The Signal, 1908-3-19, Page 7wee, sassgongeeeoxa s taws craseentebteettzt, THE SIGNAL: GODERICH. ONTARIO .0e104,41,4*****444,44,444.444,4,4@kctiligs, • The News of the District. 1 3.4144645445A+++++444,4646+6054546464545464445454546+66e445+++++46.4, 4' 44++454:444545+% NILE. UUNUANNUN. NVeeexmiley, March leth. I( A. NEWTON, DENTIST, I.UCK- Lew. 'I'aylor is busy g breaking iti his ..M • NOW. At hemeoverY day exoeset l'hurs day.. New itaueny for extractinteeth atonal°. cheetuut colt. forwl.bstier Ilol,, gas. Crown and bridge work tioorge, Pentland is at ineseent ens eiennuuni elate. luon.breakablte. N. 9. -You can id way. hate your work much assisting Rot', (.Irvin 1.0 cUt Wood. better done in the dental office -MOUS time. Iteg. Ryan epeut IL couple of deer hi ftlest.bir Cantle torititi. newifiniiuid.olng tb. work, wore con, latektiow visittne his father, who WAS NOTICE.-TIIE LOCAL AGENCY 11"1110 from the Suss In Dungannon for The Signd al iLite Po.t, Mies Ruby Itubimm e, teecher of No. Wake nook and Stationery Store whore 1. colhorne, vented at the home of mitt Mni. Ihtubar, Nile. Mr. and Mn'. George Stothere. of Welkerton, are moving down to the place lately occupied by Jas. &title. Owiog to this extreuiely bad state of the roads uu Sunday our pastor was unable to get to bin appointment/I un Huy Kerr is bony there day, deliver. ing the bootie which he recently sold. Everyone is well pleased with hiss pur- chases Edward Olean war renewing old acquaintances lato. week. Ed. always gets a hearty welcome when he comes to Nile. Miw Carrie Potter. who low peon in 't. 'Thomas undergoing medical treat- ment, has re:awned twine !flitch ins- proviet et health. 31i. and Mee. Wm. Ryan are 'ing to Dungannon, where Mr. Ryan in- trude going into Inteinees. They will Is. much mistiest in thin vicinity, as t hey were active church members. Mebane (iirvin and Mc Dairen,' hate quit Lhe maiming fur the rea- son on account of the water. It take* them to get the wood and as Mr. tlirviti is au old -tinter it is just btu for hien. Cutlets! NOTES. Ne x t Tilessley evening the Epworth League topic will be "Things 10'I Ileve Learned front Noble Men Outside The Bible." The .illiject will be taken by Charles t,irviii and the meeting will be had by ise Nellie Ryan'. 8,14 IA I. Eveserte -Evening parties crew to be very much in vogue around here. Un Wednetiday evening I. Currie entertained a 'flundwr of voting people. On Theraday Mr. and Mrs. Louis Taylov entertained a num- ber of friends from around here and from lialerich and Carlow, and on Friday Mr. and Mrs. Dunlier gave a pleasant evening to a large party of Nile friends. The evening was epent in progreasive genies.. iiiii sic. etc., :titer which a vet y dainty lunch wain nerved. All repaired h feeling that their genial hest and heelers" had excelled theunwlees along the line of entertaining. LUCKNOW. Most, 11. Moor It littli. ,% large quantity of pr....lied hay has Issot .hipped lately fr Lucknow -tat iou. Murdoch McInnes has rha.ed his barber shop, with the intention ot go, ing West. Messrs. Collins & Atcher bat. 11111 lititel 010 butcher laciness front Donald Campbell. Alex. Hass left !net week for 1 him loru. Sask.. after "spending it few necks with his friends. Edward Earle, of lackuow, died Friday last, the renult of a paralytic stroke sustained it short time ago. The Lucknow Sentinel rays that Steele Hunter, of the tioderich-Luck- now stage liue, has the U. T. It. trine wed fur prompt mail service. t1'ut. Attie( has bought the butcher -bop recently occupied by Jan. Ger- (Ion. the grocery etere formerly occu- pied by IS Thouipson. and the ',hop iscupied Inc Alex, Rosa the 1144111/.10 Mr. and hlr's Ilaus who ere leaving for Fergus, were the recipients of Pogue beautiful present. from some of 1 he denartmente of the Methodist hurch, hi which they bave been active workers. .% gt'an.l ertrnival was hell! in the Lorne link Wednesday ev g. It tea:, a decided succese, and a 'ergo crowd attended. Prize -winners were : Muses Mary McLean, Etta Thompeon. Mildred Spence. Margaret Taylor, Messrs. W. 41. Young, A. E. Murchi- son. J. Finlater. P. McCoy. nig -I.fterk PETER W.sTmoN. -There (lied at bit honw, on the 12th conceit- sion of West Wawenoeh. nn 1Vednes• day, February 2110i, l'eter 11 atson, in his seventieth year. Mt-. Watson was 'Inc ot.. the most widely known and highly respected ,,resident. (If the township. Although he had been Ril- ing for some time past he was compar- atively Arcing mad a week before his death. The deceased was born in liadenoch, Inverness-shire, Scotland, en March 12th, ItD4. Ile Came to Canada in 1850, and in 11407 was nm- ried itt Puslinch to Annie hlel'henton. who survives him. The',' family of three sons and four slaughters all stir- ive also. with the exception of the eldest (iiing)iter. who died about a year ago. Deceased was it metnber of the lateknow Preisbyteri411 rhumb. l'he funeral took place to blreenhill eemetery. tateknow, and was very largely attended. WESTFIELD. TRURNDA Y. Mar. 12th. 1.):1111WARY KXAMINATIONN. -- The following is the report of the eland - nig of pupils in 8. S. No. 9, East We - newish. at detertuined by February examinations ; Senior V. A -Jas. Mc. (lintel), John Buchanan. Senior V. MeLarty, Tommy Rodger, Russell Woods, Cecil McLarty (absent for one examina(ion.) Junior V.-- Feele Wightman, Alva Melkiwell (absent for ell examinetions). IV. - Frank McLarty. Maggie Farrow end Leslie Buchan an (equals May Cook, Nelson Robison, Jennie Tenney. 111. -May Tenney. Lilly Ilibbitt, Colin Campbell /absent for one exam- ination). Senior 11. --Violet Iluchan- an, (ierty Ilibbitt. Junior D. 'toy Patrons Charlotte Tenney. Willie Iliblett, Part 1. Norman Black men. Average attendance, 17. M. I. CLARE, Teacher, WICON1041) %V, MATell 1/41h. John Rogers in moving Ilia family the, week to the house on Wm. Mc- tarty', ferns 1V. 11. Campbell in attending the Grand Lodge of the A. 0. I'. W. in Tomtit() leis week. Mrs. 1V. F. Campbell returned home on Friday Iaat after a three months'. visit with het perente and other friends' at Comber. A 'Bible sandy contest was held in the Donnybrook Epworth Latime on Inertia," evening. The questions' were very promptly answered by the young people, which (showed they had pill it greet deal of study on the q‘Wationa. Ads -palming in The Signe, pay-. 4- MAFEKINU. COLBORNE. Tremesv, March 17th. Teleran v, Mar. lath. Mrs. Au/let-Juts of Zion, ie visitiug oeveral cases of grip have been re - relatives' here. ported in this viciuity. Andy Culbert traded uff his driver Miss Clara Penniegton has returned to H. J. Blake on Sisturday. home after epetiditig several month.. Miss Lizzie Blake is spending a few 111 thelerie11- (ley' with telethon in Lucknow. I 11. F. Schwaisc, whu hate been wend. (leo. Tweeuley tapped his treed last iug the winter at ha home here. left week and had • couple of days' good ,iat eisatirday fur the Vest. n 611 CIII willreceived for subeeriettue., ad• ear run. A eleigh-loart eif young people fount yortlaIng anal job nork, and ruceipte wi given for eniounui "aid for the iiamr. Misr M. J. Slistekletou. uf Crewe, hi tin. Maitland took 111 the oyster eup- Misa Alary Mills is spending a few atitvesPrebeheire". visiting (lieu& and vela- Iitient- Nit fhldri;(4,4131:;fl'ec,‘10fodegricathotitenw:ii,os1:1114 1Vitextienee, March leth. days with her sister Min. Medd \VIII. Rivers is having an auction gwki "we' sale of hin 'surplus etock uu Monday. the Gid Met. A number of young people spent a very pleasant evening at the helm. of Rola. Fitzgerald last Friday. Relit. and Will. Henry have rented the 200-itere farm of John 11'oals in 1Veet NVawanueli fat a term of years. Mien Pentland, of Nile. was the gtieet of Minn Mary Ryan on Sunday hiet. Mr. and Mrs. Illuwe, of Mitchell, were the guests. of J. H. Walkout and wife uu Sunday last. Jack Roberta and Benson Case, of the U. C. I., epent Saturday aud Sun- day at their hotline here. Mr. %Vetch, general ageut of the I.:embalm. Life Assurance Co.. is in our village thio week on busineas Win. Stuart returned on Saturday last from Peterborough, where he 'spent the wetter in Alletea timber J. Medd. V.S., is at protein in T• !unto with a carload of horees. Ile shipped the wile from Auburn hue Seturday. Wm. McClure, wife and child epeut a couple of deye last week with Mr. MeClure's friends itt Huila t and Col- borne township's Mr. Smith is at present elating hie Rev. W. A. Smith. He has been in the West for a couple of year* and will spend some Dine here. Mists Richards, of St. Marge, arrived itit Munday and will hate charge of J. 13 Walkones millinery department the coming haulms Wan. Sproul has sold his homte suit lot to N% Ryan, Mr. Sproul will move into the !ntre recently vacated by hie mother. ad loining his shop. Mrs. Sproul. Pl., will hereafter matte her home with her eon David. It eerie mu et I. - We are pleased to state that Mrs. McMatle who has been seriously ill during the winter, is now recovering. Iler daughter. Mrs. Man- lier... of Winghaen, is visiting her at present. Her son from Clinton spent it day or two here last week. Ex(fliXI4C o PRol'ERTIEn. - - Jas. Bailie moved last week to Walkertou, where he has bought lieu. etothene bakery business as elated last week. Mr. Stothere will move to the fern" recently vacated by Mr. Bailie. Mn. Stothers and daughter arrived on Monday and are spending a few days at Mrs. Stothers' old home here. ItErnovEti. Chas. Agar, wife and family, who 'UM! been residents of our village for Nome time, left yester- day for Sanketoon, tisak., where Mr. Agar has rented three q uarter-sec- t of land from the Du Bros. Leval.. Agar also asompanied them. We joie with their many friends hers in wishing thein every success in their Western home. lilt Le - The score of the shoot of the Dungannon Rifle Club on Waluesday, March I 1 th. wee ice fol- lows : Pe yds. Ai yds. total. II. Jonee 15 1) 21 W. Reid 11 12 27 T. McLane I I to 21 J. McLane 1; lo •Pt Dr. Bice In 211 :a C. Elliott le lo IL Bower. 44 Ili 311 11. Wallet, II 15 211 P. Fionigau II 110 21 )1. lteid ' 12 11 T. Melliee 7 12 le J. McKenzie 12 /4 :11 A. MeOee oi 15 145 N. F. Whymtvi 11 11 25 I'. Sandertem 11 10 31 .1. Smiley 11 12 21 Jim Elliott Is 15 *1 ROSS Taylor le 12 22 Bert Treleaven _ 11 11 Heidi. Stothers 11 4 15 John Ryan 11 - , 9 lift PORT ALBERT. TUEIDA V, March 17th. Angus Gordon visited in Manchester last Saturdny. Mr. -Oliver is down at HtRtla with hs son, John, at present.. Quite a number fro,,, around hen. attended a party at John Shields' last Wednesday and report a good time. W. McLean. of Lindsay, was in this neighborhood last week attending the funeral of his mother-in-law, Mrs. F. Cunningham. Miss Celia Cunningham returned h last Thureday from Arthur, where she hint pleasant three weeks' visit with relatives. ()wing to the bad coatis last Sunday both the Presbyterian and English chervil pulpits were vacant. 11r. and Mrs. J. P. Cempbell, ot Ikl- fest, were the guemts of the latter's' parent'', Mr. and Mrs..1. Bennett, one day last week. There must have been some great attraction in the Circular Town last Saturday, for 'several of the boys from near this village took the trip on foot. But cheer boys, we arc living in hopes of seeing the electric cars run soon and then we shall all lie able to take a holiday Mein! (ie ci-NNINnii.‘ NI. - Death has once more visited our midst and taken from tie e much re- spected reeident, in the person of Mrs. Francis Cunningham, who peseed from this lift. on 1 'weds y. March link Deceased had been in poor health ter over a ynsr, but relief came at last. Mee. Cunningham's trouble was prin- cipally dropsy. She wan in her fifty- eighth year and leavps to mourn her demise her !testified and six daugh- ters : Mrs. W. McLean, Lindsey ; theMeans Louetta. teacher at Bel- fast : Minnie, at Ooderich Business College ; at the Ooderich Col- legiate Institute. and Mary and Maud at home. The funeral, which took plaec sn Friday to Dungannon cetne- tery, was largely attended. showing the esteem in which the deceased was held. Rev. .1. U. Reid, of Nile, con- ducted the olinetainess The pall- betiren. were NV. 1. Pellow, D. Mc- Kenzie, .118A. Stevenson. John Gra- ham. Jon . Crawford and Jesse Gray. Mr. Cunninghem and family bave meat sympathy extended to them In their bereavement.. In the bright eternal y Death ran never. never come. In Ht. nen gond time He'll tel at Yom rnir met It Homo...WPM ROM.. - - Ilitrold tom) reviled the fnmily ea from the well. Covered with green moan end water, he teased to hit mother with the (teetered's,' : "Ma, 1 got the eat out by the stem !" 4, 0.1 Ade a- - Soule of the ['eye took in tho Carn- ival at the Lucknow rink on Tuesday night. They report having had a. large time. If weather permits the rink management intend holding an. other carnival soon. There WAS a good attendance at the regular Sunday night service in Blake's churchun Sunday uight, even though the roads were not of the beet. Mr. Sawyer delivered it very interest- ing setenon in his urea effective style. The Epworth League of Blake's church have decided to take charge of every locoed Wedneeday evening'. prayer service. A week from Wed- nesday evening provision will he made for the admission of all who have signified their intention of join- ing the League. is Cornist..- The weather during the past week has been very sptinglike in character and indice- Lion's all point to the early arrival of that welcome seaeon. Crows. black- birds, robins and other harbingers of spring have been otwerved, and the cold snap of yesterday has given prob- ably only a temporary set -hack. The soft weather has left the roads in very poor condition, and where the snow is still deep the. pitch-holen are notne• thing awful. If cold weather con- tinues for some time it will 'sake ex- cellent skating, as all the (bite ate flooded. This would he the next beet thing to the early arrival of balmy spring weather. BLA Itt LEALIUM W ILI. ENTERTAIN. -Patience a a virtue, so the Lanes correspondent seys, and we 'mot agree with him. We would refer hen and the people of Haekett'n to that pansaute in Longfellow's Psalm of Life -"Learn to labor and to wait." They have proved tbeinselvee good "lehorens" and now have an oppor- tunity of exercising their patience • little by "waiting" until the people of Blake's have provided something good for them. The members of BlekeSi League and community have decided to entertain the Ibicketes League on Friday evening. March 27t11. An ex- cellent program is being tarp:wed and a hearty invitation is extended to the Haeketes people to spend a social evening at Illakes church. SHEPPARDTON. WEI/NI...F.11A T. March Rev. M. Rutherford celled on a number of his parishioner. here ou Tenelay. Bert Foster and Will Vrittoinall 'luxe been busily engaged ill drawing weed for the school. hIrti. .1. Chapin/in, of Olean. New York, in viniting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. (S. C. Simpeon. Miss E. Foeter and Mita E. Illeytten were out last week collecting for nine- bi0111 in countelion with the English church. Mrs. D. McNcc and Mrs. Jas, tim- bale have been indispoecel with 'severe colds, but are now much better. Mien S. Pollock and Miss L. Monti). son. who have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. Nelsoll lintharu, returned to their homes in Pine River last week. Ed. McLean. of Lucknow, in 'Tend - 111F a few days with relatives here. Ills friends are pleased to learn that he is recovering from the injuries he received in the Chepleau wreck at the beginning of the year. KINTAIL. Tesseso, Mar. 1701. Miss Belle McWhinney is visiting friends in Goderiels Wm. Long, of Toronto, spent a few days veining friends in the village. The many friends of Jas. Dalton are pleased to sec hint going stout again. Donald Meteor has vacated his residence in the village and will make bin home for the present with his /laughter, Mos. JaeNVest. John Dingwall and Dave Mc(lill, of Myth, have returned to their home after a few pleneutnt holidays at the resithace of Duncan McKay, Lake Shore. LOTHIAN. Tegensv, March 17th, Miss Mary McLean visited friends io Lucknow and Kinloss last week. Miss visited the Misses Mc- Intyre from Seturday until Monday morning. John Morrison has been on the sick list for the last week, but we are pleatied to eye hint around Mr. and Mrs. Andrew MacKay have returned to their home in Port Elgin after visiting Mende and relatives, around here and in Ooderich and other places. KINGISBRIDGE. Wm, tit 'MI: WRITER ?-- We re- ceived an interesting budget of news( this week from Kingisbridge, but RP the writer did not give his tor her) name we cannot pinatas it. We bave repeatedly Mated that we neat have the names; of all eorresamdents, not for publieetion, but an a guarantee of good faith. We have no doubt that irrewporident in this ease meant well. and we hope that he Inc she) will write us, as we are looking for a regu- lar correspondent for Kingnbridge. - Forret Stover.. LAURIER. 8%1'1'1111%Y, %larch 14 Herr is spring. Minn Mabel Parriet it thn gifted 01 Miss Annie McLennan this week. Nlisia Minnie McLennan, nt Irina( rich, spent it wrek with her aunt, Mr. Ken. E. McLennan. Mn.. MacDonald, of Lciehalah. wa the guest of her (tinter. Mrs. Duncan McLennan, for a few days' boa week. M vrri,AND 11.10i arising: NirrKs. - The weekly prayet•oueeting will be held in Bethel on Friday evening NVe trust, that there services may prove very helpful to all who attend. Maple eyruponalsinti la the In of the day an this vicin ty spite of !gear eleighing, it nuifither u( the young people went il/ to hear the Irish evangeliete 1,, (ioderich lust week We are pleased to report that Wesley Iluaking recovered ft his recent attat•k of grip. • - CREWE. Tt•ests.. Y. hlarelt I it le !Milo )1. .1. Shackleton is visiting reequip. at Maleking. Thos. Culbert has touted terusistuit Auguetine's farm on the ILII custeee- sion. hire Wm. Sherwood autl her son, Allred, of Belfast. visited Crewe 1, keels loud week. Mr*. J. WItitly has reined her tarn iif lit, /acres on the lth concession of Aehtleld Lo (Jess Duruiu. Mies Lizzie liauley, of Otelerich, itt at present the guest of the Midgets Maud and Lottie Pierce. Mrs. Win. Pierce attil Mrs. Joloi Menary were the guests of Sirs. 11. Taekalserry on Thursday. Throat Coughs Ask your doctor about these throat coughs., He will tell you how deceptive they are. A tickling in the throat often means serious trouble ahead. Better explain your case care- fully to your doctor, and ask him about your taking Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. W. r form 'alas Woo bowel, orr..kol 4, fro. our nrodneine• tiers dortJr .ameseeeis. Who makes the best liver pills? The J. C. Ayer Company, of Lowel1, Mass. They have been making Ayer's Pills Inc over sixty years. If you have thc stight- est doubt about using these pills, ask. your doctor. 1)0 as 18 ssys, Advises. Xsdbpt»»J. C. am co.. Law • Thursday lite!, after ftlietidifig Ili with frittidti iii St. Tleatiae. Tile Tata, brothers, of Colborne, left for their new 1 • in the Wait. neat Malibu Creek, the beginning of the week. Clinton Carries Bylaw. Clinton, hbirch le. A bylaw to /itrust a (miner agreement with the Doherty Organ Company. and enable them to albino their leteineise and furor a joint stock (uniquely with in- creased capital, was voted on today and earliest I.y 315 for to against. Chronic Coughs Cured Mrs..lesepla Eccles of Drein .e. saes: "1 took 4 nr bottles) nf Psyclune. Today being St. Petrick's Day anus and a cough 1 had continually for 111110 of Her Crewites are doing justice to sn'Iths dissiTesr.ed• 11 is the bo4t the occasion by IL eariug a bit of green remedy for chronic coughs that I in Of ribbon or bouquet. u Thousands of living wit nesse!. pro - There ate two young iiulie. from matinee Psychtne th• greatest medicine New York calling on the Irwhelors in the world. I t is not a patent medi- around here. They are thinking ef 'starting a millinery at Crewe. eine, hut a prescription of a great phy- gave a dancing patty to smile of the er any run down or weak condition. At gelasieano.f t hpro":: t. iltungt'erthn'tritneitatrii Itnrnti. Mr. Free, of the Illi concearion, young folk of the Ith last evening. or Dr. T. Seine of the older folk seem to have A.1 sdIrtue7ggunils,"Ltm"i"5 ietcd,Toriee"°t0.. loot nothing of their youthful vim In the mazy dance and all seemed to have enjoyed It insmeneely. Tom Elliott, of Dungannon, supplied the music in his usual pleasant, good-natured man- ner. LEV:SCRS. Teensy. March 17th. The robin has come but has n•ceivod a rather cold reception. Farmers are busy looking up feed and getting ready for the epriug iv/AL they hope soon to begio. 'We are pleased to hoar that Mrs. Archie Horton is getting a little bet- ter and hope alt.' will Soon be able to go around and Kr her friends. The Rev. Mr. peek', returned this- sionary from Formosa, will occupy the pulpit here next Sunday end we hope to SW a good congregation to meet him. .1. T. OoltIthorpe was through this dintlict last week with an engiiteer taking level's for the eonstructitm of the electric railway. What will the cars be running ? A Densee.- A debating eticiety 1' 1,010(4 oreanized etuong the young men of the neighborhood, and tho first debate lute been Arranged to take place in the Temperance Hall next Friday evening, ott the dairy cow versus the beef cow. Ctrn.--A !fleeting ol the Fartnera' Club WAS held in the 'rein- peranee hall lent Wedneeday evening. Speeches were given by 44. J. Morris, vice-presideut of West Huron Fann- ers' Institute, :out A. Hughes'. of Sarnia, aiid several tiartialorrb of the club also gave addrataies tin agricul- tural topical. James Linklater con- tributed to the progratu with s iiiii e violin 'selections. Another meeting will Ise held on the 25th. The plane of the club have been it interfered with dueling the winter by etoriny weather and bad midis but it is ex- pected there will be uo lllll re iliffictilly on this Wort, and that. the met•tinget will now be held mere remain' ly. - WYAL. EmiPAY, NIA.V. 1;111. Nathan Johns, township /weenie's., was in this c ity litet week. A. tW. Wise hat (Repined of Itie fat cattle to 1V. T. Murney, 1.4 Gude:eels Haughton Soinersall i recovering from a never'. attack of typhoid fever. Coon Stewart royally entertained n number of his friends at his I on Thursday evening. Robt. McMillan returned last week from it few weeks' visit te friends GoderIcKtownship, WEnNEISDAY, March Irith. Mies -Potheritigharn, of beeburn, visited last week with friends en Pop- lar Row. II. .1. Morris, of Moirrisditle Farm. left on Friday evening to spend a few days in l'orontis Mime Poi ter iieturnod to Inc houe, The Pantry, The Kitchen and The Diningroom aro requisites ill every well -ordered household ; iievertheleas They would be useless t adjuncts to the home without being supplied with Good Things that are fresh and pure, front STURDY & CO., THE GROCERS. Phone ot. Prompt Delivery. INSURE YOUR HEALTH AND COMFORT on stormy days by wearing ,'t • 411100-0. •' WATERPROOF 11 OILED 'CLOTHING Clean - Light Durable Low in Price KELPION STAINLESS IODINE OINTMENT Doe, nol l0101' or burn, cure. Rheuinalmm. Sprains, Bruise. and large glands, •pp1,41,) rubbing. at all I h11( St.Rte. 00.004.444.4:44000000... Girlhood and Scote.S Emulsion are linked together. The girl who takes Scott's Emul- sion has plenty of rich, red blood; she is plump, active and energetic. The reason is that at a period when'a girl's digestion is weak, Scott'.* Emulsion provides her with powerful nourishment in easily digested form. It is a food that builds and keeps up a girl's strength. DRU0018T8i 80C. AND $1 •00• The windy month Of March is here Some warm things left Thafore not dear. While Winter lingers if hill., lap of Spiiug, 1.b are still stillug the heavier goods. The low prices tni many Ilium give you the opportunity of a practical investment. New Goods for the New Season are coming in fast. We do not think nicer cloths for men's suits and medium -weight overcoats were over produced than those imported by us for the coming season's wearing. We take these line fabrics, selected in "British Mills, imported in exclusive patterns, and impart to each garment that quiet and artisticsimplicity which meets good taste. Our garments appeal lo gentlemen. We are exclusive tailors and inen's furnishers, devoting our whole time to the study of what is newest and most popular in art -tailored clothing; yet moder- ately priced. - We shall be pleased 1,, have you call. , ' Everything for Men and Boys. , , - McLEAN BROS. Art Tailors, Clothiers and Men's Outfitters. THE PALACE CLOTHING STORE. THE FENCE TO BUY IS THE FENCE THAT WILL TURN ANY KIND OF STOCK and last longest. When we say that fence is the PEERLESS we hove plenty of good reasons for saying so. It is HORSE -HIGH, BULL -STRONG and PIG -TIGHT Made of all No. 9 wire. Will stand double the strain eve' required of It. It's all in tbe lock the harder you pull the lighter at holds. C.annot slip up, down or sideways That's THE PEERLESS All kinds of Fence Wire cheap at Worsells' Hardware and Stove Store Flo=c0=== 0=10 u4 hEQUATE ADEQUATE 0 0 As a store, grows in importance, •its advertising must grow. But the advertiaing intist grow-- in volume, in liberality, in quality -faster than the store itself grOws. •This is true because the store must keep pace with the advertising -or within hailing distance of it. it never does quite "catch up," any more than the ears of it train overtake the engine. Anil exactly as the engine " pulls tho train 9Iong," so the advertising '' pulls the store along." To pursue the comparison : It. requires L bigger engine to pull a thirty -car train than it does to pull a ten -car train. And it takes more advertising to "pull" a sibundred-clerk store" than it, does to pull a ten -clerk one. The train will not male much progress O on the days that the engine is not running ; but it will make just is good progress oti those days as will a store on the days when the ad- vertising isnot running. Your advertising is "adequate** when it is strong enough to pull the store along after it ; whvit it 15 running every week that you desire to seelt4usiness and 11) increase trade. Advertise in o "The Signal" ozso o=to 0 ;4- ^•• ,-• ,