The Signal, 1909-7-15, Page 3CASTLE OF ST. JOHN A UTILE KNOWN IiEXUTy SPOT IN GREAT'PRITAIN. Fine Oki Group of Ruined Castles, Churches and Manors Lies at Carl- inglord Lough—Abbey Is a Relic of the Fourteenth Century and Is In Ezc.4tent State of P ation ---Count Taf's Castle Now • Ston. If the Niiiiicartit architectural b•au- o,w of ('arlinglohl were as well known and as wed advertised as Kil- larney the f.undun & Northwestern Railway tun W 1p•Iarid, via lireentre, would roue be One 01 the neat fre- quented of all the tourist routes. A small town un the 1•Ilgr of t'arling. ford bough, having only u few hun- dr.•d inhabitants. it is literally (you'd - lid with the aruaina of ruined castles. churches, and historic boozes. Per hap. the noblest feature of thou Utt . the ('astir of At. John. which *trouts un an em111111 • With a sheer drop t0 the wader nn oto aide. but with all eacr•lltnt approaeh from the town 1r• rosy climb, giving access 111 the THE SIGNAL : (:1)1)EIt1('11. ONTARIO IT'S ENGLISH, YOU KNOW! A "Double Barreled" MatiM. Hat Worn by a Londoner. A novel aulutioe of the matinee hat problem has been introduced by Mlaa Jean Alwin of London. She two designed a bat consisting of two parts, the crown and the brie,, which aro made quite separate. The crown In Itself forms a Huy toque, ot. faring a mtatmuw of obstruction to. the NIew of any one sitting behind It, wbllolbe detachable brim forms an enormous sagggrattsd "Merry Widow" affair. When the hat is worn at a matinee and causes the usual preteets from be. hind, the wearer, with a suille, slwply e ILre11e, by a bnJg.• {}crus.. 11..• 11.4• way. fn place•s the w,tl1+ art -all to b,._.•bv.•n feet no. thicltiess.uhib. glimpses may be obtained •.1 , 11: 1, reinvice•Ii 1)1 entombed t ll ,n, 111. Elsewhere are the r,•y0uu.+ 111 tin' ,11I - creat tbtry. first erected us lour aro a- the fourteenth century. The out hue is weft defined thre'tnwor-re.p.'- nally, a picturesque ivy.nivcrt•d roto!► being in ezu•11e•iit preservation • In for Pentre ul tilt• hill, tutu ituht, mimed isdptu.•ut--.tac, teailway station, rad well known 111 rile many tbousatads waw pans each year lin the way frau tire. -our* to the north, ,or from th, tratiglibortrig tuwts to the golf links at Urwenexr itril.11, stared the tower and u{ust of "the. Main buildnass uf'Cul{at Taft'- guatle, is i' ae.l as the coal attire by soruw:ie wh has • leaning tow:uds the e•umme•r•i• rather that, the. huturiral .and artis. e sack of everyday life-. .A little nes rr to Newry, on the (4.11tlty, lh,wn k ere•• its• platureaquw emu- 111 Wn utr at.•r OW11E. built by the• I)n a of r art tr&t. Ere.., Ia,cA fen-- view of the t arlinrf .r 1 M 1100 feet in height. ' t early \ The views it) the tt :.rid the road,' ' Minte on a Hun Curd Kiato'a n ret ...hang trip in Amara was ,11.- ..f th must excit- tag that has cone. with ti his e•aperi- 'no. Carat ditfieulty a„ rape•ro•rNe- sd-aa 4,aatmg_-L{lt. _ p,.rwut+t- tog their lair owing " the queuuty e1 tinhorns and the, .fure• almost im- penetrable jungle, Much in many Pastas stands as h• , its 25 feet. One day a b14 hull rhi • ••n.•, which wag on the point of b .waking out in front of His K: vlMnc '• howdah. sudden- ly tented tantro. -t{ii4 altareeel at. the !me of elepha s in close formation advatwetnr sen nH hint 11.• turned torr elephant ,ea (tap4 t•!y over, all.' stalope•de d .e -.vat ,th,'r-. and event- __aralZ_brnke rough th«_litte_-runl es - eared. Mu • serious was an accuTi nt' in which lel. Brooke fractured his arm In on. of the bents. :r. rime.• e*nt r nut 1nw,ards hits, and ne nnly th, vieernv wits to .hos,t tie - Col, Brook,• di.i not •fire. but 1 the• beast. tppar, entry the rhinoceros r.'went ed tali, Dal, and channel straight et the secretary'+ Itpha�t.. ,a big which retnrn.•d the chary,. interest. The shock of the ma- n waw tremendous; overr11en' rI its, and the elephant was al. 1 east on his side. while the col. �L 1's hat and rifle were 'burled to the ground, he himself twine dashed against the rails of th ehowdwh The rlilrslerms then a(tnr•k.,j the elephant against t},. tail, of the howdah Th.. "nlonet Still his viii• sound tom. , n- deavored to shoot ilirtl, No 114 to Efo- �eet fits Tephstit Ileo. ver, firing only s small•M're• rifle Left, he was naable t, inflict any werkoua damage, &girl the rhinoceros escaped . to the iatnrk. retain. all be district are ex- • llLea_ALWYN JaBLI;LrfI1u BLR )IYw BAT. Hits the g• ••gantuan brim off her heat. tearing the Inoffensive little toque ne an eel. q.mte headdress which -4 *111101 ire objected to by the most troublesome • DUMMER PERILS. THE NEWEST CRAZE. The Bachelor Is Warned of the Season's English, Smart Set Tries Manicuring Dangers. Advice 1v, ot e11llt'.., g'11041ly wasted, especially o11 nom. Still .u. Panted toehold the u11proteeted•snuar trier [tau going out to inert lila fate will t dexil int to call Iiia attention (4) some of the pe, ils he tviu en• 00111110►, Ulla w.uuilig 111111 of his' danger,. • • f''irwt-he Ai ill utrrt tit►-- piettie -diad, Whit knows jgat how to Iiz up it Ino. h utid 111411g 0.1101 ellit in the wader dal that it win keep. cool. Kilts very dalgeriaas, 'A man will get to 1hink lug aloha what- it .,lett lulls lane teepee .hl• would make hrf111e he k , it. lletv:i'P . l' her, ret, 1.1k,• 1)4 101 her mother elude the a:1)n1- wiebes and the coot (0neortett the cake. Then there's the rowing gill, %%6n takes you out in et boat tun, lets you lie 1111 yyDiii hock ;11111 stare 11p at the sky while pier pulls the oats. tt'tl.'11 out for her, foal think alae• would make a gnoit'wife, who would ltiwe ys'- la,k out for your comfort, and :Um Ilea►.Ia ,•{/llelllg. Nit Ilse eliatiess Mt - lbw x60 wo Id expect .you to du all the huatlit{eit(lnr yon were married. lirsidrx, & wumam who pull• the .11ok1 oar it 11. lousily always ,loos 1In' lasting, The halting girl is at tantatir.i0, and 111 t, L:,viur 1,.. ;, 111 uu•r, 1 f delightful little thing. the lets you fan' h.•ia- i..trI t (11.• c .iuy yr, of Ih,.lth0r, Uta yeti get Ion J1.41141 •t ,J L.n e ... ill 1 t , et,1, Tie or, W1111.71 •.1 11 th. Stprier,• say nilly Ihin(s als,ut`Cede• -••rit.•1 .[tnri' TM rr ,iv,'l slow. brother. Lifei. agent on d1 c wstJ. toe 15v1 r 1111111. 1''1111 want somebody who will the t tt. r lar . ,out abrte hr duck 11rural erth m wait 11 . i1) 1h• w:i' 1 I :1 foil.•' l o1) a brueh... water. it I. of t.. •.•tea 111' .tur'ne the corn - The. Fishing Girl May Hook You.. n,c .., it n;.a. it It,.irdress- Giro jt-wileipat.i I{t[leati you lu'ir,t• aael.lal�.!I till f.,1u1 on. of 114.• i,utioess, to for 1 I I who drnpIT- 111 't` •i_ r f{r.:: tk.:l ,;1 it ill.. and Hair Dressing, .rvid.11ee of the prevalence of extraordinary pa fiw,•a among the "upper ten " we. are- asked to eon. eider' tin• lin• etit b'vu-...party -craze for aii:tt.ur hairdr..•iuk and 101013- curi11g which has swept over • I!ng- ltrird ttt the wt'nn tt ,'f the party. 14011 nil it attaful:,ut-wnius, ns,ls'mDle in th 1116ni11ii-r,.ot1l .v boudoir, taw Molecti :.rr.,y, d itt 11,.• moat autil,tre elr..u,c-eou1, thine,. of wonder and ttph 4. 1e:trilled, and ime l.ocoti,.'1i. t,[t4 Leaf• au'1 ribbons; Ili, ale u' 111 eh:bet:it, tlrentnti drop. eta . 11„+ ,aloe! foal ..f ll;une Fitsniarr— f.,r tip adornment of 111,• mob.. '1-hua •.1.. '.tori. heels. • . .1wke,rI s.l,itioris occasionally. tri %%1,. •11 1t I,41,1 •. n, t11at a l'ii,•st's ero14 line' glory" hal- la.. a purelse,l fn.u. tl:'•• 1'4n -dress. 1. 111 ilii.,• days Is• 111; .I. p rids not t'., much on moth- , i tr• ,- ..n tt• t f :r knew 0w,th- r. ,It '1 ! .It 11:. tan rl'v 1.1 fl• eine t l .r L•. If .I - .cl • .114. abnut 141=• tat. -t 1'..,110 .1,.1 L31', huildhe1 tin nt- it. 1.1 111.., 11, out of 1h t In: -t.' hou•e '1+1 .il.;p;itch:- 11 u • I1' -I. n..t. u 1 Daae the off.•r a•' for -the at, ! in' ••d 11,•11.1 144,,, 4, pl.. ,...1 at it r dl1 11,r 1 hating. Fishing in a Failing t..ua.• ! ,'i'• t .*4th. .,• rt' , -i , 1L requires, lur:1.- lyt(i4D,'t', .1.11, ,,,,dIng 1�' 1 .r.' th„vtt'th',tt x- thegutaim ,nn- Saeid to !two eee•t. r ' I. ' tt : , •\. t th,>r• mod f••r lads to look the w:in Nitt• is aft, i. You may 1hitk the yo,•'ll 1.1.1 1•ild,b• :/late bait and.ptuy wilt 11.,• I,...1, (4?:' , t',e', r 01 and swim oil, but 11111 1)i tlle1 .he 1 4 , fx 1n !,. ,. ,•i Ti.'will land you at the allot . gra” Wilt ICY, f•,k f: d.nt( Parr .%;1 .1i*JJ"_•__. alien '', t - .111y 1.111.11!111, Iyla x .er mien. ...i•• • 1 •.!I • • • t ,q r -.T was I.:,ts11.•.I,y; bol to tae inlellit;.•nt - '. ''- t , ' i," nock ,•4 111.11, ofiytlt:nbet11'taste- sh,dis sillt i,„.', '- 'I'r r ,li r i.t't- • iji.t .rue nui(ht to IN. 1r , n. 1h, 1 h ti: v, .inilwl to,w 11• :a ted lantern .1)10114 t,"` ..r• , - ti her ne.rk. Tilts mu/lj w'hn r. ..1. ^'Intl- 111. n..rl .. mental in,ett•y or 1011 id 1„n1.im.o, fl:. n ,- - <ter, the rima.+ ,tiro.,,-toit wl10:1rt uudtt• it gn•.•n Ileo, ' '''• 'tfe.'1 tlu,t I i uahhi\Iii^!1 er i.t' the still tyater., doe• •e al hi !.,:, 1'. '! ,'t•rrt.{rr.. •. ' :, 1,i•fitini, 'writ, 11.tuL,iJ.sil ving t. -t•• i that \J Phr:Ultlrtie ellI i, art t '',' ,y tl, 1 of .1 fall a hl.e 1'11111111115 eel 1 ',t,:i..r1 11.1 LI 1 . 11ver nl "11 of ri1'1, 115 hu i. 1111'1 ,1..14{1.1" .1 x•0:4151' -1.e• •1.1.111. :.11'71.., I1r,er 1)t h tel I •11r.r.•I, 4.41 r, -1 1.'..1:11,i o1) tmn11, twin, Shat Penia i. oen r'itt4f5 tl 11 '_'.i, P..,ti,o I„n,:r •I•1' lit l `1,.. •!' ...nld eche M 011 the link. friend', lli,11=, . ,1);i rn than - Beware of the fiammnek girl. rfal 1)r }y a 1'r tr h wirl*imr. heal girl on •Sahli lu1 ks hk.• .111 enttrr.I 41,.' µ11 ..1.• hen-• 1.,rt}' 4rrnye'i owe! on a moonlight ui,tht n. she terrines- irrm- lrmrrrmrrk Pen n times in tl. Ir. te.'leeon- ..r,•,i in,Wn•s'fu.• -dTr'>,et '-Cr•gn'- tlttrrt�tirt ••n the thw.r old crank. n ( Iter to the hotel (Mice and sit in the full glare .d the pre.,lic electric light. William Brymner Is Hieeh In Cana - 1 • Proper attention to the hair and S(•allftis the l)et•}n•c%•cntive of baldness. An occasional ap- plicationof Bt'arine I1air 1'om- :ulc keeps. the' scalp in healthy condii;uto. It ue,.u'i!-hes the hair itelittt'.. a el supplements the Natural 1,11 of the head. 1k arine nut u:iiv prevents f:111- itit 4:4w-4404--• 444)441atQ'F:- new t i'nvtli, .'ill cis a jar at your (11'tl ;? tats. Ain MENTfbLVE 15 AY SAL `imntn rly'.,,ce ;tau .lr t.,r man. lace 14511 as oars. 111 .41 an 14..1r..11,1.1‘•14 .1 I..11,' a ousts ILII$,hitj t.t 1111'1.IM•. 111 ., gun •t.oa with J 11.311 .r 111, nit,,.i and ,Better l a♦,king nni4bcacious i,twtI) for Titaness. Sore Tts Burns, Brul.e., drains, Sprata*, as writ ,s f„1 t Cut,. ,,.. 311'1 In.' 111.14 I run 1.. l,.1.acrt, :lti .14.)) u, lar tau„ 11 1 ..lav at t umr. 25c. a box. Ir 51'1,114, 1. 4. Cr.\Sinalreal. Then They Cackled. \ . • •mitt y.tnioi.l,'•• in the course of -it ing stity,td at a Mouse where it , r . fileken egt .e1 vet for dinner. I he eJ.iekWs-loolttvI- 1y{ taint. tVrtl.•' he fa.,I t'sly tonal keit. he10'r where then chi, 1.11 e•Ittey'x 010 y.' ••1Ii,pe irdoe!,110t/Or lb a than in lay wet k, 111 oral the ant 1 boy ,of if..—teweilr,-- b:Uuy:u.l Iet:Iinr.. hailed Iuere•h. All37maul, yt'ung 111 ;an tic,oi.'nrinF ere 411.111, i'- nails Hy it strange legal fiction "Merry -Widow" hats are now classed as bi- cycle wheels 11) - the Swiss raitrpad freight tarp The '%aim state milt road author es have deckled that hats esceedlnR a eertaln Atte 'lust not be Peculiar Marriage Rites. Northern India and the inland of nargue•y ran certainly claim to have the mo'o Peculiar marriage rites .1 any munt17 irl the former it cow and a r_'tli are invariably requited at fhe num-late. The animals are driv- en inti/ n narrow running stream, the Iwwata rind the betrrtfnri eouple also standing in the water. The rnnn and Ironton each ratoh holt of the e W 4 tail, and the priests pours wat- er oat of it glean vearel upon their Pined hands. while all present mut- ter ceehin prayers. The young folks Itt” then declared to be man and wile, calf pnest claims Abe 'row andus his fee. in the island of Ran - 11107 the officiating priest takes a incision thea right itd with makes of ethe bride 'nit bridegroom. From each incision h" gathers a few drops of blood stat tartedPrs them to the other one's leg.This Verata..n, together with a short trhe' ' frmrtula, eotaetitatea the *heir of the marriage cPnwnony. Qotdtetds Opened alp• The Casatiar goldfields of British r' IId'h win shortly he coxim.d ite- °w '' by tlae •(,rune, Trunk Pacific. anti the. two 1p11e will. artan render an ^1)r unarm of .SIEQa.4 rtf the Oxottica Midfields, Umi„ lather pwiquicitarn be - "Iv a rwh•one. bttt.tuarinr to be *ban - aimed newerai years .ego owing to the diffuyilt7 arld tnnnervie•exret of trtuas- dr TM'n of supplies Ori antic/paw M the otpenimg of the road, the Skaeas rix► is the present highway e prgtpscinrs and investors in theiM fields immense areas of fertile lands with a great depth of extremely Ittttle Mill reaemhlrng in nature the rtt ids pard' of the western prairie Aulkl� ,rr„ ' re being (Tenni n in the 1rn11 T and NeebaV s rld 1 tibbahar,i ,t, wk farm* Mawr twain e thou districts)'ry results in worn` by Indy I>.•{ssengers,mit BMW ca a- ca riled es baggage. 1 lib R THE LATEST GAME. 111 marl rerrorN-fiiy(tl w Tnakzz1,, r 0 11er. and the e0►y' .air Penne nntl,•r. R: C. A'S NEW PRESIDENT. lie cite :trances is 11) Iter 1(w•av tr..111 NEW P Fight Shy of Widows, Brother ! - dian -Art Circles. Also fight shy 114 a hies s, I..IHi -cissa Th. 1toc.,1 Camelia: \ ' :dein).elect- aft '.l n 11,1% pr0:idrnt ' it days Iwo haiiit of taking nte.Ting 111 .11 ttt tis 11 lrllttl( Du TTii r mutes in twilight with n real widow, who i. th,• 1 r n, of Mr. 1A, on Itryrnner, .we•Ptr-Npit--"4Lge{l•astludir•• and-kni.wx lt.0 t .f \fotttreai fir L'n•tunPr, how in pier 11)0M11010k1//11ns 11 00) n th+siirfi •till' n rnrrui ' is young - Ja.t{p ssatlt.-_a_ll..o,.,uut Sofiya f I t 'ftt f i gpro- haq t.. 11 :,n lt.(' a. -ing.. I,o+fi. Hr :1. IM�r. „''fir.•. reek Seottanlj, the Ilton 5 a .dl I )' . t• n Suspense, and It Promises to Become guardian angt'1 shut. 0p shop and Very Popular. Rows out of Irumines•. Suspense Is the name of n new game Which promises to L. popular. An en- terprtalug girl tali -odic -edit recently at a party, and it score,, an immediate hit. It was playvTomething like this: Otte of the gui14ts entered .the parlor with n manuscript, which be naked the company to 'listen to while he resit "James iHa'rrigan, coal baron, frown• ed when he looked up from his pa- pers to End Albert Pe1'.trat Duval be- fore him," the guest rend. • o "'1 Jett you, young man, it's no use, ynd I don't avant to eiiscuss It. - tte- fere l'dlet you uuirr _1 hv!lis'— "'Don't say anything you'll regret later,' the young nine inte•rruptcd, fac- ing the older non with a ateely''glare, 'because Tut going to marry' her any - 'nay In spite of you.' "For a minute Harrigan lord his temper. 'Get out' of my 'office, you Impertinent puppy, or I'll throw you ort." "For answer Alterert only stepped over to the door,.-alauuuetl lt. shut, . (roto the key home and locked 1t: Then he turned to fare the angry mil. Ilonaire, "In place of the imperturbable man of business he saw the Hartigan who 'Ned to be pit boss. 11arriga11 mintiest to his desk, puller) int a def finer and drew a gleaming six shelot, r. '.5 move nnd' you're a .l.wd-tenni-be *forted to say-: "Rut Duval as he turned from the door had seized a , heavy bronze ink well front the secretary's desk. thick as a flash- he threw It. 'I'iw heavy missile struck the revolver just as Harrigan brought 1t to rover him op- ponent.' "Wit .. h muttered d Purses the two tern came together. Wenponless, brute strength againnt brute strength, they struggled and writhed. Slowly, mer- cilessly, ifarrlgnn's finger tightened arotiMSd the younger roan's thrlmt. He Jammed his head between n earner of the desk and the floor." "Now, what hnptwne,t next," the guest who was reading the story, de- mander, of the ii'teners. "I -:very one's tent paper and fen.•II. Quirk", You've got live minutes to write the next par- - agraph. Don't write over fifty words" Recovering from their aurprise, the guests got bas}'. Stine hnd serious answers, others laughable ones. Tho prize for the best. answer viaa a copy of one of the "sit bes tttrtlhrrs," The megnel that. won It ran r th{ei; "Just as .inures Harrigan was email - Mg the lass breath from?luval't body he stopped, gasped and Teleneed his held. The younger man's coat had conte open. On the wnt,tcont gleamed a pin. "Why, you're a frnternity brother of mine," he said. "1 beg your pardon. (let vo and let me duet you oft-" Exercise For the Ewes. 1n order to insure a tai lcient amount of exercise being taken, we feed our ewers to severnl large yards, which makes them trnrel hark and forth a grent deal, sacs n breeder. it an old pasture is near hr, it Iv rrell to let them run out to It when the Weather Is mild and the snow Is not ton etecP. This Rues nddlttonnl exerrlse, whirl(, U neerasnrlly beneficial. titre water and sett aporia, of remit. he kept twtnre the flock st all times. other• arias they will drink of stagnant water, whlrh la Antro to -cvase dlWeser As for the summer widow•, sidestep her its you v1111ie your life, 1.1r she generally has a large, (ehu.t hushnnd who doesn't understand platonic friendalin. And it's so nnplrlasanl ie 8144111'. hatters 55ith a iI•rram of that xui-I tj THE NEW JEWELRY. Grape Effects In Brooches and Pend- . ants Are Very Attractive. • • The cretonne designer, null paper manufacturer, mittincr and 'Jeweler alike recognize the decorative mine of the grape motif, and this popular fruit ons never represented to a more at: tractive form than It has been brought Oaarr YOTII•'t IY JEWELRY. net this mention. nn. I t elle lhenrss ns it millinery nceessnry Is ah0wn i1) tnnny of the ernertest -bats of the spring, while the wall paper std upholstery designer has brought out ninny original efT.rtt with grape clusters Re{ the tea• inn. of the decorative scheme. It has remained fee the Jeweler, how- ever, to wtlliret the grape motif in the most nlluriig manner. in white. f:rcen nt purple how that' exae lly fntifnte those of nature grapes, 14.1(11 a bit'ef faltag., form the setting for the dnhi- tient- of pins, brooches rind ;e•itdants• Thr golden frame for these pretty fruit d.•siglla I4 of the bright or theAdler rnsc tint,a faint greenish hue being introduced occasionally when the grapes ern of the ((teen w'hlle rnaMgn tint. In the ncrontpanyIng sketch are shown a few of the lnfest designs In grape Jewelry, the pendant and brooch being especially pretty. Three Methods of Serving Dinner. There nee three methods of serving n dinner—a la Franeaia, n la Rime and .tmerienn. The 1•'rmch service for small (1inn0rs 11 that or present Ing the 'entire daft to the great, that he nine help himself to the pert h0 wnntl. The Rnsslnn ser•Ire--thnt of carving In the kitchen nnll sorting from the butler's ptolry-4a teat adapted-tu_laugo IM11- gnets, hot it is preferred by tnnny host- esses In their homes. The Amerlenn servke Is it combination pf the other two, the garnished dish being first shown to the host or hostess for In. election and approvaland then cut outside. Tough Fowl Made Tender. To make n tnnnh fowl tender add a pinch M baking soda to the water! It la cooked in While it 1. boiling. I;t.1 •4 '1, It.c.A., sen of Mr. I,••1, - itrymner ed 111-. :1,11p, it on ri; 1' '• nntrr--krrh+v I.-. IIt• studied in 1' • . and trat.l'.I . good deal in 1•;o1-•1•• 11.' retun.•d to Canada wide o flame, ,nun,, ro.'t,,..i, 11101.- 444114, tor'. 1-1.••• lur4_qu:d:1, . 11.1.- 031 111.111^.. tt0:untitg, 11r. b'r)-ni,ii i"s i:.,. - .,,, portant pietur.•. int.. w V • . - h,'ht." 1.aigilt 4.% the J1.,n11,.t. 11, •ettMrr't+4-4«rs-444.-4,t4.1.-l'.441 -t t 1 r ( purr. Ile }i:,a 'p:.;ln.•d a Ftid ,ninny. figure --p( •err; -carr Meir titare.—f*- 4.1,131. t., b- hi: .pyeinit'. if lie hiet one. though he 11:... I.., ti44i'v' .fit( 4111 in landsrap.s \ll It, 1*t er u tench r in tle .I -.I . f roe ',tired a1 Art ss,tiatlot, i1.: i., as ;/S.•t\,n bache . - Smuggliee In Africa. - 1L 't cl,I,i, 1! 1 ; ,t ntt issued nt e, lith , '.l, 11:0,- • I, ant. (omm1: FJ1In 1' .ill"iditol. rt...t 414,.; ami brandy ,-eon' t 1),e from the 1511,.' Colony is 0'r. rroutletrt than ever. in regard ti' He 1 .rfnnr:-"thn rr'rrer:tfi plan i, for un-. ..p111uut I':urol.':,ns in Cape (•olonv 1.. hey titles at a1.alf. MM. each. .ttn1 41 ti to employ 11,1x,"- rutinl•ta to e'tli:.l,r' err son th• in in Ilasutr,L•/or TMut-itnl prig'• .nn 11:1 tive,, pay for n.'It . rille L. }7:,...r n horse of equiv:.1 tri value. Th. r;,rt- ridges nr• Reid ' •,.I ,•nth" ff we'll hard tint eat n way 04 her pen- plr would glliekly 4!'t out of it. Table first food of the day. . Every man, w•.slan and chill begins the day 'with 'torr or lose vigor of mind and strength •'f body according to the first fond supplied to the stnrnach, the best first dish of the day is a bowl of Quaker Oats. The stomach ran as- similate it more rtnickiy and with ftss effort than other 4, -,ds, There i, ,Stile or no Waste ant terry mance Of food is converted into muscle, vigor and brain activity, 1 he strongest people in the world arc theregular caters of Quaker Oats. 1••'11 should rat it for breakfast every ,lay. Loyal Canadians are proud of this great industry. The mills are at Peterborough. 1f yen are convenient to the store you'll probably buy the regular sire ps,kage' For those who live in the country *e large sire fathily package is more satisfactory. The large pack- age contains a piece of handsome chins br the table. \ homely truth I unlstmlie. l' 'After breaking a all a\..0 to lost. A-`treui•1Ness - person vat•ialii- a happy one. LPau-n\to blow your own born if you wunld hi;aol the procession with tIu— hand.. \ .The man Ito is too lazy to wiggle :always thin he is_only w.iiting for wing.. is better thin .. $5 bill the I ie, es le ahnn•t i1 - A W0m:ui'N itet of a becoming hat i4 elft• -drat e. •1.15 we 1 hao she c.tn af- ford Ti, pay Money talks, an there is often A sp'aking likenes. be •wren the genuine land the eount,•rfeit. Nl'tu•pr alit,w volare - it Titre Tor any '= tiling iess than y • hig est ideal, 1f you do you will deteriora: •. Even if a woman dote -f ''i to enjoy an outing she always trie tar make Lh sheo-,fie w•hod, remained at hom- believe - - Kellogg's is \\. "The Sweetheart of the Corn" All the Food -value of Corn is Secretly retained in Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes. Itis toasted under 300 degrees heat, evaporating the mois- ture, moisture is useless) and transforming t h e Starch into Pre-digested Grape Sugar. It's impos- sible to do this without Kellogg's Secret Process. Kellogg's with milk or cream makes a delight- ful dish. Be sure it's 3•11 - IOC. V C.a.d. Gro<er Toasted Corn Flakes 1-icnic and Camping SUPPL I E S Seel ,ts lit. y,wt 11,14 with lite provisions for pow $eluetrwr opting. We know .list what you went and hat e''4he'rigid golds to supply your ,reds, whether it be 'only for an after- noon pienie or for a month's camping. F. the pe.gde who stay pt home we ha%e I resh Fruit and Vegetables and everything in the line of (irneericit that is good. Sturdy & Co. 1111•: eiIHH'!•:Ity 'Phan 91. Wet Side Square. Tltl'RsIIAY, JULY lb, 19.0 fS MID Paroid Roofing 1 he Roofing of Quality Has many imitations which may he sold for even less money, but the best is what we all want. .Paroid is•the cheapest rolling because it wears longest. Nails and roofing all sold together. Gold Medal Binder Twine We sell the; genuine Gold ' Medal Binder 'Twine al the ' 1'1,a price going. The Howell Hardware Co. LIMITED1 este _ N Mee For the Summer Toilet 11 Wit have is sto_k all the leading Toilet Preparations. \ American and'French Perfumes. Sat -het 1'owder High grade Soap Face Powders and .Creams. Any special nuke not in stock we can procure for you. DUNLOP, Bedford Block, ,The Druggist. oderich. 1 WATCH \\ THIS SPACE FOR` BIG SPECIALS Next Week 1 I. 1 CAMERON & MOORE r� J a r The Home Beautiful ENAMEL FREELY PAINT PLENTiFULLY STAiN WITiI JUDGMENT and you will make the home beautiful. Try a tin of the CANADA PAINT COMPANY'S . Aluminum upon your Radiators,, Stove -pipes or Metal Orna- ments. • Elephant Paine for Sale by THE HOWELL HARDWARE CO.. Limited