The Signal, 1909-6-10, Page 7'THE SIGNAL GODERICH.: ONTARIO
Time DAT, JUN. 1J 111011 7
&44 444 * +** + 4*aIle*** 4 ++*+ *+* 'it4*,t,.x , ** c 491
The News of the District.
.4 444 44 4. 44, 444444.4 4 • 44+4 4 41444 5'
MONDAY, June 7th.
The genual excursion to the Model
Firm st Guelph will be held on June
P. A. Melcotnson has purchased the
--combeia-Kiu ,.1)1
r,ljhe late ill M e o
----.ns3ad-X11) More to
_tem wwp at an early -date.
The sacrament of the IwnaTi'Rup`pse `a
was dispensed in LucknowyPresby-
terian church and South Kinloss
Presbyterian church un Sabbath. At
the latter place, Rev, Mr. McCrae, of
Huron church, Ripley, assisted the
pastor, Rev. F. A. Mcl.euuan.
Beireventt CHANOK++.- Messrs. Cor-
bett & Close, of Seaforth, took posses-
sion of the Cain House tart week.
Mr. McCaughey hem gone to Blyth to
reside The butchering businesses
of Collins & Archer and Smith & Co.
were purchased by Mr. Metro!), of
Berlin. on Saturday last.
MATHIMU!tlil..-The marriage of
---Mies Gertrude Coruelius and F. P.
Kelly took place at the Roman Cath-
' olio church, Teeswater. on Tuesday,
the 1st inst.. Kev. Father Corcoran
performing the ceremony The
beautiful home of John Graham was
the scene of a very interesting event
on Tuesday of Inst week, when hie
daughter, Mier Lizzie Graham, was
united in wart•iege to Thom Lockhart,
of the 4th concession, Kinloew Rev.
F. A. McLennan performed the mar-
riage ceremony on the spacious lawn.
About 150 invited ltuestm sat down to
asumptuous repast. which was also
held on the lawn and was thoroughly
enjoyed. The young couple will
make their hove un their farm on the
4th concession, and have the best
wishes of a host of friends for their
future happiness and prosperity.
OBITUARY. Mary Campbell Mother-
land, aged three months. the infant
daughter of Mr. and -.MN, John Suth-
erland, died on Saturday afternoon
'slid interment took phyte in Greenhill
cemetery on Monday afternoon, Rev.
D. T. L. McKerro t conducting the
services Mary McCallum. beloved
wife of David kitties, died at bee hone
Cu the 2nd concession of Kinloss on
Thursday, 3rd Inst.. aged sixty-elght
years, ,rhe Lntesansuttook Mace Satur-
day afternoon at Kinloss cemetery...
The death on Monday of last week of
David McKay removes from our midst
one of the bright young men of the
community. Deceased, who wee in
hio thirtieth year. Wale 'tri-kett with
Bright' disease some tune ago and
gradually grew worse until death re-
lieved his sufferings. Ile was a gen-
eral favorite and was well known, be-
ing a talented.piper and a very enter-
prising young roan. Much sympathy
is extended to the family in their be-
reavement ....Mrs. Eliza \Vetrater,
relict of the late Daniel \Vebeter
hissed away on Monday of last week,
interment taking place in Kinloss
cemetery Filen Miller, beloved
wife of John Coulter, died at her
home, lot 1, concession 3, Morris. on
Friday. 4th inst., aged thirty-nine
years and nine months. Interment
took piece ip the Brandon cemetery
on Monday afternoon.
Wut. Matheson is leaving tomorrow
for-Wlttitjtpeg;Mars.'s where he intends
to conducts mission, during the rum-
mer. in connection- with the Free
Presbyterian church. s
Miss Mary Mustard intends .leaving
for her home at Brucefleld file Week,
Tree having spent sometime visiting
at Mrs. W. Mathesou'r.
Bryan nuckinghatiiis ppainting. the
interior of the free J'resbvteriau
church: for which he has the contract.
Mn. Juhu McTavish, of the Ith cou-
CSI..On, Huron, war visiting with her
run -in-law, Ed. Itavey, mud also at
Jar. Rol,b's last Sunday.
J. L. Grant and Don. Finlayson, of
Goderich, attended the funeral of Mer,.
R. McKenzie last Friday.
Donald and Allen McKenzie, of
New York, and Roderick end John
McKenzie, of Chicago, arrived here
last week in order to attend the
future' of their mother. Mew' He MC --
A ('ti. •tEY<ia.-The Lochalsh base-
ball club-yclept the "Fast Macke' --
wish it to be underitoiid -that they
challenge soy other baseball. in
that pat of the world lying within a
radius of tifty miles from the poet-
oflice. • 'rhir may include a large part
of the waters of Lake Huron, but we
don't care. \Ve have already trimmed
Kincardine tin more ways than one'
and Ripley has backed out, with fear
and trembling, from a -match- set for
this evening. If any club' heeler to
have their feathers plucked, and to be
made ready for the market, we wish
to hear irom them.
Mospee. June 7th.
l'REWE H.t,rICNtsos. - Andrew
Culbert arrived home from the West
last :Wednesday. Ile ,LLreem1tke well of
the West Thos. Henri Culbert
lost a valuable three-year-old colt on
Faiday from lockjaw, the result of a
rusty nail in his foot Statute
labor is the order of the day here now.
.The pr osperte are for a good
et -op of apples, judging by the amount
of blooin on the trees. Crops in gen-
eral are looking. well so far. Fall
wheat promisee to hr very heavy this
*reason Robert Miseries starts fo-
u)orrow to raise his two taros to pre-
pare for the cement walls. Stephen
Reeves, of Dungannon, has the con-
tract of moving the barns and Wilson
Irwin, of Reliant. has the contract for
the cement work.'
S.snou1AY, June 5tb.
Leese L►cnue • rhe shower of Ft le
day afternoon last was very beneficed
to to•• spring crops. Nearly all have
finished their roma and corn ;dentins;
in' this neighborhood : Nome of the
planta are ahendy peeping through
the surface.. , ...The Rifle Association
----3*-Mb acting agapn_ lt'. hard 1.0 say
where the cup will be for this season
Samuel Mherwirod had the mis-
fortune to we another runaway din-
ing the pa, week. The buggy was
badly danme:,itl. NV.. ate gl id to know
that no one was inured Mrs. A.
M.'rreleaven mei-Minn Hewitt, of Rip.
ley, spent a couple of days with the,
formers' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jae.
Lane Mr. Sanderson, of Dungan-
non, is asnieting hit son. Percy San-
derson, to renioye a building, a
change which will make a decided im-
provement \Ve' are sorry to
learn of Mrs. Smeltzer's illnr,R. Her
many friends hope to nee her moon re-
stored to health and etrength again
The sympathy of the entire
community it extended to Mr. and
Mrs. John Baldwin and family in the
death of their daughter, Mrs. Fred
Parkins of Detroit., who passed away
last week. Mre. Baldwin attended
the funeral.
Fred Ross and Hugh Ferguson are
to be initiated next week in the noble
sad thee Lske_bbute IJschelora.
As this means a lite-wetuhrt ship, our
tender sympathy and sincere con-
dolence is extended W thew.
1VgnNltaDAY, June9. A. N!(W'1'O:Y, DENTIST, LC('K-
1)au Menti h ul LhP CireUlar.kft NOW.-Atbuuneevery day except Thur.-
tre y Saye. New remedy for extracting teeth 'Howie.
Toni, 1a spending isfewdig in thisa fume, better than1t.ea e•ruwu and bridge work.
vicinity. etc. Al teaieawyw.waouse-Litowitatileu.-..
N. ll. -You ern ,Sways have your work much
Murdoch Mclones left yesterday for better duue In the dental oaks --awes time,
Duluth. better facilities fur donee Lilo work, uwre Wit,
The coma ruction work Uu the rail• In able for the "sweat.
we northward (eared the villa a is NUTIIf 1.UUAL A(lis\('Y
y g ix 1)11141414114‘111 fur The 8igual i• at lite 1'wt-
being hurtled along very- rapidly. unit* nook and ti0itiuuury Store, where
order„ win be r
Albert Beckett is reinodrlliitg himreceived for r beeripl
verUtang and fob work. and recelpte will be
barn. John Hutchison of Port given tearaswuuts add for tee saute.
Albert, has the: job of raising it.teilj°ICM FLOWER SEKDS "AND
Mika Dineen is pre{wring to tuove and I lJJ PLANTS' ut the P .wmue Store. M.
tis his been also Elaine haying time. )CYAN. -
VoMxe's IsrrrtTUTIS. -The regular 1 EUNItsuAY. Jame nth.
'monthly meeting of the Wotuen'r Iu• + Mre. Al' Whtyard le viriting her
etitutAi•was held at Mrs. 11. Mclou- I mother at Seatorth.
aid's house un Wednesday of last The \V, M. S. is having a picnic to -
week with an ,attendance of forty-
three. A very interesting program
of music and roles was rendered.
Miss Recce, McGregor read a piper on
"Itniving Chickens," Miss Margaret
Mclean one on "Milk es a Food."
and Mies Flora McDonald one on "'rhe
Uullivation itt _Flowers." The next
meeting will bet held at the home of
Miss Margaret McLean on \Vednes-
day, July 7th..
alit ttty, June 7th.
At business+meetirig of the elders
and ntaaarer. of (' itin church, it
was decided to give a gk4ntlebanquet
fur the urea Gall boys of thhhhIs CulmwUtl- to the village next week.
ity un June lath. It is ten Lhe U? " ituss"Ruthieford is affray with -the
pease ut edvaneing•-_the layinen s tole-,$_ktl Regiment now to uIIup at Lon-
eionary movement in this victual. _ .dun. Ile is 1n the sigeallnM borne.- --
Word wae received last week of the Mn. Berry and granddaughter, of
death of Mrs. Alex. Juhuson, of Aus- Pont Arthur, have been the guest. of
tie, Men. Mre. Juhuson'. maiden Mr. and Niro. It J. Crawford for a few
naw,• was 1111th Ramage and she was d,,ys,
well known in this locality. She had
The volunteer of the. Dungannon
been suffering for the past year howr curnpstiy left yesterday for Lunduu,
day on the lawn of Geo. Stothers,
Mn. Alex. Stobie, of Seatorth, is
visiting her thee, Mrs. MvMath,
Jack Roberts, of the Sterling Jtenk,
Althorn, rpe+ut Sunday at his hunts
Hugh Polley and Ids thee. of
Goderieb, were at Mrs. J. Hyen'r tit
Miss oda Whyard spent last week in
(. ode ieh the gMe Utstlr sister, Mts.
11. Turner.
M Ethel East- ret luded yesterday
from (iod Lich, where she spent u
week with friends.
'Phos. Johnston, who has purchased
Mrs. McNally's house, will likely uu. e
UKATH n► Mtut..1L MLKr %Ig. -
Auother of the few reuuiniug early
settlers of the Lochalsh district nag
departed this life, in the person of
e , t w
Mrs. 11 M Kenzie. whit paseed away
x .
at the reeideuce of herr snn•in-law,
John t•'inlayaton, last Toctdey evening
at the age of seventy -.even. years.
horn cit TV -tee -Shire. -icottant, nr-the
year Mee, the deceased cease on
dale of emigration wheat Nereid west-
ward to Canada from the snores of
the IIigb1*nds I Scotland some tasty
or more years to. Afterward. site
was married ti 4oderick McKenzie,
Ma. a nat:vr of twos -shire, and with
hint settled on a farm on the 14th con-
cession itt Ashfield. near Lochalsh.
which i. now Dote) ted by 1). Fergu-
son. In the year Itt7'. Mr.! McKenzie
died and the deceased was left with a
large familyof small children, sub-
jected to althe privations co<nun.n
w a pioneet•e life. Some years ago
the faros was rented and the dreeas,d
came to reside with her married
daughters tip to the time of Iter dent h.
Although naturally of a strong and
vigorops constitution. yet with ad-
vancing years ehet contracted various
lingering and painful maladies by
which -her tree Rh was. uIi jri utiod and
to which she finally succumbed. She
was of a cheerful disposition and was
at ype of the kindly and hospitable
Highland wotnan of the older genera-
tion who took a deep Inte•rert in all
that concerned the younger folks of
her Immediate connection. le nut-
ters of religion she belonged t the
Loeltsl.h churrh in connection with
the Free Presbyterian church of
Scotland. The deceased is survived
by three daughters and four spas,
viz.: -Mrs. John Dickson, 12th con-
cession : Mrs. Join 1'inlaysop, Loch-
aleh : Mee. J. K. McDonald, lith con-
cession : Donald and Allen. of New
York : and Roderick and John, of
Chicago. On Friday the remains
were interred in Lochalsh cemetery
amidst a large cone tie of people,
Rev. lionald McLeod, of Skye, Scot-
land, conducting the'funeralservice.
• The butte for the Lochalsh Ride
Club were constructed on the prop-
erty of D. H. McKenzie, Huron, last
Tv/smears June Sth.
Wedding bells are ringing in thie
I•:- Pollard is visiting in this vicinity_
this week.
Miss ('Connor is visiting friends in
this vicinity this week.
Mite' Troy, -of Whitechurcb. is visit-
ing her aunt. Mise Annie Flynn.
.1. Flynn waa .assisting Win. Mclu-
toeli to-pUt anew roof on his htu se -
_lest week -
Mrs. Harold anti Mr,. Thompstiii.-Of
Shakespeare, are visiting Mrs. Wm.
McAllister this week.
Wm. Welsh, of Listowel. agent for.
the Excelsior Life Insurance Co., was
in this vicinity last week.
The members of the Donnybrook
Epworth League purpose having a
picnic at Port 'Albert in the near
Mr. Gillespie, of Whitechurch, and
Mr. Spotton, of Wingham, were in
this vicinity last week looking after
the interests of the North Huron Tele-
phone QO.
Ttivttltt►AY, May' 27th.
TowvnHtp (Jobe IL.--bouncil met
it court of revision and for general
husinees. There being no appeals
against the aasee.rnent. roll, on motion
of Messiest. Wilson and Thompson the
assessment roll was tudopted. The
equalization of union school sections
was presented by the assessor. being
the equalization for the next five years.
The council then met for general busi-
ness, Reeve Meld in the chair. Min-
utes of last meeting read and ap-
proved, on motion of Messrs. Watson
and Thompson. The treasurer's state-
ment showed balance on hand of
$2111,74. Filed, on motion of Metiers.
Wilson and Aitchsson. Jas. Foster
was employed to put two testes on
the grader et 87 per day and D. Mc-
Donald wee employed an operator of
grader at *2.25 per day. The Reeve
and treasttrer were empowered to
Morrow the sum of four hundred dol-
lars for township purposes and a by-
law was drawn up confirming the
same. Chegnns were issued to the
^mount of about $220 for payment of
ieconnta The eouncil then ad-
journed to meet on June 2eth at 1
o'clock. W. S. Mr('aoeTts, Clerk.
Everybody wants something for
nothin,r, hut few people are mat Miffed
with what they get. that way.
And It sometime* happens that af-
ter a man has. made his mark he
acquires a wife who makes him toe it.
MONIIAY, June 7th.
lectmot. RRroiT.-Report of Public
school section No. 0 for kfay : Sr. IV.
-Frank Glazier, May Ryan, Clemen-
tine William,. Sr. fpr. -Lorne Mc-
Gratten. Joe Glazier, Marr Shaw,
Willie Chisholm. Jr. DI. -Tommie
Glazier, Anna Stetter', EttaStewart,
Annie Barker, Herbert Newton.
Alberta Horton, Pearl Fulford. Sr.
IL -Jim Chisholm. Jr. Ii. -Ethel
Jewell, Hamilton Clinton, Ste11.. Jew-
ell. Pt. 1L -Harold Fulford, Pt. 1. -
Grace McLeod, Frank Shirker, Bessie
Farrish, Josephine Chisholm, An-
thony Barker, Chester Fulford, Mil-
dred Horton, Grace Farrish. Lon-
e -Me YHUN(i, Tea2her.
TUSBDAT, June Sth,
Mrs. McLeod, of Goderich, visited
here last week, the guest of. Mrs. Cum-
Mr. and Mrs. Williams, of this
place!, paid a visit to Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Spence, of (iotlerich township,
on Sunday last.
The automobile of M c E w e n
brothers. Goderich, is stranded in our
midst and now stands in a field, ea-
fering from a punctured tire. it will
probehly be in running order again in
a few days.
The gang of mon employed hy the
Electric Railway Co. to move fences
are now at work moving back the
fence of the Williams' property front.
The men are hustlers and keep things
humming, much to the annoyance of
the highway cow.
canner•- and -death- -came-as-a- • t...t
Her mother, Mrs. Jas. Kamage, went where they ..ill e1..-nd ten drys
to her bedside some titre ago and was c'ttup.
Frith her until death intervened. Itev. C. M. Rutherford is in Il,uuil- treatment for an mimedToronto
arm, which
rton this week attending a meet Ing of tte h twhile k M
A Good
Hair -Food
Ayer's Hair Vigor, new im-
proved formula, is a genuine
hair food, It feeds, nourishes,
builds up, strengthens, invigor-
ateli. The hair grows more
rapldfy, keeps soft and smooth,
and all dandruff disappears.
Aid nature a little. Give your
hair a good hair -food.
Dos not . honer the color of the hair.
1'urr+ut. with seek bottie
pshow ,t to your
ersA.k bled .bout It,
'neo do., hese',
You nerd nut In .ante about using this
new Hair Vigorfront anyfearofitscbang-
ing the color of you; hair. . The' new
Ayer's Hair Vigor prevents premature
grayness, but does not change the color
of the hair even to the slightest degree.
-aura oe the J. 0. yen Co., Lowen, Lre.---,
MONDAY; June 7tli.
ANN tvta<ai1Y.-'rile Carlow Pres-
byter' cougtrgation will celebrate
tlh•ir anhivei,:ary ,on- Sunday and
Irlti►Ie1u;', ';tit atilt ,Mtit iyst, ltey.
Juba 1 ming, of Hamilton. will preach
on Sunday at 2:30 and 7:31) p. w. and
on Monday -b lawn social will be held.
A further• tmuncewenL will be
wade Litter.
Goon throsase'ra.--
this district are looking
atratte is a great trop and
c •e next week. Fruit -le
Notarise of waist abundance, pante
orchards looking especially well.
Strawberries will likely be a heavy
crop. 'rite spring grains lite growing
vigorously, and the farmers are rmil-
t K. •
Jurrie46.-Frank- W. McDonagh ii
lit the hospital au Toronto undergoing
meadow* in
ne. The
WaDNftsDAY, June 0th.
lar•ry Hawkine, of Hliud River, is
vis ting With relatives at present.
s ,, (' of Belfast is
. J Ito ,stn tell
asptrntling-a few days in this lueality. '
Mi Alice logic attended the wed-
diog f Arthur Hoy in Walton last
Bert, Whinney and Rob. John-
ston. of Cedar Valley, were Sunday
cwllrrr In\this plan.-.
John OMer and Keuneth•Dreke, of
Gowrie, short a few dsye at thetor-
rner's home recently.
Tofu Ki ardaon teturned from
Muskoka 1 Friday alter spending
gine tine wi h his parents.
Miss filen ud Chen. Thomson, of
Dungannon, erre guests' of Mr. and
Mrs. J. Kickleyon Sunday last.
John McKenzieand Jas. McMillan
were transient venture at.the home af.
the latter'. easter, Mre. H. Monis,
Atettr Dunher had the taiskrrttane to
lose a valuable horse Inst Saturday.
The animal chnkg,/ "bile eetjng o.tte
and never survived:
Pt -ogress is being made on the
electrte railway and it is rumored
that the ties will be laid in August, as\
the road is advancing quickly to COnl-
PORT .ALttWRYK tJRanr . e. --*-
number of people gathered at. Christ
church last evening and had a very
sociable time, in honor of Walter H.
Hawkins, who has graduated with
honors at Huron College, London.
Mt•. Ilawkins is an old Port Albert
iwy and his many friends wish him
rvety success in the good work in
which he is engagiing.
Tricertty, June SOL
Tile Steven's'' (' tl .t N U R. The
beautiful eeasoa c,f bud and hlotgom
Me conte and gone for soother year
and now we look for the fruit, and it
won't:he long till it -is here. Such is
life. The planting of .this season in
nearly over, most of the corn and
potatoes being in the ground.
Tutt Lr•N.tlt .Ersietts.-The eclipse
of the moon Iasi Thursday evening
wits an intereetiing and }Waotiftll
sight. Thr a ircumstancrs were t e•-
retsrkably favorable, the evening im•-
ing clear and mild and the time iefoce
people had gone t•, lord. Those who
Nee iutet•ekted in esti tummy had a carr
treat. Moue Misf,KKen.-The
progress of the ant k in the elect' it
railway hue been gre.t l y Itindxred- by
the inability of t.ha r.. n,pany to art it s.
at -et settlement with noii,e nl Ihe hold -
owners sh•.se fat urs at by alit
railway. The cu,npnuy eletiii that the
demands of these pa•ople ara alto•
gether unreasonable and exorbitant,
and that it cannot sit) ' U, such ex-
tortion. We hope. however•, that an
a ' %,'tile settlrtuent will ,tion 3*
arrived at. and that the work may go
on as rapidly es possible.
MONOAY. June 7611.
A Wits tire. -We welcome to our
neighborhood Mr. and Mre. 'rata), late
of the iftb concession of Colborne.
Mr. Tehb some time alto purchased
the W. U. Potter homestead from T.
Gunder, of Goderich. We" wish Mr.
Tahb every success in his new home,
a, he in onexlf ('olblorne's most indus-
trious young farmer+.
Mrs. Clifford, from Texas, is a guest
at Morriedale farm.
A nttmber of our young people had
a pleasant day fishing at Benmiller on
VVrdnestlav last.
the t3enbTatAssi•mbty <rf the 1, i,y- at aur r. and
feriae chwch. rs. `t'rthewt y liave returned from
David and Will S,roul, J. Walkout their ,wedding trip and 'air at Cul.
1 \'arcoe`s'- 11. Homey was at Ext. -
and Rolwrt !lowers took advantage of ter over Sunday visiting his daughter
the Wednesday.. half holiday and Mrs. Ileudetsl.u, rd (lode -i -h, ie
made a fishing trip tri Godericha visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs.
JDs. McNally and fancily intend Andrew Johneteu Ernest Hal -
moving this weer totin>ieririr,--- e.etend,-who -was- -foreman -ter-
Burnie has removed with his family to
HolntrtYille, where he has a position
on the. G. c1'. It. 101 sectionutau
Mrs. Al... Young is spending a few
days in the county town Our
blacksmith, Mr. (front, and his family
have moved into the Tewrley house
on the ttth ronceesion A number
of our reeidt•pts attended the annual
meeting of the West Huron Liberal
Association held at Goderich today...
-.The boys are having a bee to re
shingle the church sheds. It is credit-
able to the young men of the district
that tiny should he ready to show
their interest lathe good cause in this
substantial way H. Harney, our
new tnetchant, is doing a good busi-
ness I.;trt Wednesday the C. P.
11. section boss impounded itdrove of
eighteen cattle that were I -tinning at
large. lie say. the Railway Act gives
him uttthority to see that no cattle are
allowed to run at large within half a
mile of the railway track, and it
Wight be well for owners of cattle to
wake a note of this.
aro sorry to lose them. but haps they
will enjoy life iu the cuuutytown.,
Temple 'Clark has returned from
Melville, Sask., and he and his wife
will leave for the Western country as
soon as business matters are settled.
Kev. W. A. Smith will hold an auc-
tion oo the 17th dost., to dispose of a
buggy and some furniture, etc., in
anticipation "t his removal next
month to Alberts.
Will Begley and wife arrived early
on Sunday morning from Hamilton,
coming ell the way by automobile.
Mr. Begley has been quite ill and is
home to recuperate.
The moving picture Pourers givewin
the Agricultural Hall on Monday
evening was well t'.ttided. The
affair was under tt, - Has
ltpworth League. The prlfFeeds were
WILL Retita to SewMILt„-Andrew
Stewart expects to rebuild hie saw-
mill at Gleno's hill The boiler and
engine are little damaged, but Nome
of the other wacbioery Inay
the factory to be overhauled.
MR. ROBERTA RKeit meat -J: M.
Roberts hes tendered his resignation
as secretary-ttraaurer of the West
\V•awinosh Mutual File insurance
Co., and his. successor will likely he
appointed at the next regular meeting
of the directors. on the first Tueeday
in Jnly.
(i u.i N t 1 ('n : clRT. - -On Tuesday even-
i•ir, June '22nd.,tgrand roneert will 1e
given itt the Agricultural Hall ruder
the anepires of the Prr.byterwm
church. Ruthven MacDonald, soloist,
of Toronto. has been seutn-d for the
occasion. There will also be other
talent. The plan of the hall will be
open at the drug etore in a few days.
Remember the nate.
MK SEW P.tsrott.-ftev. Lemierd
Bert lett. at present stationed at
1Votatham, will 1e the nevi- minister
at the Methealist church. \Ir. Batt-.
lett Wale pastor at Fullerton •when
the :lethmdist church was htlitt there
an 1 ninny of his ideas will be em-
bodied in the hew church. now being
built by the Dungannon Methodists,
Rance it i- largely Is repiiiductioti ni
11 he one .11 Fonteinen.
Tt xttu>ty, June Rth.
Bears(ILt..cR WOOLLEN Ntr.t.s.-The
old refill IA still there and the old wool-
len mon ba still at the old mill that has
leen there for the last flfty-two years.
Every newton customers from every.
where bring in their fleeces. and it
may safely be elated that fully three.
fourths of the wool raised in three
townships finds its way to the oleo
mill. The price of wool is regulated
very largely by the tariff nn the other
side. and it was exported that the
Payne tariff would reduce the present
duty of 1211 rents per pound, but /inch
has not been the came and prices will
Ise pretty much the same as formerly.
There in a serious complaint that the
farmers do not dry their fleeter nuf-
ficiently before offering them for sale,
which causee a deal of damage by
mildew. ' Femora should see that
their wool (n properly dried before of
fering it. for .Me. ao as to get the high-
est prices on the market.
The Signal to lot January, 1010, to
new subscribers for 50 cents.
`l'Iil I3N
HOUSE, RtnBT. A. 1tUI:-
It11,\ I'toprtet ut, bast no 1. -
hien at. ret .tote rote.. Vert* .-te rt`tWrb-+
eai 1\ ','.S1 11104. -
-... TCXtiLIAY.-.,)ono 'lb.
II.vag.t.aat..-Tho bafeb ill .'lilt of
thte vattage-. paid a friendly Visit to
\Vallon Last week. Theameit.-
stilted in a victimy for Waltonit.-
stilted in.
rather it is manned, a combination of
Watt<m and Brussels's ,.The West-
field Mill i layers were here Last Friday
eve ' g' The climate moved Uel hot
for them and they returned home de.
rested. ,
Note: Dayid Patterson, of Al-
berta, arrived here on a visit to his
parents fust week Rev. A. E.
Jones itttenled the meeting lend the
Methodist Conference at London this
week Rev. J.R. 'Moen Intends
taking hitt- holidays in the beginning
of July. It is rumored that he in-
tends tying the knot for is near rela-
tive when he is away Mins Isa-
bella Morris, of West \Vawanoeh, is
eeriously ill at present, end but slight
hopes ate entertained of her recovery
The English church tong ega-
tion me making preparaticfc for their
new shed.. The iftsi of the lumber
wait pieced on the grounds last Moto -
day si U Jaekeen attends the
nu-etieg..f the High Court of the Can-
adian t►rder of Foresters in lenxlou
this week The congtrgation of
Knox church elected elders last Seth.
hath. We have not ascertained who
they are -Oliver ''lark moved to
village Net Monday, and Archie Rob-
inson has moved to the farm which he
purchase') from Wm. Clark. -
snakes habv nervous and fretful,
and stop, gain in weight.
it the hen food -meth, mr for teeth
Inc babies. It strengthen, the
supplies lima for the teeth.
keeps the baby growing.
flea , ,.,,,it horns stow
An t,n,rgxta
r.i r
TANOAnn -'r Toe( WORLD
The soap that saves
you work, and saves
you money without Injury
to hands or
Sunlight Soap
turns wash
tub drudgery
into pleasure.
(let a bar of Sunlight
to -day and try.
Straw Hats
A Swell Lot of' them in the
Leading English and American
Styles. Ranging in price from
25c to X3.00
for putting away Furs, ete.
Such aa Chloride Lime, Creotin, Disinfrctol, Formaldehyde, etc,
For housecleaning you nerd
makes old Furniture like new.
Bedford Block,
The Druggist.
Summer Oxfords
Ladies' Patent Oxfords and Ties.
Narrow and wide toes, button and lace, and ' paten
with colored tops. Ml price-. T2.0o to $4.00
Ladies' Kid Oxfords.
Medium weight and turn soles.
Good values
11.50 to $2.50
Tan Oxfords.
L. We have colored shoes in chocolate, tan and ox
;[.So up
G. M. Elliott.
Ai 3111M1M11.1
Nothing tut the highest
duality - of Groceries
handled at our store,
and our stock is
William L. Lindsay
Httr II n ti 'Phone Mo. 165
Benmiller Nurseries
-Bedding Plants-
' 1Ve hove several hundred of the
IJIi4'I' S('A ItLM"1' and PINK BED-
ifeliotrop c's,
Boston Ferre,
Asparagus Fern.,
, etc.
Hanging baskets end urns re-
filled. A11 enquiries er orh•rs
given mot careful attention.
Send in your order now so that
you may get the choice of the
Address .
John Stewart Estate
80o rods of 5o cent fence, for 40c per rod-._
This fence is nine wires high and stays twelve
inches apart and is made of all No. 9 spring
steel wire. This is the price of a seven -wire
fence. We still have some of the other sizes
left, which we have cut down to run off.
We liave a quantity of
__Hollywood faint which will
cost you $1.:s) per gallon.
ANS._ haven't. a great lot of
any ono color, but for email
jabs or fleet rotating it will
nave you money.
the stork of Brushes was
IteVel• more complete. We
have a full tine of Canadian
and American brushes, rang-
ing from 4c toldi.illl each.
Paint for iron rrxifs, Integer' and for shingles. We have the
famous Arco Brand in black, brown. maroon and green.
We carry a full line of rotors of Sherwin-Williams Paints.
whiri' paint in generally acknowledged to be the (lest paint on
t he uutt•ket:
, Do you want a heating stove for next wint
We have a few that we have to carry over at , we
want the room for summer goods. If •ku can
get a $45 stove for $38 this is a saving f $7, or
on an investment of $38 from now u • 11 fall, say
October, your money is earning bout 35 per
cent., or 18 per cent. per year. s it not worth
thinking over ?
In' Rakes, Lawn Mowe ., Screen Doors, Screen
Windows,. Refrigerator.' . nd all lines of summer
goods we have a lar• ' stock to choose trom.
Let us figtrn on your umhing, heating, esvestroughingg and
electric wiring. We • in give you prompt attention anti all
sit rk fully guaran
Store 'Photae M
Rouse'Pbbne Iia