The Signal, 1909-8-12, Page 66 7lica►oAV At'b•r WIC 11
Si Ilan•,. a roam d •.are Ci foci her
.Jnternatronal JYewsnaner THE a els art:t . to Woo brr on his Unmet,
•e rd o� ,.1 Lim for he Irul lived long
aMrt from women, and the solitude of
_Ribk Study Club > th. night seemed to mock him. He
� R � `� BARRIEIt �.�attOpg mea, .nd in Ills .clue
0 1 ATI01 \ 1 Ina tit blood of wayward forbears
Sug.feste•ir (h,r•h,is nn the lnternah,en.t! Sunday &hoe! Lessons, Prepare
'lt � who were w'oat t0 possess that which
h>, Kr¢-. Dr. L ru, 1t, Brantford c j they conquelW 1a tbe lista of love,
By Rex Beach
PRENT mingled witL which was the blood u
D Dirtied awed n w I eIy who ban On
itoo, tread iu arcunLw.e. Niel the l °tor4rha Art,i . ,.r, 1t1.1111. 17U., by Harper &* aecaslon loyal not Wisely, according t0
Sunday, August se. t9oq Pads Thud Missionary Journeys - Ephesus. _.. - _ w
Kentucky ruwor, but only too welt
i( ontun,o,i 4 ,���, r�.e.•' Nevertheless they were honest wen
By y� Lydia P.Pink ham's Veg
etable Compound
11tu u
. 111. want
what Lydia i. Pinkllanl. t'cgethle
, Compound did tar nw. 1 tots so.4
that two of the best doctors iu
said 1 ttonhl dies if 1 dill not have :u
opefatiou, 1 bat
a needy'` bad tel
operations, 't is el
thev warded nu t,
go Through a iio.
one. 1 Aufl''d day
and night from Ito
damnationand a
small tumor, and
lever thought ed
Seeing a Nell day
aga&n. A Meted
told tui' hoe' Lyydia
F.. 1'iukhands
etat,le 4'' Lit u okd had helped her, and
I tried it, ail after the third bottle
was run•d." Mra.At.vt xA5IEnLINN,
11 fan;,edoll .Street, Chicago, 111.
hone or iu your place of reap uyment
until an operation is necessary. but
buitd up the frmtuine system, and re -
Move the cause of... these distressing
aches aril minis by taking ,Lydia E.
Pin kllaw's Vegetable Compound, trade
from roote :rod herbs.
For thirty years it has been tliestau-
dard remedy for fernalr ills, and hu
vol restored the hcaltI, of thou.
I. •,son, Acts o%iii.: _':t to xis.: '_'.l, actually the reeourileed children of
' holden Test. The mime of. the (top it On:soiwe'
ford ,b•.us en, magnified. Acis \\'hat proportion of present-day
vii.: li. l'hri-tiers have preset ieally the eaide
•lrice 1 t
P a a�':.•1,'e "Gillett' ,x •tlece as (IrsN twelve diseiplea
1 11t, system . es-r�hiJ in lIie'alt llad when
lid wrt then) •
oark as it is le sn' ''•'fid 1'msi4es. % 1. the 11,4 Spirit, Its spoken of in
k ' Air any so strong that we v81111144 lhie'Ie'asotb genet -idly received et a1•
••.1rong1 h, 1,iiig" from the anhs,vturnt to conversion %
4 4o'rrs'c11144 rxllcri,o * of olh,er.. lull , If it is now the privilege of every
1 4Ottr.any., so,w'eAl. that �we-ttl+ty-ni4 Christian to receive the Huly, S frit
.ri ni,then tithe: s'' - - • ' - and to walk in Ilion thereafter, how
. .
Veto's . _I•.11t • \\ hat is the win' alit • Ile be received
'4 III wltvlge urrrs u'y' in mister ,bat t�'as the gilt of tongues and pr4pbe.
1 one ivay be a true ehild of iaid' Hying then, or is it no*, a me,4•esleary
B mit '-are the. oil iiiutnns qualities arr'0apeninient of the baptism of the
e se4ti+tl to become adorachrr of the. Holy `spirit % (Wee 1. ('or, 1'.: 4-11 i
' ti.u•(u•t . '.11. :OIL
,11 h:tt giw,d WM-lilies for a ',rewire 1s there anything necessarily Mi-
Ibmanis an Apollo-. pusses,'.- plied in l'eech'ing the Holy Spirit,
f What did -the baptism of John" in- either than the constant realizati
xetnttr,--, i,d- what dol•--itobtak.u1'_fell- 111481 (till theells in es, to keep its holy
�-o, led t 'Irietianity :• • to guide' us in all 1Iiegs, :Ind to give
.,14L1011 pwrrentagi.' of ptesent•day lir 1)eees4ary' power and wisduul to
pre:tellers' will exceed Allison -kw .ilii, r ort•)' 1011 Oohs purposees ennerrninlr
1hei1 zees' sold ability.. 1's, in their 1r'
Verse!! Why ought:. or ought nor
the pulpit now,•** Paul did then, to "dis- I
ute' or argue and bring convicting
wraith coiilpetling - meen's reasons by
powerful evidence of the truths of Chris 1
ttanity, and not be content, with simple'
declamation as is now o common ?
• This question must be answered in writ- i
m by members of the club
\.'Ib*•s tt-1S Apart from the Mir -
Hellions tower that PAW had what
was the seoiet of his sireess ? I
\'*.ii, .,. 13-17 -Why do sum*' today
sato so women%' to lave ser
with displacements, iutiatnmatimt; u4
ccration, fibroid tumors. irregularities,
pee:echo 4.aths, Iwo. kae'Iwv, lwarisig dewrit,
furling, flatulency, indigestion, dint'
Wes. or nervous .prostration. Why
don't you try it?
I 1 :l
Fresh Water Sea Voyage
Palatial Steamships
5 Sup.erb Scenery
• �IFaultless Cruising
, hinderer
''1,4454 sit kno vied,;1•, i. r., personal
ex l4'riencl,of 1 'hrul'4 tiosrw,l %
nything less than a lural of (lewd.
w,mld Mohave 40Iuuit.LNd to teluhiug
1 (1410 a layman and his wife'
Verse. •3'. Shoold l.tvw*'ii awe -the
reit noire frequently to help preaehe't•e
whom they know, who are going to
other Lawns %
'Vers*:'s -1Vhy is -it tl:tt (io.l has
conditioned all human paogtro.4 anti
1 be (iuspe!, upon the Teal, ability' and
1: Heine*. of 11105e Who ;alrr:lily enjoy
its ienefits %
('hip xix.: 1.7 --Were these t welve
t•et sons whom Paul imntd at Ephesus
114, lied rl,u'. 11 *I .• - 1111,4, for
Isle Subject `w enie ; 1;, 1,1%e air olei+
t,a(tstlbte chorea f u• her She would
1 as be
,` Moh
,clew as ung
and. t
It rate
:•arid to talk of his sister, lu ger wide
teditatr r el 41 toe uraduw. or a gr-dt
.nvoleeei longing. 11e told her of his
atber. the crotchety old euldk,r whoa'
.bsurl- sense of duty and w41wu elub-
tate southern courtesy had become u
.ywerd in the 'mutts ile told her
tuus'huld tales that were prized like
.loves of the Burrell plate. beautiful
relrltowy of seutlweut that Wark the
suitor of il;;b blooded houses, follow -
wine!' there war much to recount
.4 lite Mendes,, from the admiral who
'ought as a boy la the bay of Tripoli
iuwn to the t•oualu who was at An -
talons, the while his Ilsteuer hung
Is w, a eerily, r
1t nl bun her mind so
j, 4iaII e
lu14k Ili pursuit of his that It spurred
aim unron'e4_oL'Ly, ger great, dark
'yes tart Closed lit 'heat laughter' or
a We. with wonder, and In them a1•
ways tfie w'armiL 'oT -t1iF' teaptng Siw'
;Wit. blended with tbe trust of a new-
smen vieglual love.
Then be began to tangh &neatly.
"What Is It r"she !aid curiously,
"Oh, n.Rhiag! 1 was just Wondering
what my straitlaced ancestors would
say If they could see me mow."
••W -hat do you mean?" the girl asked
"1 don't care." he went on, unheed-
ing her gneation. "They did worse,, .-hr :intake,
lir leaned forward to draw. ger to
"Worse things! But we are doing
nothing bad," said No -la, holdingblm
off. '•'there's no wrung In loving." •
'Of course nob" he assured her.
,I nm preuel 101 it, aloe declared. "1t
is the lines! Ihltig, the greatest thing,
trot has ever comlltitwiny tire. Wily,
y . an't hold it. I want to sing
It to the Mars and l'y it out to the
❑'hole wand Don't yen?" •
ardty think, we'd'ketter 'dyer -
dee." he swirl dryly. �- -
'Why not?"
•ale rf able recursion of ours, Would
"I el tn't see any cinema against . 1
bare often tnken trips . with rotor's
4 1.1 leen gone with him for days and
11: t'.A( a time."
'But you were not a woman then.
tee raid softly.
•!•Not, a,t mall .tachy. that's true.
+!tste tNwe;-Is.w--l--43i ,grcwr--all of a
endde•n' And yet I'm lust the same as
t oreoenest,-,.i y. and ill always be
Ile same, Just 1 aIle little. Please
'1 4't ever let me be a bIi tame. I
the power 1)f (ltd : ate they palxeseeel
with the devil
le'crser. Jx-_' Ones , conversion al-
waye imply 'restitution and the ioo.
„along of every evil way.
Sunday, August 22, tem -Paul's Third Missionary Journey --The Riot in Ephesus
Arts 111 • tel to eti • I. life tar ever sit good a cause when
4.oI,h n 'Next --Be said unto sol•, My 'he knows it will du no gond
grace is xuIHrient for thee, (or nly 1 Should a 1111111 ever refuse t'.) risk his
surng!h-i4 wade perfect in wevtkvess. Ilife for a g!sw1 cause, if by so doing, h"
2 o'or. 1' : u, 1neat conserve its interests 1, ge
Vi', , s' ', 1::'i .-'Ttoe= th.' -*nreesoini e ---What principles shnnid guide nein
hue, lttutwh_uf _truth ...Oboist's mean unl; rns ihe anso(Jdd.
, war with ie%il 4' ?!tw11ininr h Is nlivqkuysfIlri,t' caniier oeif hfiiIo
When the general welt -ore of the 'ity'
t'eople.45 injured by the businees of Ives Pauls list itupnlse ri -ht-to
the few, is it or not- Ore -ditty of thee; rush in aumng tfti1u*.wtry -crow '
.t ltetit snake such hit.ine•ss illegal' 1 When should we, and when should
s ,Can you give exiuuples where dike , we not, ire governed by the first luti-
hacclosedup injarriuus bushiest enter- , de
s ern. 4(2 -in the usual riot or glob,
prises.? •- ' what proportion of the crowd know
What in the general intlnrnee of what they are contending for'
Christianity upon business enter- \ arses :t;-34--\Vhat olid Alexander
'ho'r ) want 4u say to this mob?
Idea SIl'om"r (hntin', . un the
-Lobes', Ueo^giau Boy, or nm ,ug the
Thirty Thousand Islands,
Inforulation and tickets front all'
railway agents. •
H. H. Gildersleeve CJ H. Nicholson
Mgr., ('ullingwtxd Trani, algr,, Sarnia
r114 Nn TNUNk Rel, EAY
Farm Laborers'
$ I O going,
i LS final returning.
Choice of rl,ates either via Chicago.
Duluth: and Fort Freneee, oI
Toronto, ? olth Bay and C. P. R,
Mee nearest (!rand Trunk agent for
tickets and particulars regarding
transportation arrangements w.ewt
of 1Vinnipeg.
.arc 1''4v ,,lh" 1mr11 all- points.
Aug. 28th to Sept., .I Ith.
Par tiekets and full infnrhlntion
apply to
!town Ton'it Agent,
011e, e hoot.. 11.:81,t.n1. to 4.:11 p, M.
Ti, kets on Sale iron' Toronto.
tbe Scenic Route to
Croesin Lake Muskoka tit dela
Park and along the shore of bake
Joseph, sl(jr in nearly one hundred
bailee of wafer between. Toronto and
Tear' literature and full information.
about flaking and holiday rates
write Passenger 1h•pl., Torgtlo, Ont.
Wanted. Experienced Operators, on
Pants, Knickers-, Overalls. Constant
Etnpleyment the year round, HIGHEST
UNION WAGE PAID, piece work,
Taylor -Anderson -
Southgate Co., Limited,
•' Meld it worker for lied erase his
per•t•ol"s 1t11allw,W
If the1 sprv'sul of l'hristianity hurts
class ,,f internees turn, should we Maga
pen.atee theloserx%-
1f Dwuetrilie himself had lermlm' a
1'hrintiau. wanttl41 hats been iti his
business interest. the lune roil %
Can a 11)444) In, t .' and honorable
w11M protests, for iesNw'es re1taunx,
sgteat the application n( Christian
principles to) the coulwunttrd
Verses ,'r4:29 anuen sense or
reneon to there in . alt ei.vos a '
ang ryy individual or crowd
%Vhi'h ie generally the. ono
reasonable, if out insane, an angry
di veinal or an angry crewel %
IVa+ it the danger to their businee4s
or their religion. which most stirred
the anger of ,hes? people''
lebich intereet moe,r. irtffuenrrs the
average' man, his business lir his re-
1\'ho .very (Mine sad Ari.atarrhnn,
settee- _
Verses a 4.'11 ' Should a man risk his
lUiit`S UUILu18u BOOB.
Canadian Cities Are Going Ahead
in Construction Werk,
"l'o;,-tr,i,ti•,is,''_ the- urg.tal of the.
built/r11:4• tried, has just a=rwsl a re
vs .e .d the rteti.-tice fur the
111.041 04 JUL. 1'r0171 theft, app"ars
14.44 the-111,AMt1, Neo 044,1 of 15111:.•1:411
1,.4111- 41141 s.... •l'•crprees LxtulerJh,,
:,rely Mgr, t,. role:les were attained
tel all ?cctn,0S of the i'0nrktrf;--"troll
the average uk•tea.e- for the '-Month,
MIN p.•r cent, as based 'vu the eunl-
t orat/i.,• figures supplied by -seven-
ioen lit the twenty cities reporting,
..*t.''ds- r w of rho. -big tic .=.v,. 4c.etU41
prole heretofore this year, and 1p
erotrabiy thee (t':Itest advance i'Ver
r• o urtte,l_11, the liuddii,g history' ut
-'btotmman-- Pwar cities - exceeded
tbe tau tullliun Mark, another had
viol. hall that uunrunt, and tell 4JJl-
tiuual places rvglstrred totals varying
nom one to six -hundr'd thousand
dollars; for• perwita. iseued .during the
11oi41p•p shoes the' lurgeot volume
„f new work uude•rtakee. 4ter total
te•neg $2,041,045, as against 3't)2,90)) for
the t,revitaro Jul(. Toi4'�u11to is seeuild
to 41ste n -1" e t and- Montrroti-arrl.
14 -•Ir figures being 42,011,543 acid 31, -
Tee, ill. order named, alt compared
441111 teteel (, and $559,972, for the ' kg Flits' oI 4 t41t year; the
r lath., 41.1116)., /0,411 three taw's bre
1-g 104 per 0e01., a per cent. and 41444
Jnr real. tr)4'444 1' 'rim L•,rggeat
4, ,a) n•cord,ed by • Muus"ja „ which
4,;1110,4 to the• er.14'of the wave w a
roan n ..1 1.0541 far cent.. The
si•eid lar'*•• -t increase for 1tie month
is noted iti the case of Hraudou. 1te.
parts from various centres through -
mit testatier-.. •mdieste plainly that
building op•ri* are going on at n
tremendous rate. In addition to To-
ronto's increase, Fort William re-
clnimed herself from her decrease of
;i per cent. in May, by a Rain of 94
per cent. Peterboro made an increase
of 119 Iter Cent., London 106, Berlin
56, and Hamilton 5 per cent. Wind-
sor's Atitaloduileettilert,toicir the moot
was 34,1.51,0, while the vaXiii- o -f kite
4wernlit. ail Part Arthur amounted to
717,64810. Fort William's aggregate to-
tal for the first. sea months of this
year, that of $2,talO,otl), is on,' -third
gain AR great as Phe recorded for the
whale nl IMO, and equally as good s
showing hast been made in several of
the other cities of ,the province.
• Why did the people cry down
exander 4'
I l an any titan reason correct y w . .
1 is blinded by religious prethodice• ? '
Vel ars :Li I I How do you estimate
the character of this town clerk
Are we 'Lader as much obligation to
I take good advice from a heathen or an.
, infidel as we are from a Christian ?
.This question must he answered in
writing by members of the club.)
1 AVM, was the goddess Diana sups
poeed to. be, and what did her wor-
rhi 1 stand for?
�watift -m;rer urro t pure. awl.
ple, or is there any ground for belief
that the image of the g oddes4 Diana
did full down front b?aven'
Is it ever Mise to act when under
influence. of finger lir pavilion ?
it e,ftku happen that one cool
ley •headed 11)'11) can disperse a /nob?
,tel' 31: 1- Do Christiane in
vs ..ehew the lore they hate
other as they Might %
. ('hi
one for a
114441 P,,,t..,
1:1: I-1';,
and women, If uversentlweutal, sad
had trauaudlled to bili, a heritage of
eldest -to and a high sense of honor and
ter love badplaced
rue. 1e bar-
w ' Memgreater1
rico hal ton th and more
lneurwouatuble than her blood.
Ile gently withdrew his fingers from
her grasp and, seeing the other side of
the wlcllup, covered himself over
Without disturbing her and fell asleep.
1t was early dawn when Neel c
a rept
to him.
"1 dreamed you had gone away," she
' said, alai firing violently and drawing
chase. "Oh, it was a terrible awaken-
.1 was too tired to dream," he said.
"$o 1 had to come and see H you
were really here."
Ile quickly rekindled the tire, and
they made a hasty breakfast. Before
. the warmth of the dela; sun had pen-
etrated the cold air they had climbed
the ridge and obtained a wondrous
view of broken country, the hills
alight with the morning rays, the vale
"ieys'tatity and mystical
"1 wish Stark was not ore of Lee's
party," be sold once. "Ile may unit -
understand aur teeing together this
"But when he learns that we love
each other that will explain every
"1 am not so sure. Ile doesn't know
'l iew ad I.ew and l'oleuu and your fa•
tber do. 1 think we had better say
uothlug at all about -you and me -to
t +ler rose,"
They clung to the divide for several
hours. then descended into the bed of
a stream, which they followed uutil tt
joined a larger one a couple of miles
below, and there, sheltered In n grove
of uhlspertug firs, they found Leer
catdu ueastling Ina narrow, forked val-
`- --There's no one here" ,said Meda
.i*teetully. "We've beat them 1n! We've
brat them In"'
They had been waiking rapidly since
dawii, and; although Burrell's watcb
abused 2 o'clock, *be refused to hall
for lunch, declaring that the othen
tnigenlier'rivea!-arty moment, so down
;bey went to the lower end of "No
('reek" tee's lt4•atlon, where Harrell
blazed a smooth spot on the duwo
etreain side of a tree and wrote there-
on at Necla's dictatkm. When he had
\finished she signed her name, and be
. Even people who are usually
healthy occasionally require
some kind of a food tonic. Fer-
rovim, that excellent Fombi-
natiun of beef, iron and sherry
wine, if taken when the sys-
tem is run down from over-
work or a slight cold, will
prevent a more serious illness_.
Ferrovim gives strength tocon-
valescents and all thin -blooded
people. $1.00 a bottle
dont w'nht- to be countemplace nod OE-
Cleary 1 want to bit natural -and,
(;•..d' o
w,e_men� •_r_`
be deg fired, mid there was more ten-
derize -es than humeri. In bls tune now
ow looked, tris 'lit him trustingly
Deal the %letter of bis arms. "It
wnnld .4.,p you t„ grow up."
"It la et.. good to be alive Bud to lure
you lite tills!" *be r•ontlnued dreamtlr,
st;lrlm; into the lire. "1 Perm to have
come mit of a gloomy bouse Into the
odjp_%C my
neer I esn't lea -'-half
Playing on the Beach,
Ilse )enutlfuls 1 want,to. tbere ahs so
_ ... iia 4' nt,e•gt n'e
'..,=-'-a--e' erre my Arm.," Inter)ecteel the
•, Idler 11:1aly in an effort to ward off
11 i not always easy to amuse Ler grossing serlouane,v
children at a simmer place where "1'te'neter been afraid of anything,
there ie only the leach to serve as a 4114 ye•t 1 (rel nit cafe lnslde them.
playground, therefore the gnwe of .''n't It queer's
' Sandpriper" is one well adapted to The jotter.: matt became conscious of
leieth the place and little people. Let t ca ter ett'ce,ulf.,rt and realized dimly
rhetn, play it in their (lathing- 1:1""r,
ra f„r boars mow tat had lazed dimly rli tn.
The children, all except two, form a 7'1°144'
slug word-7-7-441---car-e."4-
s and cadoobee a 10100'
look of sandpipers, hopping up and •hlga 1"'`::1114 had strtren wltb him to to
down the bench, while the remaining mord, a something that Instead of
two err the bnntpt*," who try to Lein: grew stronger the more utterly
ealeh the wary birds. They run after 4.1a'httl•w'ent maid yielded to hint. It
1b'ni, singing: sons n. ff h*' had ridden impulse with
"Yanelpipe'r, •wntlpiper, hopping nn -on^h spurs tna fierce desire to di. -
1 ole .at1d.
l'4,111.- -list its raMh- - _and-inhiIrr'e carr;tin voices and to the first
rnlrbnnd!"• cad clump had lost them, but now far
Then the hunters do their hest to 'HA" to1e4 them railing *gain more
r;4t,'il t.,w-b LIt.Lht_sanilpipe•ry,wbr\.en.a ,r, II !4 "trrLmoment A mar's bon.
rnught, lxrnrnr hnntprg In (belt• turn,---rt'-.-11"--".0%?.
r ff told' tiny turd feebly, bot ks
Thr only way a sandpiper can escape "t4-1111 is (,.r:l`teet- it was the talk
being captured is to hop on one leg, 1t,;:u lila 14444 41e-,Ihnt hod raised tide
411111 so long as he i5 gt:indingp thus, he4 tecaetr,wl and lmteclsJoo, be thought,
Is site; but let himT•gt,' h run and %oh,- had be ever started ICI
is *g1(4n pre)' fol the "Witt hunter', •
\1'omnn'a Iltime Companion for ..rbc 4), (elota port of it oil," core
i•soss t. !^moil the girl. tete that ft will never
•, d. 1 know 1 shall love you always.
HF Reiterated, loo )e4) 544141414,1*' 1 am really dlffereot
A Lnmlon js,urnalstays that a lively room other glr4.?"
dia%»steleniniN re torile piece in It low„ "CrPrythtn- hr >»tfferent toofgbt--the
council in the north of England. one ' !mit. world," be declared Im(tatlently,
think led to another, till our of the "1'4a had a big handicap." she sail,
disputants gay*' another the lie direct, '11111 you mu• t help roe to overcome It
The ieisnlle,l party rushed forward.. 1 le Ilke your sister."
and the pair elineheel. Al that ile -owe and piled more Wood upon
moment the first man exclaimed, "I the ere. What pnsiwestieel the girl! it
1. il''t atetllat You .aro wliaa;4"_ '4
.,.1 oneshmenl of e y I.1 y o n e ,ht tt :trill,. fi iiTie Tibi w -each eb6elftg jolt
:tggrirtrd patty let go his hold. "Oh,
well," he said "hi
rase. ►
the accept
1 apology. {'t n man says he
'Anent PM, that is nil any. ge1)tlentln
1,:111 44rdt.' Ole did not under ,And Why
the tryst -end -ere laughed, Int the fight
waw riff.
Sir Wilfrid a Book•$oyer.
Never ie Sir Wilfrid Lturier happier
than when allowed to .lend a few nn -
interrupted hmurR in his library. He
is an industrious ,railer, but he never
JMeks ,at anything thrashy or
*Osmanli, Sit. 1Viltrid's lamer•y Is
not as large en that set m y public
hien, bet the vnl11un•. are rotnpre-
hensivr and hear eyidenee of frequent
ron.ultalion. He reippletnent, it 1iy
works of reference from the 1 Psrlia-
mentary library. Nothing worries
Sir Wilfrid; lief. always the embodi-
ment of 4on1hine and good humor.
Should any disappointment arl.e he
simply smiles, and with impterturh-
441)4e .erenity remarks to his wife,
"Never mind ; it will he all tight.
There in - no cause for worry," -
Montreal tiet-sid,
of hie armor, nee If she bad realleed her
writ ,
rl and had .art .
I etrout be awakening
t a k*'ning
tf hie "miie'Ier1,'e deliberately rind with
a enuttnus wiednm beyond her years.
Well, she bud dime It, and he swore to
him, II Then he melted at the sight
of her, crmp•hed there against the
shadow., following his every more -
trent with her soul to her eves, the
tenderfeet treee of a smile neon lief
When Phe beheld him ga:.Ino at her
she-rillt'il her head sideways daintily,
ill:1 a little bird.
an rhltc , my(-Wb-ata-lie`da-ritIRS- id
it nnrre-
44rr ensile flnshe,l up 14 If 111umtnted
t"' the leaping ghee, and he renamed
ltd. kir, kneeling beside her
He pled lip I great sweet 'wonted
1 urh of springy honghn and fashioned
lar a pillow nit of a bundle et smaller
noes, around whlrh he n'rnppd h14
kink! coat; then he remotest her hlgh
la od boots and, taking her tlny fret,
see In the pnl1n of either hand, boweey
hie head over them and (lased 010
nit 11 a Rens. of her grartnns purity
(count Hlekof --yye lww,tifuf heiress sad his non Inwnrthine.s. 11. spm*
neared ma to death when Phe asked if one of the hlg grey blenketro over her
1 had anything to hide from ze world. *ad tucked her In, while she sighed In
hike Nodough- Monsipnr was delightful Languor, looking np *t him
alarmed ? Count Hickoff Tetriblq ! all the time.
1 thoughtehe had seen see *oiled shirt
beneath op big \\'indoor tie, ryv alt Nw I44reiYd. 1^,e tar awhile..
he said. "1 want to stroke a bit"
A Good oehool,
The l'entral Iinedness College of
St rat is aeknuwledged to he one of
the heat *Phewtl* of it. kind in the
t'rovinre. It has three different
depsrtnent.: OommereIal, • short-
hand And telegraphy. Those wishing
to seenrr prldttona in the r torner-19l
world should write the College. (or its
free cat*4oWgue. The tall term colleen
on September 1st,
"(U aft Acre tend'-- you for oohele," he
witnessed It, then paced off 440 steps.
where be squared a spruce tea, which
she marked:
i,oser center end stake of No. 1 below
d,ecovery, NECIA GALE, Locator.
"Now you stake tbe one below
mine," she said. "It's Just as good and
maybe better. Nobody can tell." Bur
Ile shook his head.
"I'm not going to *take anything,"
said be.
'"You must!" abe cried qulckty, tee
sparkle dying from bar eyes, "Yon
said you would, or I never wonld have
brought you."
"I merely old 1 world come with
you " be corrected. "I slid not promise
to take up a claim, for 1 don't thLak I
ought to do so. If 1 were a civilian It
would be different, tint tills 1s govern-
, mem land, end I am a part of the gov-
ernmeut, as it were. Then, too, in ad-
dlttuu to the question of my right to
do ft, there wuukd be the certainty of
making enemies of your people, old
'No Creek' and the rest, sod i can't
afford that now,"
All arguments and pleading :were In
vain, Ile remained obdurate and ln•
nested on her locating two other claims
for herself, one on each or the smaller
creeks where they came together above
the house.
"Hut nobody ever stakes more than
one claim on a gulch," obJected the
girl. "It's a custom of the miners."
"Then we'll end each one of these
branches s different and separate
creek," he sa
Id, "The old wan
a carded
down on. or those smaller streams,
and we won't oak* any chances on
wbkb Ola It was,"
To be oontlnne,l.
fully Appreciated.
Raymond, age five, returned from
Sunday school in a ,state or evident
excitement. He strutted around the
room ss if shout to Muret with impor-
tance. The sympathetic eye of hi*
mother was not slow to observe this.
"What's the matter.--iisymond?"
she reeked.
Oh, mother," exclaimed the small
boy, hie eyes sparkling, "the nuperin-
CUR*.>; errqq eon of Mweul.r pain,
such a Sciatica. Stitcher, Crocks, T..,
Twichutt ail oho Muse es, Lumbago.
sad Neada*M. Dost throw away'
ascowy for worthies. Widestto.s a* un-
scrupulous oaken. fag W s iW
Karts pucker Ile. is 11 air -tight lig
two. 1 Yard roll Situ Mailed upon
receipt u1 once, or sample tut k.
lei Casa&NTU tot they will 141eeve
Dasa mulct. thaw say kahe, plater.
DAVIS a 1.484 XENCE Cu , Montreal.
tendeot said romethinII awful Meer
about me in his prayer this istorning,"
"%'bat olid he say 4
• Ile rid, 'Ott, Led, we thrush 'har,
for food and Raymund.' "- W arpaa'al
How. IL
Not a Medicine
Kellogg'. Toasted Corn
Flakes is nota"medicine"
- molt's a dainty, whole-
some table delicacy
with a palatable flavor
that cans for mammon,.
But -it has all the re -
medical - value of the
good, old-fashioned
"cures" your mother used
togive you -it's Nature's
Own Food -Purified.
It is because of Kellogg's
"Secret" that Touted
Corn Flake Eaters are a
happy, healthy people.
Try i ryourself-and be
,.ilia It'e
10C. • Ilt.A'` DUNLOP 1
r(, r 1 The TAJor West St.
A II �` CI' =�� �=r=�
We 'beg tee announce W our pat'
tone that we have removed to new
premises on
next Morrish k Snyder's Grocery,
where oar customers will find as
reeady watt al i der. fur
In workmanlike manna,
at Closest prices.
W. R. Pinder
'Phone 155. '
When made by
FUNERAL outwore*
t'urulture and Usete taklug:warerooms,
West wide lipaare.
PHONIC: Ptore1a. Ooderlch
Itarfdeure 478
Nicht trllw: At r/+IArnre, 1v Wllllwm
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Oran carefully rtteu•A to el all
boon. elaba or day
and all Kindred Diseases.
etANt'FAtT1'Itgtt BY
Augusta Mary MacLeod,
Sala Patentee,
PHONE 15 OR 24
Warebou•a, ('4.. we.,
W��a want ( and Yard. '4 (.trest and
Taf,atter at hock Surat•
isr An ('oal weighed on the market scala
! where yon get 4" lbs, fora ton.
Hardware Mot
(bleu len ate•, r. bee '9 Hard
ewe reset aeaare, piom eu ) attended to.
Farm Laborers
BERTA and Saskatchewan.
SPECIALOOiNO Q Additional for the Return Ticket
EXCURSIONS$10 TRIP ;18 under conditions n.* below.
Aug. 19
Aug. 23
Aug. 27
Prom Stations north of line of G. T. R. Toreinto to Sar
ni and Pac. a, Calf. ac. Stations on and west of Toronto -Sud-
bury line,
From Toronto and all C. P. It. Stations west In Ontario
on and south of main line of Brand Trunk Ry., Tannin
to Sarnia, and all Stations In Ontario on M. (. R•, P. 14.
and T., H. et R, Rye.
Prom Station. Toronto and east, including Sharbot Lake
and Kingston, and all Station's in °otari ! west of Ren-
frew, Med Stations on C.O. re B. of Q. Ryse and 8tatione
0n . a P. south of Renfrew.
From all Stations Toronto and west, including 8rstioll•
on C.P.R. Toronto to Sudbury.
$• 10 From all Stations eastsitToronto In Ontario.
One -Way Second Class Tickets will he sol to Winnipeg only.
Representative (firmer*, appointed by Manitoba, Saskatchewan And
Alberto I.11Oelnmente, will meet and engage laborers on arrival at
%V e n n ipeg,
Free t.ran.porrtetion will be furnished at Winnipeg to point., nn Can.
Par. where Lawn -ens are needed, omit of Moose Jaw, indulin{(
hrenchee, and at one cent a mile each way west thereof in Saakatrh-
ewan and Alberta.
A eertitieat.. is fnrni*hal with each ticket, and thin certiflcatr when
executed hy farmer, showing that, laborer has worked thirty days
or More, will be honored from that point for a aecondclaia ticket
bark to ,.tatting point in Ontario, et •io.'lp, prior to Nov. 311th,
Tickets are good only on special Farm 1Abarerei trains and will he
Issued to women ow well as to men, hest will not bre lensed at half
f ire to children.
Foe full particulars nee JOR. KiDD, C.P.R. agont, or
write R. L. THONP4ON, D,P,A.. C.P.R., TORONTO)