The Signal, 1909-7-8, Page 6VS - 54
Kellogg's is a
Delicacy and a Food
Keliogi's Toasted Corn
Flakes furnish a delicacy
and a Food in one hu-,
cions combination, dis-
tinct from'ordTnary
Kellogg's is Pre-digested
and nutritious- It up -
builds the young, re-
freshes and sustains the
aged ; creates a glowing
health, vitality, a clear'
brain—the snap and fire
you formerly possessed.
Kellogg's is sweet corn
—Purified by Kellogg's
Secret Method.
The name on the box
must be
1 OCJt"
Corn Flakes
- uru•rih:, date. 'trip. of 5Ir. 11 A telt' to
obit au r/1 .re dkeootiuued, M,r. Wave.
parry Sound, wnlh huun.t.wt ti•5' win. instead
of 7.11) a.m. •
Ft'1.1. tit'3rutn wearier .
o FMK trip. wcekly•tu Mackinac 1.v. t'dItiu-
WooA sad Owen 8nnud Tu. lay, ThUnklsy
Friday and Saturday.
• Pi)It .?rlif,-?'ORT AIlTRt'tt: TlfltT Wt1-
LIA77et !tin. Mare !bruin Monday. W.dne-.
day and daterday. N edto..tsy end Satutdt.J.
alM-through to Duluth.
Tickets and information from all
railway agents.
H. H. Gildersleeve C. H. Nicholson
Mgr.,enllingwood Ti's icMgfr., Korona
• it.
Fast Service
Western Points
• I':1KLt..R CAR
AT tJU•LLI'll. Jt T.
Leave (i.Nlrtl h 2 2.I'.SI.
Artier Detroit In :r, P. U. .
Aniv.• t'bi. ago 7.1.5 A.":41„
f rhwtnat au :".i! 1 s•kr:. iron,
Jtti'. KIDID, 1 ;rt' i't.. .?gent, fiodertrh
The Popular Route
,To ALL Tilt\C II'AL
Tourist Resorts
including Muskoka. Lake of Bays,
Tetiagatui3Oeot•gian Hay, Megane•
tawan Kuwaithnl.ak.'s, etc.
Full Num Melt Me:Int ICE now in effects
Exrrnat0K Tmatltrsu:v Sam.: ft OLT.
Very low rate,' via attractive rotate.
Daily until Meptentlwr 'lath. 1tiom
Retort, limit October 31st, tli$I
For tickets and full informatihn
apply to
Iiinwn Town Agent.
Orrice hours 11.311 a.m. to S.:ill pm.
Tickets on Sale from Toronto.
The Scenic Route to
?honing I,:,ke '.1n..k,.ka at. Hain
Park „rad along Ihr ..hone ,.f take
)eeweph, skirting nearly ..tie hundred
!sateen of cater between Toronto and
For literal„rn and fill infornt*lion
*limit fishing and holiday eaten
write Passenger kept., Toronto, Ont.
.3rltternational JYewspaper
Bible Study Club
Soyeittve queslpat on Me Internotronal Sunday Mara litaseas...Rettgare
by Rev. Lh. Ltnsiott, Brantford
_T�_..,,... lltetglatered In acoordatioe with tie Copyright AeLI
.1 Sus 11 1-Ter6psfancq Lissoa,,
sly, Jtiy �. 900
Accts xvi.: 16 1.. Spam be apt til regret. t'tlis painful in
tioldti Text,--Hrlieve en the Lord china ?
Jestte ('hript, altd thou ehaIL be Navel. Verse 1i --Is thele any • circumstance
Arte kvi, ::i1 Nu {winffll, m• disastrous. Ilett Brayer
Vereee.111''21-',ht what clams do yott and praise cannot tutu it into joy and
phice those who pewit by the sine of victory:'
fallen women ? If we prayed and sang mute In our
1'hiti 'ytong wwuan was poeseesed private liver.. and int our families.
with a very elever spirit of evil. an ell- would we have more joy and gladness?
iu ttal.;;jtitit of deeeptiu t. including Vero. Was thin eiuthquakti the
for tune -telling t now wherein did her result of the prayer of Pani end ?alae,"
.in consist, antitheft of her owners? or was it a natural event ?
Which air the nose to be blamed in Dors God today work out for hie
these day -r', fottune:teller: or their people prowlieall{yy the same result. tie
willing Auer..? are here recorded?
When .lwd un•n are losing. the gains Verses 27.:N -Why did the jailer
of their evil oretipatit•tn--we they:not. decide upon suicide, and ie elicit a
to he careful of the tt uth, when they course ever justifiable,
are after the good men who biive de. Verses 31.:3 -Was it natural feat
ettoytd;heir lwsine•s? ' Fttr example or religions conviction. that now oper-
t hr liquor destine. aced in the
jailer ?
tetse 22 -What made the multitude t « Rhat did the
desire to he
angary at Pati -abs tiiras; and ti any eared frnsn -
:eltente ever to be placed upon the Verse it What precisely did they
exett.'d lot it of a huge crowd? mean by believing on the lord Jesus?
Do rrlig iiffrr. a "es still snake Mai a father or mother believe in
the people hate one another? Jesus, so as to assure the salvation of
wtiel(dI,y_gitin today Play any their children? (Th.. question is to be
part in teligious intulerence. IflWeTldterwritmf-by- mem bets of the•
Verse 23 -Why did God pertnit such club).
entity to his faithful servant*? Verse 32 -What ie • the wind of the-
% by in it that gully people often Lord." and may a person know thet•
have to go through very, exquisite lots word. first hand. who is not nerson-
fering? ally acquainted with the Lord?
Vergie 24 -May why it is possible for Ventre Xi, :1.1 -Can the gram of that
any good man in prison, lying upon t suddenly turn a cruel and brutal man
raw (tack, with his fret (art in the into atendrr-htwrtedChristian ?
,.torten, -Icy- he am happy- aap,wan_in._ Ver,ea'33.4-May we bit confident -
health, and at liberty? that there will always be a happy
Does.* good man s influence cease ending to all our trials.?
We is imprisond and his sud bis limbs Lesson for Monday. July 18tb, 19t19--
&r•e_IL•jje[.4? Paula Second Missionary Journey -
In Irutkitttgg 1.--Itek over the results of Thetsatottter-and' Her-,.-*eta•avli. y
his irnp,is5n►urnt, would Paul and t.13, •
Sunday, July ill, igog--Paul's Second Missionary Journey -Actio ch to Philippi.
Sheep and l.amb,- I;wctptit' Ire head.
active. Iambs, 14.W .td 1�.:..•:).a' I mss,
N xi to 00 5U, wethers, G to 434u, cu. e.
M to so.z. sheep. nage). $ to Ii i4 -
Chicago Llve Stock -
C$tCAUU July ;i.- t'al+te - Receipts, r•
Wuutid at 1 .oar; tuarkr, +t. .,ly to lu.
tautly.„.tpevs L. lc to V +' T, x sr it., re.
11"7b to'IMO. mestere siert,. Nel-t..•e rr
stockers' mad feeder*. It.tu to t5.. tugs
slid honors, 1150 t9- N 5•. , *Ivy*. SI I•.
tIalts-Itecelpt$. enlimut,J' , at DOA'.
n.arkrt lee higher; light 1-.G to ts'o:..
u,lard, r-tS to Iel6; 8? 011.C. IX ..
roughs. 1: "y LO I;.30; r•'d 'to ch. Ic'.
limey, S. at to $ A: pias. ISM to $ Rs .et
bulk of wales. r 1:. :u. In g
Shi Knew Him.
•1'h.y.•'•» ynnog ul •n in .'iso 1f rhe
Ig t,6ioNue rxhihiti..o l't tdiuge in
(,I.0 ago •t ln•, .iuie a recent exea 1 .
emir, u. ver. sten mit. lu• lMitt. r to 1•••••
Cilium Minted While ..t .1p• lel. phone.
A few ,tut N Ag" he e .1,1 not g,•t the
Iwt he called for :es qu1*Lt as he
Ker itetr, t'entrifl; -♦ 41,1.4”1,
••1•tl 1••i+n t
*Noll don't kiiow who 1 lull," WtIS
th'•'•+Int reply,
•'1Vt•II; 1'11 find out, and that blunted
quiet, too."
"1 ate.” y"u, th yh " dune W. a
•raft, sw,,rt WOW over the wire.
V•tete iii 11te'big ,AHte fin Whirr
huibiiug. 1'te even your picture."
'" exclaimed l• 'O
"You have xclaim.d th in
men delightedly, and he tuentalty
kicked himself - for havinte -been au_
rude to SO sweet a girl. ''White did
you see it ? WAN it ill The Furniture
Jmu•n t
•Nu," canis' the laughing reply. "on
a lobster ran." -National Fut d Mime -
-Mane a' Hit.
One new g at London when a
certain regiment was doing its title
aho. tang at the -rove- ranges,
4r. ye Toll -11110 Saturday Night, 'Col.
Peters with • member of his staff
came walkiug along the line of pros-
trate•etd.1i.,e,-ebeewrit?•-eh ir,rttaltwr►
of ttt•ine, etc. Ore meq taught hie
attention and deemed particularly
worthy of notice. He hall the ride tit
his 1 it sl ol.lilor anti; was ltwkit.
along the:barrel in a most peculiar
"Just Idok (It that swim" shouted
the Colonel. "nobodx on earth could
shoot like that."
Just then the man tired. there was
a pause, and the marker put up the
sign fora "bull's-eye."
up to this time the soldier had said
nothing, lust now he calutty-turnadhis
head and said :
" Ttow'atbat did spurt ?"
The Colonel quietly turned and
walked away to bide his eiootiun.
Stephen Allan's Packet Pieta.
The Hon. Stephen Allen. who had
been Mayor of New York. , was
drowned from on board the "Henry
Clay." in his pocketbook was found
i printed slip, appar, ratty clipped
from a newspaper. It was the follow
Keep good company or none.
Never be idle,
If your hands can't he usefully em-
ployed, attend. to thr-Y'tritivation- of
your ratios.
Always tell the truth.
Makeiew imindere.
I.ive up to your engagements.
Keep your own secrets. if you have
When you speak to a person look
hint in the fart..
-4 n.wlr.+rtrp•irty and good canverta-
tion ate the very sinews of virtue,
(food character. is above all thing-
) ite.
Yogi character cannot be essential'
injured except by your own acts.
Drink nu kind of intoxicating
Ever live (misfortune excepted
within your Mentor.
When you retire- to bed, think ovet
what you have Is en doing during th.
Make no haste tri get rich. if yon
wonki prosper.
!?mall Sad steady lesion give conn
ewtency Willi atranquil mind.
Never play itt.ygame of chance.
Avoid trniptat• , throug14 feat
you ntay not withstand 'Ft.
Earn y before you "trend it.
Never 1-1111iht 1 debt unless you nee n
way to get nut of it again.
Never borrow if you can possibly
avoid if. •
1)o not ?rainy until you are able to
5lnl.1Nt1.1 ,, wire.
Never speak evil of arryrrne.
H.- silo Iwfoie you ale generous.
Keep y twit inut.rrnt if you would
ave when yon are Toting, to spend
when you :.ri old. ,
Read •t'' r the above maxims. at
(east once it It e,•k. Ex.
Acts xvii. : 1 1 Scriptites hear testimony that Jesus
(iolden Text -Thy word have I hid Lis the l'ht jet ?
in 'nine heart, that I way_ nut sin - Verses 1, 3 -How do you account
against Thee. Ps. exix.: 11. lot it that iIse came facto and rotation.
Verses 1, 11 -Ie church going a gond i Ing which convert some only serve
habit. and whet -de they who to harden others?
have mkt formed it? 1 How is it that women are generally
How want' t sines' a clay ahatttd a ferrite majority in Ekhiet'.--eenvrete -?
person attend church? ' 1 Why were the Jews moved with
What is the value of w good (titbit, jealousy?
and how are good habits formed ? 1 Can a jealous man, et the time,
Verse 3 -Did Pail meta to say that it either be a true man or a cor•Ee:t
was necessary for the Jews to have put reasoner?"
jesus to death, and if not what did he How do you characterize a person
meats? (This question must be answered who is jealous of another in doitfg
in writing by membereof the club).
good works?
(The position taken by the Present , Have. We any modern exempts' of
writer is that the Jeweattiglyt to have the way these people acted? '
accepted Jesus. and that their putting Verse 11-i. the world today upside
him to death is the colossal crime of down. or right side up?
history. and the calamity of cation- 1s the world getting better or
it ire that he, befallen the Jews. That worse?
there are two distinct lines of contin- Verse 7 -When peopled pose the
gent prophecy in the i)1i1 Teitaittent work flit/addl.) do they people
rith.roneofwhichhringfulfiiled,would themselves to the truth in their oh -
cancel the other: and that the propb. jections, or do they ever confine them-
eeuYN f-eineeitiing tto-menet tltrrirrn-tif''trrltestnthe tenth ? -
Ihr. Jewish nation end Ihr throne of 1)o objector" to the truth knowingly
David with ituparella't-.i splendor were falsify, or do they do it in blind iguor-
rancrlle,l by the utltillntentr of those more. or through prejudice? '
..dicer ' g the trjeeti'•n of Christ, \'erste 1111'2 -le there ever any vit-
(hel fent j, -sus in gust faith, and they tut. in exposing ourselves to danger.
v.,Tin sriiy ri7. eyeiFfiinr.-�vttrn God's- when it- i.. moi rtreoreary--sit.-ilraluter.
first and best plan was that they este of the truth?
•herald nrrrpt him. Otel then pro- What wee the difference between
cress's to do through the death of the rrligitnn people, of Theeealonica
Christ that which world have been and threw of Berea?
done more speedily by His Ids.) 1 In a-tduth-ereker sure to find it?
Is it n.t a+nary tilt i+ ut Adopt *ll i (s 't ever right to .tppn•" t he truth
I'anl'% ops in order to he well in r�e interna?. of the Kin dorsi of
pleasing to OM?
Were all Pail's opinions cotrect1
-.inventing the time of the eecnnd I Verse, 13 -15 -Whet ie it w Lich
ranting cot ('htJ+t :' ' prompts tt.eet to work so bard and
Is what N,•ttat, was it true •'t.bwt ! 1'er+ietentiy' in opposing what they
Chi i+t st nerds have suffered?" know to be the truth!'"
Fier Like xxly, : W. Jer. xxlii.: fr-ft. t iss.mrtreforMnmtey, July 2504 191a1-
Mieh, v.: 2, Mast. ii.: 4-8l • Paul's Second 1Nissionary Journey-'
in what way do the Old Testament Athens. Acts xvii.: 18;31.
TME MARKETS. Grain Excryanges Closed-
Live Stock Markets -The
Latest Quotations.
Monday ?•:venin?:. July T- •
CMetaw mat- Jim- other Atwerlcsn train_
excbaag•P were ia,erd tu-day fur u,r-
bollday. -
Winnipeg July wheat clnwd lite lower,
(*tuber wheat un.h:mged. July oats %c
lower. tktober oat,, tnwtrettged.
Winnipeg Options.
Wheat -July 11 Di, October it 10, De-
cember It 1a hist
ti•tis--lUt' to ,c-b1rt, tfctober Wer bid;
Toronto Crain Market.
Wheat, fait l.,.iJi las 101....
1 Z6 ....
W' hert, redlitteh
Wheat. ge as',- hush
Itye. bushel 0 71
'tuck wheat, hurhrl 010 07i
l'ea,, bushel 016 .....
Itari.y, Imaged t., p,,,0 M
Date, bushel rain -
Toronto Dairy Market.
nutter, t.wparator. dairy. lb0 19 0
Hunter, more lots 015 010
flutter. creamery. Ih. rodeQ.. 0 t
Itut ter, creamery, rends0-t:1
Cheese. new, Ib 0 13 0 Usk
Cables Steady -Hogs IOe. Higher at
Tweed* Junction Live Stack.
TOR(.)NTO J1'N(TifN, July 5.-
Rs•reipts of live stock at the Union
Stock tants were 171 carloads, con-
sisting of 2,616 cattle, 28. hogs, 139
sheep and 21 e:dv•s.
No export atter, were repo -ted %n'd. tut
dealers elated that they-wers worth about
the some as feat week Illy, ..t.1 al
frau OM to a.xt. rows, sl to tS Ti
Wtchars. a
The twat butcher,' heifers rine bFtiK
held over for expert. Whale, k tn.,fh-
Iln snld one load _of hnre
teh,..'t In 1018•
bar, 1047 11*., at ISM, and P. W. Maybe*
'Mel 14 heifer,, 1070 1beeach, it IS rd *leo.
There were no picked Mu, .ts drovers
were wafting Inc Tuesday; gut (Mehr
picked steer, sod h.tfers are worth 1:.73
to M. the same ae eeteat nolfera. tgde
nr gond butchers add et from 11.10 to
se 1w medium. it L1 to K.m. wnmon. H
TO jt.; roam, gond ousbtr, illi to N IS;
common cows. $1 to It '
Milkeh and Speiroemte*:
Abram t`. milkers and tprtagere found
ready nate at Iii la WI Mien. suet two
extra quality Moitetn Caere brought roars
Veal Calves.
flervlt,t, light. redeye nisei, bet ms -
changed, at 33 to 71 per cwt.
Sheep and Lambe.
tr.vrowt eW.a, 7.11, to N per cwt.; neat.
Rt to NZ, lamb,, 17 to j7. TS les cwt.
There Were only 21 hogs nm sale, whieh
were sold by A W. Maybe, to Whaley
A C0«RM1, In 5111 an order n1 11 tt fire
cwtfed ant watered at the •narknf.
11 F named, repent, ewe 1s at S.
red end watered, and 37.0 f.*.b. mare st
Montreal Live Steel.
storrnRAI., July I- tlllwelst1-At the
Montreal Rtork Verde went Pn,I Market.
the r0e,iptt of lire Mink for the week
endlnif Joey 3 were 1r75 raid., syn sheep
and lemon, 011 hogs and 1640 enlre. T10
Supply for local 0 neu•nptioa this mora-
ine consisted of 1101 cattle. x10 'beep and
Iambs. NW holt, .end fee . alvee,
The offerings of canis' %ere 701 head
larger' than a week ago. but. ttutwtth-
n/andIne thin fact, Its' to the
market for good t.. choice Wan stronger,
nod prices for nut h edvanc. d I4,c per Ib,
ns' supplies of this ria• s were limited.
while ti;. rower -Mailer Serol pfeutifut and
',towed 'no Improvement. Ts,. att.ndutc*
.•t buyers wan larg:, and, as the weather
wag much cooler,, they showed a disp•e1-
tion to operate more freely, consequently
:t hotly active trade was done. The -de-
mand wan principally for the top grades,
while the common stock Dray met with a
fair sale. Owing to the coutleued strong
std. advleas-root•?;_ for ward from all
Teta ',adroit tors -torn tnarkets. which net-
ted a further advance In prices of 'Lc (0
14C, per pound there t+ a steady demand
from expo for all imitable slapping
*lock, and this fart no doubt tendril to
etr ngthen the market for top grades to
Nome extent. ('boys' steers %old at dr• to
Otte: good et r%, to by. •, fair at 7,e to
(site.. medltrm .at f!ic. to etc; common at
:lye to IY,e; Std--tirt.-rt.m-at !tot to Mise
ter pound. •
The. market fur hoes was Steady at the
de, -line In peters noted on Wednesday. on
urruunt of the fact that supplies were
►,mailer, for which the .:e't and was good
front i arks%; mid eaten of e (. w k to n6
ptlect.4 wee. muse at tn')u. Mit the hulk
o4 trading was done at M o p -r hundred
p.uad weighed etc cern. o'ab a udvlre•.
Irmo t,melme-haK-uwels--14-*64-new dw.e..a
in pieta for Canadian Ladet nr h. 2.
(01 rwL, on account of It111 'supplie.
tut those froth, lAverpoot and nnatol wen•
raster, with prices le to to ktw,r than
week ego, - - -
There was no Imfktrtnnt ' hangs' In the
rondltlon of the market felt imatl meats.
prices for. all linen barn¢ about mead?, as
the nupplten eoening forward aro not rat
'Micros of the requiteventos T:,. demand
Or ',beep wan fair, et '• per poum.1,
r local consumption. at d nn ',am as
they reach lige thee, will be soon de-
,rnand for export nr aunt. lambs met
with * good tate et Treats renEton f ' ,,
U to :6 each. ar.d ,soy-, rota at from 12 1
to M rash, an to quality. I
-At th. Lanadian_P*clfIC.rLlY...-J3tock
Markt the rSeetpt, for the week rndingi
July I were ref cattle and 10 sheep for 1
export account, and 1:0 ratle, a4 sheep
and Iambs, 470 hogs and 143.7 calve. for
lora) ,-nnsumpu.n. The supply 01) th*
market this morning conflated of Air
?leers. 1St rows, 117, bolls., 130 "hem td
lamb,. W Hewn and 201 calves.
There Were no new A.'ve'•q,ment• in
eh? market for rattle. n*rsa tonal' tart
that the mortify wan In etc,. -s of the re-
quirements. end Ir,M on the *ante was
sloe. Chine, Steers ?0111 rat se grant at
Iter to e; fel, at like to 444r. (00,1
entry at , fair at Ar to 7'(r, and en-
ema? at Td.- M 1%,', and bulls st from
gee In 41' per pound.
11re danend for ?mail meats was good,
t ed ■ fairly Settee trade an, Aon. In ail
Moe? M Meetly priers. Sheep meld at rt%c
.per Ih.; Iambs at Ih pet th., and ealv..
at Rum 31 M 15 each, a to quality. Hoge
were a fair sale at 3110 p.r 100 pounds,
weighed oft tart.
East Buffalo Cattle Market,
MART R1tYr'ALrl, July t -Cottle- R.-
relpta, ails heel; slaw tend 11e to IDB
lower, prime etrera, 7110 10 Y. shipping.
1111 to Ila. butchers', 1~• to labra, helfera,
M 3 le 11S. enws, p it to p, haus, 33.7.2
to U. stnekers and feeders, $3.7% to 14.30;
Steck 11,55511 It * le (2.3; fresh come and
* wine'," "toady and 12 lower. ITt 10 at
;foga-- Receipts, ISn head; active sad ta-
1tee res tot M M; y'tt rt 7t In XX: MRs.
17 70 lo 27•1%; mutts, 17.11 toA; slap,
t t.. 11.11; Minya NW to 11.0.
'When shown positive and reliable proof that a certain
remedy had cured numerous cases of female ills, wouldn't
any sensible woman conclude that the same remedy would
also benefit her if suffering with -the "sante trouble?
Hort+ are two letters '‘Ouch prove the efficiency of Lydia',
E. Pinkhatn s Vegetable Compound.
flisntlyrd- [Rts� slat, i
, havetaken-Lydia E. Piakhama
'Vegetable C pound for year's and never found any medicine to
pare with it. I had ulcers and falling of the uterus, and doc-
tordid rate no good. 1 suffered dretuifstlly until I began taking
your used k ine. 1 t has alto hellwd other woolen to whom I have
recoinutt•nded it." 1l re. HenryClark,GlantordStattoa,Ontarlo.
Another Woman says Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound is the best remedy in the world for women.
Fox ('reek. N. It. -"1 have always bad wins in the kilns and
a neakne•ms there. and often atter my weals, my}' food would.dia..
tress me and tiuta soreness. Lydia E: Pinkham'a Vegetable
Compound hos clone use onuth good. 1 ant stronger, digestion
Is better, and 1 can stalk with ambition. I have encouraged
many" maniere or families to take it. an it is the beat remedy in
the world for women. You an publish thin in the papers."
Mrs. William Bourque, Fox Creek, N. 11., Canada.
We wiil-pay a handsome tv%idtd tit any -person -who -will
prove to us that these letters are not genuine and truthful
mor that.either of these women were paid in anyway for
their testimonials, or that the letters ate published without
-their permission, or that the origihal letter from each did
not come to us entirely unsolicited.
What more proof can any o'ne ask t
-Por-34-ye ra ydia-Ts. Pinkhant'e Vegetable'
Compound has been the etandartl remedy for
female ills. No sick woman does justice to
herself who will not try this famous medicine.
Made exclusively from roots and herbs, and
ha. thousands of titres to its credit.
Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women
to write her for advice. She has
guided thousands to health free of charge.
Address Mrs. Pinkhao, Lynn, Mass:
;Itir7.itlh>t \'Vatch for
Theigna1's New Story
This ie to
treatment leu eat
OPERATION. a. loaf
)our week.---lttata
RUPTURE sets any
PSI is this Compete
Nano _ r_
Cars, . lost a
is -YOUR
talo from
/edgy yes
Time Rlip
and mail to
Dept. C.. 23 Ontario St.
Putting It on Mr, Peterson,
A good runny yearn ago a promin-
ent railway contractor Was in Sir Wil-
liam Van Horne's office at the C. P.
P. heatf.luatters at Montreal talking
over some utak that wins in progress.
The tuntrtl•tw• and Sir William
(,rays The Montreal Met) bad a pretty
lively dincnttion, sod the former sud-
denly said :
"Who is your chief engineer?"
"1 ant the chief engineer," said Sit
"Well," raid the contrcctnr, "you
had tetter get -another. Yuu_ are go-
ing to -have a lila nccid.nt; and the
Arid thing yvif know youell be sent to
- Bir Willism !etncheti s hell. and Mr.
P. A. Peterson responded.
"Peterson," maid Sir William, "you
have served long and faithfully, and
yon are hereby eppeioted chief en-
gineer of the C. P. K."
An old-fashioned,
ill -working furnace is a non-
It consumes the coal, but through leaks and
cracks wastes the heat.
It it_noteconomy to have' such a furnace in
your own home, or in your tenant's home.
If you are thinking of building you should be inter-
ested in Sunshine Furnace. It adds 100 per cent. to
home comforts.
As soon as you let the contract for your house decide
on your furnace. The " Sunshine " man will be
pleased to tell you just how the rooms ought to be
laid out with an eye to securing greatest heat from
the smallest consumption of coal.
If you want to experiment with tie question don't
specify Sunshine."
If you want to settle the question specify " Suaskiss.
Try our GASHOI'SE Cosa
Fine for fu nacos, ranges,
heaters and grates. More
heat and cheaper than coal.
$ per ton cash.
New Coal Yard
I handle all kinds of bard sad
soft coal. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Nothing but the last anthracite
Terms, without ezceptiob, CASH.
D. F. tiamlink,
Plisse 127
'PHONE 15 OR 24
Warehou.e 1'cr. wee'
-Viten you want (and Yard.•)( meet and )
II4P IIKST at Dock Mauer•
will put it right
quickly and surely.
Money back if they
do not cure.
At all Dretdi.h..
' -' - f or direct from
25c. a Box.
trail Coil weighed on the market uMlm
',knee yon get 2,145, its.. for a ton.
to—der. left at r. 1'. I.KE'M Ila?11ware Store
Baal Side of.8quare, prom pily attended to.
CARPET All order"'
e o
LAYING ra� attended
Repair Itonrnn one door Went of C. J. Harpers
:stove 81o,e, went Street
ne,Idenen-Risen: Arent'''.
I always drive a
Because every part Of the car Is built in the Toronto factory, and of
the very best materials–the double curve springs cannot break ;
the specially welded wheels cannot warp ; the tops are of
the hest satin for parasol and the best leatherette for 4I�
• r
hoods, and the body of finest wood or prime German recd.
They're Canadian made, Ro if there should be an accident
it can be easily and quickly remedied.
You can Always Get Home if you Drive a Gendron
'.l,1 hr all An, cls.• drnl..• %r.. n, 11 r"nr Antler
do,,.,,,,,,, In.0,
Toronto. Canada