The Signal, 1909-4-29, Page 8a Tansaay, 4w, 29 1909 rlfiI Ott°ia° 1°s9�• ••..Ttit''anyeS1•1' T tt ,S a fit!'. THE SIGNAL: GODERICH, ONTARIO nER PIIYSICIAN ADVISED Taking Lydia E. Pinkhaet's Vegetable Compound Ipoblmbue, Ohio. - "1 have taken Lydia E. t inkham's Vegetable `('ont- potusl during change of life. My doctor told me it was good, and since ski i, 1 1 • t feel so I much better that I can do all my work again. I think Lydia E. Itinkham's Vegetable Com. pound a tine remedy for a 1 1 woman's troubles, and I never forget to tell m friends what it has done for inc." _Mrs. E. 1%A-\eoN. 304 East Long St., Columbus, Ohio. Another Woman Helped. Graniteville, Vt. - " I was passing through the Chinge of Life and suffered from nervousness and other annoying toma and restored Ldia E. is yheal ha Vege- table Compo strength. and proved worth mountains ofgd to me. For the sake of other sufferingwomen I am willing you LL should � shouldpublish 'my letter." -lata. CHARI.ze liA CLLT. B.F.D., Granite_ vide, Vt. • t Women who are passing through this critical period or who are suffering from any of tbo<,• distressing ills pe- culiar to their sex should not lose sight of the fact thatf •r thirty years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, which is made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for femaleilla. In almost every commu- nity you will find women 'who have been restored to health l.y Lydia E. gtnkham's Vegetable Compound. 1 1 FINE TAILORED CLOTHING FOR MEN IFI WELL TS LOOKS WELL WEARS WELL Wben made by 1 DUNLOP 1 Lhe Talor West SL ij OS 1=1 GRAND TRUNK SY'S EM NEXT HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS ALL RAIL VIA CHI('AG0 MAY 4tb. VIA RAIL apd BOAT Steamer leaves Sarnia :x.30 pin. pith. Winnipeg and return $32.00. Edmonton and return $42.50. Proportionate rates to other points int Western Canada. Tickets good for tit. days. Secure ticket^ from F. F. LAWRENCE, Town Agent. CANADIAN PACIFIC NORTHWEST EXCURSIONS HY SPECIAL TRAINS FROM TORONTO MAY 4 and I8 Jim I, 15, 2i July 13, 27 Asyut 10, 24 Sept. 7, 11 Return ticket.. snort for eiztr ears. to principal Northwest towns at LOW RATES Through Tonrl.t and Colonist Sleeping an.. by direct fast route. Por tree pamphlet and full particular& apply to JO* . Kiln), Agent. tladerleh. (Jnternctionczl S•, JYewspaper ,bible Study Club uggeafioe Questk.)ns on fhe International Sunday School Lessons, Prepared by Rev. Dr; Linscott, Brantford 1 • J tKegi'tered to .uoordance with the Copyright Act., Sunday. May 9. 1909- Paul's First Misuoaary journey-Autioch in Piaidia. '1 Acts 13 : 1.11 _ Why did they fust and pray before G.'Ided Text -110 ye into all the rending Paul and H irnah as on their world and preach the gospel to every creature. Mark lel : 15. \'teres.. 1 --Where was:Antioch ? \V h a t constituted a Christian church, then anti now ? What. •w•u he difference Iietweeu mission .' Would it Iso a help to each local church today to fart and pray before each uiiraiunai y meeting ? !h. y o think the women took part in this service, and, whether or not. whit reason n. there to *letter women prophets acid teachers ? front ally of the chur'h's _work ? V'i'- 2 -What it meant by "minis- Verse 1 - Is it po..ihle or practical tercel to the Lord ?" to Is. guided in every journey we take What mental, physical, or spiritual aid in all else by the Holy Spirit ? benefits:u.• there derived frond fast• SI Ida pastor ever take charge of inga Pew church without (wing di,ectyd How long should a person ,ahrtain ti, ,t„ OM by the Holy Spirit :' fr.ftn fooslaiu order to constitute, a 'Please point out on the map, in your Christian fait ? Hible where Seleucia. Salamis and What right has the present -dry ('vj.ru. are situated. Protestant church to di.conturte he Were they t•uns.•ioualy, or un- nract ice of fasting ? consciously, directed 1.y Gott the Holy \Vhwn would the ear, of a company Spirit all along their journey ? of g'ally oleo be ;most sensitive toVerse -.✓--Should noun and women. thc,voice of (ial.,during a feast ur . in the ordinary walks of lite, be a (art ? ' . ! s faithful in preaching the gospel, or ir\Vae there ally c}Inurctiun bietwten' testifying for Jesus. wherever they their Ministering and fasting. and the' rosy iw, es Paul and Harmless were Holy Spirit speaking to thrill I Verse d -flow many placer wen- t: the 11oly Spirit "Pt 1" steak t' booed in this lesson are situated on those who are not intensely engaged the Island of Cyprus:' (See your in the cause of (rid ? + tt'hat is necessary iu ordei to c4ahi-I't'\1'hat nim ive's had likely induced tate an ear for the voice of ti' d? • Should we all 1.e "called' of (dal. 1s tot.• iu).lertaking at y kind , i work ? Verge:: -Ought the sort) tedlay to wend out Illissiouaries i ew districts and to heathen comm., • . - If itis the duty of the . 'lurch to -send 6tit-mtsstotanes, is it-er is .t not the daty of every person, whether a member of the church or not. to help support them ? ,This question must be anawtered to writ- ing by members of the club,. this won Elytnas to claim to be a prophet :• Verses i !s -How do you account for a luau being so bad as to try to pre- vent another roan from serving the true lits! Verses 9 -1'S -Are good then jurtiHad in rebuking frud men with vehemence. when tory wisuTtstop-a work of wee and Mercy ? 1s it possible to^ a bad man to es- cape the just penalty of his sins :? MANY AGED PEOPLE Endorse Vaud As the'Best Body Builder ' and Strength Creator Any Old Person Can Talcs "At 75 Years of *g.• 1 bacanle so run- down and weak that 1 was discour• aged. I had tsken ,utuy different whirr and utediciner whish were pre- w'rihed for ore without ga• g in strength. A friend advised melts) try Vin*tl, saying that it was a nod liver and iron wedieine sold on a positive guarantee to benefit or money re- funded. 1 decided to do so and 1 ant glad to say that it built me up won- derf•'Ily. l gained in strength until I felt like a new man. t ...insider Vtnnl the best tonic in the world for elderly people." Jacob Young, Norristown, Pa. This is another instance which de- monstrates he remarkable power 61 \'iuul to create strength and build up health for old people after all other means have failed. As we have to learn of an old � el Y person who hes ever taken Vino! and has not been ieoeetttd by it we ut hesitatingly ray to any fertile old twr- son in this town. come and get' a bottle of 1'inol and try it. If it does you no go. al we will return your money. We make thio utter to show our faith, H. C. Dunlop, Druggist, Unclench. AS OTHERSlTHINK. April 35th, moo -The Gospel at Antioch. Arts xiii.: 13•54. Golden Test --The word of the Lord was published throughout all the re- gion. Acts :iii.: 19. Verse 13 -At what point. had Paul and Barnabas touched according to the last lesson? What important events were nar- rated in the lull lesson? Look up your soap and say where are 'Paphos. Perga and Antioch in Pisidia. Verse 14 -Should a Christian always at troll church on Sunday if he has the opportunity. whether at hose or abroad ? If a man does not act like e. Christ- ian when away from home is he a real Christian when at( home. no matter what -Me nntwfsrd wets always bel. _ Verse 15 -Are not our present - tray churches too stiff and firma) com- pared with the serviees in this eyae- gogus? &Should not our set vices be ellfHci- ently elastic to call upon others beside he pastor to take part in them :' • Verse 1n -Were there tc,:ny devout Jews and others • in [hoe • days who What pointe in this address of Paul's would you say were the woet striking ? Verses :18-3 9- I n what sense can tiod forgive sins through Jesus that he could not through the law of Mises? Granted a future life of rewarda and punishments. what question can com- pare in importance with the forgive- ness of sins? Are men sane who neglect' to have their sins forgiven, seeing they admit the grave dangers of dela ? Vetter 4i1 -41 -What do unconverted sinners need to •'beware" of? Why do sinner* not accept of .the salvation offered to them by Jesus? Verses 42.43 -What is it • sign of when men want to hear the gospel preached ? fs thew always -an alt2t1Y- bet ween spiritual people. notwithstanding ter ferences of opinion ? Dom it 410 us all good to be urged to be true : o (iod ? Verses t 1 45 -Does the story of the cross still draw crowds as it did at Antioch:' When one preacher is *does et the. good isnoth'•r preacher,is doing what feared (iod and were accepted of him is that a .'go of ? who had not embraced Christianity :' 1s a truly good than ever jealous of Should preachers and teacher. in ad- the good others are doing? dressing non Christian audiences assume Verses 40 -417 -Is God more partial to that there may be some of the number one nationality than he is to another ? who really "fear God," notwithstaadia` Does God ordain all those to .eternal that they may never have heard of Jesus T life who will accept of Jesus? iTbis question must be answered in writ- I Are gladness and joy always in the log by members of the club.' hearts of those who love and serve Verses I7.37 -In addressinga host OP God? audience 'it is well for a speaker to Verses 30 -5:2 -When the bad perste- commence with things which they be-' cute the good which get* the nal sieve in common, making them lead trouble? up to the main question: what mat- Lesson for Sunday, May 1Hth, it»'. teres dig Paul refer to in carrying out -Paul's First Missionary Journey - this wise rule :• Iconiutn and Lystra. Acte xiv.: 1.224. CANADIAN NORTHERN ONTARIO a. . tFaies$ilha'i . -:,4414 FASHIONS FOR MEN. 1 the dignified drettsers, while the pat- .-- , terns will consist of stripes only. This Years Styles in Male Attire as The Shoe.. -Either. tan or black. Noted an Authori laced or cut low. Dark red tan will by ry. also 1e a popular color. leroru The t'lot bier and Haberdasher, The Gloves. -Grey, silk lisle, chain - The attire of the well-dressed man ois or light weight tan or dark shades his undergone a revolution during of green. TOURIST and WEEK -END the past year. Plainness in men's ap- parel is a thing ot the past. Elabora- tion has come and now we are to have fancy features in suite for men. No suit will be worn this spring that has riot some distinguishing mark of the season's styling. The innovations are tnade for the sake of sinartniss, hut Excursions Tickets on Sale from Mays_' st The Scenic Routs to LAKE SIMCOE, SPARROW LAKE, -MUSKOKA LAKES. GEORGIAN 8 AN , MAGANETAWAN, PICKEREL and FRENCH Rf VERS. Coming Lake Muskoka at Bala Park and along the shore of Lab Joseph, skirting nearly one hundred bodies of water between Toronto and Sudbury, the necessary touch of dignity will not be lacking. Color harmony will be the chief new feature in 11141e dress. The vogue for solid colors has resulted in a tendency towanls color snatching in various parts of the attire. Hose, scarf and handkerchief worn in the breast pocket will be uniform in color for summer wear, and in many rases the uniformity will extend to the hat, shirt and belt. The apparel modes of 1909 are dis- tinctly novel. To he correctly in- formed as to what these style innova- tions furan is a0 absolute necessary for every man who taken any pride whatever in his personal appearance. Informal (lay dress worn for any In- formal day nr evening purpose, such as business, travelling or for count ry nee. flaws not tow the mark of strict formality. The ntri(•t dictates of usage ate not adhered to during the els between April and September. Nevertheless, each apperPiwalhis has its essential features, the general pants of whirh•we will summarize : The Suit. Single or double-breasted roat with Pelf or fancy waistcoat. Trousers of Paine material a* coat. The approved coat style follows the two or three -button model with long neatly Rradueted Tarte and deep centre vent. The skirt has a slight "flare" from the waist over the hips. It in in the sleeve, and pockets that suite will show the novelty features. The ruffs will he worn in an endless variety of designe, in which buttons, meanie and straps will form the fea- tures, Pocketn will he ant both curved and diagonally, and design* similar to those need in the era?" will his applied to them. Vests will Show a Nap depending from the outer edge of the pocket, and will Ste eolleetesa. The Shirt. White or fancy *hilts, plain or pleated. .tiff or eat bottom, will bre the correct thing for informal weer. Curie will he attached on all informal garments. The goat style will be much worn. Stripes -predom- inate In ehit•t patterne. The Collar. -For informal wear the fold collar with the close front enjoy. the most popularity. The wing collar With rounded tats will also be ac- cepted. The Plead. -The straight four -in - band in the narrower widths has al. moist an escfueivit call. The shades harmonise with the suit and range from taupe.. the new smoke phade to grey, green and brown, 110,114 colors without pattern will he the choice -1s For aborwrits literature and full information asking and holiday resort.., O. PnMca•Oaaaw, Pansager Agent. Omaaditta Northern .laikling. Toronto e•",pt,"�p ll�r "9 The Hat. --Soft shapes in green, grey and brown predominate. The hard shapes will have Hat rims and ie worn in more subdued colors. The 1'nderweeer.-Coat style shirts and knee length drawers of nainsook, pongee, silk or silk mixtures. •rye. TM• sM ^rr"t4'r >r4!e'-'7,yX WP4:leaMir •+w UGLY SKIN SORES. Everyone in Godericb Has a Right to His Own Opinion While everyone has is right to his own opinion, yet it is wig•• 1 always consider what others tink and profit by it. Nothing wakes life so intetfereiso widely with he useful- ness of the average person, as indiges- t' , and it is well for us to give fair considerate to what others think about tide ieularkable afflict. Jas. Wilson is positive that in Mi-o- na stomach tablets he has an absolute cure for indigestion and many dir- 16rR'eeais.1- .Irmo tett-, +tort-f.$1.aag. this disease, such las dist' .. lifter sealing, coated tongue• had taste. ill the mouth, dizziness. H atulence and nerv- oueness: He sells Mi-o-na with -,.LfiiTiciion guaranteed or uioney back. He lw- Heves in it and no may you. I bll• n ie T n Zam-Buk Removes Tbem. 1t is just at thisseasrm that Pimples. blotches, sores, scrofulous atlmenta. and eruptions generally, make them- selves most felt. Zam•Huk will be found of wonderful use wherever there 1s akin eruption or deep seated ulceration. Pimples. blotches, and irritating rashes on the face and other parts of the body indicate a disturb- ance of the functions of the skin. im- pute matter. which the hood should discharge by means of the skin, is al- lowed to remain in the pores, the pro- cess of "exhalation" is interrupted. and `just. where the i.ad matter col- lects, there pimples. ulcers, and sores quickly appear, and the skin tissue suffers. To be rompiete the treat- ment must he of two kinds. The suf- ferer may help to diminish he supply of impurities by taking no rich, greasy and indigestible footle; but, to re •e the iwpurities themselves, the pores roust lw_.op•ned and the skin made healthier by the vigorous eppli- cat' of %am•lBuk, morning and night, and washing frequently with amine pure soap. 'there in none pet - ter than the antiseptic Zam-Hmk Medi- cinal and Toilet Soap. lam-itmk bairn Rt' late. the funclfOni of . the skin hy the penetration of its refined her - hal essences, and thus reaches the root of the disease. Mr. Arthur H. Ordain. of 191 Picton street, E. Hamilton says: -"i was greatly troubled with pimples and blotches breaking lost on try face. 1 tried a number of remedies, and spec- ially dieted, yet ,the pimples and blotches remained. Acting on the suggestion Ma friend, 1 began using %ani-Ruk, and was h pleased to find an improvement after *eves! ap- plication's. The itching wan allevia- ta1, and the inflammation Re.'nler! less. As 1 continued the 'harn•Huk tten1- 'tient, the pimple* and blotches be - ramp less sore, the itching was cured alt(ether, and inflammation ban- ished. In the move of a short time every blotch and pimple was re- moved.,' Zam•Buk is alio a sure cure for cuts, lacerations, burns, eczema, ring- worm, poisoned wounds, festering sores, had leg, and all skin injuries and diseases. It. is also • cure for piles. Druggists and stores every., where moll at ISOs. a bog, or post-free from Zam-Auk Co., Toronto. on re- ceipt of price. Advertise in Tbe Signal. If I~t EMERGENCY DANGER Wben a Harsh Catarrhal Cold Fastens on the Breathing Organs a Life Is Threatened. There are times when a Hye+ntei outfit ie worth a life and having it at v o hand will save a lite, n saferprecau- tion secau- lion can be suggested than calling at Jas. Wilson's drug store and gest ing a supply fpr use in following cases. ' When a child shows the first sign of croup a breath of Hyuwri through the inhaler will check the trouble pennan- pntty. 11 hen through catching cold you seem ter- he choking._yp, diRlr..lty to breathe. pain or sr-Tenew over the lungs and other symptoms of pneu- monia, the instant relief from ltyoaiei air is marvelous. It penetrates quickly to the inner recesses of the bronchial tubes :and lunge where no liquid or moist tuerli- cine can reach. - When an asthmatic condition pre- sents unusual wheezing and oppressed breathing. Ifyomei will bring rest, complete otjt6t $1.151, ' THE MARKETS. Liverpool Wheat Futures Close High- er Chicago Lower -Live Stock Latest Quotations. youth"Bvrmne. April 31. Liverpool wheat futures -today cloned ted higher, and corn 'ad luwvr than Bat- urda) Chicago May wheal closed lc lower, July ltyc lower, aura too' higher, and oats '4c higher - Winnipeg Options. Wheal April $1-14% bid. Jury 31. 11%-b & May 51.145. sellers Oat. --May tame bid. ,July etc sellers. Toronto Grain Market. wheat, fabush $l 15 to 51 11i Wheat; -awl,-- bush 31 .11!qi 1 Il W OMI, stsmi.ll, bush 1 3 . -. Hye, bushel •••• Buckwheat, bushel 0 to .... Peas, bushel 0 S .... Barley, bushel ,•0 p Oats, bushel 0 50 Toronto Dairy Market. Butter, separator, dairy ... 0 34 Rutter, W .re lots 0 19 i er rolls0 Butter. nam Ib 1 i f u r.. Y. flutter, ermine: y. solids 0 21 Eggs. new -laid, donee 0 195` Cheese. new, Ib 013 t'heeee, large. Ib 0 H t'heepe, twin, lb 014% Hooey, extracted 0 105E es 0 30 .27 0 0 1341 eii New York Dairy Market. NEW T01tK, April 36. -flutter -Steady. receipts, 66:11. creamery, specials 27c to 27 tic. u Ictal, 17r. extras. 36.- to Wet..11.1rd to f rt, 2k• to Z held. creamery. third toe ria, Sr to 75r; proses, com- mon to ape •dal. 1;. to ic: western tar - tory, first. to 195gc. Cheese Y1r .: receipts, 9e6, state. old, full eream, tale lie to 17c: do., 65541. 1' e: du., g1t to first. 1554,. slate, full credo, new, c orad. hest. Mir to tie-, do. white. hest. 4s•• to Hee do.. com- mon to fair. IOr to 13e, skims. full to special, 216c to 1261- Eggs-Reoelpu, At. 1114 state. Peensyl- sante and nearby. n.•y, selected, white. 33c. do , fair to •hint... '^5M' to Xa': brown and mixed. f .•y. 2.c. do.. fair to choice, 21)4.' to western sterase, :Zito to =)vt • do . ors 71',.• to Mc. sec - .end Mese • h. .t deer first lc• seconds. "ASsc. CATTLE MARIOTS. ---r- 'Cables Firm -Hags Lower at Buf- falo and Chicago:, "'Lrrreri ,74 *ere_ .34 -.1.....•... rut _ cattle are steady.. at 1.a,.- 1•, ter Per i'ouud for t's+.adlau - steers. dressed weight. refrigerator beef la qut.d at 9'\c to 10c ler 10 Toronto stuns4ien Live Stock+ TORI)NTI) JI-NCT1ON, Apnl dfi Receipt* of live .tock wen. 311 car: Loads, oonat4'jig . of - 600 castle, rtl(1 hofs. 6 shoepxwnl Lambe• and calves. What the Sandwich Was For. A stately old professor was ap- proached by a young student one day in one of the Western colleges. Try• ing hard to keep back a smile the young man asked :. "Professor, you say you are an ex- pert at solving riddles. don't you ?•" '•i claim that 1 am, any boy," '• Well, then, ran you tell me why a mao who has aeon London on a foggy day and a man who has not seen London on a foggy day are like a ham sandwich ?' The professor studied for a long time, venturing several answers which proved to be wrong. Finally, at his wits' end, he said : "I give it up." • "its easy," 'aid the other. "Give it up,'• repeater' the professor. "Why," wan the reply, "one has seen the 'mist and the other has missed the scene. Ha, br ! Catch on?" "Of coarse 1 do, you lunatic ! Hut what has the sandwich to do with .1 :" After the youngster had recove e from a spell of laughter he chuckle . : "Oh, that's what you bite o0." -The Circle. Didn't Sound Just Right. • t r rete►.,.. Prime picked rot! nr-tw+*Htere .state Fold at 36 26 to f,7:0 Inds of good. $6 10 57 X. medium. 31 le to 3 ,'nmmon. 14 t41f e' 114.1iii. tows. $3.'>t) t.. 14`+•. bulls, 14 lu $4 6 altasta and 03rr.Ieri• . MLkars rid spr:,•Krrr were quoted- a7 wit', few oo sale 370 to les • u•h 'Yeas (bleats Ninety xo seal ,sive* weer on eats. Prices w -.• upcha/IC.•.I. At 51 to %s• Par wt ..beep ..d Lambe. Wesley Dunn vt•.111 pricer, ea un- changed. at NW to 13 per cwt for ewe.. and N 1 14.10 Inc rams, yearling lambs. goo.! quality. 17 to 37.50. roxnlnoe year - hogs. 111 1.• $e per cwt spring Iambs. 11.0 to .36.60 elle), 55 .. Martel stead,, t ell uortianr . as rite for 'elect., fed easel watered u mar- ket, arket, aid E fob care at .wintry PAM& A certain dominie was teacher of a boarding school during the week rod' preached on Sunday. He was 'feet much wonied because the parents ot his pupils were slow about paying their hills. Things got so had. I h tt ire finally became. a perso(ial question with the botcher and baker. ►le a '. at his wits' end as to how to m ik.• ends meet. A small cheque a ul ml very opp ttimely on Saturday. rt I that same night there was an i» -'e •-.• 41 one in the fatuity. The boy- nt h - school went the next day to his church expecting t.. hear the dominie 1ft 1.• the little stranger that had conte to the house. Hut the otd dthm'ni• • mind was full of the financial clans action. and he was thinking grafi"folly of the timely chetlue, and his pup' s were amazed to near his prncer : - • %Ve thank 'Thee, U Lord, lo. ,ae little succor Thou haat sent us." Sturdy Independents. At the recent union of the churehes in Scotland the late Mr. James Moffat, of Chirnaide, took a firm stand for the "Wee Frets." and his sturdy ui- dependence is illustrated hy the fol- lowing story : --The minister and he were discussing the Union. and carried away by his fiery eloquence "Jimmy" exclaimed : "Na! nal Ye're no' ma minister. ma roan A'm a Wee Free ! A'rn a Wee Free !" The Itev, gentle- man, who waw a great friend of the old mane, replied persuasively : "Oh! but James, you know you ought to go with the majority !". "Majority !" tried the old man with fine scorn. "Majority ! Manw' wonder at ye; div! ye no ken, thatIf Noah had gane wi' the majority he wad hie ' been droned r" Montreal Live Stock. MONTREAL. April M --1.61pac alY-At the Montreal Stuck Yards West Zed Mar- ket, the recetptts of live stock for the week ending April el were EX ratt • . '171 sheep .rid farts, 1111-ltsaa grad NS muses. while the supply for I..ral consumption to -day arnouated to 1051 tattle. 60 .creep and lambs, 916 hop bad 1'0 , awes A feature of the tr.,!.1,. lam Wed- nesday ednesday has [wen the ire: wacd demand (ruin tw,.wters for ail Rood to aloha mock on account of the !.,. I that raids adeices from all the ,ratline foretge mar- keee have been marl, stronger than a week ago- and prices show an advance 0.1 UK to le per Ib., ,sora to term sup- plies, asd trade to -day at trite Improve- ment was very firm. Thus, eoupted with a the cparateveiy small MIPPlles of cat- tle easing forward here, and the goond demand from local sao d .t -of -town Out- ckets, lsw tended to etreoathen the situ- ation carne, but pr1r., rawer further no- ranee dvanee as compared with those of rasa. Wednesday f Mock offered was gessro117 of a good useful sort, sad an saliee trade wee dons. Bala of pick- ed leer or Ontario .tall -fed stears, weigh - Mg from 1390 to IX' IM . sold at 4r per 1b., while straight lords of goad to chores Nock were [ought for export at $1.16 to 11116 per 100 Its, Good, useful butchers' cattle In loads sold .t D16c to Fiec: rate at 41/the to Sc, and lower grades et 7t' arc pIt, tem:knob& fat cows la foals pm sold at ND to 14J16 per 100. 1ba.. and good to choles bulls at 45te to Pee per Ib Tbe trade In small meats wile WOW on account of the fact that supplies were limited and In consequence of which pudeee ruled firm. The demand tar the little stook that was offered was good, sod sales of yearnog lambs were made at isle to 7r. .ad old sheep at ie to Sae frroosn i3 to$63i fewspring ~..s c A m+. TLambe he 'ngg rang- Irom 31.6for 0 to 16 wan gdod was to estualtyl . fn sympathy with the strong cable ad- vices op Canadian lawn and the 53esdy upward teadeocy of prices of fattwain ked the leading foreign markets, ee the limited supply of bogs coming for- ward .Dare, a very streak undertone pre- vails la the market. and price. this morn- ing moored a farther advisee of So pef 100 big. The demand from packers +rid dealers was good. and an active trade wee dose with sales of selected sots as 51.26 to 511.3 per 100 tom, writhed on care. East Buflalo Dottie Market. EA$r turirsALO. Apra 3l -Cattle 211.' - tic to r; others act ve sou .t R t lee os Tic lower: nigher, prime steers. $.3 to P.M, stilts ping. $6.90 to 31.30: butchers, '- ,o $.73; heifers, 14 to P. cows. 53,3 1 bull. 53.. to 11.34 stockers wad feeders, 14.23 70 to 55: stoq.k heifers, 53.10 to $4, freer/ cows wad springers, 53 to $6 higher, NZ to $6. Veale-Recelpte, 340) head. active .rid steady, 55 to 27.50. closing .low and So lowepr. lays.-Reeetpt*, 14400 Mad. fairly au'o Ova and to Ylower, 0Ps'ker5r11. 57.75, mixed. .• d, 57.9) to 51.70. r a 17.26 to 1146; pies. $7 to 171 roughs, es.a to 55.6; stags. Il to $6.76. dairies, 57 to V.:0. Sweep and 1.ambi--Rerefpl3, 1750 lead sheep etewly. Iambi& lee lower. handy Imola active, heavy lambs . and sheep slow: lambs, sr.l. to 17•(0, yearlings, N p 55.3: wetnhs.16.2 n 5$6.40 ewes, 114 lid X 14.76: sheep. mixed, S. New Voids Live Stock. NEW TORK, April 31.- Reeves-RP- eelpta. r130• steer, slow and lower; steers, 31.1•. to X.70, Mille. 32.71. to 56.3, nowt. $1.66 to 14.46: deemed . beef slow. common to extra beef,•;9r to 1041c. Ex- ports. 610 cat tie. '\ Calves-- Receipts, 7591: Meads' to 70e lower, V.111,1, $6 to 17.75: w choir . et: tulle, 14 to 1450: .1 d Ives steady: city dressed yeah,. Sc 10 1 , country dressed 7r to ec. Sheep • and Lambs- Rrcelpts 12.711, sheep firm and higher: lambs shady --#o .Arm. wooled sheep, E. 10 3a end clipped do $4 to 56.91, clipped iambs, 11.50 to 17. .), wuol- ed do., 55.5.. to ISM, no choice woolen storks: spring lambs. 54.60 1,, 14.77 each. 6lois-Raestpta.-.Ofeenn rather rantgoo er; d state twigs, J7 Taira: Paas. F.14 to $7.40. 1 r;trc�^;n Took a bitond, A Yankee and a Scot were arguing MI to which had the fastest trains,. "'Why," Raid the Yank, "we have trains across the way that ran travel a thousand ntile•e an hour." "That', naethin'," answered the Scot, "Jean -that's ma wife -and me booked a third class fe Inver•ray, in the Hislsn's, dorm to (4lesca, and we went in a second," -W. G. Repeat it : "9hiloh'i Cure will al ways cure my coughs and coMs." f. His Peibvtso. "i can marry w rich girl. whom I do not love, or w p•nnil.•.s, girl, whom 1 love dearly. Which shall i do?" "Follow the dictates of yo sr heart, my boy. and he haP1'•-. Marry the poor one, and --say cr - wonld you mind' introducing me to the other one ?"-May I.ippincn*L.. Bride (weeping) - "You complain about the inertia already, and I thought yon might at least .'Ines one eve to the calking the first month we were married." Tffe Hungry Hue - band -"My dear. I have closed both. hot things don't taste any better." r,t�.• .t .� it CORN ,SYRUP Give it To Your Children "CROWN BRANT) SVIU'P" is a food not only for children but for everyone -and it is used by everyone. It is a table delicacy which should be in every home. It is the one thing that satisfies that longing for sweets which all healthy children and most adults have. Used in the home, it- saves trouble in the making up of delicious desserts and other good things to eat. "CI4 OWN BRAND SYRUP" stands for the highest possible purity in table syrup. 1t is pr red in a clean wholesome spanner Isom the very Miele iigre rent., which develop a delicious flavor as of fine coney and neh crows. Three are strong reasons why your should insist on having "CKIJWN BRAND SYRUP". Vogt dealer hog ., lo, ,..0 r 2.). 10 ..d 20 5, ..-sir or with lksa 15. The Edwardsburg Starch Co., Limited ESTABLISHED 1868. Work• r8R nl!AL.O.). Olhces scorer snAL.TOROIeTOI IIAWTPORD - h it's a question of FOOD VALUE, get Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas. bey cmtani the nmri- meat=the bone and muscle building properties- of Canadet choicest wheit flour. They are substantial•, like roast beef and bread. that they ate so delicate � wNt children and invalids may make themthe best part of every meal. Mooney's 13iscu parked as they come hot from the evens, iso tight. moisture -proof box Thus, aU the crispness a� goodness of the freshly baked biscuits are caught and held until they reach you. There is good food and good eating in Mooney's • Biscuits. s are 3 THE MOONEY BISCUIT & CANDY CO. LIMITED. Sal Met+ 0 le; 0) <«a+c:iswrn erl;lti . ;.kifer The Food Question Solved F..8.,1 14, . w!, ac Ca 1,1 V.,out a 4:•\v, (. 1rJ� PER FE.CTION ' CREAMSO da' 1 l Mega! &Vt.,• i •n..y cr A chocolate confection of rich milk choco- late and fresh shelled walnuts. Simply exquisite. In u and % pound cakes. THC COWAN CO. LIMITED, TORONTO. Daily Paper Will Pat iobey is Yoar Pocket. With The Toronto Dd1y 8taz's accurate daily market rep yon could sell your gsain�and 11'ro stock at top- notch Floss. Hall a cent extra on just foo bushels of *hest Or oats would pay a yells subscrip' tion. 230. a hundred weight on a dozen hogs would cover three years' subscriptions. Don't you,dependiagon weeklyreports. Our daily reports that are old wben you pt them -miss top prices by at least that much several times a year P Toronto Daily Star Publishes Market Reports 12 to 11 >'+ bars Earlkr Than the M.rimi Papers t;•." Beery afternoon's issue of The liter cow that very day's quotations on the gran and live stock markets of Toronto, Montreal, Buffalo, Chicago, and other important cities. These are the same quotations that the !sett morning's dailies publish -12 to 18 hours later. $1.50 A YEAR CLUBBING OFFER 754 P se aid Ththe One e ttwrfe Tryger%pomhot 2.80 _ - PMents Pea Om Aw Nva ails/ M Mese eahmeI Nee PAWL 3 I4'ttj" t"'.415