The Signal, 1908-10-1, Page 6c. erq.-a.;,.
6 THOWIDaT, (Mole r 1, 1905
pays the toultty raiser divi-
dends every hour. Lice can.
not exist wherelthis is used,
and more eggs in the nest is
the result.
Endorsed by every user.
25c package
For sale by, all Druggists and
dealers in Poultry supplies.
will snake your Canary happy,
�nd rid it of all vermin.
Parry Sound
l'bangc of taste Srptektbet Jtlh
• _ -4 Hes lensed Fall tirhr,lnlr-�
No.3 No. 6
u .t.wtiu,lbs.)
so• w. n. Parry Soutar
%% *shade ...
twos -erten
\taunt .Albert
1L"'p tot.
.I'll "
1 JY
nternational er i
J ews a � �
Bible Study Club
. L
Suggestive Questions on the International Sunday School Lessons. Prepared
by Rev. ,nscot t Brantford
11t.rt.,mrd Ili wr(urdtuce nal, the 1'opy roam . -I.,
September a7th. 19.8. -Temperance Lesson: -
Millilitre in dt•ink, :end if a "mighty"
man, that is.on1' of great ability awl
inttuence. indulges in drink. what will
be the effect of allele indulgence, and
will thetas be any ditference in the
etPet upon the two ute•n:
Vere Int In what respect tar he
"judgment- and the "right emotionless" of
(iod "exalted," or seen, in the terribit'
moults of the liquor triflic %
Vrea• 17 --What int theilitfers•ute in
the est • tesilts of otomy made
by binning, and money made in the
liquor traflle ?
Verses I'. -III is it ever possible for
goal personal results *10 count fount
hitt deeds:
Is there any octad to experiment
with ur put to the lest the ail pre.
septa of the Rible, seeing they are
based upon tie expe•t'ienee of man-
kind and the wistlntt of ages?
Is it ever possible for a man or a nation
to escape the natural results of wrongdo-
ing 7 I This question must be answered -m
writing by members of the club.1
21l-_1 If a titan dote•, that
which is essentially wrong, a11.1 he
thinks it -is right.. due* Sia upini.nt
dirt-•uaterrettrestrlts mf -the nett
For illustration, a ntother.i t•rt leer
hale, in the. night, prussic acrd, think-
ing it to he 1'4tte11' Oil.
Verses 2.2•211 Bow shuukl we•
mate the moral character of those
who sell ititoxi(at Ing. liquor At a h•r-
Itaialt v.: 11-'2:3.
(:olden 'feat Wine is a mocker,
strung drink is raging. Prov. xx.: 1
Verse 1l -Hutu man) men do you
know in Ibis commwtitj' whose mural
p orttdit ie drawn in this vette ; that
is, this* who ore habitual dtuukart(s
Are (there still those whose chief
ambition is to get drunk
What are the chief "woes:' 01 the
drunkard: 111 To himself (21 To hie fam-
ily 1:h To 111r community :'
Verse 12 Is it a tart that drinking
men still like string utlsic, and, if tui,
how du you account. for it ?
Is it either passible tor proltahle that
.a 111811 given to drink 1x11 allot "re-
ward the work of the lead "?
'Verse 1:t -Upon which kind- of
knnwledge down the prosperity of an
individual, or of ,a people, t tlr-
pend, 11101.81 and 1.1)44U:11, or "cienti-
t't,' and t •141? Whitt was, was the grntt
rt*i ranee For tow
t.t'imes eaptivitir4- and national mil•
tart •s of ancient Israel :•
%•erre• II To What extent iters the
lutttp•vity 441 "jut- itaalir.ialaual; of a.
artt'hon. ttepewnl ttpter -menvit-i•rl.. t ret»
r•' o• . the multitude"
l'+al th I t x111
Arid the men who •'r•juitc" le i11-
rreiewel most ite this country with
ligtin• tieing freely sold, ur under pro-
hibition ?
Verne IS- 1f as "Meats" mill, that is,
one of poor ahiii4p' anti little influence. +
In,:b " 'Toronto
No.i . No.2
: :V p.m. Sudltsty
Parry Sound
alt -Moro
Munn- Albert
Torun o
Observation 1lining parlor
trains 1 and lis
carte illi
for the ruuud trip Sudbury Auld North
October lith to No%ende•,. :II'd.
Sparrow' Lake to Sellwttal ineluniti
t r t t • h•
�11 to November 3 el.
All tickets good t.:Ramat until
l)eremher :ah, Write Pas.engrt
Department, Canadian n Northern
Building, Toronto for ropy td -lin!
(tame hunting."
Leave 8:oo a.m., arrive 12:05 noon
Leave 2:3o p.m., arrive 6:35 p.m.
Take the C. P. R. every time for Toronto_
and East.
$471815 VANCOUVER,B C.
nal information hoax
Jo., 511,1.. Tidos £sant, 0odenrw,
o• write & tu6rw, Ir 6er„(:.i'.a..Tomato
Return Tickets at Single
to points in Tentagami, points
Mattawa to Port Arthur; to Georgian
Bay and Afackinaw Division : Port
Arthur via N. N. Co,.land to certain
points in Quebec, New Brunswick.
Nova Scotia and Newfoundland.
October 22nd to November
3rd ;
Muskoka lakes. Penetang.
Lake of Bays. Midlantl.
Magdnetawnn Hives. Lakrnrld,
Matlawfwka to Depot Harbor, Argyle
to ('oh*nnk, Lindsay to Ilalibnti•tun,
and paints from Severn to North Hay
Return Linritort all tickets, Matnl'day,
Deeetnlwr 711), 11514, or until close of
Navigation, if earlier, to pants
reacherd by steamers.
Full information may he obtained
from '
F'.•if. I,A\VRENrE.
Town Agent.
Fall Service
Lake Superior Division
Steamer') leave Meanie ::.:51,t, m. to
following dots*: September LR, 21, 134
mod 30, October 7, 9, 18, 114, 'strand Df.
November 4, 6, 13, 16, Mond ?b.
Freight sailing in addition to above.
Georgian Bay Diviakon
of mown leave Oollingwood 1.30 p. m..
Owen Sound 11.:('1 p. m„ Tuesdays and
enturdays only, for P. 8. Marie and
way ports.
Tfcklt.ta andinformation from all rail
way meets. •e
October 4th, 1908, -David Brings the Ark to Jerusalem. -
iT. Nam. vi. •--1-rears -lit (omeTuues nt i(h unr
1iitIdrn Text Enter into his gates :tingle art a •Irish contrails an incur -
with thanksgiving and into his (newts able disease, and i,t results in his
with praise. i's, r, : 4. drat In ; in Lheit• anything ill tueh'a vie,
Verses tat Which should -always he 1 nta11cr to make ;a wise onlooker
the greater living issue to an intent- angry with Brei %
gent people, ealicdt ion, Irgislat ions I lid lurid act with wisdom err
business or religion -i otherwise in teeing tli pleased with
If the people give the thturh tot Gast for his (testi-airtime 111' t',.rtihi
Good, and personal religion, the first %Vhen We ser or hear of great nal -
place in their affections and practical ural calamities, such as earthquakes,
plan., does that necessarily imply tornadoes, Ines, rte., with ;Treat de -
that no other interest will 1te nr- stt•uctiun of life and property, what
glerted ? should attitude its toward ( .
If a main ie highly educated. sorcerer Verse 11--Take-it titan rit-le in its
fol 411t41 popular, bol neglects the tiIanuLaelores, in its grnerel trade, in
ehur•'h-of God, and (ert1oia1 religion : its shipping-' ttttt'aut:grrsr, with n,a=
what does he gain, or lose, as :a result' churches: and a similar town with
Verse 3 I, it ...newly and is it prof- eheirehes added.. Compeer the two in
habit• to wur't.hip God with the aid til' all that goes to make life worth !iv -
.a bras, orstring hand :- ing, and state the results of your it111-
\\'h:al has tweet the result upon the 'imbue'.
a 1 +
w asst u 1 spiritual utl lily . t the c A 't ,
Does .i h bless ;ably Ir+ the u
{t n hoar
teenUty of the baud til' the Sal- and the r ty ill whii•h ie to be
cation Army? t tomtit "the Al L 11f the !..mat
1,1 v1111111141 ilius:,- :t Ielp 111 twat .1)111 \isle+- 12441 -\\'hat i, 111V:114.1/1y
cJor+ slhtil:K trout a • 1
AnI rx eriru. r x1r it� Sunday sch.ol, or urgxoizingthe result of building, ;reburial. start •our ap-t.-dteantiul.iialty-splendid Hidr slaws, where there is none: -
clothes ;a help ora hindrance to mak- What is the Iwt er and a mat-
ing converts lot Christianity ? anal way to conduct public worship :
Verses 6.7 The Lord slew Uzzah after with the old-time enthoisiasm of
he put up has hand to steady the Ark ; shootings with bodily tonne to
now 111 what did the sin of Uzzah consist match, or wil h out• present sedate
to deserve a death penalty? IThas ques- silence and outward imperturbability?
hon must be answered an writing by the Vertw•t 17-111 is (lost lTriiird with
members of the club. Consult a cowmen- any 'midi- worship where the whir(
tary or some well-informed clergyman, tf desire is for personal bussing, avid
not able to answer to your own sander- with but little thought to help the
tion.) poor and needy, and to save the last,
- %V hen :a tan wants to improve up- . shown by giving out• 11lunry (tor that
oto (nod's methal of running the purpose ?
world, and is afraid that everything is Verses D1 -,i -Did you ever know
heading for destruction, what differ- any person to have spiritual .children
eni'e is there between hie folly and ; who- fun of nrdespised religious
that of Uzzah? - enthusiasms in others?
October i1th, 1908.- G
1 -Citron. xiii, -
Golden Text -'There hath not failed
oma' word of all his gaol promise.
I. Kings viii; ::41.
Verses I -Y yhoutd we h• as careful
for the rendition tot 41od's Hou1+e as iv.
are for our own ?
Should God's !louse int' as good as or
better than the- average home of -the
people ?
'Wears :i 1 Why did the Lord speak
j,i Nathan to give his message to
David. and not to David direct?
(live your rnnception of how (t11wt
spoke to Nathan. Did he use actual
words with sounds which struck the
outward ear, or did he Ilse wools of
anv sort :'
If A gets .a nrt•ssaage from Goal for B.
how may 13 know that the message is
from (ial?
Why- would (dal not pertnit David
to buil,t him an house?
Verges 't 6 - What sort of i place of
worship did the Israelites have up to
this time?
So far As Clod is concerned, and
other things being equal, isa tent, or a
concert hall, or the; open air. just as
sactwel a place for it devout people to
worship God in as a church formally
built and dedicated for that purpose?
Verses i 14 Is a htlw horn in a
humble cottage just lam dear to find
As one horn t6 a queen in a palace ?
Ian young elan blacksmith or ma-
chinist, or farmer, l)r daily laborer,
prrarmatty jest as dear to the heart of
Gist sa unr who is rich and in an ex-
alted position :'
Are the chief positions in the r
try today held by those of etaited
birth and training, or by men who
have come up from the ranks?
Te what extent is success, or a prom-
inent position, due to God's appointment
• Ttrner'own'lfferts-i ('%Sts tuestiOn
must be answered in wriOng by members
of the club).
Verses ti-PiTu what general cause
weer the wanderings of Israel and the
"notating" of their enemies due, and
why could (tort promise them rest, and
victory over their enemies in the
futune ?
What are the genet -al causes of our
od's Promise to David.
IG•utdilen, and why does liar), permit
Verses 11-15- -thaw God know the
time whim we shall "got to be with our
fathers." or is that a matter 1•ontingt11t
upon our own actions:'
Where are unr father's who have
paused away ?
lines the fuiNtrr of our :iritis depend
mirk upon us. opou them, or upon the
appointment of (lit)(
Were their• 'prnuiees of (Aral to
Datvid, concerning his son Solomon.
absolute and unchnditioltal, or were
they contingent upon the\actions of
Solomon ?
What is a vision, and to �W.iat ex-
tent etre vision's possible to e1, tour
Christian today
Verse lit -Where is (iawi, and how
may we "sit before Hint ?"
Is it right for eis to realize out little-
ness. and to declare it when we pray ?
%'ersrs 17.lti- Does (hal regard rte as
"children of the dust" and "worn,,"
or as his own sorts and daughters ; .40
1.0 Teak. "Ione of his bone,and mesh
of his flesh" ?
1s God AS interested in toil. "house"
and its welfare as a loving father is
in the welfare of his only son?
To what extent dews God guarantee
our future earthly welfare
Verses 111.:81 What is the dominant
mote in the thought and ilrayer of
every real ('hristitin ?
What help to us are the recorded
experiences which the godly sten of
the poet have had with God?
Verses 2l•''1 -'1'o whet extent was
David right in thinking that (Ind haat
favored lararl wore than he hart any
other nation?
What ie reel patriotism ?
Is' it necessary or wise that we
Ahrnold think tante highly of rnrrconn-
try than the forte warrant, in order
.trap Mittintism:
' Verwe'24 2I1 Should tolls' pratyet•s be
taken lip no much with leer town pee -
Nona! matter's :as this prayer of David
appears to be?
Verse 27 When tial bb'ssns our
hone, need we fear any evil :'
(Lesson for Kumlay, Oetoltr 114th,
1914. Davide K indnet4n to .lnnnthan's
Son -Id. Saul. ix.
Goderich Industrial Exhibition.
Balance of the List of Prize -
Following is the telnain*er of the
list of prize -winners at the (ioderieh
Industrial Exhibition, a portion of
whirh wan pithlishttd last week :
Roadster-- Stallion, any age (age
considered 1 over three years old, to he
shown in harness, ,lite Itevnoida ; 1111,
or geMing, three years old, 14 hands
and under, to toe shown in her es.
Jas. McManus, Jno. Blair ; filly or
gelding, two years old, Alex. Young,
Holmes Rena ; IHly or gelding, year.
ling, Jon. Knot, (ben. Laithwaite
brood mare, 15i hands high and under,
with ber foal hy her side A. M. Polley,
Jas, Hayden. Oro. W. Irwin , foal of
MIS, A M. Polley, ,iae.. Hayden : pair
of matched horwet, mares or geldings,
in harness, I5.4 hands hjgh and under.
Geo. Walker ; single horse, snare or
gelding, in harness Lit hands high and
under, W. 1„ McLean, N. McKenzie,
W. F. Young t best gentlemen's single
driving outfit, J. B. Whitely.
Saddle -Mares or geldings, W. Mor -
mw, F. Morgan.
parriage-Stallion, any age (age con•
sidered), R. King, R. A. Oovenlock
filly or gelding, three years old, over
13) hands high, shown in harness, Jas,
Chisholm ; filly or gelding, F. Morgan,
D. Prowse • yearling. Ally or gelling,
J. Chisholm?, D, Prowse ; hrond mare.
over II; hands high, with her foal by
he• side, J 1'himhohn, I1. Prowse : teal
115K, Neweonth• & Mous, (i, 11'.
lo win ; pair tunlrlrrd cart hIge kinetic",
niter or -geldings, over I:), Smits high,
l:nndr) 111•014., Int aitl _rod; single ear
ri.tgc horse, noire or gelatin!, over I:.;
iron's high, .1. 1t, \\'Suety, if. Kinit.
:iron al Purpose mare with
her foal by het side, S. Furse, .1., Kirk-
p.trick; 1111) or gelding. to .t tests
F'arsv. 1. Chisholm ; trnrlinl(
filly nr getting, V%'. Anth e aa, Jo.% Ji.'
%WItitrly ; matched team, .1. lite kpal
lick, Alex. (ilei.
agri(ullural brood more wilt her
fool by hoe side, SI. 31citoug.tll, Isar
Salkeld ; Illly 1.1' gelding, t we. )ware
old, Glen lusts. ; 1111.' u+ gelding, yowl -
line. filen 111,..., E. l,•tw-tri ; foal .,f
191'. Isaac Salkeld, S. Furse ; matched
trait, :tare* 111' gelding., in has pts..
11. Shlrhla. M. Xit'Diulgptll, law, Ha v•
Heavy draft, iotrol ted or Canadian
bred �tnitinn, titer 1 '.us uld,utdlltl•
ward, F. Davis. It. tfnnitd : 'lnlliuu,
t )rats old, F. Davis ; proal noire
with her foal by her side, .1. W. Salkeld.
W. Msequis ; Illly or gelding. 1woo
years ofd, J. W. S.tlkeld,.1. Chisholm ;
span noses or geldings, W. F. l'1:flys
Sod ; foal of 1914, .1. %\•. Salkeld, 1V .
alalgmis. •
I'crtIxeriu1.--' Two seat told sttl-
lion. F: Davie ; tw.i year toll mare
or gelding. Isitae S411.4441,
Judge* Light Jas.l'onnolly. (ital.,
rich :.1. H. ,leta'an, Seoefortit, Hefter
Shillinghaw, %'rt., 'Ittrha'll.
I EATS or -.1.1.1,I).
Farmers' Prot or faire -
Itt. I, Rrtntldt,' Dt11 )1 titttligh,St 1 1 1
i31t._H' I�7j 4)1n ft :►t"I 3,
3rd, F, !Molnar, Sade Ibulbar 2'2:1 2
lilt-, It. Et ow -se; Daisy 11. .335:i
:got, SI: Aliens, Bogue 4 :i 4 4
4.11...“ .4) Pace
1st, 1•'. Kling, 11 Lembert• :121 Ll
2nt1.1" Kling, li•itt 11..21 :t:i 2
:fol, A. M%Ison, .lar 1.. 1 32:41
Open 'lint or Pace
int, .1. %V Snaith, Alissouri Thief I I 1
;rd, S. 4'ud •r, I 'apt am .1. . .. a a :3
Th. re•-t•rar-old Trot ill I'.ace
1st. F. Ming. Geneva 11.tys. .,.1 1 1
"nd, F. Hos.rnbert )•, M inmip liars .2 3 2
:hal, A. 1. (1i111thorpt• Monde Il+tl 4 2 4
t nTTI.t:
Skortltt•ru 1pur,' Merl: I3411, one
year old, Isaac Salkeld. %V, F. Young;
hull emit, ler one ys:u'. J. %V.
Salkeld, Jas. Snell, Robert Olen ; cow,
in sal( 111 giring' milk, :V .\ Voting,
.3. W. Salkeld, Alex. V g ; heifer,
Iwo year* old. 'A. A. Vunng, .1. %V
Salkeld. .las. Snell : hrifrl, 1111P year'
old. Jam. )hist, J. W. 'Stlke•hi : heifer
call', under our yr.t. .Los. Snell 1.t
,and 2,1 : Had, ...on -i -ting of our 111111
HMI Guts• females, .lass Sne•II.
M.11,1nrd ({aura• btr.l Itn11, any
age ...hie ronsitlerel1, 111.1 w,t t,tonitl :
row, in calf or giving milk, Itobrtt
Quaid: heifer, any age lige eott-
snlerrd ,, Itult-rt ljuai.I.
Jersey Tore Medi Boll, any nue
owe .ti lr
l Geo.
Laait1w � r•
1 ant
cow, ii, calf 111' giving milk, ,4.i111
Knox, lien, i,tithwaute. Newt, mils-
ile: heifer, two years old, in
esti' or giving 'tilk. Ileo, l tttIttvailr;
/rifer, under two year, old, tiro.
Essar tattle ('ow, Kiting milk or
in calf, milking aril beefing tptoadories
considered; H. F'. Mortis, A A. Young,
,Lae, Snell: drift',, two years old, It.
Olen, J. %V. Salkeld. 11 F. Harris
hr,ifer, one Year old, %C. F. Young 1st
and 2ntl, 11. 1'. shun t. ; heifer calf,
ler tone Tear, 1'. M(1).wrgtll, J. S.
('lark, 1. %V. Sal Lehi : two-year...Id
steer, ,I. W. Salkeld 1st mei :11-d, W.
F. Young 22nd: veatiingstear..U. 1::its,
.1. W. Salkeld 'Sod and :lid : stmt., calf,
.lam. Snell, )I. McDougall, S. Furan.
Fat Cattle tarty breed. Fat steer,
I. 1'. Ando. wee : Lit heifer. It. Glen, .1.
F. Andrews.
.fudges -.las. Connolly. .1. 11. 31 -
I,etart. -
Your dealer will
supply you. If not,
write direct to
\'f` dry
. (', ' �" Ye alL
- hi Leaf
D. S. Perrin t' Co., Ltd
Lands,. Canada
Leap Year Biscuit. A
unique line. Made.
only by ourselves.
64 to the lb.
one year old, Snowdon Bros„ Isaac
Mdlkeld ; boar, littered in 1f514, Snow-
don Bron.: sot', littered in 11514,
Snowdon Woo.
Chester %1'hite lionr, over one year
old, Snowdon Bros. ; hoar, littered in
1UIK, Snowdon Bros. Int and 2nd : sow,
one year old and over, having littered
in ISMS, Snowdon Bros.
Tatnwot'ths-'Sew, littered in 11514,
Snowdon Bros.
Improved l',1 kshiie Stew, one year
told and over, having littered in I!w14
Isaac Salkeld.
tirades Pen alt two Rayon pigs.
harrows ur sows, x11)' gl ads or of one
hretttt, ' Weighing from Ilk► 111 gulf
hounds, Snowdon Hrus„ )Ie\cal liras.
,Iwdges S. Andrews, \I. )1,•Kay.
t•I ' t:.t lyra.
Prufresiunal list, Oils Landscape,
lis F'. Harlfitt, Slre. Huwrie ; tmu•ine,
G. F. Hargett : Hgut•r fr life, 11. F,
Hewitt; -tnnnabr tritml life, (i. F.
Hai gilt, \IrM. Itowrie ; still life,
Hxrgitt, Mrs Hnwtir:
Professional ti•il, 11'ater 4'nhort -
Lamisrapw•, 11, F. Hargilt, Mrs,
Bow tie; mari0,' from tire, )lits Fraser,
41. F, Hnrgitt ; pastel :any subject.,
11. F'. Hat•git1, Mrs. Hnwtir: marine
I copy!, Slims. Flwser ; figure trop)•..
Sliss fester, 11. I'. tlargirt
UropyI, Miss nester,- Mrs. nowt ie.
Amateur list, him 1atntl,raapr, Mrs.
41riflin, W. 1 .- 1,ondrtitlrn ; marine,
Mrs. Outrun. E. Hayden: tuiwils 1..
Hayden ; ligurrs, t:. Hayden : nnw.•rs,
1:. Hayden : frail, Slrs. I:ritUlt, 1:.
Hayden _'nd and :teal; in:epitome ob'ett.
F..), Hayden : original, new -object, Nit-.
,lirlltln, E. Hayden.
Amateur list, list, %%'altar' 4'"to1)s :,kind.
sealw\ Sirs. Griffin. 1.. 1'. Bundle :
uterine, V
1•:. 118
vaso : ,ligurrs, F:.
Hayden : original limy sui.jeet 1, 1.. 1'.
Rundle, 13. '1'nwnsrnd :. nttnutrhr
any aibjeet 1originnl1. E. Hayden :
monochrome. n t r
anyo 1.'.• •
1 p t 1 , copy)... E.
Hayden. .t
Chinn'r•altttittg. Amateurs Siegle
piece, Mr,. Doty, Mrs Hua -ti,' minis
on dims, 111.. Dory : three plates.
)Irs. Doty, Sl t'. Iennlie;, collectio11,
not Ires than six pipers, Mrs. 1►oty,
Mrs, Howey.
%VINtd I'm wing ,- PYrovt ;aptly t':11'-
ving, Mrs. Doty, Slrs. (iriflin.
('rayon, 4'harrnal and Irl, 'Life
study, rh:u•roal, E 114Y dell : from 1he
east, rhara•uah E. Hayden : figure. not
in large photo, crayon. 51 es. Miro ie
any subject, crayon, F:. Ilavden, 1..1'.
Bundle : (wee and ink skrtele, ii Itav-
den, Mrs. (iriflln,
.1udg1'-.Ss. Meager.
Pt,N)t.1N'sH1 I•. AND nitAh4)11411)
It' nl'H.tH-w,
Specimen of Writing. 111- class pi-
pits -4s1 %'rrd.a K11dn11, 2nd Lillian
I:award, 1111111 til' l:odrrirh .'nti:J limit 1111 x11 tickets Satitl'day, i)etem.
SrhituL liaer:ah, 1311114, tlr until 1k01P of raviga-
I %. chess yupils 1st Allrnu 1'Lu L, lion, if earlier, to ;mints reached I' y
Gimletirb Centred Mrhrad : •Sod !liettre 414"''',*„,". . Full mfunuatinn from ash .
Fraser, S. S. NO. 111, Stanley, - (:rand Trunk ticket agent.
1 'lawing, I 1 I class pupils -- Alex.
alust,ti, Butterfield, S. S. N , Ill,
StVulrcy.spMoffatt,la1st Peter 3). Moffatt, _til
Earl Kaiser, loth of S. S. No. 111,
Judge- Mrs. 1'.
.HkKP, ��-���
le•, ,i:t'. S Ham. twin shram . and To New
neer, .las. Siwll : ,hrxrlinK rani. ,Las, ' 1
Mnoi. 1.1 and _nd, 11, I:Ien ; rain laugh,
Jax. StwU, H. (ileo : ewe, two shears
And nvrr. ,Las. Small 1st Mid aid. 14.
!:len 2nd ; sloe:10.1 w ewe, Jas. Snell
Ise, 11. (filen 2nel and :ird : ewe Lush,
it. (i(en 1st aria :: d, snN. StarllSnd'
l.inrnloe It.uu, tau slte•ars and
over, tiro. Pen hale ; slow; ling rail,
Geo. Prnhals; taut Isuib, (11.t1. Pen -
hale let and 'Sod, .1. ('hisholul : ewe,
two shears and •steer, (irn, Prnhate•
1st and Sod, .1. Chisholm : shearling
ewe, Geo. i'rnhale 1st and 2nd, .1.
4 hiebol,it ; ewe Iamb, Geo. Penhale
1st end 2nd, .1. Chisholm.
1IShropshire 1)ownt ' -Ram, two shears
and over, A. I)nniten, (filen :Bins.:
shearling ram, (filen Bins. ; rant lamb,
Glen Bros. 1st and 2nd ; ewe, two
shears and over, A. fbtnlsen, Glyn
Bros. ; eheaarling ewe, Glen Bros., A.
Dunitaen : eWe lamb, (filen Tiros., A.
Dxfnrlshire Downs - Shearling rare,
W. F'. Voting : ramiamb, W. F.
1 r Ing ; ewr , 1wu shears and over, W.
F. Young, .(. Chisholm : shearling.Wt',
%V. F. Young : ewe lamb, .1. ('hieholnr,
W. F. Young.
Fat Sheep -that Gat sheep. ewe or
weather, Jas. Mnell, Geo. Penhale.
Judges - John Tiffin, Nile : John
Barr, lil)'th,
Improved Bei kthit-e - Bear, over
The Family herald •
and Weekly Star
to Januar, ist, 1909,
It it not nereasar to
a,trwluce The Family Ilea
and Weekly Star, which i.
already thortoghly 'known it
thin distriel as a splendid i xll-
round weekly paper. Mend
your nulierrifttioi to
Vanatter & Robertson,
The Signal,
Goderich, On
Three Great Features of the
"Hecla" Furnace
Fused Joists make,he "Necla" permanently
airtight and sanitary. The. heated_ air is fresh
"�.. and pure, because no gas, dust or "moke can get
into the aircbantber,
Steel -Ribbed Flrepot
has steel instead of
cast irou flanges. 97
of these steel flanges
are fused to the out-
side of the firepot giving it
three times as much radiating
surface as any other style.
In a three years' test the steel
ribbed pot showed a saving of
fuel of over t 1%.
Triangular Bar Grate
enables you to clear any part
of the fire of tabes. There
are four grates. Each can
be shaken separately. It gem
all the ashes out -saves coal -
aid means a clean fire.
kering Pystestellar" ers off
step Is 151 let we she, 'tau all efs
acts features el tae tome •• Hath.••
t'hlhteri E:itliia17fs.
via (:nand 'frank Railway s)',Irui.
H4'111ru tit ke'la at taught fare : ( nct,it v
tilt to November .tel, to points in
Trtnatgauli, p ' is \I,tlt,twa to Port
Arthur. '1'o l:errgiatt Ba) unit Shack-
inaW Division.; fort Arthur ria N. N.
Co., and to certain 11toints in Quebec,
New iirtiuswick, Ntlta Scotia and
NewfoutiiUa •ods
4h'totwr• 221)d 111 November ::Id, Iii-,
Miskoka t,:akt•,, bake of Bays, %lag•
anetawait Ititcr, frosting,
incl I,Ilkelield. Madawaska to, Argyle to t'oiwt.•onk. I.indwly
to Iltliburtou, 'hau•Iwtl lake visa K.
,\ 1'. ICnilway. and points trout Sevet11
to North Bay inrhl.ivc. Ite•l urn
Edward A. Wilson's Pteparation of
Hypophosphites and Blodgeth from the
of igittii formula is the Sovereign Rem-
edy for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis,
CadseL,1,aCenspei'Geeghs, -Ca hdtr, and
allThroatand Lung Maladies.
Thousands 11 -
r110.0111en• the.
) lair
-been relieved icy-tr.
Those who have used it Will have 11.1
other. and tecuttmend it to their fellow
It has 1'111'1A many F, -,,,ter they %Vele
given up a,incurableby tleirphysicians.
The. undersigned as a cons utttptit•r
(1(11 tt•ttity from hisJtwu experience ns
111 1111 mine.
\1'i'ite at once delays are d+atgertit
4141 11111,)' grin's fatal.
trot' hitt particulars, testimonials,
el r., ud4,i•1•ss
C. A. ABBOTT, Sole Agent.
bo Ann Street, New York City, N. Y
as they are unequalled in
Length, Strength and Smoothnes .
Ask your dealer for premium list
or write
Belding, Paul & Co.,
74 Bay Street, Toronto
rTo New
11 Special Offer
The Weekly Globe
to January 1st, 1909,
25 cents .
o January Ist, 1910,
fifteen months,
u• eekly Globe. and ('an -
a Farmer, with illustrated
mea' sine section each week, is
:t great store of information
nttrartively 1,reaanrted, 't'ltrtst•
who want a goal general weekly
pa wr will make no mistake in
ordering The Globe. Mend ynur
snhacript ion ill
Vanatter & Robertson,
The Sigmal.
rTo New 1
The Weekly
Mail and Empire
to January 1st, 1909,
to January Ist, 1910
(fifteen months).
The Weekly Mail and
Empire is One of the great. Met•
roppnnlitan Weeklies. its news
cnl,mns chronicle the happen-
ings of the whole world and its
agricultural and home depart-
ments make it an especially
welcotne visitor in the country
home. Address,
t l t't l r a hhberues,
The Signal,
�mme iala�l taide a j
Atrnngeuu•nts have, hero trade with
the pnhl,shers of the
Busy Man's
enabling ns to offer this bright,
the•ntineete Ierit"li••.t1 along with
The Signal
• unr• twat' for
The regular subscription price of
the SbtgKazinr oil • is $2.151.
131'MY MAN'S reprodu'es the cream
of the. tvttld's perialical press by cull
inp{the liee, interesting and inntrut.
div,' articles, r:aeh issue mist r'untains
original I':utatli,art articles of interest
to every !:"radian, Busy Mans is
the kilo! of Magazine which arouses
the tetuler's interest in the first mage
and keeps it up until the hack cover is
reached. All those wishing to keep_
posted on the live questions of the
day should not hesitate to take ad-
vantage of this offer.
Address :
The Signal,
Goderich, (Int
I"- To New
The Weekly Sun
to Januiry 1st,
25 cents
to January 1st, 1910,
(fifteen months)
The \Veekly Sin is the
Farmer's Hnainees Paper, giving
moat comprehensive market re-
ports and dealing, each week
with other matters of interest
and value to the farmer. Bend
your subscription to
Vanatter & Robertson,
The .Slgnaie