The Signal, 1909-7-15, Page 5BOOKBINDING MAGAZINES, pERIODICALS and LI IiRAR1 ES hound -tor repaired. (IUCD LETTERING onLEATHER 0 • THE SIGNAL : GODERICiI, ONTAItJO Tnunwo.to, Ju1.Y 15, 1909 3 tat/ fete A Maiden Reverie. XCW3 Gf the SIN mime Muth+ says, "lie in no hurry ; mar - K tilt a oft umeaur tare and wort•y Auntie says ill timelier grave, •1\'It,• -- INNYIIunymu fin stave." I''ittitera'k.iIII o 1 h'. Stewart, of lfluevale, bas iF,urehased the medical practice of Dr. Jaiuiteun of %Vhiteehute:h. Mitt ErrnrelinTet Musgrove, of Wing - ham, has leen engaged as teacher in No. n, Hawick, at a salary of ida5• atutsdtod to os leaving MisisySilo Davidson, of \Vinghani, SYt! "4MempW7has be T` tinted asri.tant teacher r t t + 4 A4 lred. A. IL TAY WR. BTaATIOKD of the Ripley Inc s'h0OT 6t d a►lary of x1:,11, S`1YNOPMIM OF CANADIAN v WJHTHwk7iT'LAND 1(IWUl.ATIIN$. Any person who ie the .ole beed of a family ur any mats over Is yarn told, may homestead a quart r.esetIiN et available Dominion land in . The Manitoba. limo appear liar.°. atu or the IWntitt lot • Laud+ Agency ur Sub Agency tar [Le district. Kutry by prosy tory be made at any agency. un cortein conditions, by father, mother, eon, daughter, brother or sister of Weeding land lel. hoNe.+t"•der. D.tios' riwldel111e uponand _tS,t math cultivation of the land In emit of throw ears. h� phouiestete�wer usay live l on a term of ab thin oast ine tNO �Acrot w solely •true. and uocupiwi by hltu or by his father, mother. mu. daughter, brother ur Aster. a• owl lu „ertalu dlstrleW • homesteader In studio` may pre. IP a 4Uitrter •ectlo11 I outl• giit,AAld ue tlbreel�t • Price pas., m months in each.. f six ears from d teoff .0 earn . teal entry lineludil. years tints required and cultivate fifty acres extra. A homesteader who has rttan ted his home. sttlol .trht arid cannot obtain it pre-emption uttl • • huennateai In certain d letricta. oe RW per arra. buttes Must residedx month+ In each of three years, eulti• sats any err and erecta house worth tpeu.9tr. W. W. (OILY, Deputy of the Mi.bner of the Interior. a.lrsSitsen Unauthorized be Paid! for. Charles u of this ad - Watchmlikng. eta. u Y PARK - WSrdaid•Laa. JawaudeasorTIciax. kook side of Square. UotleNrh, tont. Civil Engineering j.TAUGHAN M. ROBERTS, CIVIL V and Hydreelic k:ugtoeer, Uutarlo Load S urveyor. Uma - N seen° Telephone herlo• la derich, eeraer laseireal • p Charles •IItiRman, ell it or W. W. H.,11 loan, formerly o f Sitoftt t h, tuts twee udmitLud to the liar of Saskatchewan, Jaime Wright, of Grey, suite led to a lingering ilhiest of dropsy 01111S111)• day. the Ott 111.1. Ile leaves his widow and at grown -op family. Mare. John 1VImitfletld, one of the i't 'ei'ed piuutt•rs of Wry, .nLered into hors rest un 1Vvdne t(lay, the :loth tilt., at the tulvanrrd age of eighty years. Pettr Miuelair, of (trey, ort inmate u e.-¢ ie'tli t th aunt !Mum of 'refuge. , n r. d_ Y R last week, ;gait! sixty sine aware. itis remains were taken to t'runbrouk for ititei'lilwnt. Aloud Mlieere, of Brantford, form- erly of Exeter, siIffei•evl a -mecund et ike of Intl•alyiis recently.' life ie attain regaining the flee 41 his limit* dud of his- voice. H. U. Amity has resigned the 'trite cilaiship of 1 r,ularteik public matted and is goingWent. He will 1e ant• - credal by Mr. vhitw, won, will rwwivt a ',dairy tit $:till per annum.. • S. Elton Itur.11, of Detroit, Piing - est eon of Charles NMI Mrs. Ittyell. tit (trey. wan tomtit l 1111 Saturday, the •!tush ult.. II,,.et Stmt. Ajloude t'heete- hr,tugh, of Detroit. 11. (1. Ler, a former iweidtent /rf \Vinghaaui, passed away after a week's - Mimes at his Ileum in Brantford on Sawrday, the aril inst. lie iii sur- vived by hit widow and one daughter, Miss Jennie. \V..1. Howson, 111 \Viughain. how heti'' tit 1lakery huwintst 11f A J. Niches ui that.towu ant txw added to it a stock of Hour and feta. Fr:utk Howson has been inatallerd its mdn- ager of the buejuess. David Blair, aT 1toltntield, 11i1111C ALFRED E. COOK, TRACKER OF rtanoplayfng. Theory. Harmony and Ibnnlerppooint- Pupil. prepared for ezandna- now .t Toroot.o Conservatory of Music. Apply at Thomsons Masao 8tsre, Oodench. Mondays Is('listen at residence of Mr. Alex. Macken Ontariode, Ontale street. Medical "ARS. KMMllfik3ON A TURNBULL. 1 £. T. IutlrWot, M. 1), W N. TraN.tLL, M. B. AS'•ea Fiaaillttan Street-_ Phone Int Dr. Ifesrl mereo• reddenee. North street, Uppn.tte Kt_ George 'aosoreh, 'phone 1M1. Dr. Turnbull '+ reminisces, Montreal street, Neotlweet t Public Idbrar►. Phone 191. 1►R, W. F. OALLOW, M. 11. Owes and realdeoce, North street, Itoilench. meth d County Iteextatry ranee. Telephone, 121 Legal formerly of H(•uceiteld, was married in Forest \Vrdntsday, the :4ILh ult.. to Misr Addie Iylizaht'th Taylor, daughter of R. 11. 1'ay'lur, of that place. Wont has%<,Is'en received of the death in .1114rtx of Mrs. McMillan, who was formerly Mot. itoliert Antler. NON. of 1Lemall,' and who .previous to her Hest tusn-iege was Miss Vista -1417es, of) xetet; - - 1 L KILLORAN. BARRISTRR, e/ .Ntoltor. notary, eta. Mimes to lend at OSess-gitirth Street, Oodarieh ,wow Signal�t.. la asatartk Saturdays. toed Moeds's. so X11r• O. CAMERON, K. C.. BARRiS- 111. TIK, .ollcitor, notarl pnhllc. tiMe.,- Iltoe Greet, Uodertch, third door from ire ears PROUDFOOT, HAYS h BLAiR Wein the Maritime barrleters. eetleitor.. notating Court, etc. 1Mlce. t •IE• S quare, next door C. A. Nalrn'e grocery. PH vete fund. to lend et lowest estee of intoned. W. PROCDFUOT, IL C. H. l'. HAYS. U. F dLA1Pi. f *HARLRS (JARROW, L.Lif., BAR - 1 RISTIK, attorneys eollcltor. etc.. lode rick• Money to lend at lowest retest. ��(1 O. JOHNSTON. BARRiSTKR, L Haat street, U solicitor. commissioner. oderteh Ont. pnb_c. - Inewsnaat" Loans. Etc. Ct 11nn PRIVATE FUNDS TO Leo O'7,1 loan. Apply to M. U. AAM• ROA. Barrister, Hamilton street, Goderich. W R. ROBERTSON. • INSCHANCK AOKNT. Fiat Vit. IreNTvlto: Rrlllsh. l'ansdian and Andean. Acta DENT, 14101I4114101I411018st Awo .n kwrtr[t'' Lunn:, ITT : The 0001111 Aorident and linarautee . on�t ItteA of London'Eng,, F rn•iiTY •NDVw1aiNT[[81011114 : The LB. Fidelity aed Uuarautee t'ontpany. (Imee at reddens*. northeast corner nI Vie. torts, and St. David's street,.. Phone 1711 JOR HN W. ('A Ili I E, L' KE, FIRli and sodden° insurance. Agent for leading mutual end stock companies. lnsnrente in all lines effected on boot plane said at lowe+t rales. l'►11 at Mitre, corner west tatre,•t and lignar, or address J. W. CRAIUIK, Ooderich, Ont Tele .hon. 21 McKILLOP MUTUAI. Filth: IN- D/. U R A N C R l' O, -Farm and isolated town property Insured. 1Mloers -J. R. McLean, fres., Klprlen 1'. I) T. Framer. 'Floe Pres_ firuretlrld P. 11. Thoma. C Hays, tleo.-Tr•ea•,, 1eaforth 1'. U Directors -War. ('heeney, Seeforth : John O. Grieve, Winthrop • Uelrge Dale, Semfortlr, John Bennewela Itnidln; Jame., sus, Bee-+, wood ; John Welt. Ilarlork ; Thu.. Frmer, Brumfield ; John IL Mclaoan, Kippers ; Jas. ('atnolly, Hinton. J. W, Yeo, floimessille, went for West Huron. Policy hoiden tan pay .sseewments and get their cants renelji(el at Toter at Brown's, (Tilton, or at R. H. CoU'sgron ry. Kingston street, Uodericb. Marriage licenses `TTALTBR E. KELLY, - UUDIRIt'tl. ONT. Watchmaker, Jeweller and 1 )pticlao. (weer of Marriage Licensee. LA'NR, IMMlJElt OF MARRi• s 7 • Met II.onees. Dederick, Ont. v _ eaavpfs PARLOR ----- j EDFORD BLOCK BARRER SHOP; -This well-known and popular stand tigers Ife patron. the best nervine In .having. haircutting, etc., etc. ladies' shetnronotne a . Wty. Only skilled - hand,. enepinyed. Yonr Kitpalronasro. pHetwillor. 1>e approolatel. 1I. 11 !KIICHM P ,dnctioneering THOMAS OUNDRY, LIVE STOCK sal /slant auctioneer. OMSoen on South .goat: e C he will be round at an time* tlryteg stoles. Terms re.sonahle and sr, Wert need to give you osa(Iefao0on. - -i - AUCTIONEERINO. All, branrhem e,areefolly attended to. Farm live .took salelt, reel estate end nlerehan ..1111401. ▪ salm made anywhere. write for dates or call and talk Itover with Cleo. Beckett, Hamilton street, Goderich Ont. Telephone No. t0* -r We recommend Ferrovim, the in- vigorating tonic, to elderly people whose strength is beginning to wane, and who suffer frequently from at- tacks of midden exhauttlon, chillinrtela, week heart action, etc. Ferrnvim contains fresh Iean beef, Citrate nf iron, and pure old Spanish Sherry Wine. *1,00 per bottle at druR- Rlete. {tee. A. W. Dever, who is well known in 1Vingham and a brattier of Mee: Wm: "Button, formerly of that• town, died at his home in Victoria, B. C., on Wednesday, the Y•1rd ult. Mor. Dever is it daughter of Win. Blair; of Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mole, of Sea- furth, received word last week of the death of AIM•rt Stevens, of Vancou- ver, who WAN married a year ago to their daughter Mise Nettie Mt/111e. T)tcwated was a victim of cuneuurp- tion, Miss Euuna (1, Dignan, daughter of Warren Dignan, of flay, was mar- ried in the Main street parsonage, !;'rater; Our Wednesday. the :+11th to Wm. Furett, of Marquis, Sank. Mr. and Mrs. Foreet lett a few days later for their Western home. A quirt wedding was connuntmatwl at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 1Vw. $herrift, of tVipg_loarn, on Wt'dnem(l } the:4Oth ult., when their eldest 11-tiu ter, Annie J. R., wan united to George Tibio, tit Langeide. ltev. Mr. P__ee,,•Arte tied the knot. Mr. and Men. Tan will reside on th gist eon's farm in K i n lois+, The marriage of Mise Laura Matilda flletz. eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Goetz, ,f Desirwood, to Robert J. Donehy, of Toronto, was solemnized in the (frac.' street Meth- odist parsonage, Toronto, on Wednes- day. the :S)tlt ult. After the cere- mony Mr. and Mrs. DOrie rag rdt for the hide's parental tame in Dash• wood, where a reception woetendereel them. Thi.. week they return to the Quern City t1 reside. Mary Blanwhard, ludoced wife of Philip ,lames, passed ,away after it lingering Illnt'N9 at her 1 ' on the HO concession of'lirey, un Saturvlay, 1 vel ion w a 1 inst. 1 rets r w las h n the w the N r spent 1 1 forty-seven year of age, 1t greater part' of her life in Winghaut and vicinity. She ie weirvived by her husband, her mother, MIs. Blar1- sharll, of \Vingham, and two sinters, Mrs. Albert Greeny, of 1Vinghali,, and Mrs. John Meller, of ltatytleld, mauler it a former Clintottan, twang *daughter of the tato C. 1t. Com. 111tygds', a former drygittte' unerchxud' of 'town, 14... ie now a resident of the United Stats, Auld recenl1)' cattle into 1 •, Of a colt• Diol t• r h utao I t h 1 all ill It n n r yt r y Of -whit° elle called "experimental - marl Mgt.." She . 'itt'ibutes cunside•r- ttldt tit Aluclirau llter_ttt re in nadil inn to piddle IwtUnulg - A Native of the Orkneys. M;tgelas Speure, o11e of the few surviving pieneent of the 1st Zine of '\lutriw, mussed the 1111 un Friday, the ,'Ind inst. I)t•eensed, who tear elghty rix years of age, w'us a nal ive of the. Orkney Isituti. Shortly after Ilis uuu•riage be went to Australia, where to liven roe s.•vt•trtl 11•.110, tln:tuy re- ttiming o lalldt. Foil • t the high ) Years age he emigrated :u 1' 'nett awl sell led on the let ole of Morris. A man .'f ifuhnttry and integrity, dereuted w'as universally resesso,d ill' The township i e it •d so long. a which h lived IIt• had beefit•luaulyi ye•iu'N ap t•Itt '1 111 the Itlu,vath%I'ri'shyterien ebureh. 11e• it survived bytwo daughters \Irl, McEwen .antart, 1Iend.'tot n, and one sun, J. *penis.. • Successful Music Students. At the rrre'nt examinations in connect' with the Lwindun Uonst•ry atti•y of Music the followins pupil ft • this 1• t)• were suecc '.t ai Intr'rrnr(liate.- In tau-IIonurs. 1\. 4tordotio xnktttrw, 14. Jareott.-Heiteall; forts, L. Geiser, Crt'ditnn, H. 'Pre leaven, Lie -know. Jnuior piano. First-class home -N..1, flank, Lucknutt. N. Nelhs, Benson, M. M. McNtttightuo, Sealurth; hun.trs. 1':: Johusluu, forek- now : poets M. ahannttarr, tandem. Primary First-class 1 s, (', It��ltz• haue'ri-Cltntal. JL..bulli1l'iugh un, 1". Ileni•y, Clinton. Intel tiledi ,tai sight singing E. 11'inse, Utilise;, ttrst•tltss it t, .1 senor e 1 point- E. 11 tome. /,urirh,: with lii'st- 'laes hgitlrw, Ju11itir historyb Witter. Clinttnt, abet hutttirn in primary practical harruunv" L'rinru•v mailmen's -J, Mark, Lnekuow, wit t first -eland honors; pass. L. 1 ttiser, Crediton. 1i. P4.' ,t'od, 1.ucknow•, M. Shanahan, Clinton. tune rtonttttttttt g, flow does llrati• street utte itis standing?" Mir/.'r, crooning to her twine, sight., "\Vitt marriage rare begins.' Maud, tai.,. wtduWed 1stN1 and grass), hokt ill n.. andnotate. "aloe!" They are older. 'salti r' wi+et., age should lie a youths adviser. - They MUNI •know ,tout yet, deco' me, when in t i tit t y's rylis-1-war--+ill--.44te - would. -tit love theft. tulntttg .n1 1111' hi% att. ..lav-. tumniug, I mike suited', Illy' bat 1lartw is tad lik.• oncost tura wbu to trey. Isate lies olt.•rt•d me a prize; lif.• stith love 11x•:alt. ti,u•i.littr. Life with tit is nut worth oil the foolish joy's till ea, lh. Su in stile of all 1 hey ,ay, 1 shall hour tie. wieldi• ng day. New Hetet. Toronto's - A tool title addition to 't,trtrulri s 11Ut• hest+ h•it•s is lite "Prince tieurge•, hotl•1, ' i n,v' King a...l l ,•k streets, •led and oew urn I:ulin'1v.reunrbl lag f i.hed 1 haolighout, it- mice low, tisutl- hatr arra lilted tip with retlnt'uteet ti tel,:gars.• le hive (moil I'issel at. s t Mil ,61-11i0111 tt' guests. 41111.111/1111 turd. 1:uruts•Itn 111.10+. M oretels 11, 'I'll11otpsnn, I'letpt'i.•lor •Loc• of the dowers .). WOMEN FINUwRELIEF la. Dodd's Kidney :ills How Mrs. Hughes Sunned for Four Ytars:- • Morley, (hot., Jelly 12. iSpo'ci:dl.-- NI i s. .I. 't 1 Lighten, off his phare, feels it ti.'r din t•.'tether suite'ing slitters .111 over Canada knew that they caul u.„1,..,n..r;..Ihwbls. toLury'nils, ••1 With IL etre.- ttTer.'r for Tutor years.- rays Man. Lliebte.. "1. woe. treated -by now-tli+eti4cawl trim'.near- ly every- medicine I rteuld hear of, l,ul nothing trt•nlwl to flu me any g"".1. ••I woe in bit for nearly Three year.. .ulTrt•iitg from p tins up any spinal ...•limo, in uta hemi, ricer tit)• lrfi rid.'. Iheld's'Kiduey fills cured me ain,l now 1 suit st.Iong and able to uti a good d;ty`s wort,-• - ' BACK AC1113 If you have Backache you have Kidney Disease. If you neglect Backache it will develop into something worse -Bright s Dir cess or Diabetes- There is no use rubbing and doctoring your hack. Cure the kidneys. Chere is only one kidney medicine but it cures Backache every time-- Dodd's Kidney Pills te0r,0 Ito the Lrgia,tl tit.• li•• trot= ex• emitted • lufore thy public lie hints ro it(ee. bol the (lover cut suc- tawtled.in preventing a full inteeiigit- 1ion. It was shown, however. that tizatiitevenki was It vedette- 4',meei•va- tivv worker in the Hindi district, .ai- drrarin)tpublic, meeting's and, as in- spector of roadouakiug, distrilniting I'revintial Government cheviot un the ere td ioliituubiy, t If viuiial authmiIita ih. -by no meant new in %Ittnilubn. The It•turyt, AN The \1'' "tag Free Prates at)•N, tit a It ane, iuul wxtenyls over lhr entire nine aura during which Mr. (';lin 11. Campbell. tut Attorney-(irite•aa has heel, the holder of •the seat of jut• ease is simply one more item in it rec• ord of retied character running a wide gamut of injustice. 1 Phone 5f► D. M ILLAR CO 'Phone 56 Extra Values in Dress Goods • Special value in all -wool French l'tshulen•t in all the new shades. inrhiiittg ..let rest; mauve* MMdite, pink, cardinal, white and black, T 1 inchrr wide, Iwt yard, Sot. A.11l1etahl,lilie late° s_ PxUia bt•avy quality, in navy: • brown, red, green tut whit.., vet y siilt.jftle for 1 hildri•nsrxrear - • and hat hien( suit$, only, per yard, 2Sc Our Range of White•Dress Goods is most complete. Sterling Values In Wash Goods \ i We Are clearing nut our stork e f Fancy Deese .tori tor. Every piece haw leen reduced regardleoe tit curt prier. Now it tt.e,nue to buy you* lin unease*, With Nlul tat a buil seastin she: on ad o[ y More of those splendid Print* have art'ived, and include • .ui,• new and novel patterns, all are that kwl 1.1 roll tit per yd, 12't 1• i' '1 ,l � 1•t. '1 our r nl'1'l 11111111 r r / t I.I 1 II are few ad f I x There t h f le C "u•:.0 •r, left in +Erin, Colts Nnd et•i Irs ,tt. ;lel' and s 1 1 p! 1 ) 5 Children's Wear Children's Wear Jul)' is the• t, a I1, we always clear out what relit:oils of 5 . • Oto• -k . 11'hddren's \\'err, and thin season will 1.e no exception., 1;tery Itonnet., every Dress, every ('uat must he cleared. and we haat marked theta tit price. that sh:.dllelsure a speedy clearance, ttiC,tt.t. l'tversus-. %Nu 1'rteti untie Volt .tr ,1',1, NMIL'LAR'S SCOTCH STORE L • •• 1 •ao Ift1.e finch ole deo ate misuse, T+ rt. penman - II' o1W's of the ti)Wt'I'a st'oo'd itt 1,',' LITTLE DIGESTERS Former Resident of Wingham.. Another of those 01.1 Seotelt piou- eers who helped t0 build up Ontario into the prosperous Province it is tie day plumed :may et Toronto, in the person of Duncan A. Carnptett, tate of \Vinghuht. - Ile was ill lriateildaty1141tt year. Born tit Dunghnore, !slay, '4 rrltland, he cam.' to this country when hitt %even years old Soul eeHleel ill Peel -county. Theta he Bee•amr rn• gaged itt the neigh. -hard wor' of clearing tip the land. Later in life he became rnnrt.'ctel with the limn of Melharmtid A L,g1111,.-tit lauttklty. Ontario. 1'yw•easetl wan a brother of the late Prof. John ('emphett of -Vie -- torte. tinive•rsity, and he himself was a Methodist local pre•acher"of great eloquence, and it etannch Li►erill in politics. His wire diet in \Vin).-haut about live years ago, whereupon he moved to Toronto and took up his residence with it daughter, Mrs. R, H. Barlow, on 11txand✓r street, where he died. The late Mr. Camas' hell is survived by live onus, all ttf whtiut are in the_Weet.rru .Provinces. and three dengghlrre, Mrs. W. 11. Bar. low, :His.. M, Cautptlell and )int.- CURRENT LITERATURE:. lit'ott t\'• 'boor: Coue.4Nn,8, • Wit. luau. Hutue Companion tar July is a summerHellion uulula'r. Ther°' are right .furies in this issue, h 1- s yrus Ton us•'ud Brady. M tt act tali Voret, o U1. ,• Itrwn, Mary Ili'atiin Volts,. end -sous •I 1Mac Vorv, Auuir_ Hamilton 1Lmle•ll, A ' kVutatur'a11i1 Eupht•utia tlut.tem Moto of -titres err 11/v1• .tont•. of (Ilekind the world and his wife like to read at this time of year. oc Unal the most chorusing of them, Iwo et "r, is it fa%T ai"Tetiitr Littre' I lends .- Thing." to Windatwee hal.v trot'-- il.rll thestr11nttewt member of the lau.ily. Ksfeei:ally Untidy art• the art iti thin issue on "Jitly in the t Dail t t-1'atd," by- Kate V. Se►int- \Inua, ' "Thr 1Vontftn 1'atuipa•r." "A chants Caf. Cit.rumurt:' ant "The i'ieui, hINiia.ket." Kate Douglas Wig- gin ,ls a winning •rsomality, and it, seems; seenso evident ate when she is. /1(11110111.at "(fhi11-e,rtisottaiacts.'• A writer in this i.•111• 11.1.1 the good feetuuie. to -'we heat is - ..e Ilnd tells about it in a most itil.•rr$tiu? story, AIT wit- W iii , ti terutent wnlrmatle nt'tVinghaul. Waterworks for Cliatoq. At a meeting of the Clinton 'Own council held on Monday, the .ith inst., N •, after a heated discussion the water- g - works i•untrstlra were filially award-Pit:- the we e ,the following tender,. being accepted on the advice of engineer Chipman : T. M. Cullotr, Hunt twine. excava- titir,, estimated at $7, 7141 Bunter Bros., Kincmdine•,`wate• tower and fou ndiJt itisllllll 3, III41 Ga rtshoe-Thompson ('ti., Ham- ilton, (pipe, etc„ estimated at .. 1'8, :441 Smart -Turner Miurbine Co„ Hamilton; two twee pumps 1). 1'a ittclon, lot _jigs 'Nodal , which have-Amt--yet- leen neeepted, have been received. footle. building1, 111)1 Hydrants and valves" lou tints engin.' and WIN producer1' (441 Receiving 1itasin 1. elia Fire at Wingham. The 1Vinghanl tannery and glove factory, owned by Mrestrs Pringle and Gurney, was turned to the ground with all its contents on Thersday, the 80h inst. The 1wigin of the fire is unknown. The loss is very heavy hitt the owners will probably rebuild. Burglary at Zurich. A hold attempt at, robbery wan insole in the otace of Tlie %urieh Her- ald about'2 o'clock on the nnnning of Thou..day, 'Ale 801 inst. The safe door was blown utwn, but the el intents were left untouched. It, is thought. that the burglars mistook the office for the branch of the afeleon9 It ink, which is in the 'aunt block. As yet no elite has leen (mind. The damage will amount to over *11111, Automobile Constables. Here in something new, reported by The Exeter Allocate : ,tor, Davis has leen appointed ruutiuohile constable for the summer months fur Mouth Huron by the Ontario Covelnnlent. It is his duty to keep tali on all auto- mobile's their numlwrs, speed and the general action% of t he drivers, and re- port/01111e t1 the authorities. Ile Klan hes certain powers in regard to the en- forcement of the law irgarding the running of the autom, A Hullett Wedding. "Fairview Elmo," the 'nine, of Mr. and Mrs. John 'f *aeon, of Constance, was the scene of joyous festivities on Wednesday, the :firth lilt, on the occasion of the marriage of their oldest daughter, Annie, to Mr. Jamie- son. a prosperous young agriculturist of Hallett. Rev. J. E, Currie was the officiating clergyman. The bride, who wore a princess gown of em- broidered lawn, was attended by her sister, Miss Nellie, while the groom's hrother, James, WAS hero loan. Mins Edith Horton played the wedding marsh. After the ceremony the guests, tzt the number of seventy-five, sat down to a supper on the lawn. Two Huron Representatives. Clinton New {:re: The Wom- en's Congress, recently held in Tor- onto, at which delegates wete-present. frnfn all parts of the world, had two representatives from the county of Hlrron. Mies Agnee taut, the clever author and traveller, was formerly a resident of Stanley if not a native nf the township. Mrs. Kingsmill Cnro- A Manitoba Election Outrage. Loudon Atts cit l-er. do rte recent trial of Oro of the spe- r•iai c ltstatlt•e appointed by the Afani• tutu 1.t,yerumtnt to do duty on the • election, s light was thr'iwn on the me•thr tis resorted to ty 1'retilier Roblin -arid It i5cullt•agliem to ausir.t the ('unset•t'attiv.. past 3 to gain power itt (Ottawa. ' The tuition Was hrunglit by Ilk+ (ir.itihky, who took an active part at Wirth in t1»e interest of the l.iltral candidate. Th,. evidence It-ent to whew that the deli•ndantS, who art ed on tlie• jakusleurtius of another 1'ru1'inr•iut I enismill'itt i nipltlyee 118n1W1 Mzehle- waki„a Ionia. inspector, arrette'tl the Plaintiff on a ti luuped•up chargi- and ioes,o ;hal up in order to have him uut,.ef the avallr tin -Ute day of ptilling. ttifnt•nting hint Ihit he avonfd he re- leased • when •u tint lolls were t'1oee11, 'float t hr hole tiaj of the special eon- stuble, was 1" depri 'e (ii•alo,.ky of hie vote is shown h the ct that nuthin y K more- Liam s11.• fw•i'n hw+u'd of (Ile abarge 011 W101/11 Ire wast rested --ilial tit attempted twitter)-. On of Owwit- Ir to r• i, . wit- nesses, the clot f the 1 t 'trial x In.W �1 tn' r•crrtivr-tv,rtn✓il,-tasiined tli at {Loma ui Np.(ial rnnrtables, Who weir to he found all over the 1'roi•inr.'dul'ingthe Dona nem 1It' titin, were ttpptiinled nneh'r o1 owler-in-eoun'iI that was Malt• Ill tuial'1ive, and that .their natio. itt 0eVer gazetted. - 'I'he fury took the only r.•aeonahle view it the-t'tst', nanny, that tha'r.-e wase nn el ,ifi••:'HMI wlrtl.'ttl fill' the iit•rt't-1 ..f-t,t,iL.tsky, that the charge agnin-m trim had been nni.le wtlely an a pieltat, and ,i‘‘ Aided him $11111, The I't"tiieialliov,rionent .lid its rttounl. 1" •-hld lbw 1, ,i11;.•,*light,• in the all'.tir, "i ttl.•wtlti. I hiring the last, *16, 1471 This with the roost id two deep well pnmpN, which IS estfuatted lit $1.11111. x dther1 engineering mKex1wrs $_ 1e 41 will makes it t"til cost or *54971. Death el Harry Ker. The citizensef 1'l i in were shocked Inst week to learn of the sudden dearth of harry Ker. of Clinton, who went Rest to work on his hotnesteaul lout one month ago. [Deceased had spent IMminton tity with his son, \\-alter, in Wainw•righl. Alta., oral ill the evening etartel out for the pine be was working, Monti• time later he Wait founts tying braid,. the rn ni uthnttt tau sullen, from tint -town with his creat under his head. A doctor wile summoned hut all tit tempts at restora- tion proved futile .edea hit sllilit. winged Us flight, heart•Lailut•e being the apparent cause td' death. " Ilu- e.eused Was horn' in Eratt111.rt town! ship, Wellington eon nt)•, in 1x,1:3, In hie youth he Ieormel his troth. ns a cabinet- ke• in Mount Forest. For many years he had liven t•uipinyeel tit the 1)tihert.y organ fti tory 'tit (!hu. ton, and he wars eine'. yed abet in the lirxlrrich orgren- f..rterry-•'-fete-atrvirw- tinu•, ill• 'tt:w tu:u•ried twentt' )•..•art ago hl'4 t t111H ATn't•iie, lir -lily Illy - Held, nhtitont ives hitnt ttith rheir ton. wins \Vatter, of •Alberta. ;1/11.1 Eine, AL I . --and three daughter,. Min - air, \Ltit.'1 t I Ilacc•1, Deceased WAN a charter rnemher of t he Woodmen of the 1Vi,1'hl. 111 IN,II it'm he WAN A Re- fornter au(l iia religious faith at Methti- (hot .. St. Helens not treated Fairly? A t•tirlespondant 1Vi•iles from Mt. Helens; Ott. Belem' rifle tram had two men who afield*, have got prizes at the Iatt' County shoot. Mr. Humph- rey with A score of Want) .1, Mentinald with 47 were loth high enough b, he in the prize lint. The team nil account of the ltmg distnnre they haat to dt•ivr rind the lat•ntts of the meeting .',1111 not stay until it was over, but as it was Mentioned at the meeting that the St. Helens men were all tyros w e expected that if there was anything cooling our way we would get it, but it sears we did not. it dex'sn•t a- mount to much, but true sport cat. - not be without lir play. Etiquette Note. Pretty near time to hru%h up your table manners. Corn nn tate cob will soon be here. A Good Digestion. He ate a curly puppy dol. And then he tried a cat, A 1101104. 14 pug, an elephant.. And, last of Rill* het. From hmrhing on mesh mend thing+ You'd thunk to find hilt, dead, Rut what he ate ass not him/ more Than common glncerhread. --The Housekeeper. -11'.,►corking gratin thing to 1ot11.• up your wrath. Self-sttistded people have nothing more to live for. As weeping experts women ran put it all tivet• the men. No, Alonzo, tends ofsweatt are not cytases as ot•naments. ' -You couldn't raise the hopes of some temple with a del•riek. Many a good reputation has been stabled by a pointed. tongue. Ihin't..aulptny it shoddy ty,itrkuian when you waut'at horse shod. 1•'e44e of eoutse.l,teucwr keeps it lot of teen in the straight and narrow path. When a woman ularriee a man she takes everything he has -including his name. • Many n man s'Inauders a dollar's war th of energy in an attempt to save a nickel. . liressip is due to the fart that the world" cotttalns . more talkers tbw- thinke•P. The rainy -day skirt was never in - fretted for the tall woman with the 'siwtt4y *Leith.,4 °'ret °ably a woman doesn't caret, tell Iter age Tetanse she knows that .body will believe her. The sick elan who is able to swear at his (lector isn't likely to give the to- rten akar a job right away, iirarint'Itt•outCanadian flea .grease° applied to the rix'ts of the hair, keeps it gle.sty and prevents its f:►Iling oat. :ilk% u jar. Ne substitute for "The D. & I.." Menthol Plaster, recommended by� everyiwxly, for stillness, pleurisy, etc. Mode by Davis & Lawrence l'o. Sweetness that never ,tout•14 will do more to smooth one's pathway t hrnugh the• world than great. aecnmulation of wealth. - 1 reett .,t• yosu know just what you would do in another ulan'Y plate, but why don't you do the tight thing in ynnr own plate i)uty is the little lane sky in every, heart and 1411111 -over every lift -barge enough fur a attr betook Itrlween the Honda, and for the skylark happiness to rise henveuw•,u•11 through and ming ing. K Itandyy in the laterite as a clack. 1►at•is' Mlaterite Salve corem,gniekly n' great matey of the miutple• ailments snail fan ciifs, ekln Injuries, insert Bites anti sting'. 'tic. a< tin at drug- gistm. Nevet' ostrt•rqq any elan, nor thyself, the more for money, or think more utrludy 1,1' thyself of another for want. of it,,virtle being the just reroute of reaped, :old the: want tit it of ne- glect. Tte float thing in tryingto tact ter pint etmdit inn t+ to know what you want, and what you can. in •y. 1tl✓ot'n expttf•iettre, pat)• 1'nr. Nothing and nuh011y ran serve you till yob de- ride 1 he... .ditto 0104, Positively cure Dyspepsia. Promote Digestion. Money back if they fail to cute. At all Druteiale or direct from tiL 25c. a Boz. COLEMAN MEDICINE CO., Toronto s Where Christie's Biscuits come from - The cleanest factory in Canada IHE -Christie, -Brown biscuit factory 1.i in keeping with the international a reputation of the firm. Visitors know just why'Christie's biscuits are the best baked -and hundreds visit the big factory every season. The 'Christie, Brown people stake thiir reputation on cleanliness and quality. The raw product is the purest and best money can buy, and every ounce of it is carefully analyzed before it can enter the bake rooms. Every device and machine -making for the perfection of the product -is used in the big factory. The bright and cheerful employes, all arrayed. in spotlessly white uni- forms laundried on the premises, speak volumes for the sanitary conditions under which they work. You just buy C}lristie's Biscuits once and you'll know why your neighbors call them- $ft y1o(xl " The best grocers keep them dnd they cost no more. Christie. Brown & Co., Ltd., Toronto I'll Explain Why I Always Drive a GENDMOSI "You see the breaking of the springs causes us baby drive1n more trouble than any other weakness in carriage cars. But there is no spring weakness in the tyENDRONN car. Note that double curve. It is exclusive with the DENDRON It so distributes the strain that the spring. never breaks. And then the wheels.. you see they are specially welded, and cannot warp or break. Note also that little rubber cap over the nut of the axle. Sometimes when I have a restless passenger, I want to drive the car around the house without scratching the furniture- it is a little point, but a gootl one. The materials for all the GENDRON cars are the very teat in the bodies, "naps and every other part. There is style 444 service in every GENDROsi model -Canadian made. so -that any unexpected accident can be easily remedied." •' The Oendrnn T)ri.vr" WRITE SOLD BY ALL FIRST-CLASS DEALERS. US IF YOUR DEALER DOESN'T CARRY THEM. Gendron Manufacturing Co., Limited TORONTO