The Signal, 1909-4-22, Page 81a$OSDaT, AI'stl, 29, 1909.
The above is a picture of the large and beautiful 'steamer tit, titmice, which will call at Goderich twice a wee$
during the coming soolnter.atartibg June 15th and running until September 15th. The St. Igniter will leave Cleve-
land every tluuday st 0:30 p.m., 'stopping at Detroit. 'end thengoing right through to Mackinac, getting hack to
Cleveland by Wednesday at 1:3) p.m. She will leave Cleveland Wednesday, it:HO-,p.m.,-Detroit Thursday, tk*U e► a►.,
arrive at Goderich at A::11' 'au., and leave Goderieb 7::#) p.m. for Mackinac. returning to (ioderiih 12 o'clock noon on
Saturday and leaving for Detroit and Cleveland tat I p.m. For any further information in regptd to this boat apply
to Win. Lee, Goderich.
- 'Report of Fialte?les Commission.
Prof. E. B. Prince, of Ottawa ;
James J. Noble. of Little Current, and
John Millie, K. C.. of Collingswood.
who some tame ago were constituted
a commission by the Dominion Gov-
ernment to irocjttigate and report
upon the conditions of the Great
baked fisheries, have made their re-
port. Various recommen is ions are
made. one of them to the effect that
a game fish preserve should he estab-
lished. to include all that portion of
the northern add flasteaa.aburea of
Georgian Bay extending from Kil-
larney at the north to Cedar Point.
in the township of Tiny. o'.the south-
eastern shore, runningrou .ids ot.the
hundred thousand isl: nde of the
Geergian Bay, to he _.t apart with
proper regulations for the preserva-
tion of game fish, ?no fit to be caught
within these bounds e cept by ang-
ling. Recommendatic nit as to the
enforcement of the sheep license
regulations and as to a "Marketing
of fish are made, and th commiesionen,
deploret tie intrusion f polttteat --In-
fluence into matters pe wining to the
fisheries, declaring that their investi-
gations have led the to the con-
clusion that "in the Pr Vinci of On-
tario the fisheries and the heensing
powers in connection th rewith have
not been used with a demi e to I eneflt
and improve and perpetu rte the fish-
eries in their control,' and that
"political opponents of t Govern-
wenthave great difficult , in some
cases, in getting their been and, in
other cased. in getting di -sects in
which to fish.'
L N. Lewis left on Tuesday on his retu
-"Did the wedding go off smoothly ?"
About as smoothly as such affairs
always go off. The only hitch that
Khtg Travels With Much Leas Ower. !occurred was when the pair stout up
many Than the Keit,. to be united. '
A noteworthy feat• -e of the recent
,siait of King Edward 'o Biarritz. and
that of the Prince it. el Princes of
Wales to Paris, was th complete ab -
sense of dleprety durii,c the royal
tripe. Both the prince and prim
expressed a wish to be treated as or-
dinary tourists, and. that wish be
Mg respected, they were able toe o
a quiet holiday trip to the
oapatal, without being called upon to
tspond to the ceremony which is us-
ually accorded royal pereonagea•
Ther Royal Hi hnesaee were sim-
ply eneompanied byLady Eva Dug-
dale, Hon. Derek eppel, and about
halt a down seruanta. Likewise the
King, during his trip to Biarritz, was
EMcoincognito odent to travel incnito es
Duke of Lancaster --a title, by
the way, which His Majesty retained
during his sojourn on the continent,
and which was printed on his visit-
ing cards—merely accompanied by an
equerry and Sir Jame. Reid (his phy-
sician -in -ordinary). with Oen. Sir
Stanley Clarke and Major Ponsonby
in attendance.
Onthe other hand, the German
Emperor, when he moves abroad.
maintains his royal dignity with as
much pomp and show as possible,
and hits recent holiday trip to Corfu
turniahee a striking contrast to the
visit of King Edward. to Biarritz.
The Kaiser traveled with an enor-
mous retinae, including a Lord Cham-
berlain. two aides-de-camp, six offi-
cers rs of the Ouard. t+,' p(lya curve
tweeter body—servants, r a private
u to secretary; while I, rem was at-
tended by a Lord Chamberlain, two
Mr. Hleeonette. of St.. Jo..eph, wee in towu'pn iadiea-lrrwaiting, Own d1,IPmes, and
Monday. \ su maid -servants. ?wee •-four nooks
Duncan Stewart. of Stretford, le in town\ and maid, went from B,•rltn to coo -
Niro. D. Johreton and child returned to Pres
this week. duct the imperial kitchen. and even L�_
Labe kitchen utenstle were sent on
�e�d Two court carriages, e12 aato-
\d don Life 'Lon�
Seriously POLICIES
if you should ��AS�+O
die to -day, how Q �A t
long could your : V
family live on - , what you have /\,\,
provided for their future? An En-
dowment Policy at life rate issued by
the London Life would .pjotect them
now, and make provision for
your mature years.
Terrible !
Apparently the naval controversy
has had a very distressing effect, if 1
may judge from the following effurt-
hicb comes from -"Crew &oek`t•.'-•
Why dl.eii lierman3, 1)readoo ight-
Br Iain? You Asquith good reason.
Because the Liberate won't M'Kenna
mord Dreadnoughts. But the held
Balfour will mak' them build nthei
belly fll ir. By Coorge, what a Bud-
get. ---Glasgow Herald.
And AI:deadbeat will continue to I,
one until he dies,
The Walk -Over Shoe
1 Fashion's Favorite
fashions come aii.I t.t,hlotl. ', but
each succeeding >c t- ti the \V \LK -
OVER line retains its place .it the
front- because -it offers the most -tasty
anti sefttied3tyles.. '
The designers of
The Walk -Over Shut'
volt MEN
-have been Very host' the past si
'months. Come in and se.' tt !Lit
_ they've_doc for Spring tgo�.
too yts.terday-
l'arl Woremain
has returned from Simroe and es two luggage automobiles.
N it C ado Cameron
town Rlwe .al•
Neil ('erosion spent a few days this week at and n chauffeurs were also included ;� t�
his ofd home at Paisley. in Emperors entourage not to
and mantr(tn d pat
Downing & MacVicar
Sole Agents for Goderich, Ont.
Mr. d Mn. Mclvor, of the Rookery, left a men sty of horses and
this week on trip to Winnipeg. urenty gym„ and coachmen.
Robert Campbell left on . Monday for Tone feta
soda for the opening of the ..Cason on the
Fd Foster and bride. of London, are spend Tut'
rkey, whose visite to foreign courts
Ing the week with the formers aunt, Mrs. John are dot "pallyearly anticipated by
those wboise du it ie to see that
T sled ft pending the Easter vacation .n everyone en= . with these for -
the Kaiser regelnble'A
lake. . the Shah o
Persia and the Sultan of
MIs. Orate Seeger returned to Toronto or.
u sy after s potentates is y,mrortably houe-
Captain J. McKay and Engineer McPhail
left op Monday for Wfarton to commence the
seasons work on the leko.. •
Capt, and Mrs, Shepherd and Miss Helen left
Owl Thursday for Old Point comfort, Va.,
where they will remain for ,woe time.
John J. Finn, Frank I'helan and L. Hunter.
three Goderich bays, left Saturday on the
steamer Agawa for Toledo W load coal for
the "oo.
Mr. and Mrs. ton,. Acheson, Dr. W. S. and
Mn.. Turnbull and Cir- L. M. Mabee were in
Toronto for the wedding of It. J. Acheson,
T. O. Hawthorne, of the Hank of Montreal.
bee been trenef•,rred to Iteseronto end his place
to the branch here has been taken by Mr. De
Peneier, from Guelph.
Mrs. F. T. Paener, of Brantford, spent the
`wK week at the home of her mother. Mrs. 1'.
McJ.wan. Mr. ilgener was here for a few
days and returned on Saturday lied.
Me... Knight and daughters, Mutt.. Eteyn
and Lulu, left on Monday ontheirtetnrn to
le, Alta-, -after-a. 1 of ..notal
months in town with Mrs, Kn ght's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Miller.
Miss McLean after spending a few week's fn
town v,elting friends, has returned to Ihng•
hampton, N. 1'., wherehe is pra.•tlrtng her
profession es nurse. While In town she wa-
the guest of Mrs. P. M.,Ewnu.
Among these who left fir the Wert this
week ire w llliam Johns and James Manning,
of Colborne, who go to Saskatoon ; Thomas
Mitchell, of Colborne, who goer to Hattletord
Norman and John Green, of Colborne, to Wey-
born, Sask.
Mr. and Mrs. E. 1'. Paulin lett Saturday list
for Wingharn, whence they leave this week,
and Harr for Dauphin,
with Clete eons Percy y •
Man. where they will reside in future. Their
friends fa Goderich wish them abundant
euccese and happiness in their new home.
J. H. Robertson, for several year, foreman
for Gies (4odertoh organ ea.. Lea removed te
Orillie, where he le engaging In busine.,, as
architect . end builder. Mrs. Robertson will
follow him in a few weeks- Their many
Mends in Goderich are sorry to part with
itow t
cltuene, but their best wisbus
and Mrs. Robertson to their new home.
GuelphMercury : Mr. I). Pensler, who for
a year has been a member of the staff of the
Rank of Montreal, and one of t he nrovt popular
banking men of the cite, deft this morning for
Oodertch, where he loin. the (tank there, tot
lowed by the beet wishes of many friends In
the city. Peeling thet his departure front the
city could not be allowed to go unmarked,.
number of friends gathered in the rooms of
the Trader. Bank building, and here a `.leve
ant hour wits spent in saying farewell, the
feature being the presentation of is handsome
meerschaum pipe tea parting gift end token of
The Last Resort.
- A Russian muzbik eat one day in
the anteroom of the military commis-
sioner of Lis town. There was an
anxious fro*rn on his face. A friend
approached and raid : "What is the
natter, Pintr ?" "i am worried,"
Piotr answered, "about my son, 1
don't know what to say when the
commissioner sake me about his
age. You wee, if 1 make him out
younger than be ie, he will be sent
tack to school, and if I make him out
older, they'll 'dick him in the army.
What em 1 to dor • "How would it
do," raid the friend, thoughtfully, "if
you told the commissioner his exact
sge r Piotr dapped d his leg, and
laughed delightedly, "The very
thing" he cried. "1 thought of
that- '
if some taeo"had their lives to live
neer again they prohahly wouldn't,
leave en much for their hcire to 'scrap
ed- The attendant[ a servants us-
ually number about one'undyed, and
to suitably accommodate *em all n
no easy teak.
The visit e, &leand of -Queen
Alexandra's mister, the Dowage
press of Ramie, and the quiet, u
ventional manner in which thee"
royal ladies have spent the last few
weeks, well illustrates the manner in
which the Czar would like to travel ��
and pay visite. But the t Russians
1 say
pbty, and the Osar'e advisers
It is recognized now by must people who like to feel cleat',
tidy and well-groomed that a little of enure g•oa.l
well rubbed in occasionally, helps to keep the fare and hands in
good condition, and adds much to one's personal appearance.
We carry in stock 10 or 12 different makes of the best
MASSAGE CREAMS and COLA ('REAMS in various -sized
jars; have them at 15c.'2i , :15c, bac, 77x• and *Loll.
We also have varidua LIQUID ('REAMS, such as Witch
Hazel Cream. Almond Cream, Cucumber ('ream, Edelweiss
Crea, etc.
(ntngdir that there would be e.ome-
thing seriously lacking in Hie Majes-
t7'e dignity rid be not travel with as
much dignity as possible.
His special train gives tome ides
of the display which is made. It is •
the moat luxurious railway convey-
ance in the World- There are two
dining rooms, each with its own spe-
cial kitchen, a library, saloons, bath:
bed, and dressing rooms, alt Tuxnl-
toaely fitted up. No fewer than thir-
ty-two kxdnmuthe, madtinista, dean-
errrt, and other tnacJhanies accompany
this royal earavan on all its journeys,
under the command of a special en -
A Baptist minister was once asked
how it was that he consented to the
marriage of him daughter to a Presby-
terian. "Well, my dear friend," he
replied, "so far as I have been able to
discover, Cupid never studied theol-
MOR! -.
Wall -Paper
It will pay yap to paper your
house now while we are selling
Wall -Paper as low as ac per
roll, and all borders at the
same price per roll as side-
walls and ceilings.
Several hundred rolls of Canadian
Papers. with borders and ceiling's
to match. at Ir, 5c and ffe per roll.
Ah.nat 2,010 risilw of Paper at toe,
12c and -15r per roll.
The above Papers are suitehle for
bedru.n ne. kitchens. dining- _
rex.rne, halls, etc.
imported Wall -Papers
Nothing like them ,how's in this
pati of the country. they ere
est :rely an('wcreation and shown
only by (airecl•ee, ranging in
price from Lie per roll up to !Mein
per roll.
Covet Rewe Square.
Phone too. Godench. Ont.
Central Drug- Store.
Crockery, Glassware
and Groceries
The combining of the stocks of cury I. Mor-
rish and McEwen Bros., both of whit ere large
and fully assorted, necessitates the reduct of at
least a number of lines of really good artielet-,of
household requisites.
For the convenience of customers we have
arranged tables at 1Oc, 25c and 35c,
prices representing in many in-
stances less than the
original cost of
the goods.
Also we quote the following:
5 (dozen clothes pins for
40c package tea for - - - - -
;50c package tea for - -
Now Food, regular Me, for
Catsup. regular 1:1c, for - - -
1 gal. tin Apples, regular 25c, for -
We also have a few shop fixtures including refrig-
erator, scales, office desk, glass cases, etc.
We have many other good things to offer you—
a big store full, in fact, and we solicit Real!.
Morrish & Snyder
Maple Leaf Grocery
We have two interesting
To make this week:
For those going to build
ti's bat:a bought about helf it miIliop feet of No. 1
Hen.1o.•k, at a very reasonable price, and to Outer who
Itis building and uetd a large quantity we will quote
A wholesale rate,. as cheap as you could get it buying by
t he eat load. '
For people who are feeding stock
\\'e have installed a grain grinder. It has often been
• nggested to us that we about(' do w, and we have now
acted on the suggestion. We have an experienced men
n1 charge, our plant is running every day, so you can tH•
mire of taking your load of chop home with you.
•.n,1 we,+ttt supply you with whatever you nerd in building
it' tuuth.n, gl•ies, builder.' hardware or cement.
Truly ---extra special, each and every one. Specials that mean
.4SAVINOS," real, genuine, apparent savings, for all who take advantage
of them. Prepared expressly for the last Saturday and Monday of April
and ready for you first thing Saturday morning-. There is no discount-
ing the qualities; they are beyond question. Thoroughly good In every
case. Just what you would expect to get here. Come to the big store
Saturday and :Under. -Your dollars will do extra duty then.
Special No. 1
1 1 pit vet: 11.1::4, n l«turn, very fine wein'e.
,herr Haire, xnpa111, fes any pnrpi.'e you ran
ilar I_nw'n for. Int tutted dia•ert ftesn the
'Regular due, tataiiirity ait.1 31.. 19e.
iv, per �:od _ ...-
pet:la' NO. ? .-
.1. r.' n ?Ir 1 s 14•te•erized Ifanlike',ftiefs,
(dein o•.•ntre e with colored borders. and plata
white hentstitcht•it with initial. Regular 15, and
'Ste i vervwhen•. Saturday and Monday,
special, a for 25f, -
Special No. 3
2;01 yards holler Towelling, warran le,l all
pure linen, nalntai shade, a splendid towel-
tiog far- oath-H.4y Oise, - Wender 12P- and
wort h it. : hpecilitSaturday and Muuday. O c
per yard .
Special No. 4
:J'sl valyls English White ('cotton, bought
-dint teoui 0.. 1014i0e1•, -41464. even WPAve trod_ -
one that is easy to woe k wit I,. Good value a,
IIs to 12e, Sat urday and Monday, special (]`
per yard �7
Special No5
:,0 yards table I l,ima,•k, half bleached, .ori
inches wide, a rattling giant cloth for ordinary
wear. Saturday and Monday. per yard 22c
Special No. 6
75 yards pule linea half blrau•he d Damask
Tableing. A cloth that' will bleach well, and
stand any amount of hard wear. We bought
it mareelv.•'. 'direct from., the maker ..r ,.••
.•ouldn't se -Il it for this price, special Sat- 42c
urlay and Motel•ty, per yard
Special No. 7
111 pairs Tape Girdle Corsets, new goals just
in this week direct from the factory. :Standard
:Sir qualitythe trade over, sizes le toast 35c
Special Saturday, per pair
Special No. 8
:Yt only Ladies' White Cotton Underskirts.
These nkirte are made from extra quality
English cotton, scams are double sewn, ni -ely-
trimmed with goal quality Swiss Embroidery.
Every garment cut full., Just in this Q
week. Regular $1.111, special Saturday. (.../../C
Special No. 9
21 rfnly Ladies' White Cotton Underskirts.
Nit in the new shape aaitahle for thio season'.
dream styles. Made by the best' factory in
Canada, quality of material the best, trimmed
with extra quy� etrnideryand- insert i• n
Duet frill. 1(egualitlar $2nh.'Li, special- Sat .5 Q
urday, each. C7
1.. pars. Lace Curtains tuade bygone of the
best makerflft `Rdttingb(tii: TIJ1131 'RI ds1i,r,;,
lemon -holed edges, nice, new, lacey pau ert,-
Regular $1.5/1, Saturday and Monday, $11 0
per pair •
Special No. 11 -
lu pairs only, Notinglutui Lees, Curtains.
extra gond quality. • • w designs, fresh from
the factories this he r,..", button -holed edges,
nice Iacey patterns and strong net. Regular
$2,225, Saturday and Monday, per pair $J 47
Special No. 12
2($ Jpairs$hoe Laces, very strong, foil length
,extra quality. Saturday and Monday, :1 5c
:,airs for
Special No. 13
3110 yacht All -Wool Matin -finished Venetian
Cloth. This cloth in part of a big special per-
ch/we direct from the manufacturer. It is 44
inches wide. just the proper weight for tailor
made mutts and has that rich satiny finish en
much desired thin season. Regular 75c, Meek
and all the popular colorings. Saturday 50C_
And Monday, per yard
Special No. 14
2511 yards in and fancy I hese Goods, Home
black' in the Io This its a gathering toge-
ther of is lot of o d few that t be cleared
out at once. Dark ant ' ht colorings in the
lot. Itegolar 50c, 11Ik enol . Clearing 29c
on Saturday and Monday, at p ail.. c7
Special No. 15
15 only Lehr: Cravenette Raincoats, three
.tarter end'full length, half a dozen or more
different .toles, 1 clew g up of garment
worth three orinur-time. the price we ask
Just the thing for driving in wet or $1 -50
• lur►y weather. t'hnire Wit., eaeh .. .
Special No. 16
10 only Ladies' Craveuette Raincoats, fawns
and gray.. mud good styles- Regular 57.511 to
silos', clearing Saturday and Mon- .$5
day, at ea, h -Y
Special No. 17
One .11.1„ulv Bross -le Carol. tai. ni .11,1.11._
fleet, .mall eleetgt's suitable for hall. and
stairs.._ Regular $1,S•t y atLlity• tp.-r tai -
Saturday and Monday, per yard �7C77�,
Special No. 18_
�U11-yani'v White aRrAUttIng This he -
genuine Arn.'rit•t.n manufacture, INsugbtdirect
r train sew --Turk- Regular :1k: quality. When
it is gone we will have no more at thin 15c
price. Special ler yard -
Special No. 19
:1151 yards .extra .duality Japaueewe Matting.
treat striper. mule ea cotton warp fross,frealt.
clean straw, ,Inst the thing for cheap1
f1,101. covering fur spring, at per yard , 12c
Special No. 20
15so dozen Pearl Buttons, assorted sdzie' I
dozen tau a card, two or four hole, (lent whit..
peer!. Regular loc. Saturday and Monday',5e
per Card
Special No. 21
:est yards embroidery anti cotton torches 11
Laces, asserted widths and qualities, regular
Se, be and Ilk„ clearing Saturday at •1 Oc
yards for•
Special No. 22
lust *boot:ellf yards of Swiss Embroidery
and Itlserlion, varietal' widths end qualities,
worth regnterly teeth .este, choice Mat- 121c
urday and Monday at *we yard • C
Special No. 23
:(111 yards id lace and Irisertion. dozens of
qualities and patterns. regular 15c to :tic. toe
clearing at per yard- . ... ....
.. 1
Special No. 24
About ti ' yards of fancy trimming laces
and Insertiune, whit”, cream. ecru, etc., Also
seine geed hla.•k,. The regular price runs
from :t -x: to 510c, choice of a tableful rim,
Saturday morning at per yard
Special No. 25
nand Rags. the popular long sho .,
12 -inch side, well trade, lined throughout in
black and colors, extraordinary value 49c
Saturday morning at eae'h -
Special No. 26
motor :11 ladies' Belts about a dozen different
kinds. The last,omee of various linea that Held
.t 50e, We, 75c; and't.a few that. wee'.• ltLos�.
l :hoice of tberD all. -Saturday- atoeufng 35c
at each
Special Nr,
1:.11 Led t. Collars, white and assorted
emotes. He1,....r 122c and 21k, clearing 5c
Saturday at each
Special No. 28
I's' 'rowels, s bath towels, moots plain
linen hue k. Regular and Iris gnalitiw.
Special ler Saturday and Monday at i(;�.
each. . iVt..
Special No. 29
25 only purr linen bath Travels. extra Targe
viz and extra good quality. Regubir 35c
50e, Saturday and Monday, at each . - . .
Special No. 30
Half a dozen patterns in Net Veeilings, wide
width, blue, brown, gree•, etc Itggnlar
Yue, Saturday and Monday, per yierd. 50c
Special No. 31
25 Men's 1 tnhrellas, full size, st eel rest, extra.
strong frame. horn handles, fart black top,
self openers, regular $125 v-aluee, Q5c
Saturday and Monday, each C7
->e ^-r-`-Y-v--..-v-, v-v'v--v"-,--lr- ,--
The Sale of Sample Hose will last all week
The great sake of sample hose wilt be continued all next week. Hundreds
of pairs cotton and lisle thread hose are ling at less than wholes:de prices J
just because they are travellers' samples. 'There is nothing the rn:ltter with 1
them in any way.. You can get three pails for about the price of t wo. Bet- j
ter lay in a supply NOW. r
• 4-