The Signal, 1908-4-30, Page 5Tuunauer, April 30, 1908
More proof that Lydia E. Piak-
bou'ilVegetasble Compound cures
female Ills,
Mrs. John tientt,4S9Grand 7i Ulk
til, )lontt'eal, writes Mrs. Yinkham:
"1 was wiry much run down in
with from • female trouble, was thio,
Sevens, and very weak, and suffered
hoes beating down pains. !ached 1
dal riot care whether I lived or died, 1
felt so badly sometime*.
-Lydia 6- Ptakham's VegetableCom-
pound completely cured tae of all my
troullte. • 1 calmed in flesh, and a
flee from backache, female trouble,
sick headaches, and nezwouan.saa
I heartily recommend Lydia E.
piekhases Vegetable Compound for
all wornen 11 ailments, knowing what it
has done for me."
For thirty years Lydia E. ['ink -
ham's Vegetable Compound, made
from nr1tM and herbs, has been the
standard remedy for female ills,
and has positively cured thousands of
women who have been troubled with
displacements, inflammation, ulcera-
tion, fibroid Minora, irregularities,
periodic pain*, backache,
.c a h , that beat-
Ing4own feeling, y tgy
t Inn, d irzine a or nervous prnst rat inn.
d'hv don't you try it? -
Mrs. Pink ham Invites all silk
women to 'vette her for advice.
She has guided wands tohealth. Address, plass.
-!makes work
-makes servants
-makes stoves
look free' ,clean
and beautifully
-makes stove
cost less,
"Black Knight
love Polish
uts 1
is the largest box at
els price, is the best list -w
len 1,p
ma bey st a� yy price. e 6
Former Goderich Resident Who Re-
signed from G. T. 14. Service Ten
Years Ago Travelled Two Mil-
lion Miles In His Forty-four Years
on the Railway -Never Was Fined,
Never Was Laid Of, Never Hurt
a Passenger.
The Toronto 'l'elegram of SAWrtlay
hat had the billowing interesting
sketch of a f0r4,ct wellltnowu 1e14t-
dent of Goderich :
"How would you like to take the
Empire Stateto New York 1"
Daniel Holmes, who will tat eighty•
three Years old on Juno 'S4'(1 next, re-
plied :
"%Vel1, 1 don't 111uw the road, but
I would take a Hve•txlach ,itassenger
train to Detroit tomorrow."
Probably the oldest ntilroad con•
doctor in Canada, 'Daniel liolmeb, has
given up his fruit farm in Leaming-
ton and has come to live with his
daughter, Mrs. W. H. Ileaxelw0od, at
No. 11'2 $them street. Toronto. Mr.
Hnlules, in his fully -four years tit
railroad service, has travelled 1,I4MI,IMM1
miles, or saver light)' Chum around the
World. He never haul his name on
tbe' "flue" hook, and he waw never
laid off. He lulled off this 2,IMMI,issi
mile stunt without ever hurting a
patseuger, and the only accident he
War ever in was due to he error of an
was then given his run as llau.enger 6,000 Facts About Canada. !'
conductor un this line, frons Buffalo
to Stratford, and in 1(!311 he ran the
(list Lawseiger train over the nevi' line
from Stratford to (iudericb. He was
levee years at !hie job, and when the
maul merged with the limed Trunk
he went in as i40 tweet of the old road.
and rain between Buffalo and lialerieb
for lhiity•four. )ears, ► ' g Ida
utiles each day.
The 11M44+ edit ion it out of that newt
useful avid valuable 1.....16 let, "i,lIll1
Facia about Canada." compiled by
Freuk 1'eigh of 'Toronto, wile is
widely known tho,uglt t the Demi(. •
tun 541 au authu. lhlugs ('411- ,
di.ut. Nearly 95I44l((vo ,"11.q,ier acre (add45
u( the 114417 edition, the. demand coil-'
ing (ruin every part of hie continent •
anal the Its ion!' I':.II/.ite. The idea •
Train in Danger. w.. •ked mil, that of .1 •+.nclete 4.tct in
" '•ent4wc,•, i
The c0nductur had it habit of decor- t 44
11 ,•x('1444'111, ', 1 ba• ,
ata 44 III4 14 1.1.14 uudor ,.,.0,1, s 1f
aline Ilia train en May '24th each yearsiuJrxiuK talon +as area, agriculture, !
with (lags of all nations, uloetly the banking, c •t4'(', lInaucl•a, K
Union Jack, however On one ,oc•a- ruilwayr, wheal fields,. etc. The
s' a elowd galled to moil his (rein i wealth of material contained iu small
at [Buffalo. Next year he re -decorated r 4e'e IM a Ie4etathltl to Iver a mull in.
his train, but when he arrived at Nott formed l'anedia) of the standing and
Erie he took a large American flag
resources u( the country. The Ipx,k ib
(published At 25 ceutw a copy by 7714'
'auaalian Facto I'ublibhing CO.. 1107
Spadiva'Avenue. 'l'orumto, UAmu1a, 111'
may Ise hall front IIeW14(lealers.
from under a best and stock It over
the Daher 11ags, e.4' that he considers be
h,xxlwiuked the "Yanks" and carried
him Union Jack train through to Buf-
"Deeds of Trains."
The old conductor moved to Loudon
alter that, and ran 14 U. T. It. fast
train for len vette 1rou 1.1041011 Lo
Niagara Falls. He ran the last train
over the old suspension bridge and the
first to caroms over the new arch bridge
at the Falls.
"These were devils of trains : 1
picked up LUPI tickets 011 the local
mail from the Falls to London," says
Mr. Holmes.
On one occautIOn the Grand 'Trunk
thought he might get along without
an extra brakeman, and this was in-
timated to hint.
-1Vrlt, i( the Grand Trunk can't pay
11111y extra brakeman. 1 lain," was bis 1C•
pl'floe impel intendant sauntered up a
few daye ,alter and asked him. if he
had said thin.
Not a Rad in Toronto.
The history of "lhtn" Holmes pene-
trates h*ck of the waft coal b ke
hair of years to the era when thee
Was. net a railroad in Toronto. fealty
the old man is hale and hearty, with a
host of friends, a life pans over the
0. T. It. whish he has used three
times in ten yearn, and won't lend to
any of the family and x ppeanehanL for
reading the newspapers through every
day, with his briar Mile to hand. Ile
ran on freights when wood was
bellied, when every conductor was his
own Hellin de4.pualrher, and when trains
used to race to a meeting point on a
single track b.rause the one that
struck the print first would force the
other to hark up to the station whence
it ('4ue. Those were exciting days
wben accidents were few.'
Daniel Holmes was a guard on the
tireat Nnrthet n, running front I'
Isrro to i/ mt:aster, England, when it
voting man. Ili,, father lived as A
'farmer in Great 4ionerly, Lincoln•
shire, and the •4.011 was at miller by
trade. lir remembers the time. he
seri, [then he could shoulder 500
pounds on his hack.
"If it orad carries a calf on his (sack
every day till it grows, he can carry
It 1414 all 111," is one of his philosophic
Sailed from Liverpool.
He landed in New York in 1x,1,
4'a ' g over after a passage of eight
weeks mai The Continent of Hath, a
sailing chip.
"Sometimes we were in Asia. and
sometim(s we were hradel hack to
Liverpool, Ina( we landed all right." he
aye today. 1"ronl New York he came
Dao St. (arhar.nes, and then to Tee
Job as Brakeman.
There was not a railroad tie or a.
seettion. of track in the ddv little
town when lie came here, but in 11414
the Ontario, Mimeo. A Hueco IlOail-
toad was running. and he got A job on
it an brakeman on A fteip,:d. At that
time the l'nion Station was a little
shanty at the foot of Hay street with
A cottage roof. "about es hig ae this
nim," says Nr. Holtnes. Ma. 13441
etas agent, Cable Wan the ticket clerk.
Pres! Upton was freight agent and
Hnitiirs was neule l,aggegemaster.
Ecpre"s facilities were 'indieaced by
the sign "Vickers I'sprees" peintel
ma 44 Natoli nailed to the station side.
The I►onlneon and ('amuliin Express
Wer(• not then started.
The r .•ul ran from 1'nrunteto Barrie
at first, but the year that Dee Holmes
started on it, in 'ht. It wave 'pushed
through to Collingwe4N1.
Two Trains a Day. - •
Shoe Polish
A wise dealer will always
show his honest desire to
serve you by giving what
you ask.for•
Dee! ..l.1 e.laa.
.t r e..kes.
Ilk. W 2Se
r -I lif
roe /':
Some combines are all right•
and wane are all wrong.
Ilene I► A combination that
/should satisfy a good many
The Signal
endThe To onto
W eekly lobe
10 Jan. 14t, lap. for
Send your address and $1.011
THE SiGNAL. Goderich.
Had Better Record. e
••I certainty did duty it, and 1 sue int
it. and 1 haven't been suspended, or
tined, or lost a day in my life." said
the cunductnr.
'•1Vell. you beat nae : I've leen lineal.
nleu i-
loth of t . ' replied the impelu
cul, and the brakeman itat)•(d at his
Mr. Holmes ran freight trains when THE •MARKETS.
there war regular circuit for trails Liverpool and Chicago Wheat Futures
between Toronto and New Yuck• Close Levier -Live Stock -
were more tramps thee. sampan.-
than there ale now. as they Latest Quotations.
(40me Men musette to .urceed itl
spite of their most earnebt endeavors.
A dealer wlvo sells cheap purses
says there isn't snitch ey in hem.
Pulls So Hard on the Stomach It Must
Have Help.
Thr stress and etruin til' the slrt'uu-
ous life in lath city and country
make stomach trruldes. Five people
toffee 4(41,iy where one did len years
ago with sick headache. diazineie,
lletuleocr, dibtress alter eating, epet•kr
before the eyes, bloating, uervuusurss,
sleeple1sues1 and the many tither
symptoms of indigestion.
A11 who aro suffering with stomach
troubles, and that Means at least two
and other
sh ulditlu'o•x(
\4i 1,1144 stsau>ab
tablets. Nothing 'else is as waft-, yet
effective : nothing else can be sat thor-
oughly relied upon to relieve all
troubles from indigestion as 11i-o•n.l.
Ho reliable is 111i-. no that .las. 1V 11.
son with every :241 -cent hex hr bells
gives a4 guarantee to refund the
money 11111Wra the re,ii.,Iy cures,.
weir not tel harried in those days.
"1 have seen Hine of 010111 stretched
out along the roof of one train," says
the old railroad man.
He Resigned at 73.
.1t tb1 age of 73 -Dane' Hndwelt gave
the (:rand Trunk a tai s note's. and
quit. He Was given a pees that en-
ables him to travel any place over the
e)'1leu. 110 got it small fruit faros
near Leamington which he worked for
ten years, and early this s'aeon he
moved to Ids present address.
Says Many Persons Here Can be Made
Happy Again by Using This.
There is so ouch rheumatism here
in our neighborhood now that the fol-
lowing Advice by an eminent author-
ity. who writes for readers of a Targe
F4rlrrn daily paper, will be highly
Moodier Evening, April 27.
1.Ivrrpoot wheat futured closed to -day
1 lower Ihan••aturday, and corn fu -
At ('hicago, May about closed 10e low-
er than Saturday, Reycorn'{c higher,
and May oats unchanged.
Winnipeg Options.
Following are the "aosln41 quotations im
Winnipeg grain future
Wheat -April 3L10% bid, May 11.11 bid.
July 31.13 bid.
Oata-Aprm 43c bid, May 43'4(' bid.
Toronto Grain Market.
%'beat, .prang, Duch io 11 to r_
What, fall, bush 0 G ....
Wbeat, goose. bolt 010 ....
0 110
Wheat, red, bush 0 sv ....
Rye, bushel 0 Si ....
BoccMaat, (boatel a A ....
Oats. btw 0 W ...•
Teresde Dairy Market.
Rutted a aspara4oe. dairy .... 0 30 0 31
flutter, store luta 0 7S, 0 27
Rutter. creamery, IDD rolls0 L1 0 33
Eggs. new -laid. dosen 017
an ....
appreciated by the who sulTer : Cherie, large Ib 014 ....
• Opt froul agood 'any one, Cheese. twin. Ib 01144
half ounce Fluid Extract of dandelion. Honer, ea: -acted- lb o n 0 11!4
one 01010e ('oupro
ln41 Kargon, three New Perk Dairy Market.
Oof foisipound Synap of NNW YORK. April .-Butter-Stead)•;
saparilla. Shake theme well in a rerenro?;�j . ?7.x-
erumnrWyl �sheld,
bottle and take in tesepoonful doers teaslon 10 spec, to Se: state dairy.
after each meal and at bedtime : also common to choice, 11c to Se: process.
; western
d"ink'sleety .4 good water. nto s 1 creamery,
It is claimed that there Are few nest. 3c to rJe.
victims of his dread and torturous Cha,'e-Lys. rarelpta. NJn; furl cr
disrane who will fail to tind ready re- special,, 1ttile; state. full cream, se(1all,
lie( in this simple 1 ...made mixture,
and in most cases a p ermanlent cure is
the result.
This simple recipe is said t3
strengthen and cleanse the elimina-
tive tissues of the kidneys so tha
white, fancy, tic: dal. large and small.
colored, faaq, 1Paj,c; do., fair to ]rime,
11444' to lac: des. eonmlon, 3c to 9%c: do..
s14et•.r made., ic to IlNic; skims, 1c to
14k 1p--Irreaalar; receipts, 9(171: stair:
PWa'yfvsnta aid nearby, fancy. relertld,
they can filter anal stain from the 1111(1"', Mite to 111: good to choke. 171/2e
t lac brown and ml=ad, extra
e 17%c:
hhxul and system the poisons. acid, nest to extra first 171 to 17444'; wreterw
fresh gathered. ftrM, lac to 1alt.('; seconds,
15e to 16''ic.
and waste matter which cense not
only rheumatism, bot, numerous other
dibelsea. Every Mall lir woman here
who feels thiit their kidneys are nut
healthy and active, or who suffer from
qtly urinary useable whatever. should cable* 8trady-Hoge and Cattle Both
not hesitate (Ai makeup his mixture,
Lower at American Mar
as it is certain to do muh g
caxi, and L(DON. April :3. -linden ,•...ble.s are
may say(• you from h misery and sbtacry at 11444' o,. tic per p001111. dressed
suffering after awhile. weight: refrigerator beef 1s quoted at
(hit* home druggists sty they will tic to 114,(' per pound.
either supply the ingredients or mix
the FFaewcriptio11 ready to take it if Our
readers ask them.
'there were two trains a day out of
Toronto, and the, woof( train d'as busy
All the time collecting supplies for the
engined. 'Thornhill was the meeting
[,lace for passenger trains, and trains
for - Toronto were in the superior
direction, s., that if a Toronto train due
At Th•.rnhill ,at S::11 a. m. arrived at
Any time 'within half an hos' of that,
loth trains could cross. But if the
train scheduled to (Pave herr at
a. 111. were over half an brier rate in
leaving, it had to wait till he Allan -
(Isle train came in, for half an hour
was the limit.
Trains were rolnponed of three
small coaches, with padded seats, bag-
gage cat' and engine. Wood WAN
the fuel in the engine. and • a wood
stove crackled in the kassenger
Raced to Halfway Point.
The system of despatching freights
was equally simple. A freight com-
ing in would wait half An hour for
that coiling in the Nnjterior direction
411 011848.
Hut '1 we lost that half 1the
other fellow would start and 'both
treine would go like blazes to be
first to Arrive at a halfway potit,
market by A tree. The man there
first would blow his whistle nearly
tootle with delight, for it meant that
whet' the train from the opposite
direction Arrived it would have to
hack up to the next station, or the
nearest siding," says Mr. Holmes.
Lambs as Cargo.
The freight run from here ter Barrie
took seven hours, and the large Prem
of br}kemten had to load and unload
any freight for shipment. Very
consignments meant for box caro had
to 11e content with flat tars, as "Neter"
were not too plentiful. On one occt-
!ion fpve•sheep had to he picked up
between here and Barrie. They could
not travel in the engine eAils and there
was nothing to stow thein in, so each
sheep was consigned to then nal ire
re of le
brakeman. He put a rope
1114:., and tried
yngy the
tether 4kes,
tether of the somewhat excited transpor-
Two oxen presented
problem. The train
ra n wasis
halted, while the crew go
boards and tried to fence to A flat car
for the helmet to travel on. But at
t,br flrllt jolt one'oxen hit the beanie
and fell elf the car, and the railroad
o111e1alh declined the consignment.
For TbIrty.fosr Years'
Dan Holmes was made a fr
conductor in ISM, and a year later
moved to Brantford, where he
worked on a construction trate in the
building of he Buffalo Afake Huron
road, frau Bum to Uodaich. fie
No Doubt Now.
St. Letter 1)n He, 11a, Que., April 27.
Sptecial.)-There is no doubt now
that Gold's Kidney fills ire "wo-
n talis !set friend," and the following
letter from Madame Lavoie, of this
pI.u", is convincing proof 1,f this fact.
She writes : • • •
"It .given vie greatpleasure to
testify to the benefits I have receival
from the 11s• of 1)4x1('.4 Kidney ('ills.
For many years 1 suffered frolu weak-
ness and debility resulting from dile
ordered kidneys. I wan suhje•t to
terrible pains in my back' and through
my loins se that 1 found it very hand
to stoop or bend toy back at my work.
1 also suffered from pains in my -lege
cramps in the whet and dropsical
swellings of the feet and ankles, I
never found anything to do one goal
011 I tried Dodd's Kidney Pills. They
gave u1e-greet relief ,and finally cured
line, for all the pains have entirely dim.
The little tkat a man wants here 'be-
low is a little more than his neighbor
heti. -
Fine and Fancy Footwear
is141'1)1• hail herr in greater variety
then anywhere ewe. We carry a
complete asnta•tmint of
Shoes for Dress Occasions
1 ),tiut)' nlil'pers and pulhpr for Milady,
swagger Gee, etc.. fur the sterner sex.
The ilea spriug styles in these classes
et shoes are a distinct advance in Ixlth
desigii and attractiveness. !letter
Have a► look and a pair or two 4411 well
f.,4 hose times whim you want to look
p 1I'(10ularly swell.
Toronto Junction Live Stock.
TORONTO Ji-Nf'TIUN, .1pri1 27.-
Receipie of live Mtock' at the Unite!
Stock Yards were 5h 4arioads, cum -
potted of 1107 cattle, 31 hogs, 51- sheep.
65 carves andX10,55 homes.Prtoe. ranged :al 4 fromCie to 45.Sr Per
rat- for export .steers, and bulls at 14,41
to 16 par cwt. sublets.
Choice pecked lots of butchers' ..nod st
frein 16,1,0 to y;:,, luida of good at 3',1
to ISM; median(- 441e to 43.40; rnmmnn,
M to Stet; 1'.414 .-'w'., C.C. to 14.7;; rnn411
cows. 43.27 to 67,. tanners, 1:.:•o to 3,1 p, r
Feeders and Stockers.
Two lose(. of .short -keep (,Minn steers,
l3*l Ira earl,. sol.( at 16:/1, the., ',Ilk
Were nrohei,t- tai f.,r expnt, pur41,nr..
Milkers and Springers.
About a dote. milkers and springers,
at e4' o of 105 good to choice gtla;'t). Mold
m. Sharman
Montreal Live Stock.
MON'ri: VAL., April ($pex'1aJ )-At
the Montreal Stork Yards. Weld (ltd
Market, the receipts of lire stock for the
reek orating April Y. berm 2.11 earn", 42
sheep and lambs. Yx7 hogs. 13C calves.
The offerings for local consumption this
morning ronested of 171' rattle, 50 Memo
and Iambs, ISO hogs and 330 calves. Owing
to the sullen/ of cattle beteg mach larg-
er than a week ago an Patter feeding
developed In the market and pries show
a decline of fully '•r per Ib., as compared
with this day week. 0I4e attendance of
lora5 bat -Oars wax large alai there were
alae some nutskie buyers and exporters
present. The cluolity .f the canto was
geagw•ally fairly good. Metuchen( coma 300
bead .4 northwest( ranch grodu
of -tying lambs were Klan
vim 1 for which the demand is fair and
prices are maintained at from N to 37
each, A fairer active trade was does In
valves, of wtIeh the offerings were am-
ple to fit all requirements and sales were
made at 5.' to 7c per Ib. for good to
Hider stork and the common ones.. anld
at 1^ to III 'Par(. A nomew!tat stronger
feeding lwiwailed In the local Clog situa-
tion this morning nr101 'an aA414nee in
price,• of 3,e per le' lbs. had to ho paid
In Noire tuataras/44 for choke lets over
She ruling figure of in week ago. Thin
letr•ngth was due more to the late *A-
vant, In values for Canadian haeon In
the foreign market.• -thin anything oleo,
Ina snppnea of hogs here were ample to
f111 a!) the waads of the trade. -\ fair.'
active (rade war done, .1441c(.11 lots sell -
in.; at 11.75 to 177 per cwt., weighed off
the cars. -
East Buffalo Cattle Market.
K.\$T 11t'I'vet.u, Apra 27.-4'att)e-1tr-
tMpts, 9114 head. fairly active and steady
to fix- lower; prime steers, 46.e, to rite
shlpptng. IS to 16,16: butchers'. 4i= to
36.C. heifers, 34.:0 to 16.54: cows. 37.50 to
43, n; DSills, 331.3) to B.3: 'trinkets and
feeder.. 43-50 to 4;.5: Murk heifers, 13.5,
44. 44: (reeh raWa sad springer'-, ft to 4
1881ter, 375 In Ae.
liogs-Reoelps. • 11,a1n head: fairly ac-
tive and 1144 to :b• lower: heavy, 46.30 to
43.16: mixed. MC to 16.10; yorkerk, 33 75
in 33.4,: pigs, Se 10 4.54. 0[ughs, N.^. to
141; Maga. 31 to 14.:A, dairies, Y_G to C.M.
Sheep and 1.arnir--Iter,tipta. 14,14) head:
sheep slow: Iambs active *ad 15c lower;
iambs! Si to 37.1S; );enrlingx, V. to $4.501
wsthern, 41.33 to 46.55. ewes, Is. t0 16.33;
sheep, mixed, 13 to 43.50.
New York Live Stock.
Neve YORK, April 77.-Beeves-Ite-
relpts, 1771: market slow; Wets Ole to S<;
lower: hulls steady to a ehs44o Idwer:
enw1 4144atfy to 154'• lower; sleben, 0.40. to
17.)714: ;fawn and oxen. 4.1,0 to 16.15; buns.
13,:+5 lo 14.40; few fancy do.. *7.44 to 46.75;
cows, 47.S to 34.1:3. few extra. CM; (alt -
ens, 32 to C..10. Exports tn-morrow, ssu
eaflle• and 301k1 quarter. of beef.
Calves- Rrr•Ipts, 994n; market opened
1 4 to 7L' lower, rlese.l 3t to 11.25 lower.
Veen,. 14 to 16.40; few early sales, 7475 to
57: top erre at rime. 141.5.; rolls, 13 10
Sheep and Lambe -Receipts. 1:,571: 'heap
slow and easier: lambs 15r to 254' over;
sheep, 11.30 to 16. unshorn Wm 37 to
84135; cupped do., 16.:/1 to 43.333.
Chicago Live Stock.
0. April--state-rmeeipts,
71330 /nerte(. 14le t0 Lir lower; stern. 43
In 47.10: Cows, 13.'4 to 36.23: heifer., CU)
to 76; Mutts, 13.50 to 1620: rdvrt, !.'351
to '55.70; stockers and headers, MSS to
Ilnee-3Reenste. 4.1.010: market, nie to
164' lower; choke heavy shipping. 4346 In
4.5,7:.; butchers', f-40 to $6.70; light mixed,
C1• to 46.50; choke light, 36.4 to 41.10;
peeking, 45 to 441.7.0; plea. 13.%6 10 16.35;
bunk of ales. We to WM.
gbaap--Reoetpta. 0.000: martet, ler to
Meter: 4S to V: lamhs, 15 to
50; yearlings, 55 30 to *LW.
Veal Calves.
A limited number of veal r,lves sold at
44 to tS per cwt_. with one Ir two Cf the
beet at a little morn moner.
Sheep and Lambs.
Mem sold at 3:, lo 16.:74 per wt. ; year-
urhaa41nammb.,aUt mlt
3431e'.fifl pe15r.10.1c
ibtd at et•:n eSeach. .4re4,al41.I14n41-
the martet ar1d 16.5:, to drover.: f.o. h.
4114?. at cowman 410((1(.. '
One Cent
Brings It
Just wrIt•
en e p ast-
esr'A `send
Seeldet A.''
tad watt
t a nearest
brawl. Tbe
rest well
gladly at-
tend t..
-kat how correct principles say i
should be ollthstructed
- us. why no ether pion of core
e rection will do 1
-.kat wherein lies es ability to be easy
an fuel quick is action wept in
The eery is bris4y toll in 41 lads booklet
mind "Penta Facts-" k's not on whet -
optative. No homes mew is taarioned,
and you can reed thewlwk eery in 5 minuses.
To the perry eomor 1plsting Oft a fumes ,t points 1441 the
yep and pitfalls, and shows ease* what to domed of an ref*.
tax, ('.chaser at deals,. it lemons eartsruaion and itaaastion.
HOWELL HARDWARE CO:, Local Agents, Ooderich
Spent Eighteen Dollars
"Gentlemen, --1 hare pleasure in
stating that 1 have. used .Iv,n1 worth of
Peychine, and as a result was cured of
very serious threat. and Tung trouble.
11y ease was a most difficult, one, and
the doctors had practira(Is said that T
could not pet well. 1 tried Peychtne,
and it did me so mneh good that 1 eon-
itialled its us' until 1 had taken *14100
worth, with the result that 1 4100 110W
sl new roan physically. I ksve gained
thirty-(i'.e pounds.
"'t is with t1' 0reat'at confidence
that 1 r"rnmm.Od Psychlne to all whn
are afflicted with throat or lung trouble.
Yonr. truly, C. A. PINKHAM.
,1'ro(stown. Qu'., Sept., '07.
Tliss man speaks from rtparieneo.
Paychine cures all throat, chest, ling
and stomach troubles and given renewed.
afrrnglh and vitality to (1.1) town peo-
ple. At nil druggists, 50' and 61.00, or
71r. T. A. (locum, Limited, Toronto.
The original and only
real Varnish Stale
For i...tetalag and Varnishing
Furniture. floors and Woodwork
epared ie
ON MAY 1st
We Put on Sale
1444kagc4 J4dch Safe Tacks ix
;.lie+. regular 25.. Kalmoutine lbc
:C5 qts. Floor Paint IfSe'
ti Hulliup; !'ins..:.
In Tact there is
A Tableful! of Underpriced Hard% are
11'i• sell tato
umga&btioliaIlly the 11ert.
We hat'(' a( 4"'Ulplete line 4
Howell Hardware Co.,
Successors to L. P. Paulin.
r- Housecleaning Helps -1
'!'ills Is. the sea0wheel houseclea g
is in full swing. 11'e offer A few aids
in makine the work lighter tea the
AMMONIA. lsc bottle BORAX. zoc Ib•
LYE, roc tan MOTH BALLS, 200 Ib.
sc and roc package FORMALDEHYDE, 5oc. Ib.
Send in your list. We deliver gaols pt•uruptl)'.
Clearing Sale of
Wire Fencing
101 rats of
1441 rode of
:in rode of
111 rads of
711 rods of
YII rode of
1141 rods of
;i wires. fltl incite'
7 wires, 2l4 inch(.
7 wire's, In inches
K wires, 17 inches
11 wire,, :,f inches
11 wires, :s1 inchee
111 wire., IS inches
high, :Sic a nod.
high, :alk a rod.
high, :Cx: a nal.
high, 411c A rod.
high, I:Ic a re,el
high. lace rod.
high, 4$c A rod.
All No. q Wire, Stays 1.1 inches apart.
:.4I roils :if
rel 1(44114 of
121 nils of
:dill rods of
If wiree, :3i inches high, Yak. nerod.
7 wires, 42 inches high, :tic a rod.
wires,.1'2 inches high. Mk a rat.'
1) wires, TS inches high, 42c a rod.
Stays 2+ inches apart.
1311 rkxl% or Ii wire,, :311 iochee high, 2'4c a real.
110 r." 111 rt wires, 42 inches high, :Cie a rad.
441 rode f ! wires, dti inches high, -Ilk a rod.
7 -wire fence, stays iii inches'11 4.u•t, lop wire. Ni', 7
4larirer than No. 1h, rent all Nu. 11, at 3:x:.4 roil.
44 -wire fence, stays Ili inches apart, top wire No. 7
flarger than Ni,. n). test 1111 No. 0. at 40c per rod.
A full liue of Bowls, 2 and 1 point, coiled No. 9 and No. 12,
And weaving No. 12 and No. 13, always in .4tock.
'.1'4' ...trey a fell Zinc of
NATIONAL. CEMENT always eacried in stock. Book
yo11r orders ahead for National 1'. went as a rmnu(wr s1
other', are doing, then you 4re'sure of it when you want it.
we can give you prompt attention and all work and material
fully guaranteed.
Store 'Phone az
House 'Phone 1
11111111111111111110•111111111111119 • MIMI 111111111111111111111
Great Clearing Sale
X6,000 worth of
Watches, Jewellery,.
Silverware, Gut Glass
Fancy Goods, Etc.,
to be sold at from 20 to 50 per cent. off regular prices.
Thissale is genuine. The Mock is far too large and must be
at once reduced.