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The Signal, 1909-3-4, Page 10
• 10 Teeeses, February 25, 1909 THE SIGNAL : (IODE1t1CII. ONTARIO THE OTTAWA DEPUTATION. Confident That Much Good Was A complished by interview with Mituste e. A great deal of interest was take in the deputation which weut to 0 WWII this week W wait on the Cover ment with reference to harbor m ten at Ooderich, and the general f ing of the members of the deputatio most of whom returned to town y terdav, is that tuuch {old was a complished by the Ivesentatton Ooaerich's case to the members of t Government. The improvement of Uoderich ha bor was not urged as a local matte but it was as a matter affecting t whole of Western Outariothat the d wand was Made in behalf of the mi lug and transportation interests, an the weight of municipal or parliame Lary re resentatives of tloderie Guelph, Stratford, Brantford, Wood stuck. Hamilton and other plat was enlisted in the deputatio Mayor Macklin. of Ooderich, ; May Hastings, of Guelph, and Mayor Thu man, of Stratford, addressed the MI biters and trade out a strong c•t.e, an M. G. Cameron, K. C., made an elf tive address. Hugh Outtirie, Guelph, the member for So eh We Wigton ; Lloyd Harris, M P. f Brantford ; E. W. Nesbitt, M. 1'. to North Oxford ; ex•Mayor Stewart, Hamilton, who is also the presort mem er for West Hamilton ; 1) Rankin, of Stratford, M. P. for Nort Perth ; David Marshall, the mem for East Elgin c Major Beattie, mere her for London ; Dr. Chisholm,.E•a Hurons member, and E. N. Lewd our own M. P., accompanied the dep tation and most of them made stron addressee. The deputation waited upon Hon Messrs. Pug - 1. y, Graben) and Pate son on Tumid y afternoon, and afte hearing the r, prnsentetions the Min inter of Pub', • Works said he realized whet was seeded at Grade/irks hair bor and be would have no hesitatin in going on with the outside break water if funds were available. H could not give a definite promise to on with this work during the prawn year, but he promised that tbe neces- sary dredging would be done. Afterwards a few members of ib deputation waited upon Sir Frederic Horden, Minister of Militia, In r gar to the bolding of the military camp a Ooderich this year, and as a result o their visit learned that the Govern went hes in cooxideration the drilli of all the regimeote at home this yea and thus saving the expense of trap portation to camp. This would only a temporaryexpedient. to het in meeting the decrease in the Gov eromental revenue for this year. Dr. Rankin. M. P'., of Stratford, was pres- ent at the interview with the Minister and upheld the claims of Goderich as the best place for the Western On- tario camp. Mayor Macklin arrived home Wed- nesday noon and moat of the othei members of the Ooderich party, with the exception of Councillor Munnings; who went to Montreal to see friends, arrived last night. IL is looked upon as practically assured that all the cus- tomary dredging will be done this year as in vara and some m y members of tha deputation express themselves as very holwfut of seeing an appropriation for breakwater ex• tension yet set aside this season. The Oederich representation con- sisted of Mayor Macklin ; Councillors Oraigie, Humber and Mannings; R. 3. McGraw, of the Western Canada Flour Mills Co., Ltd., representing the Goderich Board of Trade ; and W. L. Horton, manager of the Goderich Elevator & Transit Company. From Guelph, in addition to Mayor Hast- ings and Hugh Guthrie, M. P., there were Alder.nan Lyon and Cul. Mc- Donald, solicitor of the Guelph & Goderich Railway, c- rs. n t - n et- M'1 - n , es c• of he r - r, be 11- 1 n - h, es o . or n - d ec- of or tr of r. h ler 1- u- r- • a. u - R r • a e rens• e k d t f ng r r be P PERSONAL MENTION. Mrs. J. C. Sutherland ha. returned 10 Toro.• to. Mist Tena Cowan. of Blyth. is slatting 1n town. H. Park. jeweller. was In •Toronto daring the week. Thos. Brown, of Blyth, war In town on Monday Mn.iPhelan left on her return to Chimed on Tue.day. Mrs. ft H. Sn'In It left on S iturday on a visit to London. W. J. Park., Howie of East Wawa.oah. was In town on Tuesday. H. E. Hodgen,. made a bu•ine.t• trip t0 Tor- ontoduringthe week. Miss Melluarrie. of Rr,ssel., is visiting her [later. Mn.. John Lawson, J. C. Beaty. of Forest, has joined the staff of the Rank of ('ommerre here. MINI St tie Cowan and Mew Edith Falconer, Were In Toronto the past week. W. A. Harrison, of Lucknow, has been .pend Ing several days In town shim week. Mrw. A. Mclvor le visiting her daughter, Mrs. D. H. Pattison, at Sault Ste Marie. Mr.. H. Park was in Toronto during the week visiting the spring millinery openings. Mew. Leiria and the Mime. Lewis returned last week from a .Ir week.' sojourn at Ottawa Miss Cousin., who has been In Toronto •h tending the millinery opening•, will return to town thi. week. Mrs, Mew., Allan keager and children, of Toronto, are guests at the residence of Mr. and Mee. C. A. dearer. Mre. J. U. Harrison and daughter, Miss Beatrice. left thl. week for Simeoe. where they will make their hoh.e in flit urn. We are pl-n..d to see Min„ Jennie frondfoot again at work at the pootoMes after a long earn', ed holiday on arrount of ilties.. J. H. Worsen we. In London last week and while there he eorr•ha.ed • carl.md of general hardware. it Ming his Intent'on to Mock up folly M•fore taking hia trip to the War- tn. I'er.-y Tye is at present spending a few weeks at home here. He has just returned 1 •m Buffalo, where he has been engaged for a ;said has allasii,idea--ed-gaially- Wilid.-.1* Neil Cameron. of the firm of Cameron ft Moore. ha. returned from Acton. which this firm has decided upon as • location for a branch store. having purchased a •tore there about the Ars? o1 February. Mrs. Pennyfather left on Tuesday on h return to Prince Albert. Bask., after a visit town. part of which Ives spent as • gn the residence of Judge and Mrs, Holt. 1 return trip she will vlalt her sivntre William and Winnipeg. Mr. end Mrs. Walter Taylor. of e•) North Dakota. are visiting old n. bon •04 friend. In tine vicinity. Mr. and ' r... Taylor were formerly resident., of N11e eighborhood, but have been in Dakota for twenty-three years and have prospered there. 61r Hugh and toddy Graham, of Montreal, paid • flying visitto town last week and while here were ths guests of Mr. and Mn. Inhue . & lancet-, at •'Burnbrae. They pre leaving New York on Monday on an extended trip to the south of Fnrerr and their May In town was In .• tnaegnanor very short. The Inllowingyepreaent•tivea from Goderich 4, ed the nual eonrrntlon of the On - branch of the Dominion ,lUHanrn et to this week : H. Park and J. I'. Drown,, North street Metrdiat church ; William re Id, from Victoria stet Meth.dlet and Mrs. O. M. k3llott, from the W. drusels Poet : From The Dolly News, pub llahad at Nelson, H. ('., on February 1116, we noting that onr former popular townsman, Hareleter A. H. McDonald, of c'rsnhmok, H. 1'., has been making a name few himself In artier for the defendant Allen In a Mg mutt over the making.of r..333 railwayties. We are ppt sovi to wee that Mae M holing his own with the legal lights of the Wee and Dome. out winner. Ooderich is wring to be a rlty. People sae it reminds you of a city around the Auction House on Satur- days. Righty -five per eent. of head. aches are the moult of eye strain. Properly -fitted glasses will give perm- enent relief. 1(7011 are 1 -ouhled that way commit R. L. 'Taube. eyesight aIl.t, at Dunlop's dry store. on I ayand Wedne.day, March 16th end 17t, Xews of the Sistriet. Addlaonal District Nows oil pages 3 and 9. 1 - • SHEPPAR©TEN4. Teriten.tY, March 4th. Tv.a-MRtrrINu,-A tea -meeting will be held next Thursday evening in Sbep a.rdton Metht'dist church, when a splendid program will be given. Supper will be served in tbe hall from tl W b p clock. Adwia.ion 2.5 cent. - c hildren, 15 cents. LOYAL. MONDAY, Marek lot. Misr Mc/lately ie at present visiting with relative* in Toronto. Mies E. Young bas returned after a pleasant visit with friends in Kintail. Mts. Thos, Sallow* it spending a few day. with her (Laughter, .Mt s. H. fufford, in Goderich, IV. McPhee and W. Young were calling on old friends near Auburn' during the past weer A number of our young people spent a very enjoyable time with Mr. end Mrs. Taylor, of Carlow, on Fri- day evening last. UARLOW. MONDAY. March 1st. elAOONlc.-An emergent meeting of Morning Star Lodge, No. 3IN1, A., F. & A. M., was held on Fraley, Februstry Stith, when District Deputy R. W. Brother Dr. Cooper, of Seaforth, paid an official visit to the lodge and ex- emplified the third deg'ee. There wan a good atten '.anc• and a pleasant lime was spent. (t•1 Tuesday, March 9th. the lodge wi,l hold en at home in ita lodge room-, when tbe mem.' leis and their Wine/ or lady friends expect tc-b$vu-egoad'ttme. ST. AUGUSTINE. MONDAY. Mar. let, Mrs. E. and Miss R. 11eUaties visited Ooderich h•iende lately. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Hettinger vis- ited friends in Riveradalelast week. flume of the youths frnuf this burg took in Mr. Breyer party last Monday evening. Bir. and Mrs. John !Beadle enter- tained a number of their friends last Wednesday evening. A number of young people in this vicinity spent a pleasant eveniug in the church hall here Iaat Monday. Quite a number front this vicinity attended Moser Champ ion's sale last Thuradey and Mark %Vileou's on Fri- day. Louie Dunn, who has leen working with Urieh Thompson during the past year, left last Saturday for his haute near Wh'tby. Mr. and les Glen. of Saltfoui; Mev alfa Miss (:I ., of l'srlow, and Miss R. Young. of A. burn, visited at Wei, McAllretet'it baa • Friday. The Farmer' b comtuittee,held a meeting last Thu ay evening and will hold another on ' hureday, March 4th, for the purpose o .feeling officers for the club for tbia ye -..- AI¢URN '11CVIDAY, Marc+ 2nd. Miss Bells McKenzie spent a .bort time visiting her brother, Donald, ( Mrs. Joseph Wilson welcomed t last arrival to the village, a wee laddie A carload of rollers. by C. A. How- son, and a carldad of wheat. by George Younghlut, were shipped from the tion this week. William F. Young, one of the ToT- borne township fathen,paeated through the village last Tuesday on a visit to relatives at 1Vestfield. J. P. Linfield, asseaaor for Colborne. was in this locality- last Monday. Strange how property deteriorates in value at this time o1 the year, I GODERICH TOWNSHIP. MONDAY, March Isl. Rev. W. L. Hiles, of Bayfield, was recently made the recipient of a large lased of oats by the congregation of lhrle'. church. Mr. Hike is popular with his people and I. doing a good work, ?he tiodrrieh townships uruhaatra. consisting of Thos. Mac !wield and %Villiant Whitely, violiva, and Herb lamprey,', time. furnished the Must: fur a ball at Blyth one evening re- cently, Drtcn IN toeNtt MAsn.K,D. - On Saturday, 20th ult.. Wesley, eldest Butt of Mr. and Mrs. 'Tits. Elliott, Holwee- ville,eered away after au illness of several mouths. Thu young luau WAY only thirty year.: of age. aid leaves his parent@ and one brother. David W , of Ashgrove, H. C., to mourn his death. MoviNu FROM TOWNellll', -Chili. Bad.nlr has sold hie eighty -.acre farm to his neighbor, Mr. Williams, anti has roiled the. larger farm of hi. father, .%ie•x. Dachau, tor 0110yrar. Mr. Badout, vr., who hag been an esteemed resident of the Maitland concession for a number of years, is Tracing for Cuurtright, where he will help his brother in the in uWage:nent of a wen owe resort. A few evening). ago it number of their frieudr to the men ler of about fifty calked upon .lir. and Mts. Alex. Hatbur at their home to say farewell and to give expression to their sense of loss iu the departure of such good neighbore. Au' address couched ire terms of warol apprecia- tion was read by Reeve Stuidy, and on balled the comp:ihy Me. Ifadniir WAS pres.•uted with a gold-heade.fi coir raid Mt•+. ltadutir with a silver fruit dish. BENMILLER. 'i�reDAY, Mardi 2nd. The ebildreu of Paul Maedel, jr., are sick with scarletina. The Benmiller Leaguer visited Huhuesville League Last night and spent a very pleasant time. Mr.. Mobring bad a bad attack of illness on Saturday evening. She has since. recovered somewhat, but is far from well. A Delves° ACCIDENT. - Mr. and Mrs. Kin4(sbnrough, while on the way to Goderich yesterday, met with an accident, which might have ended more seriously than it did. When they were passing Oug. Vanetone,. a couple of dogs ran out and bothered the horse, which took fright and be - cave uncontrollable. Mr;. Xinga- hoiougb jumped from the eehiele, hurling her knee as she did so, and the horse kicked itself free. doing con- -ielerable ' damage to the buggy. However, things, were righted end Hr. and Mrs. King.borough pro Heeded on their way after borrowing another vehicle. Poor "Bandy" paid dearly for it with his life.= COLBOR NE. MotsiesY. March IsL W. Mc('abe, of th • Maitland con- eewion, has sold hie eighty --acre farm to ('has. Brago, who wets possession next fall. The price id was in the o neiehborhod of I$3,5(' 1sa Mrs. Thos. Mitchell, formerly of Col- borne township, died at Aikenside, Man., on Friday, February 5;h, atter an illness of a year. She wee e sister of James Jones, of this town- ship. Wgi, c inees March 3rd. MAITLAND CoNcgyefOK NOTaa.-Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Alain celebrated their silver wedding on Friday evening. About seventy-flve guests were pres- ent, principally relatives. and a very enjnygMtr-ttrue Wee spent. Part of the Hohueoville bridge was carried away last week by the jamming of tbe ice underneath. A foot -bridge has Item erected for temporary use Chris. Haire, of Crediton, returned home on Mood ty, after a few days' visit on the Maitland. He wee accom- panied on his return by Mrs. Haiet .and the two children - Oyster sup- pers are the rage on the Maitland at present. Not more than two next week, boys! • Last Wednesday a sleighlosd of the Maitland young peo- ple spent a pleasant evening at the home of Miss Aniande Maedel Rev. A. F,. -Jones, of Auburn, took the Servicer for Benrnifier circuit on Sun- day, preaching at Bethel in the ,morn- ing Quarterly meeting services were held in the Evangelical church on Sunday, Rev. A. 1). Oischler, a former pastor. took charge of both morning and evening Services Oscar Fos- ter spent Sunday with friends in °ode - rich Miss Amanda Duretis spend- ing a few weeks in Goderich Riess A. D. Giscbler, of Zurich, called on a number 'of his fr ods in this vicinity on Monday , ...J. C. Stothers spent Sunday at his h e near Mafe- king. WE*r W ANOSH. T • RELAY, Feb. 13th. MI•NI('IPAL orecn..-f)ouneil met today as per '. djournment. Members all present, ' eeve Medd in the chair. Mite.ttes o est meeting were read and confirm ., on motion of Messrs. Wat• Hon anThompson. The treasurer's fifes ewt.ebowed .haleness on handof tri ' ana was IWIe ved end Med, ofi inn of Mentos. Thompson and Wat- . The clerk was instructed to write he member for North Huron re tbe keep of John.l)Avids.n, a patient In the London asylum. The matter ,of the claim of Ches. Thome, re assess- ment. was dropped, on motion of Meters. A itcheson and Thompson. The auditor. report was presented by John Webster, and after being finally audited was adopted, on motion of Messrs. Wilson and Thomppsron, and 200 coni(•% were ordered to be printed. The account of Colborne township. for vaeeination of children in school section No. 1, $2.75. wax ordered paid, on motion of Meseme. tt i1• e on end Watson. John Wehater was paid ss.so for the for drain on conee•sion 10, on motion of Metiers. Ale -heron and Wilson. Oniers for payment of accounts to the amount of about $43 were passed. Council ad- journed to meet nn March letb at. 10 o'clock. W. R. McCR(nrrtes Clerk. PROSPERITY. MONnev. Mer, let, WIIAT THR PUPILS ARE DOING. --- The following is the report of H. 8. No. 2, West Wawano.fie for Febru- ary: Sr. IV. -George Baxter, Liss,. Fluter. Jr. IV. --`'inlet Plunkett, Neorgr Twamley, Muriel 1Vnehing- ton, Charlie Twamley, ('herlie Mills. 111. Claw -Lawrence Raster, Walter Washington, Lillie Plunkett. Sr, 11. - Vine Hutchins, Ada Medd. Adeline Smith. Jr. 11. -Lillie Hntrhins, Han- nah l luker, Elwin Moen., Cecil Baxter, Muriel Smith, Hate! Finnigan. Part 11. -Burton Mitis, Everet Finnigan. Part f. --Fronk Wtshingtnn, Benoon Finnigan, Oliver Smith, Russel M111s. MARFI, A DAME, Teacher. 4 James Ai'w.trong, of the township of Orcy, and an old resident of this neighborhood, spent last Saturday visiting hi, mother here and calling on old acquaintances. The cendition of the village roads is giving the trustees serious consider- ation at present, especially that one leading tie station. The advent of spring weave it in a condition such as the roads were iu fifty year, ago. George Youngbbrt and JAMAS Medd secured their summer supply of ice last Tuesday. The open winter made it iwposoible tai procure it from the river. q pond on the term, of Mr. Lockhart furnished the supply this year. Tug P0eroFFice.-Since the death of the late D. E. Munro, the position of postmaster here hits been vacant, though the duties of the office have risen regularly discharged by the faih- 'I of edeceased. th O o r y u ren nl n da - tion Mrs. Munro has been appnin ed succeed her late husband, others 'me village who had claims to the posi lion, from a political staudpient, hav- ing waived them in behalf of Mrs. Munro, 8T. HELENS. MONDAY, March let. 6icjdot HErouT. - 7'he folio w• ing is the standing of the pupils in 8. 8. No. 4, St. Helene, for the month of February, tweed on the ieaults of the weekly tests, and gen- eral proficiently : V. -Roy Aitchison. Gretna Webb,' Durnin Phillips, Nina Vnode, Sr. IV. -Edna Woods, John Webb, Ethel McPherson, Harvey Webb. Jr. iV,-Clarence McI) meld. Maud McQuillan, Bert Miller, Mar- 4aret Miller, James Smith. Jr. Clara Woods, Woods, Winnie Woods, Ernest Gaunt, Hazel Anderson, Fanny An derson, Mary Durpin, Earl Cranston, Roy McQuillan, Stewart McGuire. Sr. 11. - McKenzie Webb. James Aitchison, Ernest McPherson, An- drew Gaunt, Cecil Hyde, Wilfrid McQuillan, Beattie Smith, Roy Smith. Jr. I1, --Della Cranston. Gladys Hyde. Gordon McPherson, Edith Nixon, Ethel Anderson, John Gaunt, ('srlyle McDonald, Herbert McQuillan. Sr. Pt. 11. - Mary McQuillan, Marlys Webb, Willie Foister, Majesk.(launt. Ir. Pt. IL -Vena Woods, Alex. Pur- vis, Eddie McQuillan, Victoria Nixon, GwentA lF n Hughes, Wilson Woods', Lorne Woods. 8r. Pt. I. ? Earl Durnin, Willie McQuillan, Willie Nixon. Jr. Pt. I. -Joseph P'oreter, Lizzie Purvis, Marjorie Hughes, Evan McQuillan, Knotted attendance for the month, � 56. Average attendance, t3. ,1. A. NAYI.OR, Teacher. WESTFIELD. MONDAY, Mar. lot. fie Hoot 5iu'o r'. -The following re- port shows the standing of pupils in 8. 8. No. 6, ISast Wawanoeh, for the month of February : 8r. V. -Tommy Rodger. Jr. V. -Emma Campbell, Russell Woods. IV. -Nelsen Rohl - eon, Maggie Farrow. Leslie Buchanan, Jennie Tunney, May Cook. Sr. ltt.- May Tunney, Colin Campbell, L111ie Nesbitt. Jr. Ill. -Violet Buchanan. l 11. -Charlotte Tunney, Hoy Farrow, HibbitL Part (!--J1ggie - t 1 -1 trM ' ,,leittneyes ifsewr- Of.ARK, Teacher. Teremer, Mat-. 2nd. James Redmond is preparing to build a line new brick house this sum- mer. Hiram Campbell is spending this week visiting his daughter, Mrs. W. R. Carr, al Blyth. Jame. Redmond is looking very happy this week ; he is the proud pos- seesnr of a son and heir. A. F. Johns, of Auburn, had charge of the Epworth League at the West- field appointment on Sunday evening last. Mies Hell, who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Benj. Taylor, for some weeks, is, WP are .nrry to hear, suffer- ing with pneumonia. Mr. Hihbitt has engaged to work for \Vm. Hiles, of Hubei t, for the coming summer. He leaves for his new home about the 16th of Navel'. Rev. A. I,:. Jones exchanger) pulpit. on Sunday- with Rev. Wm. Baugh, of lienmiller, a former pastor of the Auburn circuit. Large congregatione greeted him at each appointment. nRATn ov MRs. i1RN,MORE. Mrs. Henry Densmore passed quietly away on Feiday afternoon last after a ling- ering illness of many week.. The funeral took place to the Westfield cemetery on Monday afternoon at 2 restock, Rev. A. E. Jone* conducted the burial service. Mr. Densmore leaves to mourn their lo.. her aged husband and three daughters, Mee Whitmore, of Stanley, asd Mime. Annie and Phoebe, at botse• BAYFIEL • tt EDNasf.IY, eh, lith. e are sorry to hear 'ti t Mrs. J. Hi,; rt is veru ill at prevent� y1 line, is Miss E spent a few week. In epite.of th siring attends in th'• r laze. •th Spackman. of lam on, ye et ber L•ynr here this • he).at•r (411 of sooty which came last eek, our sleighing has egain.vsnishel, ,n arc,wnt.ol Re.- eral rains and sere .1 Night sunny d ay w.o The concert in the tow all oa Fri• day evening was A fall ecees; in spite of raiu and bad roads, 'hick 111) doaht hindered ny Iv . e 1 otherwise have leen pee e1: Tuese se. Mo-. Su Mrs. Little cuten:tined rhe you people of the Stetheidist chunoh at he home last Friday evening. Miss Daisy Sr•,'cbwer, of the Bron. son line. entertained quitaa nuwbet of her friends at hrr h,me- nu Tema:ley evening of last week. Winter is keeping up iia reeled for unusual mildness and Mete!e 1:as come in quite tomblike. it rem. Tits to be seen whether it goes out like tit:• p.ov• erbial lion or not, The Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian churt•ti havedecidedto hold'their"an- nnnl Irish social on St. Patt•iek', night. This social evening , d ha. always been a great auccesn and we are eu,e it will be jest aaaurdeaeful thie year rte even 7 he teamsters are h,;.y hauling ice from the lake with their wagons,' Severn teams ratite all the way from Brucefleld for loads. The 'river ice was found unsuitable, but the (ca -cut- tees discovered that the ice on the bike was all that could be desired, es it d+ eight or ten inches iu thickness end of gond quality, and more easily reached than the river ice. DEATH OF T. J. Moosuouai. - At, the age of seventy-five year Theodore J. M.orhe,uve passed away on Thursday last, February 'Lith. The deceased had resided here for over a (ptrier of a century, having formerly lived at Goderich, where he was web known for many years In connection with the large hook anda(tationery business which he conducted there. The fun- eral took pisco oa Stbhath afternoon from his late residence in the village to the Bayfield cemetery, the service be- ing conducted by Mr. Wamsley. The eight surviving eons and daughters of the deceased were all piesent at the funeral, although several had great distances to come from their homes, EAST WAWANOMH. Toaa(AY, March 2nd. Rev. W. Baugh, of Benmiller, preached to a large• congregation in the Methodist church at Donnybrook on Sunday morning. Mr. Bough is a former pastor of this church, 'ravine been stationed at Auburn some twelve years ago, and his able sddreas no 8uodey !ponying woe listened to with rugch interest and profite ivTEMretteeer, vs. WAN --A debate wHS given Last week in the Brick church on the subject, "Resolved, that inlemperence has Leen the cause of more misery -them wee" Tie" sides were captained by Edmund Ir- win for the affirmative and Dustin Beecroft for the negitive and the de- bate was decided in favor of the affirmative. Many good points were brought out. Two 0F' 'rut hosannas. -- T h e funerals of two of the old pioneers of this township. Lvh4 died oo Wed- nesday, took place on Friday and Saturday last. Thea. Jamieson was laid at ret in the %Vrngttent cemetery 1"3r ri4".J"t�j dal cemetery 011. atom ey. of ones * were largely attended, Mr. Jemh'son WASP eighty-three year* of age and Mr. linters was in his eighty..ecotrd year. LUCKNOW. Ttra*IDAY. March 2nd. D. Kenney and J. Gillies left on Saturday for the West, each taking a car of horses. Steele Hunter has disposed of his rresidence' to T. F. Cain ; R. Me• llhe•lee auctioneer, has purchased the r•esidenee of W. D. Murdoch, and there are several other property ehangee to take ptares dnriog the month. Hese TIMRa. --The advanced prices are bringing Ier.(e quantities of wheat to the Iola' elevators. Ica, hog., maple rollers, flour and grain Ave le. ing exported every day. 1Veekly shipments of horsee to the West are in pprogre*s and .uitehle animals are in demand at good prices. (%.8uN /ix LIBRARY. - :1 public meeting of the ratepayer, of the vil- lage wan held Monday evening to die. runs the proper enure,' to (prime In the erection of the Carnegie library and the repairing of the town hall. There was a good attendance of our citizens, and no domht the outcome will moult in the work being done In the best interest, of the village. Tnii AoHTe(TLT(RA),.I4OPIRTY,-The annual meeting of 1.ocknuw Agri• enitnnl Sortety was held on Friday Afternoon, when ofllcers and directors erre elected for the year. The Sudety has not as yet definitely de. Sed on the penflamed changes. Includ- e new Moldings and new wonnb, t may snake fall arrangement el Repeat it:-"Rhilo,.'. Cute win fps In ways cure ay cough* and :o:ale." '. bas 'prior to the bolding of the annual fall fair. Ae CwONT u. vie RiAIL-On. Wed• iesday evening fart, as Mrs. John smith and daughter. accompanied by Mrs, Alex. Smith of th's place. were tetur•uiog to their 'hoes in Culross township, the iron' axle of the buggy gave way. letting the lig drop to the toad and throwing the eaeeaapa seta with great force to the ground. Mrs. Alex. Smith, who Wes driving eit the time the accid.'nt uncurled, received very painful injuries She was rr- 'ed to the It 1Rleof 1Vut. F!'id and mevlicsr aid was prowptle suuuwoutd front Teeewaler. It waw foiled ileo, together with other injuries, a blood vegeta iu her right aero had burst. Site waw later ieuloved to the hoose of her sun and 111 noW tell -T.(0 to be improving. The othet ....striates of the fig escaped ioJ 11y It will 1.e some time before Mr, tny'th will he able 10 retu, (1 1 o he, h, las•• here, SI AWAY. Tvicsoav, Pith.- 23rd. The sad 11((1111 has conte, that John Harvey, of Si takatchewan, hal: died of infltuuutItory rheumetumt. Thorn from et he West who -have herd visiting friends here Jilting the wintcr are a„W returning. .teieng them are William Kyle, wlio.rsturns to Strome, Alberta. this week, and next week Mrs. dleetor Heed to Ke•n- ton,• Matn., and Mr. and Mrs. Jot Gilmour mud child to ll,osejaw, Sans.. t1'eenmNO ANNIVElts Ano. -- Mr. Fnrreet returned to British Columbia this week , and his wife and family re- turn_'tte-sprit-Abe- -Vrida>t -evening this C00ple eoteteateetl the fif- teenth anniversart- of their wedding' in the home of Sir. and Sine John Cameron, Mrs. Fie -test's parents. Al large and happy eowpany of flirted,. and neighbor* were p,reeent and spent A vet y pleasant thus in 5,111106, mind.% etc„ until about midnight, when a sumptuous wedding 'snplee WAS done.) All juin iu swishing thorn con • tinned prosperity and many More happy dears of iu eritd life. EASY TO MIX THIS. Preptare at Home by Shaking Ingredi- ents Well In a Bottle. Wheless* ill npiear eery interesting to twiny '•\Ieopte here le--at1 actino taken 1"ont a New -lurk 41114F giving a situ •vid to file a't(i.A ale •or kilo Ink Reliable Shoes ti1y 1 How Comfortable! When say a thing is comfortable you mean it makes you feel pleased with 3 nrself and all the worllj. You close your eyes and forget your feet, they feel so easy. You open your eyes, look at your feet, and their tasty, natty appearance, and feel more comfortable. You open your pocket- book, look at the Money you save%i, and feel still more comfortable, and .t11 because you bought 1l pair of shoes from F Downing l MacVicar •• . New..Wall Papers AT NEW , PRICES. e )/reset ip ion, which is }tion ieits'iy for kick - or bladder 11'•raltg•.• elute.- the et Age of Re pt's I aid Extract 2) 1.teh.n, one half uu e ; ('otui.o'iad h o gap, one •P ; Co els emit Setup Sltfanpat- thrrr ouuOe.:. Mh 1,e w ell in a and take 1:1 le i•Iw>tnhtl dosis tgh metal act Y again a la dtinye. l els at s pr •- 11 be of •r t I -known dfugtist home, w • en ask. d re'ga ding t' rcriptinn, 'wed tit .Lathe insert are all hart ess. sail- con he wee at a sinal! t from any good p - s,•ription phial trey, or the Whiter Would 1e put i , if asked ley do .o. lie/nether statehit white Gia-pre- scription Ire- eriVtmon is often frac ihrd is rhea- . mat' ',. 1,, afflict s � . n wit I len,lid rs•rults, he could bee no reeis why it would nut be a. splendid tem y tur-ki iney and uric;sty troubles' and , nkache, as it has a peculiar action no, the kid- ney structure, cleansing 1 most • important e:•.r•ns 'n•I help' • then to sift and l,i,er frau the blr the 0 foul acids and w.-te matter tt ich cause sickness and s itTeling. Th of our readers who sutler can make wi%take in giving it a trial_ Public Library. The monthly meeting of the public library board was held last Saturday. When it was decided to ask the Edu- cation Depot .ment In forward an- other lot or juvenile bobke from the travelling lever v. Accohbts of The Niguel, $0.15, rebiuding books, and of Pinder & P*•i1j ,. $,i, electric bell. ` were, ordered paid. The libutrian's report for January showed receipts tat $13.1(3 trout sale of cards and cata- logues and from fine., and an issue of 1,081 books and magazines. The board considered AM very gratifying the evident increse • in the public appieciatiou of shoe advent agc. 01 Abe free library, as shown in the increased issue of beoks - Borders, Ceilings and Side -Walls, all oneprice. Heute.uber we are selling Borders by the roll, same , price gig tilde- Walls and Ceilings. and prices ceinot be beaten anyevhere,fur the slime papers, which commence Zi tow saw pee reit. This ,e ).woo w'e bare an enorwnue itark to selcet frets", which ineh..l••s a high grade o1 imported English and Amer -it -an papers. Anyone eau afford t h, ighten his horse when you consider we will p.; - r a 13 ft equ.re new, 8 ft high, for the -emelt S1111114 tk5k. You will find doing business with us is a great deal better than sending '.ut of town, and having to pay express charges. but we demand the sante terms, .Mt.tnIMIlmser STRICTLY CASH. Geo. Porter, 'PHONE too. COURT HOUSE SQUARE. GODERICH. s_axs>� HAVE YOU A COLD ?1 The changeable weather of March give. • good twiny people colds, • 00 matter how eareful. If YOU are one, try a box of "HICK'S CURE -A -COLD TABLETS" IChecolate-Ouated, 2o per hose A f doses act like's charm, In most castes, le .throwing •off a cold prom tly. 1f her s any l'o1•(iH, try liar SY P OF TAR AND_WILD CHERRY 1111 he• bottles Central Drug St E. HICK re, Goderich, Ont. j • SILK MOIRETT 42c. A shipment of Silk Moirette Skirting just opened. ''it came direct from the English makers, and we will sell it at about the ordinary whole- sale prices. Fine, strong, dependable cloth, bright silk finish, which it will retain until worn out, medium weight for Spring and early Summer wear. All tile popular light and dark shades as well as black. Makes stylish and u,..able underskirts, at our price in" -pensive too. Regular,6oc quality, on sale Saturday at, per yard, 42c The Sample Underwear Great... Underwear selimg here last Saturday, The whole range of a big factory offered you at. factory prices and Tess. Merchants all over Canada paid the same price by the dozen as you can buy single garments for. You cannot make them up yourself as cheaply as you can buy here while the sale lasts. Ladies' white cotton underwear, Children's white underwear, Infants' white underwear, Ladies' suits, dresses, dressing sacques, Children's white and colored drosses ,all samples, and being cleared at factory prices. Millinery Department Ready for\usiness Oar milliners have returned from visiting the Americnn and Carnelian market., and we are now reedy for early bnsinse.s in the Mallin- ery depattment. The days of our formal opening will '• announced in a week or two. More Lawn at i2!4c More white India [sawn at 1.2ir, the quality you pay Mc for in most stores, 42 to 48 inches wide. note that width, extra fine,_ for waists and rjlild• r nen', wear, special, yd. I sC New Goods every day. leg shipment. of new goods coming in almost every day. Just through the customs ere cnneignmente ()f English Sheeting. Pillow Cottons, Towelling, Prints, Gingham. and wash goods of all kind.. Thoroughly depen- dable qunlith'x and prices that are peat right. The Dress Making Department Miss Comte has returned from her holidays, part of which she spent with the leading designers of costume. and dreia e.s, studying the newest styles for Spring. She et now ready to look orders, and we would .dvi.e early placlh of them, 1f you want your new colt time for Pfister. MARCH LADIES' HOME JOURNALS IN STOCK. fetes T teir re's -wars -sees sew