The Signal, 1907-12-19, Page 66 1aLIELA lAv, Lleasmber 19, 1907
Dr. HodlfKta Says Neglect Has Cost
the Province Two Million Dollars.
Dr. Hoilgotts, secretary of the Prov-
incial hoard of health, ealiutates that
arslect bmunicipalities to enforce
the vccly uatiun act And smallpox
l.t-gulatiun has post the Province 11114-
ulQt"s. In au nMcial slatelneut Ur.
Hodgetts says •-
-During Lbe fast leu years stuall-
I, ox baa been juvwnt in the Province
In urore or It -68 of all epidemic lot -Ill.
Prue, it has leen quite milt] jai char-
haratter and quite unlike the type of
snallpox.which prevailed in tire- city
of Montmal in 18854 yet neverthrleaa
the di"rase has been smallpox, posse-
ing in it Intent foi•ns the infective
loV olet'ties of this dreaded disease
whirl, have now &fail again auddeuly
t,rcuune evident, and cases duos!
virulent in character have presented
themselves, with now and again as
death. The question lots often been
anksil, whell will we set- lift- end of
this disease ? Municipalities are tired
of them oft-re•pelatel outbreaks
they coal money; they diwmorgoniu
trade, and are ver)) inconvenient t(
eveneste.' Thr tvpl)' to looth guestior
and complaint in 'That municipal'
authorities have imposed upon there
now .tatnalory pruviai„ua far lilt
speedy remedying of the utievauc•t
for loss of life mud money, as well At
all family and public tnconveniencea
and the municgal councils of On.
tario alone are to lie held responsible
lit their bandit has been and still it
to be found the prevention of this
disease laud the staying of the final
Ciao losses, which up to the prewn,
twnnut at a eonserralive rationale
have heeu less thou t wu millior
-At tire, present liter Ontat•io it
I trgely an unvaccinated Province, and
the reflection is upon the municipal
authorities themselves Thr law
gives thew the machinery. Why will
III bey not enforce the Tillie fwd lone
ficial law ? Had they dour mo, lhe•t'
would not have Iween lout 1 per cent.
of the cases that have occurred during
the past decade to reppxtort, for 90 par
cent, of the cases have been uuvaccin-
eaed persons. H
,*flat* lamentable condition of af-
fairs is it said resection upon the
a lathy, flit inertia and the intelligence
u' municipal Authoritiep ; possibly not
until the disease A olx+Ars iu all Re old-
tiutr severity will the • lot• aroused
front their trip Van Winkle sleep.
An regards hospitals. tilt- trustees fav
required by section 1 of the vaccina-
tion act to provide for the vaccination
of the Pont, std are rvrpuifed to make
annual returns to the lirovincial tirc-
retrry of the number so vaccinated,
Arid, further, uo warrant Ahall here-
after be issued for life payment of any
Legislative grant until the certificate
has been alt MO."
A Sign of the Skies.
Illy It liauker..
Historians inform us that the ku
ne the Great, then
herror eathen, p,vviuus lit the cuwwauce-
talent of the latttle which gained for
hire his crown, wtw suspendtxt in inid-
Air a large filet ctvss ; &Laid that after
the victory he Imeatune it convert to
Chrintianiq', and Adopted thu sign of
the dross as los lad(,,w. And pioaably
front time to tiute this natural pro-
lably electrical pheuoure•nun has
berm ulwrrved, though ..t (.out" In
these day. of education and enlighL-
rnuaent t11t- strange spectacle is out
viewed with the alarm And tris
which it evoked in flit- days .d
heathendoin, air in the dark agt, ..f
mednWV4l bupet•atitiull.
A Ix•Aotiful instance of thio "t&rtlidFt
phenomenon, which the writer amt
torttnate in witnrwing, occurred in
the south of Ireland in the early
ukneties. He was driving along tine
of those lovely coast roads which it
would be difficult to match for natural
lorauty in any part of the world. Un
each side of the road was a high and
picturewlue it -regular hedge ; not
trinunott down in a long straight 111141
fly tho vandal hand of thaw whit aura
despoiling the country ..f its heAuty,
and robbing the landscape of its
gteatsmt charm, but a luxuriant fes
tooned Land garlanded sylvan copse ;
here a tas"Ie•d, feathery spray of
travellers' joy ; here a wreathed chap-
let of rat•etues of the brilltautenud
handeune scarlet ben y of the black
bryony ; or here a toll built] of the
striking and somewhat rare wild
euonylnus, every lough loaded with
its lovely rose -pink And orange ttipplr
Iwrrirs. And now At a tun of the
road the sparkling seu-scarke bursto
upon the vies•, the road soon skirting
the seashore. the fusion of the breaking
waves altu(at IvAching the ruck -pro-
tected border of the roam!.
But far more beautiful, find lar
wore wonderful, suspended over the
Writ at an elevation of not inure that'
twenty degt•tes, find snildenly starting
into view, gloAm a large and gleaming
cross, rlear and distinct, though on
(kill noonday ; not-teclAngular. but
shaptml wlwewhat like it tit. Andlvw's
cross. Arid there it hangs, glistening
In A pule, lambent glow -though had
it teen flight it would doubtless have
shone with, A brilli,urt, little dazzling
fire- until soon it faded away, leaving
a toemory never to lie forgotten or
Ayr. %what dues the Cross mean to
the n urld ? Am euaneil,,tt ion (iron' '
the et- kielties and the horn m ort heath-
endou, ; ,tfree pardon to all who kill
PaCrept the Great Atonement wade fly
the Non of God thereon : and it
eternal inheriUunce fill- fill Ilelit-vrr+,
in altvalul of morpmasiug joy, never.
ending pleasures, and inconceivable
gloric, and f.-licitae..
Bad breath from Indigestion Cannot
be Overcome With Perfumes.
Have Found a Cure for Their Kidney
All (if its touffe•1frooi bad breath
Troubles in Dodd's Kidney Pills.
souletimes 41st• own, but oftener ShAI
Giroux. Main., Dec. Idth.-4Special. I
of our friend-.
Nine -tenths of this Is,d beach
Among the thousands of ManiGolans
rule lace found a cure fur rhe pains
county fnnn time stomach truohle,
:and arhes of kidney disemme in Ihmld's
and cannot be overcome by breath
perfumes or any ulher palliative
Kidney Pills is Mr. Phileas Norman- I
dealt, well known hel'e. Ma'. Norman-
If yon (occasionally have it ba,:
dealt sat Y" `
'•I hal kidney disease fill- three
breath . if there is heart-Imrn. sxtul-
years. At times I got so lad 1 could
Ince anti acid gulping"..( undigested
H""I : if Lhr %toFnarh burns orsutarts:
not attend to any work. f took just
five boxes of Uodri'm Kidnev Pills, and
if there is see desmne"s, nervousness,
any rains and aches are all gone, And I 191yinrotoins
headaches or any ail Irl• of the ninny
can work as troll as anybody.'
(of indigestion, rise Mi -o -ria
Dodd's Kidney Pills Always cure rstornttch
tablets find get well.
311-o-na. is not A tnt,re digestive nor
sick kidneys. With well kidneys you
r•an't have Bright's disease, diabetes,
A physic, last a tonic remedy that
dropsy or rbetltuati"111.
„ttengthens the motiveless of the• stone
itch avid la,welm so that the flow of
Publication of Assessment- Roll.
gfaatnr• juices i4 increased, and the
Ntod is digeatel naturally and die's
Owen Sound Advertiser: The agi-
not stay iu life stotuar:h to ferment
Cation for publication of the ashems•
And poiwm (lip breath.
trent rolls of all municipalities is tic-
.IAN. Wilwill has" seen t1 many cures
coming quite general throughout lin.
made loy Ali -o -ria rtoulnrhtablets that
L•ariu. As a reueedy for the ninny in.
he gives A guaruulre with every. -A4
justices that are apparent in every
cent lox that, the oeoney will lie te-
urremsrnent this seems to be the treat
fundAl if the rerne(ty fails to (live
yet proposed. There is nothing like
publicity to export• things that Ale un.
satisfaction. tle takes the whole risk,
and a to% of Mi-u-na will not cost con
fair. Given the opportunity of con-
a penny unless it cures you.
veniently scrutinizing the work of the
- ---
amaessiors, the ratepmyers will wx)n Jin•
NIas. Chugwater -- ".lomiah, this
c> ver whether they are fairly Assessed.
paper saymmunicipi.lSI nwnermhip is
The plan ha. Ieefa tried in soine Initial-
fill ignis fatuus.' \\ IIAt is An ignis
cipalities much am the town off Barrie
fatnlm F' \It•. Chugwater - ,That so so
and the city of HAmiltnn, find %vias I he
pltin that anyl"ady (slight to know
means of doing inilch to I ilunlize t he
what it means fat firm eight. 'Ignis
ASaearrfnent. The impression i-, grow-
mpans Hie. •Fatuu.' is far. The fat's
ing that a printed mwessfuent troll I.
in the flare.' 1,'hicmgo Tribkine.
needed as much as a printed voter.'
i,ove all+ even family jars with
list in this country.
"A Newspaper with A Conscience."
No meltopolitan uewspallei ••n ibis
mide of the Atlantic All. the other has
Jas, Wilson Confirms Guarantee 01,
done more of true public service thnal
Hyomei, Cure for Catarrh.
The Montreal Witness. Few indeed
Are the papers that can show .urh n
Thr qu-'stiun haying 1wen raised fico
rrcotd As itm mare than sixty yr;ua sof
t41 whether air n..t .Ins. w ill rv-
foraIr.s of riots! rt-•
,fund the money if a Hyonu i outfit
he Witticism
form. The \YitneAm tins ever dariod to
drops 111411, t10 all that Is claimed for it int
*!arid rip far what it telievrll to he
curing entarh. he want" GI state po.i-
right, tegatdleas,of its own financiAl
livrh flat ilii% guanntrr -Ili ,tri
vely, t
inte"sta. Though published in cIit'
Achim greatest manufacturing centre,
A fact.
tep li
A to fact -'e like. this is the 1,lst
it hl* twel-Sa.tently championed file
t con. lie
• offered AA 'To the
rarer of the fanner loth rest and
Pllydr. pN of a 111 illi
car,%rrhod timble%. Ynu do net. tisk a
In the ti( oar of ihr &Lido"t
rent in testing ilm heading virtues, Jos.
t- dayrdw
men .. aur Ihr• ant•
Wilson titkeA All the rink.
crf our awn coll-'grm. CanmdA ,otos A
U w
If you hnve PatArrh, tr) thin w41n-
,ler/al medicatwl of H It
dehf of obligAlion to The \\-tines.
that it mill n.•ver Ino• able I41 Ieroitv.•.
air Y onlei.
Clown not drug or deru,Re thrmtlnuneh.
In its sfal,u•rilret•.' interest, The Wit-
but it in breathed thr41ugh a nett
nets mnnuslly foreR,le. n revenue, of
pocket inhaler ilial, r�imP* with every
mrny thmmtuds of dollars by the it.
41nlilt.. qtr that its medication reaches
titodp it taker towntds peruivious Ill.
the most reniole;tit• cells in lire nns41,
cl-wotwilmlole hdvertisrl,lo•rltm.
throat AI/d lingA, where Any C:attirrhml
Thr Wit1,eP% IN alk up-lo-date#laws-
grrlu" may be lurking. IL quickly
paper In the beat menu of tilt w•..r(l.
destroy, then!, hPAls find slalthem the
It prints all the novo, worth while.
irritAtwl nolcokim nu•olbtrane '111d vital -
TIP market Anil stack report" Avid
izre the t.imsnr% sit that catarrh is no
financial review•m have the conlidenee•
Inn ger pos.ilole. Yon coon lo -se nothing
of UAnM(A'm leading husinesm Inen, Its
1't- giving Hyootpi a tried, n..thinR hut,
*ariouo dr
department- such as -Thr
the ratarrh, And I hoot i. g(r"d riddAlirP.
House." R 'isllPr.
• it#- price of the complete outfit is
dors." ',
tmm Renders." ' Ifr,v� Page," Chil.
but $1.1x1; nothing if it fnilm to cure.
den's Cotter." 'Medical," "i.rRnl."
Get .an outfit from Jos. Wilson today
"Veterinary," "Numismatic," '•Agri•
and begin Its men At once.
c to I t u or P,' "Horticulture," it' it d
"Poultry" etc.. etc., are all 44111Y eon.
Didn't Get Ahead of Him.
duelled by extwitn at it IArgge expoinn.
A well-known phditician mayor he was
the niunrrl bring elitrll by the
riding in Ihr smoking-estr up north
IMardomalll t 4111rge poultry exrwit.
anmp week t ago, find in the seat in
All theins- firprortittentp iWaddition to
front of him Pat a jewelry drummer.
the news And fditoriml fe tt,lleq com•
He wns one of thonr wide-awake,
twine tit onake a coinplett% all-round
never-let-any-one-R^t-t. he -better -of.
family newspaper.
hint style of inen. i remenlly the train
\\'e can heartily tvcotnturnd it to oar
stopped to tAke on water, and the ron.
readers. if they want., a" most intelli.
doctor nrRlected to mend hack A flag -
Rent pm•nplp do. it melmpolitan ntwa-
nan. A limited exprena (-,nme along
palet In addition to the local paper,
And lumped the rent end of the first
they will a/Mke no mistake in getting
This Wit no.". l
The drummer wan lifted front his
Daily Wit At IN
StC . 1a retie..
nm no t pitched. e e l .p 1 .hod. hp Ad arse, Against
\\'P/•kly Witelenm stool Canadian
the .rat. *brad. His milk hat waw
Homestead Sl.40)a year. I
jatnmel clear down over. his Pats. HP
4Anlplett may Its- finial on Application
Flocked himself cop and moottleol hack in
to the pololimherm, AlePmtrt. John Domogall
leis Pettit. No hones had leen broken.
t Non, Witness Block, Montreal. I
Then he pulled off his hat, dfrw, A
long hreath• and, straightening up,
The Pori -it. Pre•-' firer% ham Innved
"Aid :
illUl it handsome new ithildinal. all ifs
''Holly Ree! \Yell, they didn't 'It
own. and rmpecially plA#lneml for the
Icy ns, anyway!" dl'orut'to Natutdmy
rairryinR on of A newspaper and print-
Ing business. Thp Fire rl-ew �Is nno
of the solid paper. of Weet,nn (it'-
\\ P do rat loos• work. washing
Larlo and demerve% its suce.-w.
And irnning, for 2ir. a day. Wasptive
1'1aet lift of vrnlr life is f.hp pn.,f of
poal rates for enth•e family wAsAim
on application. 'rhnnp 21I.
your lea C.
IIt'1Ni\ mirR N LArN-lltt Y.
Peculiar Qualities of These Little Glob -
Uwe of Glass.
"It V a great wonder to me," said an
old c•hrmist, "why more buys du not
lake up cheanical experiments as Au
amusement. why. I can do things
with the comnrm tuateri is of every-
day life which really seem to to more
magical to the uninitiated than flay
of the wonders, that are ordinarily per
formed by musicians, on the publip
stage. Some of them are so slmple
that by -carrying them out at a par-
lor entwUUnment a bright boy could
achieve Use reputation of a ala0elam.
Now, these are thosr curious latle bub
blas of Ris known vatlottaly am
-ptfree tupwt'n drops' slid us 'Dutct,
lean•.' Appareally they arc merely
little giobuleow of glam witb rlryn,tatP I
tans made by beating a mmali glass
rod W a flavor and alLuwlug the unite,
drags to fall Into water. Afarr they
have cooled you may pound the thkk
part with a bamllxr or mallet, yet you
cannot break them. On. the other
hand. If you break a little pleft off
their tails or touch any part of [halal
with A quarts crystal they will slimap-
lwar into the surrounding atuosflbrrc
quicker than muow will melt on a but
tire. To the person who doesn't know
bow fhb has happened the perforin -
an" is so astonishing as to neem ran.
Canny- London Glotte.
Stnking Similiarity, In Contour ss-
tween Italy and New Zealand.
Saying only for the fact that one In
a peninsula and the other n group of
Islands by for the most striking Simi-
larity In contour exists letwpei Italy
and New 7,ealand. Tile resPmblan r
of each of them to A high heeled Well-
Inftton hint Is almont lwrfPet. tape
dell' Arm[ and tape Reinga form the
tors of the two hoot.. The bay of
Plenty. In New Zealand, and the gulf
of Taranto, ki Italy, form the Instep
while Cape Runaway and tape Santa
Marla di Letwo are trspectively the
"lots of the heel". The general shape
fat the calf of the leg, Is Also the same
and so in the curve outward to the
somewhat itouty looking for.
The Paint of dle"llarity is of
course the trpenttlon\ of North and
Hoath islands Into tWp. It in @new'
howerer, to ser that If thens;n two is-
laads -were somewhat rafseft they
would become one And would then
Byrn mrsre, resemble• the Italian prnln-
sola than they do now. A rnurinrivoo
of the bkaads of Ireland and Rardinis
will algin show several pollhs of rt--
srmblaore, hilt thl% Is nothin_f like an
strtkltW as it Is in the case et\tbr-two
widely separated portktns of tbk world
above meptkorugl. j
Bumped His Pride.
Then Is a yot'ng man In Boston who
can actually trace his fmmlly bark two
ftrurrations. His one falling Is m de-
sire to he thought a oemrvndont of one
of "trip old families." and his studio -
he say% he I% an artist ",ntmins a
number of heirlooms. true thing in
.which he takes particular pride i+ a
Continental uniform complete in Pv,-ry
detail, with flintlock And p,rowder horn.
Hp was showing this to a yo,ing
lady the other day. "ply great grand-
father wore• this %nit when he gave
his life to his country during the brave
days of the Revolution," he .ni-l. The
young lady infcperted the uniform care-
fully, but could find neither bullet
hale nor paler Pitt. She turned to li fin,
with a charming smile. •Yoh, yens the
prior old gentleman drowneol"' she
asked. -Argonaut
A Generous Joker.
Could you Dave been with file on top
of one of the old bora drawn bitmve"
on a certain afternoon you would bare
area a middle aged gentleslan• slightly
the corse for wine. take a couple M
half sovereigns from his pursr. Be-
fore him not twn little Rton boys In
abort jacked and cldslnutive beaver
hats. Witk much chortling• the gen-
tleman, leering forward• dropped him
half sovereigns down their barks, next
their shirts, and it would have done
your heart gored to have seen the ex-
ptemio m on the countenances of thou
boys alter from dhtmay as the cold
Points •Upped down their tspbtcm to
wonder And deltttht mm, after mnrh
wriggling, eseh lad extracted the
money from thin v4•tnw
ity of hog ck.-
AuhrPy Lanstrn In Rohemlan.
The Ring of the Christmas DinNs.
Give us the joys we've been wands'
long -
Not the for o' the Chrtstaeu chimes.
But something more of A )Ingting sang --
The ring o the ChrlstmY domes!
That is the song that we like to stab
The song o' the corrin' [Inion.
The song with a ring an* sweep Ad
s wing -
The tins o' the Christmas dinvml
�-Atlanta OeMUtutbM
Gives warning of a Storm
Ino.-lilte bay of Blackly frv%l;;. y dar-
Ing the autumn and winter in calm
weather a heavy sea feed up and rolls
In on the coast four and twenty hours
before the gate whit•h causes It ar-
rlcpts and of which It Is the prelude.
In this case the ware a'tion. general -
ed on this other sirle of the Atlantic by
the %ftxl, truePIa At a mueli grester
rate than that 71he body of dbtnrlo-
el air land thus gives warping of the
coming storm.
A Family Jar.
Wife - i don't know whem flint child
got hill vile temper from not from mo-
I'm sure.
flumtland (madly) No, my dear. To
certainly haven't toot any of yokoom
Druggists' Lights.
An aprttheenry frnitul Ijm :r minnli
him rent Ilzkt one niZhf :it n time when
1t wait runtornnry for .t. of hl.
CIA" M ornament fli • r nhtre fmntm
with n mlmple red Jump. To .nppty him
310,41 to took n glans hv,ttlr tilted with
It red fflrkt and pincrol a candle behind
it. The eRpet so p10e.ed him flint he
nddPd Another. ltiraj dreftgimtit illn-
m1noted their windows. In -reaming 111.
number of lights and al", rhmnging l I
color" Thns the entieP town followed
I?- I -d. 90 It hoeltme this fmahion.
He Dilloael Threw It,
"Ulmverh1A," Mlrl Sir. 7'In,mid tit
the. nther pool of the aomfa, "If i were
M thl•ow• yon a kip 1 wonder what
sola Pay.`
"t1Ye11," "rolled vflms rorhi,. - 1',I say
Too works the laremt men i p,er ala "
- P1k11mr1p"In f`rP.a.
4t -
Liverpool and Chicago Wheat Futures
Close Higher -Live Stock
-Latest Quotations.
.yondoy F.vr•un;;, fwc 16
I.Werprwl wheat futures t-1„sed to -CA,
liked to liald higher. (brn. ,'4d up.
At Chicago flecrmher wheat ,•lo«eIf Ise
Masher, Orweember • nen Inc I.Igher. Arid
Urca•n,Drr oats ¢,c hlothe'.
Winnipeg Options
)eollowmg are the eloping quotauona os
winniaeg grain I'muroa ti";i%
Wheal-llec- 31 al bid, May 11 IM, las.
trate-Doe. Nc hid. flay Oric I -,d.
Toronto Grain Market.
Grain -
Wheal, spring. bush ......1e to to I:....
W I" t. tau, bush....... 0 r ....
Wheat. goose. bush....... Oa7 ....
Wheat. red. bush ......... ON ....
Rye. busk .................. 082
1•raa. Durr . .................. 1 111 ....
Buckwheat, bush tr........ 0 N 0 •
t:ary. bush ............... 0 70 ...
UAta, boob .................. 0 b ....
Torments Dairy Market.
Butter. dairy. Ib. tolls .... 1)
Batter, tube ................. V
Butter, creamery. ID. rolls.. 030 111131
Lutter, creamery, boxes 1, 29 0 00
ftgRs. new -laid, ,town.. 0 Y1 ....
1•:girs, cold -storage. dozen . to 2! ....
Choose. large. ID .......... 01S% ....
t'h'ree, twin. Ili ... .. 0134& ..
]Loney. extracted, Ib ...... 0 12 0 WI,
Now York Dairy Market
NEW YORK, I.W. le -Raver-$tend,
see is. Sit. (!reamery. aMciols, 21%41.
I stras, SIFYor to 9t-; thirds to first, _le t„
7,r•: Ivld, ar.'onds to ep,rial, ^r to _4•.
state dairy•• common to [forst, , to 74•;
prneesa, common to apee-tals. ISP to 9• :
sweetern factory• cvmman to first, l;i,c to
IDr•: Irnitatton creamery. first, :1t- to :.e.
thecae•-APirm; receipts. sill slate fun
cn-,am, mmall, colored and white, fine,
ISsac; large. colored. ane. Ime. do. white.
]Saar: do.. g'ewd to prime, 141,-4r to Vw, do.
late made, Desi. 11tke to Uc, do., common
to fair. save to It*-; sklm., life to lies
Ront"IMJy: receipts, fAM: statP-
Penneylvaala and nearby fancy selected
white. SOC: gent to ehoare, 4&- to 4L•:
I.rown and mixed fancy. 40I•: average
hr.t. ;Kc to 3&•: first to extra first. 32e to
airmessiest fin.. 23c to 33c: second. 9e
to ;lc.
Cables Steady -Cattle and Hogs Aro
Easier at Chfoaffo.
LON'tN,N, Ito. 1e -London cables are
fit mer. at fir to Uro c per Ib., dressed re frla;e nim, beer is quoted at eYae
to IQ per pound
Toronto Junction Live Steck.
Receipts of live stock at the Union
Stock, Yards were 25 carloads, com-
posed of M9 cattle, 2 hogs, 145 sharp
and 26 calves.
Trym were a few load% of light export-
er-, hilt not mural derllaag for them. T
HaPinan bought two- loadp, 1'40 Itmearle.
at 844 to 14.-,0. h;xpm-.rt hunts sold at 31
to 31.3 per cwt.
Plrktd Futcher.' heif••ra inial at 35 to
3:•.S: lead a ^f gn•vd, 3150 t. 3%: medblow.
j: to 34.35: rommOn. st 1n.:4 to =I,,; esn- '
amra, at 11 to V. -A p•r poor.
Veal Calves.
Veal calves were In demand at 14 to to
Pre cwt.
Shoop and Lambs.
Sheep .old at N per cwt.: lambs. at S
to 35 L per cwt.
.one•.. Limner!, loosed flows nmrRang-
at JL50r for 1
1"' est. K rem. and so 36
f.o.b., carr, at country polntm.
Montreal Live !Sleek.
MU\TRI;Atha•. 15.-0Ypeclal.t--At the
M, i fora' Stook ,'.MP, wast prod mosrket,
ire r-ipt* of live Mork for the week
.ndlna IN-. It wer• 9is catW, foes shop
and Iambs, 270t hoaw and Sr ea.'ws, while
IPI offering- thle morning consisted of
19-0 rattle, e4 Pheep and )amass. :0 hogs
end Val calves.
The display of Attle w" not u Iarce
at expected, but was quite ample to flit
all gd
revfrement. anit- Quality of the
ollt was of the rho,eest. A fealure was
the dern"d from •Juehec buyers. who
houglt several car loads of choice pleas
a• Syr to Salic•, and Fo4rancu
ger secured the
T oPst steer on t%P market- which vreiwhe.l
"I IIs. and ro;a 711fic par Ib. Extra
ballet- her, ren. sold at S%e to Air; ebolM
at i' to &%I. world, at 4ys,e to Nie' fair, at
4• to One: common, at Talc to Slit; tn-
fcriM, at "Inc to W per Ili, and canners.
at 70r to !'tit- p« curt. A stronger feeling
MveMped In the market for lambe and
prl show an adearr,e of Isar per Ib,
wt It h was due to a wualler run arta: tic
far•: that Ilio quality was bell" than
..mal for lira• L'be•Iatmas trode. There waw
-lar, a firmer fer:Ing In the market for
et esp, bet prices show no aetuW change
frnm a w-ek ago. There were a few very
cholee sntlk-ted calves on the market,
which mist with a good demand. rine let
of fire tomighlnK :na0 IIs, sold at 3t- titer
Ih. The dernand for boas was good from
source and dwJers and an aetive trade
VAS done al 16 h, 36 5 per cwtfor
selected Io", weighed off ries.
East Buffalo Cattle Market.
1:ASr BLI'FAI,O, tier. 16.-Cattle-Re-
1•:TtS. ;M hrad"; slow and =.r lower;
Prime steers. 36.3 to 86'F: PhIpMng. S&Oln
to 13.30: butchers', 34 to r: heifers. 3Ln
to 31.1%; entire. r-50 to u. 15; battle. 32.34 ie
34:0: stockers and fe-der&, r -air to 34.
of heifers. V.3 to S: fee--., cows and
grtng"o, steady. 320 to 04.
-e►Is-6t"vepu, I= head; ,active and
■tendy. Y• to A s
ttrga-Wpelp tw. N.GM head: artive and
15c 11)r lower. hes rt, 34.G to $4 M'. mix-
ed and yerkers, N40 In $4.03; Pign. 3161 to
µ.i0: roughs, N t„ p
31.1S; .la. Ito to $3W.
dalrise, 11.5 to 31.010.
Sharp and lAwnts, -Rerolptm, =.011 )bead:
artfve: lambs and yemrlings, rt- lower,
others. Ready: lamb.. $1 to 17.:S. year -
lines. Sr. lower, Others. steady: lambs. 1t
to T.z: yeartingm, JrSo to p.3: wetrt.ts,
$4 U to IS: ewes. SCW In $4.75. sheep, mix-
ed, $2 to ICU: ('anade lambs, 20.11 to G.
New York Live Stock.
NKW YORK„ lime 16.-11eeves -Ke-
"ipts, .r13; steers; dust to a shade lower;
tolAN, slow to li*,c lower; helognar0_s.
ew der: not wanted; tat rows. firm to 15c
higher: steers, 13.40 tet 36%; bulla- $:*)
It, 7:130; extra fat do, H S: more, 31.26 to
,Lt 1% Exports tho-morpew, :10 cattle and
b4m quartsee At beef.
CrolyeA--Renelptw, 1541i; prime veal•, firm
to higher; other; Presdv, barnyard and
western pelves,meiltn,; more froply.
Vesta 3; to 110.8: barnv and calves, 1170
to r; western calvesi, 1�%.
nil Pep and lemhta--fto"Irls. 11.?40.
hp, em
teadv to fir: mobl.•
e, higher,
lainh., active 101.1 strooaf, Ilk• to 41w high-
P-, Owen, $3 to 16: chctl,,-t X.X: Polon it-:
lambs, 40.17% to IR.SO;_ one car, rgo, culla,
16 to 1&30.
Chicace Live Stock.
1111VAnfa, f►r•c. Is.- t'atI---RpreiptP eP-
timatod al &Foot Sm mark". dull;
to errs, $4.M a 1630. r•o«s, 4176 to 34.14;
87-W to Ill.!%: hollm, V.40 to 34.30.
valves. 13 to 17.E; stockers and feeder..
1t r o 14.:11.
Hhorn. Rereirf- e%flmated of about 63,.
000: market Inr. lower; choice holo ship-
ping. 14.50.10 34:5; Tighe butrheri'. 14.50
to 14.56, light mixed, 14.01 to 14.45; choice
light, 14.40 In 14.46; parking. 34.26 to 14.M;
�, 12.76 to $43; bulk of woes, 16.13 to
Ahreo and Iambs-nerelpl■ of about
M.W0, market Ptemdy In lee lower; sheep.
13 FW to N 76, lamps, 16.0 to N,X: yeN
usage, 11.30 to U.N. -
•'r F r u visited w' 41
.\ tl nr in .n I r l i !fel A ail w
mrventy five yrarm old, who had had
ten children, All of whom except one
daughter hAd married find Ipft her.
Now this daughter Also WAS mlout tow
lie married, and the clergyman en-
deavored to syuli,mthize with her.
"\Voll. %fr•o. ifiggma," he Paid, "ywi
nlumt fel lonely now After having .o
IArlte n menti•." •'YPa, air," she said,
"I do feel it lonesome. I've brought
up a large fnudI;,. And hemi Ain 'I
living Alone. An' 1 mionto 'ran an 1
wanto'Pin, hoot 1 mission 'am more than
i wants
Matic it trial in is test before pi
roof i,uu.
New Cutters
at Kn ix's
\tole 1" iIr,rlrhimcd
"Only One Grade.
and That The Best.
■ I have just I•ecrived it ship- 1
went of thear ane Cutters mid
invite anyone inteivsted t1 call
,trial ser tlpin.
1 ,
6sar. New•gNlet
;nod ILtroilton Street.
Boots and Shoes
Wheat is more accep-
table for a Christmas
Gift than a fine pair of
Shoes or Slippers,
We have a full stock AL 4111, '
of all kinds -of Season-
able Footwear at right
Call and let us show
what we can do for
A s■nll� s�ssfa�oantitl�e>_�t�t��elt�me�ew ass!
° Millar's Scotch Store 0
Only a few days now in which to do your Christmas shopping.
We have spared neither time nor expense to secure all the latest
novelties for our patrons and you will find every section of our
store brimful of Christmas suggestions.
o Kid Gloves Neckwear Umbrellas O
Without 1 I r'
Thr ricer propulse gill Ill fat a dull t lir :\ Iugrr range than ever
only the 1►est Irandm kr of 4-tutch )!tore isheadyuarlipr. of 1'nibrrllrs for ladiri And
and ovary pair goal mult-t-/' ; for Neckwear. Here you gcntle11nrn, in all the newest
in ell "tyles, colors Arid :tic always sure of getting handlre, from $1 to 47).
1-'ngth", foam $I per pair. the bsteat novelties Al very
f"opolat• ptives. The biter Belts, Belts
lines Arc put up in Taney 1
loxes for ptvneutatiuu. All tile tw•, e newdelsigue,
Handkerchiefs • �„•, ,-err, , Ill a►nil Ql.:rl.
O By fair the l•u•guid earls- Cushion Tops 0
tion we have ever a11tiavn We haws excellefl mfr- Furs, Furs.
either for holies or Rents. .eche', this at•amoll with Ihr
from the childr•ds picture IN•molif,al CoaliouTops loth Our stuck of I"Ipular Fur,
ief. fu those• el ab- in lhr kind I.. he worked will at ounce upfteAl Go thane
11"te real leer ones that ane ;mol in Ihr swell lith..- %%-lit) Intend giving one of
nptch priln d Ity Indies. grmploic time floor 'Lir. these hAnd.rane gifts.
O For the Little Ones Ladies' Golfers
We have left nolbing undone in catrriur f..l, We have ju%l ltccarel it Large delivery of O
1 he lined, of live childlen, acid hen• will lit ul ladiri gulferm• which make A uaonl useful gift.
fire a."urtuugat of infants' and chil In•u'+ ii,•;u We have thein (rural $1.75 cmc h.
,nitalle for gift". Comforters, Blankets
CHILDREN'S BEARSKIN COATS flit-'oftho"c.willl'umfurtrr.of- .al"tirofnnr
CHILDREN'S CASHMERF COATS "Is -ted \\'o"filen Blankets would stake it ,well
New Silk ('hristinas 1lraista
Infants' 13 • Intuit% (ixitnrS art,! u,,, New l.11stre Cbristmas Waists
Alla in vreat varimriety, fA6diem' Milk More -'n :fled Sateell Skirl%, great
Childr-'n'• hill, Set. a Kprcialt.% ,Ariely to choose from.
o PhoneScotch Phone
5fMillar's Store
9= OZ======OZ=====OE=====OZ===== .10=0
1` I
Gifts- • 1
r as w9 have a largo Variety of toys. .lust
step ill and you \trill beconvinced that we
have the kind of goods you want and at
the rift
„ht prices.
\Il kinds of Celluloid Boxes, Unnl) and
Inrush Sets, and I )olls front nno cent tlp-
\varus: Also a large variety of Sleighs
and maty other articles too numerous to
pice "- mention. Come early before the nosh
and get your choice Wore they aro all
picked out.
`the children will find Dear Old Santa
Caus in Parsons' Fair Window
Christmas Ebe. Don't forget
to have a good look at his
pleasant face.
Parsons' air
East Side of Square t.oderich.
•_- •__ M
• 4 t-.. ., ,. k. ....
r A'„