share. It. will generally be found that (hose who are most active in their f atll-find ing are nowt in need m of self-refor, tar ..01111 SOStl wows4 21S nee(IS 1C11 111111,4•,1/1 1101111C11111.0 M •IDmeans a 14(45 DNII C(M WeQ4MULID roe CMC.erraa. CyC.Lsr3.rooraur el4yt 55 e Snare, NIle eYwtadity '1aROCATIOM' 1 "7'it•c perri.1'hc ;ra dar or tiisw know Is de kin' I slag 'bout In my •:,r:rrt+. 1 Woo.. RI's different breed to your", nu' 1'n1 begin to see It non' live nowhere but ou deur songs of wine. ller,o s long rani I waste here now - the yenr-bat tnrnorrow I go again l' looklu' for tiown countree." "Poieon." she cried, looking up with startled 41754, root tomorrow,. but Sim - day! We will go together." lie shook his head. "Tomorrow, Neecla!• An' I go alone." "Then you won't -marry me?" she asked In it hushed and frightened voile. "No! 1 reA''s soot Ohm can't .1.) evert for yon, Necln; dere's wan ting 1 can't moor, doe). a'all-Jus' Wan on all Ile w.orl'..._icao't 1f111 de 11T..god kvlt.- de bow an' artier. He's all dat mak' de situ shin,', de birds sent an' de lenves w''Isper t.. the; Id's de wan li'I' feller w'at arils' lelife w'orl'.,1i1 i�,' en'keep Inns',' In my will. If i k.'el 'im dote nln' no 1111,1'1 ICC Ink It. all' I'm •*i ver gofer' 1* say- Ilei -lets-.rese/eytt nor . 'ng nor hutch no more. I'm t'inkin' w1f1:1,1 rider ring gong, to 'Im all alone lenient' de staro 5'•4 5 . rely campfire nu ik wit' 'in In in/ bark engem) darn, eo In' w•It' run • M floe Imuwe-an' let 'Ian get ' an' dlr." „'hoot 1 lids him I'd marry a -that 1 bad always ion'nded to. Ibo- 1 o- Ileve 1 w•n. I7 1'15:." she moanrvl In d 1 rets,. , "Oat's too bad, bol die !'Ing nth' no do'n's Wit' 'ono Ik•rr'e wan t'ing In ills • wort' nim lire forever, :re,' &Wit Ince, if we I:i'I Ian den ti's party p'onr piney for stopple In, I'm ens oR my for help y. u, Senn, lint t can't De hnshnn' to no women In ton." Pigeon walled patiently mull her porosyl00 of mobbing had passed, then td her and led hermit tllmngh door • bark der Into the rummer day, en which his hour n@o lied bt'.o bright WI WI • promlaing and I now 'n gray end doom*, lir followed her with his eyes 1n(1l else dlsalpp,'lred beside' the keg bonne. When troubled with fall rashes, eczema, or any skin disease apply Zam-Buk! Surprising bow quickly it eases the %Marling andotinging! Quickly cures bruises. cuts, burns, and chating sores. Zam-Buk is made from pure herbal essences. No animal fats - no mineral potions. Finest healer I Picnic and Camping Let •11s fitryou out wit h the mot:billow' for yriiir almoner outing. We know ilea what you waiit and hal. the right steeds. vehether it le. only for an atter Wolin pitinie or for 1111/11th /I Canip ing. Kir the people who •dtay at 11 we Fresh Fr and Vegetables and everything litescerierr that he line ,d Sturdy ifc Co. THE (;ROORH.04. Phone t. -- West Side squ are Tifuwmsy, tit:+eraanttn 0. 'woo 6 tier •••••1111•••••111.11•••=1=1.1••• 1 11 W; Threshing Time the wife will likely require sotne extra Knives and! Forks \\ c have some real good values to show oat at $2.o0 per dozen of each.d Nai 11511 find us right tris .ill line~ elf 11ardlt';lrt', The Howell Hardware Co. Local Agent for Pandora Ranges. it ame � ■ I• TALCUM POWDERS 1Ve lave se large sortanent of nice' Talcums, the finest wanotfucture,l, and hat• thele in different odors : Nmdettco, Finset, ':ulriteo Hose, Nidrucu Flesh Taylor's ValleyV *ilei, \\'illiamli Coronation. All Otic _':m above at • a tin. Also Painter's (iarl`nd of Violeta, at ;tie a tin, \\ Also haw oheaper'falrtmts, from Itle tip, at F. J. !UT LAN©'S Goderich E THAT PLEASE;." Drug Store THE ST • *hten-- Up There are very few houses that don't contain some- thing that could be irnprovd in appearance by the use of Paint or Varnish. ' Ask your dealer for SHERw/N-WILLIAMS PAINTS AND YARN/SHES it'SM'i Made in Canada Iiim-fPazettCa MontnatloronkY1 For the Summer Toilet We have in stock all the leading Toilet Amencan and French Perfumes. Sachet Powders. High grade Soaps. Face Powders and Creams. Any special make not in stock we can procure for ou. • ggist Bedford Block, 11 Prince Rupert YOUR OPPORTUNITY 1 'It INCE 1W l'E lo.r iii ll o44 .1 (Irand Trunk l'iwifle Railway, de. ined to' become one of the greatest commercial and intimetrial rendre," . population or, this continent. No illy in its milking ever. preeented th the woi Id greater than Prince Rupert. f tive.itorm throttgliont 1 h.. 'nited Suttee rind Commie, men with foresight, keen discernmenfOttnl financial experienee, ate inventing and offers /mother oppot ti it y for making ti fort tine in Heat list ate, f• t• which the Pacifie coast retie hate been the worob.r the world. The one best wny, the one sore W • for all to shire 'in the rapidly in- eieening Values, and participate in the wealth eertnin to he moil,. in ,iore Rupert, 1/1 through mei...tine an the- shares of Tin,: PRINt niTpEirr HEAL ESTATE INVES ENT Co.. L'flt, omen's"' to inveanieni in Prince Itupert rent ...date. pon the salmi plan (hit hem created ell veal ...tate for-ton/ie. Vim me. live tight where you are, Mato* yotir presient Wit, and your limy will pile up month after month and year after year.. e offer to inv toi 4 4( tioniber 011 441inres (tn.( 111 pany at par *Kiwi per sligre. payable 111 per rent. Anil 10 per eent. monthly, or /1 411(14.311111 0 per cent. for cash. The man who 54 'done aintohnoe well evted propett y may hi., ...goyim% tondo the elenerie of thin corn ny ehnte pro litismees end the inertmeing value of it. really holding lo (he 41114(11 inveator who desire/4 something e than Ploi ""folY '1,01'41014i" hnal:f117: indorsement. of the beet Inteinese intermit," in thelNorthweet. flest hank The ce Rupert Real Estate Investment Co., l td., 410 lom Bak ttIoll.,1,.,:Vencotiver, H. C.