The Signal, 1908-4-30, Page 88 Tsutauw, April 30, 1908
Sketch of the Used Life ot a Worthy
Servant of Gat.
The Tiverton %Vat hwao of last
week had the follywing notice of the
death of Rev. John Anderson, of Tiv•
erton, father of Rey. Jas. A. Ander
son. peewee( Knox church, Goderich .
The Rev. John Anderson pawed to
his rest and reward Wedneedny morn -
tog, after a prolonged and painful ill-
ness. The deceased gentleman wee a
native of Abernethy. Scotland, where
he was born on the 12th of April. I$2..
The family t•ewoyed to Canada when
betwaa but a young boy, and witted
iu the vicinity of Ottawa.
John Anderson came under religious
impreaur a at an early ego. and by
the time he had come to manhood was
a profe..iug (lhristien of very decided
character, and unhesitating convic-
tions. Like wary others he was
latch helped by conversation with
that eminent saint of Gal. Rev. W.
C. Burur, during the latter sojourn
in Canada.
Mr. Audernon cart in his lot with
the Free church in I813, and was one of
the original members of Knox
church, Ottawa. He and the vener-
able principal of Koox College, Rev.
Wm. Ma Laren, LL, D., were com-
panions. and apparently • made up
their winds to'study for the ministry
about the same time. When the
jubilee of Lev. Mr. Auderson was
celebrated in October, 191)1. a very
kindly letter tame from Dr.
expressing regrets that he war not
able to lie present. Mr. Anderson
graduated from Koox College. Tor-
onto, iu 1851. and wee witted at Lan-
caster, I)athoueie, and Cute St. George.
For sixteen years he worked this exLen-
eve field. and haat; the satisfaction of
seeing many gathered into the church.
Indeed there was a remarkable revival
of religion at Lancaster during his
ministry, the fruits of which have not
wholly pawed yet. In Match. 1870,
Mr. Anderson cave to Knox church.
Tiverton, where he labored for t wenty-
four yeah. and retired after a minis-
try extending over fortyyeain It39I.
Mr. Anderson continuedrn to preach as
opportunity offered for ten yearn
after that. but a p erniciour attack of
sciatica, from which he rould get no
permanent relief, laid him aside from
all active work for the past three
years. His naturally strong constitu-
tion withstood the ravages of disease
so well that be probably suffered wore
than a feebler wan would have done.
His mind was clear to the last, indeed
unusually sto He died in the full as-
surance of eternal life through Jesus
Christ.. the Lord. His conversation
was interesting and edifying during
the greater part of his sickness. He
suffered from mental depression once
in a while during the early days of his
last sickness, but all depression and
darkness were removed before the end
rune. Ile was delivered from all his
fears and was rejoicing in the hope of
the glory of God. It was indeed yery
Mr. Anderson was a man in than)
way. eminently qualified for the work
of the miuislry. A splendid physique.
a voice that was so powerful that it
could be heard with ear in any
rhumb, and a mind of far more than
ordinary vigor, these were nature's
eindowmenta, and they were a great
deal. He was equally fitted by the
spirit of the Lord for the work of his
sacred office. He was in cordial end
sincere sympathy with evangelical
Christianity, and preached the gospel
of the grace of God in its purity to
the end of life. All must adroit that
he was • man of courage, of convic-
tion and of moral earnestness and seal
in the Master's rause. He rests from
his labor., and his works do follow
him. Mrs. Anderson passed away in
August, Jfalfi, but all the other utem-
hers of the family were pre+ent ; i. e.,
Mrs. MacDonald of Tiverton. Mrs-
Petton. Moa. MacKenzie and Mrs.
MacDonald of Elmwood, also Rev. J.
A. Anderson. minister of Knox
church, Goderich, and Rev. J. D. Ate
eternal. minister of Heaiiharnois,
Quebec. The funeral. which takes
Place green Knox rhumb on Friday at
p. m., will lee under the aeupire/ e(
the Presbytery of Bruce, id which the
deceased was the respected senior
Epidemic Influenza, to ope, Catarrhal
Troubles, Poeumonia Increasing.
A marked increase in treibles
the breathing negate is noted in
many localities. If you will only
hays Hyomei at hand to% use with the
first attack of cold in the head. pneu-
monia, Ads. bronchitis, hooreenere,
sore throat, rroup, in feet any respir-
atory affection, the trouble will be
quickly overcome.
If the attack ir neglected and be-
410(0e1i eevere, speedy relief will corne in
most rases and e persistent use of
Hyomei will cure.
The direction,' for tieing it, vary, but
the principle is always the same, that
of destroying all the Fernin in the air
you breathe and having it reach the
the pine and eucalyptus foreeittr.
Remember that liquids or moisture
is barred from the bronchial tubes and
'Tangs. It's the dry air of Ilynmei
thet reaches the spot. las. Wilson
guarantees it. Complete outfit al.
The death occurred on Friday hot
at the residence of her son-in-law,
fieorge Stancornbe, MacDonald street,
of Eliza Bright. widow of the late
Joseph Sprearlbsury. The deceased
was seventy-six years and seven
months ot age. The funeral took
place on Monday afternoon tii Mait-
land e..metery. the services being con-
ducted by Rev. M. Turnbull, rector of
Mt. George's church. The pall-leenters
were rix grandsons, Perry. Edgar Slid
Fred Cook, Cleveland Richert's. Em-
erson Evans and Oliver Greig. The
deceased's Imeehand died here a few
years ago, Ind she in survived by three
daughters, Mrs. litancombe, Mrs. B.
Evans, of town, and Mrs. Ce Cook, of
the Hayfield road.
Wingliani, April 2.1.— A very sud-
den death iwcurred on Wednesday
morning. %firs Lily 1% ilson. of Gode-
rich. war visiting Mrs. Wm. Wilson,
of this vicinity, and when rhe retired
on Monday evening was apparently
in her tumid health. On Tuesday
morning. am she did not rine at the
visual time. Mrs. Wilron went to her
room, anti found that she had been
stricken with paralysia. Medical aid
was summoned, but she panned *way
wan sister of the late Ads m
of Mt. Helena Shr was
Fzsb of ege and a member of the
ytierian chnrch. The sad event
was a Norf.,' shork t• those with
funeral of Miss Margaret Roc.,
on Wednowlity. April 'and,
residence ot her brother-in:law,
tow. Porta, in Sanford, took place uu
Tuesday Irrt to Maitland cemetery,
Rev. M. : Turnbull conducting the
obsequies. The pall -hearers were
\Vilhrw MaeMath, Gorge McKee, -
Richard Porter, John Porter. John
Sowerby and Joseph Me('Iuakey•
Goderich township. Mins Roar
wan tlfty-nice years of age. She
was a daughter of the Lite
James and Margaret Rues, her
birthplace being iu G,xlerieh Lown•
rbip, and she is survived by two
brothers and our sister : Jaunts limes,
ot Guderieh township : George Roan.
in Manitoba, and Mr.. \Ver. Putts, of
Salt(ord. For the past tweulyp•four
years she had resided in Sellforl.
The death occurred on Setuniay at
Sault Sto
r Marie,'Ont (Jane Ann
Bell, beloved wifof David Johnston,
at the age of forty-one years and
throe months. Ml's. Johnston had been
ill tor several weeks with ptwuwnonia.
Spews,, the serene' daughter of
\Villin Bell, of Dungannota, and is
survived by four sister's and four
brothers. They air as follows
Mro. 'Phomas Johnston (Phyllien,
Mrs. John Johnston (Sara), Mrs.
Robert ,Johnston Mary) ; Mire
Nettie, a t Dungannon ; David
Hell, at Manletique, Mich.: John
and Robert Bell, of town, aod
Elmer Bell, of Detroit, The deceased
also leaves a family of seven children,
all in Sault Ste. Marie. The body
was brought to Goderich for inter-
ment, the funeral taking place on
Tuesday Afternoon to Mait'and ceme-
tery frau the residence of the de-
ceased's brother-in•law, Rupert John-
ston, Hayfield toad
J. W. Vanatter, of The Signal, last
week attended the funeral of his
uncle, Nicholas Variance, in Seniles•
county. Michigan. The Sanilar
County Times says of tbe deceased
Nicholas Vanattor, one of the oldest
and wort highly respected citizens of
Buel township, died et his home Mon-
day. at midnight. 1'be deceased had
lived to the ripe ofd age of eighty-five,
and he paired over the river peace-
fully while asleep. He was born in
Canada !West Zorn, Oxford county!
and war married about fifty years
ago to the sorrowing wife who Sur-
vives. He had lived in Suet the
greater portion of the time since his
marriage and WAS always known for
his honesty and uusrlttahneee. He
was the father of eight children, five
of whom are living. namely. John, of
Wa.hingtou township ; Mrs, Frances
VatCarup, Alerts') \V.: George and
Mn. Mary Steelton, of Duel. The
funeral war held Thursday from the
Buel M. E. church, Iles.. Cain, of
Croswell. officiating. end the remains
were laid to their lane; rest in Coo.
well cemetery.
After All dimwit of ouly live hours
duratein Joteeph Dunbar passed to his
reward on Tuerday last at his home in
Ashfield. him hot illness being due to
neuralgia, which went to his heart.
He wa. a uative of Gatehouse, Scot-
land. and ClitlIA Anse. iota when
a young ruan, fur Nome time residing
in the Sitatos. where he worked at the
trade of stonemasson. lie was mar-
ried in the States to Miss Jean Me.
Key. also A 11114iVI. id Scotland. For
the last half-ceutury be had resided in
(Janette. for 110111e time working at hie
trade in the townships) of Stanley and
McKillop, and later moving to the
farm in Astitield where he continued
to reside until his death. lie be sur-
vived by an unmarried sister in the
Old Country, by his widow and I.y
three daughters, Mrs. Thomas Hanoi.
Brucefield : Mitt, Sarah Dunbar. of
Crowstarel Mission, in Saskatchewari.
anti Mrs. Angus Gordon, on the old
homestead. In religion the deceased
was e Preshyterion and in polities a.
Conservative. Ile wee eighty•ikne
veers of age. The funeral Lakes place
reow afternoon to Dungan nein
!Orsini of the death of %V. R. Miller,
a former well-known and much re•
ceived here with h regret. Mi••
Miller had not been in the bent ef
health for some time, hut his death III%
Monday morning at his home in To -
Mr. Miller Illfe• that morning irk hi.
usual health end breekfested with his
family. Afterwards he went 0' the
front door tek get his morning peper,
end went hack to read it. Ile sat
down on a chair, wtwl befere he had
time to open the paper he expired. A_
physician was celled. and the MAW of
death was prononneed to lw heart
failure. Mr. Miller was mixty-two
years of age. He was for some yearn
the efficient. principal of the public
schools of timierich, and orlenit
twenty-five years ago engaged in the
life insurance Inisinesa, leaving (lode -
rich and residing for a time in London
and afterwards in Toronte. He is sur-
vivexl by his widow aud seven chil-
dren, Mrs. Agnes :Macdonald. of Win.
nipeg, two daughter+ at borne. Nellie
and Minnie. and four sons %Villiarn,
Albert, Ernest and Richerd. 'The fun-
eral takes place at Toronto tomorrow.
It W MI with deep aympetlay for the
sorrowing husband and motherless
boys, as well as with general surprise,
that the news of the death of Mee.
Heeney wets heard on 'moor -tee
of host week. Mrs Heenev had
pot recovered from All attack of the
grip a few days, when she was
taken to the hospital. suffering from
the after effeete, and her death ire-
curred As mentioned *bore. Mr.
Heeney WAS mit in the West. having
left, 00 the closing of the C. P. It. en-
gineering offices here a few weeks
ago, for %Vinnipeg. where he was en-
gaged on 'some special wurk for the C.
P. R., and it took some time to locate
him. He arrived in town on Friday
and the funeral took place in the
aftermxin, service being held in St.
Oeorge's church, conducted by the
rector, Rev. M. furnbull. The pall-
bearers were Joseph Kidd, R. G.
Reynolds, John Galt. A. 0. Gamble,
Dr. Turnbull end .1. 0. McGregor.
The interment wee made in Meitland
ter of the bite Rev . Aaron A. Allen, •
Church of England clergyman. Mr.
Allen's last charge wool at Chelsea,
Que., and it was flow that Mr. and
Mrs. Harney were married SOHO' four-
teen years ago. ,Mr. Heency's home
was ill Ottawa arid they continued Oi
reside in the capital until Mr. lieet.ey
was moved to Goderich when the con-
struction of the Guelph et Goelerich
line was commenced. Mrs. Ileenny is
survived by A hrother end twn sisters
Itev. Frank Allen, of Ottawa : Mrs.
E. A. Froulenburgli, of Faribnult.
Minn., and Mtn. Arney, of long
liresoch, rel. She IPAVPS also her two
Sens, Mester, -Bernard end Dean.
aged eleteri and *even, respectively.
The Nesche Chronotype, published
at Noche, North hiked's. liss Ilie fol-
lowing obitkiery notice in its Irene nf
the 18th inst. :
Mrs. Minnie Harding Symington
was horn near Toronto. Canada on
December SIth, 1852, being next to Gee
eldest of a family of tarn. She lived
there until 1878, when she r u►rried
James Symington. They removed to
Backed in the fall of 1881. where they
lived for six yews, then removing to
tbe home near Hence where the wife
diti1ant Alarch'21th, It11kt. elm became
a member of the Bruce M. E. church
in 1f3t1, W.V. S. Newlove being then
factor. Her mother dicd merry years
ago, anti the father. !)avid Harling,
preceded hie daughter to the Great
L3eyoud two vearw rinoe. hive
brothers and a sister, besides the bus -
Land and a family of 'seven, survive
her. The children are living as fol-
lows : Mrs. Sarah Ronan. LaCrosse,
Idaho: Mrs. Mary'Noice, Hyde Park
Mrs. Myrtle Gainer, Bey Center ; and
Jennie, Russel. L.ie1 and Arthur, who
live at. the family home. The de-
ceased hal been w'iutferer from rheu-
tisw fur eighteen years, and hod
been an invalid for live years preced-
ing her death, which was caused by
an attack of brouchitir. Mrs. Syw-
ingten was a woman touch respected
by a Targe circle of friends and
ecquaiutaoces, and the patience and
fortitude with which she endured the
physical sufferings of the latter yuan
of herlifu served ar a cheerful lee.on
not only to the loved ones et borne,
but to all with whose rho cave in con -
1fume-wade Chuadstrs, - '2'a• per Ili.
Hume-utade Nut 'facies, mixed,
per Il..
'Weis •
MIMIC Me..t'i
1'1' 1114E 1 N
( 'It ISA se
Meals, Lunches, dol Drinks,
Ice Creams, etc., at
all hours.
has commenced, and we have a
complete line of supplies
League balls, league bats,
catcher's gloves of most ap-
proved styles. Also balls and
bats of less expensive kinds.
Colne along. boys. and get
your outfit.
When You
�4 S
HERE'S to the trees suit
catµ•, 14411 sorvice/ably, :rid
neat, here's to the trunk that
hew travelled under the scat,
here's to the man who want.
to keep everything up-ru-date,
handy, and his head from
worry. Don't 1siav:I nod
worry whether you will
lose half your tbinge by
lasing it peer trunk. To ob•
rain it eubetautiat one, cid' on
H. E. Knox
Walk -Over Shoes
either to good beginning or is
fitting climax to your spring
garments, amending as you buy
thepr--Unit or bast.
Here's the new "Parkway
elude!. a piiu•lir:d expteasiou of
show IXi.•llolo r. Every fine A
line of beauty ,rid every carve
t work of .art. A roue in which
this maker. deader end wusrer
can take equal and justifiable
Sole Agents for Goderich.
Wall Papers
A large and well -selected
assortment of Wall Papers for
the spring season. We have
been selling wall paper for a
good many years and know
what the people of Goderich and
vicinity want.
Olympia Cafe
Phone iso
Cologne] Bookstore Phone too
$2.00R -?-1`:7
June 20th
STF.A.MEtt Cam tun
Half Fare BASEage Free -
I I AMINP Detroit for Goderich f4.011
amt. I Leave Port 11111'01112 noon.)
Central time, arrive in Godern li
Spring is Here
and thrifty housewives will be
looking foe aowething to wake
the drudgery of housecleaning
carry welloueortesl line
ofH' a Soaps, Wash Powders,
Brushes, Mope, Br•ootue, iu fact
everything necessary for spriug
cleaning. We have Also a new
up -Os -date stock of grvuc•rien,,
cunfecLionery, meats and Hour.
I'lenty of fresh eggs and goes)
butter always on hand.
Goods delivered promptly.
LWm. L. Lindsay
Ths nester Phone
North Side of Square
-.111b. lb
` MacVicar
paying frotu fort 1s ism per mace
attendees Ike pWular
5., • UTT
Th4.1.0011. toted fa *sidecar for the repel'
bur eduur(No ^turn !rink, student. ar,,1 tui
the remarkable 'Ames.r of it.. gradual.•.
College open the entire year. •can ung
tat htraining will make you iudeienalcn•
write belay fur eat tleiree.
W, J. ELLIOTT, Principal
Owner Your;, loin Air arndrr rem,
own April Mb emote.. Into um
noVitootti by Mini) fon' A good attuattue
five. %Ville fur it.
gime Mgr
.,7 IMPOItT611141
We will not try to
pick the winner,
our new hat, will
be a sure winner
in spring styles.
The Only Test
Settirday. June Kb, Cm'
ads time, arrive in Detrtli; 1.1o.
Leave Detroit for tioderich 1.111
p.m., Monday. June Zlot. Central
t line. 14110 p.m. Canada tirne.
Leeve Ooderich for Detroit
If we were not
business would not
be prosperous. In
spite of hard timEs
we are doing bet-
ter than last year.
The reason is ex-
plained in two
words, "New Cus-
THERE is great selling in oui- carpet and curtain room these
days. Great big stock.5 of but!: are here ready for yv.I.
Almost endless variety. C)toice new designs. Quality to be de-
pended upon without a doubt. Special May sale prices on
every pair and every yard. Here is a hint of values. Just a
few price items out of the many.
rain. *lois are worth et bruit el ;5.
far mit iif tlic way. New patterns. full cl 38
At 75C
Nottingham lace cut tarn, loll 34. ymitits 1,111K.
Taped edgert, two new designs. made from .7g.,
very strong net. Special per pair
We tarry
in town.
Three patterns in Nottingham lore eurtains.
full 31 yards long, beittonhole edges, very ntriing
net. suitable tor any remi. Splendid curtains at
is popular price. l'ut them against ane roil will
get anywhere at. end we think $1 00
you will Inky special at per pith
Smart Wear
Fine Tailoring
These uteri/lino are ',Articular!). goer' %olio..
liegulart11..-e) qualities. Alade. f 'son Oat' Isot Net -
Extra large, very etrong, price per pair JO I • ICY
'I ii.k.rrvii
18 Fancy Parlor Chairs
to be sold at a BIG REDUCTION
from regular prices.
At this swarm thoirWoonewing time) yeti may Peed Ill'W
offered at pricer' that /should sell them quickly.
Linoleums and Oilcloths still going
at greatly reduced prices to clear.
At 30c
(10od quality union carpet, yard e ide, in
shades of red and green, good pattern., 30c
rata eplota. per yard
At soc
eitrt.tin exieptionelly god. $2.701 is
easily whet it is worth. 'The pattern is one of the
lied. we ever 11:111, 11114,1 11111114 y flf net is . sk
strong. Buttonhole etlitne.. specie' ist
New Ince. enet,lift,. merle in Nottingham.
Plain net. with insert' • et in down one side sow
acme the bottom, %Ages tri ed the asinie way
Have the oppearance of thee. renting tinier tie
;;;;; ney, Plain whit. iir Arai' shades, eel." re.
carpet for a room that gets' a lot of wear, nice new
designs hi greens, wood shade., red, etc.. 50
fast colors. per yard
At 75c
Solid wool carpets, good weight. firmly woveu,
new patterns and colorings. hill fard 7
wide, per yard
Tapestry Carpet at 65c
English Tawertry eat pet thick. close pile,
made frotu good quality Wools., many new designs,
floral or conventionei, epeckal at per cm,
At 75c
English Tapestry carpet, extra 'Jersey, large
assortmente of new patterns, for any
room, 1,(Teefl, faerps Allfl reds, floral and Oriental
patterns, close lofty !lilt., MIPCitIl pf`r 75
Brussels Carpet at $z.15
Our Brusaela carpet at $1.15 is exceptional
value. We earry a very large stock at this price
and can ahow smite splendid new designs ail
the popular colors ; cut. msde and laid Cl g
'Union rugs, all sizes, in blue,. reds. browns,
greens and mixtures $5 00 to s850
The popular, wool rugs, guaranteed free from
ell impurities. fait embus,. ileaigns imitable for
bedroom, dining -room. etc.. in greens, reds,
browns and blows $9 004„ $16 50
Tepestry rugs. bought direct fr the makers
in EngTandoOolor eMlibinations suitable for almost
nny roma Sizes in stawk firm, 2i and yards to 4
and yards. Pricer
Brussele rugs, many new designs in tweetonit
,effects and fancy mixtures. sivea x :1 yards to
3.1 X 4; yards, extra grim' wearing qualities
and patterns that are suitable for any room.
Axmineter arid %Vilton rags of good sterling
qiiality. Wilton end Axminater. the rieheat and
handommest carpet one could have. I 'onventional.
oriental and medallion pattern., greens, browns,
to $45.00
reds and (mem
splendid collec..on
Dress Goods from Paris
A few novelty summer dress goods
on our counters this week right from ,
Paris to this store. New weaves and
new shades. You will not see them any-
where else. Correct for summer wear.
Stripe Voile 75c.
W001 llllll Stripe voiles. 15 inches wide.
Very tine cloth. Will PIA kir+ very effective etlAf11111P61. 4111
.4 the meet fisehionable fabrics of the SPASM.
direct from Paris. where they are case of the IMP novelties,
In !levy, tan, castor anti Copenhagen bine. 7M,
Special per yard
Striped Wool Taffeta, $1.00
Striped wool taffeta, nomotone etTeets, 111 inchee wide.
abode from estra tine Anatralien yarn*. A little heavier
than the voile and stripe a trifle nitrmwer. $1 00
Very styled, specie! at per yen'
Two Belt Specials
Two bargain lots of belts just
opened up this week.
Wash Belts, 15c
Plain and colored fancy wash belts.
Fancy Belts, 29C
A clearing Int of fancy belts. Hand -
1.0nie buckles. Made from corded belling
in white, idee k, navy and Laney &enigma
Reinder !ale end 1111e. Clearing qn,
the lot at ench Z•JiL
New Leather Belts
Another shipment a leather belts ik,
tan slimier opened up. Novelty Imes' -.
f rom 250 to 22.50
for any pu pose, buy "Queen Quality
Guaranteed." No better silk anywhere.
We show two qattlities at. the yard,
*LOC% and 21.25