The Signal, 1908-10-1, Page 22 TilletiNat October 1, UOS THC SIGNAL : GODERICB. ONTARIO . E. N. LEWIS AND THE AUTONOMY BILL. r ThI.1s the ;llutr 01 accounting for UUUI;RIt 1. ONTAItIQ,I the politicians, and the mord of I':, PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAYN. Lewis, the lair member for Nest sr r' . LVA\AT7'h:K & KoHKRTAOS Hutson, Intlat he taken in review WI. Telephone all No. i. fore the elector cast their ballots on the 21h of October, •Oueoutstanding Terms of Subscription : point in that record is MI'. Lewis 1.1.110 pit' 40+0114 10 a araa..,,i -- ill [.. -4 tIr'-1111r-.-_= Ala e.eto h.,.+e ,. three sleuth.. fab. - .-- .. _.. a+ To United :+rata+ sulreribrn,'Lae, a year newts tug Ll* 1'ew'111e►a-atf Maaloitc I.trlrtly in ad, aiiret b lout and Alberta, / t * lv t nut M ) A s d r known 1 as . uM•rib.•a•. w popularly p hu hill to r...•itr Tutt x11 v u AI regular!) b) mail will roofer a furor by M'• "111P wUG 1/111." ' qualntinr u- of the fact at a. early a dot. as . ' rWihbilr. As e•rryt*aly knows,. Mr. Lewis (k- Nfruaenew dfreasshol.dh bothlha Sid and the new Wdrow .haeil be ghee, w rtetl his pert 1BpdPr and voted with l'rovincial rights•witjt the rights titthe Irity hull of thrum priucipler which have been honored. in tI.iniela. It wus•It dehatalole question which should yield fest place to the other. The Uuverntuent took the aground that,the tights of the luiuurlty shuts.( and in tldrs shore -tate till. woe mowed.. T he l tel a (ul►i tis eft we all know, was fiercely arsuilrrl, and the tiuvrenutent and l*ejdwrs tit the literal party were forced to de- fend it before- .-- Ham Mr. Lewis assisted in the serener ? Har Mr. Lewis rtited why be believed the' Allwrtislnr RiNrl: lweal and other dmiler rdiert, euteni., lee gothic for nisi insertion and 1r tar line for each .ub.equent Insertion. Measured by 'a nonpareil .rale. twelve line. 10 .u, inch. 'Huniney.ard.ofsix line. rat under. $.i two year. Advertisements of Lust, I•'ound. Strayed, Sit- uation. Vacant, Situation. %'anted• Flou.ws for Sale or to ltuut,..4:.uaus for sole or rat Wait. Articles for Scale, or.. not exceeding eight lime. tar each lusertion :$1 for nest month• eyes toe each .ulmisig ant aunt h. Larger advert i.e- Menlo In proportion. Annoiin.o,nenlo i, 0r41 yreading typetes dents per line. NO not ire Ise.• than ','.i•. Any *portal notice. the olneet of which hi tile pecuniary beeves of :any tndtcltlnrt�ur aie:or•t atlon. to b•• con.lder d an advrrti.eutent at it to be accordingly.1 rordingly. rnntrsrt Nets win be elven en application. Address all e.wmuniratlesi. 1u • the Government it this turnout*. As a journal ruNlwrting the Government. The Signal might, be exp•t•teil to able Maud Mt•. Lewis' course iu this Ina(- ter. The Signal doer no ouch thing. does The Signal ds nut quarrel with Mr. Lewin vote for the autonomy bill, but to vtew 1-K tits eiTnduct with referent:at' to this we*ellt•e from Let/inning to end it dews question his right to the sup- port of single elector in this tiding. cures for the course he bad taken. Tubers are ou rttgttii-raiwes an which the xetiotris nothing leer than it groat peen of independent judgment have Moult to the Pathetic elector* of the acrd th._..{wptt.la• wijl., w• racrl._ t'idinlg whi it voter he counted 1111011 needtheir ttotiGcxl Intut*; My stasis• putting Into hue 'Jag by u piece of ing out for a principle.' But in 'not a transparent trickery: tingle inaituuce did our of there heroes Mr. Lewis failed, too, to remember'VANArTF.It t ROSF.ltTlit/N,too,bis rrntest his mut• TAB elogar, fur principleas rake leave the defence nd-perhitpe M R 'lta.erieri.Innt, take -that there are voters 'in this of the t�rinciple air where while he ridth tato, ITiou 6T ti -e tufty ODUlidtlt'1i. TS l ItILAY. Vt'T. I. 11Mtl turns -r otoniT the corner to "intake up"g R y ua no e ,, with Its ensnare. E. N. Lewis was (lover nu►rnt was right *lis the Con. servativs party wrong in this. issue ? %Vbrn the t'oneervativs papers of this county denounced the measure, did he reply. statlug wliy the bill 'Mould pass ? Not a hit of it. He cast his vole for that bill and then hied himself quietly to its opponents to snake ex - SIR WILFRID AND THE MANUFA(;' TURERS. "In tba• position which 1 occupy I have to represent not only the mann- tacturer, but the cousutuer." These are the words used by°Sir. Wilfrid Looter in44.fdresKing the Canadtan Mannf e[ttr? 6 u a s'ociati n A at Montreal it is a drrlar*tiot -that other classes thsn •the u,utoufa•turets have rights ,wbi'h will Ins •respected• by the present Guvernnn't,t. As opposed to the Conservative policy of "adequate- protection, which, if it means anything, means that the 1. an ufaetnrers shall dictate to what tent their own Iuraluedi are HI Ise pn tested at the exfwnsr of the . t,,t uu- .elft. Sir Wilfrid- t otirj.c'e should have the rultlso't of every tu.ut ho desires fait• play. - • he Premier virtually told the unut• of wrong that it was their husinr.r �� toed it ult-to•date :net hist, in hoses- his 1•11.11 't s of sating his own hide. faeturi- their gtwals alit plas•It4t'The s1h•r of lbsauttnomy hillowed nothing t. \lair euplittr•t. It would have been r •riw11 b1•' * I \ ge majority Ito matter wit 'II 'Way voted. He Iles made iu *tt opt frau, 'went- niug 1oend h, j shit Ilia .'muse by any public stalest out of the reawina strays to beide two horses in uppowiLe. are not tt, expect ether favors at the which pt•ttuptt' d - 11',' putt _ht.. directions. expense nt'ttrr triTreit on people, but ;n t('ath"11' f"11"1'in _Localise -he total Lir the xw.,- time of stress must e their kneeks ti'tn.uf ,sequoia to d in' trail atl£on nom} bill, but became. 6r has treated • as other people du. whish ea tit la• j.rti *tow lei a gnat gnewti•.n of state only with le- bn this twine We are %X I the Gov- in which he has no ng t to plseie gum to his ,own interests as a politi- ernment trims first to last. f theca. al.adventurer. we inibmit that E. N. fist sut.ouwuy h;ll r*n Ie allied• win has forfeited :all claim lotion %Vhile there air konest differs esti ofthi`it riding whiehl hr ha•i misname - ...pinion with regard to the tits torr, waited and is not deserving .if a single HMre is *teem' dye! to be said Isrt • for Vote qty its intelligent and co ami against it, There way a contlic't tf orientin strongly one way or the other upon lirlIZTra print 'pie. n. obi r.n. tit ole. ..rr ae..ae ttttexnt hill 1, yet have nothing but contempt for the political. trimmer and log- rullrr. \\•fuse interests are 'safe in the hands of *itch i man ? 1f ,he playa his gauze on Sou today, he may play it •un m,' tuitions -w. T1.r-els tors haver a right to know where their tepteaPr.tat iVP_*ta"'t. .Nest flu;alt is disgraced 1.y a masa who 'makes great public issuer the stake in his -QWIIjrttYgarneofss'lf'neking. - The - electors of West Huron aro grossly misrepresented by .:► tu:ut who views a great constitutional issue duly in the light .of his chances of vote -getting, Anything but a runsciencelels. vies .d hos position as the repeenentat i of this tiding would have ilictatetl t 1r. !:Owls that he•shuuld take our *it the other on this. question an by'il._ Ilk -doing so he would h*vt•_l'e- taineil the regarel of hisa•oustitlepts ase *'roan --with the cotarage of his eon - 'actions. Y ata ns. Th course he has taken shows that in has neither convictions our ronrag.' , lc displays only the art of the political trickster, the lug- rullit►g•- tactics of a coward and a tr- end . shows 1 ' deserving only, of the fate of the elan who N. !.earls is no hero. E. N. ia'wir was not staking his future for anybody's rights, E. N. Lewis was gambling for votes. Ili. support of theeautonorny bill was all open hid for "the Catholic vote,' 1 be trtostwu to. keep himself solid with "the .change vote" by licit is hod aao-.Pwsl)Ir Ott cw Moving. Ile sized up the Graugrnten as Tories first and Oraugeown after- ---atitttttn g nj ►-that party loyalty, by representing to thein that the interests of "the party" ,n \Vest Hilrtii demanded that he should vole i. hit -did, he hopes) to torr• sonde thelia to condone his art' and to win them tack to his s itgiort be- im* *nuchal'. election. Har he sum, ended? 111• thinke he has. And if he IC Carets a salt it. t•. Lewis i:ut *r llutwhulr total- s been ohur,u'Irr•ixrd by an mt• di.raygsn4 of anything but them ton have tenth survive thee 1» their own exertion.. ' The wo•kii'1g • en have taodr•peud u1sn, • their own etT. . to make ends mart. The manufasett" , already protected. the luarkst. The fretum* neer 211.44o401141 and hart• to "EVIL COMMUNICATIO From The Montreal Starttam ativel •. . `"�"• 'Thr 1.ilsrul prey. -in runrtanlly asking why Mr. Foster dews nut ,ace patty :lit•. Bohlen on his tour. We are even told that 11 r. Foster, who is, the Conservative candidate fur our of the. Torino) t•uuot ittienctr., willnotappear with bra -leader a big Toronto meeting. Tu thew ques- tions, neither Nr. Burden nut' Mr. Foster offers any reply. But it is ...given away to railway rotnpati'iet, ureal from a.,t'ip to Eurup✓, says 0,052,3$tt acres 4o settlers. fuser art weather ha.m't (sole 1 this I *dm tinistritiis. ai.aq,dso sere; .co ntrj at all ih remppar►r on with wh Latae• saw alto . Shr save that 1 alien away to settler And they_an into x gown tut d- Venice ttie arpor1Chsins. - - she Lha water [over seeps street and yah couldn't get at here.scept ,1.r •on h %o We tom' o News 'iterlint', 1,, ac- in boats; She added/: " kw416.only atxyehl one day in that etre Mackenzie was The Fresh Air Cure. divorce le of his making --that he de clines to preach his polic of purit from Ic St ren • y speak after him, the man who, as man- ager of a trust company, poured the funds in hos keeping 'the trust funds of the widow and the 'orphan' into a speculation for his own personal profit." On the very day that thin was. pub- lished by one of the leading Cotrserr- ative papers of Canada Mr. Borten in Massey Hall. Toruuto, gave. Mr. Foster w certificate of character in these words : "I hare had the honor and pleasure of knowing Mr. FMLPr in public life for twelve years. I have yet to know where,' any man can place his hand oto one ,put in Mr. Foster:a public career which was not stt•aightfot•• ward, honest and creditable to him - *elf." Mr. Horden has the prlctlege of choosing his own company, but in bringing birnaelf down to the level of ao. E, -Faster he is making it mow t • an ever impossible that he should. he bonen as Canada's First Minister. ramik, Sla;a'1al,tr. Wilford. Styli' : see 1 vicw•preed- dent, Itoliert Mtirgaove, lllurvale third vice-president, M. H. Muure, Nruw'.Is: treasurer. •N'illiatu Smith, \Walton: rw'retaly, 'IYeti. Ifall, Ninghtuto, \\'ingliaul Times: In Weill. Meront, bile rattle two candidates are in the fi«Id, Robl. Volutes, of The ('limbo Now Ere. for the Literate, and E. N. Lewitt. of Olderich, fol the l'u.serva• 1j,1•'s.r.- -Wr iu Mokiug 1u the I.iiwe,d,a 14.-tLat _riding •uK to realartta theutselves for the 'Masks, that was made in 1001. Mr. 1#ulinee Itlade a Komi trpnwruta• tier td did a great deal of hood work for the riding. \\'ith it houwl Iwrty Iwl ' 1 hhu we look fora l.ibc.wl grain un the• 1)th of 1ktafp•r. At the Soullt Turk l'uurrrvalive convention \\'. Maclean wits twain noutMatld, but refused to bind •hini- reltto follow his party in a•11 piing,. After talking of puhlie ownership. the l'. 1'. R. strike, the h.uikiuw question and other thing*, 11,1r. Maclean said : "l metro. to talk: ut diose tu1►ttets, quawtuus of greet moment, rather than the sturier of scandal of which we hear st •h. Scandal is ,all right. Some leen must be pitt out, but 1 I've got other work." Andlhr delegate; ehtei•ttl the titan Whit wouldn't talk scaadad. Sir l'harle's Hlhlwrt 'Popper is '(yak iug no part in the pie•sent campaign. It is not that Sir IhbbirL.-.iamtt ruilli- mus. but he is coedited with a good t.hqt.1 of sa;'Weity, and WOiTIT 'nb pee any tine in Iwinlf tyixevl up in the e•,stastrnphr thi t irs-gphjg rt. -ovet•t:►ke the l'on*erv:►tivr }writ' on the 20th of O.: et.' 11 it •ir iltr•id,d atter the Tiled a Tliai'iTr. na wi iii U - Vacate the 1 •►dership of bis party, Sit Hib- Iwrt w 1 le. aunong the no.t likely as- pirants 'or the lsrsl, and Iti* chwntw will 1e a the better for his not Tense in the not tanks of the defeated Party in lar present campaign. At least that i the way weer a !rivers of the part w elat•e,Agin c it 0111. ,W7 -Th &tsi The w,•11-►u,wa 1'ut s.diat. ane WIWI• rorre.tmmdrnt, in a letter to '1 a Boston 'rrauw'ript 'vas ttui- -of -"an eminent financier of foot li' that "sane caps c*ttly Ontario is a tot to heat use- un. the Federal Opp itiuuists the sur- prise of their lives I ening I. wrier more .upport titan a er lieftii*;" Mr. '1$onnson is thor"ng Iy iudepude•nt and supported Mir .Ix s Whitney in the I•sst Provincial elect'oa. 11e sill's he hew Wallet/ e.arefl v examined every unr of fhe alleged " c-►ndxls," in particular there r..ttc t liutuiuiun lands and till/ter urged by Mr. Ames, and asserts positively that, •'Ibrtr iw nu more tinth Tis t hr ....and I ' against Laurie- tlt.w-in-awe*. .i Whit• pry.' . H, Itan "Times : TI a 1'mise•r•v.11ye' are Isralin4 that It y 1115• 4545 lo carry nine out of every ten of the Western eonstitur •ie•s,' It will lie r• menils'r'tl that it ifAihl they weeds n of enticed'. x single one et1hi,• sev,•utee t welder!' const uencir. to ow, 1,ib ,'rads.: yet th re was a tidy Lilwral majority wet of the Lakes. 11. iput Knblin ani Rotten. boasted weeks be- fore the r ;t tau 44 the einisiog sweep. The )• we (going to curry all ten swats in Nan' aim, and have a majority in the '1' tinniest and British Columbia 'l'Ih•y suet•re•hled in carrying wily s' ant of twenty=serer wail. Th.. *1 - it y is that .their present boast ng ► 111 Is• followed by similar result/. A nde.ttnr Literal maim its fete each cif tilt' 1'rovhives of the \t cot,i inder4 already eoneedsil bynemw of eautiu11. of the ('unset vat press, alas Mr. Wilhelm, rentor of 'he '1'uieiriln News, has put i'i•e;tui r KoJ.Iin. .T \Manitoba, nil hough 11 ulilirrd 'hired. in a very etetutrr:tssi it p•lsilton. The other day, Mr. It .din charged '1•Ite litulwnw.wipa r lth-bay.ing ahluro mrd the 111. e"'intent. and', time ,,'roods iegi.l• ion regardingthe ('r..w'a' Newt Plow• ustfasy thin greatly leery' led Nr. Jeffrey ,real. I rfpttt The Mil ant relit Presented with a Puree of Gold. Mics Vida Nell .1011 all Monday sfternoou fur Toronto. int route for Winnipeg, where Site it to 1111' married to Nrlliigton pavisna, sun of Mr. *aid Mts. A. H. 1)aVisou, formerly of town; hilt now or Maple ('reek, Sask. lin Thutwdsy [evening last, prior to her departure, rhe was presented with a purse of /Olin gold at a joint Meeting tit the` Epworth league and prayer meeting at Victoria street Methodist •r U -II M The add . sea. grad h e"!f Y alirra Itc r 'ikltf- wnd the presentation was made by Miesv Thurlow, uta behalf of the cungra gat o11. Mies Hell Mu berm very active in eburch work hi • .ctiuu with Victoria meet church, 1111 the !sundae school, League and choir, and her .departure Inver a vacancy - in.. the tilugreget' which will he lord to 1111. A large tutu• 1st• of warty friends te. iu good whale' Its the vuuug lady it► lbw• now hunts ;h the \Veal." - *100 Reward, *100. A Suberb Showing of Women's WEARING APPAREL, t'irculu.l:ours batt•* ••eintloned to ht iug feta at this time u C lectie)n rulbraciug Ihr newest and Most "P1" »wl models in \Venice's fell s ossa I low n i.,rs. \\'e 1 apparel e41, d E �► 1 feel more that (runt our lat'Rer4w•kr you can Ire suilrtl r IN II nod among these decidedly neer reat ions just the st le t t seams a� rein -your NEV AUTUMN COAT. SKIRT OR You-oot--_ -foeata voter indioidntt type. \\e cru ,layou 1ALlFJ9 rH ATS at agile. lil.t1, {1_.1bed $15.110 valuer we. mown, promise to 'hip lea's. when taco ,s,'.eul supply runs out. '1'111: NI:\\" ',VAItil:M AND SKINTH arejust"ail gaud muddy, just „tie u st vlr, just as great care in the workmanship, just AA touch w art hit the 9 a bah lljutig4 yutt prwl.l:arbie tiler price for them, and the braid of it all is "you s and fit on before you hey." . JOHN STEAD, The Ladies' Wear, West,51:-cet Toie a•uul.r. of 11.is paper will he pleaded to learn that (herr i. u1 l*, -t one .Ifewade,l dl. raw that •eiener hv. la•.e able to urs iu *11 111. stag*., and that i. ,-.harsh. Il ll . ('atarrh Core t• the null. posiljee run, now known lu the medical fraternity. 1'alarrh being a ran ion utional dtsww; i-- ales. a ewesliltit tonal Ural "mot- UtalVs t 4*rris asses -i„ raksn in ternally•'ti•ting directly upon 1hn• blood iutd ' uat0ou. .urLra•. of the .sat sue. thereby dr' alydi•ind the foundation of the diose, and tlirk.glhr patientetauuWtt low-boHrt n Orr tM- rou.Ut utiot and a>.l.l tag eat err lit doing Its work. The proprietor., have so roach faith in its ennui,. I*.*rr• that they offer one. hundred dulhars for any r•*., that n hal. to euro,. Send for 0.1 of testimonials. ' -__ r • Sohl bpy all dreut``i.t.. -se Take Al's F'eu'Ily Pal. for .•uu.'i j,at i o u. Some nom treat their wives' %v.•11• and solus wives help tItem sel•e.. r, r ri to l,rlr , T at 'pit i as es sl r. \bo•dou*ld, 11 ores - of Thr (11,11.', de tunc,d Alma Lad ies College 11,:s super-h.q. advantages 1 11 Music, Fine Art, Elocution and Physical Cul- ture, Domestic Science, Business College Confers, Literary and Scientific C Itraes, al- so Public School Classes_ foe !own girls. Cheerful, wbolewtrta, home- like.' For Catalogue, -adefrrAI* : "Tho Racial,," ALMA COLLEGE. 1 3t. Tkwa., Oat. R. � siTuATiaN�.. � Itt 1111 Iridin ' husine.. iter., . aw.tit our • x.lu,tte•s. LOOSE -LEA LEDGER I and all '- boder' *Mita. meth• rods w Jell moist,• rapid ael- rlttle anent. GREG SHORTHAND L• iglu by Ihr • 41n1y teacher ' t Unt:trio who attended the• • Author a school - itREE COURSES- Slrn,.a haply ,llnnore rola 'lelrgiaphy. inter any day. Write 1.1r partic- i ars. FA .1. '1'Eltal FROM SEPT. I.t fit ' ICa. BUSINESS ' COUEbE (ilio. start -ION. , UALITY" "ARISTOCRAT" HERE J'1 -a -top hotelier aIII OItg oVercoatS. 1,u0k at the flue lines of this gau'Ulent. Full of style --and---tittf- of service, becAnse -it ii- perfeetl tailored and 111111 made ,of fine imported cloth. A l;euclelnan a con , every inch of it. We are sole agents. We sell Stanfield's Unshrinkable Underwear. The Peaboay Smock and Overalls. king and Sitwell flats. T �,+ W.C.PR(DIIAM • DITORIAL NOTES. - Laurier ' • agsip, it is time or x change in t Huron's rep • ration et Ottawa. Roblin woke i t the wrnng par* senge•r when he led Editor Mse- donxld. • Their was a real than giving day on Monday, when the tiesrain id aim week. fell. Is Mr. Lewis' case so Ind alta ,e is \afraid 14, Gleet air` Helots. nn he platformto defend it ? ' \Pet•haps TheStar• just for the sake of varjety, will change the• war cry this wee%to "Let Lewis Hold Ilia Job." Aa T lnmdon Advertittr'r remarks, there is on thine the farmers would be certain to et from the Conserva- tive party -mo taxes, "Borden will WI "'say' lair Charles Tupper. That eettlet Borden's We. Air Charles Tupper'. Prophecies have always been Che hoodoo of the ('•on• servative party. Though It admit th t Mackenzie was plain the tor a v. but we weitid yrs badlytrentr+T1Tjt *lis abilhi, would • h like to no* why it is permi.s- hxrr sni civet the Ircti of Iriiri if lila for girls a walk thestreetsto and from ,silos .I Itt►ieneadril while hen, the l'oniwrvatives h.• pot• brought *ie con Ihd to atter hats or caps. (.sward the policy f protection, It cart: t :it that hoes are e ,Ililltri have no policy to which lore;arae the .,bur uses in the likely to take cold than girls, nu contest, 'flees i. lust th difference cold het* tw any danger of such a 1..t..a.... .t... "..t.'...... ..ethat of today: the (7onserva 1478 and A during the l went '.. die it not posetble that wit less vet in . t wearing in Mouth the men 1 the ac the uture would fav* more h r and people : "'wander is their ole would hold it lonlfrr th+rn. •. tau arcus, it new the ci s' ' Gutlrrieh ort*' especially ins tereateet iti the rent inatiun irf Hugh Guthrie, of Unelph, attthe 1.iberrtt exit- el didate in South 4N•ellington. Mr. 1 Outlrir tuts shown his active goods Pruvl � a ecoid Vote at THE POLITICAL "he voters T lis Lion will be Anyone cial electi it of tit the h will tsarists 41.4b•rich on several. occit• ,ions, and h:o assisted the repMesenta- Lives of this town itt various matte' is u 1 in the rowing the uunie-ipal Inds for w hada vote at the in Jure, and is still riding, will have a )nun inion election on in which the influence. of it member of Parliament wax of value, Those who (rote attended the banquet at the opsninlf Rhea of the('. 1'. R. in tl dericl a year ago M Lars -slat ilattgUiLilli obs -•141194141164 -*4 n dress with which Mr. Guthrie cbarmed r hishearers. His opponent in this cam- paign is ,Mayor Newstead, of Ouelp for whom also the people of (lode ch haus kindly feelings. setbion of melt. tang mellow frit:tiro Inc... (lode bonom friend of the mat twine non ; Conspiring with Ivor how to load and 141104 With fruit the i:147. that round the therieh. And all all fruit with ripeneseto the fore : To swell the goon'. And WHIN, the hazel 'Willi &sweet kernel ; to -tet budding more. A int will min" later. dowers for the bees, 1,•01 II t hey think warm ilaye will never oetwe. For millnitser hiss o'er hrInentil their clammy FROM OUR CONTEM With Foster to Help Him. 004044 JOIlrhal. For him own part and ott behalf of the Conservative party Mr. Borden ofk.re Ow country dram SlAi pro give Government. ,oefeein Smith in Weekly Sim. The entrance of Mr. W. L. Mac. Thomas Doherty. the Sarnia stove tkenzie King inte the politieal arena manufecturer, is out against the trio,' is another personal event rit general in- ernment tweause he is MO. "Satisfied terest. He, if anyone. WIII be likely to succeed in the ;arduous Leek of with the tit' if, on stoves. People who combining patriotimin with peirtY. want the price efjosteres ineremed wilt The conetitneney of North 'Waterloo line up with DeAreety end Borden. county deserve/4 our tin Ilk*. Decadent Eareals. Dining the days of Conmervative St. Louts Star Hume 1 n, things Happen at p,liti- gat Ine. At the South York ser ativr ri . v'ention one it( the. rarefied t • candidate, W. F. eon, * "aorto political fnrertni- claimed. "of whom ye : 'He moves iota his wonders to perform ! he timid Nook sternal* w Much interest is taken in dature of W. Meek Pirate K ' Mr. King hale, to a_ t n_sidendid Labor Ile iit a itrairtiltsitl of Wilt I,yon Mackenzie, and, shows some 0 the patriotic xpirit of the old "rebel - in throwing up a eatery of several loneervative majority Of ever Mo. on hard to see lei* ...t -tiiingitig into public* life aginta--of members of the T. M y, im going In strengthen as so many mllege, why ndt give the away more timber in a year than his opponents have in twelve yenrs, las (misting a story to the effect thnt "be has the position of King's Print- er in his pocket." This stetement 1. abitolutely and unqualifiedly untrue Mr. Holmes is certainly sui anztoml me any candidate' can he to redeem the riding. and ask' the support of the electorate in perfectly good Imith. Dr. Chisholm was placed in nomina- tien by the Conservatieest of Mut Huron itt their convention It Bruasels on Mondey. No other hame war, follow*: Ptesident, Dudley Holum.. Wittghtou , fit sir vice president, Juhn 11111 ltiet avillittynrss t.t resign -Ai if r son. who Wit. editor of The Globe n the tr'ansartion in tlorsliun was I to have takeh pias'.', Would ran• s`\to he truth of the a,.siii*tione This drew 11r. \\'itliwtn, who flatly re. pielietew Mui firdtEin'. *pry. This is ole leest't.hat Nr. Nilliaon could do. Ile' always resented. when editor- of The Goole• the iuriailatioti that be had lent the paper to serve selfish ends, and he ahold not now tw. justi- fier1, Seven tot screen his ,present-day allies, in remaining silent when the u ,cusatinn` le agsin `lorded at The- 0191)e. he (1191)e. l'he• Premier of Manitolaa Ilas not increased the respect in which he is hell in Ontario by blundering into lender charges whish aretttr loosely 1 that evert. his political.. shire ha •e to 'Haar.* ' then'. When the same charge was st made against The Globe Mr. %Vi wan denounced the matt who made it, ass "'slier and a slanderer" This language wold tinow apply to Prvinler-RONitt. _�.jlprier doves Scotch Songs. root° Star. ail' me. and trite friends, for Sir \Vi ainifi,iiTEy *i'Ih blit beautiful iiecti'on Of Ontario gown (sack to the days when he was in Oppositten, and he has, al- ways had a Warm corner in his heart i the Scotch. Deeply bedded in his sensitive nature ale the roots of a love' for Scottiehloyally and Scottish toter.; *nee which emote to him from his res- idrtine me a Isiy with a Scottish f*tully named Frasier itt the Provinrea f Inctease your Salary Proper prepara eon does it. Attend �If) ELLiarr Aod 11„• ,t One to .,nn, ester i• 11 Itt IiT NOW. nue hundred sus ore .tddonr• nun-oJeec-Wra;awr+- . Ina the roller. wine.._ IiUpy TRIS I'11,t1VIL 1 We Nothing el.e ilyuld wit i.lv i1. should ..allay yam. AL.t. 4141 IIEA1111.1- SKI '1It! KAIPLn ter e'at alo•Itue. ' W. j. ELLIOTT, (*sr. Veneered Alexander S1.. . .WNAt re the I.e0. Whin. else 041A tris r1111INDINIMINI MISS 1 Is a very good eatery fora young peewit) under _n to reels' VI.. sec. eral of our shorthand graduates of last year are _ ntiw :enjoying thio salary. Perhaps' we can help -you to receive this amount. Our new catalogue explains. Cut out this card• sign it and send_ to W. 11. Shaw Central t;eilrlgr�. Tornntot Nettle .\ ... Address WITRAL • reeognizell as the LA itftEsT practical training melee)! in Western (Interim Three departments COMMERCIAL, SHO,ItT11 AND. Our gruhiatem secure good wad - I joint nnd forge to the front. Writs. rm. our free catalogue: you, Will find it Intereiting. Yon may enter 111. any time. Oita \ itlr. LILT ir doily t ming the meat oteitleate ease. of Fetnnle dere. Falling of the Womb., loturorrhosa. Painful end Honore...cc' Mesedruittio•i. els., et are MI of • hem relieved from the Mort by Om nut. mot a few weeks' or menthe treatment rienompll.hee a rem' dcientinit preparilliOn, and i. the Moen% erleie of P:441400: It 110 an'itpplied trettithent . that I., if I. not taken Internalk, hut I. applim Utter? to the muttering part.. and It, therefore, aeui *Rh alt the ontainty of the know* law. of ehemical Melton. A. It comes In direct isentact with the di. Gamed tissue. it* antiseptic and nerve. food properties Cennot help hot have a isserneent influence. receive from 10 tO .50 lettere dellr. enteakina et Lite beeente And CUM, ft 1. prrirtfirtnintr , .04 so sure that It will de whit far It that will i.esa. u& 'Mutely free. .ti rent box to a err wafering wonlito who will wrim for ft. Prtee. Sirs per hot. whit h t. suferient for one month . treatment. Arleireas with *tamp. MRS. V. T. cusass, Whither Wt. YOUR FALL . _ SHOES Come and see us about them. We have just received a shipment of MCPHERSON and DERBY FALL STYLE SHOES in Box Calf, Velour Calf and guar• anteed *tent Leather. Prices, $3.00 to $5.00 Buy these shoes and get too cents worth of shoe for the dollar.. TRUNKS, SUIT CASES and BAGS. G. 414. ELLIOTT'S THE SQUARE. FALL HATS Don - -One of -our new smart shapes for fall. We have the goOds to suit your fancy, fit your head and accommodate your purse. - FRANK MARTIN THE TAILOR AND FURNISHER Cet Ready for Cold Weather. Na e Ninny yell mtork tit Stoves and Ranges ad (II est eVet. N1101011 in 4; ()citric)] Every tine 10 guaranteed PERFECT BAKERS. HEATERS and FUEL SAVERS. STEEL RANGES, from ats.00 up COAL HEATERS, from $5.00 up COME IN AND SEE THEM. We II take your old stove es part pay on a new one. We sell for cash or on time payments. Repairs for every make of stove, heater. furnace. STOVE PIPES. ELBOWS, MICA, BOARDS, MATS, , POLISH. VARNISH. STOVE PIPE BRUSHES. 8c, IOC, I2iC and 15c each. CHEAPEST AT WORSELLS' OHEAP HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE.