The Signal, 1909-7-22, Page 8THURSDAY, JULY 22, 1
I)r. Dougall will be in hie own
at North street Methodist Chum. aot
S b►y. Snbjecl for nolriling. "{W
Mauler I'asiion," Sybjrct torevew )
" lLdhwt sous." The evening s rev.
will have special reference to yowl
teen, anal therefore should Ile of fool
than usual interval to thew. Re.t
cuurtesy will be giwwn to vinitot's. '
During, the absence of itrv, Jas, 1
Anderson on his holidays his pnlpi
will he ulppliellas (allows: On Jul
27th, by Rev. Archibald MCVfcar, i
A.. late Of Atm-, .1s1 ; on t •• oaf let, b
_ 1,.1, $L•,alJnit:
1{.•v: Johrl.-\Iter.
1.11,1 011 Aup;11-1 . I
inations of the Tan onto l'orlettvas
of Music and the necessarily
gr proportion of candidates who
1 to Goan• • “party," every year wit -
l..< -ass an increased number who de-
ter a to batt the Conservatory prn-
'rl, once judgment on their talent and
progress in musical art. l'he follow-
er/et list cowprieea those who were
Eprepared for the examinations by A.
. Cook, of Otderich, bis entire exsu-
YAittolfetus with one exception bring
successful, and wavy obtaining bon.
Primary Piano, --Honors, Florence
8luith, (lodericb. Pies., Olive Me-
Phr•'.. Goderich.
l',.tot. B. A , of I
tic lu►nu b., .ul Ihtlb :. ~,.toga 1.111.
Baptist. church Wedueselay e.,uitlgC.
They arrived at noun Ir, 111 Kilt
cit liii •, where they have Leld tw•u
weeks of very successful services.
The are bring 110 Id in the
Baptist church each evening (ezrept
Sxluldnyl, commencing at. ,i o'clock
with at fifteen -minute s"nK service.
The luale quartette awl Wilfrid
IV right, soloist, sing at t•nch service.
A hearty invitation in given tc all,
regardless of creed, to particil•4I(• nn
the special etlult being put forth,
The servie,'a on Sunday will toe at
I and 7 'u . I el, and in all probability
there will be a i pedal service for men
in the al(emoon. the time and the
place of which will be duly annou cud.
The 1,urknow 1.,.0 I,tII team will
play tiodieneh tomorrow (Friday', at
the Agriculturalgrvunde._.. Gator. to be
c tiled at 0 p. u1. 'Chis will he an rx-
hibiliou game and the. return match
will be May...1 the following week.
The standing of the •runs in the
Hutson -Perth League at present is ea
folloWs :
-Il:tut Loaf '1'u l'hty Aii.rtee
(intim ich 0 1 7.. .S..7
Clinton 2 :t 7 . ,400
Htyth :{ 4 .375
X11itrhaII . Y_._.1 if _3
Thr games in the League which
e0nt'etn iltalerich which aur yet to !.r
played are s, follow
Aug. 1 --Mitchell at Goderich.
.• 17- Clinton at (itgterirh.
:11! litdrticllal4'hol(nrt.
Sept. rI-Blyth at Oodetirb.
tiodt't•tch at Mitchell. Atte-Nem.
The team u• Goderirh leais practising a
\ 71
int 'n/ti to4 turn the defeat .11 Blyth
into victory for the rest of the way.
Lawn Bowling.
The lindet•irh lawn bowling cloth
\ has derided to hold a tournament, that
,opening day hong 'I'tionlmy, Angost
nth. llandsorur pet's, are being.
s cured, and it le expected t -targe
n1 Inkier of clubs will he here to take
{la t in the competit•
A the Seaforth bowling tonne.,
men last week 1).. Hunter's rink
camel i second place in the trophy
match, detesting Best of Seafurth m
the sect ad round anti McCurdy. ni
Stratfo in the .elni•fln-(la. In the
Mae ltie Ile, Hunt sea+ defeated- t'V
Tayplor, rig Clinton, •111 to 1:. J. 1..
Rifleman's rink went -do -an in the ilt•vt
round of a corn:A.liun match de-
feated by Prr..uf Duitav'ii ;and,'.
A. Itnn1ba11' rink • lost in the third
round 445 Ste moon, of London. Tie
Goderich play were as follows : W.
Lane. '1. Alelteomult, 1•..J. Rutland,
1)r. limiter, ski . R. (:. Reynolds. .1.
Kidd, F. If. 1101 fes, J. I.. Killoran.
J. nunbolt, skip. The menthes, of
1)r. Hunter's rink on as their prises
est -glass water pile ere. . -
Twenty-two Successful Candidates in
This inspectorate.
-Che following is a list of the gut
vs.-sful candidates at the pre l ,tic school
grattlitinn examination. There were
thirty-nine candidates weiti g and
twenty-tw lot these obtained he re-
quired percentage. The spellin and
*trotting were valued at al t rite
each and the other subjects hart 1011
(narks for each paper. The s
•nark was :ail. The highest' mar .
obtained in each subject were as fu
lows :
Algebra and (isometry - Elsie
Gainer, 1Gl,
Eleu,entary -S c i e n e e -- E I m o r.r
• Trueninrt•, 111). •
•- 4'.
---ngh.h I l4Nrrposit ion - Misefo-eiP
Guinan. Be).
Writing -- May l',uneron,
Gainer, 41i,
131ok•keeping - Elmore Trurutnet
Geography --Elmore Truetimer, 7;
Arithrnrtic and Jlensured
Spelling - Win. O. Robinson, 47.
__English 1 •teeat tire 'Penn P 1, uwat.,
English Grammar -Wm. O. Monis
ty(. - - - ----
Art.-Jdargaret D. Lamont, 18). .
'1>triouros I'(' 111.1/' (4('tllg)L.
Elsie (la' •it01)
Klmore Tenet 78,7
Marjorie Guinan. 1101
Frank Guinan 5t,7
Beryl Hill M
140141.11 1.1'1.1.11' S1'10g11„\-
11,0)0 Faust......... •-
..... 41
--- LeeHintfntan 5u4
RRNNA LI, ('1•ItLIC (45'11004
Alex. Stnith ' • 5111
Atilt FIF.Lp.
R. No. 2 -Eileen SullivanMO
1;r -'feria ('owan- •510)
Mildred Luing Itgt
()unveil Mathison5::1
Fred Iter 1 552
Wm. 1). I Munn7:12
o11111' lel ont 7434
rgnr,stf t1Y1
tt'. tv ANO,'IL
May 'aulerno\021
ara.1. Swylh:Ci(a
int A • r 7(18
to. Iton yr..... :578
nn .let -mon. :1111
wit H1dfpft1
est mob
f the
R. 11. No.
0 .rh
1:) -On
11 -ion
May Cowan...
The geometry wait he we
tett. history to be
in some sehoole. A` study
marks obtained by the u#ndidat
show the teachers why their
S school,' passed every tend
The pupils of No. ,i, Stanley, spent
only one year on the flfth•clase work.
A ra"°' school graduation certifi-
cate to Icing prepared by the Educa-
tion Department. When thesecertif•
cats are received a rertificate will he
sent to those who pawed this year and
lest year. The marks of all eandi-
detes will 1e sent to their teachers.
t, Oodt+rich. Pass, l trace Wise,
al : Olive Ke'unev, so. .\nt"'utinr,
uio, 1'.t • 1 u, -e 11 I,,.t-east.
t.• \\ I'..n ., it. 1'tilllou.
ttI I; Iwnval ; Hazel
U'`• tl, •'tuna u . tl..\u McPhee, liole-
Junior Grade (which i u es har-
mon), couggerpoint and letoryl--
First-class honors. (trace W'ightms'',
Westfield. Dr. A. 8. Vogt of the
('onset vatory and director of the
Mrodelusohn choir. Toronto, was the
examiner in the piano work.
LIM) Hart/ len (Jr Loudon" on Mon
J. 1.. Masa made • trip to Herman this
C. Zinn( io away on a valt at Tee.-
- Mer. .-----.- ----
Mrs. Meal. I. here from Det eft for the
lata (•rtlsweller, of Sarnia, is visiting est+s
tees here.
Wesley 'Edward made • trip to Toron'o dor
( Mir Emil Whitely, of Toronto. ,. ,
elativto town.
Dr. Chaste.. lana. of 11.treit, Is In lioder(ch
tor a short visit.
Rev. Jame. A. Anderson has, left for his
vo mticn at Tiverton.
Mr,, Jautr• Fanner and daughter have gone
to Rawlltou for a visit.
Mi-. Hale, of Alba 4'r..lg, 1. the guest of Mrs.
6:. Armitage this week. -
Mr.. r. It. Mabee. of Uetrrolt, elan • visitor 1n
trwo,Thring the *WV v
Muni.ou Mason, of Toronto. ie visiting at
the residence of 1)r. Strang.
Frank Saunders, of Toronto, has been .pend -
4t, l ditays at the a5ltt-haul. ---.-----...
Mae Mary A. Horgarth, of l'rom.rty, has
been Hating roanti. r. 111 town.
Rev. John Parris left on Saturday on a brief
visit to friends in Alias I'rale.
Ali.. Donaghy~ of Mount Forest. vldted her
friend, Mi.., w intins, last week.
Ara, rlpeshant and tee Misses Shepherd
h.. re , stunted home (tom '1'oront o.
Mi-- Hen,tridge left on 8itturtlay TO spend
her tar• ,lion at her horse in liurlingtoo.
Mb. F:celyu HDI. of Londe.bors, Was the.
gloat of Alia Ilertha Milian hat week.
Alias Mame JOle. of ilretruit. 1. Ing a
racatlou at her um home .0 Klogshr dge.
Mi -.ea Tena and Annie row.o, of Blyth,
are v..iting at Thos residence of writ rowan.
J \V. Graham. of the Doty Engine Works. is
wl Halle) ic.ry on ba+hue,.. for 11., company.
\Ill load Hoggart h, Huron rued. 1. visit•
lug Mr. and Mr.. William Hoggarlh, Hen
MI... Hal.•I Strang is visiting at the redd•
euro of Mr. and Mr.. l;. A. Robertson In Brant
ML.+ Marion \'altars, of Toronto: h. spending
a few day. with friend. in Uoderich and Port
Mea T. W'atwou. Mre. ('. 14 Brown and ohil-
dren, of 4hicigo. aro visiting at the home of A.
glen. Milford.
\ir and Mrs. Twftehret-ef('linton. are tate
lug the Maas*. Barry. hoe.e uu !:lain avenue
for the
Lieut. Rutledge and Mrs. Rutledge M 1)e -
nat. are visiting at the re.idence of Mr. and
\Ir•. A. J. t'uoper.
Mrs. Hureem len on Monday afternoon on
he; return to Toronto. she won accotupanfed
by her slater, Mian Nellie harries.
Mr. and Mrs. Upham William. of Toronto,
were visiting fur a few days with Mr. William:
11,1)1her on•Market street this week.
Ilert r 'e:nninetham I. hone from Toronto for
w (ewyr4j risit. He i,\yitWlg 1rlettde and
res ant's. n 1f ort Albert and vicinity.
Mi.- Bloomer. of Montreal. left on Tuesday
afternoon 041 her return after is visit at the
residence of I'.I'. R. Engineer James Munro.
Mi.. Irene Mellonth, who ham been teaching
.shout au Hastings county. Is .pending her
. went ion In town, pHor to leaving for her home
in Alberta
John Selvwright, who had been vatting hi.
-iter, Mr. Stewart. &Milli ler. left 4aturday
on the Ammer St- Ignacio for his home at
Mies (141,-3 fireman returned on 'Tuesday to
her home to Lou, ton, after • tea days' Halt to
Mterr tat 'Tatmet to rhe rw5ww ofwtew
at A(11111+Point.
M1... 11411•- and Mader Roh ('lark accom-
panied their uncle. ('haat Hawkins. on his rot
turn to W i dwr un Friday last and wtll. renmm
there for , 1.01 oft too or three weeks.
Mr. and Meat ytandart and child. of Detroit.
blare taken J. \L Flcld . re.tdenre for a .,eb5011.
They arrived In 'own la.t Thnr+dat Mr. and
Mr.. Field and.Mia o;Iadys are at Toronto.
MI.. Bertha Imes of Brentwood, Halm,
Reach. Toronto,and her water, Mn. Troia
bridge, " d child of kdauuton. Alta„ were
neat. over Sanday at the residence of \Ir. and
Ira T. r, Naftel.
Will John.luu and h:s cousin, A. F:. John
e, of Quebec Pru, ince, who had teen here on
it, left on 'l amts~ on a trip to the weal.
-expert- to H*it Seattle end Yam wirer
be away for -nine month• at lewd.
Am, g the par Is. Agent Le + ha. booked for
a h-iu u the King ad wand flu. week aro Mr..
(11r.1 He Id and ern Ralph. of Vancouver, Mr.
awl 141r-.. F', J. 11'ridhwm. Mt.. heal Hee and
Ma ,r Ma aa,4 I'rhl ban., r lap tug 11evela14
-red 11.e Ma
-Mss. I. it - 'rise and Hind. ▪ of Torrent t, aro
, Idtmgal th madonna of the Ia.Iy'• parents,..
Mr. and 4r-, it. Rain. We lel(ret to learn
t het. Mr. II.Ie 1 rely-erlutraly 111 and hope. of
he re..utrty a, • baldly enteat.dned. Mr.
-ttele tante of tn,. 'donee re*.ldent.1 of Ifnds'
rbc . being burn h.. a ..runty one years ago.
Mia Urrtabde - uKnlght. daughter ut L1..
I NntAt,.r:-Mtfi,,..fM,of Stratford. formerly of
110111111141. has ratslgn. 1 her pa.ition a. manag-
ing heard of the moat ' of more general ha.
Lint at 11 alkerton. a , ' Ilion which he ha.
tilled with great su Theuu.p1 tat board
1„ regretfully accepting lee, McKnight. re•
..animism passed a remelt' .n espreewing high
Appreciation of !wastrel
Min.. Annie yenned, daughter of Rev. J. 1:.
Yeliend, prior 10 her departure for her new
hone at F.seter was made tire recipient of n
hand.on.e presentation by the ladle. of the
Bethesda congregation., For two year. she
Was the faithful organist of the church, and an
addle.. espres•ing appreciation ne her der vices
waseseented, accompanied by a ring wt with
pearl.. and, emerald. and a ereal!en1 port
I r
Newspapers ▪ oT Huron Count
The New gra publishes a list n the
uewspaps'rs of Huron county, with'the
•Aster at which they c0mmroc'0tl4U iti.
ration, courpileal 1 • McKim'n News,
paper Directory. There are eighteen
papers in the county, and The Signal,
of emirate. in the daddy of them all.
Thin is the list :
flatletieh Signal 14418
Oolerirh Star 1858
Sraforth Expositor 1001
Clinton New Era 1800
\Vingha►n Time. 1872
\Vingham Advance1873
Brusmrlm Prot 14(73
Exeter Times. 1873
Clinton News-Record187((
Hnrtir \'idrtte 183.1
Exeter Advocate 1.107
Blyth Standard 10137
Ilensall ()burner 11104
Forlwirh Record 18111
Zurich Herald . 1.010
Seaforth News ... 11101
Dungannon News Nsd l
Wroxeter Planet 19n9
Pupils of A. F. Cook Who Were Suc-
cessful in the Recent Examinations.
Notwit.hetending the high mond/tot
of excellence inminted upon at the rt -
Oa Woman Found Dead is Pe•
r Circumstances.
The ero(ila of Heyfleld ere con•
nidrrxh y 1401 eel up over the mysteri-
nun death of rte. 311111011 Hurn,, who
wan found Ryfirr Minium! dead in her
led with a stocking tied around her
neck and a bruise on her howl, on hi.
return from work (*141 Thuroday even -
Ing. `lame years ago Hurns built a
.plrndtd home and had a good hind.
new end was reeve of the village. but
now he lives in a .mall house and
The greatest harpoons in
Oxford Tie Shoes ever °filet -et
in Oodetich.
Come early for these under-
priced Shoes. There is more
than one pair that will suit
you and fit you, hut the more
there are the surer you are
of being quickly eatimlled.
80 COMF. 1ARI.Y.
Sole Agents for
Queen Quality Shoes
1 for Wnr11e11)
Walk -Over Shoes
If.. Ment
Downing & MacVicar
North ode of Square. Goder Ich
does odd job.; ar.und the village,
Mrs. Bunts was about Hftyduur years
old end had been in Fora' belittle fur
the last year or more and confined to
her bed most of the time. Their
daughter. who also is an invalid. was
in fwd when the mother was found,
and apparently knew nothing of her
mother's dr itis. Mrs. Burns was evi•
dently nut strangled. as the stocking
was not tight enough around her
Dr. Sunbury, the local coroner.
summoned a jury, and the verdict
was that it. was a case of suicide.
Crown Attorney Seager was not noti-
fied of the Oecw•rrnce nor of the ,n -
quest, but hearing of It he sent High
l'onstahh' (lundry to investigate the
matter: and as it relish a second In-
quest is bring held today by Coroner
)r. Shaw, of Clinton. Dr. Gunn, of
Clinton, has condueteel an autopsy.
and the medical evidence to be given
today may throw some new light on
Crown Attorney Seager and High
Constable Gundry are at Hayfield to-
day in attendance at the inquest.
When hearts are trumps a girl ex-
pects a young man to play a diamond.
After.• wan has turned down two or
three opportupitieb they begin to
dodge bites.
Even a college education can't tie -
a ynmesyuung men of their good
Beware of the truth crushed to
earth ; it is liable to rise up later nod
take s fall out of you.
The following looks ere pleasing,
entertaining anrii, for eti1111rtrr read-
ing and no handsome volumes, each
with an exquisite Harrison Fisher cov-
er in four color., and special enameled
paler wrapper showing the same gor-
geous Fisher drawing.
The Strollers; by Frederic S. Isham.
The Furnace of Earth. by Hallie
Erminie Rives.
Double Tremble, by Herbert Quick.
The Amethyst Box, by Anna Kather-
ine Green.
%ride Dameron, by Meredith Nichol -
The above are former $1.50 bookie,
whish we are gni-rig To sell at 6)k each.
and as noir stock le limited and cannot
be duplicated you moat act quickly it
you want then,.
Court House 8.111w e', Gopxnit n, ONT.
Coffee Special
We want you to sample
our specialhlended, fresh
ground Coffee. We have
had opinions -from coffee
experts and they claim
that it is above the aver-
age. Try one pound, 41x.
Christie's Fancy Biscuits
Always fresh and crisp,
kept in closed tins, there-
fore not exposed to the
atmosphere, dust,. etc.
We-- have in st k the
following assortment :
Water Ire Weer! _-
Sultana \Valero
short Bread
Assorted Macaroons
(finger Nuts
Social Witte
Jam -Jams
Aawnlee Fteltdwieh
Harley Brittle
Vanilla Wafers
Nater Wafers
Social Teas
Royal Fig
Rice Cake
WgJ3ar__..__._ - _ .
Successor to C. A. NAIRN.
Many a defeat would
have been a victory
with a little extra ad-
vertiJ;intyF TBI: SIG-
NAL is the best adver-
tising medium in this
part of the country.
s., have now 111 111,,,k the largest aapnrttrlent and lest, vaIn,. in
Good Tooth Brushes
that we have ever had. There are about 211 to 25 different sizes
styles nt'd the prices 101e :5c, 10e, 15c. 20', 25e, :Ste, :int anti 41M,
9 or 11) different, slakes of Tooth Donation'.
About K different melee of Tooth Pilate..
h or 0 liquid T11otb Preparations.
Troth Soaps. Tooth Powders in hulk.
S. E. HICK, Central Drug Store
August 28th - 1909 - September 13th
On•bdt Liu 11114Rohn*on the Curetment
\in solos operation.
will officiate at spiting ceremonies on Tuesday, August fist.
Model Camp Victoria Cross and Wrestling on Horseback Ceeipetitiens be-
tween bound from Dragoons and Artillery Artillery Drive---Msakal Ride, etc.
Porte Industries
rw .1 tessemdaa .Aa threw 1 n art. drt tech Tweet*
1101 lea
Saturday morning we start to sell a shipment of makers'
"Seconds" of fine bleached Table Damask, Cloths and Napkins,
half bleached Table Damask and Towellings,. These liues are
branded "Seconds" simply because of some little flaw or imperfection
in- the weaving, it may be a broken thread, or a black or brown one
woven in with the pure white. In nine cases out of ten it will
not interfere with the wearing qualities, ,but. it is just enough to
prevent the goods being sold as perfect. Because of these flaws and
imperfections we can sell you linens at about half \\ hat you would
usually pay_
This shipment came to us direct from one of the best linen .
.-tliatl.ufactua:l18-el` £meat- Firitais4c one whose name is a guarantee -
of quality throughout the linen trade the world over. We do not
exaggerate in the slightest when we say that never since we opened
our doors in Goderich have we offered such values in linens as these
that go on sale Saturday morning. The opportunity is an exceptional
one, the qualities absolutely beyond question: - The patterns will
_appeal_ta.luxers of fine linen._ Prices -pre away _ below the real value.
There is a particularly' good. assortment of bleached damask
Table Cloths and Napkins in all sizes. Over too makers' remnants.
'of half bleached Table Damask and over 1,000 yards of Towelling
in short lengths to--zet on safe Sattmiay :It :shout
If you have linens to buy, see this lot.. %Ve never had values as
good in the store. . .
Read The Signal's New Story, Page 5.
Midsummer Sale of Shoes
As we find we are a little over -stocked and need the
money represented in these goods, we have decided to
offer them at prices that will clear them out during the
month. -
2", pairs of Men's Goodyear Bale and Bluchers
(Sovereign mekel, regular $3.61, and $4,011
sale price ,. 32.99
30 pairs of Men's Patent Colt Bluchers, regu-
lar $4.1TJ, sate price 32.99
31) pairs of Men's Dong. Balm, M. 8., regular
32.511, sale price 31.99
10 pain of Men's Tan Calf Oxfords, regular
83.50 and 34.11), sale pt lce .. ..... . , 33.00
12 pairs of Men's Patent Colt Oxfords, regular
$.1,51) and 34.70, price.
12 paint of Men's Calf Oxfords, 6, 7 and A only.
regular $3.60 and 81.75, gale price .... ..32.99
no pairs of Men a Dong, Rale. M. R., regular
31 1i), set's ;wire• $1.111
b) pain of If is' Dong. Bair, regular 3125,
.ate price. 11.00
:1.5 pair' ,.f Youths' Bale, regular $1.111 and
31.7',, ante price .... 85c
75 pairs of Misers' Dong. Bab, rbgnlar 31.26.
male price ........................ ...
:is pairs of Child
sizes ti to 10i,
Slippers and Oxford Tier,
gular $1.00 and $;, sale =5c
44) pairs of Child's 81lppen and Oxford Ties,
black and chocolat*, sizes 4 to 7i, regular
Me and 31.101, sale price
40 pain of i.adies' White
nose $1,25 and $1.81). sal fords. 34.00
IS pairs of Iwdleti Tan Oa1f (Iforpm, regular
32.)111 and $2.50, sale price it 75
42 pain of Ladies' Vie' Kid Bali., regular
$I.75 and 34.•13, gale price 3.99
34 pain of Latest Heavy -sole Oxfords. aims
J to 6, regular 32.50 and $2.75, male price. $1 95