The Signal, 1908-5-21, Page 5TILE SIGNAL : GODERIC!E. ONTARIO TIiU1tR(IAYo m.'ty -"li 1906 1#ECOMEAND SEE SIGN THE ELECTION ACT. i kiel a rust Mil krw"INt«`N'al W. ACHESON c SON undrl lhu 1 nlvmtwl haw. This sign is permanently attached to•the front of the slain building of the Lydia E. I'inkhtttn Medicine Company, Lynn, Mass. What Door This Sign mesa? it means that public inspection of the Laboratory and methot6 of doh«µ business is honestly desired. It means that there is nothing about the bus- iness which is not "open and above- board " It means that a permanent invita- tion is extended to anyone to oome and verify any and all statements mane in the advertisements of Lydia E. 1'inkham's Vegetable Compound. Is it a purely vegetable compound made from roots and herbs -with- out drugs ? Come and See. Do the women of America continu- ally use as much of it as we are told ? Come and Bee. Was there ever such a person as Lydia E. Piitkllam, Ind is there any nt n Mrs. Pinkhase to whom• silt woman are asked to write ? Come and Bee. le the vast privattoorreepnnd.roe with sick women '-oondueted by women only and are the letters kept strictly confidential ? - Cotes+ and flee. Have they really got letters from over one million, one hundred thousand women correspondents? • Come and Bee. •- Have they proof that Lydia E. j'inkham's liegetable l'utopound has cured thousands of there women? Come and Bee. • This advertisement is only for doubters. The great army of women who know from their own personal experience that no medicine• in the world egnabl iydia E. l'iukham's Vegeuble Cbmpoun or female ills w ll still go on using an ben - but th poor ted e9 by It e Hug, suffering woman must, for her sake,be taught confide nce,forshealeo Might Ius:as well regain health. DESIGNED TO PROVIDE COMPLETE AND RELIABLE LISTS. that electors '{I - � In 19Ub L y lin ohm tt�-Itp . wuutd ulake goal the detycienci.•• 1'heHun.,ltlliert Rogers. Minister Women's Rain Coat on the Vtltnlove of Public \forks, Maniti1be, declared 11 :i1111 a rein 's ie tv • .1li.i nt iced. oleo r I ) @ Statements by Hon. '•Bob' Rogers that Conservative Voters Were Disfranchised Shown to Be False ProvincSal Lists Are Defective and Ottawa Government Desires that Proper Lasts tie Prepared on an Independent Basis. e a d.u.rn Iodic.' sty era, mot, .I.,th , nal- u, ne\1•:i. ,. i e" ' eighth did full Ieugt h. Xemi•tit1iugand tight tit tint i;.t Isix bac I. aohn Crawford, Liberal member tow : Very stylish, new and good, reme oir-Values .1y3JJVV ,�(1 0 7 .0 La- lt'otivie, popitt l -tiler their: frutu._fl-1141-L1�_,31.4)U earb..elcatiu g at. eatjt. / V were nett even i_IU. w•d - The _otos, Kowa Rogww said -77: Conservatives were elirfriesiehi.ill Curtain Showings the Provincial constituency of 11aui- tiome 1a1.• al1Ival. IIIhilt.-. la.� i tort uu.. in,..lvoav and whit ,.� foto alone.. 11'e are abut lug title. week Ho-us-els,.1Yuuyrmmol tit„e4 il1tuins, Reply : In the Provincial election. of omit tttlpol'IafaHa vary dainty.eA .t1% -Si�and e� �itill 1141 4, whin the I)awiniuu uuthnrilirr had uuthing.to do with the hats., the, total l'ouserVative vote polled was shirt •Waists The Howell Hardware Co. 1 71(1;_main haft, when the l'ouscrw+a Exquisite nbite Iaan .lit' linen tt..i,t., •,.uuo very hantlnn• .-ITet'ls and et ylcn opened this week, .tl. vet v $1 .504,;.De3.50 moderate price. Xiutr 31 to 44), ,.1. river won the seat from the Lilwrab•, Ottawa, May kith. ---AS the- light it Was osis 7:47. Yet the Hon. Robin °Ver the t)umint,/u Elections Act is at Rogers said the Dominion Govern - present the chief topic of discussion mens in the election of 11011 disfran- in connection with Ottawa politico+, a ehised 777 voters. tin numary of .tins argument on either The 1100. Robert lingers said 2t1, side is herewith given for the inform- Conservatives Were disfranchised in Atkin of readers of The Signal. ., the l'rovincial Constituency .01 Mione- The Ltbet•als of Manitoba say to the doss. Conservatives : We will not have lists Rept! : In the Provincial election of preps rd by the partisan officials of 11at4, the. total Conset-votive vote your• friends, the Conservative Gov- ladled with 5Il v, ih the Dmuinion .•le.-- (iovernu,ent of the Province. tion of 11011. it was :521 ; and in the The ('nnmervativ't+a of Manitoba Provincial election 171 11017, it was :SU reply : We will not have the lists pre. The Conservative vote of 14011 " ex - pared by- -your -coed friends, the Literal Cuver,nntent of and 141)7. and yet the Ilan. Robert Lhe Dominion. Rogerxmai daM'.11 were disfranchised. 11 hats prepared by the Province are The' Hon. Robert Rtogers raid' 117 flied-, the'I.itwral..of- Manitoba, will ole'conservatives ware disfrsnehierd in dissatiatled. If lists prepared by the town of Ile ltiut1. Dominion officials are used. the 4 ,n. Iteply : Iii'the I't•ovieci,tl election of servativer of_ Manitoba will be lis 11014, the tthl Conservative vote *atirfieth palled was 317 ; in the !) ' ' eke - The rtiItcdy for the situation, sail Hutt of tent, it was 3tt1 : and in the Kir 1Vilfrid Leu ler, is to take the most. Provincial election of 1i017, it was :417 tok eothely out it the handaof either again. Yrt the Hun. Robert Rogers party, and let tho lista be wholly pts• said 117 l'unservativea were distrait - 14( th. l ' • miry . Toss the chinud• (.ouv. rn est pt -u to dn, slid we -The lion. 7Ldlert itogers said 172' invite th C)pposi.'on to bop Ls x010 Uonsrrvatiiee were disf`atiehired at amend the loom. Elections Act airCrandall potL-` both ['artier.. Reply : In the I`rrvinr•ial election of rvative member 110x4 the `total; Conservative vote (Mxl: Whitt we polled was 1!tu. and in the I)oluMimi ig out brilbs - e4eclio`lt o7-llgrt it as J.*. Yet the ent: You ac- Hon. Robert Rogers.. said 17. were Ontario and disfranchised. • ut our4 ? • ThI lion. Robert Itugsrs declared et use yours that in 'the whole division of Mar - el arrest. q+uette 1.1110 Conservative 'votete metro 1'r viucia1 disfranchised. lire •;be Reply : The Conservative voter - its the i)ominian election of the assessment rLfi: ahs . -e.• HAI+eaee ded the .Ctutservative, votes cert Andy would not uhdt front the dint in the Provincial elections I( roll :anyone liable to texat'on, mat 0)3 by boil. .. anyone placed- on the roll trough 'ile Ilan. Robert Itogers said 1,Solo error wool* have nn -intens. i0-hav-'on: rvativee were disfranchises! til ing hie !mine taken off. '1'11 ennui- `it'•tt•ta ala l!rairie ; 'and . even Con= eipal .voters lists, therefore, a •e pre-. i rvatty 's ,tdfnit ttiattlW stxttoi n -t IN instill. uidep ehdeilt of any pa y in- not tree. And s0 on. with the (•e4. fluence, and 'they toren the mus reli- mainder(bf is statements, cuncening' .able tarsis von can -Have for the lee- the allegedt• in seatidals: tul•al lists of it Provincial or Ihin4 ion There well,sto eitor4, no don ut, saidSir ViIfottR,Lrurie ; but they .were tilt! «Inch en . tea were likely Y to take place in ret being the forty Pros incite! corl:titueuc s to ten 1)0 rginion coustittiencie3.1-_ int in .dis- triIuting,the vote. to Pitch. Solite nm the border linen n wen edit . lie !:'t s t, 1 ram t 1 f I were either left where they tat ht not u have leen .or transferred ben y ought W leave- been -left w t't-y were c arid the indrflroltenelio th addresses on the 1'rovl cia vitt 1 t' `lists wniild -naturally have rem • nal iL difficult nonwtill►es th de• 'd1• ii which constituency a peredm vote. The Dominion (invert - not intent) that Ower' thril- 1 , 4 confront teturning 4 the t election ; and had. in(►•ixlu this hill to pro - agent, representing one of the-psdit,i- vale t tachinery Ina o work to be cal parties, occupied the whole Lillie • Inoperl, lL' ..one beforehand. for revision by his upenin4f•tutdlese to, - -_ the judge. On 'Mother occasion a WAa judge, appointed to pit at Heaux•jour, adjourned hie court '1.0 sit at Lae du If Furred an Coated. It's a Looking Ronne'. in the Mine registration des- - Glass 'tariach Warning. trio;. to „enable number of qualified, voters to get on the lists. He there • When it is tiqe Morning after the registered thirty-eight duly qualified night before, yid do not need' to ltsmk rtrinM ;tll. when the brow were at your tongue Wknow that yin*r taken 411 the Attorney-(ienrral'ti ot- iehounsch is apart, the !wad ie_ aching Me; those Remelt were cont8wpt -no appetite, nerve. -'on edge With all lye toren out • of the list.. It is true, the sunshine of life loudest.. their, registration - wok illegal. "accord- - The real time -tow tch the tongue is ing to the law Of MatIllirfha.ylntit slat ldtrif t$m-tirrut. If t is only In accord with natural jiietice that ' they should have been allowed to re- main on the lists. !Should suoh a law .s• upheld,,wheu it Is within the power .1.4e I/omit/fon Government to pre- vent Xurh ,it1juii.eee» :• t propose. an independent preparation of the 'lists of Manitot6a, British (tolumbia, and. the t)norganizasl 'districts of Ontario - :int! toucher, and that !iasis of inde- pendence which is to be found 'in 'the municipal origin of the Iials in the orµ anixed (UntHctrof those 1'rnvinree and•in,Nova Seotta, New Brunswick. 'rine Edward Island. Alberta 'next katchewan will t.ben becotne cum- in n to the-' lists in Mani1,ol I and Hai •'sh (;olurnbitr- -• Linoleums 2,:101 yard,. !Mole oourfloor, coveting. \1'e mention theta again, a.. showing is so large as to 1s• alsuusC 1.ewildel•iug to pur•chaserso many Pu►ttorue laud 14ykr and color, effect., which are all good, widthit're:aan - Q A�C, C �O( 1 yarls wide, at pa's• yield Immo e.. J . 4F «till Japan Mattings Ileavy Cot UM warp 'millings in redo, green... browns, n:►tural III bile anti carpel.pallc) ie.and perfol•tty reVerrible, 15c. 20c. 25c. 30c :t,1.4:35c t/ enable us -t bdtir Z.W. J. Ituelie :0r h11.114lya Abject W iii the al tuba fur upcvial tae cert. the lists of tjuel tither Provinces. \Vhy Sir Wilfrid loonier : ate prepared on an enti ' trsi». The Mods of til Bids in Ontario and la \ Y? The ovsekee'er's ' ti tt make 'kolas y eke' - stry n he r basis f t;ovg•ruue•nt. 1.411t th t0riwlneiai lints in Manitoba„ars well -es Briti.h Col hitt,- - which is aimila y dealt>with by this Mil'- is, not t nicipal a•seoement loll, •but pea bats ,.are registration. The he. registration clerks air ole I'ruvineial luovern- bsequently revised edges, -..cruel of .►are. of 11ir doll orals d pointed by nt, and are by County Court IoM 4' titling» tiled for lotto and n tend the appointed time revision 4* not ccimpirte, and clay change - --the jrlaer of- sitting. even sh H de d it sec i.,s:Ir t though he may Mn y is, to order to enablet4uahMPd voter•1-ttwIlt tn distant [Gari. of 'him -district to get eillties their nantes put un the lists. It has "Ricers liven stated- that on one in•,ariun an therefor YOUR TONGUE. �IZtS-- 5. look fresh, and. hcautif polis scd. - makes stove polishing cost less, too, because '"Black Knight Stove Polish irta longer, is the largest box at its price, and is the beet potiab !flu m bay at any pricy. 6 2. Shoe Polish Don't be deceived by imita- tions. It means long life to your shoes to be sure of 2 in I Black awl all colors. at all dealers. 10, and 25c. A friend of Dr. Slocum Remedies' writes: "Bond a bottle of Peyekine tn Mrs. W... They Save daughter in decline, aad I hetieve it would' help her. I have rnsatianeil your roinedies te the faintly, and also cited lame tho miraculous moms accosts. plhohed inside the last 18 years, of which I have knowledge." T. G. IRWIN, Little Britain, Ont. detvre costUtione from hint, atom - ash or ether coasktotiesel tremble cus, 4.4 hi PwchiGs. At all Arno/taiga. 6.84 111.011, at Dr. T.1. Slocum, LA4., IbesALO A rt from these considerations, the le vernment was obliged to hring in a Id tat provide the machinery to installs the voters on the Provincial liths ante the 1)1 'nion cunatitref melt. In nitota there are forty -tine Pro racial _ Lien Ditu)in4)ll. const .... . ytzhef Uonnn n con tuenmes mW through: n Provinc 1 pot g divisions. 1 b voters on he, l'rn trivial lists for .ui-h davisirms ve tet rhrefully rieper- atd, and pl .txl in 4 e respective Do- minion vomit' Henries to which they rightly belong. At. t . last 4)oc tinihn elections. this v irk w,1 don't. 1,v the returning officers. A -tit' t red line," 45 described in the anito Act, was 41-trrk through naul. that • to he transferred' to an ad)'ining onstitu- enry. , The I)otuulion (iove•nntent tlfrtught R. had provid nr th in a .1.lt,se of iia own lint ; but ' was held by the At.tnrney-(ieleral n Manitoba that the returning officers h d acted without legal alit h,n'ity. The more - 1 •' officers and Mr. Leach, the [Ab- ets.) tnizer, whom they 'sad 'judi- ciously ed in to help thein. vd�re accused 4) �etgqg fraltdu4'ntly franchised vot1"rd, and sera muse exited. The case4--,Zi'I,re aejourned from assize to asnikie. from year to yyear: • and, in the were all dropped. 'Mr. leach. n hall until this year; a had , rrand t) he ght to trip) ort leased from 4itil. The Attorney -Oen - nil tb.ft will he lead no evidence to o. and Mr. Leitch was discharged. Oniernment has to fire tiir situs n, said Kir Wilfrid !whaler. It will t tie able to get respectable men t+ t fs11 i,•turning ("Meets, if there is p leer that, after the elec- ttono. they I he again subject to prone'nutiotl by he Attorney(ienet'al of Mertitelse,- P explicit legal ln*chigery has to I mvrded for the separwt.iou of that vot into their re- spective constituencies ;\and the* poll- ing stations have to be so rrangedl ea to confonu to the shape abet size of .t'.. ..,.n.liutenriei atilt with an eve to a white fur. or trimmings. even -a /14 does not tell you by the site pain. of indigestion that it heed help; yet the Ciiating shows lhat the is need of im so positive, Ittl IV, PO re- liable in its curative action upon the stilmach that Jae. Wilson, the local agent, gives,. a guarantee of Defoe, tion with.every .10-cellt. box or money -('ilipet Department entire .cc+.n.l floor. SMa.tnake and lay.all Carpets and 1.lnoi en's promptly and guarantee .• satisfaction. _ - , _-' - M1' W. ACHESON &- SON • T, THE MARKETS. Lbrpool Wheat Futures Clew Low. er, Chicago Higher -Live Stock -The Latest Quotations. • Bond., 1:ven;ng. Mray r- - 1lverpwul wheat fur ,r.•s . Weed day tad to SI.) lower "Matt taturderand corn (niton•« unchanged__ - • -- At Chicago, M.,v wheat cloak* 14e high- er than HaturtLo. M.., . ,rn.Ptic-hither. and *ay oat++}} 1.c 4tgktr. Vt�tnipeg Options: the cloning quotations oil Winnipeg grata ut Wheat - May Oat. --•M.* Nee Il old, Jt11y 21.12 bid Id, July 4..14.- Q4d. Toronto in Market. ■ at b rssto spa tttttt or ... 0 14 .... Wheat, Dr1 W heat, fall, bush... Wheat,, goose, bDturjetr•• Wheat, red, bus 7t.... ..Rye, bushel ... Buckwheat. bushel -...- Peas. bushel .......««... t»ta, bushel Toronto Dairy M 'tatter, s••paralor, -dairy ... 0 >'✓�. 0 i Butter. store lots 0 24 0 S6 gutter. creamery, Ib.'rolla.. 0 1! \ o 10. 0 1e new -laid, dotes Xgga new t.`ltkewr, large. 'Ib . �, .. 0 16 .... Cheese, twin, lb - 014'.4 extracted. Ib ' 0Il 1� New York Derry Market. \1:W YORK. Mxy 1a -Butler -Stead ■ 2te' ex receipts TYA' creamery. stomata. rami, :I'hr•; third to flrat. Ifc to Sic: state dairy. ••onunon to fittest. lir to 21c: pro - nem, rnrnntou to ■{.e.•lai, 13c to 10'4(: western factory. Orta. 1-a ` _. (T.+I>se-$twill•: renew• -s-1 :- 4ult fall em'old- all trials faker. YAie: 40., 1 e and small. .Aiorsd fang,. 1414c: do-. 0 • ' fair to pallier. 1144• to 13c; d0.. 00171 - num. k to Via; do.. ('dol cresol. new. 'etc e' le to to tr )deer, We. /+.n.ylranl* .. n.e arty li llO.a 5 etort. PenntrylvntJa arsd nearby farsry -whit.« .5145.- to 21r, good to choice. 1914* to 71r: brown- and mixed. extra. 1814c to Mr: first to extra firm_ lee tn. 11c: froth catered ,forage packing. fist.. Tic 10 1714c. 'CATTLE MARKETS. Are_ Higher -Kegs a teigs - Adesnee 5e at CMl:ageie • Ay 1t-laadoa�at nc to `•('eb f_4r 'deer ' 1 i')f DON. rattle are st drowned weigh: ed at 41e to 1114.• per Juretion 1.. Tptente TORONTO JUNCTION. - a Receipts of live stock at West T Union Stock Yards" ware SR «shads. composed A. ITS! •cruise - R6 `.rtp�ti;""1! 174 calves and 47 helium . *neap aro Lambs• Fheete•ratla ..1 1. t... 36 pr cwt.: *print Iasi bX, „J 13 '.1 t••• -4R -J) each - Hogs. T e gluon's co., iJmItM, reported 1, 014 in, bane -01 at Ile for *alerts f1+1 ■1 eat. d, and :6R, 16.1i.,' rare. at rnteetrf points , . • Mont*ast Live Stock., = y►, . lNrr 1R.-.4aseatlt,--.tt lthe Ntint .al �Ste,•k Yards. w•r•'t }aXl Market. th receipt. of Ilan svr•k 4,.- the, wa"•kven.1)n1;Mayf 14. Were :tie: ,'.wolf.• 78• i'heep and terms. . tfn,rv. 11: whit.- Ili« supply offered this mornln4 f..r local •-unstimptton, orisieling'nf 148 .;.1- +11•. •`.0 alien .and Iambs. ISO 4..•$1 and JD.., t.J,'es. Alt h. the. supply of of Ur *us, /tiny 71J bra. larger than , w.•. k ugu. ,vet the, undo err to. the market continues very- at, and prh.ie hl,n Neoral_nnolher advan of ye per bbum.A. 'Intl Is apAtr of this far -drovers and .1..J- er• were oomplalnlne. ea- they rtat,-.l Gait. rotlsideing what t -Meek rant In the eouittrv.• tory' about. have r.-allz'.d I tore murrey tiir-_ lho.n heM: At the abl•ve 'define- lire 4krnail•t- was r •r slow UFA trade braggy. 0. Int t�=- fart 11e.t botcher", who kill their awn stock cm- Ilnl)• have Men ro,nprop•.f d eine the Asst tan Of throe weeks to ark up I -rive. of beef A.• in i- per 11. ; ail-. smelly has tended to curing the n mip 'top to /tome extent nA Instead of hen, buying dx to fight heed of cattle an ty R t1iire noir only purchasing (i► t.. '.r 'Cable 'varier.. on ita>untly fr ;If were strong awl noter'.gii in fie Vane. of• 15c' to le per 1h • fn prit•e. foe Van,a.ihn rank, hut this M. not meats fir demand asst e - r Int A tId f x as 1 rn Ort vem nt ay.rt l.rr-• In f..c•. tt ey t..l o;ht leas than would nn arrnunt of tl.r higher prlrea-de• ended Choir• haves sold sit'0r.. to e: .Isla at Se 1.1•46P.- fair. et '••4r to : common, at 44.1• to..Ac, 'tad lnfeflef. to -*Me.- :'rr tar---ls-g..:etder- feet4nt: \%'o.Witall to Show .‘ uu that it i.•, to wnlr atit'alitagti to deal With 118. . Slabs Ili «hent V(1111' Screen Doors, Window - Screens, Summer bas Stoves, Hammocksk Paints and Varnish Stains. Pure white Lead :and Vii, Alabastinc,, and other finishes :We are lis get the best go Howell Ice Cream Freezers, Refrig=erator.. rockville Lawn Mowers, etc., etc. ins i414)l1 ' for teal' cilstolllel's You i at right price-. wit'iI'ili. Hardware Co., Co., Limited n to E. F. Paulin. - �tasi7 # at as land . 'since tide day wc..•k and p11. - are ' l., '44. per Ib. Iewrr, which 1• due lo- 1.•,non• liberal ttrrltmis 1104 r.ulrs .Yee mads nt 6'4c . In i_ • For Ili. 1 hand hr oc rk'l for "dicer, ,�u t h rt a r x.r mu, rola strtnx••r anti priers ',how on advance n 14.- per !r, owing to the con- tinued y with weir, t 5's• t to 'par Ib. T hind- for wine lams 4o of w h supplies are none t.-. p ennfnl and velars rule nen, at fagst to 86 each. ' i, attain, Rebe6p'e of eaters' were fair, for weskit the Armand 1- ■ond Find pricer. Cody at frnrn e1 :n to V. ouch A weak r feeling prevailed In the market for 11 hogs this ,nnrsine and price". enured a urtha• decline of lar to lin' per cwt .. - • n): s net reduction within the slut two - eaka of 2So to pr, Tilts Ia atartbuted to he liberal supply coming forward- . r 1 pennon of t hr :Oar 'and the icontl i)0)t 7wknees h' jhr foreign )noe4eet a for than Ian boom+ Y , late. Tiler.- were some dal varus -f I e. o0 contra.ix•pladr Iasi erre at k 1 r per cwt.. but actual Nolen w mad,. the nlarkrt this •naxnlnR et , 4o t075 cwL, weighed oft cam., (i Ili w rt has 'vet uta. �r •. 1 t tel ill 1 .iii g lo l_ take w . � � . , r ii••n pow [i -n IN n unlT 1 1 lin Itc �•Irrt l're ear's.'= '•Ihit that's ao odd t•ilat)ge " "Odd t Ivor..? Noire ' hat'i what induced 1 { V I11 - X I k . "The first r . , r an • o t is , + v' L• 1 It,v n I ow- ' tee \ I !. 1. it n,:t 14 inks •set. the stomach Exporter: . rwt foe -Weer.. and OLS taellLSISS011ea- i.ort bulls PrIme pies eel LINN Mkt &VW TS 10 WOW' Feeders and .fitodicers. One load ..1 cattle hisougld-in *71N2re Fred nowntree as siart-knop tooter. e4 and gdonkisint solo and pries, were .• - In $4. per MIK: g00111 corers. NO Inno lbs. fetch. at WM 104-11S. grafi eteera. night Istorliera. 400,An lbs nisch. at a is am Ile Pin willing to have to 1.,141 mote than that -- talk back to nie in that only ? .1 orver &LW 81110h impudence. You hnve a lb of nerve to etilt yourSelf A lady's Maid." New Maid -"I' don't call myeelf that now, inasint ; hut I Waft a lady's maid befote got. this Milkers andrSpringers. S.10: 'dockers end, feeders. Ore* ipeifere. MO to 13.75; trent, ION: goof) demand for`good; grow nn 4,A'reatr. -lasetpts..:700 heed, 'dim -and 27,6 •Iterer. to weight and York. In. strong to lee 1,10ilor 14415- eristetw--0440-4r-04-74_,Snaw. 51,e to stow: hunts arid - tfw envier; e Iyour 1 Sl t,ttl.' >; ia_tt, make tel- . tits.. i uli linv'•nlat► divide with v•'m." flay ,nal'ritig.'7 are Haid to bic'uh- 'Ineky, - A'r'vibic want.' to know wliere- ill May ilitfers frour•Iunw, July. Aug- :k8eptw wi. October, November, la .1 11 hob u, R•r. !t r a ar r arMarch r .1' r. y, .l , 1 A 1 I . 1 Clearing Salk of e Fencin-g A.-"TettoteS Remedy, WM Enid at $4: tn each Mark Twain. 'in the- revirrau es! the veal Calves. reeent el' .1. Ne VorTe, csoreorwelid-4ar-start,--wcia-pec'. faltreci fit Iris -pet -a,. r, -loo. Where Shaking is Respectable davit ovelseset metsklay time Only (meek,* AO He. ef 111.alf earn* the jfw. One escape fkrevni• est v-411Mle llifte find lotto *pander's foes In "Sueshine'turnace the legitimate dust outlet is pro - pipe running straight from cuthidt to •cionts, to chimney. When big pipe damper is-apezer1,011 dust in ash -pit ascends to dome ; then, when &act drafts erre opened', an duet passes up chimney. thence 41614piztiat Wean and quick dot nate In Pitaitehtise " Flamm - via grate, to pan. to dort -pipe, to dome, to eidimmgrto emir air, LAMM alIONTRICAL Write to us for 7 testimonials recelyed from your awn townspeople hicClar_ys VANCOUVIR HAMILTON 1 CALGARY tee,nteil. _I remember "nee hearing IDEAL V - 401 sols it :) wires, :4ta inches high, ' is a rod. lilt i•,Kls .,f\T', lire.. "Jrthches high, : a toil. :111 (ogle of w w.' mil inches high. :C a t•is1.• t11i realmofs Wir , 47 inches high, 14k: rod. 711 rials of 9 w •re•. 31 inches high, t:4.• . real. tall ro.1,. of 0 w •.•.., 71 niches high, I:a: a nal:, '1151 roils of 1d wi s, Inches high. 'No N .al, ;. A RICAN, •• All No Wire. t.tays Id 111Che.S apart. • rods if wires, riche. high, :Oki rnol. rods of 7 wire*, at .12e PIA -- tin rods Of it -tithe,. 42 inchen :tit a lin!. CYCLONE 7 -Wire fellet , flys innliffN apart. Wife .'1ff 7 - (larger t :No. ih, real •ill Nil. 9, toe rod. A. full lino. otrliard.. 2 4114 UOIlell NO. and No. 12, fitil line of MI 0 PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES n yrs head fol. Nntional 41011114a 1144 it *Wilber Itst ()theta iit ‘410I K. Llietoylia are mits. of it whets yottitrant It. IN PLUMBIN .tte on the apple cure. • _ "You believe in it, 1,11cur-do yoti, `Believe in it *4•• flow can 1 help timers F'" I to be sold at from 20 to 5o per cent. off regular prices. This sale is genuine. The stock is far too large and must be • at once reduced. 'HterillOnS 22 House Mine 112 imp( Attention oil irk oil' 01 0111.1 AS. C LEE 1 Great Clearing Sale 111/1111/1111/1 $6,000 worth of Watches, Jcwellery, Silverware, Cut Glass, Fancy Goods, Etc., HALSEY PARK, JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN. GODERICH. ONT. NMI 1111111111111111119 1111111111111111111111.