The Signal, 1908-1-30, Page 8• M'LEAN IS WARDEN. REEVE OF GODERICM Ib UNANI• MOUSLY CHOSEN BY COON - . TY COUNCIL. Standing Committees tor 1808- Quite tion ot Holresedie Bridge Site In Dispute Deputations Before Council Urge Opposing Views - The Good Roads Fund. The Jauuary sesaiwu of t e count council opened un Tumidity *1.3 o'clock with all the n.einbers perste'', 1'h,, clerk pl•twidett and asked the council to elect a warden. Dr. Irwin, Reeve of \Vtngbam, moved. wcunded by Ju-. Hewkitte, Reeve of l'rhorne. that • Robert McLean, Reeve of the town of Uoderich. be warden fur bulb. N other nominations were made and at the expiry of the hell -bum. allowed fee nomia*titllr the \Veutleu-elect mew i1)• ♦fled 10 the chair and made hie decla. oo of office before the clerk. Th.. W ardeu thanked the members for lli ho mor they head conterred on hint an l ale lotted that each member, as in fortes i• years, would do his leet for the interests of the county. He outline 1 certain work to be dune this tenties Standing cuMnitttees of the council for the present year were appointee es follows : Executive - Messrs. Leckie,-Snoitb, Gibhings. H*instock end Petty. dprctel - Messrs. Shearer, McKay. • Webb. Elliott and MclEweet. Pittance - Meiners. Milne, Watson. eluegnwe, Salkeld and Kellerw*nn. Education - Meows. Irwin, Perks. Bubier end O.venlock-. Road and Bridge - Messrs. \Icelil len, lettuunt, Stotbt•rs, Fraser au 1 Muegr.,ve. County Property - Meseta. Uuveri• lock, Kellertnann, Hunter, Meeliurtni i and McKay. lepeetzetion-The whole council. H *nlen's Cumnlitttee-Mtwara. L+ mont, Taylor, Bailie, Stothere sin•! McMillan. Hodes ot Refuge -- Messrs. Bailie, Harris, Hawkins and Taylor. The Holmesville Bodge. Yesterday afternoon deputations from the townehip of Colborne and the township of Goderich addressed the council with reference to the loca- tion of the proptkwd new Hohuesville bridge. and deputfations from the town of Wingbxul and the town of Goderich addressed the council with relereoce totbe securing of an annual grant from the county to the hos pitals in these two towns'. The Colborne towuahip delegation were in large numbers " and Messrs. Baer end Kernigb,tn addressed the council strongly in toyer of the Ie - building of the bridge on the ;present site, while Councillor Salkeld and George laithwaite, of Undertch town• ship, Advocated tilt• huildiug of the bridge at the upstream site recom- mended by the committee appointed for the purpose of finding the hest sit•. The Colborne speakers were armed with a petition setting out the reasons they advanced for wishing the bridge in the present site and the speakers suppletuentef this with argument claiming that the new site would give more hills on the road and steeper grsdee than the old, that the new road would he more drifted with snow it the winter. that the present site afforded just es good foundation for the piers of the bridge as the new, [bet the bridge could he shortened at the present mite to slake, it not much longer than the bridge at the up--stes am site would be, that to abandon the present site would means the wasting of a large alnount of money which had been spent in cut ling clown the approaches to the bridge and in putting the road in good shape, and that the new situ would mean a great deal extra travelling fur some of these. Counelllor Salkeld for the Gode• rich township side of the dispute laid em - pliable on the qualifications of the )nen who formed the fomltoittee which recommended the up -stream a i t c. They were not "rank outsiders they were the very men who should know beat where the bridge should be lndlt. The hilts on the time route he said be had failed t.. disrever when driving over it. The 11ats At the pre.- ent mile le freshet. were flood's" sit I the water came over the 'sadness- end the ice toilets up and (iuwlerieb tuw'n- ship hail a great deal of cutting to do through the ice, whereas al the new site the property -owner,. said the flats were 'never flooded. Though the die teuce across the river heed not Iwen pleasured et lite two sites it Joked as if the up•hire:am Kite would le 1.tilf feet shorter than the other. Both aide. 0, the dispute bad draughte of the Inca)' and demon - ignited from them in quite pedagogic al yle. The toap1it al deleg tt inns cuneistd of A. H. Musgrove and Hon. Dr. Mc- Donald, of \Vingh'am. and Judge 1),vle, Judge Holt and C. A. Nairn, 01 (i.wle,ieb. The latter two gentle then did not speak. The delegations trade nut good aaaoe iete an .annual grant from the county to the hos- weals, showing what, was being 'lone in other marries along thew hues and showing the advantage the i011ti• lotion. haat tweet to the county. The scheme proposed was that the county should have the right to send nt)P patient. 10 the huepit*le for eau 11 elle/ of the 'went they might moor: as wYM the general rule in other cuuntk n, At last night's seeriun of the melee'. petitions for t► grant of *Mt I.. the Uoderich hospital. Win to the Wing• hand hospital and Surat to 1h. Gunn'a hospital in Clinton were presented and referred to committee. The Good Roads Fund. Another matter of considerable im- portance ortance which la engaging the atten- tion of the council in the question of assuring a share of the Provincial good emu's apportionment. The re- port of the committee Appointed to in- terview the Provincial (lovernupent In Ree what Brand be done in .eruring %eta h ey to assist in bridge building instead of road improvement, wen 11'. follows : The underllignal, apliulnted be you at the newton of rented in December, leer, to iuterview the Prn-incial (iov• reference ce•to ,,1, ' ' eminent. with Baer n f g .attain amendments to the Tact for t he improvement of public highw•nys, beg brave to report tis follows : We flirt. in (inborieb and in cow Teat' with the clerk collected and prepared detailed data in connection with the old county gravel road Rye. tem end the erp.nditnre thereon. 11 a slso tied a neap pretested, 'showing the county gravel nada loth with And thane without tolls. We then, to- prthet• with the clerk, and the three to- t/ether tnelnteers, vh, Meters. Either, Cameron and Melee, had Re tete, view with the Hon. the Provincial Treasurer, and the Hon. the Minister of Public Works. We showed them tb do bii wi to n aft th alk tali ex In to th 111 th an -nn cla th ag Th at 011 Nu Iw ad ell cu as • dt fu U( 111 An u or th H: m/ tw Int i) of *n 111 s dr an 10 in 1a of 1)t cul ref to et this enmity, In 111M, borrowed on twl,tures *MUM) tat 43 per cent t ild gravel roadie that cow th money chiefly furnished .hy the Weinrich, wit of built the northern %vel road, and that this read was rewards purchased by the county ; at addittnal ruses, amounting t. nit S11 eerie, were expended about s period ; that altugeth.•t therm wee paraded upon the gravel roads, int• rdi.ttely founwing-Ih10010011nt tiute, a 1) talllog nearly 1100(10,1100; and that e • ty ie still owing a le arnee of is money. W1• nowt 'hewed that e• c ty has taken the toll gates uhf d Made free made.. \Ve pressed up• the Ministers the justice of nor int to b e allowed to participate in r fund for herulg duce .lofty pate o what other counties ere getting ,veruutrnt 'west/wee for doing now. r ruint'ters t•ipnwsed theineelves being satisfied teat we had meths t a .awe fur exceptional tratwent, t the act would have to be &etendex! fare anything could be done, anti meal to to have aur council prepare ch tudulent to the lee' ,W would ver our apeitia1 case. and submit the we as early as {weroiblr. - J. T. Currie (warden). t\1u. Holmes (treasurer).. Goderich. Jan. At, Wee, 1'he proposal now. however, is to •signitte eeitetiu )'tads iw the county ✓ iwprovcwent under the present lull Roads Act, including spurs run - ug elf these needs to take in as many p u edible of the teethes? bridges that teed rebuilding, and fur the Mitt year two to spend inset of the grant in e building of bridge's. The following item wits pivoted s pied Moves by Memos. McMillan and tier, that this conned take stops to ropily with the Act Inc the iw wpruve- •nt of public highways by de.iguet- g and essuwing certaiu highways the cnuuty as a county toad aystew, d that the clerk. treasurer and Peers. McMillan ,and Bailie be a cont- use to draft a Lylaw for the poo - err, to be submitted to the council at present session. lee committee.* tep,lte with the aft bylaw was sal ')ted last night .1 the question 1)4 edesge and what wit+hip boundary meals to Include the scheme of improvement was ken up between the repteseutative' adjoiuhig township., the wetter of her toads within the tuwuships to be proved under this scheme being t with the councils of the different wnrhips to determine later. CHURCH NOTES. ir. Cogswell bald charge of tl.e an of St. (large a church on Sun• y7*ut. Mr. Cogswell WAR formerly anis* of a church in Lunemburg. va Scotia, but latterly has tweu 1)o runto. Irv. Canon Dann, of London, will *ch at loth 'services' in St. Giorue's uiel i.n Sunday next anti on Moll- y everting will give it lecture in the rt honor uud' e• the empires of 50 axe's .1,. Y. 1'..1. Mr E. P. liteeart, of I. melon, will spiv the pulpit of the Baptise tech next )4unday tuorning and ning. The pastor of the church is ,resenting the Barite* Bible chase at conference of adult Bible classes d in Toronto this week, he special quarterly services will held next Sunday in North sit. thudist church. The love feast at t.u1. in the school room ; preaching 11 a.m., followed by the observance he sacrament of the lord's Supper. e pastor will preach both morning leveeing. iy Appointment of the Neuer*) As- ubly, next Sunday will be observed Young People's lay in the Presby- ian church. In Knox church the wives will be i1) keeping with the y. Rev. .I1)(. A. Anderson • will •1)k at the uoteting service on Influence." and in the evening re particularly to young people. tee. It. \V. Wright. A. H. Clutton I J. 11. Robertson, of the, Baptist nevi, were in Stratford last week ending a district meeting in ton - :tion with the'Amen's. miasion*ry vement ot the Haptilt churches of at section. Mr. Robertson and Mr. itton gate reports to the local urch Wednesday evening of this eek. A Meeting of the ministers of the lout; churches in the vicinity 01 ckuuw was recently held at the nst•, Lucknow. with a view to ergs n- ag a ministerial ussociatiop. Itep- cntative•n were present from Dun- a', Iwtchalsh. Ripley and White - male' After some discussion it was •ided to tugged?* an association to wt monthly 'at Lucknow or other 1008 a. may Ire decitled. The objects t be meetings are to discuss subjects lits, '1itcr,u•y Y,r theological, and ee. inlay Ihore bearing on the wellbe- g ..t the c ity. The officers the year :are : Preeident, )tev..1. Ten vice-president. c Ford : tcuprcsiden . Ids U. It herb)* : sec ret arytream' rer, Ito v. W. Sanders. An ,•xeeutive com- ttee nntl also a pntgram committee tee appointed. The next meeting Or is. held February 1(1(11, when v. A. Miller, of loohhel.h, will give paper 011'111e intermediate State," ry interesting and profitable meet• g8 nee expected. The minister,. of nous bodies are invited to the veli nga. PERSONAL MENTION. • ire ;ie Mallh i' home from boult bar. Marne ..•her, Ir. IL W. 1'e, i- cl.iettat Mends ae Ilct roll, •h.. rid !Premien. Out. Ire. Jnn. wilwm nod ,hildnu Inn's rel ,trued n, their r1.It 1., \•Irelntn. %rthur ('..refs wit home (non Tln•a,'o for et•at don• during the week. 1r. And Mr.. Ian linker, of liacliI. -pent miry w It It N. Phelan. llrnainta road. n1t ttwt of Menfurlh.I.at eteaent an the K ..3 11. (aura h branch of lily Ihtak of nmerre, 11.. Muriel Tr, e.1,e hit. returned to Toron afters n few w.ek.• 11.11 here os the rm.,. of rm.T. T. I.w.ktr, 1k•xander Wood, of +t, Maryrs, I.'initiwe h' gr* lighter and ndnou. Jt r .P.1'. and J. Ref ; 14 Holi.. Newgate streetthe week. 1-.. Horn An little dun hter, of }1lntrllk. ti•tt ing al 1 he home of M.•n. Iter:'.. latent., . mut Itt.. (ice. 'hemmer. North PI reel, no. W. '-nnatter reter.md Tarwby tm'n n k • ti -Il with Mimi, ea in gamin, county. eh. Thin ,YMnt wa. .wept of It.. fonvt '11. by Are In Mal and loony will remember ark :Monday" in the roll of that roar. Al 1 time a lartn• portion of the county was now heel. hos n great Owner l,.n taken nit in paint vont <, Thmturh 1)111• nadlum of 0\11'1141 /I 11110111W -1-Rtom theme 14 now etteolly no wit -Ie tend In tit enmity and ..Artily ntnl mem,- - 1,every where uppt.renl Aug it, Miming eo,unundly. A rural bolt. me .y.411111.1 Ia tmeral n And Irl' 0' A erre mall whelm..;tare bas Ieglorrll '.r It. people for 'rel gran tw.b. al r. Pam.(1er had the amen• e1 hellos entertained nt. a fathering of 1,t n -ran• of Wenn., r nn.dlwn•, a nuu,lR•r horn Md been rw-Mein• of llarmt entnty err. game by. Aa ehP*d "It/ye know. Mina Sharp, believe some people inherit their oddity." Mims Sharp -"Hot, )tar. pheAd, it is not proper to (peak 1111 AA that way of your parents. try. Canon Dann's lecture on " 1,4. id and the Irish," to be given In the tit hmeae nett Monday evening, 6rnnry :Aril, ander the anep(ees of (ieorgos A. Y. P. A.. should bre yrs by n barge number it ons townie title. Admission, len ern 1'•e he: Pe' THE SIGNAL : GODERICH. ONTARIO O. H. A.'S ARBITRARY ACTION. who had been pressut at the match. added their twtituouy ate to bow the trouble occurred. and the Mayer had Conrail Arcked to Protect TeWn's Pair 'dl lel ct Ins been hKhreferee's scool-fellow hoo4 'Name Against 1lat►Esen• him (1)r a ascus. Tho Mayor w,1) gala The heckcr meta between Clinton witting to sl{{n a st*teuusut that the and Uedericl1 iu Uliutou last Friday huckry dub wt.ul i prrpxrr 11 be seems to have terminated in a general awed," laud it Bidet* tory to biwrelf. rulteup, and As n result a sub•cuw- AY to the merits of the parties' to the matteruf the 0. 11. A. executive has deeeteeme lair. cauueem bruised that decided to suspend the whole Uteferkh' that would likely b e (sought out In the team. awned Friday ni htb game 11) courts. Clinton and expel John Higgins of the what tlla clan. Raper Say, Cods -rich Warn for life, throwiug the 1'rrhA whole blame fur the trouble 1)u the Iw the hart evidence that the Goderich players. Wheu the Utxde- U. H. A. executive her torn to preci- rich club saw the reports of the ?cant Pitatr in its taction Is afforded In tin which were published in Saturday's follu%iu{t account of the game which daily papers, the eeerltery•treasurer is given ,.y The Cliutuu New era this rept in a repast to the II. A. core week : meeting certain of the otatemente made "the 'Mkkey :match hast Friday in the press reports and expl*ining evening, between ll.kletkIl and Cern- ether circuwstxtx:er ; but as this went ton. was ettL•uded by a Wets, crowd, down by mail on Monday warning it (iodoiich having uruudltt a luand 111)0 had evidently not reached 0. H. A. a uwulwr of +upp.ittell., whits luerd hrruiyu►l lore before the decision of the ruttiest:este were (1111 in form The sub.cuuuritteae had been headed nut, g tutu woo Gait, clean and uuobjeetion• as that decisiuu was puhlisbud in Mon. able up 10 almost the mud. very few day afternoon's Totouto Star. The tIet alt. s !ting haudeul out. A fmw decision Nes thus evidently given unease. Iwfoe liar, ansae epi ohm wars will t beartug litkirrich's side of the stuud 8S. and et ibis point the referee, queston et all. presumably du the 1 1. 1•:assun, ut►llaatfurl, gave a rut• re ort of Referee I•:uo•u:t. illicit'. ug uguim,t 'ane of t Utde,ich �he reputef rent iu by tbe'.ecretar • phxyele to- which Ire o ectad, and ttem.uter of the Uiuderich elute F. J. .I uwdrilbthPrice Ind avrow ruaettd oto, Butlxnd, wen as lullu.bs : 1 which Chief Joseph Wheatley, who Secretary Butland's Report. ; was laying to restore order, was ewe wish to ruake a report of the arrack with A �uckry slick, xnd se - game played in Clintuu between Cline ♦seely cut slam the banal, susttiniog ton and litderich on Jauuary 21th. injuries. wbicb have cuntineti him to the Ifklti. First -In Arranging for it ref- butte since.. As AS result of this game. erre for said gone we aright say that ()Werich bas lawn suspended by the Clinton celled tut up by 'phone and U. 11. A. This cave rut a strrprue to asked ur about a referee. We asked the Clinton teal). aud, we are told, thew to.Iggest two and they did so was neither expected or desired, as by aiming Eamon and Edwundr. of the Gtelerich ream. un tate whole, was Stratford. We would nut accept not responsible tor whist hapuruei, either of these, and then tbey asked And mese of the member, expneseed us to 'suggest twu and we tamed Peel, their deep regret at the time. Solt' of Leeduu, and Heim, of New Ham- teams rlluuid join heeds and etagere burg. Timer were not ruirfectory to be the lest of friends, for *game ot to Clinton. Then we asked thew to htwkey, 1)r enytb n4 like it. is tau suggest one. which they did. and iusignincent to cause unpleasantness named Mr. \Vrtttxufer..,f Berlin, and between towns that aro in no •sense we were perfectly 'aniseed with the rivals, old whe h should continue on letter gentleman.. and we thought be the neat friendly relati ,n.." was to teferee. \\"e have twee iu.0- fled sinee by W. A. Hewitt that Chu - fou could tot secure %Vettlauter, and that they naked the 0. II. A. to ap- point one, as we coald not *gree on ne. This war nut the case, as we had DUNLOP. Tu 11 si>AY. 3 *u. 'lith, \\'r are pleased to know that JAR. T000g, jr., has passed his examina- tion fur chief engineer on the lakes, agreed on \\'ettlaufer, but when he could not come llodericb was not aware of this and I believe Mr. Hewitt A man who w, -t 'Bis time 1,reu• was not made *were of the fact that ging about his hems Ere aro t going to we had refused Beasonand ss he was give hie desceodauts ...ch cuauee to appointed. Goderich, thought when 1 brag of theirs. they saw Fateeon as referee that Cline A wife's wine• eouuxeTling entereth ton hal secured him ou their own , her husband's' mind, and ,after teeny cognizance and were of two mind* 'env. to her in jewels and abut playing the +n110 at n11, as they precious raiment. - positively refused to pin• under biro.. "What a the most ttggrav*ting nut sooner than disapp Inst the crowd ! thing in uenrried lite ' naked Dom - they played. 11 they had know n Wet • tiny. "8 iiers "avid the bxchrlur the O. 11. A. had appointed him kuuw-) friend, iC+ the• h..sland, And suulr- ing all the tact, in the cAse they ver• 1141110111s Ole mite.' tainle would have played and made no kick. We wlght. say Mr. E*,.son gave entire satisfaction except with one wall, and 'hie marl is one wl Emmet beers A Kt tido, against of lung etaodieg, namely Wiggins. Shortly alter the game 0181104 1\'igginn war± put MT fur three minutes and this was' a :mistake. an McKinnou was the nun that should bave Caen put off, and the referee acknowledged this hintetelf. The second time %%eggine a es put off for a trip and the referee was justified in doing so. When the score was $ t.. $ and Only five Minutes to play Wig- gins was put MT fee three minutes x11.1 wheu Wiggins Asked what he mut put DIY for be wade it flve minutes.. which wits practically the balance of 11 e gauge. We do not think that the ret erre wan justified in doing this, to. we 001111 not nee whet he had leen put tit for and Johnston. W ggins check, tul- uriltel that it was perfectly uncalled for. tV ile Wiggit s and the t derte wen• bawl g some wards our manager went ever to the referee and aeke.l what nes the trouble, when the ('pin• ton po'ice ettackei the teenager with his baton and struck him a seven: blow on 1 b head, and when the (exte rich sal portere saw the manager bleeding freely they went to his ser - cue and a free light ensued, The Goderich twee skated ,anttttt the ice ' and were the a to finish, when the ref- eree called the ;tame off. Clinton people R, y tb •t tbiit utas the cleanest Maine fiat WAY avec• played there and we are ,very sorry that This trouble cccurre 1, which would never have taken plac • lett fur the Clinton police ,.ppear lit on the scene and using their ba.ous un everybody. The press report yesterday slates that Wiggin etruc the referee, which is aheelnlely untrue, and if necessary w can furnish affidavits to this erect." • A report in Monday's Toronto News makes rather rich reading. and ou ac- count of the erroneous statements in it M. U. CAmeron, K. C., accompanied by hie client, the manager of the 0odericb club, waited on the town council at the special meeting un Tuesday night and asked that hotly to take some action to hove the mat- ter set right. The objectionable item in The News in given AA 11 statement by Secretary Hewitt of the 0. 1b. A. and is as follows : eteeeretnry Hewitt. of the 0. H. A.. nutted this morning that the 0. H. A. would in allrrob. ability deal rather handily with the principals i1) the (hdericb-Clinton frame at the latter town on Mislay night, when several of the spoctetsrs and members of the police force wen• very badly imjnred. At least one 1.1 the Ualerich',layere will be expelled, and 1 wouldn't be surprised to iter the Whole lean thrown out, a8 they were the ones in f*tilt. The Goderieli team lifts always Been a lunch of had actors, and in ell their genres- this eeRmon hare caused trouble. Wiggine, the Goderieli player, who assaulted iter eree Etetwon, will ,urely get the Axe, as his • ectton WAN entirely uncalled for, '111'• (Uo.letich seven was arentr.- paniel by about four hundred Gans. cowpneed mostly at hig hrrly fisher- men, and they took 11) the scrap with a relish, with *h., trent' that after they were c-h*sed frons, the rink the fight 'vee continued en the town streets all night: ' The 0. 11, A. will not toter tte sit •h 1* homier on the part of any team in the sattmhition, and * meeting of the 0. 1I. A. lints committee will be helm this afternoon, when punishment will lw handed nut to the offenders." Mr. Cameron pointed out the ine.a- mettle-se of the atwtement, and his best style of eloquence and satire (mom made ridicule of the 'deet of suer t.it; burly finherrnell from (irwdel•icb thrill ing on the streets of Clinton till nigh'. He said he was informed by the li. T. It. ticket agents that the cmwd That went frons (i.,duruh consisted of about iii, of whom n01rne two dozen wet)) Wipe. The train on its Kerner rte rived in Onderich at 11:1.1 p. in. Mt. Cameron referred to the old grudge that VaaRo1) had egein1t Wiggins dal - Ing hack to a gauze in Berlin • to.) ur threeears+ ago, and to whst lie oharaeterized as the unwarranted action of the police of Clinton. 110 wits advised that the chief had hoot some half-dozen special e"nnt*hles sworn In and the police magistrate in hi* office ready for trouble. Uettecillote Humber and Craigia, Peloubet's Notes on the interactional S. S. Lessons SPECIAL. 51.00 The Gist of the Lesson By Torrey Leather-bound pocket edition, sec Pocket and Office DIARIES FOR 1908 Canadian Almanac tor 1908 50 CEN7S Geo. Porter 'Phone too The Square An Eye Opener 1n buying ;rood,' from eon stereo you buy with your eyes openl our stock is kept ttp-tt ddite Clad st yttah. Invest Your Money In our et our guekl, eery is rata,• ready-made auita, the kind for bnsinere wear, or any work where you want to save gond suits. $5 to $i2 'hies.- -alts are going 1 real. 14.iiti, wr are going nal of thi• lime to make room hit other Kends. Watch Our AJ. for the latest thing in Goderich COMING SOON Reg. Black FINE TAILORING A',WA1'a nN TICK thOt7IRR- BURIED IN CEMENT. The Story et an Arab Soy Who Re- nounced Mohammedanism. According to history. there was torn about the year 15e0 au Arab buy named Geroulmo. Ile was captured to lufrn0y by the Spanish garrison at turn:, and when about eight years old he escapee from his captors and went back to kis family, ler leg as Mobem- anedau until the age of twenty-five. He then volatility returned to Oran auto resumed the Christian Ufe which he bad adopted previously when In the bauds of the Spaulsh suthorlttes. A Taw years later be went on a coast - Ing ruld wltt1 a party of Spaalents. but the raiders were themselves cap- tured by a Moorish corsair and brought to Algiers. Here the attempt was made to courert him to Modem" wevlaulaw, but be persistently refused to embrace that faith, so that he was tried and condemned to die. His hands were tied behind bis back, and he was cast alive, face downward, Into • block of concrete then being prepared for the Fort des Vingt Quatro Meares, then building. Caren,' note was taken of the stat by Heide, a Spanish Bene- dlcttno missionary to Algiers.. who prayed the time tnlgbt come wben the Lord would pave the way for his ex- humation and Christian burial In l853 the French found It necessary to destroy the fort, and the data left by Riede were found to be correct, for the designated block of concrete on being cut open disclosed the bones of (Jeron- imo and the cavity left by has body. Tbe bones were removed Dec- ee, 1%3, and given Christian burial, and they now rest in a tuaasive ,tone sarcopha- gus in the cathedral. A plaster cart was made of the cavity and afterward photographed.-Cemcut Age. No Time to Loss. "Sir," said the young man, entering the office. "1 691 you a communication yesterday:" "Well?' asked the grim faced man. "Well, Mr. Prater, 1 thongbt perhaps you might give me a reply to my re• quest, and" - "Walt a minute," said Mr. Prater. "Are you the man that sent this ac- count for 310 for hats for my daugh- ter?" "No, sir; !- "Then you aro the one that left this hill for fee for her dresses:" "No, sir. My commit" - "Then It must be able for 37 for shoes" - "No, air. My note was one asking 1f 1 mlghtsbave year danghter's band." "Ton want to marry her!" gasped Mt-. Prater. Then, turning over the pile of bills, he urged: "Take her. young man' 1 don't !:now your name, but take her quickly! Sbe'a talking about doing some more shopping." - London Scrams. i MEWWWWWWah- Winter Footwear at Bargain Prices \Ve are prepared to give you the great. est bargains ever offered in Goderich of Metes, Women's and Uhibdt•eu's Felt and Felt -lined Boots Shoes and Slippers Come and let un slow yuu Fool wear al prices that talk plainer than arguments. Guderich Downing & MacVicar 1 North Side of Square A Paris Restaurant. The t'arinlan meat are not likely to Crumble at being asked to dine In dress clothes to any particular London restaurant, for tbey bave In Paris one dining place where this unwritten law has always been enforced No man ever goes to dine at the Armcnonvllle 11) the Bois de Boulogne without put- ting on his dress clothes. Why fush- Ion has decreed that a Frenclinian way dine at any of the boulevard restau- rants In tenuc de vilte, but must wear a swallowtail coat 4ben he drives to the big park of Paris to dine, no one knows. it Si 0181010, and there to a Parisian is the end of It-Bcllman. Two Horse Taloa. An Albanian who had been in an esatern state whale freshets were in fall swing told the following about a horse which had been attached to a footbridge crossing a brook to keep the structure from going adrlfL The flood dually swept horse and bridge down stream. Inter the bridge wall discovered lodged against the bank, with the horse sitting quietly on the former. A bystander who had listened intent- ly to this tale remarked quietly: el see suttee` aimilvar onset " •• f ndeel ? What was it?" asked the story teller. "Te satire" WAS the reply, "atter We hese 1 sae wan took down strewn tee buddy o - buddy ever 'upect.td to see him alit.• alien. But be wan a pow'ful sort o' brute. an' 'bout it hour afterward we see bim a cumin' up stream a-pulles the blame old bridge arter ham!" Mortar Tossers. There 1* no hod carryout; i i Japan. Tbe native builders hate a method of transporting mortar which makes it seem more like play than work -to the onlooker. 'rho nlortar 18 roiled k0 a pile 11) Ole etre0L One man makes this up into tails Of about sit pounce. welgbt, which he tosses to a wan who stands on u ladder midway between the roof and the grouud. This man deftly catches the ball and tosses it rt. to a matt who stands on the roof. - San Francisco Chronicle. Women and the Theater. The brat aim of the modern pint t. right 1s to please the women in the audience. The second thought 1s for the female characters in the play. 1• a play hnds favor with the women 1t is bound to ie a success. The men will go 11 only because she la there or to act as her esscort-Tbeatcr Maga" zinc. COURT HOUSE SQUARE DIRCC 1MiORT643 ! 'PHONE NO. The Last of theOldandthe First of the New SATURDAY, FEBRUARY Ist, is the first business day of a new year for us. That day we are going to have a final clearing out of last odds and ends of winter stocks. We will make the first showing of neva' spring goods all well; for a big shipment is here opened up and ready for early buyers. Either attraction ought to be enough t3 give us all the business we can handle Saturday. The Last of the Ofd. ( The First of the New We have been busy taking stock, counting and listing everything that is in the store. Every- thing that we found for any reason whatever should not be hero has been thrown out to one side, and will go on nine tables Saturday morning marked at prices that will make the selling a posi- tive certainty. We are going to call them KLONDYKE TABLES because each and every one will be a veritable gold mine for every buyer in search of bargains. There will be all kinds of things on each table, but not much of any single line. From all over the store we have gatbert d the supplies. Every department contributed its share. We cannot tell you what you will find on ' ach table, but each will be num- bered, and you c n take your choice of everything On it at one price. Table No. 1. ('hoice, 5c. Table No. 2. t'hoice, 10c. Table No. 3. ('hoice, 15c. Table No. 4. Choice, 19c. Table No. 5. ('hoice, 25c. Table No. 6. Choice, 50c. Table No. 7. Choice, 75c. Table No. 8.• - ('hoice, $1.00. Table No. 9. ('hoice, 51.25. You will find ,come of the biggest I)ry (foods bargains you have ever seen in town on these Klondyke Tables Saturday. Opened up all ready for you - first tiding Saturday morning. ' bright and clean. fresh from the cases, direct to us from some of the best British mak- ers, priced to you at low fig= ares because of this direct buying. Wo will have ready new Zephyrs and Gingham", new Prints, new Saucy ('am- brics, new India Lawns, new Persian Lawns, r.ew Muslins, new English Cottons. Not by any means all we will have, but an aseortmcnt gen•'rous enough to give early buyers ample choice. A Big Coat Bargain Saturday Any Tweed Ja4ket, $'25 Just about 1.2 or 15 ladies' Tweed Jackets left in stock. All, are this season's garment,. correct in style, perfect in fit, well tailored from first-class materials. Wo are winding up 0111. of the best mantle seasons we ever had. You kno ry we never carry a single garrint over and to make sure of the selling .Satur- day, offer you your choice of these last fifteen for $6.25 Regular prices were $I., `15, and $1 7.50. i