The Signal, 1909-6-3, Page 22 Taou iae. Jolts 3. 1909
THE •SIGNAL':, ((1i)EI04111 ONTARio
Telephone fall No. $A
Terme of auaaerlptIOn : -
l1.01 per annum In advance.
ix menthe, 5„r , to:no mouth•. ter.
,leen rear
('sled Shoe. el
(strictly In •chancel
Subscriber* who fail to receive Tem Sweat
regularly by mail will confer • favor by am
euaiatiag w of ta. tacit at as WKLY. estateu
When a change of ',Adresse, desired, both the
eld and the new add rew should be given.
Advertising Rales :
per line for Ann inset t ton andl and otber artv40' enamor,r per nr
each .ube qu.nt Is.ertien. Measured by a
nonpareil ncir, t w ell • lines to an inch.
Soon*. «anis of six Ines and under, 15 per
Advo, ti+.onenl• of 1100. Found, Strayed. Sit-
■auoes Vacant, S,t maria. Wanted. Houma for
4.44 or to Rent, Farm. fur Sare le 00 40 Rent.
Article. tor Sale. etc., g
hem. t.e each I anertion , {I for font moot h..i.
for each .ubeeauent month. Larger edverti.e•
maent& in proportion.
Aaneart emente in ordinary reading type ten
cost& per line, No n01104 lees t hu, 250.
Any special notice, the ubiert of whish b the
pecuniary benefit of any individual or aseeci•
Masa, ale eonildder Adan advertisement .rd
W be charged
Rates for display and contract •dvortine-
manta will be given on appllution.
Address all oommunlcatioO1 to
Ila:erieh. Ost
These are glorious d•fte,in the
country. You town man who have
been cooped up in your office or store
or shop all winter, take • day off. get
• horse and rig and betake yourself to
the great green outdoors. it Ill b
worth • week's holidays in midsummer.
when thing{ are hot and dry and
Now the air is fresh and sweet and
clear. _and in the neighborhood of
orchards laden with the delicate frag-
rance of blossoms. Many of the
fruit trees have already bloomed. and
within the oust te w days t h e
apple blossoms will 1* out in the
fulness of their glory and sweet-
ness. The young unsoiled foliage of
the trees ie a delight to the ere, end
from a hillside or from an elevation in
the road t h e fields in varying
shades of green, stretching array to
the horizon, with here and there a
farmstead and a gauzy spread of
white and pink blossomy. make a pan-
orama of ravishing lovelinesa. Nearer
at band the lambs are playing on the
roadside beside the patient ewer,
while the younr calves stick their
Hosea between the mile of the fenre
and contemplate life with youthful
satisfaction. By a neighboring farm-
house a wee toddler of the human
species laughs gleefully as he watches
u chicks.
of B
fluffy a broody y
and e if
Everything speaks of life y
and hope, and the wearied ofliceroan
gate a fresh outlook upon , the world
which, for the time being at any rate,
takes away some of the sordidness and
anxiety with which men's minds are
too much tilled.
Take a day in the country, Mr.
Townsman, and leave business to take
care of itself while you get a bit of
real life.
it is becoming more and more evi-
dent that the United States Senate in
Re revision of the tariff is inclined to
increase the rates rather than to
lower them, and in several instances
the increases affect goods largely im-
ported from Canada. This is taken
in some quarters as a declaration of
hostility towards Canada, and aignalsi
are already flying for a tariff war be-
tween the two countries. It will he
just as well, however, for Canadians
to take the matter coolly and dispas-
sionately and when the time for
action comes to consider, not what
will hurt the United States, but what
will benefit Canada. Parliament will
wint.r. -' -
in the meantime there will be oppor-
tunity to consider the whole situs
e chief sufferers trom-the action
of the l'nited States Senate will be
the rbnsumere of the United States,
and it would be unwise for Canadians
to try to "get even" by inflicting enta-
iler injury upon themselves. If the
United States does not want our
products, let us sell them elsewhere,
1f we need to purchase goods from the
United States, let us do so as cheaply
as po*nible, rather than try to delude
ourselves with the notion that in tar
ing ourkelre. we are aiming a blow
at our uttneighborly neighbors.
There is a method, however, where-
by we could help our friends without
hurting out..rives and perhaps give
the protectioniste of the 1'nited States
a lesernl. This is \trrystill further re-
ducing the duties On goods imported
from Great Britain and the other por-
tions of the Empire: The Mother
Country gives our goods a free
market. and to many Canadians it hat'
always seemed ungenerous that we
should maintain • tariff against im-
ports from Great "Wrtialn.
crease of the preference on 13ritJsh
goods to fifty per cent. would be a
further splendid conceselon to the
imperial idea, it would be • relief to
the Canadian consumers, and it. would
•bow our neighbors to the south that
we have a tariff weapon which we
can use with • good deal of effect
when occaaion arises.
When the United States gives • fair
offer of reciprocity Canada would
consult her own interests in going
half -way to meet it. it would he a
diatinet relief to Ontario manufactur-
ers, for Instance, if free trade in coal
were eetahliahell between the two
countries. Rut nn the whole the at-
titude of the United States politicians
e,ppeatS to he ono of hostility to Cana-
dian trade, and in the circumstances
thus arising Canada can play her own
game with dignity and self-reliance.
Did anybody say it wae.cold ?
"What is so rare aa a day in June !"
let all pull together for a right
royal celebration of Dominion Day in
- The Canadian customs revenue con-
tours to 1nitr gig, The growing
time is herr again.
The reduction of the duties on
British goods imported into Canada
would be • good way to hit the
1' tilted States,
The Alaska-Yukon•Paeitic exposi-
tion at Seattle leas opened on Tues-
day last. Winnipeg is talking of •
great world's fair which it is proposed
to hold in that city. The rage for big
-shows te not -let-exbauttrdi but there
are signs that the public interest is
'•A great, generous, loving mother
to her colonic,'' was the description
applied to Great Britain by the Hon.
Geo. E. Foster at • meeting in Toron-
to the other day. And yet Mr. Foster
is • leading influence in a partywhich
would tat Great Britaiu'e products to
the limit when entering Canada.
"livery lhtJ _ helve," as Ltoyd-
Oeorge remarks as he pulls in fifteen
million dollars as death duties 'on the
estate of a London multi -millionaire.
11 is an easier and better way of rais-
aining money4 for the Exchequer than
taking it out of tie poor in taxes ob
A motion was introduced in the
Orange Grand Lodge meeting at
Peterboro' last week for the adoption
of • definite political platform by the
Orange body of Canada. The motion
was voted down. however, by an
overwhellding majority. Dr. Sproule
and Col. Sam Hurtles. both member.
of Parliament and protninent Orange-
men, opposed the resolution.
-Ta lana`_ racket ery •bene are
only three or four towns in Ontario of
over four thousand population with-
out .ewers. Orillia is one of the
towns that are backward in this re-
spect, and The Packet is agitating the
construction of a sewerage system.
One advantage in being behind -hand
is that the experience of other towns
may serve aa a guide in avoiding
blunders. Goderich could give Orillia
a few pointers on "What Not to Do"
in installing a system of sewers.
Lt. -Col. Belcher, of SouthiliMPlon.
recalls • remark made to bion by the
late Sir John Thompsony
in Southampton. expressing his
wonderment that a railway was not
built along the Lake Huron shore to
conn.ct the ends oTtbe lioes running
from the lake inland. This must have
been sixteen or seventeen years ago,
and yet today there are people here-
abouts who declare that such a lige
cannot pay and that everybody con-
nected, with the lake shore railway
scheme is going to the "demnition
low -wows."
1 LAW NO. 1.;, Lot.1) a
t -
A of the AlunicipioaAlite of th.-
.Town of Grelericb. in the Count, ' l
Huron, granting to A. W. I:I,Ass. his
successor., leasers and assigns, power
'to lay down pipes for the cunvevettce
of ga, under the street., ensures mei
other public places of the Town of
%%herrn+ Alfred N'. lake.. of the City of Ik.t
th It.
fir rr r
the l'ounril of the Corporation .f the Powe of
O,aler1eh to page it Bylaw me Adios hien and
•.i i.+ 1014, 'Inn.
hi. suaws.nrn h•,wee.e kill w g
Wm. for the awn vegan.* of ga. outlet (I.•
beet..-uuAiee and other tublir place* of tine
'fawn of Oo,ler,eh, for the purl•:.+r of .nppltinr
the raid Town of gderlelt kith gas fur all
And \Whereas the inotallatinn of n sae plan.
for the purpooee afore -add I+ d-e.irrbl- .0,1
t. ,t to the welfare And roenfot1 of the inhab
iterate of We .*id Town of llo'ierioh.
Therefore* be It enacted and It 1. hereby , n
acted n) 111e Municipal Council of .the 'or
'Oration nt the Town of Uuderirh, In (hr
l'uunty of Iuron. ,w follows :
1. 4ah,l".'' to the terror and eonsiti0011 oleo
Wined in thin 'Wave, cnn-ent and perini..lon 1.
l•o+whyatvan Alfred W, tijaw_+_and. to hi.
WOPI.tiNg. demes • and ,e+it(n. to lay. 00, net.
.1 rateand onduit.r arertw,lrrotiv rsaalm of
main.. pipe..
neee+eary plant., attachmente and atipurtett
anew• for the manufacture of ga.. either t&4.
Lural or artificial. for light. fuel. power. heat,
and for any other purposes or for any Or.rlthlr
of them. Inclgding any territory chat too
hereafter be annexed thereto. and further. to
acquire, lay. .,.e, umintaln And
through, upon. ander and alums the meets,
avenue.. alleys, lone•.highway.. lark~ it oil POS•
lie places, 'and on, +Jung. across or under any
etrem u.. water sou No. or waterway+, a sy.trill
of gas main.. and all .ervhw pipe.. rgndult•;
feeder., aid the neraewerl• attoehtpent eon-
nectione,flat ores 'and appurtenance. for dig.
trihuting. ,applying and .elling ga- for furl.
Hight, power. heat and for any other purpi-e to
the Town of Oodertch, and to the inhabttnntn
thereof. And alm for dietrlbgting. +applying
and conveying maid gas through A system of
main:. pile.. conduit, and feeler+. for the
purpo.e of dletrihuting, supplying and selling
ga. for light, fuel. tower. heat or for any other
purposes. to other rifle... taw ns or tem lllll l•
tie.. kid to the inhabitant.4hereof. for tlhyfull
term of thi. Hylas,
2. The mala pipe. of salt Alfred W.
laid in alley., street. and avenue.• and when
In .tort. and avenues shall he .aid in a line
parallel with the curb line t hereof, and may be
tail between.the curb .tone and the Ills abet-
butting the streets. or in much other locatloo, e+
.hall be deemed practicahle by the Rooted of
Public Works or other nroper authority. and
in ail ouch raw'. they „hell he laid within Ilvel,I
feet of the curb stone. or where the curb stone
.hould be. provided. however, tha: in no ca.r
.hall raid plains he lead under the ddrwalka of
the mid town. Sold pipe. -hall he Mid in
alley+ whenever the moot practicable. and
when go ordered by the Board of I'ublie
Wrirk o tar other proper out hnrlt y.
When the mid Alfred W. fila,. 4.441 ..leer.. -
Ore, Iewwe+ and-a„eig,M, .hall be reedy to
romnlrnee operation+ hereunder. and before
eomnleneing -aid work• he .hall u.bmdt to the
Hoard of Politic 1Worke or other proper auth-
ority. a neap or plan ghat ing 1n detail the
street". aren,ree.-*H green i ether peblw
wherein he prepo.cst0 lay the mein pipes and
the exact locations in said street., avenue..
alley+ and public place. where said main pipe.
are to b• laid.
The Stratford Herald makes the
suggestion that Earl Grey should not
stick too closely to the hig cities in his
jqurneyfnga, hut should extend his
visits to take in -well, Stratford, we
suppose the editor meant to propose.
It is a good suggestion, and if His
Excellency calls at the Classic City
the people of Goderich would like to
see him here. We have not had s
visit from • Governor-General for
about a dozen years, and this year,
in Mayor Macklin, we have Just the
right man to do the honore.._Izetthe
tour proceed.
The Lilacs.
The fields end garden bottler.
Are bright becau.e of spring.
The cloud. of gueider roe
Are out and bla.soming
And clove beside the gatew4.
Tall. upon either hand,
Their green robe. ehnt with penlight.
hike queens, the Lilacs stand.
And one 1. crowned with purple.
And one 1. crowned with white:
Look' where the wind In lowing
They bbw to left and tight.
And trail. of scent they matter
An royal gift. to a11.
To creature dwelling
Within the garden wall.
tl queen to plume. of purple'
Throw mea breath Mho
You are the queen of springtime.
And l a lite boy:
lint ask the lovely fele
With white plume.. In her hair
To pent my mewl with ewoetnens.
To make It pure and fair.
-Violet Jernb.
, • ,.s, , ,1' ,,' �' -, •,-`--' se: -,s3►"" �ff'�
London Life P
S ,
Save our POLICIES l
.. d F ,,
Payments. � AsY co
()tar 16-20 Re- 0'' -',.14 -'
serve Dividend 0 . _O
Endowment -'7//1\\\\ �ha lar s' r oar- 7s>� � �A
antees than the ordinary 20 -year En-
dowment. Yet.last four payments re- ,,,,,
main in your pocket and your policy 'ii
still shares in surplus earnings.
Write for Booklet 16-20 vs 20-20.
y 1 MiaI stir' , 'ti. ��"
W. H. ROBINSON'. Diatnct Agent, Seaforth.
higher rate. than ale following for n,ruufaet•
ured gas furnlhel for illuuuualio0 or other
purpoeiTTeon.umer.wtthinthrtew+r. Nnllirr
to wit
i 1rte dollar ,old fifty celte.el .rt& 1 er 0110 th01111•
and U ions cubic fail, and pre, llel that fitly
COO. per month .h Jl 6', Ihr 1..t& n uimn charge
at which gra ,hats le furnish, ',1 Io eon..mien
lluuuith W19. Deg lueter,811d rte.:ivied. further,
that this grant 1s upon t 0 cap:: -' cunditlou
that all e'uu. W,,ere .hall at all 11011+ (e entitled
to and shall recei re a d,-,.uut a 11(Ic.ul..t-o
oetlt.4 prluae thousand 11 arm calor Mut-,e, 41w
pbe=E��(�snamed. ed, o1m •m m,nd. Heol(((
made 0r tendered at the oma• of mild Alfred
W. ti lam, hie .u5'0vwrrv, led er- n sedan., any
time on or before the fifteenth Jnhi de> of
the snoopt next following the nail month for
which .aid hills are rendered. 01111 11.0 amount
of eseh rod all ouch bilk shall Ie deterwiuwl
by the void Alfred W. lilies, his oucceowr., or .4..4 n., and be wady for pa melt un
said (rill- are to be paid, toile's laid Alfred
OI u... he .uceeesoi., lesser. or .reign*, are pre
vented from determining the '
. mu
uut thereof
committerb7r some act of the committer orby the ab.euoe
of the Oon.umer.
9. All aervice piper shall be )utiutalned by
wid Alfred W, Uhase, hu..ucae..or., lessees or
emigre.. to the lotilne of ron.untee.. No charms
for meter scut -hall be wade to cvu-auger, for
the u.e of meters, and the grantee. hie .ueoq.
nor. or ae.ignn, shat, have the right to make
and enforce a, a part of We condo runo on -which
hr will supply, light, heat, power or fuel, a+
herein provided. all needn't Hues and reinde-
tion, net hi'u'oistgr4w4th-k+.+s-r i.n prow...
Ions of the by law but the eon -inner 'hall
3. And when the MIA plan- shall have been
approved by the Road of Public
Work. nr other proper authority-. they
Khali then ron.titut0 a permit to maid
Alfred 55'. Gibes. hi•-O!•. lessees
and ••signs. for the opening of all said streets.
Avenue•. alley and other nubile plate., and
for the laying therein of mid nlaln• aping her
equipment by said Alfred W. 01a.'. his .0,•-
cen.n,., lessee, and assign, a. rapidly a• mid
work can he conveniently conducted by hint.
W1.enerer amid Alfred W. Mom. him sissies -
mere. 0.1.41 amigo..hall-desire l0 open
further strews. Avenue.. alley. or other public
place. not indicated on sold mats or plan. a,
•+'hall hare been orevioe*lyapp.evad-a..
ash:. he +hall 4d like nlan tier eihmit farther
maps er plane to the hoard of Public Work.
er other proper authoriy.-..WMck •"•4. lit'
1�Ian+, when approved h,- old Hoard of blic
Wolk. 1 nor other proper autheni•y. onsets con -ti
tote a permit for the opening of such farther
.tre.1.. avenues. alley. and (,'lblic 11400. an
for a la'In at
shots be designated thereon the laying
main. and other eg'Ipnlent therein. provided.
however. that it 'hall not he neeemw*r to file
any maw. or plan. with or ',.core permit+ from
the Hord ofPubIIO Wm it& or.other.popes Au-
thority. for the breaking of .treete for the
laying of Any servile pipes from the plain pipe -
of .Aid Alfred W. Wan. his nircemor., les -
nee. and assign+ and presider' further. lhet
the mere and Public
heretofore approved by
the Board of Prlblic Work,. or other proper
authority .hall he and remain In hull force end
At least twenty-four 1211 hour. before open•
ing any street, avenue. alley or other entitle
mpem for ton+trnrtlon or change, the "aid Al-
fred W. Ghee. hl. succe.•nrs le.e.e. and Re -
Algot. shall notify the Hoard of 1',,bliss Works
or other proper authority. in writing. of +aril
intention., •feting the phew where end the
object for which the opening 1• to h,' mai.•
In the opvnine end refilling of art nocning'
made an aforemid. the amid Alfred W. Ole-•.
his encces.or., lower. and asntgp., .h*11 Eley
the pavcnlente end An all ether work ,,..nosy
to the complete re.toratton or -the .1r'tlet'•
pavements, ddcwalks or grounds to a c?r�
(ion .godly a. goal a+ wh,n di.tprhed
said Alfred 11'. Glee.. hi. ...rivet. or em-
ployee.. shall he under the general .npvvlsion
of the Roar' of Public Work. or other proper
Authority. when engaged in the performance
of .rich work, and when .mid Alfred W Mese.
Ma .noceinwrn, lemwee, and 'a..I¢n,. •Intl Open
ground 4n the mid town for the purp'+e• of
laying Any gas pipe•, or fro any other perprs.
whet.oever, .add Alfred W. fila.., hi. mucce•-
soM, leeeee. and ..sign., shall open no more
■p re at any time or at any one Mare. nor keep
thn same open longer. than i• nese•nary' to
pmperly execute the work for which the mine
Mall have been opened.
l'orp.ration Of the Town of G,ob hch, n.. the
event of the assns of the eleetone, tieing oh.
tante t theme... anrc+we "" '/k Isom. the fir.t.
ptbhoat ion In roe. 4gua1 mew.paper. the date
of which find ' via.. l4, :trot day of
June, %40 end Thal pull• w1111w• held and the
vote. of the elector- of the said corpora 11111
will b' taken thereon ' , t tie day� Mud at the
boor+ ,ud 1.l o'.•.'. -I ed�i--t lw 1•i Jaw _alum
l- 1.. KNOX.
Ti,' JUNls BUST MAN'S. The jolly
vacation period in agaifl ai haled. In
accordance with the- spirit of the
it a splendidly illustrated outing num-
ber. 1t is brimful of bright, breezy
contribution.' on the timely subject
Li1' a hululay. '"'trig ih'ropew tt ay to
Spend a Vacation,' and "Suburban
Life fpr City People." will be prtueed
with much interest. Another clever
sketch is Oil "lianal., the a Summer
Playground of Auierica." Canadian
artielra- of --merit and iiatruction by
crisp. entertaining writer. are "The
t Illuatrrtor oC lir. Utuwmuutl a
enhtltd to eo.4truct .ultalle.ervlce pips few 11)e1113�' "Tilt New _Kra of,lbe Inler•
los lot line in and through hi+0am primaries.. ,.itlot5;K, it ►ilway" atlas "A. Day with
Allred rata.-, ba. cove-surl.'w.•. ru,l Litt." There are holt
W. ,,
.1... The manufactured gas (ural,htsl by skid c •rin1416> .
* 1 Iron
Saturday & Monday Bargains
JUNI: 5th wild 7th.
DRESS MU SUNS -Z'44 picot•* of lute arriving, tine Drees Muslins,
1 .. e h • 'r stri •e and Ile
r Ia florid i
lll•gr\Iw le* *1111 dimities.. ( t , f Y pee pattern. in
a huge ratiety of exquisite new colorings and warranted fast.
Bigots'value., 121e. I:se and It(e, on sale Saturday. and Monday
.watts;- a6 t '.' aat•J-,
SEPARATE SKIRTS. -301 only !Adieu' Drier Skir
' Nen •, rlv,•rds,, •I0., regular valuer g-I.I1J
day and Mouths)? vital
a in medium and dark
SH.75, Malllr- $2
ay ) s. )
DRESS GOODS 40 piece., of all pure wool I ye tJluds and Suitiuge,
plain rad blowy broadcloth.. poplins, prnaiha{ and neat tweed
effects. Regular prices alk, Ikl •. 7Jc iota $I.00pee \yard. status. ���
day ,1111 M lay Sete, 1st per yard •'•.
HOSIERY. -:ill dozen ladir.e utrdiuul weight cashmere H fiery, nianutac.
• tut•eri sample,. at exactly half-price.,
SCOTCH'LINOLEUMS. Viutal, block or tile potterna, in 3or 4 yards
wide, ill 244 patterns, Special Stie, rid 1141 Ira. at per es uat•r yd.gjc,
40C, 5oc and hoc.
RUGS AND CARPETS. --:ill new velvet„ Brussels and %ViltofRugn just
opened, bought et 25- ilen-c.ut.-under their value. sizelt;lx 7xt, :11x4
yards. On sale Saturder et each, $10.00. ft5Oo and faoo.
for the best comes from ex-
perience of kno?bing how
to use the best materials
that can be bought.
'1)110\ I ISO
Tailors and Furnishers
a•drezen *bort, snappy stents, and the
the 4441d01g pull-
licatipns of Ilte woo Id on home and
buninere iulereet,s,- which make the
June edition of Busy Man's a wel-
come *mower guest. It is tesutable
and dil-erting from cover to cover.
a-. gn+. fur nldlnihaIlOn or other purpose..
Lhaarnawaadua i ,a+ Prosier
in this bylaw, shall be mereha,d.ble4llmnolat-
ice gar. or Dot leen ratan .IZteen tial sperm
e.mdle.That Is of such gltah )- that a 'burner
cunsumtng Ave feet thereof per 11 iur at a -prem
sure of nut exceeding twenty te:lth.• 6'444.1141 r'f
an Inch at the photometric Cornet, hall pro>.
duce nue le.. than .ixteen 1a' saddle power.
and mid Alfred W. tiles, 4." .ucer-or., le. -
s000 or assign.', .hall equip! hen plant with on.
standard Irl photometer. the puryow of which
la (iv determine the goalie of candlo power
of the gam furnbhed. which t hot..meter shall
at ail lima. be open to the insp.:Arm of the
board of Public N'ork. or other proper authority
1l. This bylaw .hall continue and remain in
force for a period of thirty year- from end late •
the dale.ntfatelpaeeiDR thereof. _
12.' Said Alfred. 11'. lila+-. hi. .ueoeemlts.
le,,.ees or +..ague, within thirty ISO dry after
app.reral of -th•.e-417-4 -•hrU- a._ I.. office of of the rows 1'lerk their ronmeut to, and
written acceptance of. the provolone and con-
+Ii(itNh*of this uN.lihaa+ar.-
And It ta eeprrially'regnlred that In ell EA*,.
where work re.lvire, the cermeta of +kill. e• In
the laying or relaying the pavement. or .ide-
walk*. wild Alfred W. Olaas. Ile mime+aur..
leasee• and a,+lgn. shall employ ,killed work-
men, 'moiler with the execution of such work
4. Said Alfred W lima,, hl. euecesmnrs.
leasers or*.dgn., shell not m*km any opening
tyravaton In any street nr avenue in veld
own oT greater wenn thenilnIr 11 t
ant •teclal permlminn tram the hoard of Pub
ile Work. or other proper ant horit f•
Said Alfred \1'. 01,' . his steres.or,. Ir.+rrs
m aaarnn. *hall at all t4mm* deploy end keep
the neceestry danger tenet. and proper
rd• aratind sit oxcevi'rtfom Rut Aerie-•
t on.. and *hail sleep enslclent .pare hl gond
condition for the travel Of wagon. and ream•,
on at loa.t one .Ido of all excavations and ob.
.trnrtlon•. and .halt a• mon e+ pr*rilrah1e,
restore all openln . and JJho er,-t• orp•r bl:0
plass. to a rwndilfon eiiukllY as goal a* before
*add opening+ or obstruct ion+ w.•re. meds.
axT-r -
With twe ty-two• years' ex{a•r-
' -pili* rnllege '
e rw*Wnt .radical
K practical
1 *'entero Ontario_
recognized ay 1
teaiaing achtwl
13. At the expiration of twenty year* from
, n - of .thio b 1
ew or
the dao of theani Anal of pt&' h k 1
." kart thereafter
.t the expiration Any fl y
the tern of thirty
durnK the remainder oft said
years, the Town -hall have the right to pus
chime the right. and property of the +aid Alf -
teed W. 01a.s a a vrlwdrn, to be determined
by at bit ration Ne provided Rrr'by the line and
Water Companies. Act end erneedmene. - -
and the .N quid,.aI Act and a,dendmente (hero.
to. and for th.t purpose and to that extent 1110
wad Alfred %V'. film., h4n unce,00r.. lessee.
and assign4, are declared to be •ub.tect to the
said l:aeand Water Companies Act. being chap
tar 118 of the llevued Statute of Ontano I8' .
IL - %Vbenever the word "authority' or 'pr.'
Per authority" occur. In thl.. by la* it lneana
and ,,hall be undentoal to be the authorize
Ificer r ofnosn, committee or body retire -
.eating the Town of Uuderieb.
13. This by-law -hail take effect on the d♦y
of the final thereof.
tat The note+of the qualified elector. et the
mid Co ratlon.ha;l l,e'taken un thus to 1.,w
by the deputy returning ollloen leer •
named ou zaturday, the .lith day of Ju,,.,, r.''.
commencing al the hour of nine Oslo.1 ut the
forenoon and condoning until Ace ocloc•k to •
the afternoon of the same day. '
Polling nubdir i-40. No. 1. at Thompson•',
wood shop. by deputy returning officer John
clerk'John 71
lislward, poll cls1
N' 1 ,har
Polling .'Fodivl.ion No. •L. • ill rr0
nhao. repair Atop, toy di•putr returning ashen
('hag, Beteg. poll cterk Iteg. Sharman.
Polling eubdit'i-Inn No. 3, at town hail. by
deputy recto -nine otlleer K. Heleher, pill Her.,
Win. Knox.
Polling sub iveion No. 4. at Stouter: w � . 1
.hop. by delnll y returning officer
0 0
poll clerk 1 'in. Stet her,' - -
Polling .ul*tiv4.ion No. n. at Mr... Wsiton's
store. t1 end .tt4Ct, by deputy rrhlrnimr utticer
Geo. C. Black. poll clerk J. C. Le Teazel.
Polling +nMht i.lgn No. 4, at Jolin Hrophcy
store, by dcpu•ty returning Meer 11, 1.. Wet -
son. poll clerk Win. Tait.
Polling mubdivi.ion Na. 7, at (tenni. Neville.
heave, by depu_y rcttu't ltgefilmir Daniel Ale
Kay. poll clerk Iteherr'1'at.
17. On Friday. (hr :Rh da of June, 101, the
ysyPL of the ,nit 'town .41.11 Attend et Ihr
1 Orr write-
ntr ~pawn 1nr� -- err i ' - 11164-0;
foreno0Rhl*pleme-prM1wns to attend alOw
ROI 4.,. polling; plee•r+ ..forey,id uuA at the
final gumming up of votes by ?lie town elcrk 011
Iehalf of
MIS per.nn• inter0studin 11,, pro
plot ingor oplh.Il par.-Age-Ageof I h[. tiy.taw -
rcnpecti v ely-
Is. 114liertofihc ad,tTO..n off ei•rr.uc
Mall attend at the Woo hall at ten a ••ie, r1
the forenoon, un Monday. the ti.h day lit -(2'.
19,0, to •pan nn /It- number of vote. for and
.g*li.t the h) 1..,.,
Dated at the come chamber of the town of -
(hwtetich the Pei, d..) of Mar. IAMI.
Mayor. Clerk.
TAKE NOTICE that the above Inn One
copy of 41 propmed by law w filch Ila, been
taken into n,n.ld.•nd l .n at d s bleb shall be
finally pawed srrim+vnneh eftlhe Mu,isypal. -
H. 'sisals
Looks Good.
Tomato New..
The shortage in the world'+ supplies
indicates a probability of good pt icem
for wheat for a yenr or more to e,ime.
(liven an average crop throughout Oa -
nada, there should be plena of ruoney
in the Dominion next winter. The
harvest prospectis mush better than
it was a few weeks ago.
5. Said Alfred W. Mao., h4• ,,* or ag.tgtin. *hall do an permanent In
jury to any •tract, avenue. lane,alley. bridge
•treator water Mune. perk m any entitle
place. 00600115' •h, 1, tree-. nor In ate nein
ner dl.turb or interfere with electric Ilan.,
r0nduit tOl equ,pnlenT, Of with any water nr
other pipe., rine with any !ohne Or private
-ewer now or hereafter laid or con+tra. red by
said town of (loiterlrh. by any anthonzed per.
son or corporal ion. but no electric eondnit• mss
water pip•. +hall he .n 1.44 ns to interfere
with any Woke mala. 01 10e'1' 41.1011 ntoill Ie
bald prior to the time of laying .,n•h eMrtrie
eonsiulte or water pipe.. sad *aid Alfred N'.
611..,. hi..neces+or+. Ie+m.4 or reele as. "hall
hilly Indemnify and '.*se hariale*+ the town
of Onderirh 1,0, , any anti all claim. for dam
ages for whirl, the maid Town might be made
or. mentoe liable to pay by reason of the (.n'
•I rncl.i0,,. ,,...king. having or operating of the
pl{prrr1 mains.mahlil. and ser, law plies of
.a141 Alfred W. (Ile.., hos 1.'.'..'
and aaalen+, or by renwon of the eper41t len. of
weld ga, plant. or by rea+0n of any negllg.nee
on the pert of «std Alfred 1i' Mew, hi. sir
re..or., looser. or *swlg19'. or hr the giving nr
allowing of aha 110enw+, rights and prIOlcwe.
hereby granted.
Pre=iintnp-tu-sus I
Morten Echo.
Owen Sound, Oo'lingwood, Gode-
rich. Wiarton, Southampton and
probably a dollen other places are in-
viting the hig United States Steel
Trust to locate within their limits.
Of room. Wiarton'i chi nrea are 0.
K., hut the ambition of these other
{.laces in amusing.
Give Christianity a Chance.
Won...took Sentinel Review,
Had the church been true to iia mb-
• on during the past two thn'isend yea's
war would now he impossible between
Chtlatian nal inns. It le reenl'drd that
when a certain European journalist
wee a.ked by the follower of one of
the Keetern religions if Christianity
had not failed, he replied • "No, it
has not yet been tried." The reply Is
worth thinking over.
a Sold Alfred W. Olds., hi. .000,-, mr.,
lemma or amigo*. natero to build, conmtrnct,
and equip a feet eta.• modern ga. plant. ample
to ei'ppl the need. of the town of On.i.rleh and
the Inhabit/rote thereof and with a napanity of
at lmert one hnn4rad thnusaad 11410,0001 ruble
feet of ga. per day. and to here Ito pMnt And at
least (1ire c'e mil.*nf main pipe. and equipment*
ready for 11-4 and 1n op.rnt Ion notlater than
November ht. 191e. In the event a the cold
Aired W. (Ilaan, het 1111041044 '-. lamer or es -
steno, failing to enmplete I+ plat a. hemn. all
.pw•Id on nr ti4f0re November 1-t, i
rights Mhereunder .hall cede..
7. When old Alfred (:M., ht. 4110000110
aur*, 1,..0. or ens go.. •1311 hat a ht. plass,
plow mid et,nlpmeni reedy for u.e and in air
eratlnn. and therealte,• he+hall .apply gas at
the rate* and seder tl..• /only Inn. herein .pe
Mod to all applieent. tint In arrears for prior
bill.. nwning or OreoptlnRr.•.nl•0. on 410001A,
avenue. or other piddle I.1-.. In which Ra.
Malo. of 0.01104' .me Io1A. and where mitt
Alfred w. Glace hl, +ucni.wn-. 10w,.Mm nr a•
den., Mall not ha, a lad main* or .nndulte. M
.hall lay mains no the petition fnr the m.0 of
gas by at Hot (wn.N +nrpcant. v he ere owe.
or. or nce0pantO of budding. av eragm1 one
building In every nn? hundred 1144 Met of
main Ialreet intersr, ur,' eTrenl0fi If .4114
Alfred W Mae. Ila ume..n'.. Icemen or Aa
Piens..hall he directed AO to An by the r'mince
nI aald Tows of Galerleh
* From the time said Alfred W. (llae., hla
leen:.ore. lamest and aaatgoa, .hall have their
eelnlplaentready for lies and In operetlnn, and
1 henatIar, they .hall nut chars or receive any
Three depart In .atm
'. •v el largest, Myr
ch t' o . are t 1
Our t
r u
os arae 1.*1 end our
l elM 'most cuisines
tnatnretnrs„ fAtt jtr•d-
u*trs are assisted to itions and
1 none of • ere. Enter
N ICCeed tut (S
I noir- 'Gat our five cola ague.
Humeri. & MCLAI'HI.Ax,
t'ri Ipats.
AUGUST 30th.
II - •
1111,01 0111.1' V- ass• n..4.14,44 10 'hr hes' •
2 p-..41•. \W t,'r fur flu• re.,.nn. Par •
is,• n .w to ,,,tar *t Iwg:i, tile's of tern. •
T• )1 ,n 1'o�lnr. for those wh . wish ' .
• .t oily at house, -
1tJ6;1'). SrnTTOY, I III,,4iw1.
STANDS ready to help young men
and women to win independence and
success. It has given the start to
thousands upon thousands of young
people. It can help you. Write for
Catalogue. Enter any time.
W. H. SHAWr-----
Yonge and Gerrard Sts., Toronto.
Footw ear
We have beconle.'tamous for • it
Shoe Sales, and we are prep red
to add, another to our lon list
ofoverwhelming.syccesse-. Here-_
are some very special o r ers for
(1n Tek only :
Ladies' Walking Boots
Special Summer weight. tier -
r weeIg
viceable yetetylieh, in vii i kid.
m ,
also n :trod blown..
s al to
all !igen and all widths, icluLtr
$4.I4), for one week $2,4
only . . . ... ll .
Low Price% on Tan and Brow
Oxfords for Women
Two very popular linea, that
we- bring to your notice In ac-
count 01 their go,.d .' le *t&.1
low priers.
l'an calfskin Dxfo
women, Mueller ten
vernier, extension r
high Cuban heel.;
obit. g:f'll for .
Aloe. fey
Me 's Oxfords,
1 1.
calf, f
1 ascus.. cell.
druftxx • . a
tent cult. medium a"I, •.
tine shoe' regular ular
11 2.
M or
rlen's Boots and Oxfords
and Dongola kilt, patent
calf and box calf, lace and
Blucher ,tyle,+, medium ,u
heavv.glee, all sizes, Si 45
regular $'-'.:/1
Men's Boots
, of l.,x c*Ir, velour.
{'*tent cult, tan, Russian,
'+, t•.,•a.ed nm.1' and heavy 'totem, 51,hd,
.4.'1. vi. i kid, strong and c fort*ble, long
leg• $2.00
wearing .hove, regul- $3 00
ar =.i,IMO
Women's Oxfords Misses', Children's
Fine brown kid, Ihr 1:.•w.• t and Youths' Boots
pattern in (Wools for wotneei, Viei kid. patent and tan calf.
short varupn. blucher top,, 'medium ' and heavy .ale-.
', 1 quick extension snlrm, Cohan regular !'1.�, , it&
heels .5o tear
Wait Order 2'erartment
The Douglas Shoe Co.
Queen City Chambers TORONTO
ist. $15.00 SUITS FOR $6.5o
Jnet twelve .1f them, lirken out from our regular stock
became* they are not just up-to-date, but will make a good
second. or po.sihly a twat suit. Every one good tweeds or
worsteds, Made well and will give splendid satisfaction.
Twelve of them. Regular Sic) to $15,
sale price $6.5o
2nd. To 'BOYS' SUITS
Our stock Is too heavy in some Tines, so nut they must go.
-We-paces should move them quick. Three-pteee, *ingtrr
breasted boys' suite, sites 21 to 3f, regular
$3,50 suits reduced to $2,65
4.50 - 3.50
5,50 .4.00
6.50.. 4.75
3rd. Three dozen "Chief Engineer" Overalls,
with bibs, regular 60c, for 45c.
Walter C. Pridham
Screen Doors and
The Howell Hardware Co., Ltd., have a com-
plete range and should be able to suit all comers at
marvellously low prices. To appreciate fully. We
invite you to come and see. We quote our doors
complete with hinges, pull and catch.
Lawn Mowers
We stilt have aood assortmfat' fthe-'best Can- �_..
adian makes. The Brockville isa weir -built mower.
Now ifs the season you require Lawn JL('."'
Couplings, Garden Hose, Rakes, Corn Planters, (63
Stoves in coal oil or gasoline, Refrigerators, etc.
"E1e 1 ant" -the purest of Mixed Paint.
Star Portland Cement at $1.50 per barrel.
We Hu Ole iaf reeds al file Jo'west'cv,pent prices
Howell Hardware Co.