The Signal, 1908-3-19, Page 5T`hla +a':
"'keel, yol' WANT TO 1nl•ItIlIK TII
itgggUt1.» 11)K1.
a" Y'
That's the (oration the gambles
put to (luvermor Hueter hie Sigh
for the repeal of the New York la
that Irgullzt:r betting at racetrack
Ate! the Uoveruor answered :
441 K)I1 411• nice."
Fur 0110 wonderful century AMerica
lar thrown the great forcer of 11
national life into the implovemlent u
things --of peresafunw of property, u
The national estimation ut worth
has made it +away easy to get up
' great popular agitation over the duly
.11 wool ; always loud to rn'uurtrth e
people toyer a tluestlou 111 114n•n1s.
1, That le to say, our American civili
zatiou hie not yet worked uut'the
ulxlte,1 shier of the lust problem pu
forth by Jesus Christ :
now MUt•11 THEN la .1 M,(N o
44,4KE t•.tLt'K TII.(N .t maize !"
ter back into any community with
which you were familiar thirty years
ago ;and wall along the streets with a
Proud citizen. He will gay 141 you :
"See what iwpl•uveulcutr we have
wade new pubic buildiugs• tall luso-
nese blacks. splendid residences !"
but lie won't ,ay to you . "See.
how much better item we hale maw
d flail
We 11441 thirty years ago!' "
L • Ind that's American It's joie, one
typical eigu of the ruferleding in•
wrest 11f the nation in improving the
thiugr that wen own. Horses, con be
owned : men }}aa't ; wherefore Ln-
, prove the honk.. 'l'brre Are williow
1t( citizens in 'the country to whom
that • convincing logic.
Tine Ill eeimasxl»N WITH POSAVA-
:a .:1"4.44 YITIATISM THE 1.11•E up 'not
N 1'ul•N a W.
Anybody can new that it duhases
Il government. Carry rums bill to your
l'ultgr.•brlllar and ark hila to interest
hawed( in it lecawse it will Make it a
little easier for Well t, be decent. end
write likely he will tell you that he is
much taken up with a public build-
, ing bill or .4 wat•rwvly Lill 410 a bill for
P rt.•teiwiug arid 'mule that he henu'1.
Utn.• 1. .1 anything elec. 'these • things
ere "imp'oveuleIKs."
. The saint. 441 c kulati,n of the rola•
r lite value of thing. and meet 44%.114•
heel distulliug factor of the in.
du.Ui.4 gliesttun. As long a s there
tri•.. •tn8uu1ar1un•re w' h" pruvklr
*gaited wear and friar in the machinery
nee • 1 their employees,
1st I a n 1111•t.wu>w it
,....t. something t. retied• .1 •114114.
Mat nothing to riptide a ma'', then.'r
p hound to l.e trouble bet ace., 4.11)1.14((.
R 1.1'• 81141 employe.. '
1.44.4 orgauuzr,l t'hei.tmiIly 4. in -
feted with .h materialism. Many
a .'11oxh prints will pride to for
s elegant edifice with which It has "On.
Smar." 1110 4-omtll y. but couldn't
ur 111.• life of it delg rheic hall a
114,1rm mu'14.41AP. in w heel) it hag "Me
motel' sox 111011 its A year. .Itel :a lot
of 1 "Ling (It.n e Christian Absorbs, -
time .etc 111 the same clans.
.1 college Might la• suplxos.41 to lie
beyond teach of the worship of•s•
I mons. tont when you discover the
4(4.1.1441• American 'witted 1•ulphtaairirrg
knowledge re a tiling to 110 acquired
more than ileum -to .n a thing tat 1r•
atld.•vrd, y440 realize that this subtle
lust tot haying and fou 1.etterul4 what
1ne has is an arid with a 1.41.• that
.ornal.s glen ethical' .
s.• the nation ought to have musty
strong voices, political. racial. re.
hlglote, rIlueatiorj1l. to remind It
1 4. 4.1/tr1oN moat. 4TA4rr' IN IN -
a I14.111': Y (.KB.1TI.11 WANT W1 1r -r
TE'•Rn 1.1.,41.1.►: THAN tie tireri oto
rani Y.KrIt. ANI. IT V 1NTT.Y W Ctrs
)1.INN 1'It114441' No Hort 11 ►:s 14111 4t►.i-
1•1O14.,. MEN 1Nn M11141. '1'HollnCotl
SAY, 4(V+T.
Nup'rficlal motilins of what is human
improvement nuke .•ve11 th.' human•
hrartd sati.fie.l with bringing to
ethers temente eine fly extra nal.
They roll it improving men to get
them into allure whule•.11m.' I to
weird them shorter work 1 's, to
alorl theta better foal, to provide
Mem s'a•Ial centre., to organize thiol
for'1.•,1n,'r Iw,lltics, 1u encourage them
1a leading habits. t. get them nut of
ltd rongeinytirid into ga*L
IK all the, 'oiling 14 unimpurt►ul,
but t.. term such mealtimes the eleva-
tion of the 44:e ie to make a minor
fnw• stand for the integer.
1'ec a 1N'T IMI'llut•k 7411E 314N w 12711
erT44.un1 APPLICATIONS ; T111. KKAI,
44.1N- 1111: WAN 444144IN -Is No salt-
, Jtii 11.11 lJrrnms.
The 111an1 is improved only when his
emit i. invaded with nobler imtltllere.
nigher self-respect. truer conceptions
of ehanteter, sounder principles of
action, sturdier eourwgr, stricter fidel-
ity. More steadfast virtues. loftier
hut. mon: generous cunriderat'
deeper concern for the,ehnobknlenl of
tuankind, quicker eympitliy with
K gotaluese, keener joy in beauty, dewier
1 soul, and then decline : "The
t man is better- the man. the watt 1"
w Mmnifeatl no law of guvernweut
r. cell accomplish this. "All we can do
to improve the breed of item" isn't
Y within the sphere of government,
Y. Neither hi improving the breed of
boreal nor the condition of trade.
s du for what,
intelestskittorward to
should be
f more eager to do for human interests ;
f it should get obetacler nut of the wry
and wake ronditiene favorable. Gov.
a moot' laugher it mightily rigb. when
a lie domande that his State shall tease
to tempt, forth the laaser, greedy..
rwckl0 11 than I.y l'galiziog gambling.
Clear out the obstructions -wake way
• for the fetter man !
Nut the improvement of men will
1 not 110 legally or inrtit,ti,ionally accent*
plished ; it will be brother) 'teems-
hw1 -through tl
K fellow-feelingyy
111011 who hoe in their brother meta
rupetrtuineut value in °od'r world -
the value wort worth improving. 11
will be through ern Who think thew -
relives more worthy ul betterment i
than their property, Mud whose opin
ion ,f the world is determined by thou
opinion of themwlyee.
Tun.(1'e D1'riEHJNil IUST MAKE
The peerent century will hut little
outdo the century Inuit it it under
takes to rival it only in the improve-
ment of thing+
Hut if the nineteenth century pas -
aim] for iluplovitg things-1.11ould Ih
oupe•reeded by a twentieth century
paw' for improving men, ours
would be the greatest time Of history
FoR '
K AYI'KK ALL Ie N.(lu, wit KNON
Movement in Seaforth Vicuuty to Estab-
lish Country Lanes. , Etpe.tu..
A rural telepbuie nervier has be-
come a live issue in this neighbor-
hood. The hatter was recently dig -
curried at the Bear) of 'Trade and a
el Hire was appointed to enquire
Mut the matter. 111 the meantime,
Mr. Robert Nearlett, cud others In
the vicinity of Winthrop and along
the noel la•lw.en Meafurth and thrill
place, had been looking into the slat
ter .Ind arranging for a meeting in
Calder'+ hall at \Vinthnup on Monday
evening. the westing was partici
lady well attended aid the project
w eird to have been re'criVed with
u sed cucuuragi,)g enthusiasm. Mr
Gil'Iyl,ort, repteeentiug the Hell Tele
idiotic 1'omlpany, wale present and
gave those present all idea of the cost.
the find of nervier they would receiv.
and the heat method of organizing th.
r0u('any or . aaa11eietion. Mr. Roller.
•11scarlett witsapp.int1J president ofth.
propu•rd erg/iteration : Mr. John Me
(Irwin vic»•president. and Mr. P.
Kerr secretary and lreaserer. ('
wilt c e were a'sl appoint d tJeamvaw
ear. It will be been from this that th.
%%lantrn) people intend to carry tb.
pnoi4' t through and we are sure the}
will have the hearty cu -operation of
the business morn of Seaforth. They
are certainly to be commended fol
their enterprise in getting this runt
line started and hole. soul to we i•
exerted to a successful conclusion
\1'e also uuderstand that the peep!.
in the vicietit, of (70nrtatce ale alit
anxious for a similar service and w
trust it will rot he long before' wow•
definite art" will 1a' taken lownrd-
estaldirbing a line to that place. 1'11.
cowl of constructing ruck a line is no -
great. while the yearly rental wells,
not awnunt to Inert• than ell or 4412
For this 1I1tacrillrrs would have the
limetat of the local aeryice in Ste
forth without w'Iditiunnl cost. Th,
aural telephone is now bring looked
upon an ane of the necessities and 41
will only be a matter of time before
the telephone will hr as universally
used in Ihr rountry as it is 111 the
towns and cities. We would like to
Kew other localities follow the move
made by the people of Winthrop
neighborhood. and we feel justified in
*Kwan .t.suring them they have the
hearty .o-oper:aliol and assistance of
the business wen of Seaforlb.
Worth While. `t
Mrs. So -Sew -- "But wI1} do you
keep your new maid if she is en awk-
ward ?"
Mrs. Friedly--•'Out of gratitude.
Last week she upset the puce over
guy old gown."
"Mince pie i4 not injurious if you
can digest it," says a physician.
The satnc bottle true, we presume, of
',hoe leather and spinetetts cactue,-
%V:whiugton. Post.
Complimentary Banquet Tendered
James McMichael, of Sealorth.
Seafurtlee "gland old man,' Jan)
McMichael, was the guest of h
at a supper held by the curb
aid lawn twwllug clue's of eleafortl
Wed a day night of last 'week. '1
immediate occasion of the event
that Mr. McMichael was cr101aati
his eighty-fifth birthday antoversitey
About fifty persons were present, Iu.
eluding u number' of Mr: McMichael'@
OIlnluu friends. After au appetizing
supper had been partaken to (3. 1'.
Parare look the chair, and u shirt
but happy toast lint of songs mud ad -
demote was carried out. Luriug this
pat of the program Jas. Fair, 011 be -
halt of the Clinton bowlers, presouluti
Mr. McMichael with a handaulue
Nonveuir badge. Addnares were
given by Wits. Jackson and Jar. hair,
of Clinton ; Mayor T. E. Hays, R. 14.
Hays, 1)r, Burrows, Ur. H. H. how.
44. F. Hogea•s, W. Ameot and W. L.
Mcletar), of Swarm. th, while John
Beattie and W. O. and F. L. Willis
provided the metric. A recitation by
Heber 'u
Ir rama
Phe y r 11 I letaramt feature.
gathering broke up in time to
allow the Uliuwn geutlewen to Catch
the late train. The guekt of the eveu-
tng war the recipient from all rides et
.he Martian ewuga•Atu,ations and good
wisher. 11)uele present trout (Aurelia
were 1V. Jackson, J. Harland, W. J.
Stegall/OIL Jawer Fair, J. %Y. lrtviu,
1'. Beacom and f''red Jackson.
The following sketch of the vetermn,
who can still play a tidy.gaaue wi' the
stoner or rite wee bowls, will be inter-
esting to many of our readers : Nr.
.dcMichael was buru at Sanqubrl,
tluwtrillsahire, Scotland, on March b,
111'111. Although of wealthy paren-
tage, he served his appteutacuship as
w cabinet-maker, and afterwards
turned it to good account. In 11112, at
the e
of nineteen.
agto came
America, and Brest visited 'his brother,
who had made hie home in (loderich
two years before. The next three
yews. he spent working at his trade,
Uudtug cop oyment u1 Gudeoich, Lou-
don and ('alt, spending about one
)ear in each place, when he went to
aemforll, where he remained for ten
yens., working continuously at con•
nines in carpeutry, which he was Able
w obtain in the village and vicinity.
In 183'2. when in hie thirtieth year,
ne wailed from New Yolk by the nest
*termer from that purl, which carried
the gold•reeker'a "round the Horn" to
Melbourne, Australia. For rime time
Ire remained at the diggiugr, but his
ryes becoming affected by the gold
mercers' blight he turned his attention
u1 contracting.
He spent some three years in this
way, having as his partner a cousin of
the famous inventor, Stephenson.
During these years they witnessed
many thrilling incidents it the
.lruggle between the inluligrants and
the bush -rangers until the militia
were called 111 w put dJwlf the daring
,ordteriee of the raogrro. 1 (onl large
'ontracln, such ws building the hulloes
black Forest betel and aur first mei-
'rental barracks, the subject of this
-ketch laid the foundation for auk iu•
lependrnt fortune, the confoent of
which he now enjoys.
Returning to Scotland, he married
and sewn afterwards crossed the At -
antic, a parting his circuit of the
{lube. Arriving in Iluron county, he
rad his life partner :waled on the
'Meadow Farm," on the girth comcea-
don of Hullett, where they built a
home, and where they spent
twenty-five yrara of happy life. On
Hm8'1, 44, 1wLt, they mowed to their
lur,(ortable home on (itxlcrich 'street,
iraforth. Soule four years ago Mr.
NCMiC11;1e1 suffered a great bereave-
ment in t144' loss of hie beloved wife.
!Branny Truth -"Hoye you noticed
that there are days when we seem
mote in accord with the world --morn.
on Illi ism' with nature :'"
Practical Youth- ."Yee, it es always
that way with me on pity -day."
THE MARKETS. - to 44.430. licher', 441.:a• to 4.10. cows, Iv 1,
t0 1N•Ta; bulls. $L 1 `u l'.: 11uekere and fetal -
Liverpool Wheat Fulur•s Close High.
•r, Chicago Lower -Live Stock
• -Tho Latest Quotations.
nee Monday Kvsnlnj. ytrrch la.
uu 1�y�/IJvwpool wheat Sutures rhond to-uev
�� Maher. 1W higher, end cora fuI u'e. Ss.l
raw At Chicago, May wheat slowed 14,pc
ug than yesterday. May cunt 3a' Iuwer, sad
May oats Sic 1towel.
lied you ever notice how a piper
prances up and down as he pipes? Ho
nearer rite, he never Anode still, tont up
and down, round and round, to and fro,
he btrntb continually. A little boy,
lieteuing to the weinl skirl of the bag-
pipes of at street perforwet•, once said
to his father: "Falser, why does the
piper keep on the wove all the time he
playa %" "1 can't say, my boy." the
father answered. "Unless it is to pre-
vent anyone gellinv the range with a
A certain young w,ul from Glasgow
cause to Cana la last year hind hired
himself to w tamer. On the first
mprning the farmer said to him, "Now.
William. you !night go down to your
cornfield, mid see if there are any crows
in it." When William returned the
farmer said to him : "Well, Willis+,'
were there any crows in the field ?'
**Oh, yes, many a score." "Well, did
rot; frighten them away. "Oh, no :
only shut the gate. 1 thought they
were 'all yours."
Wlnnloss Oetlana.
Following urn the closing quotallon■ un
Wtnulpg grain futures to -day
Wbeat-Horeb $l.1W,u bid, Slay 441.)33'.
bid. July /1.14% Ind:
Oats -March 4644e told, Hay 4Pte Litt.
Toronto (Lain Market.
Grains -
Wheat, spring, bush to 10 to 444...
Wheat, fail, bush uta
Wheat. goddo,se. brat. 0 gra ....
BY*. bushel bush.. ..
Pees, bushel s sl "
Buckwheat. bushel .... 0 1, 1,.,,.
Barley, bushel a s. a
Oats, bushel
Toronto Dairy Markel
nuutr,. separatordile( n,x Pio
Butte,, scorn Iota 0,; e:t,•t
Butte., a reamery, Ib. rolls., o 82 0:01
Eggs, new -laid, rloaen 0 34. y ;4
Eggs• cold storage, dose.,0:1 0:333
('h•e.e, Targe, Ib , 0 135,
Cheaae, twin. It. n 11 ...•
Honey, extracted, lb 4) 11 11.544
New York Dairy Market.
NEW TO Harr*, 16.-Ilut1er-Ir,cgu•
lar; ►'deet ts, ma: creamery, specials, :TrI1.
extras,. • third to first, .4e a, 33 4,';
held. tad to specials, 3333 to ;fie; state
Ailey, common to fair, 330.• tri, _4t . process,
second to apeclal, 1'k to Mc, western fac-
tory, Drat. 31c; tudtallon creamery. first,
V.e. to 3o•.
Cheese --Finn; receipts, 510; I,II crealrl,
apesSala, le5c' state, tu11 cream, amrdl.
colored, fancy. 1.3ilc: do., while, fancy,
1/c; do., large, colored and white, fancy,
144%!; do.„ good to prime, 14',4c to 134e:
do., late October and early November
made, 1445c to 14411.'; do., winter nude, 11, -
to tic; do., common to fair, loc to )141c;
skims, 1c to lac..
Wank• receipts. ,
Egg a 1 527 •t
D a. ,eta ometed
sYlramla and nearby, fancy, rnle•trd
white. 1te; good to cloles,, 1:4., to 134
brown and mixed. extra, 17c; first, 1544 to
114c; western and southern, first, 1 'fie
to 14414c; seconds, Ile to•
Cables Unchanged -Hops Aro Lower
at Buffalo and Chicago.
ere, PS to N . stoelt heifers. 441.744
13.15: fresh cotes and springers stead),
830 to 884.
Vests -Receipts, 1400 head, actiro gad
75. lower, B lu.50.
IIu s-Hucelpb�11.000 lead: fairly active
std 4, 1,• 1Oc Inwvr; heavy, wlx44 and
Yur ken . u to 40: plgs,l4 to N•60: rpugb..
84.35 to 114.10, sla)a, S3 to 13.5a. datrlca,
14.40 to 4. -
Sheep and Lambs -Receipts, 17,000 head,
aetive; gheep steady: lamb* 100 to 1ie low-
er: lsn1,s, 8:• to 3714; u few. ST SC. year•
binges 3et.1) to 447; wether), 80.333 Io 34.10,
ewer, 4'.::+ to K; abecp, Mixed, 1: to 30.
New Yerk Live Stock.
N1:\1' YORK, 4.4rch 10.-peeves-lte-
celptr, 1427; rttcrr steady to firm; bulb
weak to 104' lower: medium and common
cow's 100 to De lower; jowl to choice slow
to tee lower; steers. 84.1.4 to 13.04.4: tops,
W.',; oxen, 444.'21 to 83. L`3; cults *4, 1 to
34:8; cues, 3- to $4.33.
!Sheep +Arid Lamb-ltecelpts, 7404; sheep
firm: lambs 10c higher; @beep, 84 to 11.10;
Iambs, 17 to 441.10; culls. 44.:.0 to $6: clipped
lambs, 116.75.
Hogs-Itecelpls, 15,133. market said)- to
!trona; l'ennsylvaala tree sold at
Chicago Live Stork.'
4')4ICAt)O, March 16.-Csttla-Itrr•elp1a,
;x.000, market active aid toe higher;
Meets. 14.441 to, 441.1. to 4444, helf-
ers s
t0 5U: bull '.10 1
•:J U . 4 to 3 .Y1 calves.
4. 5 to 37.75, stockers unit [ceders, 44;.15
to N.M.
Hoer-genrgne. 0040; market nerdy;
thole heavy whipping. $4.77'. 1e $4.:1:: hut -
rheie, $1.:0 to 14.7.. light mixed' 11.:8 c'
444.00: choice lights 444.4., to 14.7:5;packing,
34 to N$,; Plgs, 13.50 to 14.13; butt. .f sales,
14 in to 14.78.
Sheep and Iambi -It eelpts. 1:,000; rnar-
ket ;active and l.• higher; seep, 444.50 to
A. A h1mba, 446.4 In 81.0. yearling*, 440.):
to 84
• vs
"Now, cllildI•4•n," said the leacher of
the iuvenil, class, "aur besot 4,111144.
tells oI the !mum. possessed Is ' line•
and queens. l'.r1 1111)' of l ou moor a
,till greater power :•"
••:'rim, I /;ul," 1 eplictl ' tittle
iskv.I thet.u•her.
yea. -
Chance of Lunar Gran.'
'•4'a. said the tt Penn yIY dtiw
(soy. . t .. esu w,-..�n•e
'Is the nl,n1i 111.1,1. of,rrcenrle••s..
..:Not it the 1,41111r.r•4 cdle.l lot. Wool'
r14u'.r. sou. Cul 1.1111 .61,411g, 1al11.
a1ye 11111nt I1't ,tln,tlley
"114(1'1 lie afraid, 1'..,ey,•' the led%
Ilei, •that lieu i.+ sUiIT.'4' ••Ycr'.
aid Perry, "hut 114yI.e he ern t
tuned so full that he •1.111.11, 1 find
•tram) frit a little lily 1.10 nue." •Phil-
tdclph is 'I'elegra 10.
LONDON March 16. -London rabies are ,I
steady at lal(e to 131," per round. dressed
might; refrigerator beef Is quoted at fr
per pound.
Toronto Junction Live Steck. a
Receipts of live stock at the Union
Stock Yards were 55 carloads, com-
posed of 906 cattle. 1N,4 sheep wand
Iambs. 11 calves and 919
, Exporters.
Export steers sold :,1 34..6 In 441_', ►he
bulk of the Lest Intuit of 4. to
port bulb, 31.75 to 8451, with a few exsr.'
quality at a little more ',1(4141','.
A few picked catil.• sold as81.:-• to N i•'.
and one er two 4dn runic.•, it waw sa Ol. 15 per cwt., loads of 00041, 14. 414 r.
Stay; med un. 84 4.. 441'" .011,11,11,1,
10 $4; rows. 11 to 34..13 tri .•wt.
Mitch Cows.
A few milkers and 'springers were re-
ported as'ening of 333, 1., 48 each.
Veal Calves.
Veal calved 1014 at H to 87
Sheep and Lambs.
There was an sruve market for sheep
and lambs at following priests : Rheep.
14.73 to 11 per cwt : Iambs at 447.::, to ft 50
per cwt.
Hog prices were quoted b) I;1/n1101 1144
follows : Selects, 4.4n. fed and 'watered
at the market, and 44.1'. fel). cars to
drovers at country points.
Montreal Live Steck.
MONTREAL. Aare h i'• --Irp. clot .--A,
the Montreal Utak Yard. Nest End Mar-
ket the receipts of live 'tusk tar 11..• suck
ending March 11 vivre tai.+. ca. U. . 1'•.•
sheep and Iambs, 30.0 loge and 4419 rah. -
The offerings tu-da) were Nat rattle. Ir.
sheep and samba, 374$'0 log. ;end 1a'
Choice rattle sold' at :a• to :arse: coral
44 c to 44.r: fair at ;V4„• 40 Orr .,auown
xt 1',c to 2W' and Inferini• : i _'.•. se, :�
per Ih. Cableadvlcen from 1.14 rrtaa.l o•
l4aturd*v reported trod.. In ,-sial•• ,I..w
Lit noted no change to prier. 4r•,':
week ago. t hying 1.1 the eorolouc.l ,,, -'
supplies of sheep coming forward ,.
stronger feeling has deviamed n.•
market and prices have adc:m..41 t
Sec per Ib. The demand from le, ,t
outside buyers Is fairly tees1. :':
were made at 34• 0) 314e per 11.. 'r.. , t
no actual change In latnbs, bus pr.., . Iola
veil' (inn nndrr a .lead,' desna l
Meal consumption, and rales of
Stock were made al e44,• to e*e . ... d as
ac to $14c. and fair at wiat. per 11.
• .( few spring taente are "o11144,,. ( rn.�•.1,
for which aha demand fs gaud a. pu. • -
ranging from 17 Io 310 ra,•h. iOq., Ii, : f
ewlres err: now corning fo1'ward 4 'l1. :u d
■n active trade is doing at fr.m, ): M
each, as to qualll y. A Strung 14,1111.; p'•
called In the market for hug.. wet tri.•
advanced 13.: to Mr per toe Ins. .Ing,•• I..
Wednesday. Thin was Words:. Ih' att. i
uted to the shortage In supplies, ,, :di,
•ees from Euro s'
dean bacon were t,r•nn':•, 4,, ..• NOM
in them to warrant higher pores for 1...u,
bete: but, as the local demand for art ssed
stock Is good. the competition be1N"..,6
tdlyers for Ilse longs tors keener aha ,
usual and an .,raise trade was done,
sales of selected lots at 41,111 to Pt, awl
one carload was sold for shipment e.
eluebec at 36.10 per 1411 lbs.. Weighed off
East Buffalo Cattle Market.
EAST 141.1.1Al.o. Marcia 16.--1 :aIUr--1:••-
celpta, 51U head: "toad) ; lea.) slow,
others fairly relive; prime steer., 3t.
to N; ■hlonli.g. 13 to a5.w, butcher: fl.:•'
t _
"I can take you to a hundred
homes. right around Inv More, In
which St, e:eorge'a is med."
" You can ask those, who do
the baking. *bat they think of
St. George's
Baking Powder
"And everyone et the hundred
will tell you the same-- that
St. George's stands every teat
and never loses its strength."
WrileJorlre, coin' o/ Ore C*'& !del.
National Drag h Chemical Co. of
Canada, !.tinned, Muetical.
Valuable Samples Free
.. I I - , ,4.4..1 '':: , .,ll tel,,.,, .. Expec
torant ant find it aatisfartery in Caner.
1/4 Croup. rolls or roughs. 1 have u'w,I
it ever since I (tut :a trial bottle• and
hal ,• trr,nnn."nd••l 4t to everyone 4r,
ne. d "4 it, _ You may use my -name• ynd
address for t.,tiasonials if you wish.
(loping it will benefit mite;. as it has
dun" Ill,' Children. 1 remain,
M11$. AIIXF:y 1'U)IISb:K,"
101/1 Prnhr,s Nt.. London, Ont.
1 'oilsfoole Expectorant is th.• great-
est tough and tj.rnnl cure in th.• world.
It iK1
the prescript o of a renowned
speeinlisl. In tinier .that every family
may prove its unparall"Iri /merits w-
14411 send a sample Iaett 4" free to ct, r.
one who 'sends u. thc;r 711mu• and
dress and mentions this paper. 1.31,, L•
hod al all druggists at _.,e. siend yo,lr
name to -day to 1)r. T..1. 4loeun,, Ltd.,
Send for Free Sample To -day.
2nuasima, March 19, Rios,
11 Campbell's I`
1 Ties season of the year you have :.end of a good reliable
varnish Main. Well, the fait is Campbell's 1s prat
ttcaliy a household word tot stain.
Put up in tins, I5c, 25c, 45c and up.
Nixed Paints
People are buying very freely already. In many cases
they sunply ask for some number they require, indicating
they know the good3. The goods are the best made
Made by most modern process, by the largest and oldest
paint concern in Canada. Elephant Maxed Paint for
den i
a dins ,.
d tri=
exclusively Y
e in
Goderich by
Howell Hardware Co., Limited
Successor to E. P. PAULIN
We hairy a Fencing Snap on at present.
Seed. of tide beautiful " Santa aa" Peppy
ars .4.•. •►wheel, free
Seeds Free
1a14r ars",r 1 of.crew "\bur
Mit Y
'sante Koss • is as e.eeptionally fine *is -
l. re of Shirley 4bppier, by far the blot we
i• ice seen." We will give ah.nlulely (teen
I•.tc.age of these +red. In evrrr per.on rah•.
.rill snit for w.r now Itaestaomdy lI1,u aid
'1308 Calalasw. If you prefer, you may
haves perkageof our Caeadias Gee Turnip
or l':uud.s' a pride Toast* seed Sapless of
the 11.11pie..
Write 1,.134. and name your Choler.
Darch & Hunter Seed Co., Ltd.
London, Ont.
Reduced Pricesl,
found -that in sonic lines our stock is too
heavy, and in order to reduce these Tinos we
are offering yul1 stone snaps. See the goods
and prices i11 our large show window. ,
Below are. a-l't'w of' the linos that we are
Fencing Fencing Fencing
With the cowing of Suring this is the albino
'ortant yur'tion. %Ve art. in the market with three
makes of woven fence.
The Ideal Fence, made of all No. Iketeel wile.
The American Fence, wade of all No. tf steel wire.
The Cyclone Fence, h.a, the top wire of No. 7 (larger
size than No. 9). The other Wired arc all No, 9 hard steel
roiled wire. This is a feill:,. that 1iµ become very popular
owing to its great strength and tint•ability.
Call mud sere and gelsome of thy
11 will not stretch and bag like . Hai 1. Wire.
It has been tested for three years in the State. and , r
gives perfect ratisfactiou.
4M1THINU given special attention, and all work fully gbarrl
Store 'Phone sz.
Ilous 'Phone 1is
aassa„ss ..asa�awaa:�t
Commencing this week, on SATURDAY, MARCII 2 1 st, 9:00 a. m.
At The Busy Store -Cameron & Moore, Proprietors
HAVING purchased the W. A. McKim stock ata very low rate on the dollar, we are opening up the store with a gigantic
clearing sale, at prices lower than any ever offered before in Goderich. We are adding to this : $6,000 worth of General
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Staples, etc.; $1,000 worth of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers, being a manufacturer's end sale. Also
several cases of nice spring goods which were stopped in transit and were purchased by us at a very low figure.
• All of the above goods are included in this gigantic sale, and Ieverything will have to be cleared. One-quarter, one-third
and one -Half off regular prices in order to make room for another large stock which is corning.
We are also adding to our store a Grocery Department, which will be opened in the basement, where you will always find a
nice fresh stock of Groceries. During this opening sale prices in this department are also reduced. Good Butter and Eggs
taken as cash. We have not space to enumerate prices but guarantee everything sold at great reduction. This is a bona fide sale.
Cameron (Sc Moore, 41,[: N[:W PI OPRII:TORS j
.......MEMO.......AND erarmarn