The Signal, 1908-2-13, Page 3•
TnuIIaDAY, F••bl oar, ' 3, 11108'
Xews of the Sistriet.
1'. Bomthron succeed* J. C. Stone
Mall as clef k of the village of Ilensall.
J. \V. l:raigie, of Toronto, is now in
charge of the Slaudald Bank at %Val -
Rev. George and Mrs. Huggins. of
seeforlh, receutiy wdehr•ated the fifty-
eflh unnlvenlary Of their wedding day,
On Sunday. the 19th ult., Dougall
Tlepougall. a vcmrlwble pioneer of
Yeneaetn1yi Mineral Water
11 Tklt l'U., manufacturers of "AMenow
lung.-aro pre wr.1 to deliver to auy port of
the tow! lhalfa.t (1i,Rur Ale in Mote ted
quarts, 4.11 Miuura! `Yater la throw aixe,.
(.1dila, into atoll quart.*. Seltzer wator and
Double Tiptoe goad. aro !mule frau)
slatural mineral soler, nod aro therefore lou
from ell ImveiiiUv... 1'. 1. {YAL1ON Maio
USW ('LASSES. 1 AM I'!(1•:-
I'AICLI) to receive ouplla for lew,on+ b,
ixuo nod thoury also the Uurruwo. mu.kal
unui.aod'Miter method young
may 1,a had children.
Thome'', mu,l0 .toe, Uolerieh. ) MMf A.
Takellan or I'I.(NO
Studio k' Rank of Montreal Itka L.
11 A.1•, Ns rktus s,
`t Texasllt•I. 111. H.
oHlcca 111 milieu !Street. Photo 111.1.
1'1• F: •feeupl ift FA.'Geoorgeach n•h�.t•pplrww Iwt
Lr. l'ureboil 's residence. Montreal street.
smith wedof Public labrary. l'befie 1101.
"It. N'. F. °ALLOW, M. It.
toes.. ( ull.,re at real. host dour to Sorer
.an (lank. Telephones -- (NIi, e,- Ill ; Iwu.e.
No., alai Throat only. Stratford. Vit.
Douse .0 fr New York Ophthalunil and
lural Instil ole. 17M -1I.. Clndual aaatstant Kat.
Nos. surd Throat Hospital, (:olden Square, nrut
Royal hoodoo Ophthalmic oMuorrackl Eyel
Hopilal, Inmdou. Kew. (Mau Albert tree!.
S,rallunl. opposite Windsor hotel. -plums :
10 IY a.)) : 1 p.m.. 7 s Pun. Telephone dA.
Il ow
notaries, etc. Orn
� .plidl
ore nW
am UOde
Ont.M. 0. titled door . K.
Uut. M. U. C.IMKItUN, l', J. 1. KIL
1.OIIAN. -.
Iwrri-ten. solicitors. noir) ies piddle pr t
or. In 1be Maritime Court. et... t>Ilkr, side
i4quan: next door C. A. talars grocer). I'rl
W.IILOULJFYNYI: K.0 • e food. lo lend at k~1t C. HAY(.0. interest.
RISTIJl$. attorney-, ,a,li,•itor', etc.
Uoderh•h. Money to leld 0 lowest rata+. E
1. DICKINSON. 1.11.1 RIK?' t 11 U(ILO W. Lilt
If •
sla�itor, cotnndda
sax. marry pubbr.
I rHlras.. Il:uudaon .sect. Uttda•rkh. Unl.
Insurance. Loans, etc.
lite'° and in+urnnc Agent... 1G,a1 e.
tete for sale ur to let . I'ruprrtic• hard% d in
ny part of the town arab enmity. Fire and
for iosuran'c, money to loon eke.
tJ and accident iu•main.r. Agent for loading
mutual anal ..tock coo, ole+. insurance to all
Igoe. effected on best pla n. and at lowon1 rate..
tail at office, corner west Street and Square
or whir.. J. W. l'HAIUII:, Uoderich, Ont.
1'ule .hone �t
11 S U It ,h NCE (' U. farm and isolated
town property u,annd. %.!ne of property len
cured ,Ip to Jan. 111111. over RLl1*uAUa 11loers
and diroctoro :-J. IL MrLoan, onn
prem. ; T. Peer
vier r..; Jaw. Connoll). la, 'rale. Mr. 1'ne.-
ory. J. watt Jas. Kiat.. J. 0. Grieve. J. Drone-
enno-were. directors ; T. 1'. Hay., Scafarth. eocretary-
1 ro,u.trner - inspector.. nearest director to low.
J. W. V
Yeo. Hnlrua.•vtIle gent for west
Ilnron. Policyholder. ...n pay ase aalnents
and get their card. rlsvletc)f at Timor &
Urea nen r'linton. or at It. 11. Cott a grutxry.
K Ingaton .tr*et. Outlet irh.
( PAItLl)ltl). - Tho Beat pbae, In town.
I'romup( eorvlrx; everything clean and semi
tar*. ►for and cold hob., 1YM. DAVIS.
Earthlings hotel Block issvos+'or to
Jae. I•rttslcy(
Marriage Licenses •
Watchmaker, Jeweller end Optician.
homer of Marriage Wccu-ee.
Oudetich Ont
MIK licensee.
and general .amt trainer. ()Mee. on Month
street. whom he will I,n fouled at all times
when not o-ying wale.. Trans raxu,onrhln and
every privet used to rico you wati.faclion
'Phone 7l.
General Auctioneer.
New System of Tickets and Catalogue.
P. 0. Box 493.
You will miss * rel bar•
gaiud if you frail to see what i
caan do for you in one of those
(food Cheer ranges
Good Cheer art heaters
Penn Esther ranges
Nothing just au good for the
money ; every one. guaranteed.
S per cent. off for spot
Tinslnithing and
Electric Wiring and
'Phone i55.
the (fah concession of Cukor*, entered
Into hid test at the ripe old age of I(
Mrs. Thomas Archer. of the 5th con-
cession of Willett, had the Misfortune
to (all and fracture her arm tart week.
While working in the hush last
week It. .1. French, of Sea(orth, re.
celved a revere scalp wound by being
°struck by a Lalling tree.
The Women's Institutes of Huron
county report the followiug (umber -
ship fur 1(1(17: East Huron. t1(4 : South
Huron, 02: %Vert. Huron, 110.
Mrs..1. 1', 1Vood, of Brureelr, fell
down staaird at her home nod bur-
taintd severe injuries, including a
sprained arena and a wrenched back.
Mrs. Charlotte E. AlIelby, a hornier
well-known resident of %Viu5ghtu ,
was recently married in l'allaaban,
Florida, to T. Wayland Whitworth,
of that place.
Louis Durand and Miss Ltuta l{ ag-
ues, both of Zurich, entered Into a life
contract on Tuesday, the Rh inst.
The ceremony was ptnformed by Ren.
.1. C. C. Maas.
Mrs. Thomism Waddell, •1 former
resident of Seaford', died at her home
in Winnipeg olt Thursday, the 33rd
alt. Deceased wed a sister of F. lir
Sparliug, of Wingliatn.
In Brantfurt. recently Elliott limn
Mg. ,on of A..Fletuine. of W'iug(1atn,
won Mat place in a nee -mile skating
race fur 1le city championship and
WOO awarded a beautiful gold Modal.
The death of latchlasl Fraser. 4
former resident of titanley, occurred
at bis h fu Portage 1a Prairie uu
Friday, the 17th ult. Deceased is sur-
vived by his widow and seven chil-
It. Stewart, a former resident of
Hay, and his wife, who is a daughter
of Paid Hell, of the Zurich road. have
returned from the Nest and taken up
their residence on the London toad,
near Henwall.
.1. W. Irwin, one uL Clinton's popu-
ler bu.uteee men, last week entered on
his fiftieth year in the grocery lousi-
ness. He served lir rix years appren-
ticeship in his native village in county
Cavan, Ireland.
On Tuewlay, the: Nth ult., ('hriste•na
Elder, beloved wife of Mr. Bowes.
general merchant of Newbridge, How•
ick township, dppartel Chir life. Tub-
erculosis teas the ' ediatr cause of
her death. Her husband and two in-
fant childrena n
ter lett to moi n
r her
On Sunday night of last week, while
a tierce storm wad raging, tire brake
out in the tonne of 1Vallece Perrin.
near Kincardine, and Mr. Perrin wad
his wife and little daughter escaped
with ouly a few articles of clothing.
The house and eunL1Ilts were com-
pletely deetroytd.
The home of ?It•. and Mrs. Huger
Pepper. of Ttickersmith, was gay
with festivity on Wednesday, the Alt
inst.. the occasion being the marriage
of their daughter, Mary 1.., to Frank
A. Layton. of the same township.
Rev. W. E. Kerr. of Clintu11, per-
formed the ceremony.
An inten•Mting matrimonial event
Was consummated at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Dodnlan, of tit.
,Joseph, nn %'ednetodey. the :bah ult.,
when their only daughter. Mary. le -
came the bride of Harry ('ouch. of
Chise'Ihurnt. Rev. JHart. of Hen -
sell. was the officiating clergyman.
'rite death occurred At Lit Vallee on
Friday. Jeuuary :fist. of George Mc•
l'avirh, a former resident of Huron
township. The dece.•ared also lived at
1Vinghanl for some time and about
eleven year's ago moved to the Rainy
River district. Ile was a brother of
James and John McTavish, of Ripley,
and (raves a wife, there sons and nue
After a lingering illness subsequent
to a paralytic stroke Villienl Henry
Hawthorn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Haw -
horn, of lower N•ingha tin, pawed to
long hoose on Thumbs's the 30th
ult. Deceased, who was in his thirty •
seventh year, was a, most terltinetble
young plan and his death is deeply
regretted by many friends.
A happy event took place at the
h of Mr. and Mrd. Wm. J. leaves,
of the ith concession of I•ahorne•00
%Vedr.eeday. the 5th indt., when their
daughter, Addle, was matrimonially
united to Wellington J. Amy, of
Remit -Om Man. Rev. W. 11. Butt. of
Centralia, tied the nuptial knot.
After a Month's honeymoon Mr. and
Mrs. Atny will proceed to their *Vest•
urn home,
A Victim of Tobacco.
There is a female inmate of the
house of refuge et Clinton who is
said to be 107 years old. She enjoys
her pipe as much as she does her
Foot Amputated.
Wm. McCrae, of ilelgrave, who has
suffered intensely from blood -poison-
ing in hid foot, had his limb Anlpu-
taated last week. He is pn>Rres-
sing favorably.
Clinton's Municipal Officers.
The Clinton town council lets ap-
pointed (officeva as follows for 19014:
Clerk, 1). I.. Mncpheraon, salary tr2.50
treasurer, M. I). McTaggart, salary
11:;.511: chief of police, .los, Wheatley,
salary $1511: night constable, H.
Welsh, salary $:1111 ; assessor, no..
Cottle, salary $lki ; cemetery super-
intendent, 0. Crich, eatery $375.
Successful Essayists.
In its issue of the .-eh of December
last, The Farmers' Advocate, of I.Im•
Jon, offered three eaxh pries for the
t twee hest essays on "Thr Horsemen's
I',sp erience." The entries' classed on
January 15th, and thele were twenty
communications on hand. We are
pleased to notice that Huron figures
cnnspicnonsly and successfully in this
c o m petition. The prize -winners
were : let, John 1'. Noonan. Brant
county ; 'Znd, Charles Dunlop, Carle•
ton county ; 3rd, Walter It. Broad -
foot, Morris, Huron county. 'Sevetaal
article, were also highly commended.
Among these are one from Alexander
linea, of Stanley, an old, successful
and well-known horeeman of this
county, •old one from It. C. Mc-
Gowan, of Myth. IL will thole be ween
that in this competition Huron pro-
duces n prize-winner in the MIAMI of
Mr. Brondkot, and two whose papers
receive honorable mention.
Death of Mrs. John Bell, Hay.
On Thursday, the 31st nit., the
angel of death summoned to her re-
ward so esteemed resident of the 3111
concession of Hwy, in the person of
Mrs. John Bell. Dereased, who was
sixty-three years of age, came to Can-
ada with her patents in her early girl-
hood and settled in the townehip
where she passed the remainder of her
life. lentil incapacitated by illness
the deceased had been an active
worker in the Presbyterian church, of
which she was a devoted member.
Her life of sairiflee And serviet. end
her winsome disposition won for her
a very host of friends. Her husband,
one eon And two daoghterr mown her
removal from the scene of life. The
children are Rupert, Iwanaager of the
Hell Engine and Thresher (Jo., Sea -
forth; Mrs. A. 1'. Ketcheu, of Region,
wife of the Deputy Minister of Agri-
culture for the Province of elarkatche-
wen ; and Mors full, at home.
Fatal Game of Hockey.
Mr. end Mrs. Hobert lie 11, of
Stanley, last week received the sail
iutelligeuce of the death in 'l'uxfor'al,
bask , of their second sun, Robert.
While playing a friendly game of
hockey the deceased eccideutnlly fell,
rtrikiulr the heel of his opponent's
skate. The iron penetrated hid left
groin. injuring him see severely that
death ensued an Iiatr afterwar r. A
bright, industrious youug Man of
tweu:y-six years, the deceitorol had
many waren friends in the Wast as
well as in his fioybood home.
Hyomei's Aromatic Air is Guaranteed
to Cure Catarrh or Cost Nothing.
When Using the Hyo.uei treatment.
the Air you breathe is like that uu 11►e
ltumlttaies high above sea level when'
the pine woods till the air with aro tic
healing that gives health and strength
to those suffering front diseases of the
respiratory (oggees. Ifre tied through
the twat pocket inhaler that 101ler
with every outfit, the healing balsams
of Hyiutei reset' the most remote air
cells of the throat, noire and lunge,+ d.-
etroying all cahu•rhal geoid* and giv•
ing quick relief and cur..
Hy.) mei Mu, performed almost ulir-
atculoue cures of catarrh, o(lcn estor-
nag health in chronic cases that had
given up all hope of recovery-. Its
lest action is AL the start of the die•
ea*e, when the breath is bete • g
offensive :old when tliechatgoe from
the nose, dropping* in the throat and
frequent sneezing or npasuumdic cough-
ing tegiu Lto make life a burden. At
the first symptom of catarrhal uvulae
nee Hyounei and see how quickly you
gel relief and CROY!.
The complete outfit *coats but $1.910
and is sold by Jas \Nikon). under
guarantee to refund the rnuney if it
does not give satisfaction.
The Frontless Baby
Galt itlfurm.r.
if a laely leaves his horse and cutter
standing in the street, the police will
re 'e It to the 'warted, livery stable
and then ley for the owner. The
only thing you can leave on theeide-
walk or street with impunity is a
baby. 1 palate! one the other er da
when the thertuou eter was bellow
zero. She was a beauty. lying on her
back in her enrringe and not a living
Wed near by. Of course there were
hundreds and hundred. of people
ew•a ' g past, bua they paid no more
attend W her that if she were a
homeless dug crouched up against the
doorway of the big stole. 11et•
mother WAS certainly not to to wen
shtes wits inside snuewhere, and she
had left this pricless little thing out-
side on Use pavement. I went a
couple of blocks and then turned bock
to fuel the baby's lose to see if it MO
frozen, and wale relieved to Hud that
it Waain't. IL ares a flostics. baby.
1t slnueune would *trap her ther
down in a big lyasket, and set her out
on the Itt•eet, she would frees. her
head nIT in twenty .ulinulee. It's a
blessed thing that the lahy's in this
country are frost -proof.' -
The Case of Kidney Disease Dodd's Kid-
ney Pills Cannot Curs Yet to be
Lower Windeor. Carleton Co.. N. H.
Feb. loth- I Special 1, T. H. 13elyea,
postmaster here. has voiced the senti-
ment of the people of /hie part of New
Brunswick. ••1 la•lievr,' Kaye the
p stnaaster. "that Dodd's Kidney Pills
are the remedy for kidney disease and
that they will du all that is claimed
for them.
"Kidney trouble bothered ole for
yeah and I did not get much relief
fmua the different plaawer++ and
medicines i tried. Then 1 took
Dodd's Kidney Piller aced must say
they seen to phare made a complete
cute in my case, era 1 feel as well ate
ever i did."
The rase of kidney diw•adu that
Dodd's Kidney ]'ills cannot cure has
yet to be discovered.
Great Conversationalists.
There have been many great con-
versaLionnlisla, but perhaps the most
o A talker* were the "
pawnor f all Lal r Brest
quartet." Johnnun, Coleridge, Mac-
Aulay and Carlyle. Roswell tells us
all' about Johnston, and of Coleridge
DIbdc n. who was privileged le fatd to beer
him, sacs "The auditory seemed to
be wrap/ in wonder Anil delight as
one oloservation after another fell
from hie longue." De Quincy de-
clared that Coleridge was "tile Largest
and most wpacinud intellect. die sub-
tlest and most comprehensive, that
has am yet existed oolong men." Of
(')e power and charm of Macaaplay't1
conversation the evidence Is to be
found everywhere, and Carlyle, when
not in the throes of his dyspeptic
paint, was n talker of extraordinary
attractiveness. • New York American.
Put !tin Some Safe Place, for it May
Come in Handy Some Day,
Here is a simple home-made !mix-
ture as given by an eminent authority
o11 kidney diseases. who makes the
statement in a New York daily- news-
paper, that it will relieve altiuhlt any
cater of kidney trouble if taken before
the stage of Bright's disease. He
states that such symphony; ter lame
heck, pain in the aide•, f•eNiuent deair(e
to urinate, especially at night: pain-
ful and discolored urination, are read-
ily overcome. Here lot the recipe:
try it:
Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half
ounce : Compound Kargon, one
ounce: Compound Syrup Martapir•i1M,
three ounces. Take n teespoouful
after each meal and at lortltilne.
A well-known druggist here in town
is authority that those ingredients
are all 111)11111ese and lousily zed at
home Iuy shaking well in !mottle.
'Phis mixture has at ;occulter healing
and noodling effect upon the entire
kidney and urinary structure, and
often overcomes the worst forms of
rheumatism in just it ldttic while.
This mixture is said to remove all
blood disorders and cure the rheumu-
Lism by forcing the kidney,. to filter
and strain from the blood and syotein
All uric acid and foul, deconlpwlel
waste matter, which cause these afflic-
tions. Tryit if e.
Ryon Aren't well. Rav
the prescrption.
Conversations of the Wedded.
"Shure. yore the moat timid woman
Di her met. 'Tis a wondher ye had
the nerve to merry me. -
"I -1 was afraid to /gouty no,"
The Horse Sells Largely on Looks.
Feed to a Finish.
By JOHN HEf:yl';S
"Butter fat nod satin *mouth- would
be an excellent ideal for the Inuit who
Is rslslog a horse fur sale. The islet of
1 all the teaching of those who tire try•
Ing to advise othere how to tit their
horses for market Is "hute them lit."
Of tam rev it Is presumed the horses
ah• esseutially good outs -that fa, prop.
rely formed, suited :od Lind accordi:i
to at tenet the a•erage standard h/
horseflesh. Some young farmers 44(10
bave leen led to relate': horses toy the
exceed►ngll' tempting prices of w hl( h
*o touch hos been heard for awhile
past now complain lint, having raised
the nulu'als, they c1101101 get the pri-es,
but are compelled to sell for much less
t11:111 they expected to overlie.
The roan on the faro sometimes fails
to realize tint lit the raising of horses
for sale he Itis now to compete with
the "horse feeler," who IR just as
gentile() If not 50 extensive a prnpcpeh
tion ar the "beef f(•eyler" and the
"swine feeder." If n farmer et :ruts to
get the notable prices -that are obtained
by the oleo who make a business of
putting horses Into' attractive condi'
tent fur market be must give iia ani
mals the /tame exact, painstaking care
and scientific and liberal Rambles. that
the patter do. Ile should try .tit get on
to the little wrinkles of management
that aid lit lnipro4-i11 Ilse appearance
of a horse and putting. n finish vu him.
In short, remember there le no ani-
mal that sells more upon "looks" than
n horse and act ueeordlls14.
And, although "fat" Is called for, 0
must l,e the put that gees with ramie;
muscle, firm flesh and flexible skit,
and perhaps "well fleshed" would he a
better term.
If you are producing any sort of
horses for market and loug ()sloes• feed
and fit to perfection tiotn with diene in
view. 1f for quick and easy, local sale
or to provide the professional finisher
vitt, uinteriul In the rough, tint is an-
other stomp, paid there May be money
In It too. On the whole, pretty nearly
crerytbbng in the horse iine bring) -gen -
emus vnlue nowadays, and extraordl-
nary quality omens corresponding
A Fine Arab Filly.
The pbotograph reproduced In the
cut Is, as Country Gentleman explains,
cue se:.t to that journal by' Randolph
Huntington and Is it portrait of Ile
yearling Arab filly Queen Esther, in-
tcusely Inbred to Leopard and Menial
IS WWI as to Henry Clay. She is by
Neaman (-lnazeh-Nazlil, out of ('lay
Miriam, a marc also sired 1!v Nauruan
and whose dant was ('lay Mocha, by
Abdul Ilamld II., by Leopard. Queen
Esther was foaled April 1, IO(16, and
the photograph was taken the day'she
was a year old. She was bred and 1s
owned by Frederick Ii. Cleaveland of
Poughkeepsie and, Mr. Huntington
nay's, "would rasa for a pure Arab in
any country, a beautiful and Intelligent
Big Carriage Horses.
As foreign conditions have their ef-
fect on the•horso Industry In this 000n0 -
try, the views of a writer in a London
paper am of some interest her- This
correspondent claims that the wealthy
jobmasters of l.ondou are unable to
let or hire anything but big carriage
horses, and In rho absence of home
breds they buy them in America or on
the continent of Europe. The number
they now require could he expressed
In thousands, and the checks they rend
1 amount to eometbhlg more Ilke
millions. Ile thinks breeders need Imre
110 doubt about future markets for any
stylish, full sized carriae.e- hoary they
Ivey be enabled to put upon the Lon-
don market- lit rub -math= the prodn,•
tion of such full sized carriage hnries
ns now appear in the parks, and fish-
innablc streets of London ler does not
disparage the fashionable hackney
which adorns the elegant victoria. lett
wants the larger typo to be bred In
• A Welsh View.
The incumiIiu ut of all old and his.
Writ; church in *Vales, who had leen
showing &party of Americans :wound.
naked them to visit his parochial
school, of which hu was very 11toutl,
in the fond hope of as liberal lunation,
.tfLe•a :1 r.rrdbtiun nr two he invited
them to epurstuoui the schul,tt•s, 1
one of the party atceeptell the im iln•
"Little Noy," sand 1)e to a Sosy-fared
!Ail, "can you tell rue who George
AVnshingtou Was '%'
„lab, Burr." WAS the sauiling 11111)',
"• F, was a'Mericnn getl'r•al."
"Quite right. And can 7011 tell Inc
what George Washington was rt-
uu rkable for :'"
"le, burr. '1': was remaekal,le '1.01
'0 was a'Mcrican an' told the trend h."
The rest wos silence- and it mita
not followed by a done ' , 1'assell'e
.1 vernal. ---- -
Catarrh Cannot 8e Cured
wilts level anent -At in•, ns l bey r tren11 roach
the scat of the Alw•aa,•. l aterrla f+ n blond nr
constitutional dlse,ase, and in order to sore 1,
yon /mod lake becnad renovlle.. Ilall.
l'aterrh ('nae I. taken Internally, and act•
directly nn the blood and morons .mrfaurs.
Halts Catarrh (pure i. not n paack medicine.
It ea. on-erllied 1,3 Ian• of IM Most physlehin.
in thl+rminlry for years and Is a regular tee,
riplion. It fs ram ,0104 of 1!(o horst Irwin,
known, r Meed w Ith 11e b0.a 1*00o1 norther.,
meting directly on, the mnlolea anrfaces. The
perfect combination of the two ingredient. 1s
whoa Koonce' mice wrnwlrred moot. to ,.nr•
Ing catarrh. need for testimonial. free.
• Y. J. l'HENEY k :V.. Toledo, V.
iculd by droirryists; price -A.•
Take Hall . Family t'i1M for constipation.
One Exception.
With one exception. everything
I ye mit money into has gone ltp in nit.-
IV hat. was the exception
"An nitahip."-•Life.
D. Millar Co.
1Ve• have matte Luger preparAtious for the coining be•ssuu
than ever before.
Fur mouth. hack we have bent) planning (out arranging to
make the..Scotch Store" u Ilplfr popular shopping result than
0404 before, - r
N-. buy :*11 goods 1,1, (.m41 :11141 ale Lbal'ufo>'e :alto to buy 111
all 1 lie Ilett tltl'kete and get the rleeest prices end alto
able to give our customers the lest possible valet. for their
We hat.already received it huge shipment of White Lown
\1'ai011 we here 10)11)e.tee1i1 111al1y (11(1lliug lines at `M.'s',
$1.25, til.:.', $1.7J, $2..IrI, $S. ri, Wl no, itl :.1 1111 10 $3,:01
/f// THE LAS ) ' i : COAS
L. Only a few left and every one must
be sold regardless of cost. �%
s- -%
Progress in T'hc Rhona,
The l •:tnadi:l11 Single 1'.. ser s aylk:
The year which has ju-1 closed
matted ra great advance in the 11111ve'
l tent towards just taxation and a
e cquibahle tine ribution of wealth.
In Germany the Single •Ttisela have
succeeded in getting the herd value
tax adopted in many tow•11. and "its
spirit hoe entered into the path, 'ata
of Saaxunia. Hav:uia and Hedst•,"
wtitee (pile of our foreign eol•I•e.pwnl•
dents. They have succeeded. too, in
prevailing on the l'rueriaq Viet to.
arrange for the putehasr of the Lund
,do route a ,w
Ilona the tt uta f the prepuce(' hais•r
\1'illi:un cooed in order to svelter to
the *tate the increase in t:alew conse-
1 u r n the im nuvement.
c t n tl
1 I
lit lhilalll the Liberal Government
is thoroughly cou)nlitted to land taax•
utinu and as hill separately aseeesing
hind 111111 improvements in Scotland
p:t)M•el the Conun'ons be a majority of
:CI. It war selected by the lands
alter as debate in which rho ui•rils of
the Lill were ignored and tho• tax sys-
tem of ileuy lieouge was the,ithjet
discussed. The Gol•e•r rut is eun-
.idyt•ing a more radical measure which
will apply to lash England and Soot -
land, and hare, expressed their de-
termination to force it through the
•'11011se of landlords."
In nen'tow•u country both the 1're-
hyterian and the Methodist churches
have paseed•rt:,(dnti0ns urging upon
their young men W lake 1111 the study
of social plubleni.. with a view to
their s/lutiun, 1110.4 opening up a
great field of usefulness for our ep'ak•
err and a chance to distribute litera-
ture With egret.
In the I sited States T
Mton was r.-(•h•cttd mayor ar•
band by a huge majority in epee of
the efforts of the 1tl•public:tis tratcked
up by the President and the corrup-
liton fund of the 'dicta rlilw•ay com-
pany ; a11d the good work goes um in
That city.
In November the first Single '/'ax
renvrution for bevernl yen's was held
in New York 111)(1 prominent Single
Taxers froul all parts of the continent
'net to promote the great cause they
all have or "notch at bran. As a rc•
.ult a permanent organization was
effected which it is hoped will ma-
terially advance for movement loth
in Canada and the 1'lit(d States.
Leap Year's Here.
Mngistriot. 1(0 witness% -%That is
yon* name
Witness Annie titrohnlelets
Allele, late -How old are you
W tnees--tiixty tour.
Magistrate M,urWel ?
Witness Nol. y'et.
BY MAIL In Your Spar.
Time *1 Home
\Y,, .J11 •,Iir :'.,r,•1..1. 11.te1' hs':• I
Onlaro• where thee, 1-r *arse ,., hnvr Arreded
11apullr , •.I
.even $15
e, n er1n dn.._w ams. ow holt u
T, r 4cstrm 1•r1a,..
r Lrd
eir •krale rnr . - • I n
• A•• there arra lar, • 'ninth. , 1 • I •Ir• t.t rr
411v,1nvrmakrrs is • o. •1e. • •'%,
•r 114 Ina,
w.• eon o.t a'tem amt 1 • 1I tosses
eso• 4,rnv
, i, 1•, 11"11••••:I I,.I.-' ,1• •:r
r( aer
.•„• rd : t•, any adder.. 1:. 4
Al4t r,
1 oil r'•1 , m harm o. 4,o .moi
' 1 • ,r,1 :,•9 •. ,.( 11, 1•L .
*1,l,, rr' lona,.-).
� '
Tha Bait ;.1 Cur. nt literature
12 Comet EYE 'V O' -u LS YEARLY
$2.60 PER YEA'; 26 CT$. A cosy
EVERY NuMnea cesnet 'i a IN ITSELF*
The Clever Salesman.
In elderly Lely /ultrld a ',hop and
n.Led Lo 11 shone mull tablecloths.
The salesman brought r pile and
al -rd thei1 111 o, but she �aad s(•t•u
thivte tlsew11(1.• nothing duidrd her.
"Haven't you something newer" elle
19111 bsflmgbt another pile and
abOwtel them to herr. "Theme ate the
newest p uteri'," he said. "t on will
notice the edge 1•1111S tight 111111111 the
lot•der and the centre is in the middle.
"Dear me, yea, 1' will Lake halt a
dozen of these," said the Lady.
THERE'S nntb3,4 like a good soup to
pave the way for t► good dinner. And
t here's nothing like Armour's Ext tart
of Beef to give that indescribable trhsh`and
rayon,. to soups -
armour's Extract of Beef gives tits tibia
tasty, appetizing Haver of roast beef to all
meal dishe,
"My Favlxite iaeype.:' tell. of many wars
In whirl, Armour. Extract 1,1 Beef may be
i -tel. stent free nn receipt of our nnetal cap
from ajar of Armour's Extract of Reef.
Addrrae, Armour Limited. forma„
Armour's Solid
Extract of Beef
Didn't Agree with Me
Mr. Arthur Teanlaou, ss 1.nadnn
Street, Toronto, writer enthutoiset.iesllt•
of the merits of Psychtno for all
vlmmrirh troubles.
Tor Sevin cents I have had ind'ge"
Gen and dy-epereia. 1 tied torero. or
remedies \1y Teem resembled :a drug
store with mutt r,Ip.a whi*h I had 1 ght,
Eventmolly 1 meet Paycklne, saki 14,'14'
dose brought ps•nnonent relief.
All throat, hong and etomeeb 1rnubl,
quickly cured by Psycbine. it is 11ar
prescription of n great specialist. ,At
all druggists. :Inc and SLIM, or Dr. T.
A. eincem. LiulitelsTorente.
Oh y f Say I
Did you see the dandy
Wilson's warerooms
on Hamilton street.
Ile las the le:'1 collection of
4 lItlors that tv.t.. • to Town,
No Matter what 'tyle you want
or to kat price. they are thele,
Ile has them lion'
$5.00 Up tO $50.00
Can and Have a Look
Any n., . I :•,b in alma • - ;tl ul lir
Aso too. II vion lb,n't P.anLany-
1hiug iu Ins line. thiole yon
have fri.ndI who de, He 1, mole
:'gent for
A Newspaper Bargain
The Family HeraldHeand Weekly
Signal will furnish you with evetyllliug of inler.ML in tin local terld-
14o s. Every home in the diet .ricL should receive the looted pope'.
The Enmity Ilersld and Weekly Steve,' Montreal is the acknowledged beet
family and farm pester in Commie. Ito 111ag111He'ent news service : Ila 111 ltII(•rl,ttM
rpee•ial departments ; 11 . interesting magazine features : iia great seriphs enol•
popular short mtorier, mink,. it, the greatest dollar'+ worth to be fond.
rho combination of The Signal and The Family Het'ald and Weekly Star
provides nn
the greatest lonnt of wh,IIPPOine family rending and reliable news
from all parts of the world,
Send your subscription to -
THE SIGNAL, Goderich, Ont.
. e Prices .. .
s I Second-hand
W orsell's
1New Cutters1
at Knox's
*lade l IL, o „ I,a 11„1
" Only One Grade.
and That The Best.'
• 1 have just reeeivtd A ship-
ment of there One ('utter., and
invite :111YOt10 illtereet d to call
and see them.
1 H �t
CotsCotsNew tits
:111, Rion at seet
Furniture mad Undertaking warrroosl•,
{toad aide Square.
'1'HUNI.Q: !Orwelel. Ualerlch
(louse, ea
Naght call.: At residence, rnr. (',unlria
rood and Nelson ?Street.
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Orden carnally etbnaad to at all
Horn, night or day
'PHONE 15 °R 24
/warehouse 1. cf. West +`
t1" hem 4 w.ud (and Yowls l( 1
street snd
THI 11I: -'I at Duels Square
14r.All ( cel weighed (111 Ibe. Ina*L+i ,,, 1, ,
w herr, you gel. ;sem lbs. tot .1 tut,.
11 1',. h•ft at C. t'. LI:F::ti Hardware Sim,:
r,.a.ldr Square, promptly attended to.
Canadian Northwest
Homestead Regulations.
Any even numbers( section of Ileminimn
Ion!+Ill 5, atilt b.,,'n.kolehc.vnnrind Alberta,
u xcunl ing m and :aa, no* 71'))) eel. urns tae home
i•wded I.y any person who is I be wile head of a
biotin-. or any male of er IA )•cars of age, to the
extent of one-quarter ...Mono/ of I0111 acres, mer,
or less.
APplic:it ion far I` tit r77• nu 'a be made in person
b, the app*e-ant oil n Dominion !woods .Kenny
r Soh ngem•v for the district in which the lama
is • omni., l,try by proxy nn1y, however. hn
mode 5* nn >t genet In, certain eondit10ns by
' the father% 11.01 bet. sena datlghlrt, Mother or
...aster 01 un 'Minding homleslesder.
Thr hnnla,lea Is reunited to perform tin deli under ono of t ho following
• It Al laird six month.' residence upon and
imitivatio) of tho laud in each year fur three
I!) A home -trader tone, if h• .,e d1•dre.. pct
foul the roman -iv! mei/mire their. Iy 114 ing on
',wining land nand 'ne•ly by him. not les than
right). ) „al :oil., in extent. In the vmine y of his
home.' e.d, .tomo ownership 111 land will not
mns•t (hi. n•quirmnenl.
I:n If the father for mother, 11 he father lade
rr lr.ld*of a homesteader has lw•rennnent real
drnoe on farming loot owned solely by him
not le.s than eight) tent acre. in extent, in the
✓ -altof r
/* laity th homestead.
1 a Tterm hmmesstlwH
aniseed for by hhnn
1 I he 4 ninny. .acv home-
steader may perform hl. men nupir{ao,
done dntlo+
by Tieing with the father for meitherl.
111 The torn, '•4trinity-In the ttvn pruecdle
,4iuigt mph. . In ,,,nota, as meaning not mol
'*eni e.dlreetline, exclusive ofthe
width mf molal allowances (Tossed in Ivo
memorr•11'9111, ,
MI A homesteader Intending le perform ht,
r•,Ideine duals. k, accordiince with the a11ne,4
while Ili Ing with parent. nr on forming !an
nwned by himself most notify the agent for th
district of snch Intention.
Rix morn ha' notice In welling most he given
10 lime t'omndssinner of Ih,minlnn Lands at
Uttar,* of iotrol Ion to apply for patent.
W. W. cOHY,
!input y of 41111 Mlni+ler if the Interim,
11 1Me(kerl b. said
rlaatc Al ills aA•
vertlaisirit *e