The Signal, 1908-3-19, Page 1fzr Get into the Gacne L with an adveruselnent in The Signal. Bright. at- tractive advertising is the hest Investment the iner- (hant can make. The Signal has the *emulation that counts. 4444044. Aiouat. Don't Run Away Nib the idea that you can - get any better pr,ndng any where than you can get right -here at Tee signal. 11 Leave your next order this office. at •I\l'1' FIR$T YEAR -No 1li1 GODERIOH, ON 1'ARIO, CANADA : MARCH 19, 1908 VANATTSR t ROBERTSON, Permeates Pinanolal SAFE 4 PER CENT. INVESTMENT BY OPKNINO AN ACCOUNT WITII THE STANDARD LOAN COMPANY you will experience throe happy feeling which coulee to thew wire know that their porereeeionn are bate, as a **vireo account with -this company is just as secure ea au inveettnent lu Govern- ment Bondy and yields a higher rate of income. FOUR per cent. interest paid on deposit. and money can he iwitlednewn ot any tiWo. Goderich Office, Corner North Street and Square. W. L. HORTON, MANAGER. A tramp by the name of Smith, claiming Paris as his house, was taken charge of by the officers of the law yeeteudey and committed to th j it e a for a 11101611, UcKJLLOP MUTUAL. FIRP; IN - at AURA N (• k (2 O. -veru uud iwlated town properly Ionated. nManv-J, n. McLean, pros. Kipecu P. 0. T. Frame viou te.i , Brocade's' I'. 0. Thomas F:. flay., tiec,•Treae., Seafurth 1'. O. Directory -Wm. Chesney, Baufur11 ; John O. Grieve, N'Iuthro: George Dale, Neaforth; John Bennewe4 Dublin: James Evan., Beech- wood ; John Walt, Horluck : Tho.. Frame. Brumfield ; John H. McLean. Klemm : Jar. Connolly, Clinton. J, W. Yeo, Holmervilio, agent for Wet Huron. Pollrybnldeto can pry areeaamenta and get their cards revel ted at Tozer & Brown'., Clinton, or at 1t. 191. Cott n grueery, Kingston ,Leet, Uederk:h. Notice to Creditors IN THE SURROGATE COUItT OP THE COMITY IRCRON. ly Hit Marra* rat 101.1111: isr 14%10 Itrr AIN. LATE Or Trig irow-mouri• %veer IraWsrmen. 1)4 Tile cot Ole te 11. noa, 0:10411 IntltSetp. i„,ri.oz elation /Walton. the Iodate Of the wild lots' Mellwai". hu died on ur about 'be out day of March. 1.115. an, require' on ra before the loth tioy ot April. roe. to wool by pert prepoid or to dent er to !toted Mellwarn. tho too n.hip a Colborne. morehoot. and A ode. Malvern, of the toenalap %Veto Itedetniett. fanner, exc.-Mors a the WM Yell and icoottient of the mid deceased. their ..iaremes isod deo-Hollow and fall tostetnent of 'Parleying, of thoir and the nature or tho y Of onyi held liy • the asset • a the de. cooed /planar/ Me Ile claim. of which they then have note,. Dated thle Ilkh day of Mars•h. tor. ROBERT 111, IL 11 AIN 1 VOTICK 18 HEREBY til•'EN THAT is r meeting cif tbe boedneklere of the Kerne !MOO Quarry i'ocapiny. 14wIted. wW be held 1, 'he town be& at Kato., 410 Friday. Ube 371 lu l'PLICATION TO PAItl.1.%M ENT. • hereby gavot that app11.111101i le made to the Lutisho ono .4 tlic l'rot Mete of tat irio at its amen% sitting for on Art to e 111 11, hi • On end it of the town of Coolerich s sie and selling Certain part. of O' .;. Fromm. Water lone. Beate street rust ▪ us low 22 for °plosion up a road in extort ..ot. 01 Water Lane. In the loon a Oortatich. 1Yood te the ',morn of Ile town looderich November. 19117. nal the memocut en- ,. rept into pileillinnt thereof. A. II. MACIW1N Aldo. Solicitor foe he A polo OTICE TO INVESTORS. -THE it Al/ewers of the ratite of the hoe merge Acbcoon hate derided to oder the Mile estate 'Or eole TOe property oneelot. of 1..it eters.. Osbert woos. Moeda arse storks doPertiot eats get fall portioubu, on ApplIca lieu :0 the taconite:tn. Mod. EA sr 8. ALIVE/War. Gottlieb. Iltett. 6th, liet7. Public Notice GODERICH MARKETS. earl wheat. per boob new pi 115 to II 0 8B Oat, per hook, new 0 43 to 11 30 Flour. fondly. per cwt • g 14.5 to 2 85 Shorts per too 1111 00 to Se On Hay. new. per ton lri on to 17 61.1 Chao.% per lh 0 13 to Pi 13 Egos. frosh. for dos 0 el to 0 21 Potatoes. hey. • 11 So to 0 S3 Hotta live weight, per owl... 3 oo to 6 ou Sheep. per eat 3 In to 4 op Flacon. per lb 0 11 la 0 IP Isowt, per lb 1.5 to 13 3 so to 3 30 04 to 0 03 Shorp8klas 36 to 00 Lost or Found Card of Thanks IA ItD OF THANKS. -1 WANT TO 1, thank all my friend., and the people meta wally of West Wawaitoals for the greet kind tie. and sympathy shots to the late Mr.. alcAllhoter, utyself and sou, in the groat luso we hove routalool in tric death of a loving wife t bought f ulnas. u. appreciated. Attain thanking you. I remain. yours. .itteercly. ROBERT Situations Vacant V It for general farm and garden work. Applo .1 0E) I sTEW ART'S OR EENHOVOIKO, Brea WANTED. --A MAN FOR LIGHT undoestands care of stock preferred A noel home for imitable peewit'. Apply ,W awe W HENRY HORTON. 110t Lake Road wee for genets' houtiework. Ame to MRS. 1610UND.- ON BRUCE STREET. A cm °bums mote op. opplicatim at HOWELL'S MARDWARF. STORE. A1011TUAUE SALE. 1 ruler power of stale contained in 3 rcrtain nowtsom. which will ho produce, ot the time ot mho there atll be sold by publsc suet . ot the Colborne Hotel. the matt of Godertela Teesday. the 31st day of Man+. 11v el. ▪ 1: o clot k noon. the sowbelly 1. o ..rt me western half of Lot number eight. In Me it • h all he 'pound...lit 0.• 1110d opplianom therelo 'plowing with comfort -Ode hrkk dwelling. good ntahling .04 '10118404 inguipped 11. e% ery nay for the Manamture of brick. All In iro,ei rr.R.14- Trot per cent. of purchase money at tiler of male balance odthin tiny.. Ferther renters nod roodlt Imo of sole hem )4. Jt)11NrIT0N. (*redo', sairitor. Iteal rotate tor owe. • IVOlt SALE Ott I.EASE.--Zi ACRES V a (sham fruit. garden or Ilmir lend Mien log the toot. being part of the 0141 -Inter rtational farm. Trims reameahle and will be wok to hull purcheorr. Apply to 11 NLOP. 1 residence on Quebec Weisel. formerly pert or the ?mimeos ',stele, with barn and tout -tar arm of groom'. Pike SIAM. met cash and to sow purchaser. Apply cm the es we're stroet. Parlor. dollar mons. kit• u. pantry. oath room •nd trout hell timer:- 44as: thrw bedroom.. leo • Mail, mid hall it potato.. The boom is all nempepered. Moro foentlatIon turd good tenor. Apply to ALLAN 31 ALP. ern/inert. 43odorlelt l'Iwring luta. New 11111 trod 111116. (Mod Cable ; tonne 'Road frit* week...leer further gurticulino apply to MM. OW. THCKLON". Keay. dreet. VARM FOR SALE. -LOT 11. CON- ulte811014 12. Colborne township compris- ing same ; most of the land a good oloy loam There id a small house and * ham 4.100 feet with content fetindation. Va11111 UR. 0 run .4tiortair wed hrt. been in grass for ee v en or years. 311 miles, from Goderich Beheld o thin Moe and a gum ter. For terms mod particulars splay to J. F. ANDREWO, Gode e%N.ELLINli let/It SALE. -COM - ll f atable home for sale. convenient 0. to OkAlltUr. BEAN. Bruce Orel. i 100D HOUSE Fttit SALE OR '1e/ ell. rent.--comfortabie home to rent. Mcdium d ry. Convenient to Spiare. lethrenn. oto. Woad aril to reersoneble party who could took.. moderate doh payment with hereof.. in 'mighty itotalmonto For partieulare imply at Tills oro-fue. • porteecion 12, W. D. Colborne. comprising loi n••1 to. all ...looted. There lo a goes, oomfort al le trample duelling house with cellar tinder. General Meeting. 11 etsneral meeting a the ehorrboldrei of Outorio tlOyst Shoes Matti, Railway Coto hoot of welt e ft. the ion pm, of electing •1111,101, Of the outman and tut I he purpose ts( KR Inv wit limit y the director. of the umnany 10 pytt,. band., debenture. or other 1.1.1 taritly. to extent tif Como tar mile of onglu treck of the railway and extenolon and 's r to neoure the Mom inortgfto• •1•441 pormant to Mu oat oto In hot holielf. mod ,.? I hr mimeos of trstIlsott Pig Nut li ()the Istisistro. t. may pr ',wily to nuouctod at the is to deal o ith he Josue a lend, debenture. neenrIlle. of tilts company to be o • meeting of tic nolli pony. 1.4114'd this lOth day of VebrUirry. Mte st By order of tho ',Hoy 114IONAL DIRECTORS. STERLING BANK OF CANADA OF DOMINION PARLIAAI EST To accommodiste the Farmers we have opened Branches in the villegee of DUNGANNON, VARNA and We edlicit the Patmnage of tho NATO NoTES DOR ouNTED. SA VINGS BANK ACCOUNT opened by demerit of 111.143 Interest at 3/ compinind- ed quarterly. ismonseessimsos math. a good frante harm .1114 repaired and en• target, o ills a cement fans ion. floors stsd alt crept, 1. tearing fruit treco 1 ell watered le m .prittg creek and leo Femora tool at eri, him In good rept Ir. tot eon, and gparticii- h., sooty to MILS. ELLEN or JAM, M€WHIN. N EY or by mail to Nile Plot 11fticr. 742111 .hip. t wo tales /Mtn tioderieh. CO Serra 1110341 clay loam. Feick liou-c. fn. wiili cement otabling. artoman well. water in build Ingo and sowing creek, 2 amis. stendterit timber *no Taiwyst orchard, apply to C. C. Allt-NEIL. ▪ Maio Ageni..troderieb. Ont. -Farm end town propertied bought sold ittid exchanged, • FOR.LABLIt brick hood° overlooking the hot water betting. Apply to YOL'N(11 k 111.rti ?Olt AritES EXCEL- . LENT laud for market rodeo, with Food aiding,. and tenon. two 111110,1 from Gorle• rich ; five acres in orchard of Apples mem, berries. Prim end terms favornble. Apply to jeOlt SALE. -- 11 STORY 110I;SE 1: on Angleaell oriel. 4 story house on Napier divot, 11 leery home on Elgin ave- nue. 1 story bow* on V ietoria street. Twoetory brick house On Ennell street. wet the lake Dino rooms, all modern entivonloneco. St. David's st reel ; nine room.. tnoriern eon. veniennoo. Farms for sale in any tort of Moon county. YOUNO k ROBERTSON, nilloo from Auburn ; clay loam, shout 140 arrest under cultivation and 311 to 10 acres new haute dwelling, a gond barn, otable and driving obeli. Apply to YOUNG & ROBZRT. 111011 MALE OR TO RENT. - A ✓ BrAt-elure )1110-aere Ism in Watt Wawa - nosh. roommate 6, lot r7, with 175 meta* in good Write of cultivation. well fennel. well entered, gond orchard, 'erre bank born. good honor. Pootoffice. blarkonith pawns and atom et fatner of farm. Convenient to oared and church, 34 mike from . P. It. Motion ot Auburn. Terme easy. tv. A. If A It Lneknow, Ont. • Monied frame dwelling. hat We e trona dittiatMo. on boort ot met. Stone foundation anti summer kitchen, fond *Able. Will he mid reasonably, For farther 'Articular. oft157 10 Toronto, 211 -If Yor Sale 911ILE MOULDS FOR SALE. -COM - I'LL -TIC set from' inch to 24 inch. All in good orondition. 14 di be /told reasonable and on scar teem. FOr further particulars* ePP1Y to SAM 1.71II. IX;RLIN. Kart Argot, Uoderich. GOOD CHANCE. - MRS. PRID- zx HAM Ma vacated her roorna over Duos lop drug store. Thb. I. the chenoe of lift, thing needs/are to sow( housekeeping. Forta• Whinge will be told at. a hardain to clear Mit et OuCt. Apply to F. J. PRID11.1M. LUMBER FOR MALE.- HEMLOCK, le elm •nd maple lumber for oaks from ittock. or con be cut to order. see further particular., MOAT to ROBERT ELLIOTT. tiodertch. tf ✓ taro for tele, adapted for mired farming VistriVers. OWTION (411.11•V41. in wee. root Oreh . 13 aerie irood timber. Moil Wood black clay Item. Onell from. halm, frame barn end driblet, good driving shod. loto Mg and 34, concoction (inderleh toonehip. Apply to J. WaLLIti Olsten. leet Auction Sales rt l:CTION SALE H01.7SEHOLD FURNITURE. I am Instructed to Nell by public. modern at the residence. corner of 1Vaterlou rod Ot Patrick Pamela. Goderich. on 1VEDNF-SDAY, MOW, eustoodietng et 1.30 °clock. all the houo hold furnitnie and furnialting. at present st, the home formerly tot•opied by the late Without Inclusoo. Lot. l'arlor ?mature. dining ;Bout furniture. war.. budrsonsi furniture. kiteleast furniture, owe', mirteme blinds, garden to011s. and ..utn• cram. other art tclos . Everything f011.1 ho sok'. proPerty has it disposed of. Rod premodou tO be givon an Nunn am rale t. 0)cl. 1ernar mai. AUCTION SALE or FARM STOCK AND IMPLLMLNTS. Oft Miehael Iliac will sell by public audios' at lot 30, Maitland concesslow Colborne 12 mile, east of Benntiller and I tulle aouthi, TUESDAY. MARCH 31.t. commencing at I o clock sharp: 1 driving marc. 04 year. old: I draught filly. 3 years old. by 'Loyal rote.: I draught fitly. 2 yenrs old. by South - poi t; driving mace, 4 yearn old; 1 draught mare. 1 year. tad. 1.1 foal to Mr. Fergueon • young home: I teeth eared cow. 1 fresh mired heifer, 1 cow. to calve In April; I cow. In cal, e Julie Int; I ODw..", yearn old, duo 10 calve May 'kW I row 7 yearn old. due Mealy.. April 13th; I ewer. 2 room okl : 3 heifere. 2 years old; 1 yew -old steer. I tot steer. I fat heifer, I fat tow. 2 doting calve.. 3 young calves; I pot.. dm to pig April 28th: 4 Mtn. 3 month• old. tt number of well hem neck bent, 1 & Wood binder. nearly new; 1 litg B. mower, 1 tivotor. I Noston oced drill, Heald, nearly news; I Front & Wood sealler. 1 Kan Plow. I ME:, fork rope. LB fee. new: I nayfork rope, lou foot: 1 .et of slings ; I root pnlpar. Starter. Harris.: I len-home Pio. power ; ladders, 17 and 23 feet long: 1 wheelberrow. I top buggy, I cutter. I set double harnem, I set double light Mows.. 1 out single harnem, 2 kidder mos, nor rater shaft.. rinantily of 1 inch tile. nub, I cook stove. 1 wood hatuniock, a quantity of milk cans and ot her article. too numerons to mention. Thom will be no reserve on we thing. se. proprietor ham sold hit farm. All the live week too well bred and hi troy' condition. Troop, All sumo of 510 011 mid tinder. eanh; over that amount . /4 mon! h. crodit will he given of per cent. ;straight allowed for cam 011 credit amounts. MICHAEL FLICK, Auctioneer Prom let or. AUCTION RALE 11r. JESSE ON YDEll Dell by publics auction at lot 11, concession I. telborno tone, half mile oast of Benmillert, on AVEDNERDAT. MARCH 24111. ono heavy brood more. thing 5 years old, in fowl to Twatnene ; 1 heavy mare, riming yearn old • I heat y gelding. riming yeam old : Iteov yviraft. 1111y. rising 2 years old. sired by 1 newly -calved cow. 5 year. old : I good young cow,. due 10 mice early ; 1 heifer, rising 3 team old, in 'elf ; 1 aged mike cow ; 2 heifero. rising 3 yeer. old. nearly fat ; 3 heifer., rising 2 year. old. nearly fat •, tame, tieing 2 year, old ; 4 steers and I heifer. doing I year old : I ewes. In boob ; 311 hogs ; 1 Fred V1Mod bimier and truck. ; I Brantford Big 14 mower ; 1 wide stool rake. nearly new 1 Ito) hada. land roller ; tot throo.hor.e dreg harrows : root yelpers: I gravel box : 1 stoek rack : I hay and 'Oak rack ; 1 lumber watrOn ; I fano 2 cotters ; het,. of boholaghs : 1 long sleigh ; brume•power. with jack ; I spray pump ; 2 Ceram separator and s number of milk cans ; a lot of blsoksmith and carpenter tools. 1n -- and Wm complete ; I art of henry Isnm har log amino. crowbars, berme, paw bucketo and numerate other articles. Alm quantity or hey end feed. TrItme. All stints of 810 an't tinder. rash ; 0. er that amount, eloht months' credit o he ;Elven on furnieting approval Mint note, A diaconnt at the mta of per cont. per annum allowed for oath on credit amounts. Thio is a gentilne cles•Sng male. The fern' hee been pole te %Am. HIll anti the proprietor 8TAIIT ANY TIME. Ciet yonr trolning In the retool that 14 coeliac' to %it e yeti Me 'Feat that din be had college, Y M. C. A. Building, Toronto. Write for eatelorrne LOCAL TOPICS. From Old Ireland. Sheriff Reyuolds was the recipient of it 'wckage of shamrock from the 'bull sed," which arrived in Goderich on Mt. I'etfick's liey, with the beet wirlums of hie old 'wheel friend, Arthur Moleewot•th, now lir Arthur. of MoukrWwu, frame'. Sir Arthur will still be remembered!! by many In Gude- rich. A Popular School. A school that vrows niendilY in public favor mut have genuhte werit. \Ve understand that Mr. Siotton now trains more young people than any °thee ulauageweut rel Ontario. The Goderich 13usinese College, whore new :uivcrtit. °out appears un page 2 is et1titiuly a worthy link in 11:fe chain of college:.. The spring terns repent, Aptel let. Guelph to Have a eteunion. The I" pie ret Guelph aro peeper ing to wuieou.e the odd boy. and girls of that city who have strayed away at a reunion to be held August 2nd to Mit next. No doubt merry former reel• deuts of the Royal City will hetes' to GIs call (rain the inti home, and :a pleasant and ■ucceseful gathering will result. is M. Duff is the chairman of theOW Horne Week committee. and J. M. Struthers is aecretsry. Death of Themes Crofts. The death of Thomas It. J. Crofts, a former resident of (Foderich, took place at 31 Manhattan avenue. New York, on March 1ttt. The deceased was tba eldest son of the pate Ben- jamin Croft,, who was Is well-known drygoode merchant ot this town twenty-Hve or thirty years ago. The family is sUll well remembered by many of our townspeople. The in- terment of the late deceased took place at Staten Island, N. Y. Geste of Mrs. Yule. After an illness of some time Mrs. .1. A. Yule pawed to the unseen world on Monday morning last at the age ot thirty-nine years. She haul been affected with coneuumptiou for tome time. The funeral took place on Tuesday to Maitland cemetery. The servicer were conducted by Rev. lt. W. Millyatd and the pall -hearers were George William,. John John- ston, Itobt. Cars and George Morrow. The deceaeed'e utaideu name was Kate McKay and she is survived by three brothers and three sisters. Late -Always Late. The G. T. H. trains have been mak- ing a great record this winter for be- ing late. The twu'evening'mins r.- pecially have Leet' behind tinre•1•ight along through rho winter, sontetiuocs two or three hours late. The reason given is that the motive power is deficient : bat whatever the trouble is it should be remedied if the Grand Trunk has any respect for the travel- lingubblic. ll should surely not take any thing like seven or eight hoists to cover the dtrtenee• I,ctweru Toronto and I:olerich. A Note from California. Well J. Rubinson. sou of Gip'. tVm. Hobiu,w.n, .veited from Mats Francisco, Cal., under date of March 5th : "We have 'been having summer weather her. lately. but 1 think 1 could appreciate a Canadian wittier fully as well. This city is fast recovering from its t•eeleent dita►eter and if nothing happens a few years will see it as be- fore." Mr. Robin.on renews his sub- scription to The Signal, which he says is looked per every week, '•out only by myself, but the people with whom 1 room, it. they have become greatly interested in the story which you are tow running in it." Death of R. S. Rustall. R. S. Rastall, one of the old settlers of Kincardine district,' passed away on Monday, 9111 inst., aged seventyfuur yye ar•,, at the residence of his son, Ross Rastall, Hrantlord, to which place he nwvi'd about a year ago. Mr. ltaustall was ar tom of 1)r. Samuel' Rastall, of Edinburgh, Scotland, and :► brother of William Rastall, one 01 the pion, cors of Kincardine, Him wife died about twelve years ego, but he is sur- vived by one son, floss, of Brantford (formerly of Godericht, and herr daughters : Mrs. 11. \V. Clements. Kincardine : Mrs. Lynn Fat•rr8, Cay - ley, Alti.: illiss Mayme. Tomato, and Mile Ida. of Brantford. The inter - meet took place at Kinvauedine. Beck to Jail. Murdnch Mcleod, of Wingham, who was released from the county jail nn the 2nd fust., after putting in a nix months' term for some thefts at Wingbam, was sent hack to jail on Tuesday by Hie Honor Judge Doyle for another month. It appears the young man was no sooner out of jail than he borrowed a quarter to buy his dinner but used it tnhteael in get- ting drunk. and on the way home be broke into the home of Daniel Carney. Colborne township, in the t.h.ence of Mr. and Mrs Carney, and stole a gold locket and at rarer, Mcleod 14 the main support. of his mother, and on this account His Honor ga a him an- other chance and sentenced him only to a month in fail. A Railway Rumor, The latest railway rumor is that the Grand Trunk intends to handle grain from Goxlerich via Clinton end I.on don instesel of vie Stratford. 'fhe in• tention is to start. the !tying of the heavy steel rails Between ('lioton Bud London liy April let, eaten, informant states. The line between these two pieces is very level, and from Landon to Montreal is d.wble•trecked. Hend- ling grain I.y thin mute would avoid the grades lot ween Canton and isnot- ford, and one informent ale' says that before the truck lelweeu ('lin- ton and Goderich in laid with heavier steed there will likely Is• • t • rafting down of grader. The change remit,' nmean the mot ing to Goderich of set. eras train crew•,, who would make (ialerieh their plied 01 reeidenee. Veteran of Franco-Pruis,an War. The fnner.tl of J.reeph eehuls•tzet who diol list. 'Thursday n bring at the residence of his o.n w -I. .v, .Iola. ltononell, Huron road, trek duce nn Matmday morning, nervier t.eing held et St. Peter'. ritarrh, ami t.1e inter meet mule in the Homan Catholic cemetery in Colborne. The pall heearrn were (iron Mclnr.y, John McEvoy. John McDonald and Edwina Mlal(ery, Mr. Mehul/etaer was sixty• six peters and seven .Iayt of see end hid death was due to sneer, He was a veteran of tbele'renco-Pruwiau war, having taken part in the siege of Paris, and hwvne a fantil v in A1. Lie. - or aiuu. He Kati been Being with hid eon -in-law foto several years pawl. ionising him in his 'Work. Seventh Popular Recital. Tie Wine l e g Churne under the dirwctiron of J. Fast Jut•d,au..ill give •ibe Magic \\'til," a Iilaautifia cantata written by Franz AI)l, un Monday, March ixli. Thiel work ie well worth hearing. The prograuw will include target' and piano uuualers by Mr. Jordan and the Mt.udel)sohn Quartette has been eugaged Lir the recital. Miss Lilian Fowler, soprano. will be the soloist fur this nvductiuu os and the who have heard her will make it a point to 1e there and bring their friends. as she is ppoossessed of a wonderful voice. Tire admission price will be only 15e and Mr. Jordan looks for a good attendance, rte those popu- lar recital* ate er the futerest of musi- cal advancement in (iuderich. Don't forget tlie date. V. M. O. A. Convention. The thirty-sixth convention of Young Men. Chrietlau Assuciatiuus of Ontario and Quebec Will be held at Stratford rill \Vedneelity :and Thurs- day, April 64th and Itth next. Among the speakers :and leaders who will at- tend Mil His Honor Sir Mortimer .-G Clerk. Lieutovernor of (►ntarioi : Fred. B. el • h, ret New York : I'mf. A. L. eleCtiuuuon, of Toronto; Ur. George J. Fisher, of New Ynrk : D.13 A. Budge. of Montreal: '1'. 11. .1. liege, intenlationel student secretary for Cattail : J. M. Uodley, inter- netitotnti railway ee.l'ettl•y 1nr teen. ads'. and A. Cullens, Pruviucial county work secretary. Where skill he a railway rate of a fare end a third, an•i ace sat i011u6 hotels or bustling hollow* sexy 1ri.1P.•cut•eel in advamr by writing or W. J. Muter - sou. V. M. C. A., Stratton'. Coming to Goderich. The following i• from The Loudon Advertiser of the 12th ire»t : 'Tam - evening as Mr. and Mrs. McDon• aid. °f 53O Central avenue. wen' pep- pering to leave London and take up their h w Goderieh, their many friends and neighbors took them„ by sut•prt '. and pr•es,'nttrl them with asitverdidlt. ACCORD pan y)ing the gift tae a kindly -worded xehlree'. in which was voiced the regret which all felt at posing the society of ouch highly• cotes tied friends and neightier. ase Mr. and Mrs. McDonald, and exprersitg their wishes for their future happinessand and prosperity in their new home. The presentation wags mall., through Mrs. S. Davis. and Mr. 14. Davis read the address. which was hien"' in bio hal( of the friends assembled. A dainty luncheon was afterwerdd served by the ladies and the re- mainder lir the evening was spent in Music and singiug. • School Board Makes Purchase. A special meeting of the pnhtic school hoard was 11141 on Monday everting to consider an offer from Robert Orr to sell his two lots ad join- ing the St. Derider teatd memo' prop- erty. free of all buildings. for $1.305,'[here were pt•eseutTrustees McLean tin the chair,. Acheson, Cutt. Iltdlgens, Saunders and Taft. The managementa committee reported that incresed accommodation w'as necessary at Si. Davids ward, and the oaly diiTerenee of opinion was as to whether the price naked by Mr. Orr should be paid or the matter referred to arbitration. Mr. (.'alt moved, seconded by. Mr. Iltdgenn, that Mr. Orr's offer be ac- cepted. 13lnides the mover and sec- onder. Mr. Tait supported the motion. while it was oppnisenl ,by Messrs. Saunders and Acheson. The motion was therefore carried. The property to be purchased has a frontage of Ilia feet on Elgin avenue ;.ud Park street. Football at the Collegiate. Aheocietion Football Club wits organ. imol for this seaman en el lay lame The followfug officers weer elected: Honorary preeident. E. N. Lewin, II. Mecklin. NI. Be 11% II. liohert son, H. A. ; sevretary4 it :trailer. 11/0/Well Lerman, :Melville Areleision, Howard Case. The boys am going . to ptit forth every efftiet 1,1'1 bring the Hough cup back to Boderich. having had their first practice i ...... ediately after organizing. AR Ctilltroll Collegiate Imititute le willing It is likely that some intercollegiate games will also be played. Prospecte were never brighter at the Collegiate for a Hort- class tenni and it is hoped Oita the people of Goderieli will paemnize the team in every way troseible, Took Carbolic Acid. The peOple 441 tioilerich were 'attacked yeeterdity morning to hear the newer that George !Merlin had ended his life the previous evening by taking a large &me of earbolic aria. The suicide wae a pilule man only twenty-four yeers of age. His 01,1 home weir Goderich, but he lied been Away at difTerent Orem& returning to lioderielt about six weeks ego, and ' mince his return be had IN9.1) living with his uncle, Robert 'William& No reiwon for his act came out at the in- quest. with the exeeption perhaps that he had been drinking niece or lees lately. From the evidence of solllo /if the witnesses it seems that He far hoc oo two years ago he had made A threat to do away with him• sell in the wny which he aettudly took being litlii thin Afternoon. A jury wee eworri in nn Wielneoley ..... riling and t tow's.' llie lowly, with 1/r. wee OIIII011r11011 t1) 7::1111 ill the eveniiie for the twk ing of eyelet)... Owing to lack of' apace. ti. demmary of the et- i• donee 1.4 hold over for next week. Apperently the yoling Mall hall taken 1111 Miner :toil a half 1/1 the acid, which night before. Tim empt y twill.. wito "Odic Brother. don't teke 'anything I mit of the" Owe, 1 renteire vow. hooker, (i. porton.- The 11.illintalterel and George Dm nin had been chat.' ing tut 'duel toe Tireeley nighk and were riling Rubel t W 'Maw., %vim/ Oat( beefs late getting home. and discovered there was something wrong with Detente 'rhe doctor wan summoned ford emetics administered, but to ore MvtuI. The Quo Warranto Proceedings, -- - Argument in the ewe' warrant&' pro•eediugs was concluded lin Tues- day afternoon Ireton* Hie Honor Judge Doyle. No. 7 division stems W be the division that was the beat hope of those taking the proceedings, and Mr. Blair wade a .•tL .Ig arglumtent. Dickinson, for Mayor Thump - ten, sought to explain away all irregu- Leritiesss not requiring the assump- tion that tm he boxes bad been taut - tiered .with. On tome of the hallote in miss No. 7division there appeared a ss tppetruntly made with something hand, but showing no signs of load pencil. It waifargued thathi tide indite meet the rubbing out of the fleet cross and the changing of the ballot by marking it for Mr. Thompson. Mr. l►ickinsnn suggested that the filet vetoes might brave been made with the p blunt ride or the pewit where the lead might nut have projected beyond the wood, and that the second cruse war trade with the other side of Lite pencil which perbepe was not wort dowu. Other irregularities and discrepancies ju the count he el: • sl were all eccerauteble for without the a.+sump- tiun of fraud. and he argued that mere irregularities were not sufficient ou grnds for upsetting au election, 'an- ion it sppeared that such irregulari- ties prevented the will of the people from being expressed. rifle Honor re- served judgment. The Wheel Rigs Loth. A meeting of the town council was held on Monday afternoon at the of Hee of the Wheel Rigs Co., for tho purpo,e of looking overthe•plaee. in connection with the C' patty's sp- plicuti•m for the retying over of the ntunit•ipaal loan. The members of the courted, new bunts very inter•ewting machines, but did not berm et/untied to accept the plant air showing it vale - dation of ,lel ,1..l 1, and an adjoin- sit of the meeting woke ntade'to the town council chamber M. decide. what artiot to take. Councillor Humber mover' that before the loan was intule emoteexpert lawyer on municipal matters' should be consulted a n to the umeauo iug. of the bylaw- whether the been should applied a. valuator or whether the plea was Pad,' valued when it was shown to It t dupbceto0 °f the plant formerly at Minttrolatlie. The Reeve etruoded Yhis tion. and a er•coud within, by t', •illor.'1'1 p• (0011 and hallow, name.' le -piny Reese Elliott to go to Toronto eta coneult City Solicitor Fullerton or any other expert ore unlnieipal umatterr. Mr. El- liott left the following morning oro his errand and returned lint night. His report will be made to the council tonanM row night. r. M. H. Lloyd and Mr. Cyrus Lloyd itty both in town at present, anxious to have this mat- ter rinsed up. They claim that the Grxlcrieli plant is much better than a duplleate ret the old plant would Is). 8 • of the e'er -bine. in the list tiled wilt the town clerk are not to be found in the Goderich factory, as Mr. Lloyd has since iuyeutwl 501110 new o,tach, lnes, and now has some wachiuee that do the work of -two of the former nes PER SONAL MENTION. Chople Pore wm up front Toronto dining the, week. • Allincre retold. leaving the begriming of April for Toronto. Sirs. Oliver Oflarl, Hamilton, ewer's mr.. Holt nal Mho Constance left on Tues• day on o vh11 P• the Queen Cita. - John 1:. shirucin. a The Woodstock 11,:,/, been in tow,. Use e couple of der-. Olio. Elton Sallow. has returned home after a v1.11 of !several months al London. Wm. 11. (WA I. attendingthe meeting of the A. 0. I'. 1V. Orand :edge at, Toronto this week. Martin Otewart, of Worldlier, left this titan ing on prtemectine trip to Britieth Columbia, Mice: Aggie and IlleIpOlise Nairn left on :Wordily on t 1.11 In olkerton, and Detroit. Miss May F:Illat Willn called from Toronto IrecOrifit of the 010r18 of her mother. Ar lam is Elliott. aftur a font months visit with her daughter. Sirs. John !hook. apt On Kenneth and Mr.. optative!' 'have returtopel from visit ia Mr, and Mr, C. Eli$,1•1111 Allan. Detroit. ing of the eneentive eonnatIttee of the diocese of !biro,' In London tOrlay. al ro. lietifora, who boo been tufting relatives at Port Room anti Detroit for the mot, two Ma returned to town efondar tht. J11. Mindorli, who We been loom for aortic weeks, Immo on hie rotor!' to El iskatoort next Titesday. Mr. Murdoch iss connected Oh the Saskatoon Lath 6 Realty Co.. J. L BrYdges I.. home 1.1 Goderich for h short time. Ho has lomp working in Chimito lu automobile construction but not exactly in ince will, the eity 'and intoridn local Mg clo- MP. Minnie Be.t. who Imo been teaching in 'Aerial for mine time. has resigned to enter the ("micro! Hospital, Toronto. to train for a mime. Mts. We has been a meet poimmodsil teacher and oe sae oure trill be moonily 0. succoo-ful le profmtion she Id am enter Ing. Ireton -It Exporiter. 511•• wo. it dodo'', at bioderiat Model reline a row 1rears • J. Plunkett. who hat been for 'Iowan'. of a yam arscountont of the Hank of Montreni here. left this afternoon fro Porta Ont . where he will be aceountant for the some Bank. Ole. .Ally regtetted, no by his kindly ond courteous. manner during hi. short residence herr he had wdon the kindly feeling arid relinnst •rf Mot of who aim deeply regret 10. removal. Mr.. Plunkett. otos dos with her hn.band oe 4 great fovorite In mir.)01011 Ilfe, *Ill, We tinder. „rand, not leave town fur goitre MAW dine. OP INTEREST TO THOUSANDS. How Dodd's Kidney Pills Brought Health to a Welland Merchant. Oninibetit tnerchitnts, Mr. .1. .1. Yokom. makes a statement that is of interne interest to thine 1.1 sande of 1'1%e:idiom' who are suffering from one or other .4 the various forms of kid- ney disease. Mr. Yokom says : -For a year or more I had kidney eoluilduillt ill all ltn worst symptoms. becitme greatly reduced in weight and at tiines WW1 finable to do any- thing. I doctored and tried medicines but could get no relief till I tried lhald's Kidney Pill* Front the first they mewed to suit my Cage. Five bones cored me cotnpletely." Yon mtier have to 41111 a 1111111 WI10 Owell you a grudge. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -Mar. 10th . hoop trip to the 1',nl Ju-. OWPeas To the \Iu.kukae--f . N. It Railway e tiptoe Tartu -Centel liwi,a•.. l'Wkaa. 'loo unto.. Male 01 Itrottvi ev-e:eq int u. Itduu 1 Apulie.etleo to Past:timid A. 11. Sloiro,ekI 1 Annual Sale of Not. Paper uud Envelope floorage furter e Farm Wanted -L Parlpi.kiru, Rucbe.ter N. \'.. r Grey Muggier,-f itonne y.uirry Robert WIIMn 6 1 nprin``Tenn-t3odeiich Business l rel Now Sy'tell, of Keep(l.g C'lulldug-W (' • Mau Wanted -Henry lissom. Ibitslot 1'rldtten' . Salim to ('Isdit* ( w -It. J c wain. 1 MIIIIIwoyOptnmr i--Mn. H, Park... r Footwear for Spring -I 'owning 1t MscVlt ri Correct Styles for Oahe ower-Jobu Stead Y Sparing t'teo.tl.-S, L. Hick Not Apple., but Apple Trees -John ltswlYti F;drle, Ikumlller . ... a Now Buggies --Koos lkwj ., . i iAuction Salo. - George Beckett.... 1 :rwt l Tearing: Ic - Relate Park .... .. l(pecluctao F Howell'+ Hardware 1 Campbell • t'arui.,i -Howell Hardware CmS' Our Twu Marek Opo -Mies Hen, lite 8 Ato tios,Sale 11,r. Davidson 1113..01111 Slanghler Selo -Cempholl R Moore. . Nuthv of 3Ie.ting- The Loadoe. R ►t'eetera Trust. C wipany. Ltdt tt ho Ha. It f Reg. Black... . i card of Thank.- Robert Ile Allister... ': , ` 1 Auction Sale Michas Flick . 1 .Miction tele The,. Gundry............ The annual meeting of the Bowel of Trade Woo called for last Mdmiley evening, but the attendauce was so elite that it wits decided to poidoone the eveut to nest Moriarty evening. the :MO inat. Goderich needs a live Board of Trade. and it is hoped that the merchants. manufacturers arid other business men of the towu will all try to be present at next Monday's meeting. The Hoard has been 111 it rather dormant :dote during the List year, and it may be that new blood and new inetlioas :me needed to infuse it with life. l'here is work for en energetic Board of Teeth. to do in the interests of Ouderich. and it resits with the terbium,. men of the town to easy whether Wit shall beve ouch an orgaitiattion or Ind, Collat. out next Alundity night with some -new ideas. some whatever may loe considered neoeseary trotter the drown - • The meeting will be beta at S AUCTION SALES. %v. Otstelt :soli Auction solo a form stock ond tom" 'to-. property of Joho /Ames - toe, lot " concession 9. Mullett (Dam Una tele without reerve.o. proprietor lo toting up the rapt tic, at Rocket ▪ a tiction moot., itecouss. curtains and small ware. No reserve. US. AV‘i..t•Unt:41K5-14.1-11Terc4wh tail°nec.t. fiuct ion -ale of now wick moklence on Bruce street, Goderich, coni et runes 5-, 'March 21.ts- Salo Of Milifortable of Ueorge 1. Haan, at 11 o'clock a. tu. Oood prop• rietor 1. leaving Gmletich. Irisomm Wick Imam on Wilco street, Oorlerke. proterl Y fn 11111•Ar. Ntarell Al • el 0e1.. spring.. pall,. etc. No ru.erve. G. Baca. hold furniture and. furnishings. entwistota nf "tit dr,._ 3 wood oinvcs. 1 mai now,. cte.., PruP t y Of Slim Tratittch, South etreet, (Moot Jet.. 4vcryt Wog must ix told, an Minn Ttutiorto Waving (lode' ich. T11011. 111 • • Mtn. a net leneel T1 ',MAT, March 21111. - Auction sale a Ma Itogem tunteufacturing plant, to bo Weld at the Hotel Redford. at 12 °elm* 'Mato. Tnnwas CAUto'rern'te it h. - Auction sale of farm stook and iMplement, property of Orem Row. Union church,. llsem will be no reserve, It" proprietot' renting hi. NMI. Till.. ()Untrue, mid lotted. *me▪ re. L▪ ight nee Mall retina.. • pictures. linen.. eurtains, dewing machine, clocks. etc. Must ti°11"-eer.orsr.prottiv. Marrh 2.411. Alto son sale ••1 farm reolt avid Implement.. property of Jr..., Snyder. half -milts from Wouniller. There will he nothing r000rved, a. Nem ho, boat sold. TOrtisio v. March !Pi h. 1 lent int: auetiett yople of Nein ...took tiopleniente, property a tiro Murphy. at Mt la oottemsion In, tioderis it t• Norio, atictionecr. FitIDA rch 2711s. Ant Com ..:s1.• or ram rata stook nod iii•Pleilleirtn at, let II. •arren, VI1.101, proprietress Tito's. tiro one, Root loo MoNDA Y. March 30t.h.--Auction orrls• et rare. stock and implements. property of ueo. Lyon. lot lo, conceosion II. Mullett. 'roma Ot; et* Lynn do• ultie oc. St. George Crescent. auction -talc of hotoehold furniture and effect inelndIng piano tow organ vvort Is Mai, new drop bawd hewing machine, tmarter.mt WO. holl rot. etc. Everything to bo an pro priotor it leaving town. Soo hill., Tern, t1.111.:•10"It'eat▪ iuntalteetr.. April 1.1. - Auction dile of occupied by the late Win. I lickson. menet Ia. 'nit nett t v. A pelt -- A netion oale of fat to Work and implanoto at lot 21, concession 1, *harp. I:. 3. 'tot •-t 1.dt/it:, ',proprietor Trio.. Mg at • n elook. 11.74. J. COOK, proprietor. Tim.. 4:1 Nionv. auctioneer. Moo ',tr. A pril nth. • -Clearing allot too mkt of 1st pit -totem la implements.. Nemo Ir of lk 11. BORN. mote 1.0h. to Mr. And Olt 154111111nald Tutor rt. a ston. Theodore, alt MANN- 1t 11.1.140N. . At the Inoue of the Andre tonere tie Heiden at a. Ihit roll. 011 blotch ith, by Dr. Frederick la Land Lode. pastor of Central Olethodi.t fence, Dr Orate Sl• MeAletos, of Detroit, to oleo tiorteeee. "attest daughter of Mr. VI I.E. In Ooderich, on Monday, Mmreh eke,