The Signal, 1908-2-6, Page 8t' etia , rare tti'a+
8 TIOPSDWT, February 7; 1808
Hanna Renominated.
Ames! to The Signal.'
Petrels*, Oot., Feb.(d. -- The Pro-
vincial Conservative convention for
the west riding of Intuition took place
11•ieeyesterday. Hou. W.J. Hanna was
the unaniluous choice. Ile eceepttd
the nomination.
Lobbyists and the Senate.
'Special to The Signal.l
Ottawa, Ont., Frb. d. -Discussing n
proposal in We ornate to amend the
rules Mo tbet hills corning from a
standing committee may he taken up
in committee of the whole. Senator
Douglass said it was in the line of
freedom of expression and taction.
The danger which route said threat•
ened the Senate did not come from
the fresh young men in the ('on)nmons.
hut from the same source which' made
the Senate of the United States un-
popular. The United States Senate
was owned. body and soul, by:corMol'•
at ions and cairtalasts. The Canadian
Serrate had not t•rac'hed that point yet.
but seemed 10 be on the way. His
proposal. if adopted, would make the
work of the lobbyist more difficult, ea
be would have to capture the whole
Senate to his propoieals, and not a
small committee. The *notion was
defeated by 45 to 16.
G. T. R. Main Line Blocked.
(epeeist to The Signal.
Stretford. Feb. ft. -The storm of
wind and snow contiuues and railway
traffic is completely suapcndetl. No.
5 from Toronto due here at t:21) yes-
terday remains at Haden, and No. 2,
which also should have• arrived at
4:31 yesterday, is still at Lucan.
There is little prepact of any im-
provement in the situation or move-
ment of traffic of any kind till the
storm abates.
Japan's Pacific Intentions.
ISpsrial to Thr Sigual.i
London, Feb. fl. -- Baron Kogot
Takabira. the newly appointed Jap
*nese ambassador to the United
States, has arrived here from Route
and Paris. A despatch from the lat-
ter city o cotes hint as saving while
there, 'My mission to the United
States is to be cue of peace and con-
cord. The relations between my Gini
eroment and the Government of the
United States are very cordial. There
has been no conflict at all. whatever
may have been said."
Affairs in Isertngal.
(Special to the Signal.,
Lisbon, Feb. A.- King Manuel hes
signed three decrees, revoking the ar-
bitrary decrees of ex -Prime 3linister
France's administration. The impris-
oned memhers of the Chanbcrof Dep-
uties will he released. and their sun-
pended privileges will be restored.
The announcement of the decrees hoe
further relieved the situation, and
increased tbe popularity of the young
No More Cheap Trips.
(Special to The HtgoaLt
Montreal. Que. Feb. 8.- The rale
war in which the transatlantic steam-
ship companies have been engaged fm
the put few months is rivet and with -
In the next few day rates will he re-
stored to their normal figure. possibly
a little higher than before the rate -
cutting commenced.
Reused Figures Which Give Mr. Thorp
sea His Majority of Five.
The recount by Judge Doyle of the
ballots cast in the recent mayoralty
contest in Goderich resulted. to' stated
last week, in the election of Robert
Thompson by a tnaioritp of five corps
over 1)r. Macklin. who had been de-
clared elected by the returning officer.
The revised figures by polling snb-
divieions are as follows:
Clark Macklin Thompson
No. 1 42 VI 71
No. 2 46 4:1 ;ifl
No.3 75 :11I Zai
No.4 30
No. S .. 21 31 211
Np. 6 51
No. 7 . 27 21 17
Total 2711 327 7:32
The Ili/twee a.. declared by the re-
turning officer were :
('lark Macklin Thompson
No. 1... 11 11 72
No.2 .. •16 1:1 55
No. :1 75 :A 21)
No. 1 11 (11 31-1
No. d 21 31 ?4
No. B ... 2:' 113 61
No. 7.. 91 21 11
Total 2141 :et1 :rtts
IL will be seen that in No. I diri.ion
1Ir. lllacklin bete one vote in the re-
count and 11 r. Thompson gained two ;
in No. 2 Mr. Thompson gninel one
vote; in No. 6 each lost live rotes.
and in No 7. while Or. 3Incklin's vote
remained the same. Mr. T1 peon
gained slit. Tbirtyfnur b;tllotM iu all
were found to be not (marked tar tiny
of the Mayoralty candidates: obese
were divided amour all Lhe duh-divi-
skins exeepting No. 7. where there
were none. About a dozen hnllnts
throughout the town were in/irked for
two of the candidates anit were, of
course, tres ted an.pi.iled hnllnts.
Mayor Th psnn took hie real at
the meeting of the water and light
commission. on Monday evening.
Geed Can of the Saddle.
A mannfacturer of Paddles is credit-
ed with the statement that ene of the
hest of polishes for riding saddles an.1
bridles Is new milk. This (dfould not
ire rubbed In the leather, howcvcr, un-
til the latter bes been cleaned with
slightly warm water and soap. Hand
working stork saddles can be kept in
gond condition by thoroughly rubbing
with three parts Of palm oll and one
of neatefont after first washing with
slap and water. For the leather lining
of saddles that conies next to the
bore there le nothing tin good as
net:afoot oil. The salt which etudes
froth the animal's body Ie very hard
efn the leather. \'!some' and protract-
ed rubbing of the leather Is essential,
whatever dressier M uses.
"1 trust, Mies Tappil." said the
kindly employer to hie stenographer,
"that you have something in reserve
for a rainy day." "Yes, sir," an-
swered the young woman : "i am go-
iter. 1„ tarry a man named Markin -
"My dear," mid the teethe, ;with a
sulk, to the little girl who occupied
the study while her father, an ami.
nent literary man, was at dinner. "i
ruppose you moist your father by en-
tertaining the Isomer "Yes, sir." te-
plisd the little girl gravely, "pleurae be
lire. Warwick vested la Loathe over Sun-
J. T. 44o4dL erps made • burlier trip to
Belle,'Ble last week.
Mrs. Kurt and daughter USN aro visiting
friends -10 Toronto [ht. week.
Will a:lllutt. of The Toronto News, tae re-
turned to Toronto, atter a visit of a few weeks
at home.
H. J. Thompeoe, of Oshre River. Mao.. Ir in
town for a few dal. vieitlug hie anter, Mr.. J.
Ades Yowler. ,
J. Cernlaban returbed to tow; batt week
after a visit •V smut- weeks with Maude lu for•
auto and other uIecea. .
Mrs. II. B. Beckett returned last week trout
Tonto .0. *Imre .be had been taking herpltal
t rtmenl. NV., are pleased to know that who
is gradually regaining strength.
W. G. Coutts. of Big Stone (lap. \'a.. has
lawn to town tor a fen days the pr..t week.
The district in which be b rwduyl. leu .ay.. Is
going ahead rapidly. to tbe coking
in a letter just received from our former
townsman Cha.. E. Shaw, he .ay.: "1 not1.
by the paper the the old town 4. busy over
Iooetelection...out 1 .1noeroly tint that an;
changer made will prove an improvement in
every way. 1 had Ihnuatyts of rolurnitt3 to
Hoderlch. ra dans have been all do.pelled by
M'w. Shaw'. ha, ins been *gate very set Mindy111
with heart trouble. The unlet life here. the
lector say. will .agree with her hotter. My
health M much as WU.I. w it kind regards to
any enquiring friends." Mr. Shaw writes (ruin
!tea View, Northam. Devonshire. England.
Miss Elisabeth Wilson, daughter of Itev. Wilson. of Leamington, foro,etly of
tlodcrloh, continues to plat., audiences with
the talent for elocution which alio showed
while residing In this town. .l recent number
of The Leamington Now.. in it. report of an
ouicrtatument In that own. slip.: -Mires Elisa-
beth Wilson recited 'rte High fide.' by Jean
In;elow. She win encored and responded with
Whitcomb Kiley*, ' Do Toe), Mi. .Me at
Homo 1' Mess [Filson ea au clocutiooi.t de
serve. ber groat po ularit .. She bar greet
,pntaral gifts In that dir,'etlon. which ahe has
industriously cultivated."
1'. H. Horton. of the Blink of Montreal.
Brockville. has been appointed le !lie pndn'a.
of accountant in the Tweed branch. and The
Hrurkrllle Times has the following reference
"Mr. Horton has a large circle of Mende in
Hro•kvi 11-, wbo, while end to hear of lila
well -merited promotion. will bo very sorry to
learn of her departure. Mr. Horton oleo re-
grets Artists to leave a town where he ham
-pent a . "arty pleasant days and of which he
has nothing but happy memories. Mrs.
Horton, who will follow Mr. Horton at a later
date. though not so Ione a reridont of Bruck•
utile, has made many arts friends hero who
will miss hergreauv. As a gifted vo;alirt she
wet especially welcome In local musical
circle-. Many good wishes accompany Mr.
and Mrs. Horton to t heir new home. -
Taxation Direct and Indirect.
Toronto Weekly•Sun.
l'he income riecei. ed hy the Dymio-
ion Government in the forst of cus-
toms revenue is just'as surely* Ilse on
he individual as is that collected
hruugh the municipal tax gatherer.
G. 13. Ryan, the large dry goods mer-
chant et Guelph, put this fact very
clearly before toe Tariff Couyuiilwion a
year ago hest fall. Mr. Ryap said that
he had himself been for years an un-
paid collector of Dominion taxis.
Twenty-eight to thirty per cent. of
the price paid by a pour woman for a
piece of flannelette or print dress
goods bought at his counter was, he
said, due to the tariff imposed by the
Dominion Government on iwppoorted
,;.tole of that class. This addition to
the fair market price is present. The
`tun -tray told, whether the goods
are imported ui home -wade. If goods
ur imported twei,ty-eight to thirty
per coot. of the price goes to the Gov-
ernment ; if they are home-made it
mows to the protected manufacturer.
Because this is so the sum paid in pub-
lic revenue does not begin to represent
the whole amount of the burdens iny-
posed by means of the tariff. Fifty
uiilliut, dollen) are collected by the
D - ion Goteminent in the full year
in the form of taxation on imported
,ponds ; nearly two hundred millions
ire received by home maoufacturerq,
in addition to fair .market price. as a
result of the exactions the protective
tariff enable. these manufacturers to
levy upon the home consumer.
Still the protest against tariff exec -
tions is as a Summer breeze to the
hurricane that is raised wheu a few
•lunars are iulded to the levy nude by
it municipality. Why is this ? Doe's
the existing situation show the urgent
need of it more thorough study of the
whole tariff question hy the people
The Opposition and the Japanese.
Mbntics) star 'Conservative'.
The Conservative Opposition have
Iecidel to make a "hid' for the rap-
port of the Asiatic exchuioniSts of
Hritish Columbia by pitching their
u•nt •n nearer to their lines than
the Government has been able to gd
Phis may la. goo 1 politics, but it does
not •h resemble "the British sub-
ject I was lura" attitude with which
another Conservative lender made us
familiar. The anxieties of the British
tilos-eminent will not be lessened
thereby. though the anxieties of the
Liberal members from British Col-
ombia will no doubt be greatly in-
•reai,ed. . . It hardly hake like ser-
ious statesmanship to prnpuee that we
shall not trust to her 4Jepan'el good
faith. until a1 Ienst it is proven to be
unreliable. Especially should this be
.n when it has been conclusively
proven by our nava 411t'es1igators that
Japan has never broken faith with us
in this business of immigration, or,
I'm that matter, in an' other. Our
(tool of Japanese mite from Hawaii --
American territory- and through the
operations of contraet labor corn -
1111 111k11 encouraged by Canadian labor -
seekers. 'rhe Hawaiian mennre Japan
lea, es us 10 J,nI with as we think fit.:
and the midi ie.( labor 1n,,thle she un-
dertakes to dry up at its source. It
would certainly. be 710 extraordinary
course to say to her today that we do
not believe thnl she lath can and will
put as stop to the uperatiuns of these
contract labor companies ; and that
we insist upon disrritninnting of-
tenoively against her people when
it is not yet even probable that
s0 draalt ' a step i4 accessary.
As to whether the Opposition have
made a good political move, it is hard
to say- .1 definite gain in British
uluntbi, may I. worth more than an
indifferent ,affront to British seuti•
meat throughout the country will
lose. Still there is growing up
aniro)gst our people an increasing
scut of 1nipo•rial and international
responsibility ; anti we are beginning
to ask that own who propos, thetn-
selves as an alternative government
111,a1I show that they, too, feel this
responsibility and are capable of look-
ing beyond party out on the broader
1k1ds of etatta,uanship.
,Lost His Right Hand.
Ripley February 1st. -On Wednes-
day afternoon. Neil Campbell. of
latchalsh, lost his right hand while
working around a saw at John K.
McDonald's.. The hand was taken off
at the wrist. Dr. McLennan, of itlp •
ley, was pontificated and linefeed the
wound. Nt-. Campbell is doing as well'
as can be expected.
She's a wire woman who pretends
that her husband has all the brains
concerned with the matrimonial com-
Young lady (indignantly) -- "Now,
look here, L want your name." ('ab -
man -"You canon get IG mho. I'm
marriet already. Bit y' clan get ma
Lady eustomir-"f wish to tall you
bow these shoes of mine are to he
mode." Shoemaker -- "Oh, i know
that well sough -targe inside ane
fantail outtddo,"
TUESDAY, Feb. lth.
TUg STOW,. -Thu recent store,' has
proved to be the worst since the bard
winter of 1Wi. The' snow is drifted
high above the fences, and traffic }r
completely blocked. On Sunday
there war no service in any of the
four ehurchee here. There hs no
school being held. It was with great
difficulty that G. Yuuughhit loads([ a
car of rattle m Saturday morning for
the Toronto Monday market. The
C. P. 1t. freight train was the last
train to pare through here, and on ac•
count or the short simply of water on
hoard was (treed to heave !Hr. Yuung-
blul's car behind. \"esterlay the
cattle torr' uuluadtvl, 11111 the fam-
ished brutes were enticed to follow a
Toad of hay through the drifts to the
village, where they are now 'wing
sheltered raid fell. Tate county coun-
cillors fee here who were in session
in bio Tricia last week ,ue still snowed
in there.
Canadian Magazine for Feet nary is
*cote than ever distinctly Canadian.
IC starts off with an illustrated article
by Frank Yeigb entitled ''rhe Cari-
boo Trail," and Nome of the other
most important contributions are as
follows : -Thr Washington cf the
North" by M. O. Scutt, illustrated, be.
int an account of the work done by
the Ottawa ImpoveuIen14 0IIl 111 1,.'.I 40
to beautify the capital ; "1'be Last
Lettere of Wolfe and Muntcrdtu" by H.
V. Rosy ; an outline of the "Canadian
Immigration Policy" by W. S. \VutI-
Int The Art of St. Thomas Smith"
by R. Holmes, with reproductions of
rune of Mr. Smith's pieterce; "The
Trade into the North" by Aubrey
Fullerton, illustrated. and en article
entitled '•The Canadian Flag," by
John S. Swart, K. C., of Ottawa.
The Cans. t Almanac for 1908.
The old r le Canadian Almanac
has *'ache .ixty-first year of puts
licntinn, nm Sruwe more valuable and
indispensable each )-err. The elnlxnae
for 1108 contains IBA pages and gives a
vast.01001nt of detailed information
about Canada. in addition to
meteorological information. there are
lists of Canadian Lanka, nnnIicipal
oMcet's, clergy, newspaper., members
of Parliament, i arrt.te•s and solici-
tors. educational institutions, fritter
nal and other Moieties, a list of Can-
adian po,etotnces, the Canadian (militia
list. and other things "too numerous
to mention." Specially valuable
features of this year's Almanac are
the revisal customs tariff of Canada
and the new French treaty. The
price of The Canadian Alniwnac is 51Ie.
it is published by the Copp. Clark
Co.. L- 'ted. Toronto, and inn), be
bad from Geo. Porter, our local book-
A Useful Book.
An interesting publication which
has reached the eilitnr's desk it the
Boards of Trade Register, issued hy
Heaton'.. Agency, let \Velliugton
sweet Fast, Toronto. The title page
terms it '•a guide for investors, ship-
pers. manufacturers and intending
settlers ;" but it is more than this -
it eontains a store of useful informa-
tion in concise form which every hued
neer. man should have :it hand.
An interesting feature of the book is i
A list of Uitnadian towns with the
opportunities which they offer for in-
vestment. Our own town has been
well looked after in this respect, per-
haps partly owing to the fact that the
puhlieher of the Register is Ernest
Heaton, a former townsman. (lode
rich hue also A half page diepiay adver-
tisement in the look, whish should
he of benefit to the town in directing
the attention of capitalists and bunt
nes. risen generally to the epparturi
ties afforded by this town. 3Ir.
Heaton's publications. including the
Commercial Handbook of Canada an:
the Boards of Trade Register, have
now attained a high standing and -are
recognized not only in Canada but in
Great Britain and other Etirupwau
countries as standard publications
upon Canada.
Taube k Son, eyesight specialists, of
Toronto, will be at Dunlop's drug
store on TI m'hday and Friday. Febru-
ary 211th and 21st. 1f your eyes bother
you in any way, or the glasses you
now wear are not satisfactory, do
not neglect to have these reliable
specialists exawine them.
Tine sexton of a "swell colorer
church" in Richmond wits closing the
windows one hlnstety Sunday morn-
ing during eervic,•, when he tens beck-
oned to the side of a young negrss,
the widow of u certain Thomas.
Why is yo' shrttin' dose winders,
.Ir.' .Innes:'" she demanded in a
hoarse whimper. "1)e air 111 die church
is in' now !" "It's de 'minis-
ter's orders." replied the sexton,
obstinately. "IL's a cold day, Mie
1'hum.u', 7111' we ain't guin' to take no
chance ell Iosin' any ci do lambs of dip,
fold while dere-N a big debt overhang -
in' diet church." Exchange.
The western Ilve show show, wide!)
Is Intend. d to draw a good attendance
from the Rocky mountain states. is
scheduled for Jan. 20.26 at Denver.
Awards will be made for torose, teed
grains and feed products. Protestor
W. 13. OW, Fort Collins, Colo., will
Walsh hall information.
Sweet Cream Butter.
From experience in flaking sweet
cream butter Messrs. Shutt and Mar-
ron of Canada conclude that by the,'
.west cream process then Is no great- ,
er lees of butter fat than in the ordi-
nary method with ripened ere= and
that the keeping qualities of the sweet I
cream butter are distinctly superior t0
these of the ripened cream butter.
Pork Making In Carolina.
"The farmer wbo will avail himself
of the natural conditions for swine
raising in South Carolina can produce
pork with Mss labor and at a lower
cost of teed than L possible in the
best sections of the corn belt," claims
Professor John Michela
Spelt Fee Steer Feeding.
A South Dakota test Is reported es
shot ing that a pound of corn is equal
to 1.25 of spelt tor steer feedbag.
Where the can and spelt were mixed
half and half by weight the relation is
about the same, with a small increase
in gain in favor of the mixture. It was
found that there Is very tittle teed for
swine when following steers fed on
ground spelt
In Brief.
The Angora Goat Breeders' aasoeia-
tion has elected as president N. A.
Gavin. Lawrence. Kan., and eseratary
treasurer John W. Patton. Helena.
In the production of winter lambs at
the Wisconsin station the ase of a,
Southdown ram with grade ewes has
given compactness and excellent mut-
ton quality to the lambs. and the cross
1s ooe which can be recommended.
Tuberculosis has beeo observed in
hogs and pooltrt fed on skim milk
products. and to estimate this source
of disease 11. L. Russell of Wisconsin
believes that pasteurisation of skit*
milk should be required by law.
. Th. Utab State college now offers
for the first time a coulee In veterinary
Milk Strainers.
Milk strainers should be kept ex-
ceedingly clean and scalded a second
time just before using. If cloth strata
en are used several of -tbem should be
provided In order that they may, be
frequently changed during the .17011
Uig of the milk.
Eloquent Even When It Does Net Ar.
ticulats a Word.
It la never necessary for the tongue
to talk in order to tell that you are III
or the nature of your illness. The
tongue of the- dumb Is quite as elo-
quent when viewed by an experienced
physician as the tongue of the most
talkative person.
It is a wonderful orgau and should
be studied by all parents, not only on
their own account. but on account
of their oJspring. It aids in maatk•a-
tion of food, in drinking, In sucking. in
articulation. and contains in Its mu-
cous membrane the peripheral organs
of taste. There are doctors who will
spend half an hoer feeling or your
pulse and listening to your heart beets.
There are other,, who comman.l,
"Stick out your tongue." One glan'e
at your tongue will to thee[ tell the
Tremulousness of the tougue when
it is protruded is a poeltlrc sign of
various nervous disease". But by far
the commonest cause of this tremu-
loasnees is an excessive indulgence in
alcohol. There Is an old rule nbont
looking into a man's eye to tell if he
Ore a habitual lusher. it often fails.
Think In some men excites the lachry-
mal glands. enuring the eye to appear
watery. But all of us know men who
have watery eyes, yet never trench
liquor. But the beat and tinal test is
the tongue. It is the nuly clgn that
cannot he concealed. if it man 'Seek-
ing employment awearo ou a stark of
Bibles that he does not drfik. make
him stick out his tongue. 1f It trem-
bles be is a her.
Stable Notes.
it Is not h'ur't work, but poor care.
whleh ruins the average fano horsy.
Always ren,nre the harness at the
noon hour. and use ns little harness as
possible when .lolog farm work.
White Pine and Tar
The best Cough Rennledy
Sold by
25c a Bottle
on the
S. S. Lessons
SPECIAL, 81.00
The Gist of the Lesson
By Torrey
Leather-bound pocket edition, asc
Pocket and Office
Canadian Almanac for 1908
Geo. Porter
'Phone too The Square
Howe -made Chocolates, - 23c per Ib.
Houle -made Nut Tattles, mixed,
10c, per Ih.
Finest Selects in bulk
or served in any style.
Pc paiiy
I .113 CENTS
EAO.' 1
Meals, Lunches, Hot Drinks, Ice
Creams, etc., at all hours.
Olympia Cafe
'Phone (4q.
Winter Footwear
at Bargain Prices
We are prepared to give you the great-
est bargains ever offered In Goderich
of Men's, Women's and Children's
Felt and Felt -lined Bootl
Shoes and Slippers
Cow*. and let us show you Footwear at
prices that talk platter than arguments.
Downing & MacVicar I
North Side of Square Goderiel
The Pantry,
The Kitchen
The Diningroom
are requisites in ever)'
well -ordered household ;
They would be
adjuncts to the home
without - being supplied
Good Things
that are fresh and purl'.
Please qt. Prompt Delivery.
Witch Hazel Cream
For Chafed Fgct and Hands, mussed by this extremely windy
and frosty weather. The hest selling and one of the very best Skill
Lotions to nae as our
WITCH HAZEL CREAM inc. per Bottle)
But we have in stock many other well-known similar prepAare-
tious. Get a battle of ono or the other of these and use at ont-r.
Don't put it off till your bands get so sore that you cannot shake
hands with your friends when you meet them.
Central Drug Store
Nasmaastma 1
An, Eye
In buying goals from our star
you buy with your eyes open
our stock is kept up-tu-date nu
Invest You]
Money IA
10 rine of good. ',wry Opel,'
Ieady•nuule suite. the kind ft
Mosinewt wear. or any w'nl
where you want to save goo
$5 to $I2
Theta• suits are going
coat, because we Are going till
m1 this line to *lake mom 1•
other goods.
Watch Our Ad. for th
latest thing in tsodericl
Reg. Blacl,
.t3.0 AVM '• i TIIl( tietl'.uit.
More Bargains on
the Klondyke Tables
BEDFORD P .i De aegis j GODERiCH,
THE KLONDYKE TABLES have been filled up again. In
spite of the biggest storm in years they were busy last
Saturday. Next Saturday they will be busier still, for the
bargains are even better than they were then. Every remnant,
every odd lot, every broken line, everything that we found
when taking stock that should not be here today, has been
put on one of the Klondyke tables. We have not paid much
attention to cost or prices but have simply put them on the
tables at a price we thought surely would sell them. We
could not have struck a better name than Klondyke '' for
the tables, for buying any of them is just like finding money.
A little of everything on each table, and many a money-
saving bargain for people who look forward to Saturday of
this week.
was in our favor. The jury with 1111111e up of 4ieolerich
people, not. twelve hat hundreds of them, and they
were unanimous.
Our Almond Cream
with Berzon[, for rough skin and chapped hands. was
on Lein'. The verdict wne one short word. iCLEOANT.
There's no appeal from this.
25c for a Large Bottle
Butland's Drug Store
The Stere that Pleases.
Any Article
Any Article
Any Article
Any Article
Any Article
Any Article
Any Article
Any Article
Any Artiek
Any Artiek
All ready
on Table No. 1,
on Table No. 2,
on Table No. 3,
on Table No. 4,
on Table No. 5.
on Table No. 6,
on Table No. 7,
on Table No. 8,
on Tabk No. 9,
oa Table No. 10,
• Sc
. IOc
. i5c
. I9c
. 25c
• . 3Sc
• 50c
▪ . 75c
. $1i.00
. $I.25
for you next Saturday.