The Signal, 1909-4-22, Page 54 NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS Copy of change of running advertise- ments must be left at this office by Monday noon to ensure insertion in issue of same week. Public Notioe. xrcrwm.-THE Pl ll,.,l' ,tl';A1.711 Al T of Ontario require. that till person., user age of 3 mlluth. must he vaccinated and that paronte are liable 40 a tine std alert lief. for failure to ouutply with .fah rogul,.I fun,. Tike uldical health officer .will be in hl. 0444.., mu the dist Saturday .tftvruwm of each month al y n'ctock tor the free vaccination of nor attending for such purpose. A. C. UUN TER, Studien,' Health utIher. U YNOPSIS OF CANADIAN I.. N')RTHWICIT LAND RlC44ULATIUNR. - Any person who Is the .ole head of a family or any stale over 18 years old, mal• homestead a quarter seetlon of available Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The • applicant must appear in per,00 ;at the llutuin Mir Londa A$eu.-y or Sub -Agency for lite district, Entry by proxy may be made at aur. agency, un canals eundltiona, by Mlhor. mother, son, daughter, bother or or of intending homesteader. Duties. --Six months' rwldenee upon mrd cults rasion of the laud In each of throw•,., A homesteader may live within nine miles of -his humeslced on • farm of at least It wares ,solely owned and occupied by how or by his father, toolbar. run, daughter, brother or slsler. In certain dlstrlcta n homesteader to good Landing tray pro-elnpl a •sntarler-section alongside his homestead. Prime Kitt per acre. Duties --Must reside s11 month. In each of six years from date of huue«feud entry oncludiug the lune required to eaten homestead patent) and cultivate fifty aeras extra. A hmnesIa.der who lion exhausted Itis hume- ,4ua1 right and cannot obtain a prempuoo Was may take a purehnd h -e uwealyd yursar•c*t districts. Prins ri.u] per acre. Dotlelt~.Must ,,aid. ski months le each of three yoars, coati - rate fifty scree and erecta house worth rlDitWl. W. W. ('UItY, Iteputy of the Mdlni,eer of the Interior, K.B.-Unauthorized publication of time ad- s ertiremunt will not be paid for. Watchmakng, etc. • HALSEY I'A1tK_ were ,.JKwatuga'OP ILIAN. taunth side of Square, (;oderh-h. Ont. Civil Engineering NEWS FROM'OTrAWA OPPOSITION ATTACK UPON MIN- ISTER UF PUBLIC WORKS. Hon. Dr. Pugsley Shows Up the Mayes Affidavit tiontractor Angry be- cause 'Department Would Not Favor Him--(ionmee'a Bftl Sup- p UttawA, April 1n. -This was private members' day in the Howie of Cont. mons and Jamey Cunlneu a hill to In- corporate the Ontario k Michigan Power Company had the flour, There has !Alen a yIgortu. 0ppOsition u) 11118 phojiict; On the ground that it wow an interference with Lite Ontario Government's power policy, and .after 4 long diseMI.1011 the bill was given the hoist at the enggestiuu 0I 1118 Premier, whir declared his adherence to the principle of Provincial rights, The Woollen Duties. In anticipation oft lie lget speech, and the probable discussion of tariff poniards, real there hH * fN 1 was H P un xplserriou of o o in - p 1 ,' by reversal uaeanlort•s of the Hou o Howie one day last week on the claims of the woollen industry for in- creased proter•Uen. Mt. L(•ntis x, Mr. '1'hortarru, Dr. 1']pt sonlr MOT ottn.la argued for higher •I.ttier. Ili. 11e- Inty're, on...if the Western members, said he did not regard it as the duty of the (ioverugtent to make it. harder for the people of the W.eet to obtain the necewal•ier of 1(e b bolstering up tT'P_niinnrictur.rar fir. firnyth (North Middleaext Who is a farmer With a practical knowledge of sheep - raising, combatted the view that an increased tariff on wool would be of advent ege w the farmers. ifs sow ge.ted" %ei the Oppiwitioii. lith, they would- never gain the favor of the farmer by offering to give tj1eiu one dnthtt--and -Ut tete from totem -iter. Mr. Low (South Renfrew) said he tied an interest in the woollen industry, arid he' was convinced that the reason some woollen tills had closed down _ war that they were unable to mann- WjAUIiHAN M. ROBERTS, CIVIL .nd Hydraulic Engineer, Ontario Lund Surveyor. Imine -McLean Block, Ooder4ch. corner Montreal street, _Tslndem, 131. Music -LFRED E. COOK. TEACHER Ob' 1-1 Piano playing, Theory, Harmony .nd tbuntrerpdnt. Pupils prepared for examine t ton- of Toronto 1.1oiservatory of Music. Apply at 'Thomson s Mem-Stare. (404 rteh. Mondays in tllnlon at r••idcn,•,, of Mr. Alex. Slacken Tv. 4,enar lu.tnuo. Medical Its, F M1MER.M0N TURNBULL. A T. INIAKWM.N 1), NV S. Tl aNMt,.a., II: cols•,., Hantlton Street. 'Phone 1,'!. .I4r. Kmr.er.nts reddenrr, North tr,et. t Irmo -Se tit. lieur(re's church, hone tae. Ur. Turnbull s reeldente, Mont n -at rt ,- Southwest of ,public Library. 1'h a 194. 1 R. W. F. IiALIA)W, M. H. • rater and residence. North street, oiod,ttl'h north of 4'uunt, Registry ones. Telephone, ISI Legal - KiLIA,. H RANARItISTKR, •I • 1. solicitor, notary. etc. Money to lend at lower! roles. 011tam -North street Uudertch (neat Nigral Od4et, Its 8eafurth Saturday. - agd Mondays. 1lir (i. CAMERON. K. C.. BARRIS- . TEIt. solicitor, notary p.tbl(c. eldMes- 'families Street, Uoderich. third door from \ square. ROUI)FOOT, HAYS R MAI It barrtsten, ao1(cuer■..oter4.,, public pr. • in the Maritime t'lurt ere. OAlce, r•,.t side Ion , next door C. A. Nairn's grocery. I'ri rate • Inds to lend .t lowest rata, of interest. W. p )C3rite0T. K. C. R. 0. HAYS. U. I dl.AI i CHAR E8 (iARROW, L.L.11„ BAR- RIteT . t. attorneys, solicitor. eta., Oats rich. M on . to lend at lowest rates. G. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, -llri,or. rommLnlonor, notary public, HAnnil•unV,troet, Uoderleb On{. insurance, Loans, Etc. 414414 PRI TE FUNDS TO hen. A.ply to M. G. CAM Eno,. Isar, rtstcr, Ham11 street, Goderlch, l. It, ROBERTSON, 1K8I'R N('6 AOP NT. FM'. AND Lmtrrvl80: Hritteh. 'anail.n and Ansetican. Arv*pi,T 41CKN4M AND F.0ri )r Rli Lt Atilt. .....err : The Ocean Am -Merit and 'elaraette,e .'or,aratlon Limited. of I.ondon, rug. . fIIN.I.I'rr AND(l,•ANA`1 rex Roulet : •he U. 4. Fldetlty and (t .r,ntee 4 'onipany. colter at r•esidrnre, northe.et corner oefJ Vin tori/ and St. "Meld street.. Then b 174 JOHN -W. CRAiGIE, W• EE, FiHE and aocIdent insurance. ,gent for leedtn mutual and stock now Mew. insurance In a Tor .t{•et•4 eau .sm4- 4*tw avid al lowest rat es - tall at Moe. corner Wed Street and Square or address J. W. CRAIUIL. (Jd•ttch, (Mt. rel..lton• x (cRILLOP MUTUAL, FIRE IN- 1 H U R A N (' IL CO. -Farm and isolated WWII otos, property ,M McLean. Pres., Kippen 1'. 4t T. Flamer VI0e.Prea. Hruceflr)d 1'. 4). Thome, E. Hayrs, 4er.-Trete.., 4.aforth 1'. 4) btreetore -Wm. Chesney. Seaton h; John fl. Grieve, Winthrop ; George Dale,Seaforth; w John liemneeia Du,lin: James Evans. D,-.. ), wool : John Watt, Hnrlock ; Thos, miner, Hoeeeeld ; John H. McLean. Kippers ; Jas lonnolly, Plitt on. J. W, Yeo, Holmeavllle, agent for Nest Huron. Polley -holders can tiny .N.ee.nrents Ind set their cards rerofpted at Toner & Brown's, Clinton or M. 1t. H. Cult grocery. Kin/fate° attest, Gorterich. Menesetung Mineral Water f(1HK (JODEEICH MiNERAL WA- TER ('U.• manufacturers of "Meno.e- tong." aro prppeited to deliver to any part of the town Belfast stn xoetr• Ale in pinto anti gnarl/,. also Mineral µ'.ler in three mires Idles, {{int* and quart/4l, Seltzer Water and IMnbe 8o4*, 'These Rods are made from 'galore) mineral water, and are therefore free front all Impar flew, P. L. WALTON Man- ager Phone sit Marriage Licenses %JALTRR F,. Kf+LI.Y, Watchmaker, Jeweller and Optician. Ismer of Marriage ',teatime. W. LANE, ISSUER OF MAIM!- AOE Licensee Goderlok, Ont. SHAVING PARLOR kEDFORD HLOCK BAndRBER 1H(►1'. - r stand flare* Int p)rastrone the hest. Perrino, inn.having, hair cutting, eta, et4. iatdin.' shamtltMung trench,. r)hty *kilted hood, employ,*. HrnfL YmtrHMl``Mittlt. rnn1 roprletor.will t,e appreciated. H. 11. Aucticneering TIiOMAti (iUNDRY, i.IVENT(N'K and VineroLl anetIoneer. IMMO on South Ittr,et, where he will he found at. al) times she. not ^eying nabs.. ;Tarns r.w.oneibin and •very effort nerd W wive YOU watlsfart.Io,, Phoned, AUCTIONEERENIJ. All %ranches e.r.fally anendo,f In Farn 'alae, live stock ata., real stat and tnrrrht,, dim mases made anywhere. Write for dates or will wad talk it mer with (leo. Beckett, Hamilton street, Goderich Ont Telephone No. toll feA.l lite Kin 116 at the . hiern a nmt. 110 war relished with the present tariff, • To Confer with imperial Authorities. LitegyTi-fain-tT)i• Tntei oataTitin- i,t a R UPTURE -CURED AT YOUR HOME This is not a truss Curebut treatment you can use to YOUR OME. NO PAIN, DANGER or 0 ' RATION, no lass xitate_froom your ork. Wrte today before your RUPT. RE gets ant worse. -DO NOT W T. 1 Pt Velflfele ,'iddress Time A'up. .Jdr and mail to W. J. FROST - Dept C . 22 Ontario St. STRATFORD. ONT. G roceries TO ;THE LADY OF ThEiHOUSE :j, When ;you etre coming dawn town mirk.. a lint of your wants in the Grocery line, and bring it to he titled promptly with the best mud moot reliable goods to he had. 0,' call up Telephone. N.o._ and your order will be attended with .s iial care and prompt aces. t Iter'tock -of _______ '2 Teas and Coffees iM C0111et 'All the best .sial icier at pit right In fins. '1'ry- a trample per Johnston's Military] Bread - cannot be beater]. We sell ,' Sturdy & Co. The Greens/. -- On the Square. BUGGIES - BUGGIES i have received shipments of the toot) Models on GRAY and MOUNT FOREST BUGGIES Two of the best toes made in Can ada. Rubber Tires, Automobile Seats and all the latest ideas in first- class Carriages A good second-hand Grinder for sale, in good repair, ro-inch plates. Several good drivers and some cows for sale. Robert Wilson Agent, for Massey- Harris implements, Met - lotto Cream Separators. Fleury Plows, Bissell Disc Harrows, Land Rollers, etc.. etc. WarerMoma - Hamilton Street, (tnderirh. THE SIGN AI. GODERICH •: ( ONTARIO CANTIN AT IT AGAIN. Wants Stratford to Guarantee Bunds of a Railway to St. Joseph. Stalflod, April . 15th. -'fire 1lei old Saye : Mr. N. M. Cantin, of St. Joseph, Was a railer ul► Mayor Dingman this weolt on the subject of the city guar uttering Isnn1e for the Stratford stool St. Joseph Radial Railway. Mr.' Caff- tiin states that his project is now in shape for I he commencements pt con - et) or•tiuu r' it fact Mr. R. H. Sher- wood', u late New York city_l•un- tpactor, hal undertaken to at art at' °bee from the St. Joseph end building to either Exeter or Hensel', and wait for hist pay front the sale of the but.dr. Mr. Chas. M. Schwab, the greet steel magnate, Iia, afro agreed to 1111 a large order for steel rails on the susme terms. Mr. Schwab visited 8t. Joseph last rummer as Mr. Can - tin's guest and looked into the pros- pects of the latter gentleman's enter- prises.. Other wuuicipalites are 4110 asked to vote gu'u•ar,tet's of bowie. The proposed route is virtually the sante els proposed formerly when the f o' tet +. l(4 up, nauet> from Streit - fold t rt l- o to A y"t ,l!, n Carlingford, Ito esel• dale'r e . e , li 'rtvi abase to Exeter if (fie road go ra that way, or via Russeldal(•, Caotnarty, Chiselhut•rt to Hensel/. Mr. Cantiu is to Alit a proposition into -Amor -for retinui*sien to -the eity courted and Board of Trade. member, Sir Wilfrid Laurier informed the House that as (40(11) as possible after prorogation Sir Frederick Bur- den and Hon. Mr. Brodeur would pro- eetel M London to consult the Iwprr- ied authorities aM to the best means ut carrying into effect the resolution re- cently passed by the House regarding the omen ion o Jltvxl defence. Hon. Wm. Pl alej a Petition. A great den of interest lids been appointed by Ur C,)n1el•vative Gov- ernment of New 'tmswick W inquire Into the relations between the late Government of the rovince and the New Brunswick Rail ay At Coal Cora- l' ...T. `IV np>"'r't a Luri.tw tl__ manes of Hon. Wm, Pugsley, now Minister o ublic \Von for Canada, and Hon. L Tweedie ow Lieuten- ant -Governor f New Hrunsw, ,k,, "with ,.oine Klieg 1-elegyTar nes. The Conservative press @videntI thought that this would mean Mr. ugelry's retirement from public life, ut Mr. fug(4Iey himself evidently th 8 not share this view. He says a mix• -ion %you( a partisan one An tha iIM findings are not justified by ,e el- d'•nee, and, further, that it raft d receive evidence whish wee .off_ It is underlLwMl that M1•. PugM'iey w '.hrwtly- 'Inflate a "L,tteutrtlt in the Hot., in regard to the matter. The Mayes Affidavit. The Mayes•McAv'ity affair hail an airing on Thursday: but the Oppusi- tiun olid not make much out of it. Dr. Daniel 114,14,10 the attack With the him - tote Mayes affidavit, which was read ley Premier Haze,' of New Brunswick at a pubhcmueeting in 1t. John shortly be- fore the general election, and which Was in.endad to Show that Hon. Mr. Pugsley had had improper relations with a contactor fop the Urpartn,rnt tai Public jWurkx, It Iliad already been shownthat the principal date then. Unties" i ts" n the affidavit was wrong, and that the incident in .lueltiun took 1 uses- elere •olds. 1'e ttel .7- Wearies ?lie islt•r of Public %Yorke. Under these rare ut,'etences the trtisaction in".po•-- tion was, so fat-ste any evideure so Lor pt(Mlu11.1t shows, perfectly legitimate. Mr. Pubdry in his reply scored Itr. Daniel for snaking use of a false afli. davit, and challenged him or any other member win might believe there Wila ground for an attack upon hi* political life to lay a dt'lluit charge, so that all the facts ,eight las brought out. The people of New Brunswick understood the eilnalinn, end the result wax that only two Con- ue-rvtttive members were returnees to 'ailis,'lent from that Province -1r sig- n, I rebuke of the Opposition cam - pa • a of false charges. Ang Because He Did Not Get Favors. Mr. tgsleyy's statement as to the motives '1p(.Iling Mayes to wake the affidavit i interesting. First, there was the ref, al to hay Mayes' dredge for the Depa mint, although Maya's haul gone t; ('..1. Osman and other Liberals in St. .11 in and threatened to make dautttging d losure(4 unless the dndge was porch& . 1 at the price he named. Morenvrt•, - a further in- ducement. he had offer to contribute $211,yo) of of tht•'purchas price to the Liberal campaign fund. But the reply matte to the threats nd bribe alike was that the price. ask • for the di edge wee too high and the part - meta could not consider _ it. -rtes having tried first to secure f .ors from the Department of Pu is Works by suggesting a contributi to the party campaign funis wife having failed to get his claims against the Department other then in the regular and proper way. alter failing to get the tense of his con- tract with the yeparttuent altered ae IoM to raise the pricefor the work done, Meyer went in a vengeful spirit in the-('nn.1ervalive leader in New Brunswick and had him rea(i a false affidavit. Itnt that affidavit instead of proving a Irembshell turned out to be a boomerang. The peoFle of New Brunswick resented nnfeir fighting, and it wan, said Dr. Pugsley, a com- mon statement in 1t. John that Dr• Daniel himself only saved his seat by repudiating the affidavit. SURE SAFEGUARD. Use Dodd's Kidney Pills and Backache Will Never Grow into Bright's Disease. River Gagnon, Que., April 111th.-• 1Special.l-Kidney trouble ix becom- ing the scourge of the age and Bright'x dike.n0,has terrors for many, tut people herb are learning to cure their backache., with 1)odd's Kidney Pills and never give it a chance to grow into anything worse. Experi- ence shows this to be the one aura safeguers] against Bright'. disease. Mre. James Murphy, one of the cured, nays : "I aufTered for three months with a pain in my hack. 1 treed one box of 1)odd'a Kidney Pill" and I have never had the Slain since. i recommended i odd's Kidney Pills to Other people ,'omplaining ))e I did and they e11 got relief,' The Right Place for Him. When Governor Head was in 'Rice in New Hampshire, Colonel Barrett, of the Governnr'n etafT, died, end there wart an nnxcemly scramble for the office .'veil while his body was awaiting hnriel with military honors. One candidate ventured to call upon Governor Head. "Governor," he naked, "do troll think you would have any nhjertions if 1 wax to lett into (Colonel Barret.t'a place?" The answer rams promptly : "Not i don't think 1 should have any objection, if the undertaker is willing." How our "Interlock" pin -block adds to the life and beauty of tone of the Mason and Risch piano. IN all pianos except the Mason and Risch the pin -block is anchored to the frame by iron bolts. This certainly holds the block firmly when the bolts are first placed, but if the piano is in a warm room these bolts expand and enlarge the holes they are in. When the room gets cold they contract- They keep expanding and con- tracting until they work thebio in Ck IO P useput - tingthe piano out of tune Tutu uav,Veictt. 22, 1909 Tb. Mase. and cb pataal "lutes luck. attd marring its tone. Sectional .tem tit " .terlock• Wtleu ol bolding pia -Moth 1a pitics. securely Mason and Risch The piano with a soul. Now, we wrestled vvith this problem years ago and solved it with our patent wooden tt interlock " method of construction, which is exclusive to the Mason and Risch piano. By our method we sink a series of end -.,rood "interlocks" into the top of the pin -block and back frame as shown in the illustration. Every change in temperature affects the "interlock " to exactly the same extent as it does the pin -block so it is a me- chanical impossibility for them to work loose. Thus -i -e lnlason an TRiscii piano ittfes and retains its pure, rich tune long after other instruments are jangling- discords. We would like to tett you more abotitMASON andNR the construction of the M ason and Risch 1Ao co15CH.. piano. Send us this coupon to -day, Llmaed. and we'll mail you an illustrated / TORONTO Send me your illus• trated hooklct espla.n• ing the reasuns why 1 should own a Mason and Ruch piano. Tin in nu way obligates me to purchase. booklet which will tell yt:lu exactly whyyou should have one of these excellent instruments in your home. e Mason and Risch P1• no Co., Limited, 32 West King St , Toronto. Nano - City an - C ty Pt.vmce f SS AMERON Invites the- i:tton by the ladies of Goderieb and vicinity s her new stock of MILLINERY for the sprint and sumnie,r of 1909. All the latest shapes and styles, novelties in trimmings, everythi ng new and correct HAMILTON STREI T, GODERICH. Doctor Said Only Zam-fiuk Could Cure Her Eczema. in view of the numerous cures pxr01 which %aw-B0k has worked when all fo110 etre has failed, there is little wonder If that in the end the doctor attending Mrs, J. P. St. Denier, of ;f la Thompson street, Winnipeg, should tell her there, was nothing but Yam -Bok could cure her. The result showed the far-seeing wisdom of the pre/thinner. and, hav- ing el fr pt Brighten Up. era on civic improvement. as r store front, resideceir Mgr, order it painted. wning fit old, torn or faded, euralk, gate or fen fence is If your get a new If your s needs repair, ont. I at looked worried, and re led, "Ilegnres., knew was getting in, but nivver thought pm could MEMORANDUM Toronto Waterworks Tunnel Under Toronto Bay lions tunnel proper front latae of shaft to lutea of -.haft is/allot feet hrrtg anrt is built of cunerete ttlroughout the bottom and about half way up the sides, and of brick laid in cement mortar throughout the +troll. 'rhe tunnel i(4 run through shale beneath about qxi feat of 4(M'k and sand, carrying a depth (t fr i to ;it' feet of water aly)ve It, 'l'he concrete boil 0111 Mid *idea are +deed 12 inches thick and the brick ;trot is ul*,ut the same thiekne•s$, There wile us49,1 in, this work about 1.1,414x) barrels of STAit 1'eun4,t, the Work- 1*•1(144 (tune exclusively with this bt•aod. ..No teinfot•l'e,'1t•nt whatever was used. 1,1 luring cousUut•t•un the cu1)lraclot•8 frequently had to contend with 0-in011 streams of witt'r pouring 'down through the arch from the Hay above. The ,•,.sr tree uttho contract was that the tunnel 81101101 la' o-at'rtight, land it was mrcepted ar eowpleterb and satisfactory 011 the first oL1he.y.ese', istlll. 1hn rev's supply of water has been fed through this 'tunnel since the 1st okay of January, 14MIY, The surface of the .brickwork before the water was let in wast thotylugh)y cleaner) with air chippers and then washed with a cement tar, so that the whole interior of the tunnel now had 1 he nppxat'ance .d 1seing n conereT-eTunnel throughliut. The tunnel is 8 feet in diameter both in height and width. The;best had to be used in this work. Why not you use the best for your WHEN WE SELL IT AS CHEAP AS OTHER MAKES ARE BEING SOLD 'r I The Cl,, %-o=ramminDoo Howell work, Hardware Limited. HEADQUARTERS FOR SPRING GOODS .lust what the housewife wants for house- cleaning. These are our regular prices, and if =what y(ML want is not on this list try Parsons' Fair for duality and price, Carpet Tacks, 2 packages, 5c Chair Seats, Ilk: Coat Hooks, per dozen, I'', Attemoni ' d twI A iI 1mni* : owe mm,mia :x: White Curtain Poles, brass ends, 10e Braes lxtenrion Itot lUc, 15e, 2l1c Machine Oil, per bottle, tre and shelf Paper, per package. 5c Best Liner. Shade*, !test Linen Sharies,with lace. Flarn Pails, 14 quart, Itic s -quart Milk Pans . 1114:, lit -quart Milk l'ans, 1/c [I2 -quart :11 ilk Pans, 12c Mee. Potts' Smoothing Irons. nickel plated, .1111.1ir ( /undo Soap, 2 pounds for !Mc Coffee, worth 40c per Pound. Gerden Seeds, 3c per packat white and aolored, ....lie and 25e. Pillow sham Holders.;.• •20c Mims 10c and 15c Carpet Beaters,*. 10c and 150. Bleck Cat, Shoe Polish Piste. Before you purchase your epeing %Yell -paper, look over our large-stolt and Compare our prices with others. All lender* sold by roll, saute side and ceiling. We have a coMplete stock or Canadian awl Autetican Well -papers. Good Envelopes, per package Best Linen Envelopee, per package. 10.! Irish Linen., Good Pads Toilet Paper Pads or Rolls. 7c, or 4 for 21pc. larger siert Pads or Itolls. Oc, We have a very large stock tif Summer Underwear Vests. Itic, 15c arid 21k, and a hig verioty of !adios'. and children'm Hose, black and PARSONS' FAIR East side of Square, .411/1118 LEMON CREAM The' Dain Delicious New Treat biscuits of unique design. 19 a fairy-like cream, with a flavor of pure lemon juice. This is our Lemon Cream Biscuit -our New Creation. About 60 biscuits to the pound. AND the present rkable demand will be still more gr tly increased once you and other women have discovered it ri-deitcminaitionugs quality. The daintiest biscuit erfectly correct to serve At any social ction. SCORNIltict LEMON CREAMBISCUITS F.„,,r, In•tIon