The Signal, 1908-3-19, Page 22
THORilltal: March 19, 1998
aTfitraWertleftPM.11.1.1. ''.
aoesei, 11 "aren't).
:aelephone t Ian No. SS.
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Address all ootionenloations IQ
V.kN A TTEit & IttilikliTtiON,
Ting Sion•L.
The lieu. IV. S. Fielding. 'alinieter
of Entente., presented the annual bud-
get in the House of I.:omelet's At Ot-
tawa on Tueaday, and, like as prede-
cessors under Mr. Fielditig'm eurpiers,
it, was a cheery presentiment.
The change in clueing the fiscal year
on the 31st of March instead of the
antli of June tame int() effect bust
year. and the statement of receipts
and expeuditures wite for the period
of eine months ending March 31s1,
1007. For this period the sm•plus of
revenue over ordinary expenditure
atuounted to the megnificent Intel of
lain. 427,167, the largest surplus ita Cam-
ada's history. The surplus of revenue
over ordinery and capital expendittere
constrined was Valltalfil. Adding
thim the oinking fund of $I,177.1k4.
there was a decrease in the net, debt
of $3,37I,1I. The capital expenditure
Included the 54110 of 11.3.537.e107 fug the
National Treneeontinental Railway
and lerge aunts for other railways,
canals, and other public works.
Sleet Min the public debt has been
increased hy only $5,171,427. and this
in spite of expenditure, on capital
account of $127,000,1.11.11). The public
debt has been reduced from 11160.fra per
bead in ISP0 to 512.4I per head in
Mr. Fielding has been doing pretty
well in the way of surpluses, but fur
the current year he ertimates that the
surplus of revenue over ordinary ex-
penditure will Again break the re-
()ord. On account. however, of the
large capital expenditutes upon the
Netional Transcontinental Railway he
expects a deflcit in the total returns of
prebably al :401.10,1100.
At the clone of the preseut Orval
year the Government will have speut
un the new railway over 10.45,U1A000,
so that coneiderable olditione to the
public debt may he expected.
Mr. Fielding announced eurue
changes in the excise laws, reepecting
tubsicou and cigars; but there ace no
chaeges in the tariff.
41 him been bald in criticism of the
French treaty that it, does not give
the Canadian farmer any advantage.
NVeckly Sun, which stands for
the intereets of agii.-u, in politicel
AffAirs, does not agree with this view.
on the rontritry it Nees some very
consideiable And direct benefits to' the
farmer in the new trade agreement
with France. The Still eays) :
"What will the eoncessione granted
in, French goods' entering Canada cost
us ? The only complaint we have
heard againmt the reduction iti the
Canadian tariff on imports 111)1,1
France comes frinn some of throe who
are engaged in growing grape.t in the
Niagara l'enitestalit for wineonaking.
They fear that the reduction iu the
Canadian duty on French wince will
interfere with their home market for
grapes. This ,nay imissibly be tree,
but what Niagara grrgrowers may
lose in tway will be 14 that'
made up to them in the addition to
the home market due to the transfer
of the Harveseer. Trust's export busi-
nese to Hantilton.
"If the coneeseion %mitred (rum
Prance in the ca0* of impleinentri
stood alone it would of itself he al-
most sufficient to jiistif a the treaty ;
but it does not stela alone. Can-
adian bacon hi to he allowed to enter
France on payment of *2.111 per tnie
hundircii imunds, am e ((((( pared with
State on Ainerican Caniolian apples
ere allowed entry at 17.7 cents per
one hundred pounds, while AMerican
-apples are charged II Cent*; and the
tax on our dried apples is 87.7 email,
while American stocks ere forced to
pay $1.32. Altogether, it is not. too
touch to expert that the new treaty
will, ha • parntively 'short time,
prove t.SP means of trebling our ex-
ports to the French market." ,
The D. it C. line is ta make (lode -
rich a port of eall this year. Every-
thing'e coming our way.
- -
Spitrimim Nan is said to be in circu-
lation in the Provinee. The rejeirt is
not, alerming, however. There is ett
little eoin .41 440) kind lllll I
that even the eminterfeit wart iv not to
be deepieed.
It is reyiorted that "Jet." Niertin.
of manite',1 and later ot Ilritisli
Columbia, U. England noel
may take a baud in liratiali
I.'alward who told 'file London Timer
about the Kaiser'. letter to Lord
Tweediuoutb which created a small -
tier,' crieis iu British affair.. Tne
King has always been credited with
wonderful tAct in keeping clear of
rued! iudiscretions --but perhaps, now
we know who did it. a was not All
intiteerclion after all.
lord Itohebery's speech may explain
itOille rerell1 election manila in Great
Britain which have been regarded as
victories for tariff "reform." }Irvine,
its they suppueed, killed protection et
the led general elections, it i* not
unlikely that the Beale!) voters, fear-
ing no further trouble front that
'welter. have now reit out to crush
aucieliem, which has been makiug con-
sidereble headway in the old laud.
To achieve their iltirlloge, they have
oted against outdid& tee supporthag
the Liberal Govertiwent, whieh bits
shown a tendency to socialistic legis-
Canadian borse-breeders mhould le.
wade acquainted with the condition.
of the Britibh home market, in which
there is a eousiderable deficieucy of
dipply. Army officers state that
there is a write', shortage of horses
suitable for cavalry purpoees, and as
British breedete are not meeting the
deinand there will be a. good market
for imported idock. If Cenobite
fareiere could be made acquainted
with the style of horse demauded, the
requiretnents of the British market
could be filled front this couutry aud
Canadian breeders could build up a
profitable trade.
- --
The member for West flown at
Ottawa proposes that of the six
members of the Dominion railway
continission not more than four ahall
be appointed Nein the saute political
party. So far AS this is intended to
prevent the giving of tt 'Artisan ap-
pearance to the commission, the pro-
posal is it good one ; but we have
never heard that there is any com-
plaint against the coi lllll iseion on this
sone. The best available men should
be deaden for membership OD the coin-
inisiitin, regardless of their piety
Affiliations. and if they should all
happen to be Liberals that in itself
out(' not be gimel grimed for • cone
int. 41. tin the other hand, the
ute boat fitted for the important
• of the coininisision should hap-
pen to he Conmervativee, the Gevern.
"tient ould have no hesitation in
sppointin them. A- a inattt r of
fret, the ister of Railwaya tobl the
Hogue of Cot nuns Gm other day that
be bad no idi,4 what tatiliticed views
were held h the late Judge
• chairman the counnissima
A bird note thrills the th thin Anti harc.
And leek 4.4.01 40 wombs rosict .t Irani
Harkthrough tbeiressbetwe mbi,tlinct of t hc
serists reed -pipes echo with a .oftet t
41 hearts tbat loved thi. N•oca1lan.1 kat', la,
year !
0 dm: deed rod thgt weld the way of hit,
Methinks thine ?elms. can sometime. hirer -
Or is it bill Larth's loom lett tdow .he weave.'
-Vront 4 anadian
As Dr. Macklin Would Say.
Tet onto Trlearam
I•lat Jtiiititia get) Wartstito
Brilliant Theityyht
ilarnilton Spectator,
etringency with the "r"
let mit is what's the matter with a
good ninny people.
What• ANNA the C. M. A.?
Hhindoes Tinto.
..1'itateet4on." Lord Itosebery de-
clares, "is a great evil, a groat
tyranny and a great eource of corrup-
1.100.. Carried unanimously !
Hurrah for MacKaj I
London Advertiser.
The story that Hon. A. (i. MticKity
Is tiring of the Liberil leadea-ship
comes entirely from the Tory press.
The wish it probably father to the
thought, and mey be taken AR a com•
plintent bv Mr. MacKay.
Ahead of His Time.
Toronto fitsr.
liengosigh's motion to tax im-
provement values was voted down.
Galileo. as we *remember. was put in
prison for beiug in advance of his
time. but the worst that can happen
Lo a philosopher in the t wentieth cen-
tury is not enough to make Ald.
Benstough 'stop dulling for it eecond.
The Lary Public.
1% cod. to. k Sentinel fierlee.
A Toronto school trustee gave its his
reason for desiring to resign the lack
of interne dimplayed b7 the rate-
payers. '1Vav lie not justified ? If the
people as it whole refuse to take an
intemot in their own business, what
right have they to expert individuals
to relieve them of their responsibili-
ties ?
The "Biggest" Is Not the Best.
Segforit. Expositor
"More braise and leen pulp," is the
advice Hon. Pruitt Oliver, Minister of
the Interior, gave the editors at a
meeting of the Canadian Press Asset-
cletion in Toomto lest week. Mr.
Oliver is righL-The newspapers of
todey devote too much of their energy
getting out the "biggest" paper, arid
not 'nearly enough livable on giving
the people twenty in Ilse reading met -
Showing Up a Fallacy.
N. V. Journal of f omniercc.
We always hare to remember flint
with your hidebound pro, petion is•
oreign trade ham only one profitable
itle and means Netting all you ran in
titer countries and baiying ars tittle RR
possible from them. Thin means in
lie final analyxis giving as much RR
1/0tOtillle tend getting nit little AS 00.
ible in retinal, for foreign trade h*
inly en exchange of fides.
Come Diagnosis.
..Igaty Openti.
Here ix rather a good yarn :
Gr. Fitzpatrick, who im 'something
it humorist. wigs !tinning down the
Lep+ of a hospital. when he niet with
fellow doctor.
"liello, Fitzpatrick !" cried the late
r, notieing t hat him 11 lend looked
leased. ..Y.iii•re in a hurry. What'h
Good lock, Joe ' And y -don't pt.
hurry back, JOP
80 It torn% out that it wa. Ring r
he matter any good ramps?"
"I should think so cried Fitzpit-
ick. "V. a've got it woman in the
ward updating who 00 crofts -eye(
that the team ruu dutvn her back."
"Mesa me!" aaid has friend. "You
can't do anything fin. her, eau you?"
"I should think we cau --in fact we
have," cried Fitapattick. "We've
treated her fur bacteria."
Advice for Mr. Whitney.
Moutrul Stet.
It winild restuire courage for id Mill
hater to take advantage of a redis-
tribution bill to actually reduce the
number of representatives by ally
considensitie number ; but nUelt cour-
age would cur lllll eud itself highly to
the min -party taxpeyers. Yet. at is
obvious that, if every 111CreiltiO In popu-
lation is to be met by simply adding it
few weutbere to the Legialeture, we
will after a time have Legislatures es
large as the Federal l'arliatuent now
ie ; and the Federal Parliament lb
half as large ats the body whielt
governs --not only thta forty IlliniOtlb
of Gm 1 7nitet.1 Kingdama- but the three
hundred and fifty millions of the Brit-
ish Empire as well. 1Ve ought to pay
home attention to proportion, and
seine heed to the length of the 141
paYer's purse.
The Ezcitabk Kipling.
Mont real Witt)...
We eat, make nothing out of the
despatch telling ne the views of Mr.
Itudyard Kipling with regard to Can-
ada and things in geueral. He ie
made to speak of the most stable
people in the world VI being uoted for
violent hysterics. Oue caning very
easily dissociate the idea of violent
hyeterics from the Englishman when
the Euglielituan is Mr. Kipling. Mr.
Kipling s way of thinking imperially
seems to iuclude discussions about
cuttiug the painter and the encour-
*gement of dependencies to fall foul
of each other. The explanation of his
frenzy scene. to lie in the fact that he
himself is. as he declares. kg) excited
by political a • may that be could
not live ill Eugland under a Liberal
government. and has to go about
tuakiter all the trouble he van for it.
The Ancient Game of Bowls.
Loudon Medimi
Oue of the most recent revivals is
the ancient game of bowls, which now
bide fair to take once more again a
leading place among the sports of
Merrie England. As a matter of fact,
it is just as good a gatue today as it
Wad ill the time of Raleigh or in lite
remote Anglo-Saxon times. Frotu 41
medical point of view we have no-
thing but praise for this most ex.
eellent of recreation,. It provides
open-air exert -Pie and atimsetuent for
pld and youtig, it is admirably fitted
for many invalids, reel, above all, it is
one of the best. of what may be called
natural (opiates.
ogit's display of spriog millinery will
Lake place next week and will include
Tuestilay. AVeduestlity and Thursday,
2411i, "..11th and 2{10, which will srive
patrons an opportunity to selert for
Eader front lei unusually. fine and
large asisortment of stylish and dainty
deeigns. All are welcone• to attend.
Whitney's Promises Broken.
Kea:sloe Wilt*.
The Cureset•vetivem under Mr. Whit..
ney have mat been verifying sonar. id
the promises they made to the elec-
tors. Here Are dome off the planks
from the party platform Wane mad
during the last election :
Loosened expenditure.
Reduction of the number of Cabinet
Abolithin of taxes un financial cor-
Reduction of the succession ditties
Two•cent-itouile passenger rate on
the railways of New Ontario.
Adoption of the Pet typiece plan of
railway taxation.
Requiring all convictonade goods to
be labeled such.
At a late banquet Mr. Whitney
mwelled with pride visibly its he con-
lanapleted the vvonderful things he
had accomplished. The Oppoeition,
he said, had nothing to complein of,
nothing to criticise. No? Well, when
he appeals to the people he will bear
more upon the aubject, and to UM
manifest disadvantage.
Advice from a Neighbor.
l4rtt.e14 INTL
boderich, the tidy county town of
Iiiiron. NIP centre of tench that is
good and is looked upon by many of
its residenta with no small degree of
pardonable pride. They have the
court house And necessarily live in an
atmosphere of law. Courte, judges,
statutes, lawyers and witnesses are
co llllll onpliu:e tuatters there. Often
the litigants iire noiereeidents, but
occabionally inside of the ourporation
the dove of peace is wanting and the
lawyers are given practice enough to
keep them in fettle for their legal
co:obeli' with the outsiders. Since
the municipal election a tangle Ilan
been on the program ;over the mayot•-
alty. Or. Macklin was declared
winner mid made his official bow and
inaugural address. There was blood
oti the fare of the moon, liewever, and
the result was that Robert Thompson,
who oppose -NJ Dr. Macklin, de ded
a tecomit anti was accorded the 'relit
of Then followed another of -
tick] bow and a mecond inaugural ad•
dress, and the elector. imAgined the
War WAA over, lett the Doctor wasn't
satistiol and objected to the new oc-
cupant holding the chair and it, may
result in Meyer Thotupeett taking a
lack seat. 'Mose municipal fusses are
not tile hest thing in the world fur a
town and ehould be eechewed ite far
as possible.
Let doge delight to lila Raid WV!
And heathens tare end swear,
Ihn, in one twetve llllll ith
No tdift men shoiski be mayor.
- - -
PANIIIN.-The Meech number ef the
1Voinan's Home Companion epturee
public notice with its eharming cover
pita t iire of a Japitnese gill <one of the
daintiest magazine covers that have
appeared in yeara. This issue in the
:1)ring fashion nnother. and fm it
race Margaret Gould, the hidden
editor, has prepared many rendable
peso*, illustrating in detail the .41.
Vi •e minertet !Ryles. Dr. &heard
Everett Hale rontrIbutem it charming
talk on "Home Reeding." Kellogg
Inn lard, the author of "The Red
Reign," lineal) article of ahsorhing fil-
tered. entitled "Women of the Re-
volt. ' containing aorne heel Crentling
anecdotes of the pert that certain
brave women hAVP played in the Rim-
eirin revolutiori. lir. Woods Hutchins
von writes on '"I'lie Mental (frosti)y of
Ratifies," a refreshingly bright et( iele,
end les Berheller. Francle Lynde,
Elizebeth Noma Phelps and many
others emit' Noe fiction. Tie. notiel
depart men! s, presidisl over lav MAI*
pt i•t Satigitter. Fannie Merritt
Farmer, Anna Mts.... Richardson and
nt hers, are belpfill and et fillet Ivo.
The whole numbei is beautifully illus.
t rated.
8,titter or later the ehrolvir kkkre
xeta tont in it.
A the individual States will be bound by
ita resoiletIons, according to the con-
etitution of the republic. Hitherto
the chief difficulty iu the way aff
reaching an agreetneut has been
owitig to the feet that each State
along the boundary has had charge of
ite own fiaberies laws, and a COL11111011
agreement could not be reached,
How Canada WW Gam.
Callat13 bas everything to gale by
the new treaty, ed our fisheries regu-
latioue lo the waters referred to are
notch more strict thau has beeu the
owe with the States across the border.
The new arrangement will practic-
ally mean that the l'ulted States
Government will adopt the Canadian
standard of inland tIsheriee protec-
lake Miehigan will be eseuipt Erma
the applicetion if the treaty, and to
otreet this on the Cenadiett bide the
Georgian Bay will be exempt.
The drheriee iiuratiou it, the first, to
lie settled of the outstanding
between the two countriea which were
diecussed by Hon. Janus Bryce with
the Ouvernineut here during his re-
cent vieit. In respect to other ques-
tions. negotiations will have to 1*
coutiuued for some titue yet.
Quebec Bridge Disaster.
l'he report of the royal commission
appointed last September to investi-
gate the cause of the Quebec bridge
disaster Wel.5 presented to Parliament
laet week. 111 brief, the lindinge of
the conunisrioners place the whole
blame for the catastrophe upon basic
defecta in the deeign of the structure.
E. N. Lewis ( Went Huron) has giveu
notice of au amendment to Hen. Geo.
P. Graham's bill respecting the rail-
way commission. by proviffiug that
litit 11110re then four membere of the
board rhs.II be Appended from the
same political party.
Str;neent Provisions for tile Preven-
tion of Corrupt Practices Export
Duty on Pulpwood Proposed by
West Huron $ Member Canadian
and United States Sioundary Fish-
eries to bit Subject of Treaty.
Ottawa. March 16. --The Houle, of
CUMIN/11d today had its annual die-
a:tuition on cigarettes. A resolution he-
ing intioduced by Mr. Klein, member
for Peel. to prohibit the importation,
manufacture and wait I helm little
articles with which 111t.ii and boy, -
and sometimee women amuses thew -
'selves. Several mealtime supported
the eceoletion, while other(' expressed
the view that legislation was mat the
right way to eorreet any evil that
alight mud in the tuatter of eigmette-
smoking. The debate was adjourned
and the matter i. probably disposed of
for thim session.
For Pure Elecuons,
Mr. Aylusworth's bill to ameod the
IMininion elections act is an interest-
ing measure. In iutroducing it the
Minister of Justice said that in exam-
iuitig the preeent election law with a
view to improving it he had found
himself in most inatatnees unable to
bliggest ally etthetatitial betterineut.
The trouble wits rather with the ad-
niinietration of the law than with the
eneettuenta themselves. Perhaps the
principal feature of the:unending bill
watt the provision with regard to con-
tributions to election hinds. He pro-
posed that contributions from any
eouree to an y election contest
shim& be made to toil through
the btatutory agent, that the
agent should lie required to make
Public to the returniug officer in the
sante wey in vrhich he makes pub -
tic his dishuniements for the can-
didate the amount and source of
all election cootributions bll received.
Contributions mole otherwise than to
the agent would I* illegal. and
it would be the duty of the agent to
publish the amount and source of all
the contribution:1 made to hien. Con-
nected with this there was a provision
prohibiting any company ageinst con-
trilmting auy amount whatever to an
election campaign fund, and enforcing
that nrohibitiou by heavy penalties
upon directors, shareholdet•s or legal
oMeers of any etatipany which AO
transgressed the law. Theo. was also
at pt ovision intended to prevent the
circulation of lathe statements with
regent to the personal conduct and
antra tater of le candidate at an elec-
tion. Another proposal was that A
eater whose might lutve been
omitted from the lid, but who war
entitled P/ vote, should he able to
vote on A speciel ballot, on taking an
loath that he believed him natue lied
been Mad verten fly omitted. Two
tither import:ult. provisions were that
uo number er nuok which the deputy
returning officer might make on a bal-
lot shcialti void that vote, and that
the man who paid or accepted titouey
ass. bribe (should not. only he subject,
to tbe peualties of line aud imprison-
ment- but also be disfranchised for a
period of eight years.
Government Annuities.
lion. Mr. Fieldiug iutimluted a bill
providing for the Mem tif Government
annuitiee. The ineareire, though dif-
fering multi, IrArtiettlitrM, aubstan-
Gaily follows the lines of the bill
presented by Sir Richard •artwright
in the Senate. The object of the bill
ie .provide moderate annuities at
the least possible cut aod with the
greateht possible stsmrity.
-Accounting for Returns.
There woe ,ut Itemising SiTtat iu the
House one day last week which bad
it* source iti the tactics of obstruction
which have been employed by the
Opposititin this session. Opposition
members attempted to justify this
uleitutiction by claiming that informa-
tion asked for was net made available.
The Ministers replied that the returns
were being made out as feet as the
departmental clerks could work, awl
The Toronto Globe published front the
official mold* it statement showing
that a number of Conservative mem.
bens had tAken away official returns
and had not returned them tai tbe of -
Herr in charge of such docuruents.
The publication of this stetement led
to a furore among the menthere in
question, Yell10 title after another arose
in the HouseAnd tither denied having
the doeunielMi or made various ex-
cuser; for not having handed then)
back. There was a great scramble
among the members to escape the
accusation of keeping official returns
in their memeetsion. and desks were
turned out end their contents searched
to discover if possible tiny of the miss-
ing documents.
Mr. Lewis' Proposal.
The pulpwood- problem was dis-
cussed on Wednesday on A reatnitition
introduced be E. N. Lewis, the mem-
ber for West 'Huron, who urged that
an export duty Ise pinned on pulpwood
sufficient to induce dm manufactute
into paper in Canada. Several meni-
hers from the Province of Quebec
took part in the diecussion, expressing
tbe view that the imposition of au
export duty wits undesirable. Dr.
Beland pointed out that the pmtec-
tion and preservation 04 1.1151 forret, of
Canada were led attenirient upon an
export duty, brit upon regulations
governing the crating of ti•ees, pro-
tection front fire. etc. If the milli, of
the United States were tronsplanted
to Canada, the change would not tend
to the preservation of the Cenadian
forests. An expert rhity would in-
juriously and mijustifiably affect pri-
vate interests.
Fisheries Fruity in Sight.
The interesting antionneepient
made that 41 hash of egrembent has
rrartically been reaehed between the
'rifted Stater( Arid Canada relative to
a final settlement of the fisheries (pies -
Lion. Corrempondenee Is being, ex-
changed between the two Govern-
ments looking to the (beating of the
terms (if treaty whir+ will be
made between (treat Britain end the
I 'n Red States.
It is linalerstonsi provision im Iseing
made for 41 • 'regulations framed by
•i board of eix commissionere, three
ppointeti by the !Atte' Mates and
ntfiree by Cenada, in rempecto to clear
sennene, the silt` nets to be used,
the eventing of liCPTIIIIP1t, etc. for the
waters' of Parmainereposte St.
John River weetward fro the begin-
ning nf the internationel boundary at
• Reaim, filieliee. the great lakes,
Lake Champlain, Rainy River, Rainy
Lake and Juan de Puce straite. B. C.
The treaty will lie for four p.m... and
may he rontinned after that,
rut both Governments nee anxioue to
t he present tineatisfactory etAle of
*theirs whirl) rapidly lending to the
lean' mat ion of fish in therm waters'.
Ity making intei nationel treaty
Redistribution Now in Hands ot Com-
munes -- Government Joins in
Movement for Forest Reservation
-Duel Between Premier Whdney
and Former Premier Ross Over
Power Question.
i'oronto. March 1U. --At a cauens ot
the Goverument party held last week
Premier Whitney expressed Ids desire
to have the business of the Legisla-
ture expedited in order that the Nee -
:don may he closed and au election
held At the earliest possible date.
second week in June is looked
erect:inane.. A very probable date for the
One of the important matters still
to be dealt with at tiais session is the
rearrangentent of the constitAericies.
A special committee has this :natter
in hand, the members being the Pre-
mier. Hon. v. J. Manna. lion. A. J.
Matheson, 1. It. Ditrgavel and F. O.
ftlitediarmid, on tbe Government side,
and C. M. Bowman, N. Clarke end
G. May, of the Opposition. Mr.
Whitney took the Howse into his con-
fidence to the extent of stating that
the membership of the Legislature
would be increased to something over
It hundred, the repretigutati llll To-
ronto being increased and a number
.if new conetitmencies created iu New
Ontario. The plan for Toronto is to
have two inetubere. instead of one,
from each "if the four electoral
trieta tif Use city. The Opposition
leader objected to this scheme, which,
IU. he poiuteil olit. does, not git e the
mineritv a bur chance.
Large Anmants Paid in Legal Fees.
On ‘Vedneeday Mr. bitnith (Sault
Ste. Mariei started the warauert dim -
cumin°. of the session by pointing to
the large atteniuts paid to lawyers biat
year from the Provincial funds. "I
notice on page after pegs of the piddle
accounts.' maid Mr. Smith, 'able names
of law firms whieli hAve been paid
lergefeer by the troviuce during the
last year. I thidk the thivernmetit
should give twine explanation of it.
Because you have got Iota of money is
no reiterlit- why yon should !throw it
away like it drunken mailor." The
Premier said thet if the items were
too large the member :Mould make
some charge and prove it if he rould.
Opposition ineruhers pointed out that
the public aceounta c lllll mince had
notet been orgailized, and there VASS
no opportunity to probe the accounts.
The specific. item which Mr. Smith
criticized woo held over.
To Proteg the Forests.
The Government. is taking step: to-
wards the protection of the forests of
the Province, in recognition of the
itentinent danger of the serious (le
pletiou of our forest reeources.a The
appropriations for eared rangilfg and
tire ranging are being increased, and
epotial regulations will he instituted
for the preservation of the tiniber in
forest reserves. It is intended also to
extend the area of Crown reserves by
taking in certain areas now under
1Spring Term
11.1 • 1.
xnada's theetest Chain of High tirade
Ho.incess Colleges. located at
l'enatteefteretfli W;,,.;1 s,
I 'LINTON • WaLadttitiN
ChtANGX%11.Lr. eloMERIt n
(idiom; the custom of Misfile. concern,
and lakes no vacation,
stenographers. Hook keepers and Tsang
molten. are in greet demand in lnir.
August., septomber And October.
0'e inin more yming people than any
other nimiegement in Oatistlo.
There now. be R MOM): a -rite foe it.
fiE0 SPOTTON:. Prinritiel
111•111111.112MW/21. al
from April Mb merino. into 010
,letomer Term from July lit h. Kilter
110N" atol he meals' fors gord situation
in the earl; autumn. New ratalogne
I free Write foe it.
crxtasl. mimivrrite cot I Mir.
VONIl I.: and 0 IRR A RD Ats.. Toronto.
W. te. SHAW, Principal.
Correct Styles for Spring Wear.
Nobby, Serviceable Coats at popular prices.
Keel y day auniething new, built fag of fresh fie taints of
may be reel) in our store, making it a (et y inter-
est) ug 1101."
Goderich Ladies Wear
'West Street
Changed System of
Keeping Clothing
I have diacitetted my former method ol keepiug Clothing,
and bave put in THE WEIR WARDROBES.
6' This system tauablee tus torhow the full range al clothing
at once, keeps clothing from getting creased, and is absolute-
ly dust -proof.
Inbide Gime ‘VatArobes is kept a large anti handsome
btOrk of up-to-date clothing, the ptxxluct of the best tailor
*hope in Canada.
You will soon be wentitig a Spring Suit --dont fail to 'ter
some of the uicest clothing ever shown in town.
Prices range from $8.00 to $20.00
1110110 id square deal to everyffne money batek if goods
turn telt tinsatishetoi .
The Right Place for Men's Clothing and Furnishings
license. The Oppottitiort leader his 114141
laid down a pulley of forest preserve- t,
Gott as is portion of the Liberal plat- A
form, and the Government will have
the united support of All parties in
effective deps along the Iiiies i -
d cated
Mr. Hislop'.
Mr. Iiislop, the member for East.
Huron, had a bill befoew the /louse to
amend the eleetion lot by making it
compulsory for candidates for the
Legislature to bold public meetings •
for the placing of their views before
the electors ids. prohibiting canvitie . •
sing for votes, end compelling elector -
to go to the polls. Mr. Whitney
could not see /DIV merit ha the pro•
postale, and Mr. 11 4-1. the
The Power Situation.
•••• • ****** 41* ••••••••:
Sprang leran Opens Apra 1 1st •
the At ) Hole 01
41,1, it...Illation, tur ateted
for a Irit IIIG/11,s1 Wt.
idt-i M. • 01 ..,a41011. Wt. have titre
4),,,.,, 4. Coinntertial, teltott
ttid Attid itiogropitie grid.
nate.- .ti, 4) • •1111`01,11. 11 1111Cfr•ted
C4 4 0111 fr.
I. 1, t'
The Niagara power problem has I 144 •
leseu occupying A greet deal of the
'attention of the !louse. Aii enquiry
by Hon. A. G. MacKay as to the prog-
ress that has been made drew out the
Premier, who in the coerse of his
reply stated that certain agreetuenth
enteral inte by the late Goverument
tied the !muds of the Province in the
matter of power development. The
l'retnier'e statement turn hrought
from the late Pre IIIIW 01.
ItORS, a vigorous reply throtigh the
colutuus of l'he tilobe, in which the
Senator said Mr. Nill:titey himself
wits rastentsible fey the present con-
ditions respeeting this matter. Mr.
1Vhitney liatidetl out a statement to
the inet* ill defence Or WM P0iitiOn -
HMI KO the merry AVR.1' gees fte while
hi. WOO. are etill wa hoc for
Niagara power.
• • Nab* ••• 1.• • Ole • ON* *tee
SPRING TERM from April ist.
1. 100. .01d 11/. 1.# 401114
1..Z,111* x.144011.1.. the manner ot fall.
atei "
TOECINTO, 0111'.
01% • 1(1,11 tee 1,00L
Till, coliege ha. 11E1 TIN qatur.•
teRiderrt, illertyk ettitirltodd.
f•ellItie. ((tr. [Reim:
•ttletleill.- lig. At crag.
Itu.tro,.. ()peel claire rter. All
elrtmliml., get Itoteltheill• awl .01110 t At •
itlogeo free. V1% J. KLL11117. Pristeipai.
( YOlhetr issd Alremilder
Bedford Block.
1 When down Town
1 The Store that Pleases.
call in at Butland's Drug Store and
have your Grippe checked. Our
tablets do the work quickly and effec-
tually no bad after-effects. Put up
In 25c. boxes at
-White Pine and Tar 1
The best Cough Remedy
Sold by
25c a Bottle