The Signal, 1908-6-25, Page 3Xews of the district.
jj/ise. Haab. l..rllits It*ckweu. of
McKillop, wits mart fedhi
toyJ1me:Mit, to J:-ftritiert-Nny'
of ltte:levier.. • -
-ijetWrukt. has +vedetted Itis rseigna-
t , to take place at midllluniner.
11th inlunls u D 11'rr r
�0�. H l t ;lest
11( R. t
-Al I Itirhrrl, Id lhIIll (tinea, t(nak
re 1 self a wife 4141 I'm'lahty, June.
0th. The hely of his choice was Miss
Melinda, third d:tuKht+'r of C. Mies, of
tin We.lurwlay,the lith ins6, 'Lev.
W . E.-Krrri 1.1 lliutett.11141 Jt)r _MOW'
!lei knot between 11'illwrt Alvin
''rich, lit Seaterrtli, and forest May
1Cuwdtlt*', ,f Tucker,.,it1.
- Mirs Edna 'filrntlrrnnnn, daughter
cif lir.'atid Mes. !leery diel aluel tie
'4)f Gerrie. w.1r ut•u•tii'd 4141 Wedgies.
day, the 17th inst., to Frederick
Philip Melodist', of lluwick.
Miss Minnie halult hill, daughter of
Mr. and .t1,'... J. %V. 11111, formerly of
• Utbltuu, wee r'e•ehtly lurrled in
llan*,:hutvi , Sisk., to Alfred OpurK4
-- e• +teiat r -tn, ,cl.•,,.t ..f ur.t place.
- tt The death of Mr,. Aveltili•tkl Antler-
ntler4)111' of -.t -he- ,ei.1.-.,t...)f
Grey, occurred at. her home neat'
" Bluevvtt«. on 1''rhl.ty,. the-, 12th inst.
Operated was in her eighty-first, year.
The death of 1Ih. Ada la•imller,
daughter of Mr. and 11n..laa. 14•in
rtes, formerly 4)f %Vinghatn, ir•epn'el
----et- If entthy4" eel,tfy,
l►ectinsed was twenty-two years of
age. -
Arthur Iletliet1 Dames, Noll of
Joseph Ranee, u[ ['L°nilitcm, di(r1-11Ct 111
hone of 111s falhM1 4) t u S.13,111114y, J lilt•
lath. 1Mrersed, who was twenty -live
years of age. ,Ives\been Nnhje''t to epi-
eptic tits 4incr'fi infancy.
The death of Ittblw6 11).:11.1. which
Ia4t*u'i'3al at NS house year 13La1ie' 4111
11'41,10e,day, lite 1711iluat.e; 1tsAuver
-"old and-ertrelned rsident iii
$tapirs, who hail attained to the
rritk ulft:of
u 1V.
rdnrrd14y,. the lath inrt., n
happy event took plater at •'11aple
;venue Furul," L.r,lioale of 11r. and
Mt8. ltolayt 'Violin., of 1',tonne,
which load., their eldt'rt daughter
liw•LhaJ ., MPs - M 1Vaw�. ut l'iAn-
t%blZVIer•-T. A. iii boon mad \\ •
Khux.. Morris .1, Litt sat. 11. Xieli ,1,
thlt_. Slclassetl
11.1''rar4.1•, 11,Itel •W•llir.
adh Ut•r '
At*u. SmiU1, Jas.:11e �''tl �41�•+411, S. ,1.
Ur'i iwll. 131 as.rl. \1r��p \f
11ra4kei, ll. Ii1nuN}tit. 11' I. r.
AlvKilnir . .... enrnir.on, •A. •thu-
dine' It. i•It•itrlett, J104. 1•:v:urv: tial.
lett • W it V. M.
or el. •lgl 4 'nn. At 1 h,.
WAN rte •tai
The Pe
' tlle•til, , 'flee,. 11• Vilhtu
d pr•,iidrnt
: \\' 11. hearer:
silt;' I'..t...\l -.\ rllllll', lei
111441'. '
and thir Corporations
A yu11,IK titan na11ed Chester'lint-ll:ilual•,Frw•r!: 11ar e.'ulealia1n, 4.•'
ler !ION been lu•reete•d pt 'filroubu,g i ''‘V11''‘V1141*4l i the 11111'4 •of the 1.ilr•t:d
all u clue of ulalice,uely betting tireI party et t! juirtule %' ,.a.1,,,Theto the at'eti s hurt lit Allot town, , '1'4101'41E til i lid jy dlytu.ers itg
wririf -"the rare 1914114,-1-Vheallt•i , of "wit 4110.11 n l this+ Wile : "It most
Clinton, and two others tint albeit kY.'rinl4rt• oh. wear in tined* with U4)•
11(•ee. .. , I Iwlpli• end lw 111'1uliues et. 1411 .lou
A. 11. Alusgeree,--Al. 1�'� ..` einem--titchrnd,iitM ts..t:altw t(f .tl+e. p*Nlir_
-.trnal his throes. tis-pemeJp1ttziV'S'liig• • io2 µxtul n, e t11.'lel - •j•ed-
*1,1111 piddle sehlul.. tie will continue Irl' get cltweer." if
to act ill this-caparil3' limit' the auk' , Thi Bignell incl. what- its words.
of lais, its adv•.
t t L he*. 1 � Igeol s
At the bottle of to bride:11 touts 8 "the (w.bple• at
on Tuatrlrv. the lath Dirt Mies still curlwreliuus, tpn.'ye I liter"
Aid 1rYIt At+.tvt► tsrrntrt d,.' trtrr . f and �iritTik ,•y rL1�1,';..
Mr..1►n11 �K)w.-,i-,--H,:1 lags T S�'Ilijt _ enemies e- tlutt-tin 1tr it- fir lwth•
hila was unilYd in morriege (r 11' ' lids -tele dlrlvtica of
Itulwrt M. Thuu1ar, 4)l Tlrvuto.. The ll.. I #tl'4 of 111 r * cause
cLrrwwav war ya 0letl *)*'d It. r. N',- uytain.t the..,),.11,1,.,,,".III*L.. �.
Li. Howroii, by h 111 n,t f ' that Its people aad
. I the iutere,,ts.. nalei are nature.-
iter. ('h:trlek W. Down, of Exeter, iii *1141 me ' •4 114.1 wit lel tlwy sever
wail uuintitl.1 4)u \Veduewlay, the 111th I nt•ce.sarily 1l• Ir'Ot of enmity
inst., to Miss Seethe. 'Roauttet', lit 1 wrrr the gore 'tient utthe 1:411,1 1,a
CllOtultj. 11r._'atul Juay, LJa+twt..•..ili 1Tfact he -t11t u 4(44(1
take trp thOtr 1PYjdetree 3'fi fuer Lout,' '4)T {act �le In iutelrrelb o[ pwlpl
tau. wuerr the gr.Nnu heti Iwrn eta. rn)-pnrat11114, v iey,,l iarrest. }at
1.• 1 by the 1,mdun 1'onference- of ln•ivilegetl .'Ias.e 11,• ten {teat snit.*
thee-Mettleelie11 eltitrrh. - -'--� ---fromtIwn intrr�• 'FI -ea Phil'.''' r
1 ', 4
411 1
11l'1: l• o 1 ,
f A 1 y, )
1 se itis tail'- � it +
of Ila 7x1 111 r r
1 red n e
4)v 111, ). gest daughter 4)l' Ur- and 11•ilhuut rutpnr 111. and ('4.
111. La(',L Duuur*t, "f Sc'afen•th, 4ad-l.ntrrrat' .;te 11,•• . WnuW (lath it
Allier[ Fortune, roil of Luke 1:ortule. ruttier di cult ` err to-pre,gr,•w,
of the llur,n road, near SeaturLh. was and Wdhqut the rpl4-•at. for,n. r
sob -' iw':6, J_.-._.: el.e.•e6, Mine
foi•Ln, i u', 1114. 111;1, hist., Rec.
1''.tthcr.; %urthgraves ufli.aatiig.
(111111,14 willauecesrititltx hist1wiethdrrwaj w.heh•soui' aur W I11'l i' Mitethrr
111811 tb( prute►s14)1y, ' s ► ew.ia it to aken lit•taly 11044
ntlst Iletle41e th t til
Civil Ei nlleering
'AOI1 f M. ltO
t'ltit,ltTio, (•1\'It:
cud llydranli,: IpeuIineer• Ihrtarlu 1.w1,1
l)M4'4. • McLean an N11N•k, t1.11, 41. corner
Montreal -tar 1, T•'Irph•ao• t t:. ,
Menesetung Mineral *Ater"
/(lHE I:ODlatl/'ll )IINM:Its '
a • Telt 4'U., 4144 4 4(4i•turer• 01 "Afro.
tang.",am Ptepared to deriver +e may Wer
the lou llultr.t flinger Ale lit Nlut- .4111
quart+, 41.0 )tnevat W414el. in hr•. Oar,
rpht.., plot• and glirrt.1. Mellor W, :1,r\ and
I rouble :..ria. Thee' 0481• err• mhde froto
natural mineral water. +end are therefore fret
from all til
a llla 1'. W(t.i'.1
'intone Y,N. -
:1 -
ail-itlt., t,I.Aninliw---1 Aal-,l'IiFr
1'Altg1) to recei' a puilii• foe Icwrn. In
plane arid theory, alar the Hurt -owe, umb1e•.'
kindergarten 114811481 (lir yosoue l ihh a•4).
Tenor and other lofur atiun Inas Ili• -bent at
Thoneinia.a,n .tom.n•h. :A AIA . .
ANirFtkt*4A - tf
Studio's' Itaink-u( M,a,treal Mock.
Medina' -
RS. RAISIElislON'.�"1'N�i3UI•I.
A. T. }:uurioset. )1't). -
W M. Tcu'1t- 4 ]h -
1111 .,, 1,40,41 n, Street. 'hdue ltd.
In. Mi •0040. I'#.141414,4', N.wth st 't.
I/p(4r.11e Mt. ticortre.rhnw'h.' tie Ila'
hr. Tu►ubull's nr.Wen•'r•. )loot rr.d •t rewt.
IIWII14*.yrLut Public Ltbl"T 'r
I)R, W. F. HALLO I a'. N:,II.
entice. 4'011s/roes R,t. 11,'{I d1.r 111 1411 e1,
elan lk18,4. Tel.• '411.m, Irl. bun,.
IS. F. J. 11. FltItSTElt EYE. 1•:.•111
Nose nod Thee.1 1)111• it00 furl. 111,.
lloli.o .nrglnn New 1 Irk 4le'htl.alnur old
,.,,.,rt-- aril ln'LU We. *4444.141 1 h0ire1 re.i.lant Farr.
k 1'�r1411 1lo'1'tpl ',.'1%n !1, ,herr rn.4
ya T41, 4100 fIphl1,14fu1i/flier _ Albert
• 141Ml font. onimeIt.• 1.11111-., I,,Iet, olio.:
- .Mit 11 .111. 7e I'.en. I.41'1'110".e'Jt.
tAMEH(IN k kll,IAN(A ,' HAR-
• IIIyTFat`•. N.MM•hor. n4r41 Wm rte. n Mice.
1 stentee Ms.. t hint don't front $quart•. Unite! all.
lint. M. U. t'AMKKON. K. 1'. 0.11.. K11.
*U�+ROIJ breed'. IIAI•S & 11L:\IR
i 1 btrrGirn, rnh.•Itur+, noterie. publh1 on •
tannin the Merit tine e'vute, 1,M, nita.•.r, reel +Mie
Omar.% next door 1 . A ♦.urn'. anN-.cry'. I•ri
*1.' fund.. 1 lend at kw 1-4 rale. of hetere•l.
!•4•A,,_,*)l. ll)"tall'.. ((,t Il, 1'. IJ t 1 Y. 1:. I'
11l'�iN!ltlN h (4ARIUJ IIAIt-
It MTk1t•4. attorney., .oH itur-, rlr.
ch. M.mry totem{ 111 lowed- 1,M«.. 14
_..__1 jytt •1: 1.\it11.1• L'.ILtIU,E*D I:AILS 44L% -JJ.B.
•- O. .n1,ixSTON. f3Altla!('rE[t
solicitor. ronnui.-,un, , ., elan Publle.
UN1' .. -Frew. 14,14 -11. I, (Jut-.
. - - - Tnsdrance. Loaner sic.
VOL'NO 7k 1LOl3Olt'l'SON,._.HKAL
J1t &date nal In+41ra11.•e ALnn.1K Itru1 ..-
tate for tale or W let , Propertied 11andlod In
aloe part of the loon nod enmity, lore and
k Insurance, money te Lean eta.
TOiIN W. (113A1(11E, 1.1FE, FIRE
t and arridenl 111.111A/ice. \gear for hvalin:,4r
IiuLMNt WNt ,4.,4•'k ea1N 4.! *0+u444N•e *i MN
1UIM rtfienlad on bee plan. and *i lowr't
('all .4 ofllrr, ■.rase we -t Street and 11.141.41.,
or odder.. J. W: UI1AIMIK, Uoderieh, amt..
fele ,hone 11 •
�icKII.1.01' Mt'TUAI4 FiNK IN-
•a•nw•r 1 s l: It A N t' F: (: U. -l'a �MtrJ
um'•e, J. l'rnn„ Klppen I,. u
'1. Fraser, else-I'r•r,, Krn.'rneld 1'. U-
Thonms h:. flays, )kse..Treas., 1.'fnrth 1'. 14
iltr.lctory-w'nl. l'1./N1ne14, 4lt.fur414 Joh,.
O. (lri,•ve, Winthrop: Ile•nrge I E410. 1e•ai1M h:
John Il,nnewels, 1)1,1,14.4: .Inness, Ikrn•h
wood ; John Walt. Harht'k : Thu+- Fraser,
Itrn,•,Mld ; John 4i. Melatt/l, Kl .(*'n ; Jas.
('onnolly, l lint on.
J. W. Yeo, Holnicsvllle, agent for %Vest
Huron, rollers -holder+. coon pay assessments
a1Nt get their cards rete' ee at Tuwor &
Drown',.. (,tlnton, or at It. II. l'nll s gr. -cry,
1(Ingalon street, liaterieh.
I':(ItlAgta, - Tho bed place 111 town.
'mmpt .ervic,: everything clean 11'11 .ante
Lary. Ho, and mkt, bath-. WM. I4A%'tt.
British Exchange meter Ater* enooew.or Lo
Jao. FritZIeyt.
Marriage Lllcenses -
�,ALTEIt E. KEIII. ', a
1�'atehreaker, Jewetlrr and trptiefan,
• teeter of Marriage Limner.
WLAN$, ISSUER OP 1{11141•
• AOR Ilses'wl,, Dederick, (11'4
THOMAS (IUNhfty, I.IV1: s'l'o 7K
and enneeld a nn.•er. 4 nary. on Month
Street, where he win be found et all time.
when • tt ,, give
y rn4 tati.f*r and
ne.vt W Klin yen tint lsfartloneme,
General Atetioleer.
New System of Tickets and Catalogue.
P. 0. Box tit.
.w44,11.1 1.11-.. .•., aid , I',, afnaen•'P.
Both [:ave their •(lits• 8114 lender
truly wise rule 11 lights will lie
seat/nth Ne ets : 111. .lamtw \Vat--+rtfegi
Wed i�►Kain., *eke fn.m an
twh;'lir Seefurti, teller wee • fiahu.g in teed
the 11aitian,' River sr. Ethel the tenet-
sherthey for hese.. succeeded in gettin(pa
line specit41141 lit the hhtek bass which
Weighed ttrl',•4la'uttds. 111- '(tatruu
would like to- knoW It any of our luck'
-- Sor
A sit y rust, to of "nner hi•
half at _►. tarmh Is to whIj1 *4. tic'.
Hsusti44'l44 4) Iwai this reset. c11.i1h the piece - Lance way
particularly Lough ch ,, .
A pretty .lune weddiug Was OM- Arenlilg 1hu11r1 et rife • ie were the
summated, at. stir home 1,1 Mr. uid farmer's two young . '111"r m,
Site.duhu 11','la)'1ur,.of Exeter, ,n
11 i•ilurs.lay, Ole 14th inst.: when their
thud .1,utghler.- 1Lt1•g:tre-i Jean, he -
too the me p.,4) Lner of Jahn Mr rat••
, lit Sll:akelimar11. Thr lar,• y
w. perforur,l4,y It•••v. A. 11. hieing.
A Ir:4,84nt hymeneal recut caused
a 1 1
L o
l f rxrIle' "
Pili --at the !Mem 41{
31r. l&wE Mts. Jas.' Nethery, of Hut-
Irtt. MIs '1V...ine..l..1- the 1,41 :....L..
when Cly it H
youngest daughter-, "The hitt;lairl:Celvii*," a a ar•
1France•.,. %lllildk. gave, her heart yard NI'Irlltiet, "11•111 ate .W...filly
•,'Il hand t.. 1'uu roes F:tirservirr, a original mind froth his rhililh A
prnsperuus 41 iilvg agriculturist'Is
1 the x Tittle le, /IN Iittl*t V illie'lih .4411.
lir ww-nshyt. e'1'11b ccrrnlnn3' WAS they till a quaint »tory *hand.. '• in
pe•runuP•d• by It,•\. %V. 11. Ilartley, (fl1•sgow. it seems th•tt rn('
,4 suf-
Myth. in tar pr'ye•hre•,11Jlguest*. Ira'tfchtn'ribtyra week with -too • hr.
A pretty and inter sting ceremony Finian) lie -11:411 the '4,4411-"11". - iter
was that which ot* 1 nr,day,. 171.11 it wen drawn. he rose fr the •1•
inst.. united in Weellts• 's bonds Hiss held out his little band to the Nur .
. ,
Milani...M.•Vauiltl(un, lighter of nod *aid : 'Litre it to net.' . The
Ilox ll
11tOf 11 Ir14rs and' Kelm. with an tweinumutlating stall;
Ira t'. rtrk.r, lit the firm
o :u0hran. wrapped the tooth in ,aper awl el.
& 1'•41(,1,r, N'aughatrr. '1'11. nuptial ern el11•t4) the lad.' 'Hot 'whet So
knelt was tied •at. the horse if the you going to do with -it, 1Villir r' be
bride's father by Rev. E. G. 1'41 II. :ulkwl. •1'm Going to tike it tonne,'
litThr residence of 14r. 11. • D. 4'14 1,r, was the 1•rpi) . *end cranr'btigar in it,
Myth. was the scrim of all ink. 1- anti stet* it eel e.' . 1Vaahingtiet ;Star,
itigieveatt " LII iusl - -- -- '
when Ills 44ughter'. Allierta, he - ..Hark_ ',blain o1i4.e-
t•,111 ii• bride of Fred A. Lewis, the' ince City Enterprise. Hw tells nt-s
well• u
kn wlr I'
i air 1 ,
a tan•• 1 s w.'
1 e r 1 4)l •.
f Arthur, "• tl ' ti le
h n et •'tn•
u 1 w c
b finding
t 4 Ila a
Lt •r. 11'
W. 11. �htr;le, „tli••i+•t•.I at the 1,10 ler in his .paper, wri)tr lit ask
('4reulon)•. After their wedding wit her his discovery wait 11 sign of
joltttrney 11r. t -Mess, Lewis will t11ke good "r had lurk. ''Ii, reply, in the
up'th4'u• residence in Ant ti,. answers 111 ,corms me aleat•col
111 of the oldest, . t ,g.. was as ullnws : "Neithet• good lurk
MI..)'t(4'\presidents of Ituliet1• 111 - tb1• not' bid. The sp1114.1' WNN. 111ert•Iy Iook-
ps•r.00ul(:i.yrgr Irwin, 4)l the Httrnn lug over u, • pages tat -Sint out What
tenni , hkanei,t ,u the lie ,at. 13Nyw44d.4n ►Iw4ellatlt N'.. not elVe1•titirig, sit that
' ue•aday , th.• filth inst. U'4.e3 lid. hast it .1.111.1'+pin el welt aeries his door
leayears but had attended to hiii�-ieu�. rove forever.- ',ngregiti realist. •'
tura! d4iier uulil Lod Welk, '(itssl1I yp • -The ditfe(v•nr• le' weenrrnrient ,in,el-
w•,te, rt/•ickrll with a.,,e .err attack lit mede1•n shrug was a11111singly illus.
heart trouble. permitted, who wits )► t,',(l,' in the Chitin -anima Assembly.
sou 411 tli. Idle WM. !COM. in, was Isrrtl when the hatcher_ of Eugludl literature
ill 11ulirtt • it('.cuts years ago anti asked, "Whitt is the bumming of the
.(w1 lite greater pals of Ilia life in, Shakespearean phrase, 'leu tri T :old
the farm ons whieb he p,a.sed away. 't member of the r1111t replied, 1(11*,
His widow, a daughter. of the late that iii _.billy the sixteenth century
Reuben ('lark,•of the Durgin rued, and exprrs*il4n of the modern t•rhl, ••I 'Mlle
funs• rune are lett to mourn his demise, ,IT '' Thr two. phrases, while appal-
. Another of the Pioneers Gone. ently a posi(�4, Ito, in fact, substiur
After a -lingering illness of creeping Dolly ine-in t11e'same thing. Chit -ago
l hL-4lirlr.
pitrielywin, Mn Wm; Mnlgfif TOMMY' . Wtitte takl11 a heli
teen, tel'hwled this life on 11 edne4tey. if " 111/)' .11I-11 r• .•
.1I mo 171h. 1ler4.are•d, ethos,• Ula len motile( of Scotland 1 -'Fine Ip:tl Simi -
Wag was .lane Miller, wan burnin4 inns flet by the Ile:a1 minister. '•11r1-
f refuel seventy-seven years i►Lu altii! ' fu. 1'rinripat !" est -daunted the later.
caIo ('aulafyy With her parents- to ...I'm, Tien.., trh, dlw/wi1 and rrli4•ve•
1101' early Wadi llt.sal; settling-int•the• lin, u ." •• to
Hose• line of illdletL. After her mar.. 1Y'1e1.41e you. „plied mewl,Ntnrl-.
ring+•, tleeeaseil resided 4111 the hitt*
l'4me1•4,41/11 111 f1itk,'ich• township aid
well MN-thar-risitnr.-w 4ttvl}yt(glilig
unsuccessfully .111 slake ,e itlt wee.
*ion 4)n their rrspyctl'4 torte4w„�If
the aged fowl, When the ..gest 144 )•
turned to hist;,rr1PaIlion .a oll4eree1l,
roti' %,acre :
soinehow I 'kin. Ari*h old
Dick h*dn'fa diet 1 don't 1 ,
The New and C lent Celluloid Tie
Fastener. -
Do you want to Gave a DOW neck bow
to wear with eye
1,y shirt waist you
-Qaa hay* sae- wails
very little eipe>!se with the aid o f the
DOW celluloid tie holder, which posts
'but 0 'cents, says the Woman's Dome
Companion. It le made of two pieces.
-and to the back of one a iaateaer 'sat•-'
tached, which when adjusted is caught
to your collar atnd.
The other piece of the celluloid fas-
tener Is made so that die rent ribbons
,may be tied through 1L But little rib•
bon Is required. the bow being just
CZr.1.r.L.QID tris )1 LDea
large enough to eutlnJy cover the foun-
dation. With thls sort of fastener a
deferent bow may be used as often as
one wishes, and It need nut necessa-
rily be aiwW7-ot-rlt.hon..-Atahro3Je,Vd---
(vp, net with lace edges or -striped
llnen may be used. Tbese celluloid tie
holders tock under the collar In just �1
the same way that the usual ready pi
made bow doter -Ute bone which it
tboonted vu a awe ('Puniest tounaa
tion and has the fastener to attach to
'P'-1 nNk
Its lt(- a \i!► liu_N ulri4tl• I.Inj:r Lh►11* Ltrwu �u:: !l:•.{•�1
[':ltd.' is•,•1.11 prlra rot S o 41111 tr. i4'I ('14141 IIOC
11Wi..1111104'1, i•xt*:i lot.' d throe 11'11ite
Mu►Iln, at Cs. p:•1, )ogek Ly1 we hat. rtill 'at good 1111111y piece.
left. -foaos, 'lure theslt.ur• sold w;e 4 *ttttVt. e1i•I1' i1 t11wn again yt the;
\„r1'1' 111, 2.' bar "r aulw.IlI, til 1,1141144 1. 111 II \\ '
r,rnplete4 and tate
foe the. velure they• are 444 1r' .01'11 4„ 4..• 11,.
Istil't tl.'d: - 1 _
-- -a't'w.iee4inii* ie ar+tie r Reit-4,44,Tti ys.-rel -
buckler a1 25c caste, the bookie.anre Veiny; worth the motley.
':ph'nili,l show nig of i,l'.411141 Belt. III 25c 4111,1 111,11.11,1:.
Npi.....L iw•cjuJ,lacL, whir.; :4141 LD1 t.i.k. (ii(v4..:c"y4••(im'
yu.dity of tine 1481e ill, iwr pair•
- 25b -
Ladies' LimeI:1Vri's.ia iallj.lU •leari4t1lk-lnitkt`.'. -.
Spr:'i:tl liter i0 I aalies Cotton timer Imp ankh's, in Iol.1. k
-tine exce'titipnnlnalue, per ihtir.: i.i.. .•. ...,,...... 260
N'e a t'ettnehe.-t--'.dturl Hose tri the ttoile tor, _ licit 260
Still It Logs.', lrtment of ('hihlreia')__111,1,1w•e.t• to :.riser
t411. .� M i- 7IncI)ho
TavRSDAY, .I tine _'s, 190t3_
OF _
tbo collar stud. alter de- r -.•1l; when (herr was •v hill in
: Lhet•.nl..,.11iva. it!.exrl .
111 ,1 1,111
)ties wtiit-44,4
A GUESSING GAME nilehe "tide
:111, ay son," 4111 his; father, Willi
Where Stifnese
Prevails It Melts .tin all iudnIgent gleam;"•w'hlis it;"
Rinses In etre Air.' tnrutliha 114',` _._hip' .11lttnr
Very often at patties a bootees W-i<fleefuli3.
that things duu't ''go;" that stiffness CAUSE FOR ALARM. ``
prevails and there is a feeling of !c!•, E demir Ta�ycnzs,, Grippe, -Catarrhal
nese In the air. •'guessiur' 'Trout.;-. gcnza,oniar te, .Catarrhal
competttiou, wblctu quickly brblg?
about a.thaw by making pts;ple chatter \ 1i1a1!: ,t1, in, r,•:, .• in 11etiuhlu, ref'
to Ono Mil/diet' without any lntroduc• 11' l.r.•att.::rye 4 1 -go: • i--tote,i in In.,i4
tion, ls.arrangod as h,tlows: I eaIih,'r If . can 44111 old% line
Tbo Los
tells, having Previously Writ-
ten out. Catch on a 4(uaaIl•Ktrip of •p$per,
the names of a Utrn4er ofc'IjJettles,
-local or otherwise, plus one on -31se
katdt .5 a.h ,.o at wrI...•n .,d1 4444 411ce•
eat She should givoeau hour In which
the competi u linage. ie finished,.
The peo with ••tieeorated" tracks
must by a yu lis of everybody
- Osstluua'o • -Melton • "Yes" or "No"
maybo -'m
Itven + N
W U Sa
LIIts the
name with whlc he•et'.he` t ticketed
Each correct must be eported
to•the botiteu,. w'.. 'keeps a ,rd of
three "irJEL'
She will
floe r
9 phi. another name. •
the correct grteserr k and then the
same process will bee peated until the
specified thne Is up. T. n a pylae must
be given to the num woman wbo
has been moot proficient tallscove=thg
his or her temporary -1
r Such unman as those of
president, Elinor Glyn
are ,sect to
g use.
A large number of 'tickets
on band, as names are gues
suri,rlaIng qulcbuese. or the 83
lila) be used again'for dlaeren
sons It the bosteas chooses.
It any one fairly well known in
Ilte 'lure or the Ince chances to
Presetlt, much amesest:t19t is caused
own to Ws back.
•il%lo, t hl haul' to a with the li,.t
nllavl. e.fll ,I.I in 1 he head prlelutl.mi 1,
r.Jhls, . b1Ane•Iritis, h„u-Bile.., e..t,•
Oatarie Agricultural College
•l'hr afinl,d Excrrrrt.4ft tmstlt.
Oulatia,_ A(tricultlu•ill College
• AL 0ilrlpll, ler the au.11iee•N
i1C the West 11111l'011 F:11'u.t ca'
rn+1 it ri1 e, will lir held
;r(Te.•tfrnr, t-tt8mt.1e mitt be ry.etir•kty-
11vI•1 Ulric
ithe Vete
.1... isdi,3 ,,gklu 1,1,1 1..'-
in t .eases and it sr 1.-17 teryt use• of
0111111, fyuanl,,illeller.
1'h.• dual tion. ha Dani, 11. %•.r, lett
I he principle is 41'..1, t he .ante. V hal
t"dr,.Iroving-nil 4nme •rrtt--its-that fir
pin breathe aid having i1.retrt•dh,'
air pa I w 1111 dr nlsltea tinlr(PM
tie• pille •ul.l lis -litems:
ilditeiabrr.t6;.L1ii1 id. gr1 ' lul''•
;, 'rel red fr,u, for Le", chin' t;di s wrl
It's• the tidy 1• of 1lvouiei
heal 'V.11111'11 t t_ t. .Ins.111.11A(111
h �
r:wttre. 11. t'lnipl.•t.�out tit. t$1.
W.ts Dead fin oi�Rlt. ,
'1'bee pin inns#.' ter eti F:palish linen
lir• polar ,I nilifie 41 tilt, de,tUl-w,Nch 1,•l kwa1 d,
red stark Dean . t n' 11,111' I1 . , . lel • 1 ,
- .lat.•4 rni t... a 11-11h1 ilistvIrtiom+
to hiu•v the iuta avers given. \' Some
hour. luted Illi• Flo lit•1 r.•r•k•'. huhu
1 retina 1 1,•t, Int '� ,• INN
the r 14 /red toTthlt h 1-
i t 3
W:14 ,:till there, He ,'.l Il till• 111V11 -
1114n'. Ittent 11 n t•t IIs.•' itt1.,„'sun,'
the trite•. 1. 141 ,11 : '
•1 though! c•'u said 1', .Ji' 16. 1
lib •wiuI *o &ilia(. .4
thi)h 111 1r-thunk1. ''Ale 41'e
411144 I. ':'5.,,' says he, Stitt t'4), pi
\� near d• -.tri-'
"SO 1 but led War”
'lis. .•-4 tichlu11li.1- l,.4) will
1 ...
ti,. .... (4...11.1.4
oriel) lea11ch of the 1'. 1'. 11.,
the 11411 141*(11e4 In S',ulnd:a. '
Speei,11 ti'aia for the ecru',.
, *.1 1
4)lN Int n 4 f e ZC M1. L a1, 11 ls
1 411.11 11 : • _
+ • TIttJ,at_,..t�.'iisut
41:41 at • a. .Alda t. $t ae'h
'tecta. e
runt. ti
t fa , 1 'std, 4
�'4• '- \ •., I.i 1 D. lir•
tl-lit-ItX. 417 l4.. e.„•
1ll,v'rII _ !Late_- 1.1.1._
41% AtTrex. war . ,
11 1 u •. T 1.41) :,.•
�I.t\br.n4 In .1d
N111.‘' 1.:11.11 ,) ll:;r, 1441 '•_fly:
NII1.I.14ANK. in : .Me -• Ps•.
1.14 N . _ - tu..) 4 _ • ,44, .• :4 4'
Arr 1 .nn J *tlph 11111:211a.u1. •
1.1, a 4114, 1 'err lruelpIs at 7.:n Nous.. or
til rat 111 (iodu ell ,.t (tits..
�ue.1 to# t,nMeit , i1t
.1 One ".irk. -
1t. M. Y,t .,.. 1V .y,
I'. -••I. ,• Mrerr-t.,t)'.
ii be
per -
•Nair 1 might reliever- yard eolii(ri'i;d-
tion 1” - - \
be ri..ihenty 441) till' gravel Arad, but A haywritesto 4*iv, :'pro'". ,1 Ilia,
1,i el•
n the -
elrnth t Y
1,f her hrt. h, mfata'kms
•tn,t 'm mmtr to' iso .
ten 'tt k. ei�r1.4, that
ye:u n itgo she 11x11 triads tier - home elle went iutuat-sloeµ-in this erty r4'.4
with her sitter, _Mrs. t'uttle; Of Cidn- eentIy, and asked for it ropy, ..1' Sw•iu•
tun.. nirnr't. pre *i0. •'\V4. havi_IIuI, "S.tviu,.
A Kincardine Wedding. mnemes interns," replied 11141 ,hli(titg
4 in Tuesday evening, filth hunt., a I clerk, "kilt v". LIR'''. rtnhtrr6 Rut•ns'''
pretty wedding took pence IAOlelowing Ntresa en ,te 1'ueLj' given
home of 111::.. And_. Mtn. tl terms Aka-' n 4141.. _(:title.
gun. Kivaudine, Mins Ulhral? .fuhh-� It was -,17e,; -use 'ranch Nelson attended to
+tau, g1a1delaugbter. .4 iti,,,, anti drt&il le renwer.L.Of tiiiid...lh,tt-111• WNs
hostess, awing united 4)l arti1iage to
Joint 1lende.,.oa, a popular .y4)nn1
so.vlcturMus, "I OWe4' he •said, '•1411
my seeress in life to having been a1.
mn:111 ot Lnrknow. The ceremony wan' ways a,tu,trter i( 1111 Luer 414•1,,., req
imauswiwojai v. Dr. Murray, the time, livery riennent lost," said Na -
wedding much heiiiK played by Miss pwrlwm, "rrivlhl •In nPportugtty tot•
14.4.8, Of Lacku,w, !1 recepti4)i - „me. mishit -
held after the ceremony land the The qu'l who 'steel* ler' heart isn't
happy rn1(ile left on toe steamer. Apt to hear it stolen.
Kung Edward t, spend Lh. honey- Ton many 411441 measure importance
moon in 1 tetr.4t. 'f'ley will inane by the standard or chest expansion.
their residence at 1.ucknuw. A g , . :. . ------ -
thole- present at the wedding were A LONG LIPS.
Miss Peer! :end John Johnston, of Car-
ew, couMlli of the bride.
How to Conserve Energy and Prolong
Dea- t f Easter Young Min: Lite.
The life of one of Exeter's mint The time a •.' to every .me when
p tenieing young men. in the person, the lite forces begin to fail. ft is n
of Win. A. Cook' wan rut short by little harder to climb a hill nr walk np
the fell hand of death, on Saturday, stern. Exercise le taken less vigpr•
the I:1th inst. Decetteetd, who wee an molly or abandoned, aid we feel that
unhappy yictim of "tli white the end of active ier8i44 is drawing
plague," returned idle, the Vest in 1 near.
failing health about a year agcy and it 1+ Moro loaf fit'ihalrle• tl at we
from that time he gradually grew have leen over -driving the 1 whine
Weaker until his Spirit w' 1 441 its of - th' bully, which will give . t. like
Hight. I h'eea ed wits a son ,f Ie I1te any machine if overtaxed, n 1 we
Adan, 1!.ink, of Clint/n, and 't ha late shout l immediately take hl - Is;
Mrs, Ilawden, of Exet1'1•. De carried change the gear, build u , the ter awl!)
on* hrinines1te� In liebsell for Nome time', and restore the life fort. To thio
nndet the nAme of 11awden & t:urok 1111 nothing millets our delirious cod
Init'sul)N(ynently hail held a Iurrath•e liter and iron preparation. 1'int41,
ppx08111011 in Winnipeg. A young man whil•li it far superior to all'other
in his thirtieth year, ,f excellent Wei. banks and cont liver preparation he.
nests abilities and sle•rling, character, raise itiw tiled,' by 14'ti'i.nLillc, 1•zlrnc-
he wits urtive:,a ly Pet emal by his at. live, rinse t,U-nting Pelias (rens fresh
trial es. end'.' livers, c4eylihining With peptonat*
East Huron Farmer' Institute. of iron 'all thlt nwdieinal, healing,
latents-huilding a !limits 'of cod liver
The annual meeting of Eliot Harlin alt, lout ne nil
Formers' Institute was held at Ileus. At a 11n1y Mlildep. and Strength
tela on Friday, 12th lido., with i reel• creator for old People; • felia'at.'.•til•
dent McMillan in the, shad. Reports dren, weak, run -drown persons, :after
for the year were pt,twnt•d, the mem- sickness, and ft r chronic coughs,
berehip being rl•p orted e s :VS. colds, bronchitis and all throat and
Directors were elected a. follows : lung troubles, Vinnl Is unexcelled.
Hawick -Alex. Oiteon, A.: A. ,Ors. Try it o0 our ,tier to return your
ham, J. Armstrong Turnlwrry-Jae. money- if it tails. H1 C. Dunlop.
Niliott, John Mc:Taugbtun, Jas. Oen Druggist. Godericb, Ont.
1114 114 ,
At night, nolhing a aopld be allowed
to mtsr!ero with a tasOugh cleansing
of the face (with hot wester anti soap
when the ak1i Is really dirty. If soap
114 too drying 'there may he a hot face
bath. `Thin!, after wIplttg the skin,
sold cream nary be rubbed) OD and an-
other hot wal,bing given.
The avez'atc_baby' like the average
Aman W0111ah of the prrrselat day,
Is a Wndle M nerves. Tbla ••couditiuu
Is dee largely' to the fact that the
mo heris nervous. Dna as a .111tsult thu
h4ritat -tie(-Ill,,,;,. -its- betrt'brta h,
titins or tram frequent ao voclatlon
(clth: a nersous penuii a you ug child
wilLbeeonse'Reeles-rin•a118 same man-
ner. TTi�tt natural but tpbet011 tine de-
s1r•e.ti)1how of baby -tins 'muel i to Ito
with )IIS beteg fidgety, and q1 flet is
metre tthe. gr a C eeemtlete for 111 411
Tele Wotnar, w'110 14.4)1* 10 Veer a tali -
A Faulty btagnolis.
.► doctor who think )i.i*;-,Il_th••
it . of (1,1 htnnati tarn esti be Ipaeed To
114 dt•it, king ;it 1., ;doe curd tea • en
VA' •t refit.:1111':1111 rert•Idly :►lid *rated
hiIn.- i1_ltileas i1__2t t__I1islumul Wh'•
.411.4 tioyifg 111111self trying to .1
11,141 1 r. a} steaming 1'111# '4)1 111Tr,•.
"IMw fte41*41'1 Volt nese 1,ITre Ij4u•r
1..1 thio. 1,et,r. '•1 .lrillk it Ulu1111,•
nu1ll( nn_ 111 14111. sir." "1.11/1.1.1, )ills•:-
perhenee slight di/2llutrs 44114* trail,
.i4) retina sit night "indeed i 41,•,.
.ie, very 'or,' tient It .'1 "'(o,, have a •
rhdrp pain 'rough the temple -and 'in
i 11 at..lout .
-u replied he�lrishutaul. 'You tem.
possessed- i wit t 111',4*v+i11e'ie When vull
tw-•(ke 411 the 1 urning.n your lewd 1
often 41.11••. .4)I 1 fer•is .rtes laratrl % ' ,
"Alight Ig 1;11.- ,a n,et•teed the hash- %ite•rt
•iii. -stilt .iplli 1 111 . t hila.. •'1VeIt,oirt
['" e*"tlnn••, Ihr ,1t [tit', 81st int; :t.
,L:14I'fl4..4, r•dt' n11,W 4.,•,
e1, must tale 11nw Wester tette ca•tr ter
The thinner alt• Is the taller she ' will
loo/:, btheer 'thiul(n being equaL- I%ut
there are then , :she c,4)+t do. Tbt'se.
Bre The tot to be It•,1ruci: Flys,;, to
Isola eft ) o�IArL_eOet: secure!, .tu_dresat,'
long 8111rts, arid, third, to dress pelt
neck longer a11d wear Se halt ns hi'gb
as possible. You must *ear y4 air
gowns broader o4) the Itllonldcr n rid
must dress [cider, so to stalk. 1.11 U.'
e-otne44 'madce a mistake if they we ar
tight fitting should1rt aced lone. th }n
sleeves. Thiry only make ttemselvr'
look wenzent'*L The intim% ing l.+ n
goal exercise: 1.1ft the arms, , rhes
ntoop and nest on the right hew, l,iis
Ing, rlverselltnawtine and rel:t.ou.Ure
other knee. Then rim (1 .� the man.
jlmpbig from foot to foot, Thou
i•nmo hack. 1ti11 jtunping and this
limo lifting the flet- ns though yntt
wet. ,aklpp)ng. Thu final �o( .'merit
Is tnete(141 the arms upward ind leer'
b arl gourd• There- Is adrenuns `ter all
thtug+i, and the titwsior%/,*t y to ct-
.relsew make thc•1I(t1 °mat terse is
thatiltey make her Ince _
1t;er rt (•alan1Rksllf tr'ou Can tbeenh+
hell: the nn14:'L•r. 11' net, attend to own week, in() s !ready the sell
l"ltlfos to be renes yUr'• Electron.
If )',11 Wl. *11 Wove, yuer.e•II Menet'
What Johnny Had. .
As s Ietvmd taw 1 01,.1 huh teii.r
J0iytlny wag allm -t'll 'tel c • 1e the
dinnmc taible whey, ,+nn, tan)• wen, e4c-
pwet*•11. He wetted to appear big,
1(11, ./1 le 1.1(tl.• • n I,w ,'3,111' wIllehh
hnxlght-his too' if h' plat 'xi the top of
the bible. lint he 41.1* 't.. ulh,l II is,
Ile(swna it was 1,.,n a line w 'ith his plate.
and he 'was not a, likrh• t, drop oily
eking while Mating. Ha • ate raven,
lrtt1ty of ever 'thing, has ing nntbini-
to say to flee gt,ML., ata .hie another
told Atm to trrmenftwer the 1 good ebit-
nl..e.o i
, not hear d. r trans,
Lf VietCIIES _•-
llpen,--_ ianuplel -nr-Cabinet'
Ouruwn stake and equipped with
sizes C'L.tu 444 Sect. Special bar
gotten Ur -ether er nates. Siiriti'(
\�4414g4 feet... W, my lee inspection.
Purchaser:' expenses paid, •
ANOES Y ,A �. '�
fo[the w. l'krwwn •Chestnut" .
.Canoe. I1)'4 �iality. -Send for
e€hrnt lit
unneap vat!.•, u, inkable model.
ENGINE asoline
Marin. t.1, ":u h p. Stationary
:3 to IVa-ly..p. Large 'discount
for cash Wrbe fur catalogues
and pricrr.
Canadian Gas. Pewee & Lawrie,
1.imited, Toronto
1jtr 1,-r -t4'�l�jF r'ttrr astonish petit.- "Faith 1 a w'n •
I i
t' � 1h1•�fr'"
1T 1 A ( .
a Risk
Gas is liable to puff out
of the front door of any
furuaoe unprovided for
gas escape.
"Sunshine" Furnace has
Automatic (:as Damper
directly connected with
smoke -pipe. (:as pressure
sway, damper .ntryciently
for it toe,Care' up, himnev
(sec illustration), but heat
doesn't escape.
What>do es_Slfnehine"
Gas Damper mein to
"Su 'shine"-Trrnaee?
Means protection to tbe-
pa tfragaa it ih i
etas of
/ dealt **sunshine
GOAttamper mean t„
"Sun. ine" hodsebekter .'
HOWELL HARDWARE CO.. Local Agents. Ciaderich
New Buggies
at Kn• 's
Meats by a he celeliratrd
t McLaughlin
Only One Grade. •
• -`and That The Hest."
11,14111 :hist, Peeeivrd a ship- •I _
mint ,f th., :fine Muggier+ anal
invite 1u13n ire iiterrrted Lo call'
at141 see 111,111.
Cut1 Ne•wgatt•
:urs ilanleltfil.-streeta.
- .14400
F untiture and l'nd.•rtak Wg a'uro4Oe4N,
W 4)'L thele tiywt•i.
'I'11UNf:: Store*. ' Iioderlch
IG,.Weurr -9
• s.
Night, sans.: Al.. m.4Onl,l,r, :u (*4111tH,.
. _-•..-'ittQtll!(a1n+S3Q'. r
(Fater-al---l)ircc-tors _
.and Embalmers
Orders serial!, rltu,r:d to at
'PHONE 15 oR 24
W you et
Itched on the market seitlee
M.' LEE.
k:anadian Northwest
..P::.i.:i'llri:•All:' .• 4:,!lx:;•'::::214:3::::,1'......7:.11:::::':1(„;:"1.;41:7:.;trit:.::::(111:111",:44t,:-.111'1:11hd01:110;fht:i'
'I ti. hest Oa tisirennired to perform the
' r'ii:%0 K44114,114 1.PW Ilea 11-ly 414 tlini. 111* 10,111 than
: 1, 'sot mil... Orli. its the vicinity Win -
father ;silt.
1.-41er veto yet -forth los nen re Ocoee duties
hr. n nine aides in *direct Jinn. cselesit e of I he
a idth of toed eilloManetia crewed In the
lik!tlet of Pitch antentlutif
Six months' fee tee Merril leo moot be iv rim
Deputy of th• Mini..o. of I his Intl/mfr.
g, . unAuth.n.1404.1 11111,114,0100 Ole att. 441.
Oat. will stet ite paid tic
I, "ffin'hillis'-re.idions. upon and
lanit in year for three