The Signal, 1907-12-5, Page 7THE SIGNAL: GQDERICH+ ONTARIO -
. T11U10DAr, December 5, 1907 7
h D t t
The News o� t e is sic .Ixe
has commenced at
' Physician� > I froon � , l IThe Palace Clothing Store
DUNLOP. AMBERLEY. reuwter} } The best m e d i c i n e s in the �"��
Llet ; nervine beitlg held in the church an excnllont entertainment will f.
TUIgaUAY. Dec. 311-d- MONDAY, Dec.'lud• by the pastor, Iter. W. A. Smith, and given. cou,irtiag lir %neat ,alit htrtro world cannot take the place of , Our stock of latest novelties and newest
%1'.%N'1'x.udxa Ar SAY, De u. -'Fite Miry Anderson, of ooderich, is at the renotins bring followed to their ntnntal mucic, dialuguer. drills limi the family physician. Consult
K Imrt ,*.liths thocr by a IArge number rradmgN, ltelneu,la.1 the date, Do- him early when taken ill. If not
for the holiday trade is the brightest
late A. Duff for some years taught the {n•erent visiting friends in the neigh- lit triundr g 1 act..'er. 'rhe l►el r,tNrll el't111A'1' y'tf• 1 and best we have ever shown, and comprises
school at Sidtforl and quite x numbeir trh000t.
tent Isere were swung Ilia pupils Mie Do nelds McCreighI, of Niue leaves to ,,tourn her death four runs : A gf,ml Uhrlrtloa,; trey ,•utertmio- the t r O U b I e I e w I I your
tit those days, lit later year's many of River, is at prevent visiting friends un William unit, Thomas H., of lhiN (,sent will Ito given by the Meth,mlisl:, throat, bronchial tubes, Or most desirable effects in
the :311th sideroad, place I Jonathan, of Purtlowk, Ont., „t Donnybrook on l'bristmas Kre.
then, when in Ouderich enjoyed x chat lungs, ask him about taking
with their former teacher. Mine Florence Humlo1,, tit Kim•ar- And eta.Albert le of Fort Saof the Whole
This cfor Ito
hi bar u g ant leput»- Q +
Alberta. 1'he h m %thy of lite whole tion for the high•elane (%hrirtutxs Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Then
GhrrrrNn VAIvIN ATIOD. -- Owing W dine, war lite guest of Ile sister, �11a• curttmwtity it etYcto•nded to the flintily, rutertAimusutg it give. slid this years take it or not, as he says.
the older of the township hoard of K. Shlrlls, last Sunday. and especially to Mies M. J. Shackle In to extort any of the uthrrr• Neckwear
health, tt►ere was quite a gathering at IANL week word came from the city too, will) hf lovingly atteudtNl het A cantata. "l%hrifdutas 0101-y", will Ito w. s.bu,r ..r reroer.,
the Sell boost
on Saturday. (suite of New Yuck telling tit the .death of laud b, we ,extend Dur-incereeL Klven fry the vwuig pmNiple. w. bwuLo Oloves ��
A nululwt of lxtwlrtr were vaccinated. Jawen Mull1o, x former resideut of j,wPathy in her Ibrreuvemenl. _ ---- %: tr'- bur e,.nrelAa� '
also several parents or young families this r,/unnunily, W. mr,- fou to
Kathy of her Iferelovo! tyUNq,}ANNUN. e/ S °•"•p. 7O°• Suspenders
And the teacher. Ur. Huuter, of Robert Steele' pully is improving I'hy 9lurio*r w.rflro's pail: debtor
l;uderieb, was the operating surgeon. oitely. Hu is able to drive around And then art aowoed n'l Iasi won. / 1 . A. 4 Lr \V'10�1. UK VTIti'r, LCl'K-
u Now'. Athwuc.l'orY.taJvsuhl Thur Bilious attacks, giek•headsches,indiges• { tandkerchiefs
FATNxx %%'xs•r 1'iTll.l. Ae�•n•x.- again. Hard liner W have fi IIOlre alar^• Now Ritually foreslracthrlloothlee+une ;'�• 11.' '
From a St. Thomas paper we see that laid up. Isn't it, Bob1' LOTHIAN. furtul.better than eta•. e•rowu k,ad hrblu•' w'erk' tion, constipation, dint spells - these Walking nit Canes 0r
Dur esteemed friend, Rev. Father i'rtr - Caulpbell, who lilts been out ow. Amuuuuu,.4t.. oleo bivAkAbta. are some of the resoles of an inactive
Te[su.%v, lite. 3rd. N. It --Yeu can always herr your ask owch liver. Ask your doctor if he endorses
%Vest. formerly pastor• of St. Peter's ill the Northwest for the last three letter dam ill bike Jvof,ll "Moe u e r Ilou,
church, liudrric t, and now of St. mouths, returned bottle tart Friday. Miss M, l►uroh, spelt Sunday at better faWue.fur deiosthis work, uetro cow. Ayer Pills in these cases. The doN Umbrellas i.i
Thomitr, had a large congregation. In- Ue takes thin trip annually. bottle. hAtAmu for the rlNtieui, is small, ore pill Lot Ngo,mc. 4.•r-
1 t—x.a.gla.�— Fancy Vests
rludlug wary nun-Uathu ice, on Sun- Thu 1uen11AIx, of the Anlherlr)' Milli, M, Henderson Ilan Iwen viaitinEi No 1)`a¢.uu un fur TheSilA,mi I- t life 1`04 -
day evening, the 'lith alt., when he ,Iovenile Club bud an Auction mile of friends here, omen loos Load stAta,cry Store wlwrr ---- -- -- _ 1
spN•ke Lou bottle pl/ints of the Catholic their furniture and Belongings last Pajamas
faith in reply if Looe* reutarkr of a week, the nxlctells Hein xi out 113. Mira E. McUuuald is. IIle rubel of ,adeB, tow ad received rut �,ibem ripliowil s e
1 1.r Mrs. James McDusald. veiest f u ,ad Job work, and receipt. will lw c ling or
church lit Thursday
I y �+
Methodist divine in a berwuu deliv- \Vatter Brown is kept quite busy , rive* fur luwunb veld for lite came. evening of lhr ween, The 1,unrtl'') Fancy and Plain
crexl in the city a week previous, I , 11.. Mcrxy has been visitinK \V1rnNI i u.%Y, Dec. Its• cftltsille Will Loervtee of the Epworth
- -- just now. %Vheu the wrather it friends in SeafurLh for the pfwt week. l.ea tie will couu,tnncn AL'i:31) o'clock, i
rhe G. C. 1. students from this vii- K Sweaters
fr/rty you cul xe hBtl suing up fund Ate, find Mrs. ItOl et -t " iti, rr- a returned to their• IAb orb u1, Mon• followed by A hhor t evangellstic tet- e.
L[EtlURN. dow'u the cuncewtioor and slderoads' turned to I,ucknow, after hpety" 19 IaiS vire ;aleft *eerie* un F'rid.. evcuing.
dehorning cattle. day bort• to Ito contitlmoet text week. ( Hosiery
TL'xHUAY, IMc. roc some time herr. Harold Swxus, uI flu C;lxlcrh 6 --
Frank Hayden's sawing Ili of Quite a nun,lirr u[ the uleultlers of _ -- - Model School. spent Sunday %with � Fur Caps
Siloppatdtun in working here. the Auihrrlc) change Irldgu spleno alb COLBORNE. ,•
Students from herr attending the afternoon repairing their hall. The BELFAST. friends herr.
building was in pretty load hhapa•, BDL TuKSDAY. Doc.:3rd. Alias Augubliue, Ilxchrt• of school 1'1.'1:<D -a v, Uec.:3rd• Etc., Etc.
ti. C. 1. returned to their studies un it certainly it looking better. 1 y Revival servicer+ commence ()It
Monday. W. S. AtcCr,nlie wits at Auburn fid behoof No. 1, ere. lie, spent Sunday Thursday evening, of this week hi l:
THIS I..'oL TIa'x SMALI. I3fly' Saturday. with friends herr.
Merry sleigh -hells Are rfngpng uow The capacity of the average r1,lall The W. M. S. Kuhl the 1,rmthly Henuliller.
and the hum of huggiaa will 'lot I1e bov our xsking questions IN A•acticall G. )Ic. Gilcbre 1, t Toronto, %'i" meeting u1, Thursday of this week at
heard for a while. but it ie doubtful whether isited friends here host week. K Y %Yo understand that lite little
unliwiled, the iwu,u of Ailsa. Saudrtxmm• German Blind" 11,et rm• practice Dm In fact, everything new, neat _
Rev. H, W. Wright. loastor elf the snore searrhiug inquiries hove Iwen Mrs. Alex. Agar is at ppresent with Kecves Bailie and St -others left yes. night recently.
Goderich Baptist church, visited the made by a book, than throe propounded friends in Torouto and Allisto1,. terday for \cin ham to attend tilt' and attractive in Men's and .
nnru111era of hili congregation lit oast l,v it yottogstrr to his father vviso hail \rte %%'un. Twawbly ie in Winghiutl K Iter. l'. K. Uurrxnt plxwchtd :tit
uu rthlg of the county council. excellent strssln at Bethel un Sunday Boys' Wear. We have Stili
w•twk. • taken hint for a summer trip. Here with her mother, who it very ill. Petry Sandensulr, fur Ilaruehs- evening Roof the text, ,Quit yon like
David Horton, who is at 1ATIount is pmartixl lint. -Ili that water dowel \lures (.'lar% alit Fahyl MCIAean maker, announce. it 4-11-atiug hail' of tldn." a good assortment of
working oil an electric railway til then• :any wetter than tBr water ill spent a few days �fith Blyth friend+ volas, huroe-blanketh, la•Ils and whips As at result of the smallpox *care,
Niagara Falls, N. Y., war recently the Atlantic Ocean!" "What 1,13keS bast week. at luw prices. This bale will cuutinue two ,if our city doctor. art• nuking overcoats
married to a young lady' of that place the water wet. 7" "Iluw uriny tvuuld Alias Licaiu ituthcrfuld i, huwe fat until New Year's. their round of visite to the different
'rhe late A. Duff. of Goderich, was he drowned in Witter lir deep As that the inete1,I. bet- bchfol near Carlow
Leacher At No. o here for x }flu and "Is that UK Irmo with Kf,W lruttuneotl have Imfen rluard un +account" ur llt'rr'- -STt tutu. =r%yrs of f1,f yf;&fill xho,ltH. y Call and see them. They are bocci tit lees,
hiseoat lhefathertit al those hien who K 1teople, in the pet -.440"s tit E. Duff and ALaltarl u.. _ oil �Vadnrsda \u -
helped in the Presbyterian church slid do wh Lteve•r be tells them to du:•• bill epidemic. - - - Miss .lean Sturdy. were united in veulber 1:31.11• Rev. A. C. \VisharL, H.
Sunday school doers his IMldentt+ ..Where (Ili all these mfat{rosd►hrhiud mauimuoy un 1'ueloday of last week. A• of Brussels, tied the slxlrimonial good wearers and easy in price.
burr. 1 the hereboat cuwe (tiro Y' 'UrroW a train WEBT WAWANOSH. The cerewtnly wits quietly performed knot, at the holm of the bride. )tit
('IlitlmTMAs F.NTEFITAIN4xNT. -PIT- g„ as fest in the Witter mit this lost :' q.\Tt'ItDA\', %'Ov :{tllil. at Lia` bolos 111. the brd�`tl father. Rev. 11110, A[UI'1'Ib, bm'CWeell Jllhll A1111111111g+.
ilxratiuns mrT being made for the hold. -_-- - A 1huN►sxa IioNx. O l %%•edues- C. M. Rutherford ofiiciAting. A het of of Collorn,• townrftip. unit Mir. Alex.
Inz of a Chribtmar tree entertainment MAFEKINt3. day, lite "Jkh inst.. another of the friends Din inrn�i`1biltlnKen'ofb [le uUnn � Cameroon, fr Morris. Ooh the iwcLEAN BROS*
in cuollpetion with the Sunday sehffd Torkeerto of webt %i'awau,sh, Thus. coo dux happy ( wtdiute ITlaticrr were ill iutendsucr.
ben•, and the committee is making NuNDAY. Ile, . 'Ind. used lu hit, lung home. HoAult uF Hx.turs T.%K- l"rrUN � Mr. and Mrs. Munningr left for their
t•ver - effort to make it one of the best Alexander, p
\les..\ndci�om, u[ Zion, viri1.eNl re• after xn illness.pas d two weeks, Dc- -The leant of health of \Viet \VR• bottle, near 13comilter, the following i HEADQUARTERS FOR COMFORT -
in the annals of Leeburn. Ixlives in thio 1f 6011 last week. ,-rimed was ,t native of Ireland Rod wanosh held it meeting on lie It da). _T ABLE AND STYLISH CLOTHING
Alis Irene Maisel of Crewe, ilk a lima been a resident of the township evening luno and p,ulmud a resolution I -
PORT ALBERT. guest at the house of Mrw, %%', BlAke. fur thirty-five year•+. He wits well emupelliug toll the school children in tlAYFIELU. I!
TCxr1UA\', Dec. lid. The mpecial revival services in known as ill honest. tragal and in- t11u township jil iw'taecisoted, ih•. qt EtuAY, Dec. alit.
Harry Hawkins took a hip to Blake's church came to A Prose nn dust•ious man. Ile Was a 1,relnlmt' uj T. FL ('ase was np{alweed to lwrfurw The evaporator here. is rtill running
%\'inghatu tart week. Friday evening. St. Helen's Preebyter•ian church• Anil this duty find is thin work tusking the fol{ time.
Worthy Kilpatrick returned on Hat- wag lineal lld by s who knew him, mond of the schewls throughout the (;ell. Weir, wife and family are i It YOU ARI+ -ALWAYS TAKING COLD" 7
Quite a number from around here unlit t y Ga eri..h, as the (i. C. 1. In political uulttrlro he was t u luTvvo township. moving to Seaforth. \
attended M. Carney'. sale on Monday. Y eutut the Conservative {mutt. 1'wo S, IltN,t. ItK.i•oiti Following is the e, t
Snow half come At last; We
null glad r"�PeO" may' daughters are deals, and there ITwain standing Of the pupils of Dunguunon 1. 1.t. \Vurrepl A Sons Imre given up I It .Yews Wt the threat I. strove Aad fironcn..t luta,
AI r. and Airs. Jab- Wells ter viriGrl K public ecliool fur the month of Nur their hardware buri1,ertl here. 1 .eek 1Make beta well and strong with
1.f hear the jingle of 1.M+ hells once title* bona and two daughters. Tw•o
more. at the home of their daughter. Mrd. suns And one daughter still remain lit veu,bwr, names in order of merit : Fritz Geluiubart. Dur genial hunts- t
Thos, Slake, past week. home. Afro Alexander bad reached Setiior L)elmrtuieiit-Seuior %-. Ethel :salt, tlecured.a title fox last week. Bole's PpCQaPiltton of
Miss Blanche olver With at Dun,(Allt;rIlfl1l. RxwotT. Following is the- til• a e of ei ht seveu, The funerallit
fault last week, the guest of Nha+ Pearl K Y ('ase, Chad. Fowler. Junior �'. Vera Dr. N. Attends Our bunt , it n- I +
McNally. nT{N,rt or S. S. Nu. 9. Abhtirld, for un Firiday. 'end inst., wasfttlendrd Uurnio, Ethel Glenn, Edith Tre• \Vinghi%slittLrnditlgtheco1,nty coon- Friar's Cough Balsam I.t� _
November. based un general del"urt- by A tats* number from the surround- leaven. Irene Oliver, Maggie Disher, cit.
Nin .leHbir AlcNillan i. visiting mento and weekly test examination"• ins country, who thus evidenced thrix 13rrt \Viggi1,s, ('hit Sproul, Ito} a it heal' ""Sao°° 'nn i, 1.'m ",t •„- nail,-' bl1e
with her eider. Alas. Hetb,rrt Moroi., with liercentagrs ollt+tintrl by fourth respect for. the deceased amt s}'lit- Medd• Pearl McNally. IA•sle pentpxuel Eddie ltrid, who w':,e in lhvrn a,e,,,b,�se of throal..d amt+-an,I e , outer e I
At present. and fifth clit-•w•s : V. --t%xrman `ltoth- p,athy for the bereaved. IV, --Geo. Case. Cure Allen, (1-treuce Sound daring the latter part of the I eat /i.d y.oaetu y.,u .g.,.•l c,td.Dower <, 1.
John Ulcer ham guns to Statin 1,1 edit, Ili. I%'.-F'a1,ny F'Itzgerald, ill ; twit* `• Verna Mc\ally lAwneYoung, Huulwet', is home again. ,t Cern a bottle. At druggul,. .•
work un his father'+ form. (dotal %\'altar Alton, W : LeiIA SlAke, vi EBENEZES. Melvin Glenn. Martha Begley, Misses Kate Koss and Fluarie Att- t NATIONAL onus a CHEMICAL Co.. l.rrt[o LONDON, ON r.
lock, .lobo. \Vat. Alton. :ll; ; WallafT TwatuleY. Lawrence Smiley. \cost) n !3ands. lip. wood, tit SeAturth, spent Sunday at s
Smallpox is the talk I,f the tiny : we :,:3 ; -Mary S+►unders. .11 ; 'Krnest %VKD-.MDAY, Dec. IIs.-Gertie Be. ley. Myrtle Allen. Mary bottle with their parents. - -- --- -
ale Khat to any that It has not reached Ifall, rl Senior 111. -F:Me Johnston, ANNick;RrAItY AND TxAHxertxo.-- McCuurt Riley Bradford, Fred Chester Tippet of Goderich, lima re.
this tors lir yet. Junior 111. --Jessie N►others. Eldin Anniversary services will lie held at Sayage, Stephen Nfedd, Laura Smith, turned home. He lute litrn working
Alfa Langdon sold W. Uuuningpinui, I'wsullry, Tommy Glen, Edith John' the Ebenezer appointment of Nile cir- lwftus Gil/yout. Nfamilcr oil roll •�►, with Alr. Reid bricklaying: A%-eak, strained or disersed.
I-( Arthur• air. spending x few days soon. %%'ill Gltxier. ll. --Willie Fitz. cult Decemta•r loth. There will be avrra�e Attenditure 'l4. H. R. Iw,No' Buu.x�1„cIr:TY.--A meeting of the Signals of Distress
with Arthur.
a in thisvicg a Krraid• IdaGbtxfer. Lilly Alton. fart two services: in the afternoon at :3 princlpx1. Bayfield hrnnch of the Bible Six sett Don't delay'.
I1.- Kota Twanrlry, Marie Baker. „clock, in the evening nt 7 o'clock. Junior Room -Senior Secoudwas-
[1E.%Tn of At.t..%N Huc11 %Al""oN•-- peter (Ilrzirr, John Glen, (it it The fullo ria Moeda the ladles of Rev held i St. Andrew's ,:hutch.
R'r were sorry to hear boat week of , Y K Y F:dithSttthrls, lidph Dishrr,Arthur. Rev. W. Hinds gave an interesting Backache and headache-- TAKE GIN PILLS
Rias". 1 Art 1. -Ila►' 1 Johnston. •1' the rungregatiotl will arrvn supper in Roach, Marvin Durnin, Kae Stother•s, address. The officers for tilt- inconi
the death of Allan Kicha,xtyon, W. " C. S,nt-rnxttH, Trachrr. the limit. This will Ile followe, by u (,illixn Pentland. Howard, AnrlrlHtm, ,
wouugext feet—
anti of Thomas Richardson. - sAcred ronrert pro tstw 1.0 vnmist or ins year sire: President, J. W. %Vhld- SWOIIen hands an bet-- They %a st,en to weak kidneys
yo Ness wan killer! inelxntly. while K Hazel Carr, Lisnfield Andersuu, CIA)•• lion ; vice-president. Rev W. Hinde : Y tit
AJdreeger, readings, vocal and in, toll Sands, Pearl Ivers, Fred Erring- lfecre(ary-trefisurer, Alirs F. Sunbury constant desire 1.0 llrinatC— _hall the affected pads-neutra1iza
working in the wfmxds lit Mleakokis. LANEb. mental music. Every effort is bring tont, Jarvis Anderson..lunitor Second- Shooting Pains through hips uric acid -soothe the irritated bladder
The family formerly resided in lh"t. Mom)vv. Inc, ;.Ind. exerted UI ntak-e there wervireb A nuc• Million Disher. Ethel Blown, Scott S, Iloul, RJ --The following im - and cure every trace of kidney
',arta but deft Hume years 'Auer for \%. I'. I(e•ed returned homefront the rear and every Accommodation will be %I4.Nal1y, ('. [1. Robinson• Myrtle the report tit B.tvilrld public school —painful oints—l:lteutua-
.`{uskoka, where they went into the \%'rat o1, Saturdaytart after A two —P trouble. Gin Pills are soldonapoaitive
timber Mlrineawl. The deceaeed way provided for visitorH. Oliver• Alex. Anderton• Harold fur lite month of Novewbnd trteed on arantee to con letel cure or money
weeks' trip. Sproul, Victor Errington, olive Glenn. attendance, denlnanur and general tlSm—Sall of these are fru completely
twenty-three year - tit age and leave. \Ile• W..1. Lane and Miss Laurett" ST. AUGUSTINE. Senior Pout ll.-Ftxd Fowler, Iva proficiency: Senior Kottm-\.--Ford nature's calls for hel . Theyrefunded. goc. a box -6 for fa.5o.
I o mourn his loss Ilia Parent,,. five Hackett. of . 1.411 visited relAtivrN in Carr, Harold Rivers. Hazel August- King. lV.-Rabyy Woods. Grace P Sent on receipt of price it yow dealer
blether•" and three mistelsl, The ayul- ine, Edith Anderson. Ruth Fowler, Weir, %% sonde HrNeil. Senior. 1I 1.-- meati- kidney trouble. It does not handle then•. too
lathy of the community is rxtendud Ripley (hiring the past week. rfls+tu.%Y, Dec. Ynd.
Edith S:tnd,,. Junior Part H.-EdguI Farl)n Pollock, Flo. IuhnHton•
Io them in their still herraveulent. Abo 1 t every hums wa, ref"'eh- Nelwtn Nokre, of Tfronto, is visit- Parr, Kuby Allen, F'rxuklin Thomp Pearl Leitch, .looser Ill. Lulu slay be that the kidneys are .Ott DRUG CO., Mlinsslr[t11. tar•.
se•nt•il at tht• reopening of the Lack- inK a( George NVAllnre'a.
KIN08BRID(iE. now
Methodist chinch, all thoruughty .10111, Boyle is milking several illi- son, Lew hlliott, Frank- Glenn. Jun- king, AnnA Woo4. Mantle Parsons. -- - -
enjoying the morning And evening provcmenLs around the store. well' Judeon Bell, MargareteCald
Medd, Johnstonnior 1lKathleen Johnston. NAgnes- j
Tu XIADAY, Dec. 30. services. Aliso Annie Fl)•nn hag moved and is Irene Carr. "B" claws -Harold Man. tier on roll, :G ; average, W). T. H, hili of heaven. His roml•AtLon night and a brass hand ! And though
Mrs. Con. Rielly is the victim of a ,Nrs, Henry Johnstone And Mrs. living with her brother .loseph. ring, Karr. Disher, Redcrrs August flmu%cNLxx, Principal. I looped at him in asutzeulent, until he I fin now white haired, and the
severe cold. lusrph Kilpatrick, of Mafeking, vis- %%'*Ilse Nixon {laid Wiughtts n vigil ine. "A" class. - IIArrV Stuart, Junior Division -Senior 1L- A1,rra explained that bis uwlher was An mother of two big young men, it i
TheIT Itl Il,lp' xllfittle.tlt .1111 w' lt1 ILlxl At the home of the ffruner" on Monday and returned all sunilra. Gladys Errington, Sadie Mountain, McNeit, Fred Weir, Dorothy FoWlle. invalid fUl' ieal'r, alld WAa lltlrll IIUIII'- ever hear a band playing On a Inooll•
make excellent sleighing, daughter. Airs. %A . P. Reed, one day %\'htit'x the matter, %%ells* :' Florence Durnin, Freida Sande, Middle 1L -Isabel Woods. R'illiard ished l,y calves* feet jelly. He West III light night i again bec0wo +a child and
\%e are glad to Ir{a,rt that \I". hutI, week. Mr. ¬ Mrs. N. J, Beninger, of Georgie Glenn. Numbvr on roll 19, Dressler. Erne•mt MrGee. Junior It.)oting child then, Writ sometimes got 1 think of heaven."
Aladin Ili rhlr to 11r around again • The snow of ill" oast few' days Plitt, Dongionnon, took possehmion of the average attendance:V. ('fa•% 13. Run- Bessie Elliott• Kate Little. Belli a portion of the sherry -flavored jelly,
after her serious to lot+, one in mint of t�e "gaol old winter store and postoMce on Monday. rFrrs Teacher. Parker. Senior Part It. - 1,orne which tastefA so delicious that he
Man yuanQ ople item Kings- Liurr." The malls have been lively Miss Betsy McAllister has leen fns- - - \Vamnle . Wilfrid Thans, Lyall Dal- thought it Hoist he angels' [loll, and Indignant Citizen -- "Say' Your
Many with Sec Ir hacinr Lot cutter ride, idson. Middle Part if_ -Lilian Cut. that therefore being ill beaten was to ►rot threw fi atone at me just now and
attend the party in Kintail 1 P aisting Alm. E. McGuire the past BENMILLER. lin F'rauk KinK, Jeeeir McGee. Jun- get
sill the calves' feet filly you lutrely nursed me." Mr. Grogan-
br Friday evening and report x •stat whicto makes everything an merry as couple of weeks to remove frau the NoNu.%Y, Dec. `Ind, g'> Wanted to eat. His cum oleo broke ••Yez say he missed ye:'" Indignant
the sleigh -hells. store. for Part 1L Wili ner Blair, Beatrice
1►r1- lureph Uurnin has disp/t,exl o[ his UtN tors Hooter and'raylor, of Goad- Brown. Senior Part 1. --Clarence into laughter, find then, ooking more Citizen 'That's what I understood
Misses Al+thel Austin and Alien Patrick Fitzgibbons, of Ogdensburg• erich, paid a visit to Ben filler wheol Parke, Ruby F,lliott; Earl Porter, fleriou,. Haid : myself UI remark." Mr. GrogganJo 11.
ton Apert fi few days of last week at farni. The buyer, Andrew Stein, of who was visiting relatives here, re- ' M Ideal of heaven, when I we
A wfie not rfr) li y."-Indianxpolir .lour•
Lwcknow, intends occupying it with- turned fill Monday. Minx Alxggie and vaccinated the children on Friday Junior Part 1. -Ethel Fowlie, Muriel Y
their homes here, lfeb of heiny cicrerd in 1.t coup>In of weeks. 1\ a welcome gurne went with'a'. afternoon of last week. King, Dut Blair. Number on role, 411 ; little girl, tour that o[ x moonlight nal.
in Grderich. in and Mrs, Stein and family lc our it looks its if winter had come to avel'Age, It, F. Ai. Rr.%NDeat', - -
The housewi%es or the neighlor- neiKhlrorholld. They are no atrougrrh Miss Beccx q honf{tion entertained stay to hear the sleigh -hells. One can Teacher.
hood round a ready hale
for their fowl to thrar tar(*. ell in welcoming them her relatives and Loeverml neighbors on almost hear the How of skates on the
on Tuesday AL Kingetwidge. Prices we mt,. we�comfng 01-at-cluss neighbors 'Thursday evening• the occasion Mina p,nd• lie,nniillcr insets of ,t grand Two Odd Conceptions of IHeaven.
were fairly Kaod• which they have Proved themselves the cele oration of her mother's birth- skating rink. Toronto Saturday Night : One's
- -- - - in the past day. A large number front this vicinity early idea of heaven may he very gro-
ASMFIELD. Nra, E. McGuire and Gulf. have attended the funeral of Airs. J. Ker- tew{ne, In ehattinq on this theme the
moved into the house formerly ur- n{ghmn, of Goderich, ou Monday• other dry Thomas �1c(iillicuddyy said
MONDAY, Inc• 'Ind. CREWE. cupied ba• Mrs. Kinahan and intend She and her bereaved hualand at one L11xt upon one rx•casioti, when vieitinK
DX%TII OF Met. JAXIVH Me•INiNAt.D• q•1.-tu+oAY, Uer. J1xl• remaining there for the winter time, were residents of Colborne. a friend• he took it lady in to dinner,
One of the few remaining pioneer %%•til• sbackletoo• lir.. has been laid months.
residents of Huron comity paebId top with a mote foot ter the last few 'IL H. Anderson ling returned from The literary evening at ole and a charming be. t table companion she
meat fn F'rfday, Nuvefnl)or Y, d, In l,,, the "hunter's paradise" in Mmekoka F'Pworth League Int Thursday mus �moccd to Ito. Her hit wait silWetrin
the person
e on ri Afrs. .(sufee McDonald. A profitable one. l(cv. C. H. Dur• aft she w•as Sts vivacious tut when in
At the horn lit her HUD, ss H. Donato• Kafouel Sherwood is indispoticd ;it and Parry Soond fund reports great, taut, the pastor. gave u splendid fol- bet- 'teens. Some Aml,er-colored jelly
resent success in capturing the limited Ilion. dress ,n ••Souks." Good music also lm•fofc them was shaking its sides at
slid, Winggham. DeceAeld'a nimiden I tier o[ doer..
name was Margar•t Clark unit she was I(ollert Higgins lust x valuable w•Ae given and little Edna Walters the little ppleasant ifs that were being
Zorn near Inverness. Scotland, hiuclY heavy dCAllgbt IlClre yesterday. Mr. and MI•s. AV1,1, McAllister vis, favored the :uldience with it recitation parsed, when 'Mr. MeG. remarked that
veW fert Jelly, and
years fig.,, on the end of Decentlm•r. Nt., and Afro. Stearn Findlay. of ited friends ;It .laulexluwn and liras• e1,tititrl 'Keep -n -going." that ait liic•1'If et jelly alwnyto Iel iinded
slant, she wxa hurried In Inverness to MxlekinK, are lite, guests of the sets last week. During his visit Mr.
rhe special srrvie" -ill cuuftueuce
the late .lames McDonald, who prede- Iatterb Iliothrr, Mrs..1. \Vhitly. McAllister per:hxrmct s hxndHouu - _
ceased her a number of years- in lm;'l peNrl'MINTIt K.Hm 1.(K+Ito NBIt - DAM , young horn!•, — ---
with her husband mild six children she Rumor sxym Dirt ptustmibllran, Mihr A[, Vaccination is the order -if life day Fdiseases
runic to Canada and settled in Hamil- . Shfu klrtoa, has tent ill her rrsigna• in the schoods now'.Ili. T. E UAec,in that city until hPoirtment. If I tedical henith officer, is to tic lit
thirty-seven years ago. When tire) 1 ustine mild Doork►Invest to the township of Ashfield• she give's it up oar Sur. Igeth to lose St. AIRsettling near whet is now knows aH theUreweINtetoMce AltoKethrr, sCh,olb on A%elnesdny' itAlle Or Influenza, whichever yptl tike
Crewe P. (►. Ashfield at that time GIIlTt'Aa\'. --thele dieMal (%t.June have. eAtakenrles t'thecontra t of sbinson find upplyin{tli pre Of lhC most WCakCrllltome A (Debet and Alts. McDonald ort Nuvembter 19th,{tlttreeel through all the trials and lune- Phillips, relict Ut lite Into �[nUhew n Inrgr MdinbulgIl tient with faw torrxhip,x of pioneer life She wits A Shackleton• former postluaster of &nit stactoe on their cuuLract lustown.
woman very highly Irsptraeel ill the Cre.wr. TiwrefixPd bail tire,, n scrrat Friday. They hoar* sub -Int port of
rotnniunitY where ahs no lung resiflfd, sufferer frau theuI'lost fur nrunt- lite contrmct W �Vnn. Sillihs laid llnn} SCOL1.•.i E1r1 t[1J1017, which is Cod
She head AiwNys rn,joyed the very Heat 11rr tit years. Her last illness was of MarwfNNl. 1'be Intend lu bur do
or health and war we•tive mrd smart ons• x 'few days' duration mild wait Jinn Crmitt also' ---•-_ = - L1Ver Uri and Hypophosphites In easily dl -
when she went to visit her yon fn due to cungemtion of the tangy. Ur- EAST WAWANOSH. gested form, is the greatest strength -builder
Wingharn a few wevILH ago. N". ceased wan (torn in a/untyg abrin
Melhtnald joined lite 1'resh}tr•riau Ibus eighty , on :\Ugltst 12th, II K MuNmtiv. Der. 'lull. kno`vn to medical science.
church before leaving her native land, thus righty )bale of age lir her
but for tic past twenty Ctrs had Fit. She came to lixtren with her patents elle l t w eek of the o n L. wan
tended the Methodist church, which at Ihf• tigeof sixteen yea". On Aug- bout* last week on account of the It is so easily digested that it sinks into
was more conveniently located to her ,,it zlth, IgM. she was married to xcbr ss iN•ing clnw•il.
horlle. rite wax the mother off twelve Matthew Sharklrton, of StreCtmville, Aliax (inaxie Hainr.• w•hf has INrn the system, making new blood and new fat,
children, seven of whom Ale deneAfted. who ptTdeceaxrel her one rear and h•arning millinery in %VinKhxnl, spent
The surviving members of the rnmlly eight loonths. In the year 1K+1 they still ov tit her holo,•. and strengthening nerves and muscles.
aro Mrs. H1,mea, I)etmit ; Mrm. Wis. carne to Ashfield and settled on a farm Thr". of the young ieople or
nee, Windsor : Mrs. Thurlow, Crewe ; in the !wit concession, where they re- Donnr'rtonk are this week �nanching
John McDonald, Goderich, and D. E. sided for A nunher of years, atter- their eke on the sea of nlallimony. Use .SCO>t ><•.f Emu 1J lO ri after
McDonald, Wingham, all of whom wards mowing to the farm here (now %e wish them ,t calm find peaceful Influenza.
were present at the funeral e=cept occupied by their son WIItiAml when voyage,
.Afro. Human. Tile funeral took place it was it dense' wilderness. Mrs• At n for meeting of the rate -
on Sunday mrn•ning, 2kh alt., 1..o Shackleton wfix a woroxn beloved by pa brit held on Sattrdav lmst lit S. 4. Invslushlc for Coughs and Cnlds.
Dungannon, lnternent being made hl All. A loving wife and niother, find li y 7 erherol-hmrtle Aliex, l riahmao
the family plot in the cemetery in that thouKh an invalid for a nfamlrer of wfi. f•lf4,ted truster in the pla,•e of , ALL DRUGGISTS: Lope. AND sI.00.
tillage. yea" Loltr will 1N• greatly misafyl icy itoht. ll,oine., who rurvibliy r+•mignrd.
all who knew her. Sh1e wits A ►nem•
The only wry to leave the ball Is to ball of the M'll-li.t church. The In. lichearhAls(in• Iho No. 1 itch tit con
cleave to the go ud. torment took place in Dungaunon Cort are bossgheld twice citch week,
Does it Pay
to buy a Stove or Mange because the first cost
IS cheap �
Will It be Profitable
in the lou,r run to idly a Cheaper huge than the
Tile firepo$ linings are made of the Deet
cast iron and wear for years. fake time to
examine our It.anges and I[caters ; we can tell
you something you ought to know.
International Stock Food
Paroid Roofing
E. P. Paulin
stetc. 57 Restdcntc, 177