The Signal, 1908-12-17, Page 11• ••• •1 .111111=11•1111• 4•••••1=•••••••, Are' You Interested In 4 ChG ristmas ir-t r. ,t .t !•+ FOR A LADY 111 4,1 14'..1. 11 • •1 • ' 1 • MISS CANADA' SHOES $3 00 to $4 oo. _ to $t is 1 Oc, and $1.25 111 1: SLIPP fr1.11711 75C Op. FOR THE RO rtpliEfISON'S • t.tar3 HITCH 11 WE HAVE A ULL STOCK OF SHOLS S FOR LIIILDREN. AND SUPP G. M. lOtt 1 Christmas Fruits ORANGESF IGS. DATES. CURRANTS. RAISIN.; ALL CLEAN , AND FItESIL She Isn't worth a fortune, d she h d In hate1170 of c..iri.rig har a IlrtflT and 140 butterfl.es.' But when she comes in tired from and crawls my knee. 00114 worth a hundred miilions to he BABY'S- VALUE Shp sits arricmg her d41, andrtays.. and doesn't seem to care wea:th is all in rosy cheeks and locks of curly hair. She Joann—arm rne. tore wdinor terr,--ealt-weas— A cheque drawn on love's bank with iust he, giances sweet irTd 6+1M . On And when she puts her soft arms round rnv neck and coos glee. She's worth uncounted millions to her mn,he• end to me mother and to me. And when she's In her er,b at night, a The wealth of Croesus couldn't buy , And as she blinks her rougish eyes to She chuckies mea fortune with each And though she has no fortune. I am She's a fortune. more than mone1i 10 11•11 nd cosily tucked in. the dimple In her ,play at peek-a-boo. archly -spoken coo. Sure you wail agree to her mother and Connecticut Oysters Tho Finest on the Market Johnston's Military liorne-rnade Bread Try d and you wad have no other G33.13 Proni7t:y. STURDY & CO. THE GROCERS. 1 1'1)1! Na. 9:. Wzit S..hSitarz omosmsorvowyczeleMillMot Stormy Weather Coming • 1 I,. 11 I. •111 I 44 - .1 fO4.1 I WATER and WEATHE R PROOF SHOES. and ti111.1,. 1 11,1,, he 011 11 Ca t'/%1.4111$: 00 1 1 III 11 1 01 4.4 I 1•1 ..1 ,11 11 t 1 1,1 "11 1. h. r. _GOGERICII ”vtittnrommtimmrttmtirmmmitttmr,fmmItmtrri.". 1 SKATES - SKATES Is All the best makes carried in stock • wit hi n eame 110111505515P0 MIMI !IV. which lotted toe nonte minutes Tw'fole the door Will P.trilS ',Pen" 11n41 the leader admitted. In it similar mannei. Otte by ona, p n nod innnerliwiely ideated anneing with: lietuied energy around t'Ite clear 0(00,.,. lo NIP Ace panitrient a Mug 1 !no. hrll cries and the hoont Of the medicine drtim." Fi ton t(111)0 inte ”ther daneera followed in di tier - 11,4 rostaime.i. some with imwn 1164 virowk et,' and thin continued for over two bourn. On Saturday the "Potlatch" proper wag held. ;when the Rover of the eelpheation dInIribut*d 1011in each and VIP in goods. etr, Ittn"tlir threw present, that hi. dangli- ter and her child "might be retnerm. bered forever." nrn a pine 411 1 feel it timning all over in'. 1 hal e fully it lew minutes to live! Remember ine - "Let me nee the gii:tb. hook." Rah( his blend. Turtling to lle• 140111)411, he found, "I:eau do lac eat hien poi • 1111111.11111. (the WAIN- of thio I die ale le in 11,111. "h that the meaning of it "Certainly." The dying man looked op with a radiant eountenanei. "11 1111. A% 011111 11AVE 111.C11111P of you.- amid hi.. friend. 'if I had not met you "8 should have died of imperfect knOwledge of the French language." Repeat, It :—"Shilok's Cure Will al- ways ctu4Rwx7 cough' and colds." 11.ttlay P.vening, Dee. 11 Livery...1 Stiehl notaries ringed 10•110Y 1..1 tilatinr than Matiaiday, and corn re- mained unchanged. At clileago, December wheat 1.111111,1 1,, lower than elatniday; 1wrocmteir corn dos. eil higher, and Irecember *ate tor. Winnipts Options. Wheat. July it WI 11,1, December Ire asked, May 11,01% 001 trate -Irerentlair 273aii b1,1, May (Vic bid Toronto Grain Markets. Wlient, fall. bath 00 10 to $ . Wheat red. bush \Vilest, gootte, bush Ry. , bushel 060 1,4041 Illuckwheat, bush** 058 .... Peas, bushel 0 10 Barley, bushel 0 62 858 OW. bushel 0 48 6 GI Toronto Dairy Markel Bawer.. *operator. &kw s1111 10 0 91 ••.• 1 to S1..9111. YO1r111,11,• 110 Wt.*: 1111111. 81 to toughs /6 2, 8., tan). Shigs. 14 11- ,1 71. dairies, $:.i,, 1,, 6006 Slools And !kinder Receipts, 14,101 head: ' eh, pp. el,,*, active. lambs, 82 to '17 7o, kearlinsta. 67i.72 Ifni wether, 41.48 8., $4 11-1 lo 114.26; sheen 1101*(11, to 8/.1Z. Canada tombs,. $7 to $is,i New York Live Stock. NFINV fe.e 14 - !terve* -14ec,•Ipts, 479: Steers. 0(40 end generally 14,' to 1'. lower.; bulls, Steady to atrotg; Mtn rows. 10,' blither; other'', Mtn, common to p.1 of. pletom, al to *4.1.01, bolls. 8270 to *8.0'. cows $1 70 to $410; few western cows, 11 50, 4'alvea.-.11.4elplei, 2872, 00141., sternly to Plow; barnyard end weatern ealtea, weak In • abode lower.. Veal', to 110 00, rune, so to ssfA, barnyard 82.61 to 14 Western calves, 115 A, Wheep and Lamba—Reeellita, 20,011 Pheen slow In 60e lower, tenth., doll and Se rift Sheep. *11081 to 6426, re*, at MO; runs, 12 to $7In *760, owe cars choice, 17 cub% bah to $1; roar. thiga. pia to w Bissell's Apair would make AN EXCELLENT CHRISTMAS GIFT SKATES, !‘ \IVES and SCISSORS SHARPENED. ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND SUPPLIES always on hand and E- ELECTRIC WIRING done in the most approved way. - WM. YULEKingston Street. Goderich , Sweepers. The Howell Hardware Co., bat -06