The Signal, 1909-2-4, Page 4±',mM+t*ti'Se4ti
k.e.ld:lelr'.l.a: ii4
4 1itutlwat, Fwoaas 4, 1809.
W .e The calmly r,uly rngiueer- relwllyd that ANNUAL MEETING.
he had advertised fur lender« ter the 1
PreMinl of a new bridge over the 1 Depanmautsof the Chard, Work to
JANUARY SCISSION CONCLUDED Maitland river known as the Rotuma. All
ON FRIDAY. villa bridle, also one un the lake
road. Godes ichtownship ; that he had
es ted Graham's bridge un the
Accepted for Holmesvfls and Lake road, Ashfield township, and
Tenders Acte
D found that the railway company or
Gully !fridges -A Change m the ciitiactors in building their bridge
Grants to the County Hospitals-- bad placed the abutment so as to cltwe
Delegation to Walt on Government ,up the N'Nl/•t' spate of the co Y After devotio:iel exerci'. the' ro-
Ylutlge to 11 644r"11""""it evw L4 -ft. Irl »rt11e sawmill w rte pruw•n1 ed Tiy
for Aid for Coreiurnptiws-Courtll (the water space may now be ton• nar- the parlor. Quit," •n large number of
in Favor of "Dunlop Mara," but row and cl
w new bridge may have W be cuuauunieantr were a ldrd to the. roll
elected in the sptmgl • that there
weir a number of small bridges that
might have to be renewed the cooling
summer, btu he cunaidered.ittttuuW
Tw ttdvieable to await the spring
freshen .1�e. fore taking any scliou. •
• Tbe'4, astl and bridge committee rec.
e)• ion v he
u m oderhatt t I t filen t
w I ltb Irl a fr
township of !:art and t West Wewa-
1 d
nosh asking a building of n
Ile t watt 1 for th Wh
bridge oil:e(Incussioln; 4 and :i I. not
granted, as the application should be
wade to the county judge according to
Ontario Stat ince, lila
That the resolution passed by the
tuwnehips of (trey and McKillop in
reference to survey of a rt•rtain pant
attempt 10 bavr a competition ism, of the boundary Iwtweetl these t"Nn•
' year, Mr. Cameron not being aware of ships be granted, and that our clerk
that fact shipped his fruit W Toronto ttke the, )cressi ry steps ti.eortlingu
in good faith and was awarded prises statute. •
That Johnthiel li claim b e not
T d 1
to the amount named.(.
Ire letter of J.'J. Wright with re- granted, as the county engineer has a
•pect to proposed "Dunlop Park," we receipt in full fe the owner of the
fully appreciate the fact that the hue laud. Mr. :Shields, of Morris. el •d
Dr. Dunlop was an eulinert pioneer of damages in connection with the 1/1111.1 -
this county and that his name is war. injt uf./tetarut) !.ridge. - -
thy of public r•ecogltilion, and while He lion of Alessi*. Taylm. au l
we also appreciate Mr. 1Vriglit's en Medd. tegarliug windbreaks to hold
terprife in bringing. brio in the matter Ie- U1OW 011 all county htadger. Ihni 110
fore the council we -are of the opinion
that the towtL21.-• bl ,rich . tie_ the The tilos in .1 ler of t. •1► •1 1.,, 1M.- „ate,; m..In lie fwupl,� 1,1 *until(' cert
a Healthy Conditnn.
The r'lllnal meeting of Knox church
was held in the lecture re;wq Wednes-
day eve11iug of last were. The pastor,
Rev. J. A. Audcrasn, yB.. �A�.... ucc■up:ed
the chair, end H. 1. St-.,,e.'.,M1. 0..
Dose Not Take the Initiative.
--Ilse wort of the Jwnvary -crew
the county council was brought to ie
conclualon on Friday afternoon last.
The business of ituportanee not re-
ported in our last Saone is given below.
The executive ciinrwittee reported
lie claim of Kenneth Cameron fur
SU for prizes obtained by bin" at On-
tario Fruit Orowe1••,' Association lu
fall of 111(13, we recommend that the
♦awe be paid, owing to the fact that,
while the county foiled in the
during the yew', forty -thaw 011 pro-
fession o'f faith and ttort vtwo by err-
t;firue frau other chin -chew. At the
same time. almost an a peal number
were to •ed, thirty our by celliU.
cele, twenty -right will t ,t.rtitl-
cute. and thirteen by death, leaving
al plerrut r:?l em the lull. Of the
1. u s:duo of
number u•••'v [n
1 r(1 u
to pu
faith, h, t went )•-four caste 1 rule the Salt -
bruit sch1wl ane! Ibh!. classes. Atten•
tion was called I the (act that many
Ieeve the church and town with no in-
tentioti of trturning, bot neglect to
take their certilicate• with thew.
'Those iulesldi0gtoremove welt• urged
;1.1,111,• their Certificates with thew,
and at the earliest opplorl1111114. eon -
neat lh •note ves with 1 h C1.1. .11 in
their new home. Utjser twgistratlon.,
;luring the year were: Mat ringer,. 11;
s 3
I • u+ s ye twin adult ,anti . t
rill u.�"i.fl R
but 141r. - .
Dm Mg the 'yen'.the hull%idual cont.
rl,wltt,n CIM *.114 Mitt/deer,' 1n the s.•r-
via e of the lord's Somber •1hte su1110
we tt1.e ...i. .. o the 7 dill'. -AST
Soder-Y. The 1444.11 uton/urtotte.l the
1Vedne..Isy 1.. ening prayer ideating
- e, uhiva iu the eoci,►I-
actton to mkt n. - as t •loran I c t g
rvbgi•ntr_ life of Lhe ul,•nlhors. and
township ••f Colborne (or both) should
take the initiative in the matter,
should roe' action be desired by the
public in t!t • locality'. and we ther(cove
recommetul that this council take no
action in the matter at prereut.
Recowrnending a grant of $SII to
the Sick Children's Hospital and'a
grant of $111 to the Priumeri Aid As-
Itecommendtngtbe awumtigf of the
usual stint of 1111.541 per week, le rum•
mitmen( of Eliza Jane Robinson, a
destitute child under Jour years _of
Recommending no action on the
circular of the (loot (toads Associa-
tion. .
Re motion of Meseta. It win and
Taylor, -asking for a grunt of Val .for
expensee`end transmission and $26 for
prises for a nnty fruit exhibit at Pro-
vincial Horticultural Society's exhibi• soon Nf $:3,3411, extra coo. Fete w,.1 k $.i
tion in Torootq In the faU.o1 the plxme a -Clair y�sstl: .ming- 1►1 ni.-
ent year, ;roue rominittee 1while not Th e special antro.
opposing the ger a arc end that (mended,'cting the c :Jr.1•
it be deferred till the June «seting, tion truer the. county of Essex seek: -
when a better eetiln- te; of- fruit pros- it gameudment14 tutbur-act-teii e*1-;ug
the running oftotem vehicles. so that
acuulNy berme may he imposed, that
the prayer of Nu• petition be grant..!.
nd !fort'. Cmlletningthe communication fetid
cultural Societies and Farmer Insii• Ottawa re prevention of cons ie ion
totes in the county. in accordance and other forms of tuberenl•)sis• that
with motion of Me•sro. Gibbing', and no action be taken.
Reis. •'Respecting the documents prepared
Re motion' of Meters. Leckie a d by the aunty sol' ' e one eery -of -the Th.' ran.fer of the K e
k11411% II ar 111 • lt4%llwrll .ritlgn be- ritnrrnnd mote In the-grscvi.t Chi•is-
twee;i Stanley and t.odci li town tirl•Ilila•1•'11,y
ships be laid o._er until the June sea- The r port of 1It•t SAbh tth --•hoed
Tluel ui 601;1.11 be tak,i 1. garding
footbridge at the Salt fold Midge.
That the fulloaing tenders` f•m
hri.I t' wink- be accepted: A. 11i11 t
Co.. 1.11pe,stt•utttire e1( 11.11low.. s•ihle
hi i1ge, $11.1113. aud aupx•r.t, tn.; a 'C of
flu bridge,
1, t ding In 444%. u 1„ , A h
&lit township, that the railway conn -
puny be salted 11. notify seer-s'ngixrrr
and the reeve of -the 110,10altip iu
which they are •Incating bridges in
Ginn.- and that our clerk gist' the
�:u141•!a 113' Al_Otice to that. Alen. -<
Than the tender sof l). 'Wether -poor
he accepted fur the corn tete murk for
Hotnlesvllle bridge•, according; ti. the
91110. and specilicstiuus, 1.11. 11 1111110
pecta can be wade tbaa at the present
Recomunending grant* til PJo each
to the several Agricultural
(larger, that ropy- hayfield
dated Statutes of Ontario he obtained wooden bei gr. I hat the hylas'. i 1 eon•
by the clerk and sent to the 'reeve of
each municipality in the tbunty as
soon as publication of the same is
completed, and that they be handed
over to succeoding'reeves and that all
former motions respecting this mattes
be eeee sded-we recommeodthatthe
motion be carried out.
Re motion of Messrs. McEwan and
Oallow for grant of $3) for decoration
of Court House Square, recommending
a rant of $10.
Recommending a grant of $10 to the
Central Women's institute and rat to
each of the public libraries in the
count'', and $71 to the Huron Poultry
Aesociatioh. In committee the grant
to the libraries was placed at $25.
Recommending a grant of 110 each
to each societies as hold a show in i he
spring of 1111), with the exception of
Clinton, to which a grant of $3i is
recommended, as no,fall show is held
Re letter of secretary of winter fair
at Guelph respecting prises of Arthur
Barr, recommending that when the
secretary sends a certificate to be pre -
Rented to Cass council, showing that
Mr. Barr is entitled to any amount
within the limit of the county grant,
the amount l,e:paid over.
Re applications of the Goderich.
Wingham and Clinton hospitals for
grants of 111') each, reeommeuding�t
that the conned grant $1111 to !AM
hospital on dim itabll• grounds and
that in future the local municipalities
send their indigent patients where
they way choose, paying for Buell
patient, at such rate as the 01leials of
such municipalities may agree upon.
Re appeal for aid to the National
Sanitarium Association, that no action
be taken, as we are credibly informed
that the institution accepts few if any
indigent patients free of charge.
Recommending that the council ap-
point Dr. Milne, Dr. Smith. Dr. (Juno
and Dr. (Sallow ad a delegation-trrweir
on the Government some time in the
month of February to urge a grant to
the Ontario Municipal Association for
the betterment of cnnunnlystivi•r and
also to urge the county of Huron an a
suitable location foro a r nn'sunlptive
Recotnmending the accept tore of
the tender of 'rhe Seaforth Expssitor
for county printing.
The report was adopted.
Educational Committee.
The eaucation co►nutrttre lec.mi
mended the payment -of -the following-
amounla to the Collegiate Institutes
and %Vinghant high echo 1. with the
- jeer col
defu�•ted there Ism : lied Till,. $2,-
Kii.lsl ; Clinton, $2,151.111: Yenforth.
$2.71n.U4 ; Wiugham, $2,&14 11.
That the account of St. Mel•y•e Col-
legiate institute, $18.f►1, for Huron's
share of maintenance of popile front
this county attending the Institute•, be
That the county grant for continua•
tion and fifth .lasses for 1111) be one
and one-half tines the• I,rgislali'.r
grant. (This was left over until .lune 1
That H. E. Huston, id Exeter, be
the county representntirr on the
Senate of Western t'nivrt•eily for
!bat the examiners ►, r the public
school and rontinuation etas, gradni•
lion examinations for the county of
Huron as provided for by this rnuncN
in January, 1tt111, beset fnitown : East
Huron -D. R. hh I. 1'. S., Brussels ;
J. H. Canieron, Ifruseels ; A. P.
Ouadry, Clinton. West Huron-- J. E.
Tom, 1. P. S., Ooderich ; .1. M. Field,
B. A., (iolerich ; W. H. \Veldenhaln.
mer. Exeter.
That the sum of *2.41437,11 brae fee*
for county pupils for 14155 b• at one••
paid to the 11 inghem high echonl, as
for some reason Winglintn high school
ie just one year behind In its grant
from the county.
The report was adopted.
W. G Eliot was appointed tension
of the Ooderich Onlleeggi .te Institute,
W. Hartle of the Aeafort h Collegiate,
and Dr. 1, Wilson of that Wingham
high school, for the ensuing three
•tion thel•ewith toe confirmed. •
The ounty ptopetly committee re-
ported veryin 51se1 o..ler Irl
the jail, but t! • • «mended that a
shesser- . ',ought -for The turnkey's
room to cot sptmd with the rest of-
Pthe furniture anti that nue dozen
single blankets a asked for in the
jailer's report he , rchaaed for the use
411 the inmates, tact one-half dozen
coverlets: that J1 et 1 (Ir Iv. Hid f11t•
kindling As arketl for the jailer ie
put chased, the manic to 1 11x4.11 in the
ream hiuer, registry rale- 11111 jail.
The conrinittee Ic orted inkling a
Targe crack in the fail wal at 1Ile
northeast corner and
that -The' wall at 11,if point he all'
with wagon tilt material and dr
hick into pltee with Targe bolts, 11
that thejaik'r attend to lame at on. e.
It was'reaulwended that Effie 11.1',
who is at -present caulitltd is ;ba jail
on a charge of vagrancy, be removed
at once W Godelich h0apital if the
hospital grant la cuntiottetl this year,
to 1w 'minced to the-ht.u„e of refuge
at Clinton after her luceaichement ;
if the grant is nut continued that 1411e
he taken at once ter the louse of
refuge at Clinton.
The committee recommended that
tenders be asItd for the couotfuel ion,
of s vault for the Crown 4ttornev's ,4 -
lice according to the plaits now in This
hand., said tenders to be opened tt
our June meeting. That a hose 1e
jewelweed by the caretaker and clerk
to replace the one worn out. That
oilcloth he purchased for the jury
stand in the court room to replace the
cerpwt worn out. That the caret/Ike"-
aretaker1e empwoweted ti purchase `a mouse-
trap Vin• cat to pn•vent the mice (rem
destroying the carpet on the stair. •
A buppleweotery report of the rnm-
inittee was am follows: Altlfnnglt we
eaawhn•d the rfgtrtt y 1171Ke ) Pitt 1.1 L►
and found eyerything there- in R. Cid
shape, yet the registrar has made a
small request shire whit)" upon_ ins ra.
tigatlon we feel obliged to gt•nnl:
That he b • allowed In pelurrw�e Ike
fence fn TriAir the teight, y , Mee
and s 11 the 11ntle•ial, the,
thereof 111 Le 11.ed in eons ti Gee
about fifteen fleet of helot f' 111', ie.
tw4.4.11 the r.fiiee tt,.nuelr and she Sat e
td',ilnirlrw u+
the *MU
Stove 1 by 11e ars. (:oenl, et mod
Praiser that. in lrgard t.. trerdrlio e
teased,,.- of �tfr li } -fr
andGrey respecting they of a co r.
fain port 1.1 the [nou.hlry li:.. !i•
1451.1 11 raid 1u11'11.
1' ,1011 111• 1, t
th.rl,'rk he in-ttocte,11 , ne Ih„t 1:.
neceerllly .1,11. sr. 1.11111, oral that
i.ewi,Bdt•M, of ?,,l,i(tel, 1,• mom d
as enrve)or to Make the •nrvey and
relent t1) this council 1.3• filing eel py
of such repot with the rhlk. (&t-
Mosel by \h, 11'111 s,1n at I1(,••
Call • flint Ili• nailer of arr.tnging
!111 1(1181 • of Ur. Holmes, c. telly
treasurer. be left in the kande of Ihr
• Iterative c 1 lee 1., 1,• ratantr 1 un
at the June meeting. carried.
Moved by: Me. a. .lndrrson and
Watson that 11,11 ;pursed feel it drbu d
to Mr. 1 am,n111: a Meru.
wrndcn, for the
tact he has shown„ in expediting Ibe
business of the et •il and the e, ur-
laay he hes shown each nn•mler Cur-
ing the' meet lam (`nrried.
Tc o Good.
Berns rl l uggling matting I - Yalr
hook tevlewa were unnece•ssatily se-
vere en that last noel of mine,
Naggue -- "Why, you ungrateful
beggar, with one Rrt•t1t,l we• pet•
pounced itoneof the cleanest anal
root uplifting works of fiction !hat
had appwared this sertaon."
Horua -- "That's what i mean. 1
haven't mold a single copy."
A health journal has an article on
"How to Lie When Asleep." What
we nerd he a few pointers on how to
induce people to tell the ttutb when
awake. -Chicago News.
f a '114tu r'9r"e°(`'iE
"sews s.!.•• _ t"" r +•^I• �. Tu "',lq,.. re .' ..;r•-..
...,...,....�.... memirra.L.CAPsa....;;s/.Ir a tl'1M41iKS .'R.'s! A
wits presented by 111• eule•riutemit tit,
.1. Elgin T. 'Phe srht„d i' iu•n
flourishing condition, a:U1 a goy het
membership than e:.•. In; Iltlirlg
Iii !t• .-last s: 11.1.;hers:tad officers, the
ar11/a)11till' Ittilll'.tit 119. The' library
•lu:l •�iat
ytsI by nn ie,Witinn of $,U «•oath of
tasks. All the (voutrlbulions of the
school are devoted to Missionary :old
times otofirpurposes, w 1 ate';• /uwu•-
�:atio,i-supple.•, 11, • r leg a xpens
Thus 1he 44h,4..1 con' t ileutd 43:.^27 to
missionary purpose-, and the•a.ngr, g t-
rmm $115 to the i4oairt eitpae0se..
, Miss Kste Boit- ri•;y)!Ted nn heath
of ttw Y. 1'. S. l'. -k• ' «'*Rise. ti. •
acli'.r !n ,iii fell lc i 3: 1e.
the a"1w)ri.U• menti ership toss. from L'1
to. Merit lily oifT li11 at #S_1 u
iirtTF-$IM•1.l - X`tlrr i et'n ting the
running e! a e. •.. the h tin•ser g•oe•u j ,
The Ladies'Aid ;hia icty' rr of
was -poi setltrfi Stole fiend
V. C1.11-:. Thr obj' -rt of the ti.s•i.ty i.
to nsrial the Burt ui file ehw-.•It in
any way the 1nelnlirts may deem ail
.risible. TIP" son of $215. w.f.; co:.
ketol during the year. the no,•t t)f
which was given- 16 t h • 1114,1. ger.
to help toy fur Ihr 1 sliding or for
-ehureli. •
. 11 rang re' oiled on behalf 0111.4.
Relief S,eietF. the members of whi':h
interest themselena _ilL-Lhe_.pour .:uta i
Gad.ricb Steeds Well Up lo List of Cas-
adias Porta
Between September bat and Decent•
ler 12th, neatly 41,1111,etin bushels of
grain was Shipped from Port Arthur
and Fort. 11 illiani. 'This is utterly
21,110,un it wore Ihau in the corres-
1' Tito PAH
t. R,. T
p un.tillg period of 1 >
Merin 10 have (a•rn twticr prepal•etl for
1h4.11' work, and thele war eolupjal.A-
'itve1ty'Knit-rd1fi 1pUrti ii"1.3ilge'�tioll.
1Vheat is, of coul•ae, the most import-
-mit grain clop of the 11•est, the quan-
tity shipped la•iug :3ti.U1.S,UI7 bushels.
competed with 3.h 3,"dll bushels of
cera. 1,4511,)ettl lnlslle•Ir tot !barley. uud
:,17,1118 bushels of flee, the total being
13.933.'W buphelr. Of this. 19,2)101,157
Lurhelr Wint no United States ports.
Huh,tioat1radiug the hugest iltout
11ri(rd Sluts • l rtitiou ;u the
yi 1 to uousideteli;
cart rrtdc lentil he let
but Canada her the iulnle•nse adman•
lege of the Sr. Lawrence route con.
„tautly being improved.
The l'ul,uliau porta got '27.1119.1:31)
busheleof the season's grnin shipping.
divided nm follows :
TIJII II ... 7,1111,11'2
Midland .. 1171,115;
Depwt Harbor I,t131.1151
Owen Sound 1,:3[15.1117
tloilingwoal 7U1,3a
Point Edward I,la►,sis 1
rata .... . 7i' -111
(:sates ieltr - 4,1C31,tiU'2
Port ('oll.urrteISO 01/1
Thorold.......... 313,111
Ki asluu.... :a,:t'•t(844
{lire cots..'. - 11.0,111
Mon at _: • - ..-�-'1,71,41•?1
The t 1 -wa• ter route would , .r to
I t appear 1 Ie
hove do a less than one-half of the
1 it it e+er6-4-bat
touch 111. 1 • 11Catiru-grown 5111111 ie
for domestic use, and ueser toucher
rel ovpert pu 1t. 1t is highly pruh-
able that the (vnuplet' of 1114.
Nal' .11 . 'I'rlti1Rl tit Mental U-lilwav
will brad to still tither inerense of
.1treet w.u't , •'e by il. As an offset
to this, Imo..or. the 'ori 11west gra1u
crop will duuhtl.•cs l't'•tily•use•
with the monies. --item;•'
MisTa;a..- Dyke{ or, ifz'
Spring Goods
Many liner of Imported Mining -Goode ant coming ou already. We have • 11'1 /We (14115118111.1, Stripe„
and l'heckr. Linen Mullings and Point Cloths in these gotta atm a good steel be.: than they were last
year, and the colon; aro absolutely fast, with a perfect bluish. Our 15e Detainer err . urges.
EIl 1 sh
Suitin gs
Del. Ines
Stand .ird
Out 1'21c English are the Iwai cloth made to tell at that pli•e. All I1lues are
stamped Indigo Dye, 1111(1 are therefore absolutely fart in C.11or uud •loth. better
than for route time, \\ a have the Zest 1(lc Print to be found anywhere, and colors
just ar g,lol as in the tilt once. •
r b numbed
\\ u nru 1►andliug English Oiughaww this year. 'Guy aro liner uud better 11 urh( 1
nod surer cutin+ than other makes, and prices no higher.
In %Vhite, Navy, Alice, 1"ilwu. Brown, t'hs11ipaigne. Will wake up like real
Linen, wear Met as well, and only half the pt•ice.
The gouda aro better than in any ievioue year, Nothing like them, or as Good.
at the price; rolots perfect, wear the best.
1) k A ()orvele ere' tho best fitting and be: t is t erring corsets to be had for, the
prices asked. ' Always buy D .1 A, and you os i;I l t,• the beat. .
We.e,erry Standar) Patterns, and sell the I)•• -inner and Faabian Rook. Yearly
suloseriptiun for the Designer, 50e.
e 41��..✓�s r •
$2,000. WORTH OF
of Dodd's Kidney Pills are
legion. The box is imitated,
the outside coating and shape of the
pills are imitated and the name--Dodd's
Kidney Pills is imitated. Imitations are
dangerous. The original is safe. Dodd',
1Gdney Pills have a -reputation. [mita
tors have none or they wouldn't imitate.
So they trade on the reputation of Dodd's ,
Kidney Pills. Do not be deceived. There
is only one DODD'S. Dodd's is the
original. Dodd's is the name to be care.
►ul about -
Saturday evening, Fe ruary 6, at 7:30,.
-rte- -...
the Mar1:ilHvr,y ship o1 132nd. It sire KIDNEY
psu•te•1 n w"sol„••ship of :.'2, illi -bions
alld missionaries ale constantly kep•
br(aus. tea Uses; 4,7 -its rnerjrtir pried -
dent. Jtlss 'Wiggins. Two h..xes of
miscellaneous el'+ lelea were .4.111 (MI5)"
during the )ear, one to India valued
.11 $'St, and one to 131,11e•, N. W. T..
valm'l a1 CSN. 13.4(1317. the' H,itid
raised during 1 he year CO in money.
Ti'.l' W. h'. M S. I the ills ,•,
n t am ' of
ill- aeclet:ety reported through Miss
Mary %L o i is. The membership II our
hers thirty-eight. A lade of clothing
valued at 171 war rent 10 the North -
and $Lithia rnovety • testa -P Bret:
Mr, Torn presented the h otetirer's
st*t,nieut, comparing it with that of
1441 year. On 814.uual of an extra
bill of etde11.e, incurred 1 v painting
the clear.•h and mange barn. for,whicll
sperial_provieion_had 141:.14 made _iso •
th revenue, the balance of the previ-
ous ear was considerably rt•ducel.
bot t e statement for the year was
closed s 'th 41 balance of $31.55 on the
right sit -Th,: tidal am'.unt raised
by the run gatiou and all its organ-
izations for all purposes, including
benevolence f, the p•w0• or donations
in money for r 'lull purposes. wes
$.',7112 Of this mount 11,931. w.t,
-given forunieRiennt pup:)see- ---
The mot (Andre drill 1144 repyn tial hY
Dr. Strang, wets renlucelkby $31), leae-
inR $2,111 yet to be {said,
The retiring Inanagrra, A. Nairn,
Dr. Hunter nod 11. J. A. IrEwan,
weir re abated, as were is:, A.
Straitd and nd \V. McCreath. n 1 t tors.
(. .
An attack of mumps doesn't. cause
one to be puffed up with pride.
Repent it :-'•Sbiloh'a Cure will al•
ways cure my nought and colds."
The loan who Is swat.• of his igloo -
ance knows n whole tut mote Than
some Ripple, and hd 1(150(114 a latter
chance of making goal. - Chicago
News. . .
1Vht•n you are ranting
flown totTftlliiklt¢a-list of your
Went. Irl Ili•! f:ro.•ery line, and
!ting it 1.0 be.. 1111.41 promptly
with the, best nod most reliable
goo 1s to he haul lir call . 1111
Teleohooe No. 91,
and your orJer will he 'Mewl.. I
with (dual care and prowptne.•.
(bar stock of -
Teas and Coffees
4' tun.piety. A11 the heat 11.6'1-
itie. at 111e light prices. Try 11
batllple order.
Johnston's Military
cannot 1e Ia•nten. We sal it.
ray & Co.
The Gr ers Ol the Srirare
Jeweller, (loderich.
�411111111111M 11111111•11.-_- 411111=111012-
.1 SIM Silillelimen.M11111110,41101110111111110 • MD
Racer, Lan,.:, Disstons,
Premier. Buffalo Bill -
1 -
prices to clear, only a
few left. ,. Fancy Parlor Piece
Now that the excitement of CHRISTMAS and 1
ELECTION DAY is past, would it not be a •
I nice thing to have a nice
Morris Chair,
Oak Chair or a
Every snake Of
Saw Sets,
Files and Tools,
Axes and Handles.
Gloves and Mitts
At reduced Prices.
!,per lad Bargains in
Skates. Straps, Hockey
Sticks, Pucks, etc.
Stoves and Ranges at
Ito sit in during the cold winter night, or a nice
Steel Davenport Couch
Call and see my line of Brass Beds. Just think
11,11.1 also a 5.1.111hoc '.f MATRESSES and SPRINGS
• I keeq. n full lin. of IRON BEDS in sock all the
Phones t Store ce 1711.
•_0 Q111.11
Burns, scalds, cuts, abrasions and scratches, are
every -day occurrences in the kitchen, and a box
of Zam-Buk kept handy & used immediately
such injury is sustained will be found to save
hours of suffering. Fol' severe burns and
scalds this balm is wonderfully effective.
Mrs. Davis, of Earlsden Street, Coventry,
says; "1 was cooking one day when ma clothes
caught fire and I was badly burned about the
legs. Zam-Buk relieved the agony, and although
the burns were very deep, in a few days it healed
them nicely.
Miss Martha Green, of Claremont Street,
Toronto, in taking a pan of boiling fat from the
oven spilt it over her right hand. ' The boiling
fat ran into the palm of my hand," she says,
" and over all my fingers. You may well
imagine the agony I suffered in consequence.
was almost wild with the pain. Th: hand
became swollen, and large blisters fe.,rined all
over the palm and along the fingers. For over
a month I was unable to use the hand at all. I
tried several kinds of salves and ointments, but
The Abu%e arc hat a few In.t.uxr• .4Ihr vnnr116.,r.
,t . 1.. which 7.11 ,,.Rik
eaa he "n•Is' apph.d. h 1. wwwily eder:4.e ewe elite. 1.►nI
ahra,i.'mw •rrnin. aid *Menem. 1r ale, euro" .slams, ikon.. moon 51wwl•
lMNtmine ringworm. «•Itt ...sea rhnmpr wrolrolr acne, blackhead., plrnplr..
• eMIM 44' .e rha•ne•a Mand., rata .ares ani an .kin d!.ena•a ant henries.
Rubbed .' 4 .., the rh.•"t In rare. n1 C.M. It relMe.4 the arhlex 4114 tight
OOP* . ail 14)4,1.•,1 an an enhrocau ,n 11 roan rMamal ion .riallen, netra Ips.
Me All anlpt.(, *ea stews wIl luno -Nat at M rents n hut. ne (/rata Rut (;n, Teranto moon twolp1 pO,'e. Thr..,. M,,. I•,r Je^s
the wound seemed apparently no better.
" About this time 1 was advised to try
Zam-buk. I stopped using all other prepar-
ations, and applied Zam-Buk instead, the
very first application soothed my hand and
seemed to draw out the fire and inflamma-
tion ; and as 1 kept on using Zam-Buk, the
blisters gradually dried lip and diaepprered. In a ver) -
short, time the scald was hrded completely."
Mn. R. brown, of Calumet Avenue, Montreal, says:
" While busy in the kit.chea one day my oven door fell off
inflicting a nasty scratch on my 'ex. 1 didn`t tl'Ink much
of it., once the first sharp pain had gone; but the
dye in my "forking got into the wound and set. up
blood -p otsoning. 1 had a bad 1,-g for weeks and I
believe that had it. not been for Zam-Bak it would
have been b.ed yet. As soon as, acting upon the .r
advice of a friend 1 pelt. on Zam-581'4, I got r lief, and
the lnflammat.ion began 1.o subside. In (tw weeks
the wound was healed. In my opinion Zorn -Suit
should be in every h,me "
14.e aleerfAa flea.
°:stiff kti+fll'al:elli