The Signal, 1909-1-7, Page 7cc.
_ _ -
Mrs. William Futhesi
iting fes• a few weeks at
John McManus, who
1901 with his father's
settled near Weybu, ii,
visit and looks well and
The many friends of
and wife will be glad
they and their son. Mal
and fully reconciled to t
Mrs. Navin Chilton
from near tratford, a
Mrs. John rton's.
who hails fro the Iittl
Denmark, is along with
looking around well pie
Arthur Horton, wife
droll are ensiling .in
vicinity after au ale
years out went. Mr.
new Edmonton and
pioneer stage had a grit
ships to contend with,
overcome his earlier
feel justified in taking
visit the scenes of his t•
in now shaking hands
friends. He say. he is
friendly reception front
and many relatives.
Will Gourtice, of 1
visiting friends here.
- Mien Alaey tidlxrt
Mafeking school this u
A load of visitors fro
cession µtent New Y
Mn. John Kilpatrick's
Hart.Id Blake, of Loc
ing a few days with
Henry Maize and lane!
Our Collegiat.• etude
and Albert Shack%
Maria and Orville and
left for Goderich thi
sums their studies.
John and Victor C
been spending the Chr
at home• returned t,
occupation* on Thur
o Haitiilton and %
is to teach school.
S Tr
Alex. Barnlin h
studies at Lucknow
We are pleased I'P
ternp hell is able -to
Sohn McLean, of
few days as the gue
has goitre to
s shying for
**sics' iv** it" 4444 ;, 4, .. i411, ,is4.
News of the District. 41:1
is Gikiug during these Tong winter
ith, evening. a hind of putt -graduate
•course in the. Dominion statutes, with
i. sir an ()emotional dip into Wetsrfirstir"'
tionary by way of recreation.
err• in A if .11'1'i EVENT. --- Un %.titer -
►rad day. the 311th ult.. tock place the mous
riage of Alec. McDunal.l with an
estimable young lady in the penmen of
Stuart Miss Anuie Johtstiu. daughter of
It that John Johnston, 12th couerssion of
e well Arhtlrld. Rev. A. Miller
round- On the following Friday eveuiug +►
reception wee held at the handsome
1Siren, !new resideoc of the groom, at w
ting it le large number, about 1e1of
ilsun, guests were present. aiming whom
lout of
air U111'
•u (Stit-
hipcll and
tit tern
set tied
g tete
ly herd-
s.) far
e at to
east to
sy,' end.
a owl
vilir, is
were route from Ripley. Kiulnte and
Crewe. A dainty lunch wee pi...sided
for the guests in the (utseunt•tet, which
war prettily decorated fon the or'.
easinu. Above the table were -u.-
pbendtd artistically arranged ferusour
of fancy colored materials. tbtet act.
of which was very pleasing to the eye.
The varlyuy YLtttresuenta pr "v1•l"d
were heartily entered into by those
present and all appeared bo enjoy
themselves. The bride was the recipi-
ent of many valuable presents. It is
for sincere wish of the ft lends of Mr.
and Mrs: McDonald that this new and
important epoch of their lives, begun
under cirtttw.talices au auspicious.
may be attended with happiness and
prosperit • and that their futun• voy-
age may be over untroubled seas.
steeasorpt 1'l.uw-
dsy.. New remedy for est tactile/ teeth iHoiuw-
furwt. butler than its.. Crown :end bridge work.
etc. Aluminum yl.taa. numbreakat.trl.•
N. H. -You cat. lawny.. have
bettor duce In the drn-a 9W-1a4r9
better itsr Its,for doingthe work, more
furtsble for the uatient.
in Dungannon for The Signal 1. at the Pon
oats.• Itouk and Stationery Store. whit
ordr • will be reoelvel fur nubeeriptions. r1•
vertuung and job work, and receipts will be
gives for ewouuuw paid for the came.
%VEUNIau.AY, Jan. lith.
The. Misses Johnson spent New
Yeas's with friends in Clinton.
is sp,end
feel Mrs.
is, Minnie
and Misr
n Damin.
ting to r••
who have
Jolur goes
to Burk's
Jan. 5th.
timed his
rt that Rod
.end aasise
les. spent a
onald Mc -
Misa Maggio H
Merlin, where she i
some time.
Mise Wood. ripe
Monday last looktn
of her holidays.
Mn. John Mel
and David Partin
call here one day i
Mn. Chas. U'Har
ter have returned
ing Christmas and
mother's. Mrs. Jas
Nosh. --We ha
munication Lakin
tate remark. mad
respondent in reg
at the local opti
Lothian on Decrn,
says the comes
formed. We kr
matter, of course.
our oorrsponden
her school on
ch the better
,f Brook.dale.
a friendly
d little daugh-
e, after spend -
Year's at her
•ceiyed a enol•
eeption to cer-
t hr Lothian me -
i some dieor.fer
nesting held at
11th. The writer
ant was misin-
nothing of the
rept as totaled by
L s e LSH.
Rites Dec. 28th.
D. A. McDo, has got himself
well equipped fo a winter roads by
purchasing a ba tale new cutter.
Wainscot.- rat the natives be
alarmed if they ppen to see a soli-
tary figure sten g on the shote, with
frenzied eyes a wild gesticulations
apparently td sling fierce invec-
tives to the s ny waves of Lake
Huron. It is er Frsnks a rising
Cicero, or Hec A budding Demos-
thenes, who, a the wanner of that
fninous Ureek tar addressing the
sea -waves, is tieing for the next
PnesoneL. see Keith Scott and
brother, Elms sat, of Bervie, spent
Christina, da D. R. McKenzie s...
Peter R. Mc nzie, of Detroit, is
spending tholiolays amongst his
friends here. .. Alex. C. McKenzie
arrived hon last week from the
W ingham pita) ... Miss Aida
McDonald, • pronto, is visiting at
the home of parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jotin McDon The avoirdupois
of Eddie ' • , Kincardine, can bre
seen once n . in our midst.
$CHDnh xitTAINMINT. -- W e
leans, that , Rose had a very suc-
cessful cote, inment at his school,
No. 9, Hu • duri,rl .afternotNil
and evening last Tuesday. There
was a Targe nda,ce, almost all of
the adult m. hers of the families in
that section ing present, as well as
some from is and other sections.
Amongst th : ttractlens was a heav-
ily -laden stmaa tree and we
should not orget to Mention that
among the y pree.'nti` thereon a
large num r were for the teacher,
thus ehowi the high esteem •in
which Mr. .. is held by the pupils
and ratepa of that vection.
TotisuAY Jan, 5th.
Dan Outi,jjro�n, of Detroit, is visiting
at the panellist home.
Mrs. W. Matheson arrived home
from Glenne. last Wednesday.
Wm. and Donald A. Matheson, of
Toronto University, are spending the
holidays al hoes.
Mr. and Mrs. D. T. McKensie and
Mise Margaret McDonald ere visiting
friends in Toronto.
Kenny of 8trathvrtn and Neil J.
of the 181b are already plennleg to
take a flying trip to Alberta in March,
in order to tone up their Hogging
spirits for the spring work.
Jimmle of t o postoffoe, the cham-
pion long-distamp runner for Huron,
thinks that after a few more parties
his pedal extremities will be In con-
dition to compete with Longboat in
the near future.
'rho: O. t. I..trdents who bad beeu
holidaying herr returned to their
duties on Monday.
Will Crawtord and wife, of Toron-
to, are the guests of the former's
patents here at present:
Minter Durnio, McLean. Henderet n
and 1Vhyanl returned to their respec-
tive schools on Monday.
Thar. Anderson, formerly of this
place, but now of Clinton. wsa mar-
ried on Wednesday last t, Miss
Jarvis, of Hutment -Ole. We extend
gra u atTns.
Symms Mgtrri,u. -- At the school
meeting held on Wednesday of last
week Jss. Mallon h was elected in
piece of Thos. Wiggins. who retires.
It was alto decided that a secretary-
-treasurer be elected outside ' of the
school hoard. This is a step in the
right. directiou. 'file secretary i, to
receive some sew ineration for his
ANNUAL MxItriNo... -The annual
meeting of the West. %Vawanos.h
Mutual Fite Insurance Cum +any will
he held in the Agricultural Mall, Dun-
gannon, on %Vednesday. January
20th, commencing at 1 o'clock p. m.
....The arnoal meeting of the Dun-
gannon Agricultural Society will be
held in Elliott's ball. Dungannon. on
Thursday. January 21st, at _7 O'clock
p. m.
McNtl tint I. CONTENTS,. -'Ibe• muni-
r•ipal elections passed off quietly on
Monday. In West Wxw'attoeb
Stephen Medd defeated Reeve Bailie
by as majority of 48. Meesra. Thomp-
son. Watton, Aitehesou and '%aeon
were elected councillors. in Ashfield
the reeve and deputy reeve were re-
elected by acclamation, while Messrs.
Stewart, Kicklry and Dalton will be
councillors for the ensuing year.
Scrums RRIN)RT.-'the following is
the report ..f U. 8. S. No. 17. A.bHeld
and West %Vawante,h, for the mouth
of December : Senior V. - Flossie
Elliott, W2 per cent. Senior IV. Ella
Stothere, 72 ; Norman Kirk... 711 ;
Calvin Bailie. 1r2 : Carrie Dunkeld, 57.
Senior 111, -Oliver Kirke, 72. Junior
II1.-Ernest Mctirat ten, :ti. Senior
H. - •Isobel 8tntlters, Nu : (;lady.
Rivers, 73 ; 'Marie Sproul, 00. .Junior
II. - "'John Sproul, Ia). Part 1. -•bra
8tothere,'t45: •Howard Sproul. mom,
whoa, Hainer are marked thus*
missed one or more of the examine -
4u. ,i.
04 %gull
TU KNU.% Y..1 . h
Nt•, and Mahe%./tlt
visiting frieutle iti futt+JAlt Iveek.
The weather haw htfyn so wild that �
dandelions were see, in ;full bloom on
the rnadaide.
Walter Dickinson rets t,,..t !o Haul- I
iiton last week niter spending a short i
time with friends in this %icinity.
Mise McLean is back agtiu to her
e'buullnoking hale and hearty. and
Mies Olive rooster
r paN gone to teach at
Taylor's Corners.
The Misses }'lo and Viola and the
Mesons. Aleck and %Villie Bogie at-
tended the brill et Kinttil on New
Year's night and retort an enjoyable
MoNDA Y, Dec. Gtlth.
JirrrtNt.a. -- Mr. anti Mrs. Myles
Muir, of %'oleos, spent Christmas
with t- 1±iltries neither. Mss..
Edward Brophy .., ... Me, std Mee.
Dan Phelan spent Christnnul with
John ',eddy Henry Tisdale,
who is attending business college
in Toronto. spent Chris seas HA
his home near Donnybrook ?dins
Corinne Laurendeau is visiting friends
in Pontiac, Michigan, at ptei'lit
Mise Ruse McCarth> is spending her
Holidays at her home in Mert•ittou.
Nies Ethel Ferguson 1s visiting
friends in Detroit 1his '.serk Its%.
Jewett Wilson. 31rs. NVilrun and
daughter. Miss Ruth Wil.un, of'I'ur-
ron n, spent Christmas with Sit•. moi%
son's parents on the 7th concession.
Quite a number of people from
e . e concert
this vicinityad the c
ft u I
Auburn tact V['eotne,dav night
Joseph and Wm. i eddy are busy
drawing maple lugs to Lucknow at
present tins. Mcllltire spent a
pleasant day in %Vingham last work.
Rotitt•t Fergu-un 1. helping A.
Johnston to rut wood this week.
,John McCabe returned home
fro 1 Calgary Iasi week.
MONDAY. Jan. 411,.
it Ferguson visited friends in
and vicinity last week.
Josey Flynn spe•01 it few days
with frig de in l.ondsm last week.
Patrick Valsh is visiting friends in
the Staten U rill, 1.. S., at present.
(bus Me(iut a and John %.eddy were
engage l lutes • for T. McCabe last
William Wil s i and niece, Miss
Betsy McAllister. spent New Year's
with friends at tib asp enrc.
A . .ft.... ir' vicltlty at•
tended party et % J. Todd's last
Monday evening ;t•el Nport hevipvg
had it gond tiine.-
TUESDAY. Jl►n. lith.
W. Told returned to Cargill on Sat-
• Mrs. W. E. Gurdon spent New
Year's its Oodcrich.
Mrs. John Murray and daughter are
sinning friends here.
Miss Elizabeth Miller unturned to
H Iton on Monday.
%VJ. Smith returned to Peter-
borough on Satuirlay.
Mins Mims Rutherford returned to
Toronto on %Vedn•adey.
(Iranian Salkeld. of Goderich. vis-
ited at 8t. Helens Inst week.
Donald ('lark returned 1 , the Gode-
rich Collegiate Institute on Monday.
Misses Eva and ' Lizzie Salkeld, of
Stratfonl. visited their aunt, Mrs. D.
Mrs. D. Todd, jt-., and daughter
Vera returned from Michigan on
Tuesday last.
Misses Mary, Margaret and Lilian
Clark returned to their respective
schools this week.
%Ve are sorry to hear that Will Mc-
Urt•gor is laid up with a severe cold.
We hope t, see him around again
very soon.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Humphrey and
family have returned from Yellow
Urase, Man. They sold their property
out West and will now reside nn their
farm here. We are glad to have them
hack again..
Untie. M. E. BARKLEY. Teacher,
WxnIr,D.--On'i%'edneselty, i►ecem-
her :iah, at 12 o'clock noon. the mar-
riage of Mie Alice Daley, eldest
daughter of Mr. and Mex John Daley,
Neafnrth. to N. F. Whyard, of Dun-
gannon, took place at the home of the
bristle parents. The ceremony was
performed by Rev. David Rogers.
Thi bride and groom were unat-
tended and were married in the pres-
ence of only immediate relatives.
After the wedding dinner had been
served Mr. and Mrs. Whyard left on
the SAO o'elo.•k train to spend the
honeymoon --at -itlsirw--ettd-
Ameng those in attendance from here
were Misses'!•uelma, Clara and Maud
Whyard and Nettie Sproul,
TUESDAY: Jiro. Mb.
1". Baugh has again left our midst.
Goodbye to sleighing. for a time at
Arthur Hoes is home from the
West, a guest at the home of J.
A jolly good time was spent at the
home of Bob Thompson, of the text
township. when Mies Ruthie enter-
tained a number of her Benndller and
Otderhth friends.
Mr. aid Mrs. Jack Stephens, tip in
McGaw town, celeltrated the thirty-
fifth suniverlrtry of their wedded life
on New Year's Day. A number of
relatives and friends were present and
spent an enjoltableeeening.
Skating Saturday night was glori•
ous, and a large ctwwd of young
people from far and near gathered to
indulge in the spirt. Too bad we
haven't a reeipe to keep pee from
melting when a thew comes.
Aa some evidetoe of the unusually
open winter we hays had no far we
may mention the fact that the Math-
eson brother+ were ploughing nn
'Wednesday of last week and also are
doing so this day (Tuesday).
The annual school meeting. of
toehold, and Hemlock City were held
last Wedoeeday. The nuoing
trustees of these schools, John Finlay-
son and M. 1• MeKay, respectively.
www rs•*Neted for another term.
John I►., the well-known stendaett
aethtxfty on our ProvirtcW statptes,
bins, reside. After -a Kriel' visit. ,n
Des Moines they %sill take up haus•'.
keeping in Chicago.
it ii'wets. At KKuisttia.rat.- A
pretty house w•eddiug.took plaice +tt
high noon uu Tuesday, Deeetulwr
✓lith, et the residence of Mr, toll M te.
Henry AekersvHier, of Ellice wwurhip,
Perth a ty, when their Odes',
daughter, Matuir, wits united in mar-
riage to Ito Itathwell. of (iudern It
township•.i1f;eA. lttibert Marlin. Pres
hyterian ;Olds( it at 'tt-at1 n -d, offici-
ating. The bride and goons were 1111-
• I bride was
attended a atrwiu std w+
attired in her travelling suit of blue
br•,ndeluth with braided net waist.
The happy couple left on tl.. :,:a)
train tor Clinton, and on their at•rl'i
al their 1 • on the hayfield brae: a
reraptinn was tendered thew and a
very enjoyable evening was stIern' by
all present. Their many ft•ielnils are
heartily wishing them is happy and
prosperous future.
- stwrre--Mttm)tu-mr.- Thmar=
ridgy of _firs Elizabeth Middleton.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
Sliddleton, and }Alward Iltnupton, H.
A., of Ottawa, eldest sun of Richard
Hampton. Moue.. Forest, war aolwta-
nized on Wednesday, December er ]`.fed,
at high new at St. J church
Uederieh township. The ceremony
was erf Jr ted by Itev. \Villi:un Dun-
bar. The bride wore +t Is•conliug
gown of chiffon ruin, • with orange
blossoms and veil, a family heirloom.
Jlis. •Hattie- Middleton, wearing 11
pretty heliotrope crepe de clietle and
r116Li. ' . ate i11114d ail
iy . The groomsman was Arthur
Hamp a n, of Muuut Forest; l i they of
the gi ori. 'rhe ushers wire }'rr 1.
Middleton +u and -William Middleton
brother and- cousin of the pride-
After the marriage the guests, the 1...1
at1'. . of the bride and groom. also
Mr. and Mrs. Dunbar and Mi"' Kin -
mottos Toronto, repaired to '•White•
hall' t.. pat take of the wedding break-
fast. The happy couple Left fur 'Tor-
onto on the 3:9) train amid showers of
rice. confetti and good wisher. 'flip
future home of Mr. and Mrs. Hemp•
son will be at the capital.
Trgao.ty, Jan. 5th.
Mrs. Thos. Miller died at her home
here on Ratunlay. grid inst., aged sev-
enty-one years. Interment took place
this afternoon in Kinloss cemetery.
Miss Amanda Murray, who has
trr•en with her parents at Hear fake,
It. R., diel Sunday. The remains will
be brought to Lucknow for burial.
The deceased wan ,one of the most
highly esteemed young ladle. of this
its: ELK -✓ions.- -The entire avail-
able tote of this village was polled at
the election contest yesteriny. whih,
resulted in the election ns councillors
.►fir "M(trdpeit, M.
Mitchell and D. N. Lawrence. The
local option bylaw was defeated by
ten vote.. John Joynt was elected
reeve by rirrlanat.ion, the other n -
ine.•s having withdrawn from the
flekl. in Kintner Township Councillor
McLennan wits elected reeve. The
conncillurs elte.ted are John McDiar-
tnid. H. %lathers, A. McKinnon and
John Weights.
Mies Jessie Oke gave her many
friends a very enjoyahie time on New
Years night, at her home. The party
was prepared in honor of her cousins,
Frank Puekerin and Guy Brownie',
of Pickering, Ont., who were guests
there. We got home early as usual.
The hays of Renmiller and Carlow
intended having a hockey match no
New Year's Day down on the old
Beenmlller rink. The Carlow boys,
however, with the exeeption of a
couple, failed to appear. Rett the
boys played hockey. Oh, yea I And
maybe some of them didn't•have any
sews from the battle 1 Boys will he
MONDAY, Jan. 4th.
i)tuRY ST0.•K,-E. (1, Williams. of
the -Maitland cnnces+.ion, nrrivud
home with a carload of grade Hol-
stein rows last Thnreday. This looks
good for the cheese factory; as this
will he the fourth carload this session
in this vicinity.
TrESDAI', Jen. 3th.
James D. Howitt was elected whim'
trustee at the amain' school luertiug.
Rev. J. R. Mann and Miss Mann
tent New Year's visiting friends at
Shearer Wilson. ..f London, has
Jaen visiting friends mud relatives in
this neighbxn•hood during. the past
Chas. Howson is bms.y witting lum-
ber and turning out rollers st present.
Mr. Clark, of Goderich, is attending
to the sawing..
Our educational institution is again
open and the thinking powers of our
yu.rtitfrd citizens are undergetttg-Tine
process of expatbiun.
The election of trustees for the vil-
lage last Monday resulted in Messrs
Phillip'. Ferguson and Lemp boring
the successful candidates.
Last. Monday evening was spent by
the Anhutn Sabbath Scholl Associa-
tion executive in completing at-
rangements for the convention, which
will in• held in the Presbyterian
r•hurch on this Itb of February.
F.1RMiRw' I KTiTtTIS Mr -estates. -
There should be a large attendance at
the meetings to be held under the
.tuspires of the West Huron Farmer.
institute in the Teuaperanee hall,
Auburn, on Tuesday next, The alter -
11a0 meeting will rorilnlence at
o'clock and the evening meeting at
7:31I. In the afternoon the :ill he a
meeting for ladies at the Orauge
Hall, to be addrere.etl by Mies. Susie
Campbell, of Brampton. The evening
}'ARM MOLD. - Mr. Nelson, who
bought the McLeod faro) on the
Huron roast, About t two years ago, hs
sold the sAMP t, Mr. Iliek, formerly
of Colborne, for 115,4110. This is Shu)
more than he paid for it, showing
that the price of good land le not de-
Romorta--MAH58AI.t..-A very
pretty wedding was solemnized on
afternoon, December:tfith,
at the residence of Edward Marshall,
of the Rayfield road, Goderich town-
ship, when his daughter Florenee
was united in t he holy hands of met
t•imsiny to Janie. E. Robbins, of Chi-
cago. The bride looked charming in
e travelling suit of grey (London
smoke) with hat and gloves to match.
The fortnnat.• groom is a railway
clerk of the N. T. Central lines snot
hes his home in Chicago. They were
attended b► James Mai shall and Mies
Anna Mari•hall, of London. Immedi-
ate!atter tie r r mony, which was
erwed by Rev C. Ft. (tonne, of
Linton, the happy couple took the
afternoon train to London, ••rt route
Repeat it i-" Bbibb's Owen will al- to Chicago and Dee Monne., Iowa,
where the giwom'e father, Dr. Rete.
ways cure my oougbs *ad wide."
"I have taken Scoffs
Emulsion for six weeks
and have found it a won-
derful remedy. Before I
took the Emulsion I had no
appetite ; was weak ; had
lost nearly fifty pounds of
flesh, and now I eat well
lnd am gaining every day.
'i find Scott's Emulsion to
be very easily digested and
a good food for all weak
people." -FLORENCE
BLEEKER, No. 1 Myrtle
Avenue, Bridgeton, N. J.
This is only one of thousands of
cases where
hss given an appetite. it's so
easily digested that it doesn't tax
the digestive organs and they rest;
yet the body is wonderfully nour-
ished and built up. The digestion
is improved -then ordinary food
is sufficient.
Gmwing boys and girls, who need
so mush food to keep them well
and strong, and also growing,
should he given a bottle of ticte is
}:art stoN every few weeks. it
does wonders for them. It pre
vents their getting run down and
spindly. Nothing does them so
neck good,
Let as •bad ane .flit•• letter, and Mem
eon on IA, a se -t A Peer (led. awls.
y.wr .Mow, sad W meow at On l aMt.
i. Navh•.t.
12e Wati.sre. 34'.. W. 'rewash
You May
Need It
Ask your doctor about the
wisdom of your keeping Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral in the house,
ready for colds, coughs, croup,
bronchitis, 1f he says it's all
right, then get s bottle of it
at Dace. Why not show a
little foresight in such matters?
Early treatment, early cure.
We ubILb our f r
p . ouW
W• b.el 1
•b loon•
hon ..u, �eAl..nw
ors W.e.e. t.
Many a boy is called dull and stupid,
when the whole trouble is due to a lazy
liner. We firmly believe your own doc-
tor will tell you that an oocasional dose
of Ayer's Pilinill do such boys a great
deal of good. They keep the liver active.
KMS remese es assns.zrasr•-
tneetnig will In. a joint use•. Whys he-
'mg especially invited to attend, and
en a4ditinn. to the tist or addresees
there will be a musical program.
When madeby
Itttltltttt�s �tllttlW 4111011911
The Tailor West St. 1
promptly attended to.
Lots of
Hampton St. 'Pilose no. 105
• t/
Stormy Weather
prat .nun. The 'season for wet
walking. wet feet and pneumonia.
That is, if you ;fro trot provided
with stormy weather footwear.
Ile wi: retold germs. ;t pair of our
Thev ale not the big and clumsy
kind you hnv' been 14'ed to ragging.
They are snug, warm and water-
tight, yeI are smart enough in
apjearanrr t, wear in ally weather.
Ifnrnessfot .t our
horse is like rt snit
of clothes for your
if you are fasti-
d 1- can. Allit.
you ; if on feel
tied (eon y umst
be 11111r161e11, 1 nm just as willing to
help you ; no matter whet your
demand.. .u. , I stn satisfy you.
Substantial Harness
is the rhenpest in the end. Qnnlity•
workmanship mid the low price*,
make rale a friend -winner.
Make a jndiciotte cnmparisnn and
yon will eh•ohle in my tarot.
If yntt are interested in gnrrlening we want to send
you our New 1909 Catalogue. This is one of the most
complete veld catalogues published. %t ith the cata-
logue we vi include, f. re ofchargc,spackage ofeet,l
atter seperh 0.t red( 1'cetLer Aetrr. aLi. It has teeth,
en', snow elle,. ll. ictus frequently for inches sans.
1f preferred you time chne.e a package of our kuseian
Gipntl.Ut:ce nr Colossal %l lite $,igar heat seed.
Write te'day and sow year lecke. ales aseslten
deem of this paper.
• Dash A Rentor Sexed Co., 13mitd.
L.eden, Ont.
sate of tae teeiee..e OAI5A
swam Asses wing fns
Tol'Na' AY, •J.mivary 7, 1,4
wish all their patrons
and friends
A Happy and Prosperous
New Year. -
ha%t• many articles suitable for the gift season :
G LO V E: S,
.1nt1 ahoy other things that an. usetltl and sensible.
Art Tailors and Clothiers
New Year Gifts
We pri11euur,•I%1.- a 1.1111ine;Nutt. year Gifu.
and We hear ,Iiany Het' :ing remarks on the ex••ellence.1quality
•,• o c Ouse '•,t
and ales, the %ergs a e of arcticles t 11 from
Before Sure you come hale first and see our's, and we are sure we can omit the most critical. -
- _, We jtls/, carr' et 1111110. este .✓fume of
New Year Post Cards.
Butland's .Drug Store
The Square Goderich
Holiday Goods .-
Perfu : _res, Hair Brushes,
Mirrors, Manicure Sets,
Fine Pipes in Cases, Presentation Packages of
Cigars, Cigar Cases, Tobacco Pouches, etc.
001110 061.0
The New Years Season
is nearing us again, and the question that
presents itself. to every person at this .
season i`:,
What Shall 1 Get and
Where Shall 1 Go
To Look for Good
and Useful ... .
Christmas Presents?
We have: a large autl well assorted stock -
- ort' suitable goods for presents and we are _ only too pleased to show them to you. We
►night suggest a few out of our large stock:
English decorated Granite -ware, at greatly
reduced prices,
Carving Sets in cases,
Carving Sets out of cases,
Rodgers 1847 Knives, Forks and Spoons,
Rodgers 1847 Sundries,
Pocket Knives in all sizes and styles,
Scissors, in cases or separate,
Safety -Razors,
Hockey Skates, all sizes and prices,
Hockey ticks,
Shot Guns and Rifles,
Bissell Carpet Sweepers, a variety of styles,
Library and Hall Lamps. ,
For the preparation of Christmas
Puddings, Cakes, Vince Meat., etc, we
have Raisin ,Seeders, Vegetable Slicers,
Meat Cutters, etc. With these the slow,
tedious work is Clone quickly and made a
Wi have added another new. branch to
ou vlell•rtlnipix'd Plumbing, Tins mitbing
anti Steam fitting shop: it is the welding
of Cast-iron, tited,-l;ast-Iron to Steel or
l'aMt-Iron to Brass, by a new process,
\Velllarine, anti we guarnt"ten it as strong
as it was before the tires; .•
Do notthrow away yonr broken castings,
bring them in mrd have them repaired.
• u' t
, '`'.akin
bast -rc-
. r
Aei dada. V.
rt: -v'•_
11111Mtttttttt IIMMa
there 'Phase ea
NOUN 'Phone It
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