The Signal, 1908-3-19, Page 3• )x'r2.s•Trahtd,'i. hio:Itell.1 ,' S 'I'IIE SIGNAL : GODERICI,I. ONTARIO _ n Thresher Company and its PEARY AND THE NORTH POLE Mews of the f1irict.tClintoClintoolden sud ctedtturs. At the instance of the Sovereign H auk South Hun++, sin ing show will be. held at Hrnacetledd on Friday. April the ;nth. Ur. and Alto. Alex. Edgar of How. icL, recently celebrated their gulden wt.lding. Mita. Edward Garvin, of Brussels, fell last week. fracturing her lett limb neer the thigh. Nolle A. Milne and family, of Ethel, kit tart week for Balmoral. Man.. where they will t•eeide in future. { W. Mundy. of Gerrie. haw in - Wilted a etafe mud convenient ,lpluu'• ams for gulrerating acetylene ger. :dies Pearl Millar, youngest dough. ' ter of Isle. and Mre. John Millar, of lliu•tibton, formerly of Clinton, left Meaesetuna Mineral Water WA - !HE IiGDLKICH AlIN4:ItAi. Tklt l'U.. ai•uufactun:rs of ",It•ue.o time.' aro prepared to deliver to ale part of Nle. n,w'im 7b1boA U1,. Ale In pints nal quart,, mus, Mineral N'alta• hi thaw ajar. .phi,, pint. and glari.l. 7Soltxcr Water and 1/0.1)10 Soda. Tlwrm imalx ate mmol,, from natural mineral wafer, and aro then•fore free from all tulpueitfe.. 1'. l.. WALION Mau iiaer :'Ione Yin. ivac itb tilt' fAM 1'114:• pniel- ur les, -ms fu esus: Ilmwly. alts 11ea niers,,. V. enuaenl tmdr,i:.ui n. methal for Yol.„t ehll. roc. Term, and other information limy Ic h.,' .t Thomsons mutat .tore. Uudritrh. EM'.1 A. ANDREWS A. HOY ADAM Talt:likxS „e I'na\n Studio tie Bald. of Montt -cal Itlo.'k. Siedioal • Itlf-ti. EMMElt$ON k TURNBULL. D A. T. rMMawao(. 1* 1-1j 11• W T1.•MaaCw M.:1) ..m.w, Hamilton !Street. 7'bone 1111. Pr. Lnt. oppSsite St. tinow are sohurchNorth ',fphone LaL D.. I lurid/till. to•tArn.r. 1loulreal st re.t- 'null...cal of Public Libras. ':'base 174. a�'. F. (SALLOW, M. 11. 1Ina,in1-.. Colborne at reel heat door to ::„ser ... e Verdi. i. Teleph osm, -1111111011. 121; house. le. 1K. F. J. K. FOKST1alt- EYE. EAR'! Neer and Threat .salt', Iwr•ttoett MIL Nous. -torso New Tort 1 plithide nk' and Aural Inuit eve INN -n. (' lank. 41 i..lst..yy..t Now wet Throat Ho.Pitot, 11014.50 WpiAfi,, and IWysI Iniduu 'steel. dais i\lourrtleW kyr' N.rpmul, la.ndwn• kniitr. .limo Albert street. St rat f.rnl. "pi•aln• %a'iol..r hotel. Hours: cal'. a,m :1 mot. ;N pju. T•lepleww MC. Legal - A t►MEIION is: KiLLOKAN. HAK- itIsTl•-Ittt rtk•ear.. notaries, ate. .M1es, ameion at.. third dor from square, 0od•rlrh. me. M. u, ('AYX.MON, k. t'. J. L KIL LORAN. - - DROL'I)FOOT, IIAYS k HI.AIR a• barrster, .ohc it.rs. notaries. imbibe pis • 'torso. the M.sritirne t ours, etc. flake. e'.1 ansa Siouan% .rat .lwr 1'..t. a.alra: gr eery. IM sate funds to lets) aur It W at nates el interest. W. PKOCULO1UT. K. 1'. Ii. 1'. HAYS. U. V 11.AIIL DICKINMOS k GAI{ROW. BAR- ItIeTKN$. attorney.. e.be,l•rs, etc, oederk'h. H lewI a' ,,,wast roes. F. p'KINttuS. LU''IiANLkriOANKt1W_II Ii O. JOHNSTON. HAKI1Iyl'KK. •thntnr. ron.mtwlawt, a4Uary VuWnc. Um..: �Il..nml'•m wrest. Uulerkh. ilnt 1ns11rance. Loans, etas. Y-- OrNU le (ROBERTSON. REAL 'bosses *ad t.'arwaes Agents.. ileal es. tate for wile Of le kt. Properties handled In say part of the town end M•ont). fire and ft Im.ur*reee. money M loan etc. 1OiIN W. ('RAiU1if, LIFE, FIRE e snit areklemt leeuraor+e. Aaeritlor l.n.ln,e roe nal .tied stock companies. 11n•stemm a in all Miss ,'arvn,d on b., pi ss, amt at lowest rates. Fall at omn., corner \a'.,tt Str,rt nod $.lean, or address J. W. l'ItAJUlK, t,udeneb, Out. isle ,boric .1 SHAVING PARLOR � HAVIN(4 AND lIAIK•DKES.MiNG 1 Psi:Lona. - Tim hood team In Warn. Prompt serving; •serrIhlait rkIn and east tan. ma and ookt 1 WM. UAVIte, Nrilt.h /aching• MIAIMpak tw000.ror to JNFriteryl. Marron! Lloenses WALTER E. KEI.I,Y, Ohlkltlnll, ONT. Watchmaker, Jr welter and optician. Issuer of Mai nage I.iren.e... NV • LANE, ISSUER OF MARItI ala: licenses, Uoderlrh. Unt. aucUoneennlc rrlloMAS OUNDRY, LiVERTO('K 1. and general auctioneer. (Moen on `k,'.th atn.•t, where he will 1e found at ..11 time. when not -tying wales. Terns. twa.oaahlr and every effort Ileac W dvs• You sati,.factua l'honein GEORGE BECKETT General Auctioneer. New System of Tickets and Catalogue. OFFICE, HAMILTON ST. P. 0. Box 181. STOVES You will friss some real bar- gains if you fail to See what 1 can do for you in one of those Good Cheer ranges Good Cheer art heaters Penn Esther ranges Nothing just as good for the looney ; every one guaranteed. 5 per cent. off for spot Cash Plumbing, Tinsmithing and Repairs Electric Wiring and Fixtures. GIVE US A CALL W . R. PINDER 'Phone i55. an. older forthe winding up of the cone "Farthest North" Man T•Ils•Abeut patty has been irrucd, and an iutertw His Last V be liquidator lists been appointed. The vvags. n( last rtatemeut showed a email surplus The North Pole, a pec.: with uul> of assets over liabilities, but it was one direction and one day and uua tumid difficult to convert the assent night in a whole year, is the picture into ready exalt to discharge a wort- Commander Robert E. Peary, U.S.N.. gage of $10.000 un the plant, which I. recently described to a large audi- ya ued tit $2JI,7t *. The total Isabela sore at Toronto. are staid to be worth $0:3.181, and it tri "Though my last venture brought probable a settlement will he effected. me within 200 miles of the pole." sanl A Morns Pioneer Gone.the commander, "my feelings the day nt we decided to turn hack were not at it To not it few outside of his immediate all joyful. When short provisions he family circle the will Id 'seems' less and hungry men decreed that 1 should bright since Alexander Nichol. one of go no further, I was bitterly diem. - the sturdy t' eels of whom Morris is pointed. or justly proud. remised lift".. inner The explorer went on to dcserih• ed portal. Deceased tl.stt saw the light the voyage, which om NeW Y. of day in Berwickshire. Scotland, York In July, 190:., lathe n rspecially seventy-five ye,us' Ago. In Its32 he built steamer Roosevelt. After reach- n- net out to seek fortune in the new ing Cape York, en the northweeteoass H. world. Atter a brief residence ia°-'tet Greenland, Peary steered to a point Brantford he wended his way tit+ miles to the westward. It took what waw known as the Queen's 18 days to do it, because the ice was r. hush in Morris and reared hie out on ea thick. There the Roosevelt wits Iota 17 and 18, which by dint of the put into winter quarters and the party indomitable energy with which he re- nontinued on over the ice, guided by deemed all his days he boon trans- Eskimos, formed into one of the finest farms in Vaal week fur Winnipeg, where s will he married to Stuart S. Hood, that city, formerly of Harrirton. 'nit, *uncial convention of the East 'Huron Teachers' Association will be held at Meaforth May 21st and 2211d. Mrs. George Mpotton, of \Vinghanl, succerrfully underwent a erriour oper- ation to 1% owlet's' hospital lira week. Andrew Brown, a respected reside of Fonlwith, departed tbie life at h home in that pace un Saturday. t lith inst. Airy. J. K Richardson, a form well-known resident of Seafortb, di at her home in St. Marys on Monde the Uth into. Mr. and Mrs. Harry \Vekh, of lie sell. left last week for Vancouver, C , where they will make their h in the future. %VIII. Rohl, her sold bit 1(1) sic fares on lot '1)3 of the 11th coueeesion of Morris to James Maxwell, of Brum- role, for $4,011nt The death of Samuel I+nddoro.,gh, a former pioneer resident of 'tucker. smith, occurred ,at his hove in Park River, N. D., recently. John Stephrn►on, of the 13th con- cession of Grey, her purchased Welter Penuingtonh luU-eere baron on the saute concession for $4,O01). The death of Itev, Canon Matthews, a turtuer rector of the Episcopal elms eh, Clinton, occurred at his horse in Kingsville o; Sunday, the 8th Inst. Wm. 1). Stewart, of the 12th co11- ctnaiou of Howick, was married t11 Minto on Wednesday, the 11th hast., to Mises Ethel Durrant, of that place. Walter Yuill. of Grey, has pin -- chased Ilse ltlu'aete farm on the north gravel root of Grey from Adams Reid, of Langdon, N. D.. formerly of Hrttm- erls. The conridetution wits UMW. The death occurred on Saturday afternoon of George Black, of the Sad conversion of Tuckenwith. Mr. Sleek was about forty years of. age and leaver a wife and one child. He war ill only a week, pneumonia being the mere tit his death. On Wednesday, the 211th ult , et \Vunghaw, new. Father l.aureudeau launched on the sea of matrimony Slim Margaret A. McGlynn. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John McGlynn. of the Uth concession of Turoberry, and 1Vn1. J. King, of Uulroaa. A pretty wedding was contaminated At the It e of Mr. and Mn. Thomas Rielby, of Morris. on Wednesday, the 11th inet, when their daughter. Mar- g*let E., b ecaune the bride of James Colder, of Delores, Ont. Rev. S. An- der•ou officiated at the ceremony. A large Dumber of guests tumuli lel! at the homy of Mr. and Mrs. James Hi il*ntyne, of l'sborne. on Wednes- day, the 4th inst., to witness the mar- riage of their oldest daughter. Janet, to %N illfa u Hamilton. of Cromarty. The ceremony wee performed by Rev. Colin Fletcher. 'Phonies McKenzie, of Clinton. has been awarded the contract for the new Roman Catholic church in that town. The building will 1,.' id St. Mary's atone and red preload brick, with elate rood. The estimated cost will he about $13.0l1sl. W. .1. Ireland, of Stratford, is abe Architect. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Willrrt, of Deshwood, was the scene ..f an interesting hymeneal event on Tuesday, the :led inst.. the oi+casion ►wing the marriage of their daughter, Effie E., to William H. Klelusteiver, of the satire place. Rev. Mr. Thun, pastor of the Lntber*iu church, omci- kted at the ceremony. It was with deep regret. that the residents of Crediton learned last week of the death of Mels. Percy Humble. of Detroit. formerly Mier Emma Brown. daughter ot. Mr. and Mrs..1. F. Brown, of that place. Ile - ceased. who was twenty-seven years of age, was united to her now her. rayed partner last June. Atter a lingering illness Fred \Vhitely, one of Clinton's most p.,pu• ler young sten. ward Away at the home of his grandmother. Mrs. Me. Brien, of that town. on Tuesday, the Irnh inst. Deceased. who Wit in his tbirty-Ilr•st year, was the only son of the late Hugh J. Whitely, formerly of the rah concession of Guderich town- ship. Exeter lost an esteemed resident ou \Vrdneeday, the 4th inst., by the death of George Harrison. Deceased, who bawl attained to the Age of four- score and two years, wn, A native of m Eng. Hie unswerving in• fork litre R R tegrity and genial disposition won for him the high regard of All who knew hint. Mrs, George Rooke, of Exeter, sant( Meedamen \Vru. Ford and Arthur Francis, of Usborne, are daughters of the deceased. .Its. IDr.I Nutria'', who is president of a woman's institute in Ceylon, has Accepted a six ' weeks' engagement with the Ontario Government to de- liver a aeries of Addresws at Women's Institute throughout this Province. Herrenluneration will be 83 per day, all her expenses twine paid. Mrs, It11tna111 it a missionary returned risen the East. and ham 'wen visiting in this county. Kellermann Sells Business. Jacob Kellermann ha. dim1 of his general store in DAshwotd to Ezru Tiernan and George i•:dighoffer, of that place. Clinton Firm Dissolves. Fturnball k McMat b, carriage makers, Clinton, have diamedved partnership. Mr. Rmllutll, who in one of the oldest hominess men in Clinton, will take* well-earned rent from his labors and the business will in future be con- ducted h: Messrs. McMath and Over- bury. A Home -keeper. Robert Charters. of the Mill toed. Tuckeramith, has A record which feet Can equal. If he lives till next June be will have resided continuously on his faros for sixty -mix years, and in all that time the longest period he has been awtty from it was six weeks, the occasion lwing a visit to his native land. \Vhen three years of age Mr. Charters came to Canada from Scot- land with his parents and they settled on the farm on which ho still resides. Old Resident of Varna Passes. At the grand old age of ninely•four years Mew. lanes Wanless, sr., an esteemed resident of Varna, answered the great roll call on friday, the 0th inst. In lst:d deeeawd ramp to Can- ada with her husband and mettle(' on the homestead on which she passel sway. A wornnn of exemplary Christian cheraeter and of A lovable di: ,ositiun, her life was an inn lirietion and a Iwnetlirtinn to her friend... She leaves to mnnen her demise four sons : James, William mid John, of Varna, and Thomas. of Blyth. and one daugh- ter, Mre. Stinenn, of Idaho. The Clinton Thresher Company. An effort. is being indole to bring aimed an ru'rangement between the "Many mem" said (4minlander the county. Shortly after bis 'arrival Peary, -"confound the North Pete with in the county he tv*s Unit wl to Mirs the magnette' pole. The latter {ole Margaret '111 peon.pen, of the 7th line of is in King William's Land. There, iv Mums, who bravely fought life's the greatest magnetic attraction. Nodes at his ride until her dove*" North of this int there are frequent flus yearsn o, lir leaves w rn I variati• ons of the roIupaas, which can threir loss s f tour son a dr d tin betty always he adjusted by tla'. santeprin- They are Robert, Alexander. Edward, • eiy ler truihat t a alwrasknewth iyrk would l exact Joiner, Mr*. Alex. Colon and Mrs. time. Alex, McNeil. "To the man etarttliug at the Nortk Daughter Followed Aged Father. Pole. every direetion but the south A life of ruergy and usefulness time vanish, and there would be no ti clotted on Tuesday, Use lush most., me exoopt day and night. The days when John Roddick, of Brussels, would be six months in dustier. joined the silent majority. Decease d, aswhom March 21 until Sept, 21, there who was born in Scotland ei hp would be continuals light, and the seven years ago, became a reside of �f rest of the time all would be dark• Grey township almost half A centut'y since. Uuring all theca yraro he ass Nothing unusual wnuld be found at the pole. The only lieu,, ( nl 1 would be Y W held in the highest r..treru by all withP whotu he cam., in contact. Two sous that the heavenly bodies, elceept and two daughter survive. The cup the north star, wouN move in hori- of grief of the bereaved relatives xontal etrclee, /waived filled to overflowing, when the The great darknesm which rnvelup( e following day deceased's danght'r, thin country for so long was the great- following Joseph Addie. of the kith con- est oh.tad( to the explorer.. Mee cession of Grey, hot recently of Strat• had been known to go insu,• for ford. paawed away. Deceataed, wbo want of sunlight, in that Mark baste. war in her mixty eighth yrxr, had For the meat amply. the cnmmnn- uministerel lovingly to her father due- der relied largely en the Arctic hare, ing his illness, and in her overworked mask oxen and white deer. The lat- anndition she we. eatable 1.41 endure ter were rutirely unknnw'n uWil 1M( the senee of loss at his departure and last expedition, and thea he Procured on Wednesday evening rhe went to fifty specimens. join him in the home ,love. Her *hen -the party had reached s7 dP- hurhand and six children mourn her groes 6 seconds Horeb, the nearest to demise. . Mr. and Mrs. Addie cele the -Pole that any man ever got, Peary heated their golden wedding a few hail to torn back. Supplies were weeks ago. short. so he began his p i rilou. return journey, over cracks in the ice , nnl TO CATARRH SUFFERERS. treacherous .iretches. • finest storms Good Advice and Liberal Offer From a Well-known Goderich Druggist. JAN. \Vilw,n his been advising all who oldie'. from any of the symptoms of catsrrh, such as offensive I.n•atll, dryt,cwu of the neer, pain across the eye., .r.ppage of the nose, discharges and dr'i/ppingt io the throat c'ouglaing spas111s sand general weakrle•ts and de- bility, to use IIyon.ri. 110 g.t•m ne Gm It, to offer to refund the Lunney to any user of IIy./ntri who is not ia•r- fectly satisfied with the results. Quick relief follows the use of Ilyomei treatment; the stoppage of the sore is removed. the dlropping ceutaes, the breath becomes pure and Sweet. and the catarrhal gerto% are dveestned and their gmwth pre- leewrd. H aena* is Use .ureal simplest, quickest. easiest and cheapest way to etre catarrh. 1t dues not drug and derange the stomach : it gust right to the peat of the trouble, destroying the catarrhal germs and hraliug and vitalizing the tiswrm. (ie til JAS. Wilson today and bray a complete Hyomei outfit for Slue with the tmder..tanding that if it does not give satisfaction .your money will be refunded. Wouldn't Take Any Risk. Sir Henry Drummond Wolfe, in his recently publiahel hook of "Reeollec- tions," tells a story of Lord Guiilla- morr, f m in legal history as Chief Justice ('Grady. In A rase before hint the leading counsel for the defence of the prisoner argued that there was 00 rise before the jury. Lord Guillanmlre wait about to Pronounce judgment when the junior counsel asked leave to address a few word. to the comlrt. The judge replied : "i will hear you by And by. Mr. -- ." The young roan st}id : ••Hut, my on thispoint that 1 wish loid, It is to address your lordship." Lord Goi11*nwre rejoined: •'1 will bear you by and by, Mr. --, Mean- while, for fear of accidents, 1 will direct the jury to acquit, your client." NEW CURE FOR STOMACH. James Wilson Gives Signal Readers a Chance to Try It. Druggists do not often guarantee anything. Hut Jam. Wilson aasuree persons suffering from di'ttesaiug indigestion thet they can surely 1e relieved. Shure nobody knows when, people have suffered from indigestion, mirk headaches, bloating, dizzy spells, die- tremm after eating. sleeplessness and many other symptoms of stomach trouble, and have found the usual remedies powerless. At last a prescription called Mi-o-na stomach tablets is offered to the medical pmfesmion and general public as a final sollnion of curing etornach and intestinal tronller.. Its lumens everywhere has trade it, in the last few year., the acknowledged specific it is tortes. Strengthen the whole digestive sys- tem with Mi-o•nn, and you will moon find that the stomach and bowels do their work an they should. There will he no distress after ea'ing mid no neer) of physic. Jas. Wilson ham so much feith in Lhe power of Mi-o•na to cure stomach ills Gott he gives a guarantee with every 50 -cent box tl refund the money if the remedy fail.' to cum. What the Number Indicated. Few people in Smoke Ridge had ever 'seen An Automobile, mo when one of these "recd devils" Mopped for a few ,nomente in the isolated village the curinnn inhabitanta gazed at the snorting demon with a mixture of tear and awe, And the owner, who bed entered eneral .tore est the one ► to rooks a purchase, heard one rustic remark : "1 het it's a roan killer ! " "Of course it is," assured another. "inook At. that number on the hark of the ear. That 'howa how many people it's run over. Thet'n aernrdin' to law. Now if that. feller was to run over anyhrxly here in Mrnoke Ridge, it would be our duty to telegraph that. number I:NI to the next town ah(Arl ..d, "Anwhat woiild they do 'r" de- manded the Intermitted and,tor., "\Vhy. 111e pidire wunld stop him and change his tawuber to 121 1" delayed them, but they finally reach- ed their ship. Musk oxen and hare: furnished the prineipal food, tad n few days more on- the ire would have Peen them with nothing w'llatever. The commander felt his disappoint- ment keenly. However. he cheerfully informed him audience that he would try it. again. "Though the temperature is 75•'de- gree'e below zero,'' lie said, "this is not beyond the r-ndurattei' of ti anion man properly clad. Indeed t» me it is not so trying a. n winter in New York or Washington." CIeso Season Fee Seals. An international agre•ment 1.. pre- vent the destruction of seal herds was urged upon Right Zinn. Jam.•. Bryen and Sir Wilfrid Laurier recently by Joseph Roscovitx of Victoria. }(.('. Under the terms of the Paris Award of 18113. Canadian and American seal - era had agreed not to catch seals b.' - fore the fret of Angled in any year; that they will not catch any seals within the three-mile limit. of the I'ribyloff islands and that the 11.e of firearms in the real fisheries he ale solutely prohibited. Unfortunately they reckoned without the Japanese. who, not being bound by the' terns of the Paris award, are free to do na they please. and with the characteris- tic enterprise '1 that people nrc do- ing as they please, taking seals wher- ever and whenever they can find theme using firearms and practically follow- ing a i -nurse, which, unleaa snore ter- minated, must inevitably result in the ext„rminat.irn of the seals The effect of this course of setinst by Japan has teen that the fknadian sealing fleet has been relunell from fifty ships to five. In the meantime, the Japanese seaalerm have opened their annual hunt an early in they -ear as May. and have been using firearm's Mg freely as they wished. Despairing of any international agreement being reached that will restore to them their former freedom of action, the Canadian seelers have now adopted, another tack. They are asking the Governments of Great Britain and the United States to apprnaeh Rsnsia and Japan with a request that a dose season for seal., to extend over a period of ten years at least, 'hall lin establish- ed Suring which the herd' 'halls be given an opportunity to reelefieTab'. Whether Japan will agree to motel' a proposition ie a matter for the future t 1 deride. if it is rejected it will not he for want of earnest endeavor nn behalf of the Canadian scaler'. Both the British ambassador and the Premiei have sefted the importance of the request. and each has prornie- e'a to do that whirl], in hie power. Ilea, to further the carrying nut of the proposal Canadian Coast Defence. Tt im known that the •Imperial Gov- ernment are favorably inclined to col- onial coast -defence forces, et the Aus- tralian Commonwealth is about to eonstruet a• torpedo flotilla to be man- ned and organized by their own Ma- rine Departmnent.. Them con be lift valid reason why Canada should not follow in the footsteps of her Rider colony. The question of expense should not prove a difficult one to solve, an the country's prosperity in- creaaee year by year. . In these eireumetan(ea one must hope that Comedian public opinion will be muss- el and a local naval defence fotee brought into being. --Outlook. Arousing Her Pride. "How did yon break your little girl from crying?'" "Easily enough. I told her it wasn't -manly." • "Life in Every Dose" "i cannot speak too highly of Pay - chine, for it in the grey/tent medicines 1 ever used. 1 was •JIM. about. ' all in' when i began the tretitallrnt, and in :1 months 1 was am well :at ever. It in :a great teni,• for walk mud run down pro pis. There is new life in every dose." .i.\N. NTtti,IKKfl. Ridgetewn, Ont., Pe.. ID, HMO. It is a tin not to toll 'roor mirk friends ahem this wenii. rf.t prewcription. Throat, lung and stoamsdl troubles, and all non down rewdilinn• gnirkl" cured by Om oar. At .11 dnlgthista, .ifle and $1.00, or Dr. T. A. Slpetssee Ltd., Tomato 'Phone 56 D. Millar Co.lre1 EW LACE CURTAIN:, EW MADRAS MUSLiNS EW FRILLED MUSLINS EW SWISS MUSLINS EW ART MUSLINS Just pass •d tido .to t. ole' vinriu,g iwportatiune of \Viuduw Lace Curtains. Variety, and r duos 1 a%.' nevek Lefore been equalled. New Laccs, New Embroideries, New Prints, New Ginghams, New Muslins, New Dress Linens, New Delaincttes, New Vestings. NEW WAISTS NEW WAISTS 51ot•e %Vttistn to hotel 11,1• week. mingiug /row $1.,,, 1,. si el, soon ..very otic the very teat v*ltie ter the pile waked. Vela tan MILLAR'S SCOTCH STORE P5a e . � J 'Phone 56 EVANS' BIG FLra.T. The Way It Would Have Toyed With the Spanish Armada. Speaking ot the fleet of -American battleships now Oil its wry to I'aclflc waters as an "armada," as some writ- es appear fond of doing, is comparing very things with great8• !t t thlttga very small. It IN true that the Spanish ar- mada 1u 158.., to which allusion of course 1s math, tilled a largo place In history and was a very spectacular at falx hi its day, but Its power ns com- pared with that of life fleet under Ad- miral Evan* -waw the power of a crow compered with that of an engle. 'The "Invincible armada" of Spain, which wet out to invade Awl wtpture England In :GSA, was a formldrible demonstra- tion of naval power tar that period. though It met with complete disaster. The armada consisted of about 130 vessels, some of them of great size. bot all 'wooden and without any prp- tertion against even the feeble artil- leryof that day. They carried 1n all sn 2.431 guns and ore then 19,000 men, besides the worklug crews. As tbesol- diere could not help work the ships, they were really lu tho ivay and much more helpless on shipboard ?lieu mod- ern marines. The cannon which formed the armament of the ships Were mere toys compared with -thenar of the present day. Finally the ships were all Bailing ships, cumbrously built. hard to maneuver and liable to be lust out of action by adverse winds. Torpedo boats and mobitors were un- known at that day. The 'Atnerle.n Beet consists of six- teen first rinse battleships. elgbt ar- mored cruisers. nine protected cruh.- ere, six gunboats, six torpedo boat destroyers and three monitors. The ahlps carry a total of 2.184 guns. any one of which could sink tho biggest ships in the Spanish armada with one abot from a distance that the heaviest gun to the Spanish fleet could not cov- er half the way. The concentrate] fir.' of all the ships in tie $panlah fleet would not make a dont hu the armored aides of one of the Americau shpts, while a .ingjv broadside from the Int - ter would sink or disable the entire armada. Finally the American ships, being worked by',team stud eleotrlelty, are entirely independent of w1ii4 and weather. After they hod stenmed through the Spanielt armada once, from end to end, coming oft scathlr4s, there would 11e nothing left of the ar- Inada,-Kennebec Jounsal. Transportation for the Goat. When 1 was conneweid wit 11 11 cer- tain Wo.tera railway," says a prr.rn- inent official of cul :'.astern Ito,', '•we had in our t•mpiny a bitwke11aan, who. for special 'service tendered tri the road. wits granted a Ih's viu•:at.iou. "He decided to speed his Mille, in it trip over the Rookies. \V.• furnished hint with papaws. "He went to Denver, ami there met a number tit his friends atvvot•k un one of the Colored(' rouidt. They gave hie, s► good 1' , and when he LEARN DRESS -MAKING BY MA I L 'AL at Ho 'W.• leant aur ,„ur.M 1.. 4• m eve•ry m rhml•ri•. wIwm ,herr• •n• I,,,I,5, aha vr'lecsl•rl to give, .11,1a h. the pwbh,a"' om,,S,,I $IS ❑'urs.• m dre•e.makine. 0n.:I nalreg our lydie�I Ta.k•r Sy+te+n f..r wh.de.ui.• price a.i,1e1 As there ate n lantr numtn'r . f')s;q,k. wire. "ally dressmakers mai )'.n canta•t leant h': mall we will vnel It -stern and brae k,.sl (tin.h tet. 14,. h•ow t. make n T. 'five feting "oiu.t, lrtriaterrd 1.. 0 ,' addre :. m I body-. .then von an' Mnstkd r1 ,1 ,an learn • •n•1 - .00 and w. tall f,,rwftd Intl iOur.e of k•s•.sw • 1'!..r• d' Mos tam' unless 'sits wish•tie learn •1re,.makinn; tar ars w, salt•' an tam ten Iran.. tint' v.v. x;114? ant,+• 1" Five :♦1(11...a..nm net . TV;'.t 1,'n,4. 'rh' ' M,•v.n.a tra,i, tt.w 1.. . r "MI to:vilrr, nny garmrrik ir. m •tla• lalnc•,t I.. wart suit to the most elaborate stress. TI•., the only course in t'an•, • that the wh..le talc s•. can learn by sats member takine it up we have been in t.ttsin,.. for ten sear' luta,. taught oev'r 71441. Il••varr ..f imiutten,. •, a,•me Inv,, leen known to rvpc "or ad a and e erre MOM,' a, here tie's weer not 1Ji..'m U, be the nieent..r .l t,i .•.ntrsr. G. ads. i. genuine witlhat' .sur $Ant111) guarantee. AA%:Yme• -f' 4111DntIIlsliaeDR EIS-CUTTING SCHOOL Al Lou 5trc..t,2llrattord, (liauri (;•nada. w.•ut 1iway made him 11 p 1 etll 1 u t txuuK u At, -Evidently our brake vas at a Imes to get the alibied hour' tv th him, ss 1 he espartos e'hat'gt•, wet very heavy at that 1' Finally, how- ever, hitting upon :t h:►ppv ex pet lent, he 11,a.(i out it 'shipping wag mid kit it to the horns of 1111/ gnat. Then It presented the Ii•aa b. the oniee of u• stock •c+ar• hoe. •'1Vel1, that tag .creat(NI 111slid o shill ml. hilt it .sewed 1) ace plish the end of the Ina 'mom, 11 Was itiseriie•d as follows: •' *Please Pass the Rutter, 'Phomas .1. alechin, In'.kem:ut, S. 'M, & T. I.RAiIWAy,"' . • "Yrs," Paid the old Iain. Addressing his visitor, ••1 aim proud of my girle. :and should like to see them all cum- forhably m:airied : and a. I've aurone n lit tie •y. 1,.. y,wont g,o to their husbands pro Hiles,. Their s Abu gam t. tweutrfl•e years .4.1. anal :a real good girl. I shell give her live thousand donate when hh.'s married. ':'hen co,IIes Beth who won't see thitty•tive :.gain. And 1hr'jl have ten thousand .:01110', and: the 1111111 who Lukes Dura, wile is forty, oil have fifteen 11 .laud dollars with het." The young mama reflected a moment nr no. ,mid then nervously inquires, "You haven't 0111' a1N+Ut fifty. have arm:'" Hume l ler.dd, Thru h ngur.L uuw draws Ihu line at setting his own wurdsr Yon can steal a munch 11u anyone without INeeking the 1.w. How. This? We nue • hunrlted dollar, rennet for any ea...of ...Montt I tat CAllnot he Mired b) Rolls Catarrh ('ore. II EN ): Y A ('11., Toledo, U tYa the undersigned No kuyw„ 1". .1. 'beney for the last l i sours, 1 trellis,. hie, perfret 1!' hams, Able 111 All bean.•1,1/1..1 inns ptetl financially able to parry out any 0bhgn. Huns Ic by hi, ane' . t1 ,m.ms,•. Kis a• e'. fi ?I ulna, N'Mele,wlc 1 h uiyias. Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh ('ore is takco internally, act- ing dir.•.a ly utrm 1110 I,I,s,I sud n111001i. sur fano of the system. Testimonials .0111 free. Price ,-.Hems per bottle. sold by ell druggists. Take Voll'.. Family 1111. for Ons tont Ion. •tt•ilt of is .71 71...); J.; 0/Ts MONTHLY MAGAZINE A FAMILY LIEIIARY The Best !.I Curicnt affairs :2 CO•1Pt.CTC NOVELS YCANLY MANY SN(' fl' STORIES AND PAPERS ON TC.ICLY TOPICS =2,80 PCP VCA,'; ?5 CTD. A COPY 140 CONTINUED, STORIES . Evens rtiatnen con.te'rt IN tract', 'Gray Buggies We have them with Rubber 'I'ireaiud w'e have there with a Steel Tires : mist we have Ihenl with Automobile. Seats and in all the latest STvl.ks. If you want a (fuggy, .n• ever•expect to want one, cell at • were - room and ser what we have. The Gray Buggy comes from the largest Carriage Vitiate.) in Canada. You can't make a mistake in buying a GRAY ROBERT WILSON Agent for McCORMiCK MACHINERY, BRANTFORD WiND MILLS. FLEURY and PERRIN PLOWS LOUDEN HAY TOOLS. STANDARD WIRE FENCE. STONE 11'e also have a barge stone q unrt•y And flee prepares 10 - oupply building 'stmt' or finite: in barge or smell qunalitie". delivered or nt bile smutty, Ware -Room Hamilton bt , GODERICH, ONT. A Newspaper Bargain THE SIGNAL Weekly -AND The Family 'Herald andW kl y Star $1.50 ar}' M1)NTCEAI, Thr Signal will furnish you with everything' of intermit in this local te•rri tory. Every home in thin district shred(' receive the !oval piper. The Family Ilereld Aml \Veekly Ater of Montreal istherieknowledgctl heat family and farm lolpe'r in Canada. Ito magnificent news service: it.1,,.1,1(011114 ••p,cial depat1.nlenls ; 11. iuterr.ti►ag noig:uir►s feat llrelr; its great rieri,ll. and {aupnlnr cohort storires, make ii. the greatest dollar's+ worth to he had. The comltination of The. Mignal and The Family Herald nnl Weekly Star rrtvidets the greatest nmountof wholemon,e family reading and reliable sews o m a1 part,. of the world. send pour enIwu a iption to T}tE SIGNAL, Godcrich, Ont. Tsarina; !larch IS, 1101 `# s.10 1 4�1B WW,) O MAN `( 1. dice n MS. iptidit MUDS LINIMENT -- LIMITED - -,1,4J1,y rn f .,. at PlSete YAR OUTH, .S TIt! 01161P;AL AND ONLY GENUINE BEWARE OF IMITATIONS SOLD ON THE MER'PI'S Of MINARD'S LINIMENT r OMB SEE THE al 1 New Buggies at Kn ax's ttt� \Lula ley the celebrated M Laughlin CO _ an "Only One Grade. itd That The lest." 1 i I have joist 1 l'iylsl a Willi - meta of these fin Huggies and invite slut• • bite '!i tW11/ call 11 arItPRICES RIGHT WM.' KNOX l',Ir.' Newgate and Hamilton sheens ODERICH IMMO H. B.. CKETT EMSA MER ANO 'FUNERAL. DI CTOR tuntil urum .1,Undertaking wn•non,r, are, udcrich Nest sale tot 'I'111/N }:•t: 81:x0 re How.•. 1;m Right vans: .4 residen,r., ror.l',lyt.leria loot nu I Nelson St J. BROPiIEY & SON 111P LEADING -- Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orden carlully anondod 10 at all hours, , .Ight or d•y 'PHONE 15 OR 24 /1or. Nest N'hen t3 otn want 1 and Yard' 1 street and Wnreho,..e TF1}. N}:e'1' at Dock/ Sa.aars) COAL ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS O N HAND WAD Coal weighed on tho market .wales, where you set pen Ital. for • ton. WM. LEE. Unless loft. al. (', 1', LKK't, Hardware Store owwadde tlnuaru, ',remotely attended to. SYNOPSIS OF Canadian Northwest Homestead Regulations. A117 even uumlr•red ..ret 1011 of Ibneiniml Lands in Manituln.. Snskatrhewan and A Iberia, oxer .t ing r and yt, not sewer, •d. may 1,e hone tcrteied by any person will. 14 the sole head of a fatally, or any mer la years of age, t0 ilia extant of ono -.platter ,,ei t fon of 1a1 *eras. mora or l ss, Appnt:alinn for entry must be ntewlc In t•ersnn by the applicant at a Ik,minion land. Agency or B,h-agenc • for the district In which the land i' situate. Entry by proxy nifty, however, be made at an Agency on curtain rnndalons by the. father, notheer, tam, daughter. brother or sitter of an Intending honiesn'adct. The boner -Ire is required to perform the homestead dull miler one of the following plans: 111 At least 'Ix months residence Iron and cnitivalloiof the land In each year for three years, 12) A homesteader may, If he so desires, pen form the requited re.lden a Alit it, by IR leg no terming t ,,eI owned etInly by him, not 10.4,than eighty talk ern" in extent, In the whinny of bl. Mstiest vol. Joint ownership in land will nut, meet this rcquleement. 1:11 If the father for mother, if the father Md.. 'mat.h of :. homesteader has permanent rest demo on farming land owned solely by him not less than eighty gin bes•• In esti nt. In the trinity of rho h 0,4 n s I rl 1 y fah lot homestead intend for by hum in the skinil r..ach home- steader uta y perform his own residence duties by tiring with the fit her (or mothers. in The term "tit -Jolty" In the Iwo pr'vwhn1 pnraafrmphs 1. nennrel as meaning not 11101 1111111 nine ndla, in a direct lino, exelmrl a of the width of ruled 'Moe/anent crewed in tho mmasurenosnt. Lit A homesteader intending to perform hi. re,Menr• Anile. In nro.'ntewe., with the above, while lit I ng with parte . or on farming land nwnmll tie himself niftst notify the agent for the dist r1•t of sneh Intent los. Nle months' notice In wet ins mn,t be Elven U) the 1'onlnn+toner of Dominion Lands at Ottawa of intention to apply for portent. N • W. CORY. hrpuy of the' Minister of the inferior. N.11. 1 'nanihnrlt(tt pnhh.•sllou of Ihl, t,d s sr11•eme4t will not be paid ter. t