The Signal, 1907-11-21, Page 8T, ,--.-... -„ , .* I I 8 TNCRdUAV, November 21, 1907 C THSIGNAL: GODERICH, ONTARIO TOWN it.. I►( i i f I. .A #---I Dun unnon he Liecame the firut swr• I gls11.1e A VOICE FROM OOOERt(,H . I I )Ife n on o un It t� K AMERICAS NEW WOMAN. ( • I SHIP. I this•,,• to fifty per cent. hf r &half Meant. He war al.0 plvntinrutly ('4111- _ I fu the Anrtraliau Co inut,awealth." Nect d will the Orauge order, ,and Nvar p • l'lhe intereNt Rtkt-u b) rex.ler%itf'111r I the w•hitenarn's paindi-e." an elder ,If the old kis'k under III The Type a She le Seen b)♦ James Sovereign BankWinter HI nal in the urrliun of Utiru►al . wily in llat gI.•b \\'rritwi ,'aur- F ildit. t• of the Ixlr esu Alex. "', Hhe cilt. FootwearY 4 da, with Its Isuutlrsa prah•iiw 11f vii'• Kidd. \1'ht-n the 1N/stufl(rr lel Iu11 \\'(Prthcr It Ir the rllWule ler the les• iluroigralion is further shown by the gin will, fir limftlt-sa coal turd iron %noun tt'Iw o %rued, Iwiu lhv first OF CANADA letter publirhwl herewith from Couu, K ( K ditluu of Iudea•udeucr, which ruins la field% wed olher felim•raldeporilb, N'ilh plstufldcr us flint: section of the cillos• H. I.. SAlkeld, u( (ialdrrfch town-' Ihr construction u( its railways and couutt'y, Mr. Mal•Aluth Iwcolue Ihr furty-eight hour afler luudiug the -- --- shift. Mr.HAlke•Id's attitude towards,,,,11„la,it" giKnlltfr irrigation project Hrstpoertuarle', and drove the until last bertuuts in ihr w'urid, or the \-aceb•heh•bysiteuthat ndltid,ndkktlhu AA the subjec( iv nut. indved. 11111,• unto ,of _ lwc11n3 only to that (of Egy FA. agd ►Prlwern floderich anti Dungunnoll, mental truiuluS lit our schools, eer. rwonta.I.rcuut. td ipera..num un iho rap N I's SEASON fox -Winter r N pawing inter• e'I : white year% Ago he requiring untold mundwr" of ulell : cunl iuuilig to hull this 1%osition lin' ,.,,Illy it,(. .+murlcan woulnn does not itiol .to"•k of thl. It.cnk how been da•lared for I T C -.winter Footwear is AKarwilitinn with the writer he debated with its v;wt timdwr resoure" lend tIfI ee %'rel tor. � flit, 1wriod of four to moutha podia november P the, ueslinn it) eblic in o 1 ositiun tl think lit the Aunt• wn us ole women here. Ill :tntici ation of the delnantl 1 1 1 W uOwltialled H-he•ies, its . lrlasihilitiew He 1..ortiied lot• it family of live S :Yoh, Itrn7, rod that the ..nue will IN, puytabl• at p file {Ndicy (of tertriation, and hr stili and o 1 wn•tuuitieN in Ills. 1 we are carrying a selection of ally ehungdons the none eau%. with 1 1 K)y'+►t bui1J• cbildrsu ::1, gull u( sten :.mules, of of other rates. 81st- mads ►he t1eN•a lit- u,r uo,u1 41mre and rr the Hrruche% un rnA ' e It "' rind true{s•ntrr iudurLrfrs--rum)' l'ullma•nr ; Mrs . Ha rrie, of I'm itiuc, jays Intim frequently. lir. Jalt)er iltaw. after M„INIry, the rah day of thwendwr next. I lits nruwl originality. E41. SwN,.%I"l Ile- d rune Cur ,roofs thrid three Mich,: Mrs-. Illi ht, of Manilulut, xuJ Y fleas her prvumnelriitill, bmf she Can• Thu trun.fee book. will be rl,%.d front th• n/� Tell orYilllorofThr�fsurl. teen lit ever,• tellN1111►r• luileAnl ler- Mrs. Hemliirh.of Delimit; nod 1111.• I.twlikel#lhdK ofLrtwntloet,lm/lhday.Ili. Felt Shoes, Rubbers �ll� top Silt. ASignal .1f tit• wli- (i#+n•y. \\'hu, flier, is t) furui.h the Ilnruilluu, of fowls, to a uipr.,. Ili. tiaurs to d(sc•uss every problem of cre- y Overshoes suer neewary An Ihr curl mesion wife lrerlecrrlsto.l biro Dyne twenty utWu Nllh unfailing volubility. )'luau h)rinb and eonuiMrti'.n% app{N•aruig KY I 1 As fu her outwanl appearance, 1#1' ultAglt let' THE: B41Att11. recently it) Thr Niguel tvilitiug to let lheeo• great ruler{m'iNr.. lh'ul'tivw. rens, Thobto Witt) cone, frau Mr. Calstelon will flu his slutre. pod om.ide ,%lint* to Attend till- uloee- writes Jnnees IIuteeker In Ever body's F. U: JhMMkTT that is w ,exteusive that we're sure we can ple ok. you if the Asiatic f)t~tst:I ft- sur Ithaloll. )' roost tile t11 n•sst•nt n few tdt-nK Ilial. we e\{%•ct great things of hint mud yuiv. weer : C. Alou+Alxtii, of l lin- henrrrl Abuwttec you'll only let as try. ppee { wuuid ,,,It fur one Ita)fetrnt , uebliuu ,leu: Mr, and Mr:. Iferuuish. of Maguzitic, we believe flint Nho will Totouto,rkctalkerY:led, I:er,. lace INcurtwd lit air leu this %nlljrrt. Ilia cue serer lit 1'uruish touch of Detroit, And )Ir.. liall-is, of Pontiac, npprolrtnutr Bore to the 8 %vie au,l 1'I{Il'E .tau QUALITY are rprt ixl fenlutwa With Aside fnuu our uwral olohgal ion too Pr Ihr rare, I w•osld touch 1111 tills tines. Lisp brain: lout who will 1'U11ni-11 the Mich. the Itallau In fifty years thou -- lit Ajt• -_ -•_ ---- . - -- us. Oler'not to is. "The Pick of the Fnrturies - at the brawu also ne•eNNu',- % fur bruin red Holmes. lo-Suxon or Celt. HILL turn is the in latli,l, the Paaha Arad party havi„ IA,wt•st Possible Priers." tion true sn ecuitonlic atxnd,eluu. Y 1 K No many of lilt- ,olti-Japnt-Ae satin brawn lu"%t go together it) the devel- AI%mt IVtI till- Citumi a Coollati) wdid tuuudational support of Teutonlo taken ,t plwalule trip to that nn•.- anti -Chines writrl.a /ietun• to them- "I)nla•11t of this Ock.-at cuuuL,•,. %%I• Is•c;t lilt- N).%essrd (Of it large territory ivriousand interestife etmintr Q SOLE AGENTS W A L K - O V E R I o.k, who will shuul,lel ,IIIc lick and } K lout Latch -health, tlaulty, cotumwl Y ) QUEEN QUALITY sellas sur at any Otte to otherxl the 1 lot bosh And cuuqu'isiug PAIL of tilt- As Nerenst, the Pasha's daughter, SHOES Owns- rt) n„ach of flint dire c,ltasedty, the shovel• who will wihd Ihr nets, ,,,,ISItois,, '.f I'll htou, Middlesex, jwuse, thrift. More tuarvelous still Is .\,Ilse Hrwldt )rove4 it wtuwlule Iarsie SHOES {, 1 FOR WOMEN FOR FOR MEN the overrunning of out- laud by "I he "wing the art-, or pull the crosscut Perth run) Ilurm as- note ,Irl.rtibwl, the racial conquest of the Semitic. lit {VIM IL flesh swo-et voive. Miss Her- ties wril." is it ant o nits 1OIr,ibl, who %ill follow the plmv : yoli, who but in thr /lays of old known as file no cuuutry have Hebrew physical pe. u111ni IX -Ville ,is Atli,'Qiwees 41f Altn1 i, 7 ! I 1. will o,elowe life,[ c,.. k file f1sNd fur Ilio• R E P A I R I N G that these ,Profile, IN Iticulurly lilt { 111111014 'I'rnct. lurnuK the first set- cullarltJie lAi•u w profoundly small• 1111,,1 the role acceptably, her sweet tN,A1111( - Ihullsrinds th,tl lutist t-t•rut- .In,w, otter nrNlaing in difyrrrn# Ue•s in Utis district c+uue Ihs• Iloluu•s fled toss lit America. .� gorges of a ein¢iug Iwil,g a feature oI the Act. cote hist. trill Huxlh• take utrr•sm:all on cute to our x11411•.44 % I'nmih, ruit.isfirl of the ftthtti• 111141 -tin Pache, its the Mexican Ter. • { K century aKu ler a half ccuUiry the I/es-- • 1st tit- eill'raibi iuumeritt flit- ah Downing & M acVicar huldingb And 4.1116 •Ate the laude Op• ,$t0thvr, ►w'. married .'.u. with t)w" man Ilrin•wa were lit floe mnjurlty o<1 ton°"• Acted rrnuu'knbly well, And dill. 'u,Nt nufntt-lligibl. .1lbn ing echo ,Nlrtun.ty iroftrr.rheuuuhrt•..1 adnp• N'ict•s. LN•u e:u•riel tinngbtrlN wfth pla,'pd lirsnusually floe Cruor codec GLL(On. and thusth pw)ple have neva lhp I,ry, trAr it nut. •'JlurI' 7nic Iltil . their' huoob,uuds, rued fleece wroh un- Polisrau li KardTuday It Is tits Itusaluua t,)adv,uttage. If,- lav horn heard lw- ed turn' ? Or did the Irce,ving it tilt. Polish. Ilr;ganl. IS•rxa•cutd. of Inlx- North Sido of Square Ix•florr ex,wlve,c flit• ,tdVautrjgra uuu•Iled,lhirter•nulall. _ ___ - _ ____ ----- tiulll'1'll'il the find 1111 re^chy,g this countt.v. Purest c111jectl• register thrcypher. n( Ilelwrle Weldwood wire- of Ablen edible pluyslque. e\ploileol r%t-u now the N)und warn%uf the nuarunignuu An in ilnw utility parliculars are n+ it went wave ug bf burn shut gri o l Hohuex, eels unto of the thfr,w•u, un„ leu Lha• east sWe, urcrrthelela they a�-a these tw ople inferior to ninny of those sur, lhrl:u t lot lhrm nll,diwl al Ilulme"s• %trurt;ly t„w'a.,d'-The light, They edu- \1'estern c11uutry wax it "More SaturdAy, N11veullwr Itish, cite their childresi. The develop 1 their -+-- - -- ..- trom outer clulniritw vunstxtetly nl r(v- • , villl- leu >' j i - -_ - -- woun•n, un11e N41l;Ic1I r l usl.ib.y. aye. -- -- ing un out xh41re- % IN it feof a tact Its.,. let Ihr mgr of Jill ,'rosy ;old foul tLrtlsllr Klfta. \\'ho- kit41N's': '1'hrV way that %ve give five to all Enroll. eroll proijul y.."Mort. w,anru." Mouths. she was horn ill Fru.11f••rl. fore and trceived a wxtw Wei e. scut lilflr.Arl,d created ktlutnst trent. K ' In ruitclit%inn, 1 qurstion, Mr, hr the artistic Drat:�u lit the hush• 101( Your Messrs. Williams, l/ewey Null \ xFr,•)' Nun[ laughter. The atenil rtft•ctK And eons and nnuly Asiatics in-tuding ('Dunt,• Kdke•""v, Irrl""d, lit Jelly ot'•. n,.lr . (ialiciuuN xud Italians. Jrwo and 1$ditlor, Whether ,herr I. agv 411he'' 8th. Irkel, Was uu41a il-ti \h1V, 1titC nut I' { sous Amrl icnu phitlstluulsm. wets conspiruotw by thew hlo-making' costumed "Ire brillianl ,tlttt piculrea(ue. Ikwkha'thu•K, ('olackr and Spandinav- existing problem 11f Pon int•tnati,"!Al etarl.•dlheNalue,lat•. t her weddillic 'I'hetchildr•u of the eeu who reaehr.l I - - - f:an-, the Sp411hoJ, the Ttirk rind the c•h:lracter mole fur -reaching, or in, nip from her native- place it) Ireland "ler hums pour lead wnbillutes a few' Malay -With little or no regard to t'"ling to uuuey ditlleultiw in its It, flu• Guw it) lii%leieh loan-hi1,, d.ra ego tuns Int fru let Ihr btnt n • • their physical Aandnid, mural I lm -tis w•ttir•rllent, ,n• rw,uiring none• dt-lir'i'' Where in log,hanty, hewn lug hou urduyf theater matiuem. lit piano re - or edurrLlional atluinueruts% When haudlingill its Auficableoolutiw'' sold brick Imose, buill Nuet-etsivefv vitals. \'agmrr opern+ and picture gal. LaSt Nance HAeIN' I..S.tlhcta.l)- have we heard of Ihr Oriental inhalh nJl- b, side. Alis livt-d (ler 11Ve' IrrlrN 'hey are dowsed like Part Goderi, h 'Township. Nov. 1f), sting our jells, out- xaylu'is, ler pub,io .o•renly-four• ywu'm, It.,. renlnifeJt-l' let Nleiuefo, let their eyes anti coloring and inrlituti41nN of a litre nnUn,•% 1\'hu . ----- - lure- life. 'Plait trip ler Similar ones are of th east. Tl,ylr children will l has heard a Chinwnall a.k' for jnead. though often droopsilNed van hardly IPr I or even st,licit {wUvonngr ill the pus- OBITUARY. reillizod lov an' let tilt- Pr44ent day. "ot le par Hole. .lrnrNca will pruGL slily it few of our swell I �II/strated Songs!, has profittd by tills exotle strain; art soarer ler x legitimate lousfnrsr % line• - Ma•rn otic• tcrnrp numthN and �Slnnf- r.•atiy•uiude s u i t r left. i seldom are their u^uw- to ter Giund Ginde . 1`0111 ro•nchel tte.'rt• WAN Vet :ley lilt- Inas bw•n "filed. in this cunglumer We are selling thew at Silt the police record- in :uty of oma ' Alt old it•sidett of 0,11jo11ut- Iowsk. broken futt•11t and ooh' into .looks", lilt' We recvgn Italian, Semltle, lilt. , large cities, w•heee offset- nali'.nulilie. -hip, in the Iterwm or l IIIIII w (iinder, li,thit•ntions Iwlw•e•n files.. rued Gode• Slavle, little I-'AgIL-;h or French, much `OST. This sale O.." - a, i f ,- snldom IAck iepre• iilatiou, Further, lba,wd :Dray tire Sunday Inst lit his rich. Scandinavian. Where Is the Aruerlelell November C).i. ,t- Ws- :u.• /� ( u the (`hinane:u, p)o:w•sbt•% the faeitlty in re.itlenre nn lite. _fill concession nod Ifer huslNuld entered rally into the type? Ask a cen n• lienee. The orh- erowdel for space lit di.- OPLRA /DOUSE tow s'unll drgre .1f minding his 11w'n Ihr lufee'nl l.%)k plit, jou Tuetel11p public life of the country unwic4uil Ino, T rkee soar lid tvutuan, the tit-- play our C h r i s l Io a s (aridness which In the majority of it, afleru,Non 10 U1,11N.1111l- relliefery. the field INu'linuu•ulary, alld leltualletl con- Ftellda'ta of those who (OU:;hI In rho KIW1l M, ..,tl tt e'Vt n.. white peolple, with Much greater cul• Wall -bearer% (wing Paul �Iaelrl, Alich- linn11ush' lheem for nearly thirty' vantfagev. world Int u'. Bran aequisi• :dirt Pfr,uumrr, T. Kur-chin-ki• Mit-hat-1 veArw Tlri. look pial a K.phl dent Revolution, will see be as ritlnct as Q {� tion! Flick, -Willh nt Durst nud Mit-lint-1 irnne home?tilt] the duty of hn,kitq( the dodo. Frrn the a rectory Is Losing I Mon 8 y Nov. 18th The erroneous statelurnl is-- oftru Schwarz. Mr. /cinder ens riKlpily rifler the Lumt used bringing n 1 n tam- Its familiar American elle%' Come ally EXamine l 'ostler flint a Chinnusau will work for years. four Iwylth, rued Iht11lrel olio-. ily ..f Ivo cteildsen drVuhv.1 chieliy EVERY EVENING nothing And live un It• ., : while nm x 11f age •Ind hr leave. a widow agerl sl%m her. She writs el -el food lel The Herald Square mpany. uwlter of fact cntlgN•trnr Chinamen nisei)• -Iwo. IIfNIAan-in-I;av, Alr. Ihrere, reading. need took at active into rest it) r a, c.roksxndinolht-rposi,ionsrwriaw trn.living wit6hinl, she yurstiuusofshe ,lny 111uu1*t up #u Frnw Ihr ►:err PI'c-+ f OLLlwa, unto nrN' (all g.%%1%. 1 BLACKSTONE ORCfiESTRAI from V_!11 to $1111 ,N•r ntlulth: and Beacom. her dent It. Wit 11 thhe•xceplion of the where Ihr cnfelpuly aptlea 1 Novelle. Fverylhing t h e latest nonny of our nlerehaots tell u- that 1.104. u( Ill -r hosionlid. lit wholo .he tea. ber 7. N and U, ww efu.,ir v.•t• atiru the the l'hinnierul I- If regular cust/mor The last of A 1111110".1. of til.• 1•..1'11.113- deeply +cllarhed, it) L17:J, and the I.as following excellent rriiividn of Ihr style. Derby"• bol h ootids ,t notal (PrIIl-11 I'ulgw itl' purr liont-uylloyee%w'hornlpmd the pub- '.f l6ler of litre children PC`i:u•iulns ,wrfornlAucr given by The Herald English And .\uu•rfcal' Lttulf� (11'1:\' .\'1' ii fo%%1 than the nre'sgr iitnnigrAnl, lir rnlpluy nines tilt- .:vier lien times• %he rouhl hanlly Int -ai,l 'to �ge,rr ('olnlptny, _III..,, wfll ppeat Khapus. All kind- of Willie fl •s ,, . In Mr. l'antelnn's Article fu 1a rrc,,11, m, [tern yens t uiits•1' nKo later Nufirrral nosy Nrrion„ grief or 1461) het..; I'1•:ltl'ult\I:\Nt'I•: .\"1' �. wait reunved frau earth's.activities in I gloves, both furdr",and it,nne it( Thr Signal he -{Pr+tks u. four durinY her long life. Nfse hxJ fL AAppy "A'1'rip Io ludic," presented I. lisp million ifuuligrxulN of a desfl•abtp the death or,lohn Hv:u•tuu ole Alondnr' life•. She loved her Enrol. her neigh. Ilrt•ILId Sgitlere Company. wax nn the ; other wear. Overcoats, ADMISSION - - IOc. character who are- willing andanxio,lm Mr. lieaoitnl wos a native of (..1nntT 1„n•s. her count•,•• b••r rlmr•11, files IN,atilK:11 IIID• Iimod O,wra House t i ,'lack, blue ,Lml brown, to t•nme too Canada And help in the M'enuusngh. Irrl+uld, and came to tdor. AIMIVe All Pilsr loveol, het• fnnlih• nod evening raid delight, d n barge crow . { . • $IS t , $'1- Everyttung new and up ;o date. Not One Poor Watch NO matter which you buy a low priced or a high-priced watch a guarantee that it will give satisfac.ion goes with it. WE evade no responsibility in our watch s-lliog. If it toy not as we say, bring it back Everyone that bays here roust be satisfied. Halsey Park JEweler and Optician ruunlry let the vele• I tML He Atrtv,rl tont I _?. building up of our country. Now, -Mr. took An intrie-t in lhrul, their hedth 1'hr pIr'gram exits it the riot Editor, it this lie NI, what has hw'itrse fur it short tinea• in Toronto and Own xud doitigs, 111 tilt- youitgr-t grand- annual full review, and judging ,IV tltr ler Air. Trento, ^till his staff 11f a%si%- cattle M' lit this di"Iricl. Fin• manly child, up U, the last few dayal of herr uuthunts frolal the nuJit•Ocr it wa 4 tj%ntw, hacked till M• the splendidly years he -wns engaged in the sail tit- lire. rprtainh Knelt. 11 marshalled, equipped mild or dohtry bete, but haul Ilan one of file Nile w;1- a lifelong luenrllei' of Ihr Techriie.dh pop%yoking it wife a nln.i- 0 u r Spee i a I t y I II lAurier Government And till InCe ling town rmplo,er- tut ^ munlPrr of yearn \1t•IlltsllNt church. "Ithuugh lire- tell.. sal comedy in Iwo lice", otxning with CHAMOIS! CHAMOIS! Onverneneuts% We uudenland the paxi, air. ffearout is survived by a ballot tva% alt At.glienn and till the the Ir:n-ha'" garl•n in C.lo.tAlit innplt•, ilmuigration ufiieers have 11een hold- 1lrothe•. K'.Ilert, Pon the old huntesteat( rhild"It wee Iwtptizel by pabl11rko 0f with the "cele chil"Wit'K tlo fill' PP -11"" Nubby tailor -Invade waits in out every inducement to rent tet•- in Ireland. a brother, lieurge, in at $�, N�le� c^IL not tw pe K p 1 thus wits i)uried .o r \ f.•,e „ell uuol.• t u etnu \ r:.lw tm lAdit-a, at special rtdutti.u,- tit•r Immigrant+ (at Irsfot' we Iwlirir ICillu'ney, ALu1..:nul is brother. Wil- She was bnt•ied ..n'fnprdx)•, Nucrnr --- --- - - ------- duplicated in any other they h^ve Men doing everything P'.m- liaot, lit Wosirwiek, near IA,n lost• lir iwr iilth. in MaitLald ternetA ry, (io de 1 foible to earn their fairl • temnnerative w,t- a:u•riel twrfety-si\ )•ears agn. his mrandr•hildreo ,lit her PATERS,[ 9S Afore, as we 6nVe a .,wc- y rich, Aix of her i aalariesl,fond yetnhat•fAth,• iefoult7 11 wife pndereaaing hill, in Iwsf, A refine -t xrling aA{{pdObPr^err-. lit All tallinr^tthi^price. CHAMOIS SKINS With an nrable area Ileal',,' all large fauaily of f1111r tl„IlgliLel•s anal ()ne bllil { rol,aloitity her tenth removes, the anthe whole of Europe vie have fu survive. Mr. Reavonl hold leen ill 1„%t of the early Adult lot ttler, .1f theSV4�-..'� COUGH DROPS i' all sine and prim+, fnuu the little :A end Inc size- tut this year A. I). mist a Wisp Aix million since Lit,t April and walk obliged tl (;twat. Huron Trac, omaW1-f rde.a.m.,,. fm as.rtlw Tirl.lcr es nt•t)pri( And larger r l Vie, 'tile, 'Lir. :siz e•, souls: \\'r have an ^rex w nal to cent• work entirely ire the heKinnmioc I)eceasel was the utnther of Dr.,It mods..." la, .m ^Trt,.,w K' { of .lune Inst. He was sixty -stove n..or rtr..,u. .,a,.,.,n I 4cr „lid :,rk, up to IArgr fine pure at ;Lo) Ifor lining x twenty times that of the l'nIt •d Thos. Hobart+, of Ili fruit : Ile. \V. ,i.m A" 1•, u.. tw... rNeord u.a t, • Kingdom, with scarrely one=seventh yeatA and eleven months (if age. The K. liulnles, ler G(Nlerich, county areas- Io'a cello• wa. 1 coat ler for imlishinq your .ilverwarel. the population ! Their ate "lure fnnrral took place yebterdity after. E Y WILL CUSS R T Reg.Black pt) steer of Huron: John K. Hidlllrtl. of --- - ---. - ----` - - - --- Ir living today in unto half the nn.1n to 1LLitl:lid ceuu•te•t;, the pNtN=' ISP K Deborah mcille : MI'N, Lerch and with FINE TAILORING S. E. HICK - - Centra! Deus $�OrC arra itf l'hic^gn th^n thew ^tor in the 1a'xrrle Iwiug four wenllwrs of the ,>plelra6 Holmes, who resided with -- ww.tern half of this Doluininu. The the cn"lpait,-. Captaiit E. C. WIcher her. and Mrs. It: \V. McKenzie, (if AND FURNISHINGS • annualincrernsein Nonilntion let the and (iodise King, Adam'1'hlouluAn The Original Coin an .%lefts- '.• ri -tis- till! 001Mt1('A. - 0 r►Rt0 1 f i (iralerich. city of New York file- the past decade and (;rulgp Alol•r.1w. And the town g p y has [leen more than equal to that of e.1uuril attended the hmeral in a INNIV BYLAWS CARRIED. �J the whole of this Dominion of Canada The services were conducted by Ket•: _ moisim.y I..LMr .t PPMA tANrr: JIFFIt: --anti yet we hear doer cry. No rennu, G. N• Hazen. Bruce County Municipalities Will Ate- a 11 --- --- - n11 roon). Shannon. sfst Electric Rulway Proje:t: �� AEI/ AC+aaistaKe B. fdrgot fnderil, -fro we teAie within lltp ,,ton death occurred , Sunday ---.-- Iwldet, of our glori.1u.. montes n^t• nr,nling Inst of Abut- L, Watson, The L,-Inws submitlel In the rale Ernest Hhipurxn and William Cnit•iu ural advantagps unexcelled and trade iblict of the late (O trade C. ShAnnou, pa)"tors'.( the town ler Kinvarthrie And presenL . facilities unequalled on' ihr fare of M. D., after an illhpmfo it( some length. of the westerly Rection .1f Huron r iw .d loplik I thus brooked earth. 'Tit, true we have Thr deveawrl wa. Stevrnt+'-cone wenttown.hip on Monday blot, in runner- flu li_'Clafefi'S Ileafilllal $COIfIStI Id] aunde wonderful strides fn the wny or for age. She wit- fit-- rldt-st daughte., tion wish the eroject of the Ontario l a COURT HOUSE �••R O "" I '.PHONE NO development, in the huilding of tail• of the hate .Inures \Vat -nn, A proinin- \\'ext Shore 1',Irctri(• ItailWiLy, were 1 � � ways and canal., rte., but what we put dryKINNIs uu•lchant.1f Woole-irh .it IN)th pits"] with gteal nlajloritiefo. SQUARE a5 most need at the -present little is tilt- one,tilar, having Ilio piare of buaine44- 'I'll(- vote in Kinvardine Was . Flit• O/RLC /MiQRTC/atljm__� em The people to develop our feline•al, on Nest. street is-, tilt- premises nolo tilt- bVIILW. 55: against. 112--lnnjor- ir Ila, In addition to mpculfnK It --' titnlPrr ami agriculturist fewnn•cps, sit arra riwl by lit'. Ahldplin. She waste >'• ---- ---------__ _ ___ as to make flip bonding of thee,, pllpl� of tilt nti%v vl•11l•t'?tl)le .illllrl flat- majority the bylaw' had to ree•fve' Isle . trnntile ividenl s tit roti witwere rti i'u- (Inu%vat, and was still butx�it•1 when sur the list. The he stoup of [h voters eoil d SEVEN DAYS lofty the dividends they N'PI'P itrigiu- wnr martd to ,ht- late I/r. Hnwfhitn. the list. Thr nnmtwr flue rwjnirwl Bonnie ally intended to !!'AV. Two chitdr,•n of lies- Hrst, inarriAge in Kincardine wets 1711, which of Belungin4 As theyvriter d(ws 11) the survive: Ili•. Hamilton, of Cornwall, course Vvits litrgrly exceeded. I-------- -_ - great 1A in9 class, he fully "ppr•ci• and Mins M11rt#tn Ifanliltml, hely, and in Huron township the vote tvnr Its ales flip temnrk of a re•rnt writer to nor, Cayley Ilamilton, fA deceased. follow". TO CLEAR the etfpet that 'he t the press solar Ile' %scrod marriage 1, wet, to Ili. For. AgninsL Brier of ^two-dulLtt• hill At Ihr present Jn)• Iielo11ge 1', Nhnnnon, feline• meso, AnlOwrley NII a7 f- nut e• rot ago: th^t of fine moths• mitran• twill. r. nal,• n few• vele. 1"t thrix Bethel i8 11 TheOdd EndsandRemnants few yrnr•r n¢it: lint he moa. also roc• elm. Ili•. it. .L Sh,uuunl, u'.t IwiuK ognize the fart those in till lit her direr. very widely w•paraled 8.4,111 his father uti iN tion is Ihir Art evident as- ulna sus• in ill -Atli. Airs. Sh+unlitu is suttiVl-,,. \hj,j.1rit, /n! the bylaw 87 vincing dual when the arliele to Int hr INo sisters, III r%. F,Iwtp%1 find MI -A, Number of favorable vf)tefo reofillreel- �chasad hnppe•ns 111 IK, 1„1,11,• itself. (!.' I•:. Sb Ler. Ila• later of whom iA at11.1. Bush AND PREPARE STOCKS FOR THE CHR nn•STMAS RUSH ake, for int,t11ner. -the inerfon-rd (.lost pn•sent fn 1;vw1wid, 'I'heruner^I took As the bylaws, require the (-am• - ---- -_ - of alm/)st rv1•f)- rtaplp Itrticle of fund pta -c (in Tuor-run- afternoon to ltnit• itien/ement of actual ent,tl union Original Kirke I& Sheik Production of- clothing it is not the high priced of 1,41141 velntetity. the w•Lvipes Owing hotel ivork e•Atly next year, we ttjay txlwt W E are going to take the last seven business days of November, the n,AteriAl iLarlf, but rather ihr At St. Grnrgr'a chfnroh, ran• sola to see active deirinpnirnfr in --- unusually high price of the Iallor fn. dueled Ly flip sector. Itev. M. Turn- Preparation for the Imil41ing of the commencing Saturday, November 23rd, to clear out -every odd end volved in plaring there Illrlifocit, loll boll. The pall-Iwan•rs were 1'hdi Un 20 .,'Notable Cast ofd -20 n _. �_.__ and rclnrant. Nearly three months of brisk fall selling has left trot :en toil fact. that fit d it) ums, Ilnl. junior •j. 4h ni the countyd.: - lots and remnants all over the store. In every department we have fou nd GI flip fart that in rrgnrd tit %horst flan. Alcl'unnld. Shl-riff Itl-ynnlde. \I. PERSONAL MENTION.. every arlicfe we 1"• 401• e\1Nn-t (1,1111 to. l' lime, so. AI. Is. P., W. Proudfoot, --- MAIX Ql a\RT1.I TN. 1(A(;IIIPEIi�' them. They cannot stay here, They must be out of the way by the wild prawwated nppl•M to :1 Imkel'- Itor K. 1'., and E. Iti Dickinrnn. Jnnlr•<,klc('In-key left joeslesday on a trip to them. w 1m.11rkr, of the month, for with the coming in of December we will be receiving 1 (A. 111 and A e Ilse— el -I frim It even Nl/t,• MaclWiath. Win Tilt'a/.d faM1[ly hat-. I, -ft res hrinlil, .itlw ,,shore, e, rl 'leer' N11f1, "' cwt-„ who they will w4dM Its foilu n-. Christmas goods. All these ends and remnants will be gathered together tn• Food rf"gfa-Mlir .tever,v Stir 1e.n. I'm .Itlit141Iftilt. owiver Intl.%/'1'l1Itiro' Mr-. Lllrr+tl. restivrf hl host„In I,Vt tYrrk Opera wherever they are and marked at prices that should not leave us one of rl'e.,,n t•1.)(Il-nlfeuost rcer,•inKtnu•e•, .a le•tidr lit of the tuwnfohi� lot \\'e%t %neerrl-Ir to rrballv.••in 41,%Irrl.4'' f house Nov. Z3 t , g/wM not I.1 ole lit lir ole raw• Wawn11o.11 Itligh AfacMal I. rallies. lir I•'. ( Ituntlmn. of I,.nt"n. *.. If, town tl.i. 1' them when the seven days are un. We cannot ire you a list of them nuater•iAl hill rather for lite Dal„o• plot- ort (owo.jjl:tn, .1. Neott Aht1•AlattIl. vo •'k vl-fUnKhi. -ou,.l. A.Itt a imll. y P g y 1'loy441 in its 111:111111"10 or,,. %%'Ily pa-- •d nw,iv +It 1►rlrnit Pon Wednesday err. -till] Air,. Ilnrry .Molds arrived hom.•nn -------_ here, but promise real genuine money -saving bargains if you come to the Mnnv i -%Orr their l.en,.ytN.nn trip. store the last seven days of November. then rhtnuia nnvlone. 1%• ht• lir whit'# lir Ia.1 wee6, the fnm•rnl inking pim,•'' J. a'. in,rr ,ton+lip At KItNm"line dnrlulr rbc SCa1S (In Sale at lis E(IR arils' r a it he I1111y, decry tl.• illir.Alllebi.1ll from the (iraud Trunk AlaHn11 Vele 1111 wl-•k hrlpiug IM Ihr sheltie rullany owu of foreign itmnirratinn % Ihr nrhival of till- I I:ai a. fit, train love e"I"in. IfILcS ► : 75CRemember every department contributes its share to the bi list. Mr. Cautt•!nn .wMou (n Mat- there , SUC and 3k. K h't•itla,'. Kt -v. ,Coors 1lnuliltou ran- `. ►•' filin ,md fa•n[I,' line 1110%.Ato 1 ten g ale aL p1'esr•nl two) thnnrnild while .Int•Ird Ihe-.•rvivem at. Ilit- gnlve And (runAnbuin and hTer taken up their m.i l]enre"nl•:,,.,.,r.,.r. ---- - -- The November Mantle Specials. !#tell tritulping Ihr -treelm '.f the 111.• pallloear•I•M wee 'I'lll'llia" J.'h Il- Dr. lin Vj on 11111, sv,pof I nr11NTIh Nan in town the ' Knnd" -Peeking ell, piny;llelll. HI doll IIINI \\'lllhlll Nt•t'1II of fir Nlc *1.*hl. I,A.t work un ne.nunt of tit.• llln.•.. .Post depth beenel to ('11:11 "Pilots the 411111M.'.r Ali"• and John (il•nhnell ,tile] Wiriness Alp of hl. Inu11N•t, and left on Turwlny on tit,trtlift As be.to n•.: Ihr w'hih• 1.lan's drew., of (il%le•ich towle"Iti "•1111,11. % OpCi P• Coast 'I'lle November Mantle Side continues all next week. It started with prOutIvr tall ted).(IiiiN 11nit-, If iul ase dndenid,wdsrighfy•l-ight I .1 itrrbittot%s4f, rf Abhe we. eros r1.11lmr a rush last Satllyday. Still there are generotis assortments left, and ff friend. in to.�n dnrinkt the work. Ile Marr- 1 f C lie No l,' Iv doh tell. Now, -it-, 1f I i .r lot agt- and e,nne Of It Inng•liwe41 fillufly hortlyon I.I. r.-inrM In Ilio dyed, intending to to bargain fur you if 'riot size is here. Here is the list again : Int so, wIn drrnn6 thrMe• jWn 6hnusnnd him fr►thpr living vischty-two Veit" of locate At Iteglnn. PA -k. I } Q 1 neri "ttt-k to Au-Irsolia:? Mie IIs' Int- age tit the ti►Ile of his death stmt lit. Mr-. 1%. T. Alnrney and Mi- mitis castle, p vmlrp It would ondr lltpAll ;1 wool Owrk mother In her tntnetirth y(•ar w filen Mlle f"•II h+aer h•tnin.A ft"Is-1 flouihon, whrro they Coast h,NI A pleasant t1 -If of Iwo ,or work- ' ' �1,7� again, roti the path from till- 'Ttmns• died. %deli thrtr.l.a•r, Mr-. h'. 41. t' Ladies Croats at $5.73 Children's Coats J wool to the inland of AnAralin 1N not lie tVa- n miliip of county Mown. MI- Llly r'M.. daughter of tVl'Ihan. cos. in 8 At%olt In garments in this lot. lA.lies' tweed Ah..#tt, nn P% en dozen of theforlcbi reR� ala granolithir nor yet Ilie Ixwl of Itlnr•a• h-uhlnd, tool (•rune• 111 this ruuntry Britannia nerd. arrivr.l fudor smanedar front An(i dein black heaver cnafm. Popular Irxrae dAln. All. ('Melon Illisl know that wish hi- patents and (heir family in I,i.it of "[Pout lire, mcknu...fill Arse A,trr. 1 I p f� hisses lerfnnry tweet] tonAta. Hrllall tngt(inm Mr-. ,hill[". at Perrin -PAIL.. Minn. TouristSlee In style. .let in; hest long, poll sizes, re•gnla! $7,(x, to Placa. regular InNit. And WAgrs are r• td,ltel its INa'1. The G41nih' settled fn Amherst P g Kulnr %Aloes iep tel $(.1x1, Pb! r It..'err-itnerl-, wit.. 1. In rh:'tog.• of the c. 1•. i 1Lv.:d1 garreleonts. for November c,wLL �� Nnveinher rout snip, )•rnr choice...... $2. ! 5 Aa -I radia in x tnnnner cess mush Isbtnd tui% ,ids of King -ton. whelp K.l'nmtnmtlm.nme,At Ll.rowr, w:o, bltnwn noir, shote! ...................... ... foiillilAr to that in any whet ronnlry : they rrnudnel for thirteen yenta.% Mr. Inst Werk. Ile 1.Ihr/nth,-r.'f wr foroA•rwelt Children's e And that is by adhering Ile theold rile Ahl.•Ma ilu having lilt opportunity In known tonna town-nitn of Ilse vaule Mollie. Car , � ten's Coats, y3.7.S of supply and detnnnd, c..nw• 141141 Iwrtinle Inn exp%•1.1 leer n11u, daring I•,nNbna.r "lmi,,,WI.e41, T. K., hot.,"ton Ladies Coats, $7.75 mnerll and 1. no,, In . lit, r,rp of n ea))�� fn•I,Iltt wtfp(•L. While ►herr i, ill AlIrI 1'11111 it rtepol. little, 1•il I'1';-insR' mtl,l{d ipA over tel runldnic fronts Vtntif„nl t.' Marnia. FTI. piens "tioing Tunriet" iA the 1%Ipular way Aloomi 2., goorinenta 111 lh1A tot, plain Mark- . A g"INl roil,-mion rut Ihi. pl f,A•, Itl(1•tIv ,neel- wide field for irrigation works, there tie tn:11nianol fell' 1111• King%lon lwni• herr 1 -taken h,' 1•otd nrl., r Ito kers of ttl ml ford I to travel nowndat•A, it PA\ H, nt 1%•I•.wt-r'lt told iAtlry ,111rk liveeds, ill[ sim-n :11 to i(1, • Mill mixer Ill light. am dnrk fanry ttvredot, A floodto not the restprpruke ne•e.Anty lar the lrnfiArv. lotting hi- re,thlence Ihere nelr,Pharninhn.n-om,"d from Winnlpe . MfyliMll, -"rvive,thle gnrmetft-, plain or trate] and line of rt^vy ,Ilse elnf h Inrludpd� in Ilii^ Int. }seg. undelaking sod eArrying foiNwaiil of Ole wAa martini to Alar aret Scott, a "ll -he It" for -roue time. and will the low e%1t of berthfo, and at the nb.r $•i I(, !.Inch r K velvet irfnunt-d. Itegnlu. $to, $12 and $fl tnlualt. For N• ►site t,anw ; r•.1n-wjarn. ' till- Aup•pit' nl nalhe of county Tyrone, Ireland, and linin illrr lin s In thteel with hl. !other, stro sooner time IITII'lldwfo thoron hl coat %,Ileo 'loot rhuir•w... I .. $3.75 3 , Ilnt„ td on h t e the wrl6known •liar be.ltlr.w i K ) $la, for Nm•puiOPrr tonpot AAL•, rh.1ler ... 7, %S 3 ..,, . - .. , . , , 1a011or tr%lav i11 that rnitniry iA nm►•w atter IenVinK Amherst IAlxnd hr I rnr.loA on hr the latter hx maAY tear.. � A;ItiAtactnry nca)mmrxlatirni. than e•tplaf to that drmnod, anrd were settled fn the township of \V•t,t \\'„- A. C. (donate, of ('hlear[o. Ill.. who he. been +Children's r Afr. 0tntelnn t, offer A )ruin h1.oM hotne near 1'nn Alhort; case Tourist Hle•w,ern leave 'Toronto Ladies Coats, 10.75 Coats, 44.75 1%tinepr lir dent m lit which ter had I eon ^ Neve Is I tall tom Or rhla a" i . E l%a,jpr•hanger, n hil6poster or decor%• dent erre since until Aix lir %eVPn Tn,• P sons w plenAant (]alloy for Calgary and the f acitir In or d11 rote in IhiA Int. All Ili h -chess F1,,, Steel ntte/MM whorl In fl,%fATtrh end Inhj R Y K gar. A splrnrlid Aaanttm' .�, poi thin price. �•e)Y tor, n Aitchpr lir Itrave•dfgj;er ire the yyra'l•. Agn,.when hr went tet live with Iho ton.tdatinn for rhe stay+, wlueb h1L, n1%de (!uasl. menta, nuldp for the lw%t ti-nde, hardly any ten of nal l y garinenta forchil A,", And girt% wear. 1'IAifl elty Of Vancomverthewax" at fires• hINyonnwelotdmighter, NfrA. Witinish, hlmaneor('hirasn-pra.peroto ht.ine,.,men . them alikp, 14"ck lir fake,-, tweed., (till lenglh, ,+41voAnd fnnry tae. ds Itt•al upp-trtlAfw ^tylpg. eat pok o) the In k lir^Ila ler r it,okot in 1)rtmil. -- --- - ASK FOR I"T0V1l1ST CAR" BOOKLET , Lent,. style, t•rRulsr $1!, $1:,, And $Ili, ""9111x1'lil.:dl In $7.511 VAlwrm, for Nov- $41. 111110 do tit^ work hlmeplf. ins in Mr. M1iacMAth was n prominent nliii• (loderieh it, first wanting In AnturAr- - - for Novemtwr tnlat male• yrnlr clinics $10.75 eulOPr►• coat mala• y01 rr rltr,i .e .......... $41 spite 01 the Ol tent,,[ fallow pr'.I•Le t, tin ratan roil -raw service in the trhrl- nrent attrarlione nt pr'Awnt. Victoria, fee In rust•. t towr. lam w11,T•. fn Krilish CuluruloiA in fact• 111'.11 of Ilc:7 and in the Fenian .Aid, And (,perk► linlise and W-nderiand Ara i go•. au,o. trx.tA�wt'., tow icor' iltevery city, town elf municipality in on Nil• foruuation u( Not. U company AE puUing up geted alwwm every night. .e• arrlaac. a •'o.Tss, r1.e.A.,C.r a.. Tbnmu. i %a-��_*��4w�� - 1 -- SF I ,1. �4 1 . a�_ -.---._...-_' r�.,s..,_.._ - ►1►�r:: � .,...._.xyFh Mae" two