The Signal, 1908-3-26, Page 5Local Trade Review. Address by President Nairn at Board of Trade Annual Meeting. uw Daiwa et Trade of the 'funk of ployittent to it large her of experi- enced operators and laboring uten, but incidentally Ia'nella sundry utor- chaut>. Flour and Saw MW Industries. The world-wide reputation ut "Ihtrity" flour and the ever-increasin¢ tear' k:b . e li).xltunas:, - Another year in the hi.lur•y of the (louse ich Board of Trade has expired, demanding the customary ado rete front the retiriug ileut• 1 biucerely wish the duty te.. had devolved upon bottle a ewla•r of dement for title and other products ui the Huard who cuolJ have enlarges the ent frn CanadHeard Flour Mille bar „pull the lawaihilitira auto advantages kept thus modern last working night the ruwu of Cadet -kb pwtt.aea for the „nil els to kur up with their orlerst establishment of factories and work- Y p 1 shois, all account of its geographical Totheeshipments istfrom outpthe t harbor f 1..jioa and the excellent tranepgrla• must, Uuu facilitiuri that are available by (i,dericb Lumber Company, which rail „„d water, and ,tow upon the tact had its mous' bury eearun cuttaug for of its king the t,rettieet and health- Ontario markets. several eargoee of mauler mama lit the t'wviucr, cut heather were also handled cater our oaay ul accred, with high altitude, and docks by Toronto dealers for 'shipment it* excellent roads making it a par- vast. the receipts of coal by water iniac fur driving anti motoring. 1 for fueling purpose at the several Gel that if our natural beauties were mills end tactul'Ies would run to alxmt mune widely circulated and „made 2.5,1MM) tuns for last season. known to the outside work( we would Advent of the C. P. R. he taxed to Ube Minuet to handle the 1-ndoubtetily the most iwpwrtsnl immense numbers of bummer tourists' event at the harbor timing the hart lu reviewing the work of the Board evelit w.ts the c plcngtt e( the .our the Iwai year :Trete bar been a i,eewn ,w Panus Railways line inn) out ut gutd hard murk duuu by the (/olerich. Although out t 0tuuien- rtrcnlirr sad rs{pNo opportunity by alit' ciug operation of their trains uulil worthy retnrt'11 No In$with h September, a greet deal of traffic ham has leap het in corresponding' ' wit t already found its wny uvcr that liar i,ho.ias lieu coup:mita a' to ur lwt$tq ,ilrl sidings 'acu it -at W the Hour will their tissue u moving fur letter and elevator will (Ileumu greedy iu- Laaliuu and, shipplrfroililie., ur in- creased ased tr•tfflc in grain and flour Jur- 1na•rir:au iustitul nuse which were illp( the rolling season. teaching out fur l'aetadiau trade. ci'1'he tourist traffic handled by the While nulhiu/ definite bar leef- steamer* King Edward and Huron accowpli•hr,4 we trust that these e(- was (,risk during July and August Gnus will ort m l deeI)1.. a uwfog and a considerable amount of nirrcb- •.* lbs cal urwg the part year, hnm ailJtse waw ruleled Anti shipped by prr.•tfli•J during the {cwt year• and lhrbr ve. ssels the suiugrncy of the moor)' market. thew t'4eIg suJlutry. in which a it has been difficult fur iestitotiuus lit grerl her of out reaidrn►s tlild ...ate any great headway in ex p.wsiun' ewpluyurent, pruyrd eiUeII7 moonier - The Wheel Rigs Company. etive in comparison with Ines( at•a,wns luring the last year we hate had and the average amount of ship - an addition to our manufaelluiug in- building and repair work prevailed. da-ttics in the N'heel Rigs Company, Harbor Improvements Nailed. atm ,lutea Oat eaupleted en up to• 1'he lio.'ernuarnl, still awake to the .I.1.• with factory Lwhich is now being M necessarymachin• necessity of slaking (itrderich an up - .•r) to carry 111I their business. The date report. has carried on the canal factory is a twustory buikliug with &mount ut dredging work, but it is missies! al 20111. nut including the telt tbal its attention should be alder and tinning room of one story, 1'rr.aevt ton re substantial matey ou ;Ux:L' They expect to havealaol the to provide accoutloudatioti frit• the end of the ye•er 11110 hundred eon - for modern upper lake vowel% end plover•, utauufacturing everything in for rhes spo.ety r plrtiun of an outer rat • bildn•ds eIi Ic. upon which wheels b. rrkw:.trr sufficiently long to fully an• used, and expect to stent the tan protect the harbor entrance. about the Id u( June next. the Advent of the C. 1'. 1t. will un- workTheil 'salesmen are now tin the rowel duubtedly lead to the establishment taking orders and notwithstanding of other important indwrltries et the thelateness of the season are .nesting lake front, among which a machine with gretifyirg , *ecrrri. shop for repairs to remelt and tuechinery would be found profitable Kensrngtoa Furniture Co. ae well as en inducement for a greater 11..• Keu.iugton Furniture Co. hes nuwl.el- of vessels to winter here. cuwplrtael n largo two-story Prospects Of increased Trafte. doubling their.audition to their plant, 1 'e Iete S1ui,plrwrnting any mention of the these capacity. Their (*citifies are advent of the Venetian Peelle Rail - most modern for handling their viten waWunder the heal of hairiest.hairiest.oaf.• ons titles and will enable them to keep tic, e must congratulate ourselves on para with their increasing u*IIe ss the decided advantage we ponies. in All of our (*clone, uri and tlm getter- all, etter- Irving sick increasedpose passenger allreport a wrest+cul yore's Mlsinese *artier and freight facilities in open• :cidd all 'peat very rn htlg iuKly of ing up new co lions and new ter- ritory to the north of us. O1wning Jackson Manufacturing Co. • their line. as they did in the autantn, The Jmckuam Mauufacturiug Co. has they were not es well prepared fore just moved into its new and cuts • the wince" storms as reerned necss- diuut lactur•y for the manufacturing vary. hence the withdrawal of one of of ready-to-wear clothing oti West their passenger train., but this only greet. rhe building it wort modern tenq.narily : 1 ani now assured that :wd 1. )2 g'ti. They are at present a better passenger service is about to edule to be .•btebbrhed, with a - ash employing shout tbitty hands, to which they Are coustentiy adding sty meet the wishes of the lioderich t,err.ioo derurttds. Tleir output at eople. They alae, contemplate mak- present is about '4(44) pairs of Llys' ing Uuderich quite .. shipping erl)tre knickers per week, for which it ready by r • g the Mutual Transit Line ..toe Ls found as te.t as they can he ut *tremens with grain and Ilour for uaauufsetuted. The institut at expert and returning with package limited is under the able management freight for United States destinations. of Mr. W. II. Murray. This project will employ it large Iluclt- En ins Works. ter of workmen iu the sheds and Doty [ along the docks ducting the navigable The Doty Engine Works tat. tepurt season and in anticin. ' of early that. they heve pur•harad list. prop .11,, adjoining Itaurford'i Salt fVork., consisting of five tower lots. upset a hirh they intend to .erect a plan( for the ammetwLur• of boilers. steel steamers and structural etcel work. The main bulkting will be tat) feet long by 111) feet wide. and of cement ton.trildiult. This will be .•1.i)pprd with „modern tools and will he it fu lye equipped plant for the carrying tin of the above business. In edditiou to the wain building they will erect a Power Iwerw• Minn and blacksmith -hop lax:/.!. The completed !Maul will 1a cepsble of giving employment to lion) fifty to seventy -live 111011. They .. ill Mei protide first -chum shipping Larilitic.. with it view to which they ate arranging' for one railway siding to he `ut into the dem and another along the rag bide. The value of the plant anti building when completed Neill In' about gllo,iri', nod it it their expe ':tabun to fare it in op Brat- by November next. In addition to the proposed rtut•.ide factory they Are al- so extending their machine shop by meeting au additional building 104111* u:t Newgate ttnt't, to Ire „sled as au erecting militia and whirl. will be com- pleted this minting fall. Although they report a slight dullness during , the pati two months. owing to the financial stringency, 'the outlook In their Waimea Is very good. 1 might add that tlic payroll for their combined works during the past year was about *Ago). ). G. T. R. improvements, - During the paid year the (fraud 'l'rnnk Railway has erected it new brink and steel warehouse and freight .office upon their premiers at the head of Etat Anse... This rubst.antiel ad- dition has enabled there to handle their freight in and out more advau- tageously end during the coming sea- son they contemplate carrying out a lot of new work which will enable them to handle their already extensive freight and pas,en er traffic. Tun• assigning of a yard engine and crew for switching purposes in their yams line been very advantageous to shippers. Harbor Traffic For the season of 11.17 the amount ,.f traffic at our port has greatly ex- . 'eded Chet of any preceding year. With the completion of the new fire- proof grain elevator the distinctive :ideate age ands port. nett distriMlting owner for grain to local millers hies shown an Unprecedented gain, Forty-two Meant Yes4el5 in All deliv- ert'tl 2,204(4,201 Iwahels wheal. 1111,41) bushels oats, •tll,l+ia budgets Hayseed and tkl,)ti7 bushels of barley -a total of :1,311,57.; bushels of ('anedittn•grown groin. 11a1 not the usual ser "Mort - age prevailed wring October and Nh- yembetthe receipt/. might. have "cited over . ,1Mt1,lrt) bushels. and so great was the demand for winter storage spites for Ontario „tillers that double the i'apaeiry of elevator intro c•onld s..ily have been filled. THE SIGNAL : GODERICH. ONTARIO D. & t. BOAT FOR GODERICH. Starter State of New York May Make Weekly Trip to This Port. A Detroit ditpmtch say*: '1'bn 1). & C. lite are now ptopobing another deviatiou in the routs of the iteawer State of New York. The vessel may make the run to Bay City. touching at all of the intervening shore ports twice each week, and on the third trip cut out the awall cities nud wake a direct run to and front Bay City Witching only at (ludet•ich, Ont., en. route. The idea of tete change is to provide a q.lick trip from Detroit to the Canadiau city. (lode - rich is It suinruer relent .1 consider- able prominence and eutertaiub it Iam•ge number of people every year. Then, too, the large number of Can- adian* who work in Detroit and whose hutuel. aro along the Canadian coast would be enabled to inllhde a Ideaetnt SUlnittet• boat trip witlIAINtnd- lug their vaaitioub in the lkauluion. Anther dispatch bays : 11 is not improbable that the steamier State of New York of the Detroit and Cleveland Nsvigetiou Company, which is to run between Detroit and flay City this year, y wake a weekly trip to (Joderich. The New York would ret dire t 10 Cloth, - rich and then back serosa the lake to Bay City at the work's end. so that passengers could spend Sunday and Monday in Goderich and be in Detroit again uu Tuesday. They would be `ricked up by the streamer 011 its way hack frusta Bay City on Monday. A Detroit paler says : A. A. Schantz. general in aneger tlf the 1). & U. line, has aur •eel the porta of call for the Bay City Mesmer, State of New York. They are St. Chair, Port Huron, Lexington, !'ort Sanilec, Forester. Forestville, Port (lope, Bay Pity and Saginaw ea wxin 48 the clime oel is dredged to a sufficient depth and the olwlructing bridge widened. The boat will make this route twice is week, and on the week's end run will go to and front Itay City by way of (i t elerich. Ont. Opening of Navigation to die Delayed. - - Cleveland, March 15 - In view of tt prospective light business in the iron ore currying trade on the great lakes this summer, it is said in marine circles that an effort will be made to retard the general opening of navi- gation until near the latter part of Jime. This will be dune (n prevent. if ppasrible, the cutting of rata for hauling ore. The curtailnitut of Intel - nets brought about by the panic of last October left most of the blast fur- naces with a large stock of ore on hand, end for this reason it is thought not boo much ore will be re- quired this year. About 12,111)1,11 0 tons of ore were brought down the lakes Inst year. Only abet 25.l30l,lMM1 Loos, it is now estimated, will be delivered this sutu- men By balding the bottle back until June the tonnige can he handled without agreat Ines in operating ex- pense by the vessel -owners. Thus they will, to a large degree. avoid the effects of the panic. While other in- dustries beer lust from four to .rix mouths Iw411)4 a as a result of the busier** depression. the marine inter- ests will lose but twit or three months it the present (plans of big vessel - owners are carried out. Notwithstanding this .ituatiun ves- selmen are not in the least die• epuaged. end preparations for an ex- pected normal business the following dement are goinv forward. This will. Lo a large .extent, olf'te•t the late start as • HrrtooK the employees. Dus tn K the text month or twothirty new brats will be 1 •heed. They will have A total carrying capacity of over :31)1,111111 lona with a total approximate coat of g11,750.11111, Appointments to MacKay Boats, Hamilton. March 10th. The large freighters controlled by R. O. and A. H. Mackay are now being put into ruuuiug enter at the different porta at arrangements for this service the which they have leen wintering. :and company bas already issued inrtruc• the bilker, who will command then) Bunn to veverel of their train crews to during the curring year have taken prepare to remove to (ioderich. In connection with the C. P. 1t. we have 11180 had the Dominion Express ('.r.'a agency established here, giving iss increased facilities and rheape* rates to competitive pruinte. While it ie Minuet too early iu the year to more than anticipate to what extent the C. P. 1(. contemplates snakiest (Materiel) a large shipping purl. yet we have the • 'Un With that vesse.,el nueetU it passenger service is alai, to be cuu• sideral,ly in,rear d. D. & C. Line Connection. chance. Thele are few changes in the list of officers, the wont noticeable be- ing among the engineers. • The boats and their officer. ere : N ecpawah -1-apt. Oliver Patenrude chief eugineer, Ueorge Tryen. \V,thcosJah Capt. Janne* Wool. ser : chief engineer, Robert Bell. Itosedale-l'atrt..I. L. Baxter: chief ell •inevr. Alex. Forbes. l)unelm- -('apt. James Newell : chief engineer, .tauter Nicol. • (ilenelleh--Capt. Itobert MacKay chief engineer, John Rulaert. on. Dundee -Capt. Zealand.; .chief engi- tieer, .lames Andrew. $tratlicona --- (`apt. John It ving chief engineer, Sawyyel Jones. lhtnneconne Capt. a \V. Manatee - ley : -chief engineer. A. K. D. MacKay. %Vinona-Capt filen (iarvie; thief engineer. .1- I.. Campbell. !Modern -- Capt. Riabt. Cooney ; thief engineer, John Morris. • New Boat tor Northern Navigation (:o. Pullin wend, March 11. It was an- nounced tonight that the Northern ,Navigation Cooipany has Hosed a con- tractwith the (oInt n world Shipbuild- ing build- ing Company for the construction of a new passenger vessel which will sur- pass anything, now in c Heim on inland waters. According to the in- formation given out the cesw•I will tie '45 fret lung. and will 1x• (* t.truettd its a combined passenger a. d freight vessel, and will cost in the neighbor- hood of II,\IM),IMMI. The :mantra calls for its delivery in the spring of IIsU), and in under to fulfil thin stipulation the keel will be laid et once, end work rushed forward as rspidly as p,sseible. Plans for the new vessel have been submitted, and the officers of the com- pany state that in appointments ,and fittings the Ingat will livid anything on salt water. The vessel is to he „std in the Lake Superior division, running between Sarnia and Duluth. 1 note with pleasure the probability of the steamer State of New York, of the Detroit ek Cleveland Navigation C.... waking weekly cornet:tons from Iletruit and intermediate points, thence across the lake to Bay City, returning via, tilt. same delle, thus en• aiding passengers co spend Sunday and Monday in Gorki -wit and have theta hack in Detroit again on Tiler de)* Some years ago this was it very popular route with exeut-aionists and we trust that the C patty in restor- ing the old connection with Bay City and fiaglnal► will le profitably re- warded. Goderich -Fort William Freight Line. It is understood that H. O. & A. H. Mickey, the well-known Hamilton firm of vesbel•owners, will during the coming season keep one of their large freight ateamerr on the route between (iodctich and Fort William. bringing grain front the head of the lake. to this port. and offering space for peck - age preight for the return trip. 'rhe Moet to be placed on this run will be of about (,IMM) tons capacity. This will give shippers from liodcriclt an wldi• Lionel outlet for westbound freight. Ontario West Shore Railway. The Ontario West Shure Railway has already commenced surveys from Ooderich to Kincardine and plans and extirpates for the work are being i isde au rapidly as possible, as it is the intention of the Company to let their contracts without delay. It Is reported that V. M. Itolert's, of the ('. i'. R., is to be appointed engineer for the cotnpsny to superintend cnn strutLion. It is the intention of the company to ask the ctwn for rights to operate their electric railway on res• coin streets in the town, so ars to en- able there to reach all meal factories. thereby giving them all direct con- nections with Nall the (i, T. It. and C. P. it. systems. In this the Hoard o1 Trate ah(rold render them e11 the aesirtence In its power to carry out their projesed unerrtukinge' sternally (Hoperage. why, resign your The Maitland liver I ower Com abate position : and when you are outside piny to alar receiving R.- I damn to your heart's content. But, 1 Attention from the dirrrurra, Sur - prey - I pray ynu, oro tang as you are a part of veya are to ire shortly rnmntenrand an institution, do net, ronde►nn it the rontraet for machinery awarded.. 11'l not that yon will injure the insti- (ientlemen, 1 new thank ynu for the tntinn not that, hist when you di.- aasist•tnce you have given me during i ethr conr.•rn of which you are A the past two years in my ufftrr' as pnrtport you disparage your•aelf- Tn the rain receipts of the elevator ehairnran. 1 haveeyiwre•nlrel a great And (lona. forget that '•i forgot 111 let he Ide.f abonr t a*IJMxo b11ahels deal of .lemma' in being affiliated won't do in business.-- Pal'! l Iluh- gronnd 1 the \Vcsta•rn ('snaile F-lotn with the Ifnarl of Trade and in cote hard dills w •'h we. handled into their elusion i would ask that the wa11s own el ,tor. The unloading nnd cnurtewy he extended tAt sty /niece/010r Herne men epeml uu,el of t heir lives eleppinl,. •o/ grain not only gives eta. M emus. Uttas. A. NAIAN. making the net miserable. THE MARKETS. Liverpool Wheat Futures Clete Low- er, Chicago Higher --Live Stock a -The Latest Quotation,. meant: Et •l.tr,e. March 13_ J.Iitlr{o,td wheal fut'trer it .td lit-duv ;P1 to 1101 k.w:•r thud tlulutday. and Guru futures Seel lower. At t!Idcatm Moe wbeat •It.*. .1.4j',e Mah- er limn Saturday; Mar' cerci 4tv lit i •• owl May outs uttcha„c•,1.. Whiniest-. Oetiens. lblluwing are the Blur ing g0ul allons on W6udprr'rain futures W la al- Alert It 31.10 411, M.y 11.143 614, Jul• 11.IIAei bed. Vats -March 40c bhp. M.a' tit: bud. Toronto Grain Market. Grain... - Wheal, whoa. bush 40115 10 1.:.. WI., el, fall, gash••014 .... goose.aa'hea1, 0,se. bush u yl ... Horse Sense. W beat, red, bush l:) e, bushel Pens, bushel t 090 ,,., Buckwheat. huallel 0 le .... Iklrloy, btirhtl 0 01 .. 1•1tls, bushel U51 .... Toronto Dairy Market. Nutter, separator, dale' 0 :/I 0 91 Butter, store lots to :si dr. Mutter, creamery. Int rolls, 0 "S 0 63 Eggs, new -lapel, dyxrn ' 0 ti 0:r Eggs, cti-.loreee, dove,' ,It 1e 0 311 Cheese. large. lb ' ' 0104 •. Meese. twin, lb 0 14 Honey, extracted, lh 0 11 01.:Vi New Yerk Dairy Market. NEN- YI11IK. Marelr _r, -!Sutler-1.lrm- er; receipts, :11.10; cream,' ' - apt. i:ds, :3e•: extras, *se; third to filet. t(1 141 :.•; held aerosol to special. :3342to : state dairy. cowmen to talr, re to :M ; W ,•t • ss. can- ua.n 1.1 special. Di• to '2.11.1e.; uest'•rn fac- tory, first. re; linnetlon t 1cameo., first. 84 to :7t•. rhe.•s. -- I•'irnti; receipts.:arr full cream spe rhe 1. 161,4e; slate- ifuA .-r.t.m, small. (t lot .•4 fancy, 1611 d•, , white fails\'• 16.•'. do., large erlored and arm. (arab, 1514,e; d.... g.asl to pule••. 111e• 1.. 17J4.: late October and earl% Nyember make, 1344c to 144ic: do., winter IntAc. ld.: to 13e. do , c to fair, foe to 11Syr: skins. le to Ile. Esse-limn; re.•e11.1 s. 5,.1„li stale, penn- sylvaula and nearby fancy , selected white• tar lit :Pr: K•scd 10 caul"•'. tic to 1114• brown and nllxeyl extras, 17c; ftret, 14 to 161,.; western a1..1 southern first. 154ac to lar; seconds, 141a.' to 1.:14t•. CATTLE MARKETS. o sx .... 11 41 Cables Steady -U. If. Markets Firmer for Hoge and Cattle.. IA1N1a ,N, Marcs' S>. -r uudut. rubles aro 1.tcadl' at 10e14c to L'4: tea pound. dressed weight; reMaerdtur b s [ as touted at laic to 9", per Ib. Toronto Junction Live Stock. 'TORONTO JUNI"1IOON, March 23. - Receipts of live stuck at the Uuion Stock Ygrdt were 314 carloads, com- posed of 715 cattle, 33 sheep, 34 calves awl uvcr 100 horses. Exporters. Espurt steers Redd at 61.5 toZ.ffi,, the 51,11 going at 33 *u 1..i:. ter cwt.; bulls, 6373 to $4.50 per cwt. Butchers. 5'.Ine• picked lots. Mai t.. 1*. loads of 1(181. $4.50 to $4.7G, nit-tmnt, 64.71 In U4.0; (42 'non. $3-10 to $4.a'. rows, t3 to $1 per els 'tiltt a few good enough to export at Milken and Springers. A few milkers and sprinters told at PG to tea each. Veal alt a re weredw10 cx.elbwl sen d puling al sr, to 37 per cwt. Sheep, and Lambs. Rhee,, sold al $.11., t+.''-;- per cwt. • Ismb' at 4G do r.Z per cwt ,-set .elected lets of ewe and wether latn;os are worth 67,#9 per cwt. 1 h If you work for e 111:111, u heaven's name work fur him. If he pays you wages that supply you your In end and batter, work for him, speak well of him, think well of him, stand by him, and stand by the institution lir represents. I think if I wou•kel for a man 1 would not work for hien a port of his time, but all of his time. I would give an undivided service or none. 1f pato a pinch, an ounce of loyalty is worth a pound of cleverness. if you mond vlllify, atlndemn. and Hogs. flog prides advanetd'.lr per cwt. (lunar, Limited. report scare's, (.d and watered. at , 3G.141 per cwt.: free nu board tars, at ct Leen• points, to drovers, ti.:S 114_0 cwt - Montreal Live Stock. Mt,NT1t1:A1..-MMarct. J--(:pu•1a1.)-A1 the Montreal Stock Yards, west end trust - krt. 1he r.eeipta of Ilia stock for tris week ending Parch :1. were ;4:'7 rattle. Stu sheep and lamas, _Ai bogs. and TA t elves, while the ...Apply b.. -deo' for Kalil consumptionturslslcd of ' W cattle. An n . sheep and lambs. 11r4 holm and 350 calves. choice beeves sold at &2.1 to 4.Yt; good, at $4 77, to 1,; fair. set 61.r. to 64.a;; .eom- mon. at 63.50 to $4 per cwt. There were some toss! bulls on the market, alibi& Nought from K to 61.73. and very choice M:.sts sold at 65.'::, per rat. cable ed- vl.ee from Liverpool on Saturday' stated that trade In cattle was slow and toted w deellne- of lie per 11,. In ptie"s. for Am- erican and Canadian slew, as compared alto o work sego. A touch stronger feel- ing hat developed In the market fur• y.arling lambs -noel pr,•e. Show nn od- tanee of a4' per Ib. for the week. This 1s dot to the eunUnucl small tuppiv • on,hng forward and the g•mal demand for the sane. for toes! consurnpn•m. *tales of . hOlt e lots were tnad • at 7c In 714•, and stood at SU,' to Vile per Ib. S*pptlr. nt spring Iamb-' :.r.. Still very Ilnilted. for Is also good. at prices o 610 with. TM e tone fnr site -^p 1e Otero. but an which the deft ranging from of the marks the offering are small trade is quit( at 6r to Mr- 1. 11,. Receipts of calors are steadily inereast tx. for which (he et•truant) la •Ror.l for chole. stock. at G to 36tc Itch, while lower grades ..ell at it!! to $4. The undertone to the market for ho, -s vnn- tlruee strong said ;.Area have at•orrd n further advanr- of 1_,4 10 11.• (n•r re1., `•h1rh makes a net arse of Ifs• to 3f.: eine, Vale Any week. Supply was fair. but owing to the near approach of ranter and the large number of orders conning fur - ward for hams and bacon, the demand 1t111:Eire 1'.11.1:N. MitatiOnS1 rjust y Chance 1 of Dodd's Kidney Palls are legion. The box is irritated, the outside coating and ►nape of the pills are imitated and the carte-Dodd's Kidney l'ills is imitated. luutruols are dangerous. The original is rale. Dodd's Kidney Pills have it reputation. lntita. -tors have none or they wouldn't imitate. So they (rade oulh reputation of Dodd's Kidney ('ills. Do t be deceived. There is only ono 1) DDS. Dodd's hi the original Dodd'r it the name to be caro- tid arotoo about - D-O--D-DS KIDNEY PILLS A COMBINE 11' A COMBINE Solite combines •err •ell r:t,lil' and euluer are all w'ruilg. (left. 14' a cowhiilatiuu 1 hal should satisfy a good „tan' l,ruplt'. Weekly Globe The Signal and The Toronto o Jan. rat, Ion. for Send your mistreat, and l.Ltst . to VAN, TTER C ROBEIDSON THE' SIGNAL, Godc:ich. r -WANTED., A GOOD FARM I. tor -.I, . ' • I•Ica est,. ; .: .. . Imace for citnig. :•Ude ,, a, n • ioo (x11, Ir. bed. 1.a u1 dc.tl w tI t, 41/{1'11: 1• U 1;,. 'At. 1:u, 1., \. )41.11 •1•111111111111111N1 MONO S INSURE YOUR HEALTH AND COMFORT - un storrny days by wearing to ` rn 1 W TORP ki,_.__,,, Bt 1 , A ROOF _ -OILED CLOTHING Cken - Light_ Durable Low in Prise Permanent Results TilUitn AI•, \ICU, h 2(, 1908 IMMO \1•t• kutt+ ltulcha ed a liwitc,l number of HIGH GRADE HORSE CLIPPERS at a great reduction. These clippers usually retail from $2.75 to $:t DO. We are „larking the lot at $1.75 each. We have sent out considerable No. 11 Coiled Wire at special advertised price of $2.75, but that 'hide runs out on 'Tuesday next. Our April price, \ve are compelled to sad', will bo higher. 11 you cannot get in, send ua a letter. This wire came to u.; direct from the twills at Cleveland. Howell Hardware Co., Limited "I Inti u,; nn tII nugtbt wi' 11 :. 1 ehsliunt •,ogle, us 'did l also ml lith . r1. N• eased elev•r:,11111, rrnp•de e 4 1111,. 1•t .i drug OW, tyho.N. obtaiuin,; am : , i,nreut rel., 1 . in Lent wr weer,• ,;rowing c„erne. 1 g•'' ; footle ur Coltslnote Expectorant. f•,•o Ino• dr„g,ia an,! rn-:,le „f to .i:,•- i!.• ennlh eta. ,i•: 1, :mol perm:ne at Mat rapi,l 1Lnt tt, dteld, to keep it in our horse rontinnal1o. 50005 packet+ a heavy. wf'h•h la the only''* 1•• ,t. Ii. a•i,;n. Irl !awa., ,canon for the strength In the anarkM, • as foreign advice% on Canadian bacon Coltxtoote Ezpeetor nt„ Yt.i7.-' continue to be an th oda. kL.1V'4, Y Ol but 1',i 'aR- • Ib„ a-n.9dh.•R:'Y r.i,';. Ing. An active trade was done •old r• r us I 1 c the fnr 4r•.I pry$;" , t trade t ss. s.,lra or w'weigh Iola sr(► , trade at 64. T, rMr cwt., weighed of the 1 onghs, rul.l+, 17otit'. Kp,p, hrI:. ran.• 'I'i;tl.lnebs of the 1'h.•st. i hiLb hi, East Buffalo Cattle Market. it. T.. isttrrsln'c 1t into .•tv y. home la, EAST 131•1'1•'A141. *arch a --r alUr-. ' trill tend a fete woods ).. -''-1 1.11•41111 Reertp)S, 47:At hro1, active and Es to 0110 'wilding their name tool address to 11r, Id'h• 1. prime darer, .• to 16.76: :hlppine. •I', A. stream, i,inatt,l, 'I',,r,nno. meld 1cS.n.0 to 1/6.?;.. leachers•, l0 36'4: better', „ p76 to 3rows, $1.2". to 0&- nulls. 61.x1 1;. ail upin.Irr• ib n; Kia+ ''t t•, 40r+: ata,krrt and feeders, $1.ut M Send for 41100 Sample To -day. $4 7.,; al.x-k heifers. rs. !3 to 47x.; fresh t•nwn, and springer. g.s'd, settee. and 63 hltberi caatnon. dull: E t to ells. v... ,t., ads- itr-t l 3001 d 1 head: activ0 an t tA,• lower. b: .2.. ' Hogs-Re.lpts 1:,M)1 head; active: and 6r to Irk' higher. heavy and mixed, 96.31 to 14.4:: yurkers, P.36 to *. le: plea, 64.25 10 34.1Mt:run'ht, 14.90 to $4.111), slags, 63 10 Pro: dairies. ('.r t0 I -..T. Sheep and Lamb.-iintel/ts, 11.00 bend. .011,0 sed Sc to Oak• higher; Iambs, B to 04.77: yearlings. $7.00 to 17.31: wether, 1s w to `17.:'•: ewes, 66.36 to 16.10; sheep. mixed. 62 to 4'0 New York Live Stock. NEW YUrr9, March Z.--itreven--lte- •. (pt.. 42*F: steers. strong; fa bulls and 1st l-gw's. for t•. tie higher. ilght hullo. acnd4; medium Ned c.nnten•i crew, weak, to 1yr lower. Steers, P.sll, to *4.46: oxen. N.5e .to 11 70; FrSu. 11.04 to 64.711: rows. $1 e1 to el. M. Exports In -morrow, IV 011110 end WV goatee of leer. rah re--Itee-Ilia, 47011. (market rtor .l 7rtroll lower .end week. Veal,. 14.04 to 687(1; culls, 4:0 to 14; no 41'••atern calves; fed calves, 1t to H.Z. hheep and • samba-R'rctpts, 11.1(4; sheep. Orn; Iambi. about steady; *f to 1R7!t;no e• car, reprime 60; telw yea' Iings,. MI toIC10. IM's -f ecelpt', 15,7tr1. Markel Haber, Cuod elate hogs, 1111.:16 to *GO. Wingham Bylaw Defeated. \I'inghaun, \lard 24.-.1 bylaw M rehire the electric li*Ming plant under the mnn4C l(l 'nt, of three ennlmfssinrf• ere was def. seed by a majority of M. Her Very Own at Last. The principal of- nee of Torunto't public schools tells an interesting story enneerning one of the little girls who entrusted her savings to the penny bank in which the echn.el chit- dren of this city have over PMI,IMMI on deposit. I The little gill WAS one day struck 1 with the idea that. she [night not live to enjoy the fruits of her ind.ttry. Therefore, going to her parents, s110' said : -If 1 die while i have money In the hank 1 want you to hey a nice attain for me. Then bey some flaw - ere, end if theft- is any money left Inns 1 It in nay hand." --Saturday Night. VINOL The ('ud Liter till I.reparal that lets trot the disagreeable hale 4 the old-fashioned ('oil Liver Oil preparations. It is a Blood Purifier. Flesh Creator and Atucuglh Producer, the beat Tunic for this tiine (#1 the year. \\'e return -your money if nut&atisled. Sold by l;EDI.ORD BLOCK 1 GODERICH, .q6CIT ONTARIO 1 Clearing Sale of Wire Fencing IDEAL • (141 *,s1s id ; w*I(...1' fuchcs high, tie: A rut(. 1;11 rods of 7 W M., 3$ inches high, :enc a•rnd. :4n rods of 7 wines. 111 inches high. :t e a rod. tit rods of 41 wiles, 17 inches high, 40c A rood. 711 rats of 11 wires. 51 inches high, Vie A mrd. til roil. of U wires, at inches high, .40; a rod. 1141 rods of 110 wires, Is inches high. 18c a rod. AMERICAN All No. 9 Wire, Stays is inches apart. 41 rods ,f 0 wires, :01 inches high, 1010 a rod. 14)0 Endo of 7 wir(•s, 12 inches high, :tie t 1611. : 121 rolls of h Wires, 12 inches high, 1110 a rod. :,!it rods of 11 wires, 114 inehe. high. 12c it nod. Stays se inches apart. 1:41 rots ..f n wires, :ei inches high, '14e it rud. 11') roads of It wires, 42 inches high, :tic it rod. IM) loth: of 1 wire:•, Is Melia. high, Ilk: a rod. CYCLONE wir.• I. n,,, •1.,., h; inch,• ..P,ul, top wire Nis. 7 (larger (hall Nu. 10, rest all No. tI, itt:Ca• a rod write Ic++ice. ',toys 11; inches apart, lop wire No. 7 tlarger than No. eh, nes( all No. 11, at Inc per rod .1 fill liar of Harr, 2 and 1 Iaoi1*'_. coiled No. 1* and Nu. 1.2. .11.1 weaving No. 12 and N.). la, always in stork. \"e eatery a full line of SHERWIN-WILLIAMS READY -MIXED PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES NATIONAL CEMEN r Away. r•:u•r-iel in .tuck. Hoak uururJrr-. ahead ter National Ur meta an a her ut of hetes are doing, then you an. tore of it when 'you want it. IN PLUMBING, HEATING, TINSMITHING and ELECTRIC WIRING we can give you prompt uticntion .oil .111 work and maleri i1 11111) guaranteed. Store 'Phone 23 House 'Phone (tz CHAS. C. LEE THE BUSY STORTIIEBI% SALE t IS STILL ON .. I.'l'ilUl'liI 1 wo were almost compelled to coos.; ourdoors at the opening of this sale, We eau ;as'ure`you that you will still have an extensive choice, as we are still unpacking goods every day. which we are placing on our §helves as room will permit. if you visit our store every (lay you will always find something new, an(1 our prices are cut so low that it will be impossible for you to purchase goods again f'lir anything like the value thilt we aro now ()tiering. THIS IS YOUR 'OPPORTUNITY,. COME' WHILE IT LASTS. OUR STOCK . 1 (1 r ('iKOC . .ES t), l is all new and we keep the very best. We quota a few prices as a sample : a cam, of Tomatoes, ('mil lir Peas at :;r, , :44 pounds' Raisins at 25c. ;010 Tea at 23c. All other prices are Out accordingiy. • OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT under the Supervision of a stall of skilled llilline's. will speak for itself. I'ay them a visit. We"extend a cordial invitation to everybody to examine onr stock and price)). You are alwcV 'welcome, whether you buy or not. Iitott Tr and Eggs taken 84 Cash. Cameron & Moore i i 1 asomin ammo amons sawn ammos 11=111111111, 4I1)1