The Signal, 1909-2-18, Page 2se:
l.rer.�.• -.m.i:flei s
teeata4 l�`
ISO xtaro, Is ...Aso, .•`f'1r'3t art"+WrlM4'?.'+Mtai•,�xkd "�'1tt».Asia
lt[ti' • •roawavPannesav ..,ai:.i••4•
ld, 1209.
i• s""t.7sd� �f°:, w7dtri)1Ply aelta»b•'m" ,k':'
f:lx a ste r :i19tr dr .r°u y •,.,
tin.}': Ili
theatik- µa
avu,uticti. uxrAluu
are .thankful if they eau 'get hold of
w �.it of lough odd cow once in a while.
tion of the Lincoln centenary was bo-
Ing held et Springfield. 111.. the
negrocr or the city, who teed been cz
cltuted from Ilse affair, held true onwas
Commander Spann and Commusione[
Ottawa, Pete. I3.-Parlisiusut hu
had a quiet week. with some prtrgtess
in the passing of the euttitwtes,
lite qu.etton of I'roviuela' rights
THURSDAY, herb 11th.
W. McPbty is spending this week
W fi
with friends ill Hallett.
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Morrie epeut
Monday ll 1)uugalu/on• -
Mies Clark has purchased a hand•
some little drivppyJlom lttt Vwtag.
Mary Voting eoterlxintd a
havwy up
thethay ifwouild not
What mutt 1 do to et rid of the
4 {{ t
trouble, am 1 mu out Arlo to fay. bay -
ing gut marled, and slit only earning
Illi per week ?
Aur, --You eau appear before the
judge and *tate your eiieuWStances,
and 6e will refuse to *oaks an order
siert yeti: , - ,
Aliitiii the advance shipments of Spring Goods have
write(' our New Prints, a big showing of reliable colors, eke
clear printed canal)! ics, fresh crisp goods, I2it c and 15c a )`
y r<
r xr"' t "Y^ " c°:'* ,xs u , ,7 s:' •' " rjl'
T Call No t}. -
Terms of erbewiatise :
SIM per annum In aa•a1Hr,.
Bit months, an; ; these trot , h. Liv.
To United Stater raisimeer., Poo a year
afrleely In advances
Mubrerlbsr.who full to r.elve THIS Blrwa4
&roe by art
their own account, and criticize[ the
mintier in which for white men were
couuuemuraliog (tee grekl litoerstur•
In the paper. lit the previous day a
cable from England told of an attempt
draw line Birmingham,
Mr Con se's bill to R coop uor� thhee
Qutrrio k Michigan I uwrr Company.
The bill seek* the ineo-(oration q is
power company with r ht to develop
P' { )' 4(
some 83,tkel horsepower on the Pigeon
giver, an international stream, and
on the Nepigon giver, said to be a
Miss •
number of her friend* Iwt Friday
John Clark is attending the anittial
meeting of the Faire Association hell
in Toronto thio week.
A kurprise party drove to the i-eaid•
And All Misery from Inmgesaon Van-
islets Five Minutes Later. Van -
b: vel)' (aUiil tett• uu ht to keP
{ )irpepsih in the house, wally
Cloth Specials (tile
lot of floe linen double Dalorak Table Clutter sizes 2x2,'G:Y; N
2z9. Mz2$. Jizy yards slightly damaged, at One Third leu than `
regular pflee, be cleared a. ones.
Ladies' Fur ata
regularly by mail will ...War a
stw.uws us of the trot at .+ early • date w
When a change of addreal.deetle&tooth tM
ofd and the new addre••.hould be/tree:.
Advertising !latest:
Legal and other .iuular advert*annentx, ebo
per lies for flet in.rrUnu and Ie per line for
each a for trent in.e•rnm. Moa•ered by •
nonpareil wale. twehe line. to an Incl
Nue 11111.. o•rd. of WI linea end under. Si per
Advertt,ev,atw of Leal, round. Strayed, ala
0.00.. voteet, siluattou. \Vented, Mute. for
ink, orlarela to aloealhto hien(.
lief Kent,
lines, ecneach . ti ueoLmoi,'I toLarger n..t m, enll'Acr•
°1°°u m proportion,
I IAanouneement. In ordinary reading type ter
cenU per line. Nu notice less than tic.
individual lir is the
pecuniary 'Asn Ill of the
anon. a b•: an .drert4:. meet •sed
to the color at
navigable shr•aw. The culnprny also
w•heere ail effort to excluah' r negro 4 -he riRM k• ezpwrs•1 lifts bet`
'abudent iro111 a eluting rink way tw
R cent. of the power decelmwd, rhe
actively resented that Ute manager of bill is presented on the ground that
the rink wade it public' wpwlogy and the Dominion Parliaweut alone bite
premised not to wake any ralee der•j 11riadiktiii over these two classes of
riven, and beers the bill t come
tiu.rtion in the future. Britain is still within the purvtetc of the Federal
the citadel of freed Huusr, Aluwd the ilvwe bill war
.- tbrutcn out t)y. the Stoats Iwst year un
•\ Montreal man s file. to The the ground that it was an invasion of
layette crltlrfzing the Hon. ',Mr. the *eights of the Province of Ontario,
and the present bill will be rtrongI7
'\Yleawurlh's remarks 011 the Bipker- ol,p'i*tMl on *imilrr ground*.
dike bill, in which the Minister ••std
Compensation for Registered Matter
(Ilan the UM Of t tee lash w'119 "r relic of L tet•
the dr)•s of primitive stn w•ben t)Nr- '1'be I'urluRfce Uepartntrril ie tak;ttg
b:u•Ism held full away, and when the another step ill ativnnce by pruvi.i,ug
once of H. Suwelw111 on \\'rdnesdry
e• mamma tenttY---t'81fp -!it o
o J ��about
able thee. _____ -- - I
• 'r1'k�U \\. Feb.1''hhiltl.
Frank Todd sport* w new driver tidal
wef•k. I
Mias Elsie McLaren. of Lue!knuw, tfl,
visiting her friends here.
`Ne an. pleased to know that Miss
Annie Nixon it improving.
\\•allrr lime, of \\•rnglww, 1.
spending a few weeks at 1\ . Hugber'.
J. ltul bel t'n•.l put cllartvl a driver
from al r. Pat tenon, of \1•hi.b`chu',eh,
hoe week. - •
?+n..erf'-rim mty..havo...wa attack of
indigestion lir stowed' troubh� at any
liner, day or night.
This Numbest; ptrp•rat. will dl-
rrtpu thing you oat and overcome
MITI' atuwaeh five minutes afterwar i's.
11 your marls don't tempt you, m•
what little you do eat seems to till
you, lir lies like a lulup ''1 lard in
vont' atomarh, or if you terve bewrt•
urn. that irateam of indigraUOn.
Ask Your phwnurdrt for a 50 -cent
ease 01 Prpe'• I)iepciwin and take one
triangula otter supper tonight. There
will be no soul' *isle no M•Ichiu of
Ut1d lgPsled ttaltt mixed with acid, Ito
stomach as or heartburn. fulness or
beav7 feel MR in the stomach, ttaurea.
Bochorau Laub treats, brouttfutty madastrd 7rtytle't8F quality,
tweets still to ehtx)w+ front, peers were $}MI to each
We are now clearing at from •18.00 to $30,00
Mens Black Calf Coats with Astrachan Collar, Men's
Coon Coats, (ten's Black Dog Coats,
Men's Wombat Coats. 'f�
Pricer were Loin Lilt., t , $.1 1.0 1, 110 .V unreser eel c1 eerie sale at . .
from ,.. $14.00 to $40,00
Carpets _t
F.nghIah Brussels Csrpwl* 27 inches ole, ill w huge *seer of coloring:. and
Putterru and suitable tot any neons lir hall, all $I.Id and al•M6 quality, uuid.
and laid at p+r yard •A ,90c
_ f'
Blankets - - ,......._....-----
to be charged accordingly. -
Rates for dimplay an ro"traet advertise-
meats will be elven on aPpticatiea.:
Adds,s all communleatiom to
\'ANa ITER R TIlikttTi , oat
idea of retaliation for moron .'moa+ ewe that compensation, yul exceeding $Li
bodied in an eye for an eye, n tooth in Autwytt, *hall lel Qaid for mgirt1tud
Inters or -parcels lust in transit 60°'
for a tooth, and a life tor n life." one paint in 1'rnada lit- another.
C epital punishment for murder i" in Hitle•rtu extra postage on dtlllerne lir
force ill Canada, and the ol.t'iour iafland registered lends or parcels has
inruret1 s{a•ei'e )111antinll•. bat nt.
\\'e congratulate qtr. and Mev. .\.
E. 1 tarntn on the -11' i- el ..f a little
dwughleL'.at their boost•.
air... Taylor, of tFe Otte, it •plod•
trig u cooper u[ masks waW her d mete'
pct Mia, \'lilt, of .\shiftrld.
debilitating tt4addebrr. dig/Uinta or
intestinal griping. This will all go,
and. besides, there will he no route
food left over, in the sGrmau:h to tondo ••
coot breath with ammonites odor..
f,a '. Ilio in is 5 certain con
fur ti 1 swmacb mala'1 y, t.ecause it will
' ISPs�/•
Divides white i`nton Hisnte•ls, trli',ttali double f)er�-stns tn4T !'eR4jar $.Y„ill
pear pair, for ' $2.50
d) psis floral Pure Wool Seemly Blwtkel*: double -bed rite, 'pedal p, r
oar -' ' $6.00
$ODIQt1CB, TBUMIDAY. Putti It, ulsk
question is, what deicer the Minister ttiuu mus Arid in carr of lit*r
think of the law under which the three was such a pruvi •
Jas. Durnin imtrudr terming an
auction wile of hie term stuck and iur
take bold of your food and di est It
state takes "a life for a life �' The covering letters and parole mem
(isyeue eorresp rodent a that the abroad ter a umiug (roti( other rnun•
pl.ulents on Monday. February '�)
air. t►uruin rzpect* t) gu \\'ort in the
twessli tust lie mos if your s Untaeh
Actttal, 1•r.unul_.1ie1e(_ ,, �e�-
sues ,. .
-- ' '
The twelfth session of the Legit-
Wore of On. do Wu opened in Tin=.
onto un Tu -day last. The speech
-fr.r esf-the- fast In n,t11f11' oIT nen
would tend to e: eek criminality. and Heads Are Falling. .
the Le akt of Air. Ju,liee'
s.a pyrvelaE mord, sand Jo aw►aTyrtttr 1
t'asaels uU Iter Alnrine Ilrp)ertnlrnl,
the reeceeoty a i. twine murderers.. l'umnlsnflt•r mitt, 1)Wuinion manse
- , -
' TleRs oats, b'eb). 18th.
1ottSslnp • Cogen_ --Thy council
stomach misery is at your pitarmacist's,
waiting for you.
These large Sai-cent Cages contain
Inure than suflteirut to cute w case .'f
d) sprps9ia or ind(geattul�
c�� ��H�
from the-11ii'tme was largely retro-
The .ne•stee, el unv not ee,e1 setae,. I
1 y cuulrwwronee, and J. F. Feuer. ser, cum•
oat at H*Igrrve on Munlls\', gth lost.,
to adjuurnutrnr. Hembree Get Busy
` '=�
,pecdve. aiming the few 1.• ialrliv!
-- miesiuner of lights, will pep tint of
the (.ovt•I 'intent service'. rear nide-
, .l IIre eI1Illent
.el ereeeut �• entre of 'last meeting If 'on have a talk .to do,
a>. , ''
Look Out!.
foreshadowed being one of
Winter. x:
lead and pllt.e.l, un molitm of l'ouu-
W4 pow.
M •
law reform, one dealing with emigre-
nations are now in the hand of Icon•
"Bmdeur. '
eilhs.e l3ecrtt . ,d ttiruitu 1 D1t� •
K �_• P
tf-youTave a girt to woo,
-tion i the BnHihTles to Ontario,
and one changing the financial year
T1.. •e -i. a w ittbery to w .l r. . r, raver as en
which-nmreler.t oobreeee-du in* huWi under suspension for nearly a year.
t IQIIUic ham Ib. e71 by mepLrht Oral., and his retin•tnent from the service
tions fur the office of assessor were re-
*rived (loin Wm. \Vigbtman and
\\ Ili Robinson. droved by Mr.
no it now.
11 you havers flan a, bob,
11 you'd veeih-w.,rid.IhNb•
if you hays a bank to rob.
for the greatest innovations in clothing for Young
deft ever produced ldl C auada.
of the Province to dost' October Slat
11•now-cl•d Helds enlit by bemuse( cold . wMS A foregone conclusion w Sood�xa*
the lidolhthrob L'sreelr rtglOrtsv,ta_pce�6l
S, otlil secondtd h alta McQ.e. ).telt
Ito It now. Lire.
loth Centura Brand -
instead of Member .lst.__11._was
elated that the Provincial revenues I,[
east year show a eurplus•over the ex-
penditure.. Hoo. ThOplw Crawford,
member for West Toronto, oras again
Neathsunimer-kir+ earl moi
11r, h will lw 1'e111embwfltl 11191 111 1-e.,.48,a0,,,e/es
Out winter Ming. (a it r.00lhing real, troth these ,efnelals .tushes Caereld.
t ...tamer it a robe( spotlit.. white, found the ehrrgrs Iwulr against them
And (nim.. the heaving Wits troubled breast. all*lalnPd. In the cess o[ other 11tH-
son, rile enfold the. frosabaid -oil me depths citta of the 1►,'iher taffected by
the rr i al,• Nether action will be
\(rigntinsn ie sppninted am-
Me3llol'. uvtd in aniendn,ent by Mr.
l gmiug. .sec„ by Mr. Gillespie,
that \ 'UI. Robinson Imo appointrtf
n. For the motion, Scutt and
cr.For 1h0 antehdrnent, vette
Ing. Gillespie end Parks. Moved by
�{ qnP {M•Opde III ak@ a s{wC1111 y "(
killing •lime for other,.
The atucesaful Loran i. thea Brat t..
ett•'+pttr z+eitismis mhltat,"•
are producing for young men who want smart, snappy clothiug, not
only one style but a dozen mode's that will be exceedingly peipulrr,
The trouble has been with nowt tailors they Make one or tau styles.
and rue thew Ix+dtwllt-they arrfm become common. In lila enlury
Brand you can cheer how edition popular arylrs, and have clothing
that 1. dirtinclirt•.
- sleeted el ker.
in Honer
'rhe powers Mat does.•ure . mightier birth,, token i y the Minister of :Marine in
Mr. ,.liming, are.mdtd hy Mr. Scutt,
.. The Liberal contingent the
Is very small in numoers, and thin
fact detracte much from elle interestthe
A „wain$ death tante. snd/then behold • the near •
Rise floe the tomb Hie fairest form- of Al r. I.ancwtrr'r leve! crossings frill
earth. has hero sent 041 4, the 1t.tnMe.
that Re Vrtnatone, barrister, of Wing-
ham, be appointed' solicitor• fur
townshiptor I(JR, Carried..
Adding �i'• teat ledger.
n bill and charge cant
.yetem. awd ell
We know our spring trade will tw !Mtge, Iwesus• We have the goods ,
young men will insist on having. Call and el e` them the st Flea will
- sell the goods.
usually taken in the lint session fol-
so summers lay •hall folloVe winter. ear.
And flo.'ir.spring from fields deep in
Samuel Morton was present and waked
rn, device known
lowing general election The Gov-
ernment has M large a proportion of
its back that compare,
-Johl, IIo)'d: int:anadiau ll!•aarane•
After Other Remedies Fred.- -----
permission to take some standing
timber onr•oadallowance. o) aide to
his property POUCeaalnn e. (}ranted.
James 'Mutat was d '
• n to b u - , r• e .
Machine •lienee . ar
de •fuel of WI
. . +Indent., lb
sequently bu•iuu« baso• of leed,ng Can
Walter C P rt d h a m
the members at
nivel little fighting is lw,ked fur. andIwo
the public dearly loves a fight. How-
ever, it will be interesting to observe
in Mr. Whitney
Tbe UnbelievingS,'hool-bo y
"i have been troubled with a
chmnie cold and bronchitis for a long
time and have tried utaut .remedies
without finding relief. Through the
appointed wean
of the luta' board of health tent!
place of nt of 1481 tURashla1"glj a t�[
lie)•ed of the duti of that oMt•r.
Gloved by Mr. Oillee�oje, by ,
"dna" mod An.•rtean cmiex ,ire *•lung
loudl Vonoorgraauatet
1 1 4Triduel in.(reel ion. Knter.any day,
)tell a our -.e,
`v 4 io t"trupwruculwr..
Sole Agent for loth Century Clothing and King Hats
the manner which
watch the his de elg opment ofnd i sues' to
(ween the Government and the Op-
• Uueiph 31, r. ary.
agree( with tThe he school-boy
cb sob oy lint hi+t
K g
for repeats itself. �e finds out
kind auggesttun of a friend 1 tried
f terre-taki A. ng f H r Wilder
alnnol, andentire after
733 flab avenue, Mtnneapohs,
Conn1 is np taScott i
deleMr. g tc fr`inttthe
g t lh Ontaaro 111umchi{ 1 1 •clan
flue for 16P Betterment ti( Ftldigenr
T The trade Mark.
A dwhe wan, *Mar the wont
And a wuman't idea of a pretty hat
i.. our, that eo.0 a let of roues*• f'•
poeition, for although Mr. MacKey'a
different when he. mea to learnt ,
8. dlrpon dd, 117 \V. Congress. tat.
weinue to eed s
Como iptiv� iToronent .n. rh•tAy.'
t.y:o rPtrr[oc 1144.
1' trot 11Otr1ed „
easy In w hibitioo town end
looks lite.
fo3lowin iv smelt in nmuhere tt
R `
' W .municipality
and thought
severe cold Iasi winter and
acret- sold last
pay the neceoeery cx-,
pensee in eonnrctiou therewith. Car
latsyrioualy jyro t himself against
- - --- - -- - -_---
eludes some clever men who will be
Lon,Ion Vice pteis
would never get rid of it, -I hied
tied: the auditors' rep:)11 and t�etrs-'
the [lour. bur • while he owlishly
heard from in no uncertain wayMir-
Ing the term of the Legislature,
Since it is decide' all the mint. t
ramps will be held this the next
\'incl as a last resort, and it has emu-
pletely cured me,"
ureas abstract 1 tr 1•0Tl were rete, -rd
and read. Moved f. air. Cumi lF'
surveyed the p by. Suddenly
his font slipped and h collapsed ill a
question i•, where will the London
Vinod c0mhinee two world-famedy
seconded by air. Gillespie, that lite
heap nn the sidewalk. -\ moment
AI r. Lewis is re -introducing seems u(oR
the bills which he had before the last
eemp he to.eatetd-a Liodericn or Lon-
d m :' •
I3e Care[td-in Shootin ter Wntia
g g
11•mitoa Time.,
The Toronto Tt egfact cbmnicles
tonics the healing, medicines prop-
ertiP. of cod liver oil and tonic iron,
deliciously palatable and agreeable to
th@ weakest stumsch. For tbtaa
reason, Vinol is unexcelled ne. a
strength -builder for old erupts, deli -
tette children. weak and run-down
Mine be sdnpterl and that the midi-
tone he ptid as usual. $$ each, [lir
their services. Parried. On oro' i-nl
t'uuncilloi-a Gillespie and McGee,
FG'et-e and Councillor Scent were
ihstntcted to fnepect Edw ods' bridge,
C 1l
later he was snoring.
.\ hurrying pedestr' pausal, re -
Hrrtively rgrreyed the fa en wan for
tem second*, and the a n his
head in the door.
"Oh. Frenk:' be fate. , "Frwwk,
Come out here a minute."
Promptly attended to.
Parliament,11 be with one or two new
ones. If be has soy one really good
proposal for which he wishes the air
proval of the House, Mr. Lewis would
do trotter to dropthe reel and slick to
the one until it is testis law. Al. w
seeker of notoriety Mr. Lt'wis is a bl il-
accident due to the fact that n un
went off suddenly." If it had gone
"K Rrsd°`illy it might not have done
any barns.
This Is Sad.
tendon Advertiser.
It "is story perilous for a newt
�� r writer In make a classical
persona, after sickness and for chronic
,•vn hs, colds and bronchttts,
Vinol is .old in Goderich by H. C.
Dunlop, druggist. - _ _
TUESDAY, Feb. 18th.
concession 8, and r.Qor1 on the *awe
at the next meeting of council.
Mesas. Spott n and Elliott. of Wing•
tette, vele resent wales the etc.,
for permie ion to erect piles, etc., 00
the public highweyr in the wun(ci
Ptlity in the event lit the futwstt0n
of .a 00111tpany fur the cunstruelioo 01
o e g e
STANDS ready to it ;p young men
and women :o ern nndependence and
succc,=. It hu given the start to
thousands upon thouunds of young
•, , e It can bel P you. Write for
Presentlythe propene. r of\the
joint, smoking a fat cigar emer.iud.
a blinked in the bright ru , ighL_
"Hullo, Hud," !If •sift p *.wetly.`
"What's hats up's
Hud jerked his thurnh to ' the
.1 berer on the sidewalk.
-"leer d bis fen down, be ei>`
Lots of
• V 'J
tient eucceee : r.9 a useful legislator he
•Marion, The phrase "Charon ferry-
Tan ie' re time
trftl. . tet teeniere.stem, Mr. R cion
Cata!o lie. Enter anyt me.
plsiotd, and briskly resumed til walk
has yet t.. show his worth.
The London Free Press is grgiog
the (iovrrnment to provide s better
ing over the Styx" was printed yes.
lordey in these columns, "Ferrying
over the Sty'
The Other Side.
.1. Jamieson tendered his resignation
a+ {x)st nester of Laurier, owing to hie
contemplated removal fr this see-
tion. Some difficulty has been ezp•ri-
aced in finding a successor to Mr:
ttittiuin the modus operandi
K pe ndi in the
establishmenit of aneh a line. The ye
quest wag granted on ortnditien that a
company Amnia formed as outlinedMany
by t e above-named pmmotere. By-
.Yonge and Gerrard Sh . To -onto.
a picture illustrate,. the oily
of the artist'* hard luck.
William•L. Lindsay
namlltes Si 'Please No. lei
Louisville 1'ourter.Joarnel. .
Ja ilrnn, hut Miss Jeanie McRae hes
law No. 3, 114*), confirming the ap-
People who are too old to lea n
telegraph service on north chole
\of lake Superior, for the protection
"Sent* Claus brought Inc these
con nted to 1 ike the office, and clic
has been recommended therefor. The
p went of assessor. and bylaw No.
1. IMO. disposing as formerly of the
have outlived their ueeflllnees.
of shipping and the safety of naviga-
• ito you believe in suite ('lens, my
chane will likely go into effect on the
1.t 011ie will make an excel•
tax levied on doge. were both duly I
read and passed. 'lbe following Ac-
- -
tore. It is said there rare two hundred
miles of cowl lint there without a
single telegraph station.' The foist
developing lake commerce demwnd�
", 11 leases r.1 rents
Y P y is
to think I do. Why nib them of their
harmleia illusions "
Old l3ntain Still Doing Susiiluti i.
of : ril.
lent t ietrese. and the public will
P'� P
suffer no convenience, as the once
will still 1 on the main turd.
-. -- -
counts were ordered to be paid, on
wotiun of Countiliors Gillespi.• and
Coming : Wm, Nicholson, Winghem,
wind -tweak on bridge
p;u .on Pastern
liire's In ItgpiTATIoe. ititwUL' , 1N•
iLI ENCK end TilORVCO i'FAS! .Now
' I. the rime to sur the popular
The, Best Clothes Made
the improvement of the life -saw
P g
service all along the lake(.
Homebody wants a hero medal for it
rlicemwn who awcrificell a
P' perfectlyY.
tooth in enter l.. provide I•vi-
deoePrealest mon unqualiflexl dentist.
1t certsinly does nem�• ••' an uncom-
Hamilton Time.
When ~pain wished to have a new
navvy built, she went to flee heed*
(;teat ltritaio to gat it. Why % Ger-
roan kite ('nitefl States and ell other
1 countries were in the
market. Tile"effete" old land teens
w be able to hold its own with all of
Boy's Agcai Relieved by Zam-Bnk.
11 you are sr. in from badh
chs handy oe will be able to
comprehend, the o the agony
which Henry Walker. f 14 Manufac•
Curets street. Montreal, endured be-
boundary, $.1 : Framer A Legan,
Blyth. tib,, $13.11 ; J. A. r ..i.t- on,
Hl th, hall rent, til, 'Alex. Porter•
field, eereicee u+ division re istrwr,
Isatts, $10 IMI: Win. P. Hsllwhan, tile
for llallehau drsiu. $fi : J. H. Mr-
Clinton, rebindof flog tax. at2;-J. 11. -11
p' tees, *21 ; J. W. 1f me. ,audi•
tor. $8: J. 13. Scott. auditor. $3 ; Fin-
Business College
alt inrpare• for profitable e,npt•,ymelt
Ovrgr•auatnraddy obtainfrood oat.o .
fyar fandsanc ('analogppe is frac 14.4"1
f rite tor
i "s° today 1ltudeaG edmllhd al ens flet,
�Cale./open the entireyear,
W. J. Elliott Priatipsl.
trot, Tonga and Alexander street..
won degree of pbydcal courage w
A Sign of Geoiet.-•- -
fore Zein•Buk 'gave elle(, His
telling of the to
lay Andersen, eal.ry as treasurer,
$u/1. The council then adjourned ti,
ha\ -e w tooth extracted •w bout gas*
and the in could
Newark Naw..
mother, c a press
reprPeentative, said •:
_____ _ -
meet again on Monday; Marsh �rld.Tailoring.
policeman question
not take gas, as he had to keret) wide
awake to watch the dentist ill lin.
The trulylilrran man her a else's,
space about eight inches square on
u corner of his desk : in this epee. he
Henry works with his shi 1 sleeves
(Alegi up above his elbows, A pores-
Mg, from a warm roolii to the riling
when petionesters, p)u keepers and
fe•uceviuwern will 1.e a pointed for the
present year.' ACE . Peurnecrlt:t,i,
'Phone 180.
floes his writing. The rest of his desk
Cold, w hit Was obliged to do.
act. But that policeman was
not a hero ; be mow An ass.
Is buried deep under w heap of press-
ing bi'is. \\•hen a desk looks as
Ihe worst care tf enspp.-4 hands nd
arms 1 have ever seen. Froin his
oath, enrolee
L. Note. I
�E�Ilil A
-- "�
orderly w a race auicide family house,
finger, to his elbows wav one mass of
Mr. Lew'. vagaries Are apparently
not received with favor I.y some of
his Conservative fellow -members at
Ottawa, When 6e re -introduced ell
bill respecting motor tehieles, Mxjor
Beattie, of tendon. was named as a
seconder. The Major, , h•)wever,
-objected: "I don't know," he said,
the eheeeee are that the owner'•
Ilttenrltiess is wasiirned. No litter, no
liter fur.`, s„•
Altin the eramilnothing
t hH•u,u. a nardlwn•
11 lives_ `id he IMt/abderl into
song. Wane -,f our good brethren's
lives would read something like tl►ia ;
Take my wi ' and let her he
raw Heidi, with had etneke hen. and
there, Whenever he washed, it
in ought tears to his eyes, the sin
www) acute. He triter Nevi knob;
of salve, but rigiellioVtel him
Ir•ally until he tried %stn -Bok. TI►Is
habit seemed leo take away the buten_
ing and smarting almost at once.
The creek. began to jleal, and a few
applications o the trAlm .cured him„
A Ciliate young- mon who hem
yielded to (' pid'a allurements. on $8
a week, a. who oeight adv ire on hie'
fioancim emharrail and is in the legal
columl of Thr. Mail and Empire.. moa.
seam ret1 w follows lfr last S ltardny'"
ten :
'• 1„ N., Clinton.. -Q.1. -1 I •ok a
sursmm�• coin gnrntlipolicy ; n a life in -1
._. y r to
Thi+ -drool b a.e of tic I"r d'"t `I, ' 1i'
Prov,,„,. Ind tooled tot tic uarou line••.
o: Its week amt 8., .vends of Its students
'Gore departnent•
_ "iE•LEdfAPHY
A Newspaper
Not An,_ «0r an" .:e.?
;_„�-.,; ms.µ... w- -
that i want G. have m) name ciao
neetatLtwttirttll!fifFlt" 71rf, well w,:e
then named, but he, leu, objected.
Finally Mr. Lennox came to eft%
1.awis' rescue with an offer to owned
the motion. __ ---
Ko w Duran can the pert 44 11 +ted
the practising for troth herself and
her husband. Tbr Ined expects ew rya
"ran to go to heavens on his own
Hardy Little Bird
and a,ft.
''\Ve have also used Zoo Hu Inn'
other enrergenciea. I sustained burn
On one of my fingers. %stn -Ht took
ltie Bre out and healed n 0 sort.
It really seeing a wonderful emeehold
liffinVeeti. (
eonld not pry the note. 1 wee sued
and jndgmtnlwwsrnlernlAgsinat Inc
and a judgment rnmninns we. Hid e•
after ironed and the jndgc ordered me
to sly $I r r month. 1 i 1 two
ee Pn•'1
mouths, and then quit paying for
five month.. when I received it notice
.our graduates oro hi demand a Hoar, e. .
fotlegeteachers esw-ellWI Akeseixtaotx.
4104 onr maenla-eoteatalg,ie it is free,
The than• who wants an open-minded discussion of
Mice, the steady support of right, junks. and
decency, WItABtit tint or bitterness, and an ,unpee-
judiced, Commonsense treatment of public affairs,
will thoroughly enjoy the
The Weekly Sun comments upon the
'greenwood Ledge.
"On one ocession my Harry had
votes asked for by the Dominion Gov-
The little are the lough
his foot !route It w • veryswollen
- ---
Toronto Daily
ernment for steamship eulnidier, in-
eluding one fora service to ( Una and
Japan, one for a service to the \Vett
Indies and South Anwrica. ome fora
service to South .\(tics, another fora
service to Mexico, and still another
for ' the Australian line. Saye The
Sun : "We clap on tariffs to restrain
trade with the United States, with
Great Britain and Germany, and then
tothings In (Greenwood. When it
was 10 below lel'.) t.bis winter we ,new
a flock of them trying to make' a
lunch nut of Mme weed" that were
sticking through the show. They had
nothing on their little feet, and how
their tiny claws LeepTime from freezing
we d„ not know, The Lord, it is Paid.
tempers the wind io the shorn lamb.
Ile most .11.$) furnieh the hills with
NOM(' kind 0f heat then enables them
to hop along without boots, socks or
and diaeo'ol•Pd, but l m-Buk both re-
lieved the swelling eind removed the
diecnit/ration. % -Bok, is ao handy
and M effective at we shall always
keep a supply ands,"
Miss II tan Bertrand, of Salisbury
µ1t1(e say •-"livery winter 1 suffer
from t e i hands, but I have found
a cure i .am-Huk. Applied it night
it heal the creeks by morning, and
take• awes All the soreness
Similar effects follow ill use for
scalp Mrrr, blood poisoning.
H r' W T O GET WELL ., _ •• _
_ / v
, r
\Vithuut one drop of .Me Keine, not l'hriaNan Seienee, not Faith
Cure, (tor laying on of hands, no patent foods nor gy aspic
devices but an entirely new System learned and practised by
The Star is not tied to any party or any "interest."
It has definite opinions of its own on political, social,
and moral questions -hut it recognize- the ri ht of
others to hold exactly opposite opinions without
necessarily being scoundrels or fit subjects for abuse.
The Star's editorials are broad-minded, honest, as
keen and clever as some of the beat writers in Canada
subsidize steamships to create rem-
merce with the ends of the earth."
-- -
(let the habit of saving money be-
low marriage if you would save it
ulcers, ringworm, childrenb sores,
cuts, buten and enders. it also mires
piles. \11 dr.iggi ite and stores sell at
ran make them, and always Fair.
The Star is published for fair-minded, intelligent
' One of the evils of the concentration
me a box ; or poet -free from ZeneAuk
('t., Toronto, for
•••'' s
people who take to active interest in Canada and the
of wealtb is the tendency to freakish
ways of spending money which it
develops in threw who have more of it
than they can tine in sensible ways,
'''A hu )ming-hird banquet, for -which
Ove hundred of the leantilul little
creatures heti to be destroyed, h i one
Of the latest mnnatroallise Hum-rtlptledt.
ming -bird meet is probably a little
mare delicate than chlrken or turkey,
bit these are good enough for any
prM ymany people
man. er loll when , lr
w....... a of ..11 h..• .nel •n,n•
Catarrh finned Si Cured
tic slwtrordiaidim�uw'.'. Catarrh Ise bloom nr
'emutltutienel Meuse. end In order to ogre It
pm. mutt lake Internal temedle.. Hai'. Ca.
torah tore is taken Internally. and wets dt
rrm17 en tae n1e"'t .nd 'm^w" •wrf•eave
11.11 . taterrh tlae I• trot dm quark mMlrine.
It we. plwrrlhewl hy one of Ih. tie., physicians
In fhb, rnuntry for rear. "owl 1. a regular pw
li Ia mme••'•1 of the teat loofa
.kir"• tnf•dl'rretly 1'0 he trm,moitr.l.ln fwv.rinT'la .
perfect n.mhlnetina M Ih. two MgrMlent. U
what posture's /Pilch w* tr•uh. In cur.
Inene nn, Beed IT th Iftetntala
r' J tHItNIIV t Co, (resew, Tolwta 0,
Mobs n 1rnsdstaa, pryee aw
Tal. 4all'. Pampa 1116 for rwri.tinerleia
f -
Gime. -
The pale, proud girl turns to the
hon, holt -browed man who is gazing
at her so intently, lie has a glitter-
ing knife in his daod,
Have you no heart '" she e-ske in
low1 -e'en tones.
"'then give Inc two pennyworth of
Ra idly ruttingoff the desired
amnwnt. the butcher oral . it up f, r
her, gives her • •. 't,d turns
r......i...., ,t--.
le, you went to reducehree fl.ah :• It never fail. I . ore all nerve
troubles and nervous dyspe•peire eonslipstion and nu et'roo l derange-
*•Pete of the Iei,pr and Kidney.. Parents shnnld learn it so w to
develop their-Itildien into good hi/Hilly, Nrnng men and women.
leen will not, have a cold or sore throat ell winter if you practise
this !nettled. Invaluable to clergymen, pnlrlie speakers, singers,
•For detailed Instructions mail $i.00 to
P. O. Box 177,added
" ' London, Ont.
world. Consequently It Has More Readers Tba ul
Any Other Paper In Ontario.
$1.50 A
This paper and the TORONTO DAILY STAR t gs4hee
ens year, e>sl..�n BueranfttlferntesiefPM Oren
ft abort subscription Arius.
.a :)e< (fxb ; k ';ions
tin.}': Ili