The Signal, 1907-11-7, Page 5A LITTLE GOES A LONG WAY Iw ; 1111 rpprtt',rt+ the tstewwuty of Armour's Solid Extract of Beef ? pu you know that it snakes meats tests- ter- -essiabless et-ler--enabler you lel two "Leftovers" ieuprovea auul,tl aid emuw uslid } tw- rfs*rofwl lir all you need fur a cup of d.liciutta beef w t our new e0ok buoL, '•My 1•avorita Recipes." tell. how to uaa Arouur's Extract of Beet the right way. ,hent line L.X.-.f vu rt•cnipt ill S1, r acetal cap !.Ulu a lar of w this extract. (� r.1,.. ,• civ..., 107 ARMOUR LIMITED TORONTO MANS OTHZRSINAPPY IM not 'comJ ill ,11m11111 lel nab vuur aching back kir [tub. this Z.s.el , but .tart I right in and take It will clear your systemsf Rhe$lmatislu and all outer Kldnry dtsea-ses, waking you happy,Cu[v+ryucotly uthrrs. 60c, a bo. at Drua Storer or by Mood 92 Tie nAruis cUMCAL CO. Lummeet wmD"R Oal IN the less expensive Brooches Diamond Hall has never shown such excellent value as the one illustrated alio', a at $5.50. HE mount 1s made of T heavy 14k. gold and the pearls are of the finest quality. THE crescent is 1 i inches long and finished In the bright gilt. sand for our Catalai100. Rynn-1, lhios.. ' j Limited 13.1-13S Yonike til. TIOHIINTO ``I OILLIANT The Housekeeper's Farland —makes work easy. 4", --makes servants happy" i —makes Stoves q ` look fresh, clean 1, and beautifnllt' i polished. -inaketi stove � p01ishiuk cost less, " too, because "Black Knight" Stove Polish last; longer, is the largest Imfx at its price, and is the 1-1 polish you , an buy at any price. d BEWARE OF IMITATIONS SO1.f) ON THE MERIT OF NINARD'(. LINiNENI TIER, ANAL: 1.'01:1':Itl411' (WrARIi► SHOULD SHUT OUT OHIENTALS. Orienlalm herded t1901,1144' Ins ll'P% ate whel,ever llle ° are fuulull in corru- gated irurl sheds Auld INOINW41 luldrr 'o Ile 1plllul'uf Thr Mllfual• 11141St I111sallitafy r(Jlldilimis leave logmt Hill. - li,lvillK read 111 'rile uhutwt it r,1111plrle- 1114111411"sly as I41 the italerieh Signal err ,kilt edil.,rtals 01111 Wiwi, in lilt- mines. whervah t he whits iiieles Ilse tilt- Asialia llntnigrflliun w41rLerm, the men wbti fraught (kir IIlr urNUi40lt, 1 feel it 10111ost irtllN•ralivr hunmr alld gins), of (Ire' . llritailt in d"alt also. as it Vanvolnrrite and It fru'' I the late war .d 1 hr I'rausvaal, walk it1ra•n of 0111W14 t0vxpremm illy views 11.111• streets by day field slro.p ill Ihr y.m this n41w ali•ilkil-rtaml quo.htitili parks till- flight Clnly awaiting until rums the sl Andpiliul. Clf ,gat' whti, laving sown heiievolvitt ship will take them ,If Ihr My,fle ill' anion, wishes tilt- ah- lel a will[,. tilanl's country. Mute raety its ties, caA. to be fairly (ha Ihr Cllber baud, we have New rcw•utel. Zealand 1111d 'loVeNter11 Australia %,•1 i. In it letter p ibli.11ed ill yaw' palk•I' t3blr %ghitr sleet'- lku•dilimt'lt Where 1111 Cove wvN•ks Il Wit,, a r sLALed that I Amliltl'm all--' ad11Jil fed Auld write -krill air 1, , . nrz,.11 toil ulnar Jalw were- thr40wti into tiled prate alai prodwrily its Ihr IM), r he water at tilt- Va11c41uVer harbor market. A c -muse is uuw ulwlk to ter wring Ili•• awe -1.111, I iutm 4,u Ihr city 41f peisple (Jf canadu tmLely' as Is- tow• "4114,011161.1% Now. if tilt- facts liked Ik-itlmrtit of this 41114-Ntiun• nod l caul• k4•11 truly r.yrt'o."ental till' Writer It.,tsee• haw we its Ihr Garr sof Ih,.s• V011111 ha%r known Ihat no steel, thing lWee•rdt•"t cares caul dm 1.1 bel Willi than xtually INvc11rrrd : nod wont is 111,u'r, tuo.xeludpw e tiles,- euplr b., lower the, n the little di,Lerl•eutilce which did stauadarls or luring in ally voteltt•y in aka place her• a month kir -090- it which like exist. N it fact that Ilmt. toile single Oriental 'rill• seed we arest1\t'llig 11 nv 1-f11,1 Vies its any wav IN•1•Ntrnally tujured. lically free ad11/imsi(Jm 1-I these cuti1'iit•1'k• It Isleur•that itgreat many wilitim•a will et bring forth its halvest 411 vire brokru, but when III,-" see their trotthrmis and vexaliollm lm?birlils; inner -pails growillg rnmdlrr and their If es, daily with this question iL'Will lib, 1.9118 I m.dl•1'Itiilled by Asiatic JIM fN Cl lllle It soul'Cr 40( f o) l'. tl'I'll Ii 111 l.,ynu•ut tureau, IK•furr• their very that will never rete hr Kit) Itltil um ryeS and its their otvlt r41unt•y, ill it its California it lw(.olllvm Jill issue Ile•• ny w.,ndcr 1111411 tilt' hest of 1klk,im11 hind which art- heard rile ismilimed h.,uld file- 41nce• get tilt• leader of thl•ul nitatteringN of wife,. .tall lorcr t1l,-t11 aN it. Were into L1144A. CANTFIAs:,. an's• Thal Ihry adupled :' retitle 11111 Vanro liver, If. 4%. Oct. •ail if. If" iefe•nding lhrnl fol their breach of mr law's, not its the bast, but Jun en•, A Landmark Gone. leavuri11g Is, Nhmw visit (ho. inlpulres Ilat aetut a4l lho.a/• teles in r that o.er11l ,•uf,rlh. toy. 4. The lit oar kir. li.tmt•Ikanee, ted in h:ytmondville (fist. SatauvlAy %Ve in IlriLihh t• ,lenmbia t --day are evening of F. 114-We•Il. UrceasNl ItAd fire to fare With tine of dile gravest trached Itis "eighly-Ilreit year. His I ises in oqr history. The nlaj.,rily' of death re11uove, nor 41f tilt. sill iaiia- Mople east of the Ilea:kiem du nor fully itkarks of this com mimity, lir, was a ;rasp Lit-- tiutKnittede of Ihia problem, titan whlfat• gtfiet. un+tH8n41dng mlam- m it pres•lttm itself if) its here ill lit it- nrr ltuule hits nmmy true friend+. nod Sit ('40lutelbia fur sduti41lt, and with he will Ile• lunch 111keed. lie in skit•- follicle we are now grappling. 'there vived by It family of rix slons and three . involved its this 111t,ti1,entolts killed• dsughtrre, all living in this neighl-r- inn the very emst,nce of our tiational• htsNl. ty, of (Her I)Ml imtisltl, and of title - Weare lot a hote11ogo.nr40ue Iferplr. Sudden Death at Blyt%. The greatest weuace. tit file isle"g- Blyth, Not%-. lilt. John IV. Hell, out' iciyy yf tit.. visited Slalee tNlay is the mf tier wast pruutinrnl re•sidrnta of volt it• prublenf. \Vhrn tier S14VP- Blyth. di1Nl suddenly mf hear) failuar Iwnt'rm first brought tier nt'grMs toFt id"v. 'Al el. Hell was in Ilk ostial kniet•ica Llouimi:a uui, l'ra 41lin(A nd X1.1 health until Fridley• when lar. ,cher SClulh4-r11 States were too Ilk, ther was stricken, and dial instantly. lir Nh'altce d 4,u de velmpmetlt lha11 IIIltisll was art h:nKlimhulxm lit birth, n pnr yiiigbtn 4,N tit- proportion and 1 :11li safbla s mineral hto.11dN•dof the t?ngliwh church. ayiug that tier t h blacks aConselvatiye its politirm, a iliellib•r 40 4whitem in theme Slates at that tie ,.f the l'An:ulbut (Order of Foresters. vote no greater than the pr lKirliun •) Ile leaves it wife. fine. mon and Ihlvr allow 1., white in this Province ler daughters to mourn Ilia loss. Ile• wits lay. Vet till- "talem lkt ttlim time have a highly emteenrd rilixen. Doceas.d 1;1/11.1*at tiegr.,rm 111. their widNt and voliductal a h,1, lies." busill"s. here tilt.yith them one mf the greatest pelolr tier past thirty years. rill ever vxlwt-i#by ally nntiuu. - _ ears. — I seell" to ilw fbat with Tho. Preece - irnt case r f Ihr 1'mite d States k•fwr Rev. 'Matthew Harr Dead 4t Seaforth. JS tee• an'r 1•mnurlitting nothing Short Se•aforlh, Nov. 1. -- Rev. Matthew 1t- a natiom11 elime by admitting theme Darr, one mf the pioneer clergyman Irf ludesimbles isetti bur nli:lst a 1►e,gde tilt- Preshyterianl church in Calla Ia. .haat valilita p.shilly dissimilate. Illed At iii: residence near Senfurth nn %Then we con.id.;r that At tilt• plc+• SundA huviu reached the ASMI old -lit tilue the Orientals reRlIes•nt n41 >• K K ass a nuu11N•r than owe-lifth of out' age of ninety-thrre vent,. Alt•. Marr )rv.-rot1sgatlation in fil itish ('.,1111,1• had been in failing health for oyrr a list mild that It even their prehent rale year, and for some nm ttths hit d born If imrrenmr as c41uyNerwl with whirr e41nNnrd to his resilience. He was a Inniigralion within. tell years they nstivr of Kiluarchan, Kenfrrw, �Jcot• 'ill lie thrr tine(-* lour nnnllMts. it laud, and after having grtduated in aeenw to me that :lily of your articles file lllltlilde y Va. lit tm l :unu41n, :11111 in to chow that the gnrstluu is not It ],GI w'av inducted :IN pastor of tier ,mous 41111- arc cuuliug far from the dlnrpnrhl•y (then senfmel'h) Pre•shy- k. terian church, his field extending from %Vbe" \Ir. Wightu:ul in his•arLiele \\':eletertuu on the nurtb tip the vivin- 'rfrll'fYl ..to. only a few Asiatic int- ily of IA111114111 on tile smuth. air I -e lligranlA',be is again tint adhering lel fired statO yrar8 sun. Al r. 1141'r 4,N I f to. ngtin t of tier raw•. for ill Cliff. snrt•tcel by at widow awl libeler lirgr it ran Ile• da Naid.11lat within the ltghte•r". MrS. lnev.l MrPhevapil. est ale rn nNa16UA. nu Ie.s Ukase y1111) Inlrly .d Hkuniltml, loving hi, eldest L•apunrw end nuts)' llirrumallds mf Ili". rhihl. --- I.... have• n'Vteiv this Province• and 'reamer Burnld at Tobermory. '%e•n its 1 wntil urliele• it is known limit over a `(11411, fill ulna• of thew Toloermmfy, (let. 3). Last 'night Ilse Ald. sirable• ry f lirs are preparhi tip d-iner City of Brand Rapids w'a's lu- ,.eil f"r 4 "1 113A14" t slier desir Iced by lit" at tilt' diN•k The (►mentals h"Iay u•pr,..-cul over hale. The VMISP ttf Ihr He's- is 11111 .ixtv•II%e 104e1. rent. "1 4041- still[ h:nfd.. known. The view ar-- saf,•- Small aanif Ihr t,.ndenry i, N, 'eh:tv,.Neo.11 iusuraurr. 'Tho. 6111-11.41 Nt:un,-r tea, wilhin the la -L few 1111-111118441 greatly engaged lar thy: pa"svilger end freight iiii-reatte that perrrtitage, Owing Its fret,- IN•t warn titin) .I41111d. %Viartiai, Ibb l.,We'ing Ill waists" 3A It rnirwNlurnl and u.,ellhevl Ikai+, i11e'111dilig Mani- rrhuh. of fire 41.1113i 11114.4. ln /h'r11t3b, toadies island 4110! also. lead n giant nl..m) %Nilo. %vi,rkeis have, In -pit N•ar- lrmte inwidleeting lisle Ill the different :u..Ili% ,liven frons their Isnt!ition in 11N1erintm slit- ralled at. She was 1.nlghl ;I,. ,114,11,, and it will wily Is., ss, mal er Ly \Vrr., I:illieN kit Ihi- plan this N11111• .4 It few N11111't years if thing, r.,nlin1li' nler:It fens IN-Irmit, par•tie,- Th, - lit ptN-se•111 1N•rore lit.. Mill V-0, will liruad it grids teas at slranlrr 4 fine b,•.•ulirriv and. -t- A,iatir umilrnl nlgNwue.ne•, harr.ts.,1114-11' 11114-.1 1-111. Ir whits• win -Lt -t, %.•re In replace the and .o.1') so.aw`nrt11%. Nn rali,r rise. \-i It i. - now rmplmyrd in this Prov- Ili,• lit•,- .:ill I.• given by Ihr crew, nu'c it would gr•aity lir-snit every %%I hod ,Illy Limo. 1.41 emeals•, and Im:n,ch If tale. It i, .-Ai,flalel that {. ns,' tvh(J11i rrel'ivel w•vot•e burns. t,. replace• Ihr :fl,leat 1-r mater A,ialii-% Captain .I. 1'..1helt. 1-f Ilw•ru S40und. now ,n thi" Vrm%inve• it would nleall1111 Was lna,trr. i novae• in all whirr 1.,p111at inn 1-f "1 Ir:t.l Iter,ersl, a, them. white workers Launch at CollAwood., %'.,,fill bring w Jill t ho.ni I heir wives need families. send khat i, far iunte migniti• c.oiii,,Kw,wni, Ort. :11. 'rhe steals•. resit Wuadd create it Per , tun-:aW 19141- :.hi19 /'(JII agwotNl, 1,teill by lilt. 011. porli.,tyttedrui:uul "Inks fhe prvmlteels Inlgw'.NNI qol" tldtng 1'0., WAN Hilt' - ..f stir connlry, veasftllly but .hal rtt _:4,119. In. in the lel 4-40nne•li.,n Willi Ili.- 1611in;; in•rr'esenvr .,f �hmuskuuIn of citizens. dusty it is a fact that Ills• .I'apiule'sO k1li,s AI. Lrw'i, Dt'41krlhr rnnveWimnal have Al• 1111 etvuunlsp1-ly 'over that 6,tth• 1-f wine nehmat r bow and pro► I., tele 41/•1 ri loebI 1-f Ill.• while nalll. 11soc U.&A lilt-11affle 41.I1f lgw-INNI as the %%.e are told frena 111 'oalhorit live f4w, new 6.,111 slid Osrl11 tile- ways. ,.,acre that Ihee me ,ulllcielit whilf• This ship was belill fill" for •Farraf leen avaibtblr In rarly mi lhe•inelumtA'y, Traiispor•tatit"r Compiles I.ililited, but mtviug to Ihr great inttax of Or•ien- mf.Collingwnekl• and wilt lo. ser t'.,Iling- la]s and the c.,n,eNl11(-nl lowering of w.msl on her initial Lripo11 SM111day. %cages Ili,- while- nfate lilts IMen pray- Nevember !lilt. fora eau•gcr nl' %'hent ti. -ally driven .,fit. and still we hear frimi Fort \Viiliaum tm Iis•rtry;ia ll Iiav Krltele•m sayhig that 1Il,- immigralion ports. Thr 1•rllliltgw'm.k) is I'm; feet. .{kit'"rims 4,,n L s, -sinus to Ihr white long, -A) feet. Iw:un and fret 41eeep. %vtire• km mf Ilrit imll 0411111bia. She is louilt nn r flat- lit•b leen usyste•In An nrgunu•nl. f.,reihly'advatirel by and is equipped with Seutrh armlets Thr Signal has Iwe11 (Jeff- tit rriprocily, .ltd Iriplr e•xpnnsi41n enginf-", The ;aid as tit this I world silty I Intl, lvhere radios :1,'r lilted np Its a utomt .o.laln,r- IIlewhile finest RODS 1l,,. -Iiluatitlll at•nlaimer. that rosiest•), is elevated, 1114 mond of that cmunlri Are placed uloid it highs --' Change of Price. ,phew. ^1ld.lhe EASII•tIt lilltimist,.roK. sizing thin resile, .,ffer praclieany- n„ \Vilh the em -rent iss11f- Tlue (!alta- ul.jeeli1-ns to Avemteru travellet•s. fin diase 0ouriur changes from it five-t!emt tier r1-ntrary, wherevel the Oriental to n ten -relit weekly. Tilt- publishers ,-ntel•s lhe in -wads m( Moat enlntry Jur l ruuli4e It KI -1-1411V enlarged parser nn materially lmwerel, and I utight jiasl, leeenilw•r Ise. Ih1A illlstr•ated paper herr slate fhat the rrntre" mf vier in has rnadr great strides sinre it was sur\t esh•rnrilirsareliunt,-41tol'hinn• estnhl1�lied East year. and is certainly town :old laptown, Where they defy a rrNlitxble prkluelton. .111(11!, 11,g the pClliee :urtboritir" in lbrir Nirv,, front its e.1rpearanr•e•, 1"dh the eras holds. having nn41,.rgr.,ubd • pit •ssxges and the no vertisdhg public have given nm41 shifting 41erols, ere.• In aid theb, in it gidek and Kenemlis support. John their e•scnp. front ju8tice. A. Cooper. the editor. in its lot- eon - In file reepilt itrtiely above referve.) Ktatllatel nlsm the sueeram his ven- ts,, viz.: '••Iap:kiresP Innnigratiou," it is titre haN 1tlet. with, and also upon the olid that the only sivailahle vountry enlerrrrise which he hats displayed in 1 from which British mdnura tliia n get bring ng this nation"1 weekly to its her citizens is the (Orient. a Nw "urely present excellent psrsltion. Catnn ls, AnyWlr -who ultde"tunds thesihutlion should lie able to 811pport the few mf the lals)r market aermssthe Atlantis- national plihile"U"fls which she Pon. knmwa that there are there thmusandm messes. - -- r If I Ost workingmen looking almost Meat -and Right. yrnrnhlph} to thlswestern hemi"19he•le R only waiting for a chance Lo hreafhe (Kir .fames C,richlon•nrowne lilts in the freedom of this broad and been depreenting diet -to. fads, and expansive new land. It was only it asserting the weiRm of the sirloin of few Weeks ago that Mr. Kipling in an IMef.1 address delivered in this eity stated Fnr lilt+ relief, Sir James, nnaeh thneks _ I hat there were tin less than 1,11fMl,lxlll We re bomd with velp!tarian ••emilk workingmen in the Old ('.,entry alone Who.'if they mold nasintnia theirp('rt!!Int, who would INE Loaf anximis to emigrate Would Tout the whole world (lilt of Jntnt ! Tien Wfwrld. to ('nnAdr, and nuuly 40f these to ---- - -- ilrit.ish 1'olsenfbia. Hy inaugttmthlg it How's This:• sucressful lltimigrat'inn policy there We fill 'rr one Hundred Ifnbnr+ Its%nnl (wwould hr nn difllrlrlty whatever in peopling this Province tvif)l white men Ha len I of ( ttl in, that rannnl M• cared bf and women rostrad of with mndesir- ,..1. (MENKV k ('to., T.IPdn, o. Able OrientAIN. \\e the nnderelxned have known Y..1 This a iestion (if Asiatic iminigra. ('hear) f0tthe Is+t Isleft". And Iwflrke hilt 1 p,rfrctb• hnnnrAMe In nil lin+Ine+A lessee tlnn r time is nn new thing. lit the Trans- and nn"nr1A!ly able torarry iliaany obilrrottion fast] lit the present. Ilene Ihoumnnd* ::f msde by hi+ first. UIcn, whit(- nl.•n are wwlkrn� the strePtr. n( Wit Kr"v%Sk Maio IN. \1 holr+wle IrnlxstlNir, I.lost n the rt'tnad akitlg to rt- rmplmyrd in flails /'.ramie I Jim is taken laternslll. .r: the alines, for which they want It* 11-11K r.pon the hlekd .mad nnn•on. .,It Pnsu h mons in su lent, their' wives f" e. M t e sysrrelf. Te tlm matt- Ant- bre I K Y pl 1 serene :., cent spl1eer led!told b a,. ly.Il t,rnzNl-t- Ianal iAmiliP%. Howevea'. the capitallst Take Hall+Fnmlly Pilk fnr rsmotipition. cannot Iwo them. fnr he wnuLs Asiatic -- '- cheap labor, and it 1s a fact that the f bactibe fur The Sigual. PON a 4k '1'IJulw1DAV, Nuveul601' 71, 1807 (S NAiIKET REPORT.. I ""' `' ��� Veal calve" +•��d rt- nn 6: top per cult Liverpool Wheat Futures Clea Lower, 1 Sheep and Lambe. )1 The .hhq, .,rLet was vamyr 11xim,rt Chi#aso Highler,-Live Stock- 4,u 31, sold at scz; fair cwt.; lulnla,. ut s,3) • Men's The Latelit Quotations. Nose - tdoesday Eveau.R. Nov. 4, I IL P. Krnnr•Jy reduces meteots let It ---_----- Llverpcvd wheat futures tatred to -day' roveruwt.: likbts, at V, pro s -wt. I lel 1bower. Turn, led lel +Jed lower. Ilunnm Limited -tooted VI.W, f.o.b.. cars IN YIC RI. A9,s Al Ch1,'aa;u. Ik'cr111L••1' wbfmt c•!It.wl 10 at euuuUy W611s. - idNher; uec•ember .'urn ^'.a IJEJ and ' Montreal Live itee/t. ShoesTIt i.v,-ta ere wets %v logl6er. ONTItF:A L. Nuv. 4-(tN,v'iul 1-1':z- WinriPPx Options.I..hN for i.XLVL •r %ere L3.3:u catlite, !:d% Nhrrp, ulskbt•: the total fur lila e.r.rsu,l F>illowlnx aro, the cb,si1,8 q lNtutions on to date K.,311 cattle ruJ %vionap p fruln ful"I',•N I0-dJ1': bid, ' ''y111Nti'ekl with ifl,y-': tattle *old atvl W11 16 (. 1' '..v. !lore LLI, Oec. 11.81?ti, Eur dile wrrr*puudluK pl'ri,Nl"Isms, year. ( 4,11(111 eollll twin- allll Peal Ida, .LAO bill. 1 At Ile aluutrral Httx'ks Vardm' Worst I } UatA-Nuv. roc 1.1d. live. rel; bid. May End Markel the recril+t+: or alta, stwrk fur L'0111101't 111 uta• Men's bld. 1 Elia week wraling Nov. L were 41C,' "little. y Shoes Toronto Ofedn Mafkktar I Vies ■hwep toad 1J,IIb". GUl flux* a6d pkp I calves. S"pVllre fur the lural 1uw'kat til- Graln- day %,,nAb,tet of I" cattle, :0" "I""lo ! BUILT TO WEAR 1\'L.•ut, sprinv, bust ....... $1 two to I .•. toad 1.11,101. '-'SW huxr Awl eat. cul vre.w Mlr i \\ twat, full, busll ....., l kit a-tiulce beryt•a were tluutw -sit Mfrs, Wheat. Nowell. 'rel::!, . ..Ilt:4 N..KI St.. "k Kold at H(tc W 44JI-: tulr ns, Slur and stan(I tills walking \\'brut, cel. bump ......... 1 v_ .... to k': c,Nwnuu kit "%c to ;:c. and r Illwls .Pros. flurfl••1 ... .......... U lex ill 114• lel I!y.: Iwo. Ib. which you \1'111 certainly )tarlcv. bushel .. o lex I .\u rasb•r f.•rlirlx baa drvrlopwl In lbw . egN r, new . n*li.•1 ...... L. leu, U•Yl "ilial kill fur akar. V. and prlce* .ku,e tilt* I ,r, t"el IIICH I1011l!� \1'hlell !;'Oil ' %.•ilk hate dreliuwl l4,"' to Per IW lhlviiwhrul, utish• I ....... U .) .... day Mlllrtl 11:1" flwY.n dU.' lel ttttl wYJkCI' weal- thelil. Toronto Dalry Market. cauls utl µ.'•e moa the fact that /YVV lied Autler, dairy. lel• roll. ..... 0 n +.e' ' are c019kiJN tw'wanl '$lure frrrly. At tit, - All the best manes, 111 1!ultrr, UAt1" .... .•. u _t 1,.Y above Iwl$lctlura the deeuund Eur export Isultrr, crearnrry,�11.rullm,. 0:7 1,':..y accuuut was tJlr, mud sulr" vara muds ill. all shapes, sizes an(1 Nutter, errumery. hoxra .. '0 2T 01.11 ill.,' W'r Ib., but lie•• trade In Uutchrr,c I:x�,s, new-L•lid, dol ,• , . .. n :•N U 30 rl.e•1. w1," ,low at 3140 to 't!g.• and Iwld widths, aro here. Vr:x*, cold sturafte. J•,:c••n .. 10 .... •'Is of culls, are. Mideast iL dlftloult to 1•Lw•ee, IurNr, IL ............ a I'; 4fj .... malt.. rider, rve$l at 3c Vrr Ib., a* a lot ,f �• tw'In. It ....... Il ll ea .. -tlr I n t uuw weeks w4, h lbs tnurkrt fur Easy to get a fit. Easy 111,111-•, rxlrurt,-d. 11. ..... o t:: 0 1'% til•• Vast two week. wftlwut mrrtlrlK wlti. 11.ney, dozen rec•thnt" ...... S5 3 W I •buyer• w10.1l lel muate n. 'rt f" due to shoes to wear and hard to Ihr Ilxbt munry situation. 'Che tune of ., Now York Dairy Mark*L tier u,arkrt fur laimbm war JOIN. vasirr. +1111 f wear out. N 1•:\\' )'4jlcK, N.V. L-/halter-Steadler: VNt•em w'rrr Ise per Ib. luwrr [liteult a week u.vrlPtll; 2N:Y•. t're:u., ry "I.... clubs, ;3y" ex- 1I K,, leu arruual ns, the inure Ilb•nd cup_ Crus. :Y!tic; thirds 111 firms,. "to. Au • "/r; e1w.: the d.YllJral wax Kuud. and an • 1 creumrr •, hvid, first lel stsN ial. X44^ to Elva trode was done at `�►•c to 1,c Vrr Ib• L.; rtutrdltlr>'. c..nuoon to bri.gll, 111essggdlr:r�wr%1a4trtretal°LeaWM. to :I . ; pr(luPs", cunusua to gaialal, l:1, uuerrmrntr, P10"l's "haw nu cbanK•' SHAR11A lel •it! -s.; ossat-rnfactory, euu$lrlon 10 i'buk+• stw"k cold at 11: 1.0,81L. xu..d I, Iles., /mc Ss lel $10: fair at L' to V.:u.d r.mtmr On at first' fpk•--N'.mk: rec•rlpls, 101.'.: slued, 41111 4: lel p •a, h• The condlliufa of the near- i cruaui. wrwl{. sutured 1,.l %title. liryt. kill tar hug" runkinue. %'r.,k. and prlc•'r m Io.. l 1.'•'•A; (k•t.. Ml.•, 13t.w': do., 9MA tai =,Inc,• List w•rduk:.lay- bilks s.omd anoth- prbrir.'Ir is) ISN,, Jo, cuniman it fair, ,•r dw'll11r kit :•,• to I... Tier 1W lies., wbirh 1W �+• lel 1:1%c; •lel.. IargN ,olul-A. Sept.. is due p. DtclpaHy 141 the larks,' r-19 -t -.fine, 1'.••: do., white, l:Xtr: do., IarK•'. I.Ict torr« beluK over ral•al helmd rw•elvrd last tin-, 1:11ae; dn., V01fruuru tai prim.•. 1W,ia: to week. Gold still urferinK" tl,i. n1-a$l11,g were BOLE'S PREPARATION OF skims. 144. to ISii,• oxer %AW 'f tai ealund %as J'Ar1y' trued . F:xaa-Piro.: re •i•Ipl s, Gott: *thea Perin- ;41111 s:Je. of stole'trd fol* were made at eylvilais and ural' -1,• f:•r.cy IxleVt. 1 tG.S lel sk,:G two. IW Ili*.. welKhr.l elft rare. f %•,hit., elk• to 4Sc: ",".1 to cJ"Ace, etc to Cast Bu(tafe Cottle Market. Friar s Cough Balsam ::w•; brown and llll •d C.nry .'.le t„ :til.•: r�♦ average prime. MU i., ': first to extra I:A trf L•la ,'.\l.t ). •'vfit•. 4.-Callle---iter - �- fart". wcrtr. •lsfirrta, y,4,: to cripl,:. 5O0 he:ul; hctivP, ps• to 1x' Itisth One a)( the owl. old -fall tonc/l things that Iters secowdm.'.'c 1. 1b-. co.: VrIMr steers, JS.,y Io N.Nr: ehlppinR. R g to yr. butchers', 111.5. to Ir•.:a^ half- nevcr•txen improved upon. Yl) .•r", i".,M. to 1•'•.10; t-vnc s, le' . to 11.:.1; 1.1111 . :.,III to coughs, 1: ) I it «.: ►tock hel[••r :., 11.:3, m'. iri•,h rows trouble. •sod rpringerm, rlrunq cu SZ; hIgts,r, $22 tai I - Cables Eas;er-Cattle Are Higher at VA, It is the largest and IK -It remedy for cougt,s All American Markets. 1!otr T.errlpt+.K.MrI hrJJ: :.tic•'; Plc*" 1 and colds. Prepared, recuninte rd and gnaranterd heavy • kit her. sm u. v Y I . .irLw•. t. %' r ie dna 1 nee a the w•srhL 1:1%'i)ON. Nov. 4. l,,ud,.n cable, at-- •'•t• 4,u u. I If the largest bol afl q l Dtrner at For In 12',r 1e_ Ib., .Inrsnl notrt •nlxrd, YiJ,i' In asdt; Ywrkvrr, tu.:foa to if oil[ dru ist does not handle it, let us know. weight; r•frlarrutoJ- b1•.•( is gnu+hi at V.:,': 1'1^s, 6'L 2: to yi.1.1; r onih", t: to )' RR r we {air IG t,.W. sterile' 6L.vf to i•. d.drb A. til its $641 NATIONAL DRUG A CHEM. CO.. Limited 3o LONDON, Ont. :a, ep t.IV) *.:rob+- ltrcrrl t.. IQt.mo bend; %- TOROntO Junction Live Stock.. I „rut v; y,•Ar1Inc0, �M lOwlier; Ia$lIbs, 'oc TORONTO JUN( 'TION, U, t. 4. ---Re- Idxll.'r; I'• t1e� li'tf7.1:,; . ycaw«". I;r. t°'to eriptm ill liv.t Stuck at the l 1111.11 Stock T;.y,; rhe+•p, mixed, S:.W to $Mire 1'anades Yards were 34 earl40uds, e"ulik,sed is[ )club". Haber. 734 cattle, 123 sharp. Irl calves. j New York Live Steck. (Exporters.j N1;\C )ltRK Nor. �.--n•.r•vrs-lire•dol s.is Priees ranted (roto IS 2.- to 1410; export flsrl: ••r1wr+, aeries• and full la• l:1xh•-r, . bulbi. P.:5 lel t.L:: I° r cwt. PS opt for ro.um..n iiInd[" rfrudy; Butchers. , Itn..l utoil •i. .• felt rows• Orel to toe 1.1.1ked bub'hers sold ..t tl.:h to 14.:5: 1 I:Ix1N•I; meld •,in :mM r1,mmon. '".w In W! Inside ns, N,>A $1"e0 lel $ re); mediusa. s,3.:, l..w.•r: rlwrt-, 4 to to Io 91. 2;; c.sntrton, f:: lel s3.:a,; rows. i=.!k' ;. 4,:.'t'+: raw•.. 61.15 to t(; ,uxru and- *mage, lel 614,5: cannrrr, 61 to ft Ir•r cwt. 1 1:.5V .lel It 25, l'kpert. ttrdu>, Sew culle: Feedoro and Stockers. lel-inunnw'. 1 0 cutin • ural ;Noo qu:u'Irry of I leaf. 1-•u)'rre for t he'.11stilirries w. -re on the t•alves-1:••c�lf,f::. �.;'1D: vitals, full -beady. rnarkel. The I,. . Pull for 1s,Llt boll. Rrassrr. :1111, %,•+r •rnr, ;o tIve and fins. The mpt•cdtcr a �tcn.rgraphcr Can by he "sight," operator m glancing allot *leers %' re • practlraih• onrLNnstwl: teal". -K• u.° r! ;,: ',.,Aur, to to Si +► ,;ntrs• tvpett•rite a letter the more valuable fro notes to keyboard and back to Alewra, tt._• to f•%r': bull.-, t'• -w to 12.50 era. ft.= to 6.;, •• Westerns, szw to ty; mile lxcurncs to the busy" business no) again -a c'onsidcrable item in per cast. I fed .'dart-. I:.::' -til :1.:,.1. Mitch Cows. 1 91".1.enol 1. sn;, Il! crlp•A ti:.t^; elan.. a day work and a severe strain on The six base rut%• leu for market sold I rbc, p, fir,,.: 1:11,,b•, I-,• to ::.r •licher*., Practice does a'great (IC41. but the ry c as trell. at T41 to is ea! -11, :a,e,•1.. re._; r1, V. *': ons. 6. a, Ts,: lamb*• correct fingcrin I and the Touch Our Arge. free eatahl;ue tells chore r< I1, rt- :+'. r.:n+. 11 tai J:; t•yaatta ;airs, System," which we trach thoroughly. about u r stenographer s course and _- f:.51f. -ore of paramount imiswil;utce.' gives n ah valuable information In billiard" and mnitinumy the. ll"et-`-H•+e41u, 131 i; market, fens at When the "Toucly_Scstcm". is: tlNiut. tilt diplomas, of the Business 4,4 t.. t .:1,. P sire lots of kiame s And nine,} I;rratvhrs, mastered the 4' x ate. nt•vrr ifxrks ds,. L•'duca ill, lssryciation. the keytx)ard, but keeps her eves on The slip ly of our gs3dttales is not --- - — — - - -- - - -- -- her notes. She mavcS the tittle 41st c.l«al t„ tl demamd. the quickest c k e s t �/•�' FOREST CITY BUSINESS C =M SHILOH'S l ��� Mewbfn Eeliaeaa LJlrealan' J. . 1rCSTERVCLT, cough & coldCURE s� A•.�I.t».. Pri.ci..l, L..i... Get a bottle to -day from your druggist. If NEW it doesn't cure YOU Quh-i:FR than anything you ever tried he'll give you )'our moneyback FA L L AN D I N T E R Shiloh'* is the best, .af•st, seret and goickrst medicine for your children's cough. and colds It Isar been curing coughs and colds for 34 years. All druggists- UNDER AR ase., Soc., and St.00 a bottle. AT MARTINS Saved cram Torture But they could find notliiing �itt,t ,to do thele any real,•Iastillg 1 5pal UNSMMKO o\ d until d = ` '— Many 1t-. :t and , woniell $ it1a y trie EL' i S_1H F.G CO. thought t!.,, %- were doclnletl GIN'PILLS \ to stifft't'. all their lives. Immediat.lytbevimprovel. Thepain 1\ -Their kidnr'; s m- cre badly'' stopped -the urine cleared -the backs affected—, UClalilg aII3 grew strutiger-their gencrwl health i 4,l ` pieked up -and before they realized its ,the b:,cl: and ]ups --1 t, they were teen. ramble ltllellnlatltilll atld CIN 1'II,I.S cttre,l theta -just as 'the)• %ill cure Purr. TaL•e thew on '] Sciatica C\'Cry tV11ltC1, They our guarantee that grey must cure or pd. , WHO'S MARTIN r knew it was kiduc ' disease m5 c. 6,L- 6 for y EJOLZ DR •.a, ,os 1 ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR. that causal ail the trouble. DOLE DRUG CO..GO.. wIMwIKC• Maw. �, What do they read ? The children in your family as they grow up;' Are they becoming post- ed on the things that every good citizen and every good human being ought to know? Do they read the happenings of their town ? Arc they in touch with the great movements of the great men who are making history not oniy for our continent, but for the world ? If not, then t w o t h i n g s should be found in your home: A copy of The S i g n a l every week ane] a copy of McClure's Magazine every month. These two periodicals give well, rounded reading matter for every home in this community, and they can be had together for $2.4o a year, while separately they would cost $3.00. The Signal for one year, $I on McClure's for one year, 1 on 1•.I.- The two together for, $2.40 to any address in Canada. •The above p:irr includes prepaid pnstap;e nn M,0ure's ) The Signal, Goderiche Such a lot n of t�ifferent lel d_% of stoves. My aren't they beau- ties ? • �Y These are some • of the expressions we hear from our customers every day. We are proud of their admira- e. tion, for we have the 1 largest stock of Ranges 1) anit Heaters in the county. Every make of stove we sell has beenmhor- 1r.r_ oughly tried and tested by sumo one in town.' We give a written guar- antee with every one. Tremendous bargains in sonde makes' of ranges and heaters, secon(l-[land stoves an(l furnaces. We'll tako your Al stove on a new one, Iforse Blankets, Rnf,►s, Itobes.Gloves and Mitts at wholesale prices. We have a complete stock of Ilardware and li,lectric Supplie8, Stove Repairs, etc. OUlt PRICES Alt h; LOWEST. WORSELLS' HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE r' THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE BEWARE OF IMITATIONS SO1.f) ON THE MERIT OF NINARD'(. LINiNENI TIER, ANAL: 1.'01:1':Itl411' (WrARIi► SHOULD SHUT OUT OHIENTALS. Orienlalm herded t1901,1144' Ins ll'P% ate whel,ever llle ° are fuulull in corru- gated irurl sheds Auld INOINW41 luldrr 'o Ile 1plllul'uf Thr Mllfual• 11141St I111sallitafy r(Jlldilimis leave logmt Hill. - li,lvillK read 111 'rile uhutwt it r,1111plrle- 1114111411"sly as I41 the italerieh Signal err ,kilt edil.,rtals 01111 Wiwi, in lilt- mines. whervah t he whits iiieles Ilse tilt- Asialia llntnigrflliun w41rLerm, the men wbti fraught (kir IIlr urNUi40lt, 1 feel it 10111ost irtllN•ralivr hunmr alld gins), of (Ire' . llritailt in d"alt also. as it Vanvolnrrite and It fru'' I the late war .d 1 hr I'rausvaal, walk it1ra•n of 0111W14 t0vxpremm illy views 11.111• streets by day field slro.p ill Ihr y.m this n41w ali•ilkil-rtaml quo.htitili parks till- flight Clnly awaiting until rums the sl Andpiliul. Clf ,gat' whti, laving sown heiievolvitt ship will take them ,If Ihr My,fle ill' anion, wishes tilt- ah- lel a will[,. tilanl's country. Mute raety its ties, caA. to be fairly (ha Ihr Cllber baud, we have New rcw•utel. Zealand 1111d 'loVeNter11 Australia %,•1 i. In it letter p ibli.11ed ill yaw' palk•I' t3blr %ghitr sleet'- lku•dilimt'lt Where 1111 Cove wvN•ks Il Wit,, a r sLALed that I Amliltl'm all--' ad11Jil fed Auld write -krill air 1, , . nrz,.11 toil ulnar Jalw were- thr40wti into tiled prate alai prodwrily its Ihr IM), r he water at tilt- Va11c41uVer harbor market. A c -muse is uuw ulwlk to ter wring Ili•• awe -1.111, I iutm 4,u Ihr city 41f peisple (Jf canadu tmLely' as Is- tow• "4114,011161.1% Now. if tilt- facts liked Ik-itlmrtit of this 41114-Ntiun• nod l caul• k4•11 truly r.yrt'o."ental till' Writer It.,tsee• haw we its Ihr Garr sof Ih,.s• V011111 ha%r known Ihat no steel, thing lWee•rdt•"t cares caul dm 1.1 bel Willi than xtually INvc11rrrd : nod wont is 111,u'r, tuo.xeludpw e tiles,- euplr b., lower the, n the little di,Lerl•eutilce which did stauadarls or luring in ally voteltt•y in aka place her• a month kir -090- it which like exist. N it fact that Ilmt. toile single Oriental 'rill• seed we arest1\t'llig 11 nv 1-f11,1 Vies its any wav IN•1•Ntrnally tujured. lically free ad11/imsi(Jm 1-I these cuti1'iit•1'k• It Isleur•that itgreat many wilitim•a will et bring forth its halvest 411 vire brokru, but when III,-" see their trotthrmis and vexaliollm lm?birlils; inner -pails growillg rnmdlrr and their If es, daily with this question iL'Will lib, 1.9118 I m.dl•1'Itiilled by Asiatic JIM fN Cl lllle It soul'Cr 40( f o) l'. tl'I'll Ii 111 l.,ynu•ut tureau, IK•furr• their very that will never rete hr Kit) Itltil um ryeS and its their otvlt r41unt•y, ill it its California it lw(.olllvm Jill issue Ile•• ny w.,ndcr 1111411 tilt' hest of 1klk,im11 hind which art- heard rile ismilimed h.,uld file- 41nce• get tilt• leader of thl•ul nitatteringN of wife,. .tall lorcr t1l,-t11 aN it. Were into L1144A. CANTFIAs:,. an's• Thal Ihry adupled :' retitle 11111 Vanro liver, If. 4%. Oct. •ail if. If" iefe•nding lhrnl fol their breach of mr law's, not its the bast, but Jun en•, A Landmark Gone. leavuri11g Is, Nhmw visit (ho. inlpulres Ilat aetut a4l lho.a/• teles in r that o.er11l ,•uf,rlh. toy. 4. The lit oar kir. li.tmt•Ikanee, ted in h:ytmondville (fist. SatauvlAy %Ve in IlriLihh t• ,lenmbia t --day are evening of F. 114-We•Il. UrceasNl ItAd fire to fare With tine of dile gravest trached Itis "eighly-Ilreit year. His I ises in oqr history. The nlaj.,rily' of death re11uove, nor 41f tilt. sill iaiia- Mople east of the Ilea:kiem du nor fully itkarks of this com mimity, lir, was a ;rasp Lit-- tiutKnittede of Ihia problem, titan whlfat• gtfiet. un+tH8n41dng mlam- m it pres•lttm itself if) its here ill lit it- nrr ltuule hits nmmy true friend+. nod Sit ('40lutelbia fur sduti41lt, and with he will Ile• lunch 111keed. lie in skit•- follicle we are now grappling. 'there vived by It family of rix slons and three . involved its this 111t,ti1,entolts killed• dsughtrre, all living in this neighl-r- inn the very emst,nce of our tiational• htsNl. ty, of (Her I)Ml imtisltl, and of title - Weare lot a hote11ogo.nr40ue Iferplr. Sudden Death at Blyt%. The greatest weuace. tit file isle"g- Blyth, Not%-. lilt. John IV. Hell, out' iciyy yf tit.. visited Slalee tNlay is the mf tier wast pruutinrnl re•sidrnta of volt it• prublenf. \Vhrn tier S14VP- Blyth. di1Nl suddenly mf hear) failuar Iwnt'rm first brought tier nt'grMs toFt id"v. 'Al el. Hell was in Ilk ostial kniet•ica Llouimi:a uui, l'ra 41lin(A nd X1.1 health until Fridley• when lar. ,cher SClulh4-r11 States were too Ilk, ther was stricken, and dial instantly. lir Nh'altce d 4,u de velmpmetlt lha11 IIIltisll was art h:nKlimhulxm lit birth, n pnr yiiigbtn 4,N tit- proportion and 1 :11li safbla s mineral hto.11dN•dof the t?ngliwh church. ayiug that tier t h blacks aConselvatiye its politirm, a iliellib•r 40 4whitem in theme Slates at that tie ,.f the l'An:ulbut (Order of Foresters. vote no greater than the pr lKirliun •) Ile leaves it wife. fine. mon and Ihlvr allow 1., white in this Province ler daughters to mourn Ilia loss. Ile• wits lay. Vet till- "talem lkt ttlim time have a highly emteenrd rilixen. Doceas.d 1;1/11.1*at tiegr.,rm 111. their widNt and voliductal a h,1, lies." busill"s. here tilt.yith them one mf the greatest pelolr tier past thirty years. rill ever vxlwt-i#by ally nntiuu. - _ ears. — I seell" to ilw fbat with Tho. Preece - irnt case r f Ihr 1'mite d States k•fwr Rev. 'Matthew Harr Dead 4t Seaforth. JS tee• an'r 1•mnurlitting nothing Short Se•aforlh, Nov. 1. -- Rev. Matthew 1t- a natiom11 elime by admitting theme Darr, one mf the pioneer clergyman Irf ludesimbles isetti bur nli:lst a 1►e,gde tilt- Preshyterianl church in Calla Ia. .haat valilita p.shilly dissimilate. Illed At iii: residence near Senfurth nn %Then we con.id.;r that At tilt• plc+• SundA huviu reached the ASMI old -lit tilue the Orientals reRlIes•nt n41 >• K K ass a nuu11N•r than owe-lifth of out' age of ninety-thrre vent,. Alt•. Marr )rv.-rot1sgatlation in fil itish ('.,1111,1• had been in failing health for oyrr a list mild that It even their prehent rale year, and for some nm ttths hit d born If imrrenmr as c41uyNerwl with whirr e41nNnrd to his resilience. He was a Inniigralion within. tell years they nstivr of Kiluarchan, Kenfrrw, �Jcot• 'ill lie thrr tine(-* lour nnnllMts. it laud, and after having grtduated in aeenw to me that :lily of your articles file lllltlilde y Va. lit tm l :unu41n, :11111 in to chow that the gnrstluu is not It ],GI w'av inducted :IN pastor of tier ,mous 41111- arc cuuliug far from the dlnrpnrhl•y (then senfmel'h) Pre•shy- k. terian church, his field extending from %Vbe" \Ir. Wightu:ul in his•arLiele \\':eletertuu on the nurtb tip the vivin- 'rfrll'fYl ..to. only a few Asiatic int- ily of IA111114111 on tile smuth. air I -e lligranlA',be is again tint adhering lel fired statO yrar8 sun. Al r. 1141'r 4,N I f to. ngtin t of tier raw•. for ill Cliff. snrt•tcel by at widow awl libeler lirgr it ran Ile• da Naid.11lat within the ltghte•r". MrS. lnev.l MrPhevapil. est ale rn nNa16UA. nu Ie.s Ukase y1111) Inlrly .d Hkuniltml, loving hi, eldest L•apunrw end nuts)' llirrumallds mf Ili". rhihl. --- I.... have• n'Vteiv this Province• and 'reamer Burnld at Tobermory. '%e•n its 1 wntil urliele• it is known limit over a `(11411, fill ulna• of thew Toloermmfy, (let. 3). Last 'night Ilse Ald. sirable• ry f lirs are preparhi tip d-iner City of Brand Rapids w'a's lu- ,.eil f"r 4 "1 113A14" t slier desir Iced by lit" at tilt' diN•k The (►mentals h"Iay u•pr,..-cul over hale. The VMISP ttf Ihr He's- is 11111 .ixtv•II%e 104e1. rent. "1 4041- still[ h:nfd.. known. The view ar-- saf,•- Small aanif Ihr t,.ndenry i, N, 'eh:tv,.Neo.11 iusuraurr. 'Tho. 6111-11.41 Nt:un,-r tea, wilhin the la -L few 1111-111118441 greatly engaged lar thy: pa"svilger end freight iiii-reatte that perrrtitage, Owing Its fret,- IN•t warn titin) .I41111d. %Viartiai, Ibb l.,We'ing Ill waists" 3A It rnirwNlurnl and u.,ellhevl Ikai+, i11e'111dilig Mani- rrhuh. of fire 41.1113i 11114.4. ln /h'r11t3b, toadies island 4110! also. lead n giant nl..m) %Nilo. %vi,rkeis have, In -pit N•ar- lrmte inwidleeting lisle Ill the different :u..Ili% ,liven frons their Isnt!ition in 11N1erintm slit- ralled at. She was 1.nlghl ;I,. ,114,11,, and it will wily Is., ss, mal er Ly \Vrr., I:illieN kit Ihi- plan this N11111• .4 It few N11111't years if thing, r.,nlin1li' nler:It fens IN-Irmit, par•tie,- Th, - lit ptN-se•111 1N•rore lit.. Mill V-0, will liruad it grids teas at slranlrr 4 fine b,•.•ulirriv and. -t- A,iatir umilrnl nlgNwue.ne•, harr.ts.,1114-11' 11114-.1 1-111. Ir whits• win -Lt -t, %.•re In replace the and .o.1') so.aw`nrt11%. Nn rali,r rise. \-i It i. - now rmplmyrd in this Prov- Ili,• lit•,- .:ill I.• given by Ihr crew, nu'c it would gr•aity lir-snit every %%I hod ,Illy Limo. 1.41 emeals•, and Im:n,ch If tale. It i, .-Ai,flalel that {. ns,' tvh(J11i rrel'ivel w•vot•e burns. t,. replace• Ihr :fl,leat 1-r mater A,ialii-% Captain .I. 1'..1helt. 1-f Ilw•ru S40und. now ,n thi" Vrm%inve• it would nleall1111 Was lna,trr. i novae• in all whirr 1.,p111at inn 1-f "1 Ir:t.l Iter,ersl, a, them. white workers Launch at CollAwood., %'.,,fill bring w Jill t ho.ni I heir wives need families. send khat i, far iunte migniti• c.oiii,,Kw,wni, Ort. :11. 'rhe steals•. resit Wuadd create it Per , tun-:aW 19141- :.hi19 /'(JII agwotNl, 1,teill by lilt. 011. porli.,tyttedrui:uul "Inks fhe prvmlteels Inlgw'.NNI qol" tldtng 1'0., WAN Hilt' - ..f stir connlry, veasftllly but .hal rtt _:4,119. In. in the lel 4-40nne•li.,n Willi Ili.- 1611in;; in•rr'esenvr .,f �hmuskuuIn of citizens. dusty it is a fact that Ills• .I'apiule'sO k1li,s AI. Lrw'i, Dt'41krlhr rnnveWimnal have Al• 1111 etvuunlsp1-ly 'over that 6,tth• 1-f wine nehmat r bow and pro► I., tele 41/•1 ri loebI 1-f Ill.• while nalll. 11soc U.&A lilt-11affle 41.I1f lgw-INNI as the %%.e are told frena 111 'oalhorit live f4w, new 6.,111 slid Osrl11 tile- ways. ,.,acre that Ihee me ,ulllcielit whilf• This ship was belill fill" for •Farraf leen avaibtblr In rarly mi lhe•inelumtA'y, Traiispor•tatit"r Compiles I.ililited, but mtviug to Ihr great inttax of Or•ien- mf.Collingwnekl• and wilt lo. ser t'.,Iling- la]s and the c.,n,eNl11(-nl lowering of w.msl on her initial Lripo11 SM111day. %cages Ili,- while- nfate lilts IMen pray- Nevember !lilt. fora eau•gcr nl' %'hent ti. -ally driven .,fit. and still we hear frimi Fort \Viiliaum tm Iis•rtry;ia ll Iiav Krltele•m sayhig that 1Il,- immigralion ports. Thr 1•rllliltgw'm.k) is I'm; feet. .{kit'"rims 4,,n L s, -sinus to Ihr white long, -A) feet. Iw:un and fret 41eeep. %vtire• km mf Ilrit imll 0411111bia. She is louilt nn r flat- lit•b leen usyste•In An nrgunu•nl. f.,reihly'advatirel by and is equipped with Seutrh armlets Thr Signal has Iwe11 (Jeff- tit rriprocily, .ltd Iriplr e•xpnnsi41n enginf-", The ;aid as tit this I world silty I Intl, lvhere radios :1,'r lilted np Its a utomt .o.laln,r- IIlewhile finest RODS 1l,,. -Iiluatitlll at•nlaimer. that rosiest•), is elevated, 1114 mond of that cmunlri Are placed uloid it highs --' Change of Price. ,phew. ^1ld.lhe EASII•tIt lilltimist,.roK. sizing thin resile, .,ffer praclieany- n„ \Vilh the em -rent iss11f- Tlue (!alta- ul.jeeli1-ns to Avemteru travellet•s. fin diase 0ouriur changes from it five-t!emt tier r1-ntrary, wherevel the Oriental to n ten -relit weekly. Tilt- publishers ,-ntel•s lhe in -wads m( Moat enlntry Jur l ruuli4e It KI -1-1411V enlarged parser nn materially lmwerel, and I utight jiasl, leeenilw•r Ise. Ih1A illlstr•ated paper herr slate fhat the rrntre" mf vier in has rnadr great strides sinre it was sur\t esh•rnrilirsareliunt,-41tol'hinn• estnhl1�lied East year. and is certainly town :old laptown, Where they defy a rrNlitxble prkluelton. .111(11!, 11,g the pClliee :urtboritir" in lbrir Nirv,, front its e.1rpearanr•e•, 1"dh the eras holds. having nn41,.rgr.,ubd • pit •ssxges and the no vertisdhg public have given nm41 shifting 41erols, ere.• In aid theb, in it gidek and Kenemlis support. John their e•scnp. front ju8tice. A. Cooper. the editor. in its lot- eon - In file reepilt itrtiely above referve.) Ktatllatel nlsm the sueeram his ven- ts,, viz.: '••Iap:kiresP Innnigratiou," it is titre haN 1tlet. with, and also upon the olid that the only sivailahle vountry enlerrrrise which he hats displayed in 1 from which British mdnura tliia n get bring ng this nation"1 weekly to its her citizens is the (Orient. a Nw "urely present excellent psrsltion. Catnn ls, AnyWlr -who ultde"tunds thesihutlion should lie able to 811pport the few mf the lals)r market aermssthe Atlantis- national plihile"U"fls which she Pon. knmwa that there are there thmusandm messes. - -- r If I Ost workingmen looking almost Meat -and Right. yrnrnhlph} to thlswestern hemi"19he•le R only waiting for a chance Lo hreafhe (Kir .fames C,richlon•nrowne lilts in the freedom of this broad and been depreenting diet -to. fads, and expansive new land. It was only it asserting the weiRm of the sirloin of few Weeks ago that Mr. Kipling in an IMef.1 address delivered in this eity stated Fnr lilt+ relief, Sir James, nnaeh thneks _ I hat there were tin less than 1,11fMl,lxlll We re bomd with velp!tarian ••emilk workingmen in the Old ('.,entry alone Who.'if they mold nasintnia theirp('rt!!Int, who would INE Loaf anximis to emigrate Would Tout the whole world (lilt of Jntnt ! Tien Wfwrld. to ('nnAdr, and nuuly 40f these to ---- - -- ilrit.ish 1'olsenfbia. Hy inaugttmthlg it How's This:• sucressful lltimigrat'inn policy there We fill 'rr one Hundred Ifnbnr+ Its%nnl (wwould hr nn difllrlrlty whatever in peopling this Province tvif)l white men Ha len I of ( ttl in, that rannnl M• cared bf and women rostrad of with mndesir- ,..1. (MENKV k ('to., T.IPdn, o. Able OrientAIN. \\e the nnderelxned have known Y..1 This a iestion (if Asiatic iminigra. ('hear) f0tthe Is+t Isleft". And Iwflrke hilt 1 p,rfrctb• hnnnrAMe In nil lin+Ine+A lessee tlnn r time is nn new thing. lit the Trans- and nn"nr1A!ly able torarry iliaany obilrrottion fast] lit the present. Ilene Ihoumnnd* ::f msde by hi+ first. UIcn, whit(- nl.•n are wwlkrn� the strePtr. n( Wit Kr"v%Sk Maio IN. \1 holr+wle IrnlxstlNir, I.lost n the rt'tnad akitlg to rt- rmplmyrd in flails /'.ramie I Jim is taken laternslll. .r: the alines, for which they want It* 11-11K r.pon the hlekd .mad nnn•on. .,It Pnsu h mons in su lent, their' wives f" e. M t e sysrrelf. Te tlm matt- Ant- bre I K Y pl 1 serene :., cent spl1eer led!told b a,. ly.Il t,rnzNl-t- Ianal iAmiliP%. Howevea'. the capitallst Take Hall+Fnmlly Pilk fnr rsmotipition. cannot Iwo them. fnr he wnuLs Asiatic -- '- cheap labor, and it 1s a fact that the f bactibe fur The Sigual. PON a 4k '1'IJulw1DAV, Nuveul601' 71, 1807 (S NAiIKET REPORT.. I ""' `' ��� Veal calve" +•��d rt- nn 6: top per cult Liverpool Wheat Futures Clea Lower, 1 Sheep and Lambe. )1 The .hhq, .,rLet was vamyr 11xim,rt Chi#aso Highler,-Live Stock- 4,u 31, sold at scz; fair cwt.; lulnla,. ut s,3) • Men's The Latelit Quotations. Nose - tdoesday Eveau.R. Nov. 4, I IL P. Krnnr•Jy reduces meteots let It ---_----- Llverpcvd wheat futures tatred to -day' roveruwt.: likbts, at V, pro s -wt. I lel 1bower. Turn, led lel +Jed lower. Ilunnm Limited -tooted VI.W, f.o.b.. cars IN YIC RI. A9,s Al Ch1,'aa;u. Ik'cr111L••1' wbfmt c•!It.wl 10 at euuuUy W611s. - idNher; uec•ember .'urn ^'.a IJEJ and ' Montreal Live itee/t. ShoesTIt i.v,-ta ere wets %v logl6er. ONTItF:A L. Nuv. 4-(tN,v'iul 1-1':z- WinriPPx Options.I..hN for i.XLVL •r %ere L3.3:u catlite, !:d% Nhrrp, ulskbt•: the total fur lila e.r.rsu,l F>illowlnx aro, the cb,si1,8 q lNtutions on to date K.,311 cattle ruJ %vionap p fruln ful"I',•N I0-dJ1': bid, ' ''y111Nti'ekl with ifl,y-': tattle *old atvl W11 16 (. 1' '..v. !lore LLI, Oec. 11.81?ti, Eur dile wrrr*puudluK pl'ri,Nl"Isms, year. ( 4,11(111 eollll twin- allll Peal Ida, .LAO bill. 1 At Ile aluutrral Httx'ks Vardm' Worst I } UatA-Nuv. roc 1.1d. live. rel; bid. May End Markel the recril+t+: or alta, stwrk fur L'0111101't 111 uta• Men's bld. 1 Elia week wraling Nov. L were 41C,' "little. y Shoes Toronto Ofedn Mafkktar I Vies ■hwep toad 1J,IIb". GUl flux* a6d pkp I calves. S"pVllre fur the lural 1uw'kat til- Graln- day %,,nAb,tet of I" cattle, :0" "I""lo ! BUILT TO WEAR 1\'L.•ut, sprinv, bust ....... $1 two to I .•. toad 1.11,101. '-'SW huxr Awl eat. cul vre.w Mlr i \\ twat, full, busll ....., l kit a-tiulce beryt•a were tluutw -sit Mfrs, Wheat. Nowell. 'rel::!, . ..Ilt:4 N..KI St.. "k Kold at H(tc W 44JI-: tulr ns, Slur and stan(I tills walking \\'brut, cel. bump ......... 1 v_ .... to k': c,Nwnuu kit "%c to ;:c. and r Illwls .Pros. flurfl••1 ... .......... U lex ill 114• lel I!y.: Iwo. Ib. which you \1'111 certainly )tarlcv. bushel .. o lex I .\u rasb•r f.•rlirlx baa drvrlopwl In lbw . egN r, new . n*li.•1 ...... L. leu, U•Yl "ilial kill fur akar. V. and prlce* .ku,e tilt* I ,r, t"el IIICH I1011l!� \1'hlell !;'Oil ' %.•ilk hate dreliuwl l4,"' to Per IW lhlviiwhrul, utish• I ....... U .) .... day Mlllrtl 11:1" flwY.n dU.' lel ttttl wYJkCI' weal- thelil. Toronto Dalry Market. cauls utl µ.'•e moa the fact that /YVV lied Autler, dairy. lel• roll. ..... 0 n +.e' ' are c019kiJN tw'wanl '$lure frrrly. At tit, - All the best manes, 111 1!ultrr, UAt1" .... .•. u _t 1,.Y above Iwl$lctlura the deeuund Eur export Isultrr, crearnrry,�11.rullm,. 0:7 1,':..y accuuut was tJlr, mud sulr" vara muds ill. all shapes, sizes an(1 Nutter, errumery. hoxra .. '0 2T 01.11 ill.,' W'r Ib., but lie•• trade In Uutchrr,c I:x�,s, new-L•lid, dol ,• , . .. n :•N U 30 rl.e•1. w1," ,low at 3140 to 't!g.• and Iwld widths, aro here. Vr:x*, cold sturafte. J•,:c••n .. 10 .... •'Is of culls, are. Mideast iL dlftloult to 1•Lw•ee, IurNr, IL ............ a I'; 4fj .... malt.. rider, rve$l at 3c Vrr Ib., a* a lot ,f �• tw'In. It ....... Il ll ea .. -tlr I n t uuw weeks w4, h lbs tnurkrt fur Easy to get a fit. Easy 111,111-•, rxlrurt,-d. 11. ..... o t:: 0 1'% til•• Vast two week. wftlwut mrrtlrlK wlti. 11.ney, dozen rec•thnt" ...... S5 3 W I •buyer• w10.1l lel muate n. 'rt f" due to shoes to wear and hard to Ihr Ilxbt munry situation. 'Che tune of ., Now York Dairy Mark*L tier u,arkrt fur laimbm war JOIN. vasirr. +1111 f wear out. N 1•:\\' )'4jlcK, N.V. L-/halter-Steadler: VNt•em w'rrr Ise per Ib. luwrr [liteult a week u.vrlPtll; 2N:Y•. t're:u., ry "I.... clubs, ;3y" ex- 1I K,, leu arruual ns, the inure Ilb•nd cup_ Crus. :Y!tic; thirds 111 firms,. "to. Au • "/r; e1w.: the d.YllJral wax Kuud. and an • 1 creumrr •, hvid, first lel stsN ial. X44^ to Elva trode was done at `�►•c to 1,c Vrr Ib• L.; rtutrdltlr>'. c..nuoon to bri.gll, 111essggdlr:r�wr%1a4trtretal°LeaWM. to :I . ; pr(luPs", cunusua to gaialal, l:1, uuerrmrntr, P10"l's "haw nu cbanK•' SHAR11A lel •it! -s.; ossat-rnfactory, euu$lrlon 10 i'buk+• stw"k cold at 11: 1.0,81L. xu..d I, Iles., /mc Ss lel $10: fair at L' to V.:u.d r.mtmr On at first' fpk•--N'.mk: rec•rlpls, 101.'.: slued, 41111 4: lel p •a, h• The condlliufa of the near- i cruaui. wrwl{. sutured 1,.l %title. liryt. kill tar hug" runkinue. %'r.,k. and prlc•'r m Io.. l 1.'•'•A; (k•t.. Ml.•, 13t.w': do., 9MA tai =,Inc,• List w•rduk:.lay- bilks s.omd anoth- prbrir.'Ir is) ISN,, Jo, cuniman it fair, ,•r dw'll11r kit :•,• to I... Tier 1W lies., wbirh 1W �+• lel 1:1%c; •lel.. IargN ,olul-A. Sept.. is due p. DtclpaHy 141 the larks,' r-19 -t -.fine, 1'.••: do., white, l:Xtr: do., IarK•'. I.Ict torr« beluK over ral•al helmd rw•elvrd last tin-, 1:11ae; dn., V01fruuru tai prim.•. 1W,ia: to week. Gold still urferinK" tl,i. n1-a$l11,g were BOLE'S PREPARATION OF skims. 144. to ISii,• oxer %AW 'f tai ealund %as J'Ar1y' trued . F:xaa-Piro.: re •i•Ipl s, Gott: *thea Perin- ;41111 s:Je. of stole'trd fol* were made at eylvilais and ural' -1,• f:•r.cy IxleVt. 1 tG.S lel sk,:G two. IW Ili*.. welKhr.l elft rare. f %•,hit., elk• to 4Sc: ",".1 to cJ"Ace, etc to Cast Bu(tafe Cottle Market. Friar s Cough Balsam ::w•; brown and llll •d C.nry .'.le t„ :til.•: r�♦ average prime. MU i., ': first to extra I:A trf L•la ,'.\l.t ). •'vfit•. 4.-Callle---iter - �- fart". wcrtr. •lsfirrta, y,4,: to cripl,:. 5O0 he:ul; hctivP, ps• to 1x' Itisth One a)( the owl. old -fall tonc/l things that Iters secowdm.'.'c 1. 1b-. co.: VrIMr steers, JS.,y Io N.Nr: ehlppinR. R g to yr. butchers', 111.5. to Ir•.:a^ half- nevcr•txen improved upon. Yl) .•r", i".,M. to 1•'•.10; t-vnc s, le' . to 11.:.1; 1.1111 . :.,III to coughs, 1: ) I it «.: ►tock hel[••r :., 11.:3, m'. iri•,h rows trouble. •sod rpringerm, rlrunq cu SZ; hIgts,r, $22 tai I - Cables Eas;er-Cattle Are Higher at VA, It is the largest and IK -It remedy for cougt,s All American Markets. 1!otr T.errlpt+.K.MrI hrJJ: :.tic•'; Plc*" 1 and colds. Prepared, recuninte rd and gnaranterd heavy • kit her. sm u. v Y I . .irLw•. t. %' r ie dna 1 nee a the w•srhL 1:1%'i)ON. Nov. 4. l,,ud,.n cable, at-- •'•t• 4,u u. I If the largest bol afl q l Dtrner at For In 12',r 1e_ Ib., .Inrsnl notrt •nlxrd, YiJ,i' In asdt; Ywrkvrr, tu.:foa to if oil[ dru ist does not handle it, let us know. weight; r•frlarrutoJ- b1•.•( is gnu+hi at V.:,': 1'1^s, 6'L 2: to yi.1.1; r onih", t: to )' RR r we {air IG t,.W. sterile' 6L.vf to i•. d.drb A. til its $641 NATIONAL DRUG A CHEM. CO.. Limited 3o LONDON, Ont. :a, ep t.IV) *.:rob+- ltrcrrl t.. IQt.mo bend; %- TOROntO Junction Live Stock.. I „rut v; y,•Ar1Inc0, �M lOwlier; Ia$lIbs, 'oc TORONTO JUN( 'TION, U, t. 4. ---Re- Idxll.'r; I'• t1e� li'tf7.1:,; . ycaw«". I;r. t°'to eriptm ill liv.t Stuck at the l 1111.11 Stock T;.y,; rhe+•p, mixed, S:.W to $Mire 1'anades Yards were 34 earl40uds, e"ulik,sed is[ )club". Haber. 734 cattle, 123 sharp. Irl calves. j New York Live Steck. (Exporters.j N1;\C )ltRK Nor. �.--n•.r•vrs-lire•dol s.is Priees ranted (roto IS 2.- to 1410; export flsrl: ••r1wr+, aeries• and full la• l:1xh•-r, . bulbi. P.:5 lel t.L:: I° r cwt. PS opt for ro.um..n iiInd[" rfrudy; Butchers. , Itn..l utoil •i. .• felt rows• Orel to toe 1.1.1ked bub'hers sold ..t tl.:h to 14.:5: 1 I:Ix1N•I; meld •,in :mM r1,mmon. '".w In W! Inside ns, N,>A $1"e0 lel $ re); mediusa. s,3.:, l..w.•r: rlwrt-, 4 to to Io 91. 2;; c.sntrton, f:: lel s3.:a,; rows. i=.!k' ;. 4,:.'t'+: raw•.. 61.15 to t(; ,uxru and- *mage, lel 614,5: cannrrr, 61 to ft Ir•r cwt. 1 1:.5V .lel It 25, l'kpert. ttrdu>, Sew culle: Feedoro and Stockers. lel-inunnw'. 1 0 cutin • ural ;Noo qu:u'Irry of I leaf. 1-•u)'rre for t he'.11stilirries w. -re on the t•alves-1:••c�lf,f::. �.;'1D: vitals, full -beady. rnarkel. The I,. . Pull for 1s,Llt boll. Rrassrr. :1111, %,•+r •rnr, ;o tIve and fins. The mpt•cdtcr a �tcn.rgraphcr Can by he "sight," operator m glancing allot *leers %' re • practlraih• onrLNnstwl: teal". -K• u.° r! ;,: ',.,Aur, to to Si +► ,;ntrs• tvpett•rite a letter the more valuable fro notes to keyboard and back to Alewra, tt._• to f•%r': bull.-, t'• -w to 12.50 era. ft.= to 6.;, •• Westerns, szw to ty; mile lxcurncs to the busy" business no) again -a c'onsidcrable item in per cast. I fed .'dart-. I:.::' -til :1.:,.1. Mitch Cows. 1 91".1.enol 1. sn;, Il! crlp•A ti:.t^; elan.. a day work and a severe strain on The six base rut%• leu for market sold I rbc, p, fir,,.: 1:11,,b•, I-,• to ::.r •licher*., Practice does a'great (IC41. but the ry c as trell. at T41 to is ea! -11, :a,e,•1.. re._; r1, V. *': ons. 6. a, Ts,: lamb*• correct fingcrin I and the Touch Our Arge. free eatahl;ue tells chore r< I1, rt- :+'. r.:n+. 11 tai J:; t•yaatta ;airs, System," which we trach thoroughly. about u r stenographer s course and _- f:.51f. -ore of paramount imiswil;utce.' gives n ah valuable information In billiard" and mnitinumy the. ll"et-`-H•+e41u, 131 i; market, fens at When the "Toucly_Scstcm". is: tlNiut. tilt diplomas, of the Business 4,4 t.. t .:1,. P sire lots of kiame s And nine,} I;rratvhrs, mastered the 4' x ate. nt•vrr ifxrks ds,. L•'duca ill, lssryciation. the keytx)ard, but keeps her eves on The slip ly of our gs3dttales is not --- - — — - - -- - - -- -- her notes. She mavcS the tittle 41st c.l«al t„ tl demamd. the quickest c k e s t �/•�' FOREST CITY BUSINESS C =M SHILOH'S l ��� Mewbfn Eeliaeaa LJlrealan' J. . 1rCSTERVCLT, cough & coldCURE s� A•.�I.t».. Pri.ci..l, L..i... Get a bottle to -day from your druggist. If NEW it doesn't cure YOU Quh-i:FR than anything you ever tried he'll give you )'our moneyback FA L L AN D I N T E R Shiloh'* is the best, .af•st, seret and goickrst medicine for your children's cough. and colds It Isar been curing coughs and colds for 34 years. All druggists- UNDER AR ase., Soc., and St.00 a bottle. AT MARTINS Saved cram Torture But they could find notliiing �itt,t ,to do thele any real,•Iastillg 1 5pal UNSMMKO o\ d until d = ` '— Many 1t-. :t and , woniell $ it1a y trie EL' i S_1H F.G CO. thought t!.,, %- were doclnletl GIN'PILLS \ to stifft't'. all their lives. Immediat.lytbevimprovel. Thepain 1\ -Their kidnr'; s m- cre badly'' stopped -the urine cleared -the backs affected—, UClalilg aII3 grew strutiger-their gencrwl health i 4,l ` pieked up -and before they realized its ,the b:,cl: and ]ups --1 t, they were teen. ramble ltllellnlatltilll atld CIN 1'II,I.S cttre,l theta -just as 'the)• %ill cure Purr. TaL•e thew on '] Sciatica C\'Cry tV11ltC1, They our guarantee that grey must cure or pd. , WHO'S MARTIN r knew it was kiduc ' disease m5 c. 6,L- 6 for y EJOLZ DR •.a, ,os 1 ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR. that causal ail the trouble. DOLE DRUG CO..GO.. wIMwIKC• Maw. �, What do they read ? The children in your family as they grow up;' Are they becoming post- ed on the things that every good citizen and every good human being ought to know? Do they read the happenings of their town ? Arc they in touch with the great movements of the great men who are making history not oniy for our continent, but for the world ? If not, then t w o t h i n g s should be found in your home: A copy of The S i g n a l every week ane] a copy of McClure's Magazine every month. These two periodicals give well, rounded reading matter for every home in this community, and they can be had together for $2.4o a year, while separately they would cost $3.00. The Signal for one year, $I on McClure's for one year, 1 on 1•.I.- The two together for, $2.40 to any address in Canada. •The above p:irr includes prepaid pnstap;e nn M,0ure's ) The Signal, Goderiche Such a lot n of t�ifferent lel d_% of stoves. My aren't they beau- ties ? • �Y These are some • of the expressions we hear from our customers every day. We are proud of their admira- e. tion, for we have the 1 largest stock of Ranges 1) anit Heaters in the county. Every make of stove we sell has beenmhor- 1r.r_ oughly tried and tested by sumo one in town.' We give a written guar- antee with every one. Tremendous bargains in sonde makes' of ranges and heaters, secon(l-[land stoves an(l furnaces. We'll tako your Al stove on a new one, Iforse Blankets, Rnf,►s, Itobes.Gloves and Mitts at wholesale prices. We have a complete stock of Ilardware and li,lectric Supplie8, Stove Repairs, etc. OUlt PRICES Alt h; LOWEST. WORSELLS' HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE r'