The Signal, 1908-11-12, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GODERICH. ONTARIO Twouauar, November 12, 1108 ei "tl s II • , Condensed Credm We have the kind so highly rec- ommended by the ladies of Me West Huron Women's Isoffits at Godericb industrial Exhibition, Everything Fresh east Up-to-date in GROCERS at right prism at THE PEOPLE'S GROCERY. Wm. L. Lindsay hostiles St. 'pose Ne. lei After suffering eight years, thiswoman was restored to health by Lydda E. Pkakham's Vegetable Compound. Bead her letter. Mrs A. D. Trudeau, Arnprlor, Ontario, writes to Mrs. 2 inkhwm : " 1 suffered terribly from ulcera- tion of the feminine oilman for eight years. I tried four doctors lint got no relief, and thought I would have to die. One da1 saw an advertisement of Lydia IL 'e Vegetable Com- pound in the paper. I sent for some. and before I had treed ave bottles 1 wsa entirely cured. I hope every suf- fering wooao will take my advice and see Lydia E. Pinkttase's Vegetable Compound." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills and has positively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements', inflammation, ulcera- tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bear - W --down feeling, flatulency, indi'ges- tion,di2sineea or nervous prostration. Why don't you try it? Don't hesitate to write to Mrs. Plnkbam if yon need Adviceabont lour sickness. She will treat your etter in confidence and advise you free. Beeause of her vast experience she has helped thou- sands. Address, Lynn, Meas. HOW COMBINES GIFT TO KINCARDINE. Mrs. Gualco Presents Hospital to the , Town. We ACHESON SON. BOOST PRICES. THE UANNING INDUSTRY AS A EXAMPLE, Kincardine, Nov. 0th.- Upward" of slaty citizens of the town and town• N ship of Kincardine ' who assembled Inst night on invitation within the hospitable walla of VIlla Kalisz, the handsome residence of Mrs. (lualco, were Uv:tted to a very agreeable and gettuiutr surprise whew their hostess announced that the object of calling thea( together woe to present to the town and surrounding country a be ick home with several acres of ground for hospital purpose.,' together with an endowment fund ut 12.1(110. MLs. (leaku also Muted that she had converted with the Provincial Government and Provincial inspector of hospitals, Dr. Hines Smith, had b,•eu sent to advise in the matter. After a few brief remarks, in which she left the arrangements iu the halide of the citizens, hoping for prompt ac- tion on their pout, she handed the kev of the building to the Mayor. )r. Bruce Smith spoke of the regu- lations in regard to the establishment of hospitals; and the aid that might lie looked for from the(fovernlnent when certain conditions had been complied with. The building 'hi question is a solid hriek. situated' just outside the north- ern limits of the town, on the heights east of Queen street. There is also is separate building on a [Laurel eleva- tion a short distance behind the hos- pital proper for the treatment of tuherenlosis cases. The inspector thought that the(.. were few hospitals in Ontario more agreeably situated than this one. Short reinirks appreciative of the generosity of Mrs. t,dalro were made by Mayor Malcolm, Messrs. John Tolhtie, Hugh Chili, M. F. P.. J. J. Hunter, ex -Mayors Darker, MacKend- rick, Temple, Cook and Henry, Her. Mr. Ferguson and Zr.lPrior. Genet/mar Has to day 111.40 for One Dollar's Worth of Goods- Com- petition Choked Off -Vegetable Grower Must Take Prices Fixed by Combine --The Remedy. Wrote The Toronto star.. There is, perhaps, no one combine which bite more 'Atrocity, and in more Place". than that which cout.rols the greater part of the trade in canned totuatoee rand other vegetables. This combination hampers the free- dom of the middleman ; it snakes it almost impossible to establish or ntsintsin a canning factory outside of the organization : it squeeze.( the grower of vegetables in the matter of price paid for these on the one side, and it puts a still .harder squeeze on the consumer of the finished product on the other. Value $i oo-Price jt.4o. Let us bring it right home to the consumer at once. Consumers of canned towat yes will this year pay over 10 per cent. mute than the actual value of the gutels, as de• .ermined (.y the cost of production ; they will. ea • result of cutubivatiou, pay $1,411 where they would pas, *1 under free competition ; the }}• will do this tacause a coulhine has been formed • among Canadian canners under the aver of u specific protec- tion of lie. per pound against Ameri- can t toes- -a specific prbteetion that works out at nearly bbl 'per cent. on the ralur of imported goads. 'rhe vegetable grower - the roan who produces the raw material for the canner -is nut- hit quite eti hoed as the cons uuuer of the finished article simply heetttis., if the price offered him is not reasonably satisftu•toty, he will refuse to produce. , '1'be• con- sumer, however, must pay almost any price that is demanded" from him, I cause he is obliged to eat to live, end there are few articles in foodstuff's the price of which is not controlled by a mors or k... firmly estssbbshed com- bine of some sort. 40o Bushels Lett,to Rot on One Farm. But even the grower, in some cases, suffers ruinous loss. Take, for ex- ample, a ease in \Vestern Ontario. Through the ezurt ion of tomato growers a canning factory wits estab• Ilsh' d in 1he_lurality .in question. the intention being to run it on an inde- pendent basis. Thiel was soon found to be extremely difficult, The com- bine was powerful en•nigh to hamper the rale of golds from this independ- ent faeLdry tosuch an extent that the institution was obliged to close down in the middle of the past season. and growers found themselves with a Prop, which it had cost probably $.ill• *macre t.. produce, left on their hands and wholly valueless. One grower had 401 bushels of the very finest stock, and every Lomat) grown by hint was left to rot on the ground ; and his case was merely one of it number. What will happen in the case of this particular factory ? The owner* have t wo options to go into the co hint. on terms fixed by the latter or to leave the building to tion e down and the (machinery 1u t on the ground. Another• case, illustr ing the plight of the would -h• tad ..end+ret runner, is reported frpuu1? . ten. Ontario. A lean teen thong , - linty. hada plan rty which they co d ennuis the putting up of goals of ecceptemally floe quality. T it plan in brief r.ns,sted in the et• tion of a comparatively small p to, by a few grnwer4, who would bsolutely control the prodnet front he sp ng Dr the sale of finished product the fan. The whole operation wee to tie under one management with ppractically the entire work performed hy the families of thee' interested. The scheme cei einly.worked out AP far as the quality of the gopdn was concerned ; the output was pro- nounced by those to whom it was shown as the (pest they had ever seen. But the difficulty came when the time for selling arrive . Wholesale - dealers hole.saledealers did not dare to torch the stuff because of the iron -clout agreement under which they were hound to handle only trust -made goods ; ret:til dealers were restrained by the com- pulsion to limit their buying to a cer- tain combination of wholesalers. In the case of this comtvination,' in addition to the otter evils already enumerated. there is thea a direct tendency to reattain effort looking weevil.) improvement in quality. In- deed, that is the usual effect of com- bination. Where there is a monopoly theta le nnt'the same incentive to ftn- provement that"tht a is with free e•nnrpt1 itlon The Evils Summarised. A summary of the evils wrought by the canner,; combine shows these re- sults. 1. The vegetable grower is com- pelled to accept The price fixed by the combine or to gn out of business. 2. Condition, have been . -created which render it ahnost impossible for an independent factory to he estab- Oohed 3. The tendenr3 of the comitans is to prevent not only c petition in prices bot competition In (ttiprovement in the quality of goods as well, 1. The effect in the case of the con- sumer, in this particular year. is that for each dollar's worth of canned goals pnrch•sed he has to pay at least $1.40. All these evils are rendered tiossible by the existence of a tariff of tic per pound on each pound of American canned vegetables imported - the weight of the c, an teeing Include] for purposes of fl zing the duty. The evils can be remedied by reducing or abolishing this tax nn imports. The remedy should Is• at once applied by the Dominion Government. If the, robbery now being practised is al- lowed to continue, the Government will from this titne forth be • p rty to that robbery, Stanfield's Unshrinkable Underwear fits perfectly. Every' garment is tested on models and the exact size determined. All - sizes from 22 to 70 inches. \ 3 winter weights. a4, Yost dealer cats easily getall desired oder end weights, if. Ise should net ham them is stock. ial Good roceries 4. ;.x - - • Real good Groceries Only good Groceries Cheap considering the quality Everything fresh and seasonable Ring up 'phone No. 91 Immediate attention to your order Everything delivered Promptly Sturdy & Co., THE GROCERS ON THE SQUARE. Mab -"Did she many him for ppine love P" Chloe - "No, it was aelmlter- ateel with money." Grandma= -"Ah, my dear, the men now are not what they were flfty years ago," Ethel - "Well, granny. yon know fifty years will change any man." There is an excellent agricultural paver that is of more than usual in- terestto the farmer who wants to know the practical and not the theoretical side of his business. To such of our readers we would suggest that when you renew your subscrip- tion to The Signal you order The Weekly Run ; the price of the two is hu' f$l.75 You will find them Worth, the money. WORSE THAN ONIONS. Bad Breath from indigestion Cannot Be Overcome with Perfume'. Nine -tenths of the offensive hregth iso a result of stomach truble. it can- not tie overcome by toroth perfumes 'or any ether palliative measures. 1f yeti have a hal breath ; if there is heartburn. flatulence and gulping, of undigested food ; if the stu,uach burns or smarts; if there is sleeplessness, nervousness, headaehrs or any other symptoms of indigestion, use 31iomit stomach tablets aud get well. A bit -cent box mf Mi-o-na etomech tablet lasts for a couple of weeks and will ward off a dozen mild attacks of indigestion. while its cantinurd use will give an absolute and _complete cure. ' Jas. WfGnn hail seen so Many cures male by Mi-e,-na stomach tablets that he gives A guarantee with every box to refund the money if it• fain. DIED IN HARNESS. Preached Three Times on Sunday, Ex- pired on Monday. Rev. \\'- lien Penhall, minister of the Me Jodie. church et Monkton, „count of Perth. died suddenly rel the parsonage on Monday of het week. the eircnnislaures of itis death are remarkable. as he bras ono of whom it could be 114111 with truth that he died in the harneme. - ()n Sunday he peached morning, afternoon mud night at the three epppeintmerit s which made up hi. clrcnit. It sins it heavy day. 11-• adminieteretd sacrament twice, and quarterly meeting was held three times, tate at night he returned to his hon• • after this great day's work, and sh,oiierd its peacefully aa- a child. Monday Morn -4W he arose - and helped bus wife with the week'. wash- ing, then hitched up his house and drove tht, p utiles n. visit a sick parishioner, with whom he hill prayer. returning to his home about noon. Mrs. Prnhall was preparing dinner,and her husband went down cellar to fit tilt. baronet. before be par- 1.sok mf his nomads repast. He had scarcely more then reached the Hatt of the stairs when he fell, and his wife, hearing the Horse, ruahed down, to fluid him unconscious. Help was summoned. and tenderly the faithful minister was carried to his bed. Ile .lied at 2 tit•loe•k the same doy. - -The_ late_ Mr. P-enlba11 was _in_ the fifty-seventh year of bis age and had been in the Methodist ministry for thirty-three years. tie was well known in Western Ontario, and one of his former charges was at Rlvth. in this county. His wife and two daugh- ters survive. . THE MARKETS. Liverpool Wheat Futures Close High - •r, Chicago Unchanged -Liv Stock -Latest Quotations. Manttw Evening, Nov. e: IJverpont wheat futures closer. to -day %d higher to .sd lower than Saturday, and corn future. ClnsPd 4M to nod higher At Chicago. December wheat closed un- changed. December corn closed uta T veorneer nate dneat ve timber than Saturday. Winnipeg Options. Following are the rinsing quotation• on W taiWra ,rola- rutuccs Wheat -November WV bit L)ccember tbtr bit, May 81.0034 hid, f)ata-November 3154e bid, December 5at{r bfd. Toronto Grain Markets. Mies hese -.: a0 92 to, .... Wheat, red, Lusr) .... Wheat, goose, bush 0 29 .... nye, bushel 090 ..,. lluckwhest. bushel ft 62.... Peas, bushel 090 Harley, bushel 056. 052 (rate, bushel 0 t3 0 44 Toronto Dalry Market. flutter, separator. dalry ... 0 24 Rutter. attire Iota 0 22 nutter, creamery, .oltds ., 022 Rutter, creamery, Ib. rope. 0 26 nags. new -laid, dnsen 0 26 Egoo, cold storage .....,0 21 Cheep. large, Ib 01354 thecae, twin. Ib 014 Henry, extracted 010 Honey, combs, dozen 171 26 zt 2• za 24 011 276 New York Dairy Market. NF.W TOIUt, Nov. 0. -Rutter -Vito; receipts, 3121; creamery, specials, Inc to Mee; emtraa, 20. to 2814(; thirds to firsts, 20 . to 23c; head. seconds to special, 22c to 2W,4.: state dairy, common to finest, 30. to Vic; proems. thirds to specials, 17c to 2414x; Western factory, firsts 20e; western .lmltation creamery, firsts..3)4c to 21e.. Cheese -Quiet; receipts, 1413; state, full cream, apeelaI. 131(r to 14%c: do.. sept.,. small' colored nr white, tarry. 1314r to 13)4';exp.. large 12%e to 12r; do. Oct email, rnMred or whits, hest, 12,ee tit 1244c: M, large, fee to 1216c; do., Rood to prime, 115tc to 11111c; do., common to fair, 100 to 11r: skims, 2r to ttl%r. ltgsa- Rteady: nrupte. 4128: state. Peenglvanla and nearby, aeMrted, while farcy, 46e to 4k; do., fur to shotes fir t0 ac; brown and miled, fancy. 18c to 2ec: do., fair W choice, sin to Ile; western, nests, se to 35.'; ascends, ter to 31.' CATTLE MARKETI. Terente Junction Live Steck. TORONTO JUNCTION, Nov. 1.- Reoeipte of live stew* at abs Union !Peek Yards weds 5i.' srloafla, com- posed of 1180 esUJe. 111 bap, 710 sheep and 10 asleep Fall Coats and Dres Suitings' IAuliei medium length and long (mate of finest kers* y clouts that give absolute satisfaction in wear and keep their valor perfectly, in Meek, Nav Myrtle and Hewn,, Styles that are the voty n•)wcht,' Most beautifully trimmed, $7.75, 475. $23.00 diad $18.00. Plain Broadcloths and Shadow Stripe Broadcloths A full range of new fall stades--most correct for smart tailored 101s,1 Clothe of brilh,.m v of finish which they retain after sponging -also for their tine wearing qualities. Mpeeial allowing of above cloths at, ler yard, 75C, $1.0o and =L,as. - Saturday and Monday Bargains TWO-DAY ONLY PRICES, NEVER BETTER OFFERED IN OUR STORE Dress Goods 1re)yardsot•:Ai inchwide Pule Wove Cheviot and Fancy Tweed Drees Suitiags: regular preys were from $4.00to$1.5o; Hat urdayand Monday at, ]s•/• yin it. 5or, Corsets - 1)i) pairs of beet standard Makes of Corset.. This will be our last and largest sale of curets thistyesr. HalGa-dc,zeu styles and 4411 sizes, but *lines which we are clearing, having tn) wally makes,; regular $1.00, $i.as and jr.so Corsets at floc. Underwear Ladies', :den's sad Chit tren'a UnlierWellq we are showing and carry a very Targe, eompi•eheu•iye rang', all .+iz•;y and styles in rte ii5oatpopulur and time styles. ' W. ACHESON & SON waq,..e..- Rxprafl steers. 84.60 .10; export bulla. 53.75 to 14.40, alatekera Prime picked cattle, 04.60 to 16. goad. 24to to 81.70; medium. f4 to 54.30; common 53 to 13.75; cows, 61) to 13.15; canners, 81.60 to 12 per cwt. Veal Calves. Veal calves sold at 54 to 86.35 per cwt. Feeder.. sad ateekeea. Good steers *old at 13.4U to it; *tuckers, 52.50 to 83 per cwt. Milkers sad Rerlsgere. A limited:number of milker* and snrine, era sold at 8N) t0 108 each. with one extra quality avow- et 570. . Sheep sad Lambs. Fxoport ewes sold .at 13.=, to 83.50;. Iambs at 84.30 to 84.75 per cwt. ---...... ... wage. Prlee' anehanged, at 86 for selects, tat and watered, and $575 to 23_(5 to drovers, f.o.b. cars at country points, - Montreal Live Stock. MONTREAL. Nov. :t-(Spe.•lal.)-At the •Montresi Stock yards west - Ind Market the receipts of live stock'for the week ending Nov. 7 were 1555 cattle, 2513 sheep and Iambs 3265 hoax and :;.6.! valve.. while the supply ter the local trade tills morn- ing consisted of 1400 rattle, lint sheep and lambs, 1:111, hog. and IO calves, Owing to the somewhat 'tinned supply of good to choice stock, a stronger feel - Ing developed 1n the market for .•u. cart',, and prices for the above claadvanced pea pnwul tout the law'er grpdra show nn change from a week ago, as the re((ering.. were plentiful and rather in ex- eers t,4 the- requlrrnunta of the trade. ('able, from .Liverpool on-Satu-day-atate,l the trade wax plow and the- weather cold, with pries firm at last week'. advance; ht rnasequenCe-there was some demand from exporter% here, but, as suitable stock was %carry, they found It di(fl.•ult In fill tt.rir w%uta, and trade in Ittt; respect waa slow. The demand from local and outside butchers was gent) on account of the more favorable weather for keeping stcr k. and a fairly active trade was done. A few choice steers ROM at 5e, but the bulk of ,11,r trading In top quality cattle was done at -4'4. to 45.e. while gond beeves sold et Pre In 454.-: fair a1 :31,v to 4c: com- l.-roils at 714e to 3'4c, and Inferior at Pic to 25ac per pound. Tern• w -a1 a strnncer undertone to the market for Jambe, owing to the fact that the ,'•mond from local buyers for sup- plles was keener. at.d an active -trade was Anne, w1t1t sales et choice Iota at,6c to 1.- and Rand at 46.c to 43.. petit.. In sheep the feeling was, stronger, and prices advnn -'d 4.r to 14c• per lb., on account of the Int -reamed demand for local r•onsutnp- ttgn, and sales of chole. Iota were made at 3%c to 4•. and the culls at 334r to 354x• per Ih, while (nixed Iota of sheep and lambs brought N.' per 100 lbs. There was a falrty Rood demand for calves. of whirl) supplies were rather !Milted. and prices - rliTFitttent.-irt t'4ir to Srpertir -or etudes. and at 1- , 1.- for the lower grader, In, s,-mpatl.y with the continued weak • dvIces from European sources for e-ana- dian hnc•nn,and the fact that priers ,e,ri41 • farther airline Ina, week of Is to 2s i per ret , nn 'easier feeling prevailed 1n 11m• local market for hogs this morning The supply was fair. which met with a ` eoulE 1tW eel T. 'An? B51r1`` 717-IreT erSiT 1071 01 made at 1C.2' (014.4 per 1-09- lbs. well/hot t,(1 . ars. East Buffalo Cattle Market. EAST BUFFALO Nov 9.--Cattle-lte- celpts- Kot, 1e:,d: good active aud 10- lu 12c Idgher, c(amnu,n ,lead)•, prime steers. 16.50 to 1173. ,Patein K. 15.50 10 581.::: but- chers $4.5.) to 2575: heifers: 53 5. to 13'25: ective,'S3.711 to' 54 :ol; Lulls. 51 to $450; stuck - era and fe,sler,. 53.30 to 5430, stock heif- er., $:.-:5--to.. $43s..--freslr-ewe-orid-ebeault- ets•(d,idce steady, others f= lower, 5:'') to Ilog%-fleerlpls, 30,400 head; active and 1-6 to 30• lower; heavy, 16.10 to 86..7); ndx- .d *SS Do 1 Fir'', ygtkers sit EL 55.Ir, pl.... 84.50 to i.., •, roughs. i...3 to .63: stage. 84 to $4.72; dairies, :5. 73 to 14. Sheep and 1.a nibs--IttYalpix, ;.i,,tm tread, sleep active and -steady, loathe slow and 70, to 40- lower: l.unhe, 54 to 56: 55.1n; 'yearlings, 54 to 14:5; wethery 14 to 14.50: ewes, 84 to 11.2.5sheep, otlaet1, $1,30 to $4 w: Cataad, Iambs, 1S 73 to 25.90.. Chicago Live Stock* .Yp, Nov. 9.-tattle-ILlrrlpis, 00-; t_narkel Its; to 1.3c lwer, /steers. 84.4" to e0'. cows, 5:1 to 55:- het era, $3,5s' to $4. - bulls. 5:.50 to 5430, thea. 57 to $7,v5:.trw#er end f. dyento 14,0u. oge-Here Ods, :3.14u. market 14- to :v.• leer,. ••boles hen v•,• xh pping Sint> - to butrhors, 8tur, to 14- 13: light mixed -ZS 50. -to l5'tp--rfi ,-55.70,io $0 parts= 21 to 1313; balk Ing. 55:11 to $4: pigs, of *ales. 56,01 to $6. Sheep and Lambs- rtpls, 4.000; mar- ket .se re-wer: • eb - • a4 :A 1. Wr.`; T4iLa - 54.7; to S5-60. )'curl Ks. 13.5, to 13..i.. Li 1N1)1 )1. Nov.-letndon coil., rot mitt(• are steady. at 1'r to 131yr .Ior Ih dressed weight: ' refrigerator beef .• quoted at 11' to ft5lr per 1), THE MEN WHO KNOW THE SUPERIOR QUALITIES OF, 'tT:ft li Nto SLICKERS. SUITS AND HATS are The men who hove put them to the hard- est tests in the rough- est weather. Get the original Tower's Fish brand mode since 1836 CATALOG Peff Fre Tiff A.1r/M6 4c , A PROCLAMATION Whereas, the people of our city have been led to purr• chase so-called remedies from which they have received no benefit whatever, and having thus wasted so much hard-earned money, it has come to pass hat they know not what to believe. Inasmuch as this unsatisfactory state of affzirs exists, KNOW, TIIEREFORE, ALL PERSONS who are - in need of such a medicine. that we will supply them with VINO!. on a POSITIVE GUARANTEE that • if it does not succeed in benefiting them we will refund the entire. amount ofmoney paid us for it. There is no one medicine that will cure everything, but there are some Ns;c knihw to be honest, reliable, and of great curative value. Such is VINOL; it is not a secret medicine,- just peptonate of iron, wine, and all the curative extractives of cod liver oil, combined. We are familiar with every particle of it, and KNOW that it should benefit every one who uscs_it. - Could any offer be more fair than this? You are ill; we offer you medicine which we believe will help you, and if it does not we- will return your money. Is there anyone foolish enough-ntit`to ideept- this offer? You owe it to your family, to your frit ndsraua,)5nuranlf to jS this medicine which we give you our pledge is a genuine cod liver and iron preparation of great merit. • We unhesitatingly recommend Vinol as a Body Builder and Strength Creator for Feeble Old People, Delicate Children, Frail Women, All Run Down Persons, and Those Needing a Good Tonic after the Grippe or any Severe Illness, and for Chronic Coughs, Colds and Bronchitis. Do you think we could afford to lend our name to its praises, as we have been doing in the newspapers, if we did not know VINOL to be an honest and unusually valuable remedy for the ills for which it is prescribed ? We certainly child not ; we therefore ask you, our•neigh- bors, friends and acquaintances to accept our assurances that this -is a genuine offer, and that any and all persons who need a medicine of this character should feel a sense of security in accepting it. You will absolutdybe under no obligation to us what- ever, if after you have tried one bottle of V INO1., and have. not received any benefit, you have only to tell us so, and we will return the entire amount of money you paid us for it. ViNOL is an old and valuable remedy improved by I;ecxiern science -tastes good and agrees with every one. Call and get a bottle today. You won't be sorry. The Howell Hardware Co. Limited, Have several SNAPS its SECOND-HAND STOVES and HEATERS One large Baseburner grates and fire -pot in first -class -shape, $16.00 One 918 Reservoir Range, burned less than two years, sold because owner was moving away. We will sell this at a bargain. Another Range will be sold at $10.00 Another Stove at $8.00 On several wood heaters We will give a -cash discount of ten per cent. Let us supply you with whatever you need in Ranges and Heaters. - SOLE AGENTS FOR THE PANDORA Howell Hardware Co. Limmited. Milk Chocolate Stick, Medallions, Cro- quettes, Cream Bars etc. are truly delicious. For sale by all dealers from Coast.to Coast. THE COWA?I CO. LIMITCD, TORONTO. 75 e -•y. t. �. - 5 %. d! . .=a•1`.r-Y• S:Sii kms.- . 11 The Happy Thought Range- The perfect results of car. fol culinery efforts, the true delights of tine cooking, arc known only to the 1111.5 of HAPPY THOUQT RANGES. f The fire box is the life of the range, the oven is the heart. Don't you think they should be propor- tioned in size the one to the other? The Wm. tuck Stove Co. do, and Have made a ditler- 4ent sized fire box for each different sized oven. If the fire box is too large for the oven the result is a waste of' fuel ; if too small, ineffic- ienCy, Neother-marker- Set'm9 to know this, or if he does, he doesn't care. The lite box in each size of the "I hippy Thought" is scientific - proportioned to the sae of the even, it is so in each variety of the range. This is im- portant, you won't final it anywhere else - sounds simple but took study and petfict: _ _._. .p�.�_y� �.�-r .�t� ,�+"R� s 9 V I1 ' IEA 8 E k W `. is ipropnrtione,l aloin; the same lines and will give inure twat for the same amount of coal than any other heater on the market. , Call and see our large assortment of these stoves and have explained why they are butter than others. The best is the cheapest. We have a number of second-hand ranges and heaters at splendid values. In SHELF and HEAVY HARDWARE, our stock is as complete as you will find in any city. :'t carload of FRESH NATIONAL CEMENT just in. We still have some of the lielville at $I.75 per barrel left. We have EUREKA ROOF SHREADERS at $12.00 each. Plumbing, Heating, Eavestroughing and Electric Light Wiring promptly attended to and all work fully guaranteed. Store 'Phone 22 House 'Phone its AMR AMINE CHAS. C. LEE i witsi