The Signal, 1908-3-19, Page 8IAzewasce,
2 Tuoauar, Marih IJ, 1908
The " wee hug of the erten' h ' h' n• • our
dry loci, pail. but the wearing of 1'rly,lam e
tailoring I. the cur.eet thaug for every day of
the year. Get your .paog suit nom kb. rod
l• Sue of the bat dmr. en..
Ever tl 11
n gi fur nv.tth . n w the ur.o lel
•lutea at a\-1'Iner emlth'•, new furniture Sorer.
Ingo. new window shade.. new hunt, tire, new
inettrease., new picture.. new frame•. 1nt•w
su.brotderlas. eta t all and see.
It has not yet been daotded who 1. the limpet
1areon tont to the Mayor's chair for Gelder'. h.
but It was see neo decided that the proper
penia twit in the chair in front of Ballow..
'a1rM1w 1n everyone w hu w anis a goad phoI n of
himself or, h. rwt•If.
St. Patrick's Day wife nlu)erviel by
tunny citizens iu the wearing of a
sprig of shamrock.
Members of the Horticultural So-
ciety for 10)7 can get their parcels of
bulls on utility( at the secretary's' of-
A change of wlverlibemeot fur Mc-
Lean Bros. came in too late for inset,
tion thin week. Vetch for it next
The eugineere of the Iwo '1'urrrt
Ieoata and the Nsepeawab have arrived
in town and are commencing the
work of overhauling the boats.
Goderich Home Circle will hold its
regular meeting for March on Friday
of next week (27th inst.) instead of
Friday of this week. Member. take
The following contributions for the
heeyeitsl are acknowledged with
t.k nkr : Surgical instruweut from
Dr. Gallow, marmalade from Misr
Shephard and Mrs. Strang.
A Quebec street pesidcut was misted
from her home on Sunday uight and
was not found until next moronic
. when she was discovered near the
rifle rauge at the lake, having bete
out of doors all night.
Alexander Craig, of Toronto, or-
ganizer for the Sons of Scotland, is in
tuwu this week in the intense of the
order. Quite a number of uew mem-
bers are joiping Camp Inverness, and
a special meeting was held last night
at which the initiations were made.
The Daughters of the Empire have
opened a subscription list, which will
be found at Joseph Kidd's office, and
invite dentitions and subscriptions to
a fund for Trooper Mulloy, who lust
his eyesight in the South African wear.
The D. 0. E. have themselves headed
the list with a crontributinti of $10.
W. C. Prid' no has added a hand -
Home wardrobe equipment to his
store. There are fourteen compart-
ments and the wardrobe provides
loom for 3511 suite. The removal of
the suit racks from the centre of his
store gives much more room and light
in all parts of the store.
Isaac Salkeld was the purchaser at
the sale of registered stock held at
Guelph on March 4th, under the
Auspices of the Guelph Fat Stock Club
and the Provincial Live Stock Aseoci-
ation, of Tristram=9tld67=, a red and
white bull, calved January 5th, 11107.
The animal was bred by Ernest Park-
insou, Frames*, Ont.. and should be a
valuable acquisition.
Chairman Marney of the water and
light commission is authority for the
statement that mince one of the
pumps" at the Waterworks has been
repaired there is a geeing of 1,110)
ibs. of coal a day. With a sedi-
mentation basin, he says, to pre-
vent the sand getting to the
pumps and injuring them that raving
could be made all the time.
Earl Allen was the winter of both
the olsteels race and the mile race at
the West street skatiug rink on 'Mon-
day. Miss Bernice Davis won the
prize for ladies' or girls fancy dress'.
Owing to the fact that the carnival
had been twice postponed it was not
as successful as it otherwise would
have leen. A leap -year promenade
was held the following night and an-
other ouch event is announced for
Friday, with the band in attendagce.
• J. A. Sutherland, of Auburn. will
ring in North street Methodist church
next Sunday.
Rev. William Gauld, Presbyterian
missionary in the island of Forniosa,
will address the congregation of Knox
church next Sabbath eveuiug. A col.
lection will be taken on behalf of
foreign missions.
Next Sunday will 1e conuexioual
day at Victoria street Methodist
''hutch. The services will be as fol-
lows : 11 a. nt., subject, "Christian's'
Heritage." 7 p. ni„ special sermon to
young men, choir composed 'only of
yoesig men.
:text Sunday, March 22nd, will be
the second anniversary of the dedi-
cation of North street Methodist
church. The Rev, William Hriggk, I).
D., of Toronto, will preach both
morning and evening. ►r. Briggs is
well-known as the able manager of
the large book ,and publishing buss.
sells of the Methodist church in Tor-
onto, and also am one of the wort elo-
quent of Canadian Methodist preach-
ers. There \vill be special music un-
der the direc{io,n of A. Roy ,'*dente.
Very large nudigi%et will doubtless
enjoy these iiiteetreting serviees next
The special aerricce in North "eget
Methodist church, conducted by Evan-
gelist .1. 11. McCombe, have been
growing nightly its 'interest, power
:and attendance. Ou Thursday even-
ing (tonight) a unique and interet-
ing service will be held. The singing
will be ltd by if large male choir and
the gr 1 Hoot of the Auditorium
will be resented for teen. Various
fraternal organisations will march
to the church h) separate hoilien and
occupy sections of the chervil allotted
to theta. The generics will be re-
served for ladies. On Friday evening
Evangelist McCombe will conduct. hie This is the nauue by which the store
farewell *melee in Goelerieh. He hat formerly occupied by W. A. McKim
so completel • won the hearts of the will henceforth he called. Messrs*.
people of Goderich, irr•e.ppetivc of Cameron k Moore, a firm of young
creed, that doubtless the chutrh will risen, have bought out Mr. McKim"
be packed to its utmost capacity. stock and announce a clearing sale,
starting on Saturday. Mr. Nell Cam-
eron, one of the members of the new
firm, his for the pant three years leen
a cornmerciel traveller and has made
Peterborough hie headquarters. Hie
former home was Paisley. Ont., where
his then Is still living. Hie partner,
Mr. W. E. Moore. has been engaged
in the hoot and stirs- business in Peter-
borough. coining formerly from Nor.
wood, Ont, Their past experience of
business, coupled with the energy and
enterprise of youth, should enable
them to attain success in their new
location. They intend to add to the
drygoods business a grocery and it
boot and shoe department, and they
ere increasing the drygotde depart
ment with -a very heavy additional
stock. They have secured the sen iees
of Md.* Mena Mamie. of Perth, to take
charge of their millinery department
out that to the pm elk of duty «tnnne and elle arrived in town haat week.
and trifle may eom,e to any man, es It The .plumhasing in this de'ni'ers„ •iii
teat of his flit)) enol to give him I was left entirely in her lentils and
'strength and expwerie'itce for grease• neither time nor expellee wan con -
flatten thst may be before him. And
as the I •„ r of Jesus was not, as
the dise•tpiis urs lbtt ncciaion at first
supposed. merely a.ghcwtly vieit►t'
for a future existence : it is meant to
wake life in this world happier and
brighter ; and to take Jesus with
them as they travelled the great
waters would be to the mariners the
hi of the Inert comforter
and friend for the hours of gloom and
loneliness which sometimes would
genie int., their lives. The hymns
tiling during the seri ice were peetili•
urh' appropriate to the occasion. The
choir, which has receives) several re-
cent additions to its wemberrbip,
sang with exoelletlt effect the anthem
"Holy Art Thou," set to Ilaudels
Was Correspondent for The Sigel fe
Thirty Years.
The death of Scarlet B. Williams, of
Duulop, which occurred on Thursday,
5th just., at Alexandra hu.pital, Gude-
rich, retnoved from life one of the
moat widely known residents of the
township of Colborne and etre who
filled a unique position in the coin-
wunity in which he had lived frau)
boyhood. For a period of some thirty
years Mr. Williams was the local cor
respondent of The Signal for Dunlop
and Leeburn, and so faithfully- did he
atleod to his work that his writings
during that period may be said to
constitute a faithful record of the
happenings throughout the district to
which he gave hie attention. 1 util
illness came upon Wei of late he
missed hardly a week in wending in
hie budget of news, which was eagerly
looked for by the reeldents of the dis-
trict, as well as by former residents
who had moved to other parte. Ills
11 -
i tl
h -
r -
peu-natnee. "Jot• \lavweetl" a
\Vel,alec Brown," under which
wt•ole in the earlier years, are st
well remembered by old residents.
social gatherings, cepecielly in h
earlier years, Mr. \1' !shams was ge
entity an active participant, and i
deed its everything that went on
the community he took his part fait
fully and unselfishly, doing what
could in all ways to le of service
those about him. For tunny years
was an active worker in the Leebu
Sabbath school. and also an officer
the Good Tempters lodge. Anothante
office which be filled far many y
was that of deputy returning office
for municipal elections in polling der
*ion No. 4, Colborne, In religion h
was an Anglican, but he held the mos
liberal views In this respect and h
most kindly feelings towards a
Christian denominations. Political!
he adhered • to the Conservativ
party, bqt he never allowed his polit
cal opinions to interfere with h
The late Scarlet B. Williams w
hon) at Stratford. Ont., in 1tfGi, th
second exon of the late Hairy William
His father was clerk of the Divisio
Court at Stratford under Judge Bu
rift, and his mother w sus a daughter o
the late Sheriff llyndutan, the lire
sheriff of the united counties o
Huron. Perth and Bruce. In 1NKi ole
family left Stratford and settled os
the fern) on the Like Shore road
above Dunlop which isaeell the Wil
HAWS hour. Scarlet had entered th
grammar school at Stratford an
after moving to this district he at
[elided the (ioderieh grammar schoo
under 11r, Haldane :ung later mule.
Mr. Preston. After leaving school b
continued to live on the inns with hi
parents andbrothers and was neve
,tarried. His fatherand mother heti
died within the last three years and
the loss was keenly felt by the lat
deeasad, fits health broke down
and although a few months ag.; ht
seemed to be recovering his old' fora
the improvement was ally temporairryy.
Ile is survived by live brothers: Rob-
ert, Arthur and John, all of Colborne
towurhij{), and St. Q ' tin and Pat-
t•ick, of Petoskey, Mich.
The funeral took pl:tce ou Saturday
7th inst., the interment beiug made in
Colborne cetuetet'y after service in `it.
Ueutge's church. Rev. Mark •'rurn-
bull conducted the obeetuies, aodrjthe
pall-bearere were deceased's brothers,
John, Robert and Arthur, rind his
nephew, Harry 1Villiams,
Tribute From an 'Old Friend.
- The following lines, in memory of
the bate S. B. \Villianns, are contri-
buted by Mi. John Linklater, who
says of his friendship with the de-
parted that it goes back to when they
as Iloys travelled the dusty roads to-
gether. Mr. \Villiamns going to the
high school and the writer to the
town for his mother. "That. friend•
ship." bays Mr. Linklater, "hats never
leen darkened by a cloud since."
"We will mise thee, old friend, far
t, few is it given to give to much of
themselves to their friends me thou
didst. How eagerly we looked for thy
harmless but amusing notes each
wee•a ! slow kindly rids* thou mieu-
Liorn the virtues of our departed loved
ones ! How with a roaster s touch thou
didst take of the little things of our
lives and make then) live! 1,Vbo now
will tell of the Dunlop sick r unnittep,
whose members are getting sadly
thinned, of of that remedy, the Dun-
lop Tunic, mice so often mentioned
Oft have we sat and planned for
the public woal as we thought in the
old lodge rose*. The old guard is
getting very few, just two or three
left, like the benighted travellers ling-
ering by the roadside waiting for the
setting 8110. 1 would lay a wreath on
thy getter, fur i know thou wert faithful
and true. Thor art gone. old friend,
the gentle hand of death has smoothed
the wrinkled hrow. Thou art free
from pain and trouble, gone to the
loved Sams gone before. We are
parted, but we will meet beyond the
river, where the surges cease to roll."
The Busy liters.
There was at large congregation at
Knox chinch on Sunday evening,
when Rev. Jas. A. Anderson preached
the annual sermon to sailors and
fishermen prior to their engaging in
their season s work. These epeeial ad-
dresses in their behalf are always
prized by the mariners, who turn out
In terms numbers to hear ase
which ie shire to lee interesting, sym-
pathetic and helpful. Inst Sabbath
evening Mr. Anderson took his text
from Iht latter pee tion of the Ikh
chapter of Stook, in which it is told
how the 'timelier le in crossing the Sea
of Galilee, were distressed by a con-
trary wind, aril in the night naw
Jeeus walking upon the spa, Alia how
when He came to theta words of
cheer the winds sensed end "they
were Rote amazed in thcttlsplve' Ilr-
yond measure ." The prrarher pointed
ao In the Areas of life every man may
rely upon a living Christ for aid In taction and prompt ,ervice In making
meeting triode and overcoming die- Faster bonnet.*. Mies Rancid. a►.is-
romragementa. The Cho isthen religion tont will he Mie Knccshaw ami they
is not simply a means et prepay on ask for apprentices.
side•red in twitting the eery leeet *e•Iw •.
Lions in thin line. Metiers. (Simonet
le Moore nnnounee that they will
Rive from 15 to :SU per coi)t. off regular
rices and will promise entire antis.
laterestuig Account of Its Antos as
• Sometime.
d Sweetie. when all Isle• lwwu.• have Wen
Work by G. A. Robertson, B. A.
The Mariue Social ('lub'e,
t uilaee no
introduction to the teople of Gods -
rich, nor does it requite that anyone
should speak fur it to justify its exist-
snit fall a tew sailutti decided to
organize a deb and they set out look-
ing for rooms. Al bevrtal places they
were wet with, •'}(,weir fur the
bailors ! TheT would tear the whole
block down. ' Mually they secured
the quarters they uow occupy, and
everyone kuuws that they have fully
juslititaI the confidence of those who
let them have the place. Ar oue
member ex reseed it, they have
shown that the club it a little different
trout what was expected of it. It ie
an organization that is a credit to our
Some of Lite creditable features its
the *'*flea and regulations are the fol-
lowing : No liquor is allowed on the
premises ; nu under the influence
of liquor is prim fled to coat' into the
rounds : uo games may be played on
huudav : there to 110 playing for
stakes slid no poker is allowed. i
have been in the looms at all home of
the day and know (hat these ruler
have been lived up to. In the pre-
amble to their constitution they state,
"It shall be our aim to use our influ-
ence individually autoug seamen to
make reautanship one of the most
honored of j)rofesrions." They have
dune touch in one short winter to.
wards that end.
wheat the secretary, through our
town papers., nr)notnnced the organiza-
tion his article ended with, "Though
we have taken the name anneal Club
the objects shall embrace u)ore tone
the social." It is nut likely that the
men tbewwelvee expected that the
religious object world call forth
greater enthusiasts titan any of the
regular week -slay gathet•iugi and that
the meetluge must regularly attended
would he those for religious service.
Yet such is the came. The members
all atteudthe Sunday afternoon Bible
study, and the great majority of the
club have not missed a Sunday. Iiy
the members' inviting others the at -
tendency became in Sundays
from starting greater than the mew•
bemhi), of the club. The credit of
starting the Sunday gatherings be-
longs entirely to Lite teen of the club ;
the feasibility of as Bible study on
Sunday's was merely suggested to the
president : !.r called the members
together the next Sunday to discuss
the question ; the men voted to have
a class darted, and the result has
been that meat' ed above.
1 have heard several of bur citizens
sew there is no letter organization iu
our town than the Marine Sot:ial Ciub.
1 know that there are many who
would be uuly too glaul to have an
opportunity of expressing its saute
form to the club their appreciation of
the excellent work it is doing.
The Marine Social Club does nut
require financial assistance from the
town. The members have demon-
strated that they eau furnish rooms
and conduct a club themselves : they
do not know that 1 amt writing this
they are not raking our assistance.
but i believe the majority of our citi-
zens are Pod waiting to be salmi to
do son)et ing to show the sailors how
much we think u: their effort. It is
my intention to call on the ,nen of our
town, beginning on Saturday next,
and ask for contributions towards pro-
viding something that will add to the
comfort or attractiveness of the (-bar-
rooms and remind the sailors that we
are with thew in this -emeut.
Geo. A. ItnnrnTsut,
Judge Darrow Mentioned.
Toronto, Match 14. -- The wuue of
Mr. Justice liat-row, of the Ontario
Court of Appeals. is being mentioned
here in connection with the chairman-
ship of the railway commission. Mr.
Justice Darrow, it is urged, is a man
of great business acumen and marked-
ly clear cut and definite in his judicial
fhndinge. ___—_--
AN' Tnee Pn)NiCER (iux)•:. - The
death of Mrs. Cantelou, widow of the
late Aden) Cantelun, which occurred
on Seturlay, Leith silt., Ienuo, ed an-
other of the pioneers of this township.
Mrs. Cantelon was its her eighty-
fourth year. Born in Ireland, elle
came to Canada in Peeb, and fur over
seventy years she was a resident of
(;odeticli township. She leave, a
family of five sons and three (laugh -
tem : Hauley, on the homestead :
Adam, at Maple Creek : Arthur, in
Clinton ; David, in London : \Villiam,
at Indian Head : Mr,, I):nid Cantelou,
Clinton : Mts. E. Flo(ely, Toronto,
and Mies Sarah, at hoar.
Trhmu.%v, Mar. 17th,
Chas. Falconer mid James Howatt
left last week for the \Vest,
:Mrs. John Mcl.etsl is ving into
Mrs. Liddie'el 11e1119e nn 1an,isn staect.
11. Drehmann has purchaseil the
Thomson block on 11ain street, and
will reUlOve hie gents' furnishings and
tailor shop.
IT V1 As At.t. item. -The Irish
social given by the Ladies' Aid of St.
Andrew's church on Mt. Patrick's ihry
was well attended. The program was
all Irish --and that nneane it was goo,I.
The lunch was got up in rale Offish
.toile. The basement t\•as suitably
THIS 'WAN .Si errtsn.-- The concert
given under the auspices of L. O. 1,.
No. 21 wen a splendid eucces,,, both in
point of numbers and program. The
program was one of the lest ever
given in town. Mr. 1'(pence's remarks
between the songs were veru instruc-
tive and usually termed a fine intro-
duction to the songs. Mi.. N.
Strachan hos a sweet, clear *bice
whiclu just snit. the Scottish sung'.,
The duets wets captivating end com-
mended several encores, Mies M.
Strachan 1s an expert e an e.
The company are xsauredat a folth&bhotte
if they netnro,
Tttl'ttam.ty, Mar. Inch,
To Prnl.t, l.I nester CAIN( RUT.
Iherpes. rather unfavorable weather, a
large audience assembled in the Tem-
peranre Hall lest evening, the 'win-
sinn being nn entertainment under
the ensnares of the public library
board. An rxstiller) t program ten.
giVrn ,itnd , t ert IctI y who attended
was well plravicel. Viora) Nilo,. were
given h' \piss Brown, Mims n
('lark. Jas 1'. Thomso). Seidl 11,
all of (IaIrrirh, and .1. A. Sutherland,
of A : and the Mrndelmwdin
qunrt,'(1,• from O,wlerieh 1Mtsse•
Brown and ('lark ,rel Metsrs. Thonl-
...n and .1. F. Jordan) gave several
alts lions in a way that. ora., Much
appte,•iated. \\'m. ringlamd, of
(1.dcrleh, Miss Florence '1o,tig and
Mime Olaity. Levy, both of Carlow,
g reeltatlnns, and Mem MaMabel,n
g. of Loyal, contributed some
ex \ inlet Ie•lerlions• A. Hoy
Aden)+, of Otelerieh, acted as ar•
dud .un and star* turesl•rtuort bave wt,
i'he things which our weak Judgments herr
The Mount rJo which w
g 1 1 (eh ice s ic
• 1 t t nu lawn •.
we 1 t
\\'lit blasts before n• Sul of 11,,• dark light,
A. •lar- •Idue allu•1 in deeper riot• of blur
Mit we .hall .are how all (hid • plats" aro right.
And how what .wuiod r.•pnad ora• Icer used
And we shell w.o bun, ss hilt' we frown end
hon • plan. gu on a. 1a,•1 fur )fou vet foie
BUN, wind, oro relied, Ile hooded 1101 Our cry.
' IIet'an.t' Ito• wIdum 1e the red eoukt .ay.
And ren n• pruduut 'wise!. disallow
Too much of .wort to era. Ing babyhood,
te., Ul/rl, perhaps t. keeping frau for uow
I.Ifc'.. .n uet.t 1haug,,heesie.c it eertuelh
And if, eullwtiee,.. Dunn, seise,* with life's
aVc tinct the wormwood sod rebel and shook.
tk:•ure a wi•erhood than yours or urine
Pours out 1 he g.01 fur sur our 111. 10 d11,1k :
Anal if wane friend we Ise kill lee low,
%% herr huwal, s(war. rane,ot lout1, ht. fair,
1 Ih, do nut Wattle the les nig rattler -o,
tint wear lour .orrvw w Oh ohwtie ut grew.
And )on .hall .Roily know that lengthened
00, slur .weerte.t gift Unforced• Hi. friend
And that. sometime+. the •sale pall of death
t•u,aml, the fwlre.l boon Ste 101e own sued
1f we could moth ajar the with,. of life
And stand within aid all 11«I • w orklug•.rt,.
\Ve toukt interpret all this doubt and strife
.t lid fureaeh ley'lrry could nod a key.
Hut nus toiler Theo he control. twee hart .
Hod a plan. like blue• euro red w hitt unfold .
\1 a mu.l not tear the clu..e-.hut lea►er await.
Tlu,o will i...-54 th•, relyxo• of gold.
And if, through paticul toil, we reach cite laud
\Vhe,v land feet, w nth •aerial• lewd, may
When we.halifinals knns. and uuderdand.
I 1he1k 1113t we shall wit "t:u.l knew 1110
\lay (tile, Omni..
emupaliist, and also gave sev-
eral piano solus in finished style.
Ur. \1eir diseluuged the duties of
chaumau and in a brief addresis pre -
/rented the claims ut the public library.
An effort is bring made to enlarge its
usefulness atld funds are needed for
the purpose. The pros—tittle of last
night were in the neighborhood of
$sill. A vote of thanks was tendered
to the s•isitate who contributed to the
program, and J. E. surdas, of Gode-
rich, rel•ponded in their behalf.
Boiler explosion at Mensal,.
llensalh !March 17.—The boiler its
C'.s,k Bros.' Hong* mills exploded today
r.buut 1 o'clock. The top of the dome
was lifted right elf and carried
through the rretf, tearing as uprning
about right feet across'. The Mick
If you bave Backache you have
Kidney Disease If you neglect
Backache it will develop into
something wore—Aright to Dis-
ease or Diabetes. There is on
use rubbing and d.'ti ri.rg your
back. Cure the kidneys. There
is only one kidney medicine but
it cures Backache every tinre—
lo lame from owner lint ing
Plefor bald Nut particular about lo, ethic
• ase M. a price and dworipuon
111.110011111.110011 for selling. Stale when peand
-iso can be had. Will deal anti owner.
I.. I)arbythvt•. lbs flat. Heeds.ler. N. \•.
INot Apples, but I
Apple Trees
Nice, clean, welt grown.
and free from disease.
We have all the leading
varieties. We offer an
Plum, Pear, Cherry,
Peach, Spruce,
Pine. Shrubs
and other general nursery
stock. All enquiries or
orders carefully attended
John Stewart Estate
1 lI'aton-Ihn•Ibut Nor 111 :111(1 y
Linen, evoker :a k. per quire.
Sale Price tic. for quire and
package of Envelopes.
Raton -Hurlbut Hot.Pres s e d
Vellum, regular 93e. per quire.
Sale Price :'n,
Edtton-Hgtrllut a n d other
makes of boxed Note Paper and
Envelopes, sante ii -,suction dur-
nig this male.
Several linea of Ink and Muc-
ilage will Ire add during this
Sale et almore. one-half off regu-
Inn retail prier.
Kindly note, our terms are
Strictly Cash.
Geo. Porter
'Phone too 'The Senate
Suits and Overcoats
t G
New 1tki Ieattrrus in clothe*', test of
trinimiugs and perfect Httingr-rlyle,
c tort and durability are fratura+r
with us.
twat o y nuc order eat Iy.
\1'ebt Street, tioderich,
I ] ARNESS for your horse is
1 1 like a suit 01 clothes for
your body. If you are fastidious
I can suit you ; if you feel that
economy must be practised. I am
lust as willing to help you. No
(natter what your demands are,
I can satisfy you. Substantial
harness is the cheapest an the
end. Quality, workmanship and
low prices make me a friend
worrier. Make ajudicious com-
partson and you will decide in
my favour
H. E.
• The common sense to
deal at a store where
goods are good and
prices right.
e See our w i ll d 0 w fur
the finest show of Spring
Hots ever shown its God -
Men's Smart Wear
Fine Tailoring
Reg. Black
The Hatter.
.\ 1.1y.\
'nor, nit the
OUR stock is now
complete in the
latest fashions in
footwear for the
Spring. This sea-
son we are showing an assortment
of up-to-date styles of Shoes and
Oxfords, for ladies and men, that
cannot be equalled in quality or price. In
misses' and children's footwear we are making
a specialty, and have the daintiest and 1 - -st
artistic designs of the shoemaker's art.
Downing & MacVicar
North Side of Square Gudc►'icl,
wall enclosing the boiler was shoved
nut of place about six inches, but did
not fall. teetered scentliugsand pieces
of board wete retried as considerable
distance from the building. Feline-
ately fou our wee hurt, as the em-
ployees hall not returued brow dinner.
The engitac.•t elated that there was
but eighty pounds of steam when the
P xplueitill oW1'11anal raid that there
were three gauges of water in the
holler. Ile is at a lose to account for
ole explosion, net thiuke lie. d
had nut lav, braced l'o'usyTh
owners intrad Metalling a new boils.,
in the near future.
display of SPRING \IILLINEKY will take place next
week, and will 1n•'hlde
Tues., Wed. and Thurs., 24th, 25th, 26th
which will give patrons all opportunity to ,elect for
F:aater from an unusually fine and large assortment, of
stylish and dainty design. All are welcome to attend.
rt�tll�tlt�t�w�•ti•- el�ll�are1u0
Mrs. H. Park
Tuesday March 24th and following days.
Quality, Beauty and Style cannot be
surpassed. Our Work speaks for itself.
Shaving Utensils!
GOOD IMPORTED RAZORS at $t.00, $1 z5. $ and $.t co.
RAZOR STRAPS atingle and double) from 25c. to $i.00.
SHAVING BRUSHES, all prices from t5-.. to yon.
WILLIAMS and COLGATE'S ,n 1a. Cakes
Central Drug Store
Our 2 March Specials
The two big special features for March are the sample white wear
sale, and the display of new laces and embroideries. Stocks and values in
both are good enough to bring us the biggest business in them we have
any record of. The finer embroideries are well worth seeing even if you
don't want a single yard. We will be glad to show them any time,
whether you want to buy or not.
The invoice of the samples we are selling
totalled np to nearly the even $1,(041, That
,quantity takes a Irl, of selling, but the priers ate
making the big pilus melt away quickly. Every
garment a maniple. No two alike All excep-
tionally well made. All selling at about one-
third less thou. regular.
Children's UNDERWEAR
at about factory prices.
A special lot for: Saturday senior. Made
from good quality highly finished black sateen.
Nicely tie ed with ruffles. Full width.
Special Saturday each
75 cents
\\-e do not exaggerate ti heti its say
1 housautdt of yards are on our unlink -1.m and table..
selling at prices it long way below what ii usually
)laid for sinnilar qualities. Buying direct f
awl Swiss conkers tn;:kes this possible.
\\'e' i.0' MPlling
English Torchon Laces, 2 yards for
Wider width, 3 yards for toc.
Good Swiss Embroideries at 5c.
Better Swiss Embroideries at toe,
Good Corset Cover Embroidery at sac.
It yon 5;1,11 ',Ater 'its alitit., we have a stock
id line. Swiss embroideries And insertions that
.sass not be out of place in a good deal lugger
store than this. Elegant patterns, dainty but
strong. All wilt lie.
Senn,• lint ty Vpt ing j irk in blink and
Lown, with some hand -emit) novelty` dress
goods, ^r,• n'nonq thea ot•lek's ill 1IVnln, Fx-
''eptionsl .lyles:eel pat lel ns,;Uhl of the 111,4*
no Iwo :,like. Well n 'i t', se•.•ing Isdorc you