The Signal, 1909-3-4, Page 7Stormy Weather
pretty soon. The seas,,, for 'wet
walking, wet feet and pneuwonia.•
That hi, if you are not provided
with stonily weather footwear.
Be wire and sel•ure a pair of our
They are not the big and clumsy
kind you have been used to seeing.
They are snug, warns and water-
tight, yet are smart enough:in
appearance to wear in any weather,
Watchtnakag, eto,
w• 14, JawILli"4 nrrIC1511.
South side of Square. aoderich, Ont.
Civil Englneering
and Hydraulic Engineer, Ontario land
t talon*11,� Ood4rtrh, comer
7i1s , Tele 111.
Yenesetlnntt Mineral Water
1 TYR ('U„ manufacturer. of "Mens,.
Lung," are prepared to deliver to any part of
the town Be fsaL Uinger Ale In piste and
quart., auto Mineral Nater In three ala.
split., pinta and quarter. Seltzer water and
Double Voda. Thane goods aro made front
natural mineral water. and aro therefore free
from all impurities P. 1. WALTUN Mart
ager Phone 111
Piano -playing, Theory. Hsrmuuy and
Counterpoint_ Pupils prepared for examine
Lions of Toronto l'ocisen story of M user. Apply
at Tbomson'e Made Store, or re..ldence of 31,
Clarence l'en,ington, Hrork 'trent, ('odert,h.
Mondays in ('limon, at roddonce of 3tr. Mex., ()Merle street,
'raaadltt or PI• to
tilts la Soak s! Maetreat Block,
11 A. T. krrall.oy, M D.
w R TtiwgarrL. SC 11.
time. nominee, Street. 'Phone 114
Lr. kn,n,er•on. re.lden,'. North .trent.
Opposite 4L George church. 114.
Dr. Tun,buu's reeldenne. Montreal etrx'r•L
Soutbwe.t of Public Library. 'Phone 191.
(Imre. Colborne.treet, next door to
n Bank. Telephone. -MS". Ill;
I, ate tor, notary, etc. Money to le 4 at
owan - ,, (Metres -North IStreet, (lod. h
(near Men 1 onkel.- in welfare* Maude
Mod Monde .
IG, CA F.KON. IiF El:: BrkRR
TF.R, .nil 'tor. 110(1417 pubOle. Ont
Ilton htreet, tlodertch, third door from
barrister., *('Akita, notaries ublic pre •
door tocsin Me Maritime ('sou y eta. cce, ret elde
Square, next dr l'. A. drn grocery. Pel
trete fund. to lend at low t tea of interest
W. Paotair M)T. K. 1'. , HAYS, O. F
2iCKiNSON k (0Alt' a \V, BAR-
RISTERS, attorney., cora, etc,
(((iii000dddeeedriecb. Mone M .nd a low t Woe. IC
L DICKINSON. (Y.. LlC$ OAK ' OW. I.1..8
solicitor. oautmWIouer. notary
liamlltoq.trcet, Uoderich Ont.
Ins*rance. Loans. to.
•INSURANCE AOENT.Ft AND LJOHTNINO: British. Canadian sodmint SICENINI1 AND It111PLOr11111'.7,orpomtion, Limited, of London,_.__OtIke at reaidenee. northeast corner of Victorts. and St. David* etreeta Phone 17e.
5) and accident Insurance. Agent for Mooting
mutual and stock companies. lnruran,e Men
lines effected on limit plane and at lowest rates,
f'all at office, corner Wort Street and Signore
or address J. W. CRAiOIE, Ooderich, Ont.
rib .bone 11
111 e v it ASCE (' O. -Farm end Isolated
Lown property inured.
Amore.•-4.-Sk •ifeLsen.-PI : - Mayen P,
se -N
T. Frar Viae Pre.„ Brucex01 1'. O,
Theresa 9:. hs s Sec. -Trews„ reeaforth 1'. O
intense* -Wm, Chesney, Seaforth ; John
U. Urleve, Nlnlhtop Deforge Isle, Se*forlh;
John Hennewela Dublin: J.mee Evans, Beech-
wood ; John Watt, Harlork ; The.. Fraser,
Itruoe410141 ; John B. Mclean. Klppen ; Jae.
('gpaolly, ( Tinton.
J• W.' Yeo, Holme.ville• agent for Weed
Aaron. Potter holders can pity ameratnente
and get their wird. reoelptal .t Toser t
Brown'., Clinton mat R. 11. ('utt's grocery.
Layton stew, Clinton,
Marriage Li
OtMeen H, (NT.
We4Nmaker, Jeweller and Optiehe.
Milner of Marriage Licensee.
• AOE Hasner, Ooderlck. Ont.
Thi. well-known need
11 known wnd Enemasi,
°Ren it,' patrons the best service in shaving,
haircutting, eta, ete. ladies' shampooing
pweWty. Only skilled henda employed.
lourDOE tor.
he appreciated. H. H.
andeneral 1110(1 neer. ()Mena on Routh
street, where he will be fnnnd et all time!
when not erring melee. -Terms mammal* and
every effort need to (ire you saflM
All hrenrhev earefelly attended to. Farm
also mien male enywhemeek melee, rnl. ", W rite for hd Late eer
rail and talk It over with
Cleo. Beckett,
Hamilton street, Goderick Ont
Telephone No. toll
h latheFavorite Point with the flue • ternatronal .)Yewspaper
tin Ontario Ml4tia.
The local mill ol�'fol
that the training cu r the •
Vent are hpathBible Study Club
emu Omani reeinlenLs t toe ag.dn _
tucated at Gotlerieb ihi.1 yea
men who camped here last year w___
s) well pleased that they want to
conte back to Goderich again. mud not
only doer it sewn to he the location
that is most popular frith 4e. buldieaw
but from a purely military eland -
point it offers advantage" for (hilliest
'arae bodies of wen that cannot Philip and the Ethiopian viii, : Philips reasoning proeersrs, his hope
readily be bad at other points. Last 23-311 and his (erre, am (teal's voice, would
year practically every ('peers iu camp (g„Idttu Text -Te "earth the Scrip• that be as really the voice of the fluty
w” in flly,orlocated vit iigitithe cawh -times because ye think that in them Spirit as if words were spoken by
In case lyo Militia Department i h. dr- y`' have etxt•nil life ; sod these x144 God out of the clouds ? 4
o idea to have the cutup at buderich, t hey which bear witness of we. -John !a it always safe for us to du as the
the auhave
of the best available site t, : ' Holy Spirit tells its, ea in this case ?
will again have to be considered. Verse d0 -When (loft directs us by Vero* t u:ol-1Vas thin Ethiopian a de.
There toe certain difficulties' in con- circumstances or by a friend, or by au vont 44 11 ?
nection with the grounds used last angel, iii it just ha' uwch from lied as I[ t reran de'sui'e to sedrGod the
year, and ofllcrt•a have 111.41 her• Irak. Ile -with Ile "pake 10 us direct ? Scriptures, is he suer Bud Gare P
ing over one ur Iwo other propel -tint' l do not knew whether Ibis angel was I tl °ran with a d bjt44 'ward:tea the bask
which offer the necessary advantages a devout man, for woman,' or a mental .if nature, 414 1) with a fiU d ulwy her
of location It is understood that .w picture. or a dream, or a spirit ; but he. Itaw"' is hr roue to find ,. Gu( t?
officer id the Department will !where she or it convinced Philip that God thn \�prsrsge pat Where in the Bible is
is a tow days to I -••.k into ttte'r inn wanted Hem to go south ; pow how did e. i� tge t►htcq, ow i.lkiopinn wen
of water supply. which is ('1114 Of ,( tthe Philip know tht the un essioa'to rr.I it
PP y• P Ph go I. it always necessary that some
impurt:u,t pointy tit be considered in south was Of God,; sad bow may we one should 44x{ Iain the Scripturre to
choosing a camping site, and it. is ant know under' similar circumstances r us %
expected that there will be ally lits!- !This question =It be answered is writ- Can we understand the Ncription*
culty in satisfying the requirements nig by members of the club.) or get the full import of any feel
in this respect at any 01 the various May any item son who is not playing without the aid of the Holy Spirit ?
placer which are u11dee enn.ideration, doubly with Gal safely trust "the Why could not. or did not, the Holy
To show bow (3alerielb is I s•ked up- inward vuiee" to It rcct as to outward Spirit explain this Script:ire to the
on by the Militia men weyouuta• file deer m,tancer ? 'Ethiopian direct ?
followPing {ruin The Loudon .Eras.,. Eras—. Verses VIOf-Philipfound that -11 '-1tra--matter�• , Was 11.4.114'
rate of recent date : had not conte Dar a 1001 errand : now Moly Spirit guiding the Ethiopian as
Whether the city of Landon as a le it not invariably an, that results of much as he was Philip ?
whole want" the military camp hack toueotro % always justify the faith Was Isaiah conscious, when be
in London for a month's sojourn on virion of today ? - . wrote these words, that they applied
t'rirling's Heights this spring is prole Seeing this Ethiopian was a 4111411 of to Jesus ; or did be think that lye was
truistical, and opinion. are differeut exalted position in a foreign country, describing some other person or pyr-
an to the advisability. of hawing see- what was the aigIiiflcance of Philipp quos Thousand redcoats in the city for IM Ing rent to him % Did not the prophets, as other in -
weeks. One thing in certain and that Verde 20- When Philip_1avt..
Or.-- that the-vobinteer- regl(nents in Atoll's chariot looming up in the die- 1 eau they knew ? • •
tttatford prefer (ioderieh, and if they Lancs, perhaps atter daye or weeks of Verses 3,141S -Did this Ethiopian
hive any say in the matter will ask waiting, with more or less doubt, he need "converting" the shoe ah a wit.
for (4oderich as the training ground. got the impression that this was. his flit sinner, art• did hi-, as a devout r t'It
The vowers that ha aW-GNatva haves opp(onnntty ; ntywfrntn-wttoltt 11t411 1f1 Ttt7, riinpTy reco;;ulzn emus as the
been giving the smatter some ennsider- get the iuepres.' - rent of God, and was then.btptized in
atiun, and they ate evidently puzzled With what. Wort of voice did the his name %
as to tt hich centre should he favored 11o1y Spit it speak to Philip % Vetsei 111, 411 --Wass Philip, - p.) to
'with the visit. Souse days ago the If we should learn that the Holy speak. 'spirited"away, or did hl' have
conlm.I iding officer -in Stratford re- Spit it used the circumstances. and in a natural planner
cetred t communication from heed -
quartet i asking hien to ascertain aebat ,-
Ilie feeling of the soldiers tit• rnsrlvrs Acts u ::31 I:t. le faith fur the cure of sickness a
were in rrgai,l 40 lutdon "r Gtxlrl'i CII Golden Text -Arid Peter said unto special gift of God, and are we not
lar the tamping- nit grodnel. The ra 1 • ; Aeneas, Jean. Christ Inaketh init.-acted Gaal will cure the sick
fart of the vote which was token was thee whole, :wise, and maks thy lied-. in -answer to rlr-faith" - -
lar from complimentary to this onbn rwAmi ter arose imrnedia'teh•. _ Acts Verse 3S -When OW (Ides cure
only hospitable city, for ,tar It ((44413 y ; :IL . . some cases of noted sickness. what
tbey all voted fees (Iud.ricb, and the Verse :31-1).) darkness and light, are the results i1 the coMRnullt
remit of the plebiscite was furwaLd1d Y •' -
to Ottawa,. This information was fig(httng •rid '.iletry, sorrow- and joy, " 1[ the church ;Ii -till have the power
It•t'srt'utrun and "rent"- alternate and- festered of healing. sickness, would
given to a, Free Press reporter in
Sttittfurd by s preeminent military enter into every normal l'hri.timtt That produce a permanent revival %
man of that tl Mayor Mt,-ye1 fife „idly. ha in the Christian tom- Veimea 34AS--Ir it as a rule possible
stated SatnrdayY•that the mutter tomtit yin the beginning? .(ora Christian to love without doing
would Ire brought before the council When a church walks in "the fear good %
°f God.
in all probability in the near figure." ' and the iomfnrt of the Holy How do you classify those who con -
Spirit," is it always multiplied ? tent themselves with going to church
Regiments Prefer Goderich. Nene :t2 -Wan titer«. any-iltatitu- and player meeting and talking and
Concerning (1, same matter lion in the apostolic age to correspond preying and ore not following Jesus
`t Buford Fixrt. .n. -sets: - -- ---• ----'-witth cmrsetti 41 ps.t•tratrt - in' keio� atrrnrt ttattr{rriot?*
"Whether the city of L(rn(l'on. will If preachers were to follow the ap- - Why t id Gal permit Dorcas to die %
get the military camp 'and its "','lie Plato of "u
sing •throughout - Why does Gab snwelimee permit
iiii,,)t ;r,. all quarters, won of the final cony -nest ,those to die upon whom iso lunch de-,
merchants 0t the world be hastened % pends : the bread -wiener of the faw-
ohtematical. - 'pn --whom- did the name- • Fent" ity; the -mother of tittle children, the
whole prefer apply in these days, and should we pillar iu the church. or the "Dorcas"
,any place but conttnne the use of it in these days? in the community ?
nes'm disdain for Verses 33,34 -Is all sickness of the Verse 39 --Should a Chi ietiau always
Is- ready to go to the home of sorrow
to render help and impart comfort %
It is a beautiful custom to speak of the
good deeds of the dead. and it is well
kept ep ; bat is there not almost ,crim,nal
neglect in speaking of the good deeds o!
opinion O ericb was thl' hest camp. avoidable r the living ? iT6is question must be
It has t 4 best p.uvde ground, and. Are we to assume that God wants answered an writing by members of the
what is iorhaps mime essential to the 10 1,014 all people troth their sick. dab.)
voluntierr, a ready welxowe for him. geese, the stmt as He doe" from their Verses 11 -43 --Ir there any use today
Gudtl•ich looked .with pride on the sin :. in praying that the dead be -noised % '
stalwart suns of O4tar•iu I:wt season, Was Aeneas cured through his own Why slid God raise the dead in
aiKt everything possifdtanae done by f•eitb,-orhy the iviner and pleasure of TB•me; anis not in these days ?
e citizens for the comfort of the sol- God, without faith % What great purpose has that mij-
cs What is the differenpf in Gait cure,VacUluua ago served ? -
., ,r-_ , rete,' he said,- .that -endmodem-faith beating +nethnde re i- liven if these mirrors-whinr'•t prove
.ondon would like to get the money Is Ood's ideal for us sickness, or to he Inst legends, will it .. t one
they could without the soldiers, health ? ;iota any eptential truth of Christi -
Ca ling's Heights on a rainy day will Does Ooti cure roma people today unity
Ion tw remembered by the soklier in •'titniier way- to the cure of this Lesson -for Sunday, March 21, Mit
who s tried to get high and dry on man ? --Review.
top of t o or three /ranks, banging
Suggestive Qucsti,yns on the international Sunday School Lessons, Prepared
by Rev. Dr. Lenscolt, Brantford
ld(ogieierud bt aa0ardan,,. ,.,u, woe opynaht Act.,
71h, 1909. --Philip and she Ethiopian,
ac,ontpanying red -,•,seta
revenue it means to i
is- certainty 'err y -
The reef - •nts ae a
Goderich or iat 1
London, Tice Loud
the red -coat goes must the grain of devil e
the honest -hear d moldier, and hi. Are some people sick toy till special
aversion is mot than natural. dispenw.ttion of Gal % -
"The Beacon, in speaking this Do. s not Gal take point people to
morning to A rnllitary man or long heaven through sickness ?
standing, a.1 informal that 'in Ins What proportion of sickness 11
on the to
soil and in li
is possible to
heaviest artilfe'
ground is :4 mom
two brigades of in
party of artillery are
bathing facilities are
"'What prospects al
Stratford g..1 Ling ih4 ram
” Iixcellent, if We 11nd the {'tare to The story end the success of "Pur -
put them. Stratford ,has no large icy" flour begin, however, in the ricb,
levet field, and besides no place w• ere 'lark, heavy- soil, the gumbo. as it is
rifle range could he proper) set t . called, that characterizes the plains of
4) domiht hilt what 14 would is' a go Western Canada. After examination
t' ng. by the world's foremost seientiels, and as he is in the employ of a res -
is understood that Sarnia has a is Boil has leen pr•oelaiwod the rally 1 .wyer he is rapidly succumbing
tat. Sarnia has n fairly good ri , vat on earth's surface in every to the evil influences whish surround
rade ground, Inst every -one con ituent that goes to the making him when a youn6 girl somas into itis
fen'teed-Gndeeieh camp was or -Wheat. Western- -Canada toast, Ilfe-iy<emi gilt who ie sweet Knol-
ls in its praises. The 11/4th to therefore, he looked to for their wheat pure. Somehow his old associates
Id vote for Goderich, and by all the wheat -eating countries that begin to seem tawdry to hint, his hot -
other regiments. but im want the hest Hour, or require full. ter nature asserts itself, and in the
feelings are likely to bard wheat.'' end be proves his manhood and his
4th time powers that The - Western Canada Flour Mille entire worthiness to wed the charm -
Company has a far-reaching system of int; Rhoda. The transactions of the
Expect It. statehouses scattered throughout the crooked lawyer and the still more
Pe entire West, which are used both as crooked "promoter" throw an interest•
report mentioned purchasing depots and as Hour ware- ing sidelight nn one phase of Itfe I11
Pre' t, • well- houses. .11ong the main and branch the modern Gotham. Despite the
militia camp lines of the Western railways there vigilance of the postoRlce authorities,
i selling off tet- are at present over seventy -flue of it ie safe to Fay that there lire still
in the habit these, atul_t1� ii,i. nuoate7- ie twine con- numerous. enterprises as dubious-_
ting to the stantly ruId f.a to as n,'w tine of rail- the "National Non.Refllhiblc Bottle
maim* of way open up virgin wheat co(tntry. Company," and there pr1hably al-
eatling's They have a r:ipaetty of over twill and ways will be so long as there are
a half million hn.hels. As fart as the people gullible enough to put their
from wheat is 'ought. and requited at any money into getting -rich -quick schemes
tun of the company'' mills, it is shipped to about which they have aro authorits-
Hrandon, Winnipeg or Gowlerieb. in five information. There are some
which places the company's mills are wonderfully fine short stories in this
ncate 1. number, and some excellent poetry, as
The St. Boniface 111111 is one of the well as a number of special articles on
how places of Winnipeg. Among •ubject*of present-day interest..
Biers it is fatuous as ate of the most
f,'ctly equipd !ergot modern mills Tnic C :Amax MA,v.z oft. --The
e world. In extent the property Canadian Magazine for March con=
oyer twelve acres. The nine, taint a finely illustrated article by A.
were completed in 111193, cost H. D. Koss, of the Faculty ofFotv"lry,
11(#1,9]1. The mill proper ie University of Toronto, entitled "Our
Ws in height, with a fluor Vanishing Birthrig t." This article
1141 square feet ; and apart shows in a very eone sire way what
the 109.1 to Canada wi mean if the
linibs'r aro-as are permitted to be sacri-
ficed. Melvin O. Hammond contrib-
utes an appreciative sketch of Freder.
irk O.rorge Scott, whom he calls "The
Poet of the laurentians." There in a
splendid Canadian story h N. de idrr-
trend Lugrin, entitled "The Woman
at Stewart River„ Thia is a north
country story written by one who
knows conditions there. Other con-
tributions our :-A sketch of Sir 'kith
Oraham, hy Owlet , Mut rayy; a sketch
of • Fredet ie Chopin. by Mrs. .1. W.
Harrison ; "Canadian Journalism," hy
Robson Meek : "Mountnine,ring in
the Causation' Rorkie.,'' by 1,1 oink
Yeigh ; an article feel an 'mortal silts
jest, "Etiph.o,ions," by F,' flake
('rrlton, several (11(411 eloli114, and
verse by S. A. White, John H.oyd;
1rtniwe 1', Gloag-nv, .1, D. Logg(en, E. M.
Yoeman, Lilian Vault Mackinnon,
James P. Havertown and J. Moir 11id•
dleton. __ __ _----.
Read all The Signal this week.
t pole. One of the greatest "PURITY" FLOUR. CURRENT LITERATURE.
of t:oderirh is the son 1y
If an hour after a rain it --- mahout with even the Made by the Western Canada Flour MAHcU I.teetv(•vrT's.--LIppincutt'u
F. - Then the parade Mills Co. from the Best Wheat (dr March is as fresh and vigorous as
nth field in which on Earth, the month's bracing winds. More
ntry and a corn- than hal( its substantial bulk is given
but a dot. The "Purity' flour is a local product, up to the complete novel -"A Knight
itch in favor of being manufactured by the Western Errant in Broad.vay,a by Rupert
Confide Flour Mills Co, at the Big Sergent Holland, whose book, 'The
there art Mill in Goderich, as well as at the Count at Harvard," was well received
t� hr was l•umpany'r' Winnipeg and tome two ears ago. Mr. Holland
Brandon, Man• takes as his theme the career of a
rather commonplace and not particu-
larly scrapnlons young man who
comes to New -York from a small
rountry town to seek his fortune,.
He finds "Tenderloin" life fascinating
who m
a man wn
so would t1
weigh much
London Does No
According to a
in The Loudon F
known (•ontrartur ft
supplies in that city
0.-11494 0 -
from year to year o r
militia department tor the
the munaal camp on
I here received intimatiot
Ottawa Ihat the camp will not
he held here," he said.
Liverpool and Chicago Wheat Futures
Close Lower -Liv. Stock -
Latest Quotations.
Monday F.vening. March 1,
Livespoof- wheat -futures Tied c1osid---
layd lower than Saturday, and Born closed
4tet lower.. Chic ago May wheat cloned' Tee 'oteer
than Saturday, corn closed 5sc lower, and
oats %c lower,
Winnipeg 0 4ion..
Wheat -March 31.10% Md. July 31 Idv.
Lid, May $1.1.'% bid. ..
Oats -March /:NIC bid, May II4sc bid,
Toronto Grain Market.
Wheat, fall, bush '41 07 to
Wheat, red, t,,sii 1 .4
Wheat, goose. bush ..... t1 r:
Rye. bushel o
Buckwheat, buabel„ 0 4. 0 L,
Peas. bushel '� 0 95
uuyusl e a o s:
Lints. Mattel r 00
.Toronto Dairy Market,
Butter, separator, dairy ... it _4
Butter, store tots o le
Butter, creamery, solids .,0 74
Butter,creamery, 111 roils0 -^,
Eggs. new -laid, doaen 0 77
Cheese, large, ib 013`4
Cheese. twin. Ib 014
lioney, extracted - •0 PBS
Now York Dairy Market,
NEW YORK, March 1 (utter -Lower
and unsettled; receipts, 4564, creamery,
*pedal*, 2914t to al4., offlclsl„,2945t; cream-
er). extras Mite to sae, trramery. thirds
to finita. '»•c to 751creiunery, held, com-
mon to special, 22e to 70•; process. com-
mon to aperlal. Pic to 74.4x. western far -
fury, firsts, 211, western imitation firsts,
Cheese -Firm; reeelpts, 155; state, full
cream, special!, 164kc to 14-1,.r- .tate, eel -
or white fancy. ISc: do , good to
prime, -14%c; ' winter made, , best, - 13iic.
do., good to -prime. L'y.t tpp� 1319c; do.,
common 10 fair, 11%c to ,434 c; skims,
lull to specials, 744, to L'•••.
Eggs -Easier; receipts. 13,093; state,
Pennsylvania and nearby fancy, selected,
white :•4•, du., fancy, it to choice, 24e
to Me; brown and mi fancy, 23)4e. to
Mel do., fair Iv chile, 2145,• to 3.'; west-
ern firsts, 133ec; war. ens, seconds, De.
n '.n
fi :1
0 2s
0 ;.(
A I l
•mtYM Day, Mascot 4, 1909
110111ElNIIINN>r .itr.:.x::e”,
Is one of the largest factors in our
Increasing business. ,
Thei►s+uwla 18 (yrs 41141 wr are ready fur it, We have our
first car of Fencing and Wire of ibis ?•(•at• in stock, of
wlueh, a eonsidorable quantity has already gone nut. '
.% a hate not railed 014 1' a single toil of
iron. LIa ye,,r, 100 'l.(hel`IWh11) we have height. clean gal
alit&ij fencing} wlii'h i, of µseat value to you, onethe life of
t he flossing depend" on the galvaui4iug.
We carry a large range of styles, so that we can
suit fou for all purposes.
-440r-firer. rim 1,1 (fencing and 1'„il„1 \Virg is are .1,,, i. .ani
you will find ,t decidedly o y • Rd%outaage to place your
,rders with iis.
The Best Wire, the -Best- Lack, at� est
\Vu eau .11.m von trh'. It i• i v, rr adyaIitage to see are
at otter.
Cables Unchan ed- Hoes 5c to
at RA
I° o and Chi
LONDON March 1 -London cables for
tattle ere Needy. err 131.,- to 14c per
pound, dreese,l weight: refrigerator beer
is quoted at rte to 4441., p,•r pound.- . -
Toronto Junction Live Stock.
TORONTO JUNCttJON., March 1. -
Receipts of live stock at The Uuiun
Stock Yard; were 64 carloads, con-
sisting of 1315 rattle, 19 hogs, 219
, sheep And lambs, 31 calves and 103
----- --- nasierters. -..
gaper' Meer. enld et from $6.10 to 15.50;
bulls sold at font' $4 to $4.50.
_ PF_itjr,picketi lou
of butcher*. need at
16 to 7615: choice. loads fold at $4,90
56: McDonald }Langan tripping the mar-
ket for butchere' .•' the best load on
the market at. }r two other chose
tomtit at 14.90. tondo; of good, $4.60 to $4.73;
medium, $4.10 to N.60; common, 33.1 to 94;
[rows. 13 to 31, with ,r few. at $4.5 to 3190;
eanuers, 31,50 to
IKlikera and sprime re. '
A limited number of mtlkers'and spring-
ers sold at 315 to $67, and one extra qual-
ity row at 9b.
A few venters sold at B to a per cwt.
Sheep and Lams.
800141p1. light, but prices were gyoted
easier, at p to $4,25 for export ewes, and
93 to tet 50 per cwt. fur tans; Iambs at
15.40 to 168 per sit.
If. P. Kennedy quote. $6.76 for selects,
fed and watered at market: 96..0 at coun-
try points to drovers' f.o.b. cars, and
$6.50 to farmers at nearest point of de.
Montreal Live Stock.
MONTREAL, March 1. -(Special,) -At
the Montreal Stock Yards West
End Market the receipts of live stock
-for the week ending Feb. :7 were 1921
rattle, 206 sheep and Iambs, 1794 hogs and
Tab calves, while the supply for local con-
sumption this morning consisted of 1000
cattle, 60 calves, 1210 hogs and 15 calves.
There' have been no new developments in
the local live stock situation since this
day week, prices having been firmly
maintained. for --ratter- nn- nerr44nt or Die
small Supplier coming forward, which
le due to the Lenten season now balsa in
full force, sad the tact that the constanp- 1. curtWieet-to--came extent.
Owing to the tine- weet1,rr, local buyers
turned out In fairly lar. • numbers, and,
as there were also a few out-of-town but-
chers present, who all wanted some cat-
tle, the demand was ample to absorb all
the offerings and a good trade was done.
As the prospecti are that prices for cat-
tle will rule higher later on, In the ',ca-
g•m, some of the wholesale butchers
have nude contracts with drovers for
several carloads at Sac per pound for
delivery on April 1, and at 5%r for 3fay
1 C3b)e likes from Liverpool-reportedthe markt firmer on account of cold
weather, but stated that the trate was
slow. There was on demand here from
extorters for supplies. Cheiee !leers gold
at Styr ; good at tic to 14(c•; -fair at 444c to
44.c, medium at 744 to -Pic: good col.■ at
34sc to 414,; commun. at 24yc to 24ic;
choice bulls at It4c to 4%c and lower
_grades. aL c. to.4c..per.-poan4.-
ket for sheep and Iambs continues very
quiet on acc00131 of the limited supplier
corning ' forward, and prices show no
change as compared with a week' ago.
"The'dwlttand is In excess of the offerings.
roneequenUy the competition hetwe.n
buyers Is very keen,, an.1 sales of choice
rBeira)* riots of la* were made at nee to 7r;
good at S%c to Pee; rholre sheep at 4',4o
to 4(4c, and culls at Pie to 7c ).cr pound.
Calves are in ;retire demand, and.,as re
eclpts are not eufflrlent yet to fill actual
. wants, the undertone to the market is
-eH'eetC -and--rrHere--ter •vornsequenrn- are
obtaining almost any prise they feel in-
clined to ask, sales being made all the
way front Sc to Fe per pound, live wrlght,
as high as 171ec to l+c per pound hag
been realized for dressed stock. A strong-
er feeling prevailed In the market for
hone, and prices for selected Iota show
an advance of 150 per Int pounds. The i
supply was fair. for which tier demand
was good, and an active trade was done
at I1i.60 to_11 .66. and. straight iota Sold at
17.50 per 100 pounds. weighed off cars.
' East Buffalo Cattle Market.
EAST BUF'1''AI.O. March L -Cattle -Re-'
rrlpte, 5000 head, slow, and steady to 100.4
.reerW.15 to -Moa. trMr.A..n.
33.50 to 9e; butchers', 14.8 to 344,; heifers,
H to 15.75, cows, $3.50 to $5.1.5, bulls, $.3.44111
to $5.:5; fresh rows end springers, 13 to ,
33 lower. no to ear.
Veal.-Rerelpt., 100' head, active and
501• higher, 17 to 31411.
Itogs-Itecelpte. 12.440 head; fairly ac-
tive and le' to IOr lower, heavy, 16.75 to
MA: mite, 3o..7n 1e 116.40: yorkers, $6.40
to 36.70: pig.. 96.:J to 34.8; rough,, $11.44)
to 0.9n, .legs. 14- to 114.5; dairies. 34.5
to $4.70.
Sheep and Lambs-nerelpte, 11.600 heed;
artive; wrthers and yearling. 3.` higher;
114 to M; a few. 34.)0; yearling..
14.50 1., 37.25 ambers. 37.'4.!0 4o $810: ewes,
is to t',.: i. sheep. mixed. 93 50 to 16,73.
Doctor Told This Mother that Vinol is a
Fine Remedy Mrs. Flagg Tells How
Her Daughter Was Restored to
Health by Vinol
"Our little daughter, six years of
age, after a severe attack of the
measles, which developed into pneu-
monia, wan bit pitifully thin, weak
and emaciated. She had no appetite,
and her stomach was so weak it
cool(' not retain fund. She lay in this
condition for weeks, nothing the doc-
tor pteicribed did a bit of gond. and
we were beginning to think she would
never recover.
"At this time we commenced to
give her Vinol, and the effect was mar-
vellous. The doctor was amazed at
her progress, and when we told him
we were giving her Vinol, he replied.
'It. is a fine remedy, keep it up.' We
did so, and she teMv1,r441 her health
and strength months before the doctor
.aid she would." --Mrs. J. W. Flagg,
Portland, Me.
Vinol Is a real rod liver preparation,
containing in a highly concentrated
form all of the hody•twtllding, strengt.h- and curative elements of cod
liver alt and tonic iron added. it in
delicious to take and children love It.
Kvery mother who has a weak deli.
cat* or ailing child should t,y Vinol
on our offer to return her money if it
fade to give satisfaction. H. C. Dun-
lop, Druggist, (ioderich.
in t
(ever $
seven 1(4)
spare of 7.
from the 911 1 there are fourteen tanks
with a citpaci , including the work.
hour,', Or over ' )4,ls44 bushels ; an ele-
vator that haa capacity of 43,14181
bushels, and an ertric power plant
from which are istrihuted power,
lightand heat fort entire eetahll*h-
The uteebanical eye Meet il 004h-
inl� 41'111nl ltlal't'rlla . Ito amaz-
ing, c plrlencrs ma yy e t Misted
hone the faet,that in the b g' seven-
st try building of the mill it if there
aro fewer than ten men ens loved :
the entire work being carried on by
tuttnnmllc m•chinet y.
The (inderleh mill. as is well known
to our readers, is one of the twat -
equipped and largest mills in Ontario,
and timers of "Purity" flour can he
assured thatit is the product of the
hest wheat in the world treated lo the
most scientific and up-to•tlate meth•
Repeat it : 'ihiloh's (7,it,• wilt al-
ways enrc my ernighe and cold","
Now York LieS Steck.
NEW YORK. Mapr, 1.-Beeves-li4-
relple 49194; steer. . rotic butte whet
medium cows firm to lin Monet, fee
Come strong; thin row,, need"; Steers,
94 en to 36 60: no choice here, hulls, 93,54
to 66.5; rows, 92.31 m 35; sty dressed
native .ides firm et M to 1*.
Calves -Receipts, 2312; market active
and firm; all mold, veal., 94.64 to III;
rullr, H to 94; barnyard calvew, 93 to M;
drretied'Hives steady; city dressed veal',
toe to Id94r•: country 'fronted, 9P ttr-lR0. .
mfft—Itwrelple, 14,426,, market run
wt.ady. at PM to 17 for state hop, pip
Studying Literature.
Aunt -What do you think is meant
toy "The eh"des of night were falling
feat ? "
Jimmie -Why, the people were poll-
ing down their curtain..
One of our well-known Connecticut
`dearonw is very fond of dente. It im
alleged that when nnr•e upon n fillip
hs attended n Shale Island rlamhake
he overtaxed hi. r*parity and wait
amply distressed. Rut his faith in
prayer wee nnahat•'dheaving the
party and going down on his knees
The Ho 'rvell
Co., Limited,
1, teal•, ht• mss heard to star sl•,xs Newell "Instead of giving
' plicate ; 'Forgive me. 0 Lard,' lh• pin money my husband puts it; in the
great On of gluttony. Restore my savings bank for we." Mts. Oldwed
health, and i will never eat tiny mote� -"Sort of safety pin money: se it
'laws." Then after a judicious pause.: waste' - .
••Very few, if any. Amen."- 1Lu•tford
Courant. �.. Advrrtiae in The Signal.
After a strenuous gam, tithe ice
-a tramp through tl: .snow -or
any other violent exercise --enjoy
a steaming cup of Cowan's Cocoa.
It relieves fatigue -renews
strength -and refreshes tho
entire system.
The Cowan Co. Limited • Toronto.
— 5.:..:..'.
An honest, .sturdy and persistent
desire to build the highest pos-
sible grade of instrument, made --tris
plant of curs grow to what it is to -day
OUR plant didn't grow big because we wanted to
make the most pianos, but bccauce we wanted
to make the best:- It takes morc space to make one
good piano than make. foul `.the made -to -sell
Besides '-h^ regular machinery used by _piano
makerF we have many machines' of ou: own invention.
Each one of these machines does its part of the con-
struction of a Mason and Ricoh piano in a better way
than it could be done without it.
Mason ah Risch^
The piano '.ttith a soul
There are many featur• s in this instrument
which no other piano contains and 'we require
special facilities to construct: them.
We want to tell you the whole' story of
the building of a Mason and R#sc h piano. MAIM
Send this coupoty to li% to -day and we'll / PIANO CO.
tsend you our booklet " Inside Infor / Limited,
motion " w11;c1: tells the story of the /
making of a Mason and Risch trate^ beekka eeplatn
piano and why' you should have . /
Ing the mamas w►, 1
shonhi owe M Mas sad
it in your home in preference P' h plans. Tkte6.a. wee,
to any other make.
obligates me to p.,eyea
The Mason and Risch
Piano Co, Limited,
32 West King St.,
/ Nes.
/ Nene.
// city