The Signal, 1908-12-10, Page 2>0 Taoaaoas. December I0, 1 SOS
Telephone ('4411 No. 3.1.
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gale or to Reit. Farms for Sal or to Item.
Articles for dale. '[c., Ca e t1•g eight
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rt (or..
Announcements In onllniu; reading t7l•o ten
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Anyrrt W notice theolu ''t of elects i+ the
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Address all oommuuIcauous to
T1)c •
d►;,..cried. out
SODXRICE. TBUILSL►AV. 1»:t'. 1 1741.
11 b sometimes made a matter of
-ihid churchmen d0 not
e any lively interest in the human
and social movements of the
day, so tar •as these ant•distinguiel ed
f purely rrligiews--wrIFTitie...
There are always exceptions. how-
ever, and in this case the rule i.
proved -by the addreree given -in -Tere+u
to the oth • day by the Bishop of
Michigan, v. Dr. C. E. at'illiam e
who appears o be x crusader in the
movement 'for ecouowk and social
Speaking of the
tames which are a 1
of the last half -cent
ironically drew a pict
lionaire• ars ho had been
' gardvd up to a recent
lionaires and multi -Alliin
been described, "particularly
feserrs of economies and colleg
dents in privately endowed i
lions, in pictures -qui. geographical
meteorological figures. :as cloud -co
pelting Joves which iTlaiributet
gentle dews of heaven upon the needy
crops and sent its rain upon the just
and unjust, as an economic and indus-
trial Providence to whom (nod in His
infinite wisdom had. committed the
resources and wealth o{ the world,
that they might adri iniatet hem for
the benefit of His children."' --But of
late there had come a decided tl,g.
great pennate Ter-
tinctive feat ate
y. the Bishop
e ..f the.auils.
.pularl re -
ate, Ma-
ier, had
by pro•
of atmosphere. and a question that4
demanded some straight thinking and
careful. dispassionate consideration
was. Why was the multi -millionaire
so unpopular today ? Was it dere
envy and jealousy of his riches, m•
was it the effects of wealth on life
and character ? Wealth, particularly
sudden wealth, very often dehuman-
ised its p0ssemsor, and commonly
rotted the soul out of a man. All
that undoubtedly aggravated the
popular Passion. But its real roots
lay deeper. The spirit of denertscy
demanded justice. and would not take
charity as a substitute. and the hot. -
tom question in the minds of the
people today was, ••\Where did you
get $ nese unlimited riches?",
Tifoluctive activity, the 13ishop
pwiafel out, is the one 'mime of hon-
est sad legitimate \ wealth. Then
theist is the wealth t t comes front
privilege, le,fal stet .--There is
the ...met rebate ; there is the tariff.
"the mother of trusts; " thele is the
public franchise. enabling this posses-
sor to appropriate the - common
wealth. His remedy was to stimulate
and encourage productive activity in
every possible way, stake it free, hay
no burden upon it, put not an ounce
of tax on any product of human
energy, skill or industry-. $e6•ondly,
to abolish all special privileges. legal
and illegal ; tax them out of exist-
ence. And lastly, to use the com-
mon wealth for the common weal.
\find let nature's bounties belong ti'
nature's children.
An ' 'sew glen hy the president
of the E . rimental Union et Guelph
contained- he signifleant statement
that the fat • , rs of Ontario are "min-
ing" their Ian, at her than farming it.
1f they were 14 maintain their poli•
lion as (Igrictlltur' 1s, h. .aid. they
must mend their w'it and give mote
attention to Intensive arming.
The some &meeker + :grated that
one of the greatest peple is affecting
agriculture today is the icteric of
noxious weed. throughout t e whole
country, decreasing the annusl yield
twenty pl'1 cent. and meaning n an-
nual lose of many millions of do! rs
J. W. Cerra. K. ('.. who 4•irs -4116
Liberal candidate in East York tat the
last Provincial_ eleslione, jodi4 - alt _the
demand for a Provincial convent' `01
Literals for the purpose of framing ik
platform. Mr. Curry does what some'
other Literal,. (lave failed to do ---he
lackm up his .1e111an11 for a convention
by proposing mom. Idled of progreosive
'silky. Ile dulvoeates the shnlition of
the bar, the Cnntl„1 of telephoner by
the Provincial Government, reform.
In the administration ,.1 Outlive, ami
other meaettres.
If there {a Any tea)onalde prospect.
'list the Liberal. of Ontario, shed•,
they find themselves in ..invention it
e►ntbled, win ld 1w aide to sgtt•e on .1
platform• of radical reform, by all
means let the cuuvt•utiuu be called. 1
Otint\, i,e it would he the part of wis-
dom to wen, until such /otelitionei
11 years hence. It should he it fair ant power tat a trial judge. The plaintiff. The Hoderich Township Rifle Asso-
reasonahle rule, having the orderly \Vlltlatn ('antelon, is a rtltIt d 'tartber--i'titlon's ball haat Frldsy nicht at the
despatch of public Neatest as its only r siding al Clinton, and the defendant, Hall was a great sur04N..
object. .a (,loaner residing in Goderich. town- � Tlts Btaokstone or climate supplied the
"- -- ship. The plaintiffasks for a 1'Pa•o0. music.
%eye nee 'of land in the township of
arrive. There is no earful purpose to POLITICAL NOTES.
be served by the calling of at conven-
tion simply for a big "hurrah." for the
passing of meaningless resolutions
and the delivering of speeches by polit i-
elatls-or1TFe hast on dead t.,nPs.
Let there Is• a live, we-mean-husi-
n.s.kindc-f eon%.ntion, or teem it,atl.
Ooly Iwo week. to Derry Christ•
The Posiadlice l)eltarlutent has
deniwl The l'xlgery Eye Opener .the
use of the mails. Score our for Dau
• A debate in a country school' house
lawn near Uo.Iph the other:day on
the proposal that huchelotw in Canada
.l of , IN•1 e • s 1 in td d 'awe. tl 1
taxtaw. resulted r
It'. gtitta,• Sty warm. boys.
it i4 estimated that fifteen thousand
Westerner, will spend the Christmas
.muton in Eastern Canada. This is 0
good wag' i11 which to maintain the
tends of friendship l.. twren East and
Wharton it looking to the Untni•iu
1We.t Shore Electric Nai1Aay. The
t:twadi-n. {wbliistele Eat that town,
rays : .
"Wharton wantsletter. railway
tgeilit1e . See that- the u*-u))W\(8re
fru era ; a ._)avtu_.Ut of»144g_ after that
Lake Sbo. • line."
Sit'Wi'tfr:d LAM iter was reported td
be among the passengers who were
and of
St. Paul, \lieu• As th.• Premier, was
in Ottawa at the time, the repxlrt
gerated." Since 10110 Sir Wilfrid has
wonderfully clear of accidents,
political and otherwise. `
Itionirrich to etiutself, on the ground
The following despatch fruw 01- ; that tlli•lc0tlVeyallge from the plaiutit1 i
taws is published : ".It is un lerotood to the .lcfendalt, his nephew, was w•
then' R. L. Bolden will issue a circular loured by undue►nttusaveateltiettalte`r
letter to the Conservative members said we. an improvident act un the
.4=elle►-btaw Pat•lirsateut. eskau(4.++laiitiiti'a.-l+ahatt.. lu Dusalteru,tt;t:.s.
there to decide a0, to the leadership., the plaintiff ask* for site, petition-
itie etiti n-
Il is also stated that he will nut ape Once of the terms tat a mortgage
pear in the House until this matter' ,executed by the defendant by which
ham leen massed upon By the party. I he was to lay it nominal 40111 and pro
11 le nut. kiddy that ouyogewill up- I vide fo*- the plaintiff. Ppnulitot,
pose ata I1ui us..liu then t.Ltttl.l'J%'elf.} JJ4ys k libel'. tor 1 *Il11i1T..-Vick In•_,
effort wade to ``oetlOnle any action etni k (iatrow for de end)lnt,
until the ee•euud ,e•.aun 11f the new 1
l'arliunleut, eo as to tenable the Con -
aervative menthe,* 10 ('1wsult their
constituents beton• taking a v Ste." 'sue Cyst r) C.\N.4l0 %N Mao t-
' . fewer than sixty-six - protests INr.:--'!be Christinae number of The
have 'wen lodged in connection with (tateadia4) Magasi,u' stands a. evidence
the ret•en1 Dominion election.. 111 that in literary eluality ands artistic
Ontario there are four .on each side : ability CAnadisn writers end illustrat-
in Quebec the Conservatives have
entered twenty-four protests and the
Liberals are contesting every one of
the eleven seats won by th'e Uotl.ervu-
tivea : in Sew Brunswick there are
two i emir side : in Prince Edward
hand nue on each side : in British
11,o superior
advantages i n
Ladies Mugu, _ F tate
Art, Elocution
College- and PhysicalCul-
ture, Domestic
Science, Business College Courses,
Literary and Scientific Courses. 441-
so Public School Classes for young
girls. Cheerful, wholesome, home-
like. Fur ('atafugue, address :
O "The Registrar," ALMA COLLEGE.
1 St Thomas. Ont.
antra!) hold theft own with the (Iver• 1 �r-w-e.-.,-Y-----r-•-�-�
age of proaue•ba, 11ny\vhere. It 1s
it splendidly representative Ceti/idiom `
hinge...Me, ant a n .taiei indieati4in of •
the advances that batallte.•)) made ill t OPENS
:a literary 1ted artistie way in the 'Do-
minion. , 'l'here Is a long table of con-
t'otnmbia:one on each side : ip Al- testa, tonne or the tN•eflnowll den to lb-
bert•t three on civil side : in .Uat►fcub.► utors being 'rheolore,Rolerta. •Robert
the liberal.• have protested 04% en E. Knowles. Frederick (ieorge Scott,
seats and the Conservative.. one : ii I.n1e1 I,.,•Ik•erl,ue ',111aeKay, Vit•ns
Siaskatchewen one Liberal seat is put- )berm, Je.ul Illrwett. (ieoIgl• I',tee t
tested. Ther0 is not a 'Engle protest
in Nova Scotia. Altogether thirty-
seven Liberal .rats told tetenty-[IIIc
Conservative smat4 ars protested.
The Ontario seats protested are : Cnn-
More Yaw People
trained by our management than 441)7 •
Clarke, Albert 1t. Cermet'. James P. other In Ontario. great demand for
oar gradual*. •ani uuelae.a College
Towhee*. l.. M. \1i1111guiaelc; N, T. l'ow•hee*. i'ri'ate Secretarlee. °Mee
Wood, August it. ft r i 11 I e, Je•a11 Ari.tnrna. et,•. The rmb.dlceent of the
(ii ahem, Archie 1',.J1uliislinie. and S. more et estt. Nedern.y stems known in
A. • \t'hi• wash ,,- Biome-. . chane.•. We Invite romper•
.eryatiVe- \i11ikring, North Lanark, ` hitherio -nog Leon. Three Ileo,.) tment.. manned by
innrglk--(kutn4-Vetek-•4.ibeleiv-W,,.t fished poem 1,y Feoev*'t Hen' Drum- .ktllwtin.lhu 1'Ir-.
nftcol fi' neer* severe ( us ra ea 'COMMERCIAL,
Peterborough. South Ontario. Uttw\v'i in dolor from rrprlxluctious of clever
ISOWilfrid Laurier's seat!, NVelland, drnwinis by' J. W. 13t1Uty. The -
other' artipts whose 111udt1�itl;Iohi riff:
C (i l' Butler d A.
Furs Furs Furs
We 'make a speciality of Furs; our assortment gives
a large variety of choice. The price -informed
customer can tell at a glance that our prices are Rock
Bottom. Study the prices. We give the best values
to be found anywhere in Furs.. --
Ladies' Long Black Cloth Coats, handsomely
made and trimmed, at $5.00 and $8.50, in sizes 34 to 42.
Misses' Coats at $1.95 and up, according to quality
and siz4.
Children s White Bearskin.Coats and Furs.
Come and loo.
Goderich Ladies' Wear
MISS SANGSTER WINS. pear in this 'lumber are Ferglio Kyle. _ TELEGRAPHY.
(se't'ae, George ut er an
C. li,•{,I,pinr, Ala,l a ..orae. lar call ltooane.. (o11ap
Justice Teetzel Awards Her $boo Dam- , and high ',inlet ,tat ie'I..
\Wuy.\N'S Home CCoeea.I,,N:--The ,
ages Against Town. (uletl11ag auto tet of �<11uuan . Hoare
tn•jury" gilt nags ..f the li' lJuu;• ^ ' is our of flit most hrauti-
ur the count or urea t 11 16' o n • w azinee. its
,1 1 '
ars • The U1
Court f )
opened on Thursiev afternoon hast OVP Is in blue olid go depicting
terve is a
who was to have held the court, nu' Montgn vy Flagg.'occupyin p a full'
being abb. to conte. The buslues6 .page. Another delightful and *reign.- ti_, �Y+_�_r� _ J
fore the coin[ 40;11. concluded the fel- feature consists of two hig pages of
lowing dray shortly often 1 o'clock. old•fasbioned Christmas rands. with
In the case of Miss Isabella Sangster decorations by Ernest Haskell. For
neatest the ton of Ooierich. Sri the Christmas Woman's ibnme Cotp-
action fordaulag.•s sustained by fall: paui0n, Edwin Markham Inas wtitte'u
---ir)K-int*ewheie04) 14I l.arrr,rtree
beautiful poem.'.'-I4ekata
Lordship directed tbht after [bitty (iospels !Vere." It tell. the story If
days judgment clay be entered for the the gathering of the materials for the
plaintiff for the emu of $dtio damages (auspels by the Disciple. after' ('ht1at'.
di1Tl t41e c1i3Ts on the High -Vim t ac*ofr. tsar aslotr"'t3Ph,rc the tT»pet Were
'Fite plaintiff's witueese.s were J. A. Is regarded by some literary •)tlwri-
Fowler, C. E. I*►hrlln Sun st('r, the ties as greater than ••1'he M i with
plaintifTi2Mfi:.Brttrutif. Vr jtht Mar the -[toe.", admittedly one of the
tin, Dr. Whitely. 1�'ifliant Jnhn•.ton. *neatest poems not a gni oration.
William J. Ervine. James Reid and s It is seldom that atnagazin.• -even a
Morningstar and the defendant's wit- Christmas magazine - 4.41. 44 stories
ne.s was the town clerk, •W. A. tie by such an array of grist \crite'rs a;
Kim. The defence ee.ught to show will be fanld in the IA•e.•nilier Cour
that the street et the.poiut where th.' pennon - Josephine Uaokagi fillet/11,
accident. MN:timeal was very Iittle Anna Kathat•in Omen, Mary Wilkins
The Guest of Steao,
Shap al the Iun u•1)reams-
A kindly host he waits.
_ Ami all night lord a goodly throng
1010e- softly CLrongh hi- Kates
A varied company-
Ocie•laraed Armen and kung.
Eli prima or priest. or greet it least.
^He gives theta' welcoming
For c..e h lie nils the cup
where pmpy-petal. swim,
%'heretrom each guest at his bcbe.t
Drinks deeply. touting him,
:tntroM•mertirhtx Of)•
And sad teen of delight,
.Std weary men drink def). again
The pulsing power of 'nigh,.
nd -;.' e••} drink of 'emir.
tat' +•
1 and 1)t,, mo -t .wee:. -
•-•M brim where p',pples swim
sof lovers meet.
Steep, - •hr Immo' ibrenie.. - -
A i, Irhost bewait-.
• ••A -( ... h. Longa goill>L, homy
Comes -llv through his gate.. I.a11
Spell It
Shiten))', irreverent a
spell it Nina..
A Definition.
Victorian oloni.!
A little boy, reader wants t
what is a "grafter.'" A grafter
individual who wishes to piaci i
inside pocket some concrete evid
that the pelitieal ndministl•at
whish he supports is the most pr .
"treelike and the 'wet )haat has ever
been entt anted with the rein, of gov-
What They All Want.
d lazy prop',
is an
h i*-
before Hon..rnble Mr.. Justice Teetzel. the Madonna and Child.
thtelloruwable Mr Justice.MacMithou. biudutiful Painting in color_
Business College
+4. POTTUN, - l'Itli('ll'AI.
Clime.. Journal.
One of the 11•anufa,turers 441111 iap
peered before the United States t'it itT
commission said that the reason why
he wanted A higher dirty on the
articles belnenuf101tired was that he
wanted to mak. more 11n,ney. Th it.
ofr%'.'.".e is what. all Lbw- high teritT
manufacturers . mean. het most of
them manage to their rrreall-
We Can Stand It.
Montreal Ileral.i,
Governor Johnson is Out for flee
troth. bet amen Canada and the State•,
What ins more, be proposes to eat
About fixing the States' 'salt of It. if
ha .air du that he n(•rdn't worry
about the rest. Canada's position ie
such that wit have to unset the situa-
tions they over there. creat. for tae,
nn11 We will 11e quite ns mat able to
iear up under friendly treatment as
we showed ourselves to be under un-
A Mistaken Policy.
weekly "un,
Thousands of people thro•6,thout. ('u -
nada, who ate about renewing their
subseript lone to Ante1.lenn j..utv(ds.
will find while doing this renewed rea-
.on for diacid ming the policy. for
which the Pnstm,e.tcr•(ienenal is tet••
ep1111esible. that hos ImolaL.Nl in so huge
an inerea.e in the ratite elm 1.10,1 for
delivery of American 1whlicntions in
(,'en11111. In,nlahy rase, the festal
cTarg.• is mood to fifty p•'r cent 1)r
near of the ct,bscrtilt4,4 charge.
Does Jee Know?,
Aylmer Ihpr•e1.
\When .a Iran has his wife trained to
the taint where she n ill neeept n pale
of bllanket. or art easy chair for a
Cho Ponies present, without any
grumbling, end when he has such con-
trol oven himself NN to N. alyle• 10
made, Lase hie wile and call her it
dear, wbon 4*' t•reeentet him with w
nq"tiful ei pet•r, he has ac•-
ulhli.h. J snnie•thing in life, even it
hasn't setae! a dedler anti Hods
pesetas on the store account
w receives a few weeks later,
he -Hetet oP-Parkartteot,
Hamilton Time..
There is justification wilful,
�nreiasoltingebslruction, and it should
nli►►1 lie difllrlilt fur Parliament
ademt a title which will give all prober
letit.tldle to debate and will, et the
snore true. Nnpprea, Pnrlia,nPntxr3
)mlree a hoodlums, to the great et• baa illness, the chase of the t w1) lar 1,'
'sedition of business and saving of ex- anal. Jud tarot went•'.Ur-
to the mead... The rule to he �t
shoul(I not iced one that will Myrdingly. 1'roudfolt, "11°8k Hair,
prevent any ree4onable diaeusaion of for plaintiff. M. O. .1011•1•1 .n tar
polus hewn. ft should net be 011P 11P?Pedant•
of which II ' (lpp ,4itinn' 1 t(Nlay ran Canit,lon o. (1Anlrlon 1)•a. an a 20.41 '
jnatly eenlp1Ai44, 417 to which 4he, • jMlrnr(I freta 1116' M'.'.' .-tzq.,l
present teepeev ('01)1(1 take veld by cetrPnl of roi.nerl 1'i i4 111 )It • an
' uhj.cton Abonld• 11 fled itself t, tau• lion wee !detach t''tits Ilonua ammo.
' left 'd the Speeker next year tar ten milt 1146 speed refer. l•: with 141" •
freteiled, that the tot*T 1 ( Ile er - . ?tore re Morse- Ktmgctery.
eolis1'u('ted a sid.walk at that point, Juliet Wilbor To pkios, Above *11
that' the hole was not in the portior else the woman rept. r will find here n
of the street which had been laid uuI 'nagaziue of Chrism s helps --- huh.l.
for puhlie travel neck that the steto of rtreds of suggestions or the making
repair of the road w7lYeuftleirnt uodei ,f attractive and unit' IP gifts : idea,
the cireul11.44141re.. The prooecw- fur the table: for" mak' ng delicious
tion, liewe•ver. Made what they could 'anile. ; new nt•ckweer : e nbroidery ;
uutuf the factthat Mr. Murni, gtar': fa4hients 1 .a)) amost t wilderiuir •---
flower gardens ifttrneted •-1gl,tstet's t,• array 0t practice! Christ uta.' suggen rsawMstlIIIIIMMIIMIsmlatIIIII -
that part of the, town And the fact tions.
in his evidence The members of th
that--t+l-Sheen+•wtr emote:snore-re- -- -
of. Mr. Morningsta
d -s on the.tteet also was made us. A Vote of Thanks from tfayfie winter Session
r. e !Ashes'Yi,id 1
suggested as the cause of the hole tht i•laety of the Methodist church, H y 1
of ttowhe. 6ichfaiwling riom to HMIhe east 11 d Held, desire through The Signal. to a l Opens January 4th In all depart
throughthena digin through M1 an press their thanks to the yong. ments of the CENTRAL BUSI-
people of Goderich who turned out in ' 1 NESS COLLEGE, Yongc and
t show grounds. boiled i,
he h w run 1. II d l through K
K •
the manholes and flooded this part 111 tela•h a large n N r el attend their Canard Streets, Toronto. Our II
ttle-tawA -Miss teamcrtitr on \uveultrer' 311th. Catalogue tae n latus our th6dunt
tianptates�cuc"en•ed in• Abrnra tlttttprltttWlll drove drown -tri in Eqw meiif. SFaA, McFbods and
proving that she yhet
sustained its Hayfield that evening to attend the ,' Results. You are invited to write
joys and was not art able to trsumr tea and concert, and the Indies trust
her ti.•ssmaking work, and the kelt.. theyhad se goer' a time that they will i for h J interested h the kind of
held that the town was liable. \W.R school work which bungs beet
� was to venue again. The ladies Ar -Err success. Address W. H. SHAW,
1 roud(oot, K. C., for plaintiff, E. L. r. eciell to thani. Mr. Cook, who
Dickinson, K. C. for defendant P Y President.
19tnith v. tirylrfvtF.-The parties Ln ring et Shy Sunday service as web es
this action wet. Daniel Smith and on \innda • Elgf•i And also the mem-'
Josiah Sentra', leuh farmers residing t.hpiees of the Hrit the
urchewtrn fur
ititahe township of Hay. The dispute their II. assistance .0 the• [lentente1 sin a 1)t.
was to a le*tie made hy nth. pleiutili Pits, N , Secretary. President ; Mies C. -
P.\rwuN,, Secretary.
ianuary. dial, 1SM)41, of certain lands
winter Term
'n the toWHrhip of Hay. The plain- Arran ge not to n
R claimed'leesseesiuh of the lands EIGHT YEPills.ARS AILING• .
d $44)4) dntuages for alleged
re' 6.1101 of tovenaot by the defend- Theo Joseph Boone's Kidney Disease'
al. The (trivia nt r.•pnxliated Was Cured by Dodds Kidney
lTie ( 4iu1 andiui eta i a ccrtintei- '
claim 0 a variety of scut Bp eon• l'ntt.Pl's Corp. �flrl., Dec. it41. ( r
s v
Tills stemma, 11 ma, ramps RloIt net'
44 t d that 11 1x11
1t w' o '
t$peeiatLl - Ailing for eight years, iTR tr A Newly THE
aetn,n be )tsmla eedl with r t f (-LAttsett1N. Newly .' eo
v u width w unable
k rk f h h le an o
1 n
LAI)d t bin I h..1 b1)' a n'
w ,he 1 [min
t Pt•p part end arty 1 (hut l {I (P-
1 A ft 1 work. Tilsit is what kidney disease' b1) cep Does NOT MAKE Tram .
frndant's run tet claim be disn,issl tl did to Joseph Bonne, a fisherman of (yet our Catalogue. IG•,d it from cove
without ['oat, ; that the defendant I to cover. ice fur yourself what this
keep Int'inns • plrmi,ees nmdrr. the is place. He was tiasated try several (oMlege isdoing. and the ad%'interes t
trews of the leve • fur• the balance of dine Sirs, and atter seven months in
this term; that thplaintiff erect the nthehlehos
. pital was sent home• as incur- W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
,nge and Alexander Sta.
north and south boundary • feuces ihxld's Edney Pills cured him. He
on the demised pr • nines not later took 1went nae buses of th.ul, but.'
than 11Ay 1st, 1lalle; that thin dr- now he h. stnt and well, and follow-
fen.lant shall have al the ul.anurs' ileitis trade of Lerman.
orade opsin the premises. the vane to �t is cures like tla th�t t have 111adP
be Swed on the premiere,
Diet the the reiiutattiim .�I o1cidnry Pills.
'defendant shall 1N• allows t. tt•e•d They always eure'the kl 'eye-- Cured
two-thi 'd1) of the straw gKro n upon kids•ys strain all impurities Inti of CENTRAL
th.'sae premises. i1. J. 1). C kr {tar the hlonl. sod with those, alt neriines'
plaintiff. Dickson k Carling for il.fen- go eittetenths of the sehee dna banes ���,/�(/�y
and diseases the flesh ie heir ty. - ' ���cl��%:C,GCIW /.
S ester v. The Canada Tried, '. - _•
fhe plaintiff, Paul Yesbee',. is
pedlar 1n Iiuderich, and the, de
tendnnt el - the ttnty appointed -ex-
ecutor and trustee of the estate and
effects of plaintiff's brother, Peter
Yesbe,, late of the town of Tinton,
who, the plaintiff claimed. made a
promissory note on October 15, 114rl,
in Revue of the plaintiff for *11ai, pay-
able on deumnd, with Intel-st 1)t the•
rate of 3 per emit. per 11111111'. un
44 Lich it %mit. claimed there w•1.14 1104%
owing 01,:)407.ICp. The plaintiff' also
alleged x loan of elm by flint to the
estate of his brother for funeral
API%ice. in Syria. Ilin 1.11'uIaliip
direeteel jtitg,nent to he entered for
the plaintiff for the .tau of $krL.6S,
whit costs on thr C ty l'ou't se•ale :
thirty days stay. 1. L. Killoran,
for pleintllt. \11n. Proudfoot, K. C.,
and Wrn. Hrydone for -defendant.
Grant v. Thlnrption was an action
by Jams L. Want, of Ooderirh, step-
son of the late Alexander Moggec ,
of whose ,lle•ged will the defendant,
Heller[ Th'nlpton, also of 'town, was
the Permitot', This will WAS made on
Ortols•r 17, Its)4;, and directed that
after 4Ay,,,. tit of exp4'nees the eluate
■ hould g'• to the party who had taken
cart• of the• testator during hie declining
year. The plaintiff claimed filet a
will dated ,1u1)' B1111, Mal, wits the
Love will, Ode will ,raking hitt Owl
leneflci.ny. Ily cons 1)t it was de-
clared that the still a WIC was the
true will and that. th p,preens en•
titled to share in the rate P At. J. L.
Grant, of gredrrich, and Thomas
Diann, of Ashfield, they tieing the
persons who provided for Mr. Mog•
itch during his declining venni and
We here over l..'(* calls a
veer for ttenogrupbere, book-
keeper, and office war k'•ts, 1We
''1144 fl11 only a fraction of that
A Kennedy School tgetduate• r-
ate../lilt ely afire of is good
The Kennedy School
Adelaide St. E., TORONTO
West Street
t3.n11l• env it's hard to know what to,give a Boy, or Man tot
Christmas, 'f)ln't notber with that question any longer, but come
right to this Store. Here you will Hnd everything a Boy tar a Mau
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We give only a partial list of the many good thing. t, select front
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In Clothing, a '_0th.Century Brand Suit. or ( /VII -
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The right piece for i1 Sys' an 1 11':''t's Clouting ata l Nurnishing+.
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A Swell Assortment of Glft Goods.
Open evenings
Tailors and Furnishers...i
Christmas. Goods
Perfumes, Hair Brushes,
Mirrors, Manicure Sets,
Fine Pipes in Cases, Christmas Packages of Clem,
Cigar Cases, Tobacco Pouches, etc.
JAN. 4th
Repeat it :--'•Shiloh's Cure will o1•'
ways faire my coughs and colds."
LAYING promptly artctted In
('harps. moderate
Il1.pair Rona,-: 1 /01P,dims West of ('..t. Harper'.
Stove Store, NV•At Street.
Residence -Elgin Av0fi11e.
\\ 141.I,1.Itll II t,\"I
Thl+.choral I. one of the largest 111 the
I 'evrtnre, h tin meted ter the irorougnnrsn
cf 114 work end the o r(e.+s of its students.
'Three depart n,em s
too era/ware, 14r.. tea rle•tnarr4 a- r1)-1111.1.+
Idl.are teacher. as sill rte^etfl • ,..i••Ant..
•. 04 tela' III1Tllilt 1.11/.•..[ ale.el•!• f
It Takes All Kinds of
1(11(1 all kinds tat shoes to please them
Still They Can All be Suited
with "MISS CANADA" Shoes
s.. colnplele and varied is the
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because their reputation grows
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"bliss Canada" ,hoe retains its
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.43.00. $3.50 and Woo
The Square Goderich
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.a v R_fTeRVELT. Pass.' I. w WESTERVr1,T, mAl.
WP hay. just re'neived one Shipment of CHRISTMAS GiFTS,
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CHOICE CONFECTIONERY. Call and see them, no trouble to show
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