The Signal, 1907-11-7, Page 2-
. ,..,ll
g, No►l,a1►er i', '180; Tall•; SIGNAI, : CODKRICII, ONTARIO
-- --_W- __________
rfgbtrrn civil 1-aM•h disposed of n•- I wrvlmal fri-ndshilw.-Tor,nita 'via anti o (holm..
P/' 1
l igatiVer n.ItAt. Instate amt . Ilie11Il ills of
ligation. hl Jetrrosin4. 'Uir uulh of
------.._. ------.-----------.-
41 ro ills easilyal iN:ml is, N 11,1 i" ,1111(l�
Nuvnlgvr%' it is 6ialruu" In
_ _
l I l� 1 i ( ) N A. ( ' 1I A (' h 'AY. -
- -' - - -- -- -
�� ���
Much lhnl riwul ill lhl
and think
hN inur,ItnN tar thnl •Ilial• nlNy
- _�' -_ e
liciyRatp'H, ffVT.4ltic•
it.) ill.
1'111' IIIYtll II/`I•, 11 q'.111I11 flail 6141 141
a it
Ira•," , \\,INII. ./ re. N' \re.,•k" aK41. n 1'41 111"eYt'• rrllt NI. 114 LI\\'I'll SIIII111I .IMwILNw IIM
--'----- alive uewmlpapl•r 1
plaer 1411101 NUth, fifteen Ihr stig•
ge-losI dxn e• to mli, f"'I ll'y frrHu the
"ugge,leii filial. with
I fhr ewlw•tio11 (0( Ham, A. (i, AItwlkrly
w nal +yilliritasr uuJ connM•1 in Neveutw•u.
n1lil this is said t ) rrpr•rM•nt talfly the
level. the mf till- I.blwrnl Cah
ilwt at Ih.Imwn, it is rerlainly ivh„sh-
\'.%\.\TT 611 R ItuItF.RTet11\
df•p;eJrd nlur4nl" of Ihirolal iulu'1
- ' the ham let%),iis 41f Ilit• ()IlhaisI ()VF-
INlhilil,ll, a new "Alilelnullrr•in-vide.f,
lwl•1-4.nlugo of work dune h)• hint in
I rYeent. vral,c. lar i4 uilnillel In he
:111-1 IO1y imh...11 have ;► very fill.
.T.IrphonrfallNo. Si
gralits. Crimin"I statistics til' still
A large rxleusion Of the holy Eta.
w•o111.1 hit%'.. las Ili. 11pIN.11111Y1. ituuwil•
the Iemilevof the lent• ill flue uolihern
Stilton did. in his AJJ1ess, that hr "taw'
T11fae. a Me1111erip"n :
Ih'ar 41nt the rllikage Thal nhl-g)lil•nlnl
is N vi,11111% {111111, even ;IN emlle;lr•erll
Kine W,ai-L% 1% the latest industrial 610•
\1.111111111.111 Its ,illy t.lwll, watell
aingh' paid tl'ihut#. 1'. Ili,. 1•nr,Ty Anil
en, huNi"Alll „t a ivell•kllil)v#1 llllllln•
1'llat. It i, tai. a, ala 1iv
. Portion of Uutarlo.
I Mr. Nal•Ka'.. N I't•rllal•kal.h. 4.114.419)•
S ata 061st
IAlnlon F.... 1111,-
pPrnn,t4m1 U,:.avaxn'•
N 11it {wnpir of uui• own 041(4., 'In el)ur'
IitKl0.rioh pow,
and a 41, i1)
' 1
for.v%ul'k w'ilivil 11.1, ,.;I.nv41 All. 1li11•-11114.11.1V
ilml n1-ttily 1nw n41t,we1 1-41nihtld 141
YYlxlalrnth•,.LL•;thn•eltlo,llll..S..., and
possibilities. At, the• 4tnnr tittle, the
for a life tat the high"l, its"fidn"wo find
T, 1'mosl st.te- .ash-eritiva'. sl.fu' n )4..0
(,111.11) III it, 1,3.,.' .
l,:.6. $, with he.ulr nnliol,aliGes las
_ __
111111 t \1'1,1'1')• ILINiIlt tile till:alll'nnI
hny prunlotioan w rvt•1• . IN':uN•1 of
pl•Ifl•Lxtljonal work. lie llel4,lt-
ways taken aH netivt• am[ kern in•
as "tiong ms run M• "fall,- out tmnl
Suly..•rf1N•r. whN rail ,o nvrivr Tea Ny
N hull) N'1• :dhow Illllll" itite 1 1.111r,tllve
hll'i'Ig.•lly\". The tvastrt is lie Pal11P
!.1"fe'NiollAl iu4, Public. life w1kit•11 he
I It'rest ill wl ne"I ifinal "m L. and wits
+nifloi,nt of rawmiwlition run dnw•n A
This Editor Wants To Know, You Know.
roaalxrb' by uwil twill rw,f-1 a faaor by n,••
the (h-irhtn[ is 16111141st angl•lie. Chilfit•
IIA. enterr'l. A Ivader fat lite la K:11
I (.01 right ye:u•w star influe111i,al uu•lllle,
Illail4lillx tl-Uf II!., left ;at a. easily 1, it'll,- ,..
141tvi1 Itu1 • he tut 11n4ae"11%, 111,111-1•,
11 I
CiltiwlinAll is ,1191 Nix N,'Plo. llrill1
Ill'til'e-i.11l, lar If--fellehly ail%-int'wl
,.r tilt- ow,11 \411111,, INI:14. 11 ,If w1111•A.
\%'111•.1 N ••11:111 4.enf:Wdr.--ai,dratrrl,l.Nhlike
ratio little tire was, mold", -I.VI•ht lw• seh,14
i1nl Ill, H4• U'l141 111 l!\1• wrl•Ili tllr ti111•IKII
111•X1 \\ IYIIII•NIIa )• I e
�_��.._-�,- I,1/
les 1u,lrli.• inlil, 141 1M• lr.i •l)alion
low 11, 1, lilrlllall, 011 .•after' till•
I lisle. Although it is tilt- INeI"t lir hili
il'i/•Ildw that 111• IN it weft �l malt• Inas,
.111'1, it." ill Em-lern rhf ll•, 11111 (Ili -1.1 all
Crili i.111Y Ilf 111,• 1 ovel'll1tar111'"
1/.1111ilitlni Cal,in.•I. 111" ms -1,4.11.11 ,is
imn,I Ihnf ill• In/s new i.e. 1'el'1'i \'lYl 71 Illll-
ab f11 1/ins stale.:
:wI WVer siwil.u' adcerU+•nu9u., lar
11,•1 ty 1y1f1.•tl 41st ;t 11: 1 •llinalas' It fiat
1 I
M•Iection .4.l' the ditie flit- Th11nkh h%u'
g' ,. K
leader by his rellow-1 kel,lh•rh folluwts,l
ILK :l nuatlel• 1)f roulw•• Ile is tall%%' a I-
I lilt- Nine- 1t• twits f,/uk-wen v.•ay„ 41r tsg,
fillet lie dill not earls (nl'11a
DAYS' easy selling, two days'
twrlum• for itrvl iu.rrlinks 441.1 a.- Iwr fall.. fur
pAel. ,tor.,Y,4ew tal,.Yroa. urs-.IhA 1)' a
ismeh wasrse• ILa41 Ili,- re.l .4.r Ih'Ili
F:►,•I•)• gl',•:u lily Ism. its pr.I X11,.1-.
Ian)' ..teat a dixnuu11t. AY Lha• NN'f
w'.461t] exelailil it 1AA,
gage. iu IuurinK the I i,k%if ee. 3114 itt
s, 141 saw 11:if I.i.
Its 11 M•1'c, lit
lit -ill a prureY"iorinl Wit)•, his Seolelh
T y un-
loading, two days Of
g Y unparalleled
u 1 -Ws ...tram t f -As liars tn.411 iu;- r
Ii•1-i 11--, ratnl, U1'.11 11.11V wlNl 111„1'0, ,<. IN'r
:111,1 \'11111'1111 \'1.1' 1':11111,11 III II N' 1.1 . ,�-.IIs•
n 14.41-1
.,f it
-'lift' 1..a 11-1:o it a :and
} f
I11'e.-1111..• N'1 , 1111'IY•al `l• tIN Ile INY'llllle,
1 unlit )ills 1K'ell app:a,•11t. 4111.1 1.• in t,4..
11171\• i► 11/•a\•\•
from which;we invite to do
.%d.'rrl t,.Ynrfiiof 1'uuu1, llrel,
lit.. w'elrtlt% .If 1'11 ll1hN) 111111•.-" It I,IIIIN
I )
. __... __.___
1--tlel' klillwn.
!:,fail.11]1:11'l•tlallll`I' ill 111-1 p1Y•wl•
I 41f tfle III11N-l-ild Cement corn.
y y our fall buying.
Read this list � '
• u..lion-\':.r"u(.�ituatinn.11'wnlyd,llu,..s,for
ttion I. for
I le tar llrol, 1'.,,111, for s.dr
4.•YNY•n1I Mins las e(Iful•1-e. its tel:uui:lid
1 1
Reeve 310IA'All A." -%Vriti V.,
111:11 em-ly lift. 4.r rhe pro -'rill leader
i- :11.41 of 1114t ly fnrulrl.'N
I pellly, Willi extensive woorkh til owell
partial of offerings.
Io lir to ltew
A"It'l- fur ,Nle, ea•., nor ex, dil1K rilfhi
oaf Oranlinems affect nuMalitt•, Thr
lm•uple residing in froKile donlivile"
it Nun. Ile
testa twir11 in til.• Iuwu.Yhip lit' Sydeu•
Sound. He is also president of the
buuh, 'L'N• tvu•h iuwrhuu : $1 for Ile.t coolish. .W
to" ew-h-111-,ilwol uawah. lArwratlaertise.
swniN fit .-.
Pettish. .4 Valweallcer have Ihr right t-/
\could flu. 1 it to l heir l)\t•tl itlte'rhl.
til ploiet-I. InisN61t-s lel' either in-1ivill-
least 1:1111. in the e,ynlll, .•f tin•,'. ,,,I Slarrl'
;. IKU. IH" father. IJllgh AIA1-Klay.
Ileatin l'ompailly. wliotw
IAlilding" at \ 0144m1 have jtaNt INvn
Coatings d Dress
Annn,uu•rnu•nt.'n+l4tiiytly[r fes
e."1;Ihlihh hill -11 N.ls1-,• :11yd iu,nit;4.r. • le
I ) K•
Lear'lPlrLel. ami pl;alf i"41.41Hrd-. Ile is
g an Tweeds
rrnl.lrrllnv. Vunu11,•I-,.Ihw';..•.
ulalitorts ;t, they luny think lit ami.
- -
n,tlivr all la ilhu0w.1•lahilr; hi+
nudher, M 1%ithf•rinr 1ItJ'lniY. 1•ln)inwlf
Ndirw•tur of also. I.uiding flax ('on1-
.Mq- 4p,s'i,J uuii.,•, ihrohi..'t Nr whi.•h i, :he
is' twlw•At f:.,.a' lisai% llnal.,r N 4.y T
0i,. nrr. isn't It. a
( 1 IIItr11N 1111.111 Il Kaill,l
T1elt• 1, Kelit;l'id sall,fa.-G.11 %%ifil
1Nt3v 11"'111•(. INIIlkl.blee. Tim- fir.
uuly in (►wen Sainted, .11.11111 4111\' aI"11
I tliY I
j '-Kinniug. IIr is ses,I
:)i piw`I•s, 4111 inch-". All putt• wlxll, rheviulN stud tweed"
■tion, en re• 4.J.., i1,•ItYI ., 1. WI\rrll.l•111e111 •INI
111.• 14.1111• let ,611 11:1111.11:111111.4 mhke.
life Iteli 111 eaI lite Iowan , mobil
in 31a':K;1y el .or 114 111.411-1 S,•4111•Ii 1.11 ail.
nry (0(
Alt• ()1\'ell k/1111111 :I loll 3l ail fl.l,l (tail-
heavers 1st inediun• and heavy weights. flew Arld beautiful
IW,, hrr tlsptaw lid „lulrsrt,4lwair-
menlw a'
If All.y l :udrlun would ruiptirr
pnnuplly 1-fu,inga lir,•n".• Cur :a
:Ind tai l..lgieata ,-., ;Ili Iii" r.- he'll"
mer- .
\\/•1'.•, :a I l,•YII\'I.•1'INIn.,lla\•Illg lN•t•n I
tt';I> 4.a.,tyli1-] ,ti wnNhal ,I inhtn-
L._ .K )
f-ct . Suitable for lungeimts or Ixdieli suits, regular $1 too,
Ilse. IIw'll,'l�ill/1 I.f 111.• lu41p.•1'It' 4.'e
x1111 I//III:yI,I iYNII/I. Ii1N]I.1'11-1 11:1"
4111- yr:u•h on#. 411 sue ht
IIINNtlal in all'Killll'Llllg, i11r11 11'1111'11 lista
$l.:I.ia71d $I..i1i, lel r
fa Yanl
Addru•• all rouuunuieation. to
psi -4.J ata \'.un uuarrs l'Iliu:alotcti,
Iirihot itvvmllnyiAMiun in Illi.
hl:uuu -41 Nup,wn'terh
tine of Division Nt .vet Pr1•uhyt4.tilin lettnnrction
for ate uhje t the`,( rot-ing air railwa%
h•tween (hvee sound
.......................... .....
v-ANAMIt R 1�1HERTsaiN.
Tus swstl.
,,•1111.1 f41Hcty till tn.• .1.1110, lie freight
311.4-mh ,.
4-1111,•11. toll' Pasilm• of.wlfi1-h (ret. thirty l
ettratenl pllilli..
h..rr1•h, I pill.
11111 1111 ;I g.11 ll,l alt'- 1'1':61 r111111Ithtlg-
It iY rharge.1 Hint llle Litm-I.A.
years. teY•eulh' ending. urns It.•v Ur.I
hr- Sonliervill'''
Al:'. 11u.Kny's work in flit- iA•gis-
- --- I -- -TH . -• ---- -'-
00MRICH. THl'Ia>;ly,\Y, xffv'�;. IfsG•
IIIc N'k.
:tY PI'111/'Ip:61'(il:all; all•'1• m:II,I, IL
1.111141 all NII.1111•N.11f11ll or the atil/.iwilly
i••,Int-Illed 111 :1 1'111':11 11111111.' selltNll I
...1.1.,11 the Owen S,n11141
filial .r Ili still fl't'wh III this Iyllld le Ill llld.
Fin 111 tilt• til,.t hr to"k ,111 twtive Iea't
I•(N10 vard4, '�{ [ll .111 1111'11 t•�, f,lnCv flannelette, 1
punk &fill bhu•
--.�----_---_- .--....____
peal the vier., bol Ihr virtue of
1611111 IA,II,I.nI all.\' 11\' (111• In'll,•1')•
("elle •l
41( 1.:11.• 111•
rational-. All.. 1Lwk.n• w.l, I lablie,lnl•.,(
ill tl Jelmilt's. le wits 1'e•I,)KII'%AYI NN
,Millar, heavy weight, regular 111•, rat {INC yank ............. 7c
()I'ierllnl til:ll till- awhile %v,nkfuan
tie rlr1-tu:s ! I'hrte Irne INY'rl
Helre in,ligu:H Uir
Aet0..l Ival-he• far Ihr(•.• Ve11-Y. 1lle iN
fllt- one, 11n•nf and forreflil
a p•nke. in the Hunse•. He wits not
1'.•nrY. Nil was Ile .auk in iwln.r,alit.%
1 1
u41uly hillh when it r41nid IN• Iw.ugbl
ere t wolf
-ly f Torr to. blur ill' the I
1'tinrlxity of Toronto• talking his It. ;
tegOniel 114 ell"luetat in the nevepl ed
sruM•, halt his le nl tlaiuin
The People of [Italian tuweishi I a11il
041111.1 u,niulain 4111-1) x high ,t.uNlald
uta Willi 1N'u-doll:h• hill,.
A. its V$0, 10111 ,trnill •
i Ise still ill las►-'I
K K enabled
hila to ,11a iter it sllbjrrt ill every also.
the t41w'll u(' K1111'AnI7NN ale even•
41f Ill,lllAI v aN file,#- Joe"I.I.- It,,, It
is �__ ___ --
a')IllerryY1 Lie-— ,4 N, A. 111 IKK,. I
F'ry rare ).Kilt linfil INS7 it"
tail. retail his enerKrte land rapid 141.10
1..11rl )'ands• :rt inchell wide, EngliAl ps-int" of IN.% IillIN 111
NIIIPIing tIIP ptY/1NMal ,Ir !1 glial'-
IN -4 -all'.` (Ile\' A ,• ,.testily :111.1 Iellehl.•.
C..Ilsel%;IliwP, vvel'1• hof-iing 111.11
Alt• was. A hi¢I
44'I,1..1 pe'rtao•il.d. l,' 1'lllel'wi lit%% all
lir heti vel•y r'la-1e slim n "iw,aker u(
•111(1 wr•ILP1wrt-Vetl, light, ineditini n"(1 dal' ' o aw
/ I rtl, rrqulxr
xttlet• of I4ludx of Ion, .11itt'+iri�l
where while- men often ale n41t. Ihnf
IA•IlerhusN.- 0.4- ion' #night indivate
the brt-"Linti
.fee fall of K<, al f In,pvet 111 114111111'
NI11 Illel tl
! g elI tai. lir took a
w•n illter•est In Ilii INg11l
, ••••k
1_lr and Cx•, All at [set- yard....... ................. 1
\1'r"t Shote F1lrtri/' Hailwx. ,unl :1
a'rlrunlel b(' IHAI ")',"
u( down of Sir Wilfri.l
xnd s1.lularwhip soident. Aftrrfheer
:uui 1v:a :/ode Roll pry.111r111Y,
t the AttorneAmble ns,
Vote "Ill these inlfillrlp•Illres ,1, I's l,•
I,ylNn. t•rtlr-PI.wlitt• #nun
lia-ell d11ar11
has 1aulier', iullurner in 011PINY•, whivil
wa1r61-1 improve
)'4.ilr" IWACtice he 'An. nppNlintel. ft•otn
AlliOng lL bll-ge 111111114.1' 41f ItppliettiIIN,
fh"Ie al of the Ptrivince till Wan inn -
taken on the IIcl1 of Noce•ulller. 'I'll
111- ,nit 411 1.11111111vitlent.
\\'flru Ia ('fain:ffu:w 1 -nn caro $4.:,ail
viastiv their l.II.,INY'I"
to of gaining paswe lel 1►lt:tell. '1'br
4.r• ('born "'I"I'(Iev fall' Gl.ry, n {Ky,itiln ;the
141111tm, lit th1' 1'1111111r�tt/Yra
xv,lilahility of his Iegxl knuwl,
plans Of flit- 1-asufl4uly, ,ea far a, . lie )
Y,t'Okl a day in itritihh Vtoltiephia• affect
stilt ism die;gg4lint#lent to lhril' holN•s
which he fa0.1d 11111. when hr l4AK.,
: reslglhwl •trill-iis•0-dA file task ii
wade hie vin influential figure
Ix/lier,' lerary, soft. elastic. HeeOe vw.ts xnd drAwe'.
have yet fievel,l NYI; r.n1teol 11:11.., Ise
1 1
Nhitr mel 3 stilt higher wage. tmst-
Sir Wilfrid ,.till 11110.-..
of re.
dvenlinit Nnr(h (ilev fear the Lilm•rnl., I
,u 1•!Insitk•ring hiltny public xnd tri_
c�lt- Wennrev. (/n
sine Anil Hne i .all
fy Huished. a twrfect garelleot. Hegulxr
(•onst•uetiun of a pine {nprl G ialelirh
#.rmlht]n nae rel 1-:Ine•,1 ng4m 141
aea _
A eW11litteene • til it aver -iner ('l)tr.
tile• 1. 4)1glulfrn•
tionnf Ihr Ross Cothinet in Ihr fall
I N1ue
aN. at each ................................ 25
to Kincardine, with extensions north lunch
in the wny ..f hht4l..usg ItxI's
1'hocl• whm wnut las talk nlsnst 114.
felPl,llf41n,tvlth urtln'akra /Y,uunuoty.
I.NII31r.1Luh(tv`waNhworn nahl'uur
111 Owen Slllltlld,►1111 ",little tit SNl'lll:l 111 Ilvel'
fill- 14111:111nesK o the lit it Coal-
l`lewiilg lendel's 111 Calladfalr lN,llties
"nv - flirtl•rui w'hrn Jnnu" l'Irlxot], of
.\I enfll"ti- N':1, JI)PI10"T. Mnl&in.Yl fnl.•
mismimwt of t'rm%'n IAuul". •1 Posit ion
pms{lett. and hhonld the roar{eye",
u11lbiau's dilmet-plil. .Ali it uuU11,t.
tar must little$ h,•w las Pron„uste• the
to the 1'41usNrvatire c:wNr. In thrl
W111e11 hr held IltlaIt ([lY IIe(Y:1[ 11((14.
l:ovrtnuhrut ft h
- ,
o[ Kiucunlinr. au.l Ilnrun inw'nNl'il' fact.
it has la•en slatl4l wish It glow,
name of lite }lues. Adelaid Turgetat,
; 'n"I'll eleetiuns 41f Abiv. HMe_ 1fr.
:1 frty months
That short ndlnini4trative experienve
Rare a favorable v-nlit-1 itis-ex{Irctel deal
air fol v that it is the avail:abllity
Ili" defeat (0f ilrn 'i H/t11r71-.ya in licllr.
• 1 N ti Iy was e,e•tel by Ih•e ill' 11 Ilya-
deulonstrnlwd 1i r. SlncKa) :s untiring
Men's bmwn wowbxt coats, sec Irrior skiffs and well lined
that lenient rnnstuctirlt wink will
1(- II' 1111 a hl slur
e)i"N". I"'. lot)i0-r Jaw i+ an inruiruf
1 /I,Hrst fullowld and n
ehlU•gP N'l1Y pn1\'Pn t anal
elle) gy and c Stoht"I are still
au1 finished, special price ................ ... $2S
ale couunrnrlYd very shl'rlly.
The i:stalllishing
littgest (if ohn
tlse Int�ytest (0f lit it 1'ulunlbial'1, in-
u a hri11f3nt ; Are ct tont ulrly l:md
al AKrnl (if fillet
.y r. Al Alai -Kay's hjul Paid fur n livery
1 n tie P:11'Ifanlrnt blN llinRK of
how 1) , w ens n1N4Y nt1Y1 with
31Pn'm tilt reals blxr dog,
k lig, heavily fury d and IitestquilteI
pf 41ir.ct copinlllr..
Inst•ies to exi-t tat 1..
f Rive rwpl"Y
fail roun'av6err Ite'ut• the tut of
1 the
n,, #o (111vr Nlall)rs Medford tl'
Owen Selland,
celerity Haid d11-isiun e�urin g Iris shut•[
linwl with hear)' fanner; hatin, Nil. 1 , unl'
I it), for..... $20
icatiou b' rlulway llrtwPen'thr mister'
h1Plll ill \vlllt,' 1111.11 fa flip Iwfter-p7siil.
heap ro1T.lir,.
. :Inti 311•. 31aeKn wa" un• t4.
Rime. Asn luemheIr &of the OE7144.i•
towns of q:axi"rich Anda Kiurnndin''
p,witionN. Thr rx1-1u4iasllwef Ihr Orion.
I'hr 3luulrrMl
dente". the bve•1•!e`lilill all, III:(• title'
pu'it)'t�ns-t'kI, And in rho Keut•ryll ,•Iw - li!
lir. Mat -Kitt' little im-en m le In
lltr. Hr littlg
Ladies CoatYs
would undoubtedly (0f great Irene-
alt IN)th
1:114, Itlhl Pll/l as( It11111r1\'II1K (lar pNmalh
Star IIIakPw tilt'se11•
tion (If J"Ifuar)•, 11NO. HW%I'itlist lind•
tvuN erns• of til.• heave
hand will) llffereat nn #.ire five
to t(0b'u" .trial to t1r rounlry
,if the white Melt, wasHld par:flyxe in.
hiblP voll"llent thal, whetlever flee I
r- iii tflN
K grueral landslide. fie w,Ls� 119;lin"t
-ren the'ove '.1I lining forces
lying heLweeu. Here is an :try Yl of
Jn,try :1Ild would throw uuw) white
t' lutpwrs alar t tim, the hye ell-limis
elw•trd by (tnuii- ity 41f _1_. Ill. ,if
Int Whitney,nvernnlrru. sAs n
Ia.Le, tine c loth (•(Note, of p'lrP aerol mnterixis. long. flail
thirty-five mils in Ieuglh without
a ulrn omt of empluyweft. It tun) 1
in tint,4riu tap{erne to shnvv ala change
inerea-ing ,, ILKIlse riding may critic.
he judged Ity fhr. inin Owell
,9. Neiall of the minin line]
{ > R
and "tviiwhl Lrimroel. SPe•ial nuH'Iwe,l tat $7. Vt arid.
y $,u
railway. cut (lK from the ndvxntAKeN
f ►I:lt 111 istllatted /•a -re flit• white retain
in;"enti11fent. las F:INt Nurthun,lr9
hand North Wellingtaan
Sonlad. its follows : -' ('offset' vlltive Iwl'f•et
Wyiversit)• Iegislatiou, 110 did muco las
tWo) of ole taboret 1tillaortallt
ready cumuhunicatiun with the
n141v [rel 164. piu1-h 41f lhieltul coral-
street ench r111t•
urajllrity in I.sllx, SII : n'njnrity nleas11leh
plrtssetl in rw•ent veers. In
centres of trade. And departed to re.
ronin for many yrnre iii this condition
IInIPsm til• lorrse•nt
p'rlilion : halt (0n Ihr wMlle it is jurt
)hr of tie my (0f IalA
Ly held its mv11, and in London tie
411:t,.v of Lilwl'al co.ters "lavwl Away
ftrel tela• 711111
xKxinhr 3im-Kry in Its►-•, ix7 ; ilea. the priVitt a- hills esalnnlitIpe Iris advice
jority file• MacKay in 11►r:,. filo. was sun •ht And
3L. o i Rruevllly acrrptrd fly
Kn' has rnjea)d taw cunni- the repn•seubuivep of the Govern
(lilt. The lake shore district lwtwtwii
live -li
"71 \'111K Illxl'[IIIII•I')• 11y(•I' 11KA111. At
first tilnlarlinr, unwettiYl [he indn"-
INeII.s lesrt•t'e,I (Ilei#•
Ntrnglh Cur fhr Keuer•nl election.
-1reI 41(:1 IA -.g
i.4. :111.1 Y\'Nr•I llt•I'Y:Im111g.1I1PHt
Dir a --le• Notwiths(atnliug rile tact Pere;tuilh•• 310. 11rlcKay is likeable,
this town And Kir)cakine la a splen-
fl'ti61 flehl, total they
--" '-_-- - I
th:It Ile 1141"'e'rnl ly given much of his Kelllal anal the lNffiyeYAor 41f homilies
- -- - -
did Piero. 41f country nH-1 it t4.( uirrs
(Incl• rxltro thwed
Way Ili tilt. lltival (1':1114•
Ix' '
tlmP 741 Ihr .lull`• 111 it list of i I I'Mitie, wh' •h
P l
- - -
only flit. quickening of railway rum
nlnnic'Atiorl And (•los.•(• 1-orltA4t with
the outaide world to, make it tone ,1f
the dl•mirail�e fxrminq
nprilel new op[wetunitiele for ruluhly-
Illrnt.:tnd III,- w•orkiu lilan 4hnrel in
th4• hruriit which the nu11'hinr"
11n,ught U, the• whole eoulnnulit. So
Kre-sol' it h:n9lanr: Is h:uri. Aflvt
tfae ilaKni n 'If flip ret petition eras 4.n•
trawl against IhP morn of the surreNw-
fill eraldidnte in tilt- cit Worcester.
rfgbtrrn civil 1-aM•h disposed of n•- I wrvlmal fri-ndshilw.-Tor,nita 'via anti o (holm..
P/' 1
(hie work n Ir11-l. frynu one, fanner
A. M e K I M
Ihr must ;Ilr:rllt Collhe•rvnlivl• round by
,trey Iermlm,l,all. stter,'h ,of inla
thin Ile true there must h• some 1eAmorl
most dist rices in
it is ill Hritihh "11111lhbin. 1"th rhr(tp
Y of
A it•fill ht-ld,
r"twine• himsell that the leader of the
ern it. The ohjeclion is nut INlhel (0n
n4a. (thole. While British Cohimbir,
the Dominican. An rlecirir road 4.s•
i'eclall\•, which, larsidrm giving all fhr
,oriental lxlm.r file 1 ►nvinrr would
with corm tt uartives
t P'
1 )rover, (IIP u14.11111ehr .Nn n•at el :nl,l
O' ylai
1 1" tl(01' MI'4111 Yd any ranch Pnthuai•
a"m that tcuold ', t'f � tl
cealllr or ester y1e ndire: 33'hlat'is it
1 j
It wnnhI. " do"tit, Iw of interest, And
tion. F'MP Anil h,Ink di. Ilmsion of
•1,14•'14'1'" 41f unr netil)n in denling with
j )s ! tar cmltenton e e •
lara�• such a' dre#.lopmrut Ax of has ulAde to ill the i(Lmta ail till, t i;il. that the Alblir- mint1 it iwing iuHu-' and h}nKl luuen' IOI have the thPnra11d1,I
WILY. ngrtl u[ ta e 1w; 1 liarlitrail• 1 ) 1 Millinery Half
Jlecer yet had, and file w'hitr work- ;unuuulin to src0.rN1 thouw+Act dol• rnced ly the nfyliey or UIP l'on"rrvn- opinion o[ nn sttwerv'ant EnKlishn'n° y Price
WILY. w•nuld intake {uasmcnKPr h•:ifllc K f '
m:ul world Ira• letter enil,loyed and ,;aY,. lint fhi, wits not Ihr Pod: The five Party in Can Aa• .with sufOf alt 4.z
trnm x11) pxlinton the• iinP1-onvrnient, ,wrience of the cnn-
ul,*e highly leuunerate d• reluyl't of Ilie j,1dg,• 1,.141 t'iwf Ihr The Course of Wisdom. Hitions in b"th countries to enable hila
cheap, easy, and rapid, would hr an to speak with sumo. nuthorlt nn this r
iimuense Ixx11 411 the district. 'Phut The cusp of til#. (' and .l pr 'I ,� I wlYl that :drail,4 erre iu twill■•a free Por-.. subject. ) IWEN't'Y-1 I %,I?. UN1,1' A. -,.'Nr very latest trtmmet hats.
nneta(a is DI'Lip the lilighteht a ,Nat (lief comhtiun thnlughont fhr (*fir. all twit] Thr Itionlini41n (i"vernlllelit Will - ---- lI ill fIP 141111 Nt jll"L INllf pore ...
the People of Ashflrld renlizP ale:n l) i:ycr nosy its skill in seizin its c /x41 "•' "" ' "" $2'S0
tvitft that id fhr blacks fn the 1'nihvt that n s )w i;ft cununiseioll wits a ' R { 1 '' Kf•t. S(4.. F,tote, of %,Al ll;,. hiss ;t4.- M em on. nit {wrfectl • new. 1w two the "alne, and now when you %vaut
the ActvAutaResu( sorb taciiitit•.r em" 1 1 tnniti.•- if it 61414.1 mfr, include iu itx;O-Ptwl n c:►11 to LhP 1'renhyte'inn Ret yourr�nlceof •�; hate, trunmwl ill. trimmed to %'Aur
demon -.trate) by their vast.. 4111 It sial- lhdes. 'elle• Marks weer UansplAuteJ Imliulwl by I'lu'li:truenl is, 41veNUgntr Iegi.4alire pn'Kr.nn for #h0. colai#iK .charge of Nnrth RrucP s 41'der, if roll get brry• .Iwrn ,•Hough. Iw iouin '
ituated x K K
filar bylaw n few weeks ago, where fl 4,111 hnyak0.l% Io flax runer.tti , :ucl well- ,,a Ithe r lm t Lilt- city. tele sso- airline a own"urP pr.tviJiug for the rhor•t lista lrA. frown Port Elgin.
they agleel to gienrantee ittlSs.1m11(If it is me ,tender it a gen,•t:tt41n asI tel'ewIl"flit.eels/l.t41fl1P 1-41m1tai,h;,,n im11'e1Mle Phtring cf' the Canitdinn' _ FRIDAY,NOVEMBER
G'I(•grapll co"'Panies ander tale eontml
h•alda of the railway'. Thr [w(lPle tai 8'4.4.611)111 fires not given thrill the mer:• that the 1•ity lelrely eme,ov,YI awran- of the r;Jlwvn cown'i"sign. which tt'1rODEI2ICII -- $:I.lot hats f"4. jn"t ii;ilf pries $_,.'Al.
H11ron .township Are. . we pn•s11111e, tnl Anil rnat•n1 Pquipml'ul In maks• a chi -.e tevsf int• n nun1her of %ell". shunld I"• Nufliriently Pnln1•gel to'
equally far-sighted and pnhlie-Npirite4l. sllituble plan fill- themselves nn1(i ig 1141w,•ver,.him punishulrnt pas not in- Wilke• it (4.NhRole for this rantol to Iw I BUSINESS *12--_01 "#-West I lark' anti Tweed .f .ket1. ilii,„,. 4.o 00
Thr towns of Goderich laud Kincar. rare s wlirll rnrr the pl,Klt1•t of ninny flirted• htit the hill for the expe"Mij of '•xetrisr(1 at onrr in PL►rl• of two W, -11.4410 newest It1Nrk Jueketa ;
three veor" laurel ,` 00
dine have much in c(inttuun, but "'"un'i#." of civilir,rtion. 9'10. Jap- the p+uli:unent+uv 1-lnumi"sign w,l" COLLEGE Ililn.lNO newest lihuk and Tweed Jack :........
owing to the [xlor farilitie" far (eanI• rin.•sl• ntld tlir Chiues0. emile lit-'& of Presented to fhr pity. whirls. Ili raiw• Wanton Destruction. will be opened suo11 by a 11uwageulellI A last of 3liafel•t and Writs' JArket" tl''cleAr, 1401114• ..I
ntstniention they rue largely-lrmigrr" their own volition first have wvnl by the anta'nnt, haul h. ingNrIce is spoY'i:11 llmniHun Tint--. . who Lrikins Inoy1• young lm.olole ria IIALF I•Itl('If,
to each other. If the present rnllw•ny their own merits flit- place which Irl% air (llry•ellelll.v hal( PI'fllly Its fill- "IA)VVI'N Ilf Illl•ll,,4...1• Ne•rllli lag tank lkwOk--kw•1;Prs, Stenograpae'N and Tel- A lilt of Wor inen'w ('llal_Y (rnnl 00 10 00
;5 $7
jnurn0.v of xlwnl[ IIley ne•1-stpy. 1,114140. who laystght pound nn eyrty ,•ern 11.0 (0f ,4.o (11 \ vlalr a iK" n -ento if I annual Nlin gDay r 4.n Ihel l (haul ally other in Westetil \II this No.""stn'.. We have to K' ninny is Tile whole store
srcenty nnhw anon 1 1 P" .' of Ihr innlwent4 41st TluuykN¢iring I►a% K I
Oita- Pince to till- e.lher 4.4111141 he i4.. tile- Afr•iean" las Anivaira were in 1bevily. If 1faiN iN fill. (1,"aln'f•nl (t slitt1gls10-r whirll is vertninl)• n nntarll'. Individn:rl instru1-lfon
Mile d11cr(1 by Ane -half. As it wonlet Iw'loy n 'latest "'fair ii,daled UIP tight or their nwtel (ant to ofrending,nl11uivipalitie" alr;ulge .waw (0f givingthanks far (t•ndulat0.N plll'•w) las SKIRTS lif.1"k, nnvv, brown nut] 9004.41, h xrial :It $:1.7.1, :mil
9."41 hihultitoa-.• fI1,IN1, � 1
dinrtnoilwavIinr,itweau,dllrIN•tIPa. fan• f•Ilowllirn to fre"lont. Til1.NN who inGrell Iirilain it is lite le wonder if I'llifix roseitel. There- twty I,• Ihly (tilt] rfighl rLlsa•s. FIJIer Ally
hath tow•llm. '1'lw to) pllo•em nrr Mills- would exellide. Lhr 3apanrw� I" Ihr lxditirul corruption Ilwie is rapidly -ane narrit or rxeiteleent in sh•sllinKI 1111,'' FURS If Avv iall Naive coil a dullnr tar two on It ore ea(oa
1'hineNr rfostl 01"Ilolt m4. t]l•nv'ilig Ihr I.•f•nming it thing of til,• rnht. \fern I)iK ,(ani", which nul,v Is- us,Yl fur For Catalogue write TT nn11T. 1s It worth vonr while % !f wt. give you lett fret as
ilarh NiulAlel both ant air 41st nae 1 fokml It'll the• wmftorl Jt"stltat•tioll of ti t )n -I til,• N:uur, for b•s+ numr will > j
went by 1114. lake ;anti the in11•rnnt,yly.yl ''fight elf fill-.,(- iwoph• to the heelnnl tar,• o"Ilally %%illiug Irl Jra.10 ally suet of hints, wplirri•Im, rt:.. van hail• no GEO. SPOTTON, WINGHAM y. )'off have r► hook :
It oundary, Io th :I! the Pled air nail- which ihry ,'Inion fur themselves. wrunKdoing vvh0n they are emivinved gwdl'9ih1, Bilda, were the farlile", _ ___ Reliable Goods all the time
111. 1'allgrinn'-. 14.1'1) in the 4.0 11- that it. 'da,•s n41t nv ;\ little bit of h'fendm, if,, latest#. g"ml Iflail hat -114. Ana - and Bargains
way lines which give ibe towns - their 1 K fail)*." to kill then. the soingbir-1.,rhP,•cinlly, •e1.111.111�•444•♦♦♦N 1♦
only (Ingle(. ff t" flat- pn•Nenl c"ll- In,•nl l'f "revilprovily" in entirely m4.- this sort a.f nu,ilii-ine freight do g(NKl' i„I/•ri111e:IN Well as (t Nhanw. Ihm'l * LARGEST AND BEST (very day at
n••rlian to flip east ea. -Il f(0wn -...111,1. ''lnvfn,:Ifig. 'rise. Weslerfi n3lhms on Ihis side of the Atanii... d11m,t. CENTRAL
m iti jive" to. the north cold wnlih, 1110. h ave rt11,h0-d' wid nI161tPat#.Ii Ile __ The Pot and the Kettle:
11Allnfartll•ing,l•aw111111.•I,•i,61xild11111.,. (1HPn1n111:11ian4.1N•rwplirJ P01-161114 'If _ Ia.1,.....11%......1. ,% �/��K
Falling Leaves. \\'r hare. nl4nit rerun 141 Ih0. );nnvlu C�� ����lfG(J/ I_� _
illte rl-.1",fr hOth t.,w'll" w•otliil tee IN. n. Iheir land,, rorinplel lbeni with __ hi41n 1131. if (h0. wlftoryl of a ��.
`err I.- Ihut Nohiy Iloorr dual
4. Ilted. Willi tilt' p11�be•lel line fl•(0Itl aspfnnl nut] 1nuu, Owe" thf•"t ;,11.41... Pu•1} new"- •,,
.ill.( hide fa, hollow. Awn•wed bniw n. pa{K•t•s w'rr-to d#.yule ...4.V halt their ST.1'{ATFOaD, T. w�
Owen Sound to Snrstia this whole hake "Anti exonsPl#.N 41f while• slum's devil• %,a. fell Pl,alist 1%P .furl : eirm-t and #.rangy t" the I.P.t•aint of I • liv h•ing I I ... Iw•-1 s-hn.d
s')ore district would hot',- a develop. fir", 110-1114.11 Nilh flat- runlrmpf Of Arms. 11-trnnirr.l.tit klq:a4. I.,!.ut I (•yil rind the prn(nati(rn of righteous_ Z inns ln...... (0#. Ill- I,utr.or husine.
J•Itilrfm4-Pavivilbanlion Ihnt is(01114-1. To-tm,ueeYmunerrda)-4.1",11 neaawithinthl•ir"tvil larlviu"tend(0( Iraiuifi -.4-11414.1 in \\'e"t,rra Orr
fri nt of its ow•n. try 1:0 of IN•inK & 1 K �� ft--.--._-_
:.std in h41nw wage hu,4•lieal. In our %%ilb.4noul.n-twlotldmlon. training, :LII Muir henry artillery Lu in. /lnr rnrnlne.tll ngninr•x-
fringe on the ru11nty by the rnhl• stgninat the m,•l'Illld1-pis i1 flit- ,llher peels tl)nt ref n rear Ago. %%'hv'r ,
oavn :Ind y0.(. Ili(• h:;l"h•rn anticus Llkr )on, pd live ill •nnn.v II'll,
The Prapa"iitlw of 11N tntnrlo At"i nt,,,r)•rla-pa,)'fr(•bl" ha'"i+ prosy they tvoubl prola61.h 11-1-o111pli.b ♦ It r111me41urro1lrYl:Ynrrti"'IY"'Kll ♦ i HATS OFF TO THE
r ••olfl r puu'IirAll)' no ulrj(•rtirm 4.n 111111•e g(KNI. It.M witlt a flillt. heli',. Ott • nn.+ir1.41,06•nl %villi " 4Y•IAIIN(m its ♦ •
1\PAL S1Me ltailw:ay nfTNr;1Ie:lwrn- Alatut+InnerhrrirlK"Iarm+Aar: 1
a par• Ilio"prrl (0f Kel-111 Ing the dNmil•el• \\'rMprli Irn'elh•1'M' at Ilse point of , Id -1,111 oar Wiritrr. i4.) bt:711. la's. that lite nttnt•k i" inside. agnil-st S , hatKe 4.r 41or Commercial, Short-
Ihr 3\•rsle.rl) tnv0.11#.cY' half Kora• vNliearrrlMnuth.t -leaf. of IiPNII1, el'II \rhPn Ili(• "nle,tilulP otTf I is hand and TrItTPraphydrpnrtnent.•. r
c'nnrrti41n, and wt. hope ih:11. the it -Of nutrkrd with the soma. brand. All nut •ra.innl•N nhtniu 91441 Style Leaders4.h,• liasltlf•rl little is nut ••pyo,that Ilnnluol Lift-'. io)an.11"•:1.41". IunmG•i,uiltie.arnrte•1'mYl will 1111 work 1'hr lttnck lark" NIn00-rity nix( -1aw0-a • Ir41hilionY. 1'41st uuy' e•nl4.r now•. /✓
If•aliflvtogether lip hr'fn; Ihepinjrl•1 y'nlllhfnk llu•ealhf•n ft-llstwunght La Ury.luiurdlrp�r..bna'gnirk)r.H.1w IMHralx%Pl'yr1'Ielia#1. ♦ \\tllr(41r4111theePrtl1141gnr. ( •
t 1 n ,.nrressfll issm. 11.1 v'nu du,' hp! "Do Onto olherac what Th,• 11111.- ahrn-.lneentc ro.,•-1,'Ir•v, • ,if#. r TT A McLACHLAN, • '
ioNi h11neL 111. a.'en Ila :,11.1..4! Some Reasons for ihanksgning. ♦ ♦ We ate to 410
.%, -,it Wea1Jet like. ill h#.Im in 611 In %All.•. I'rinrilnl..
.- " Yet ).•h:w•kulKN lh-.imt of+priow, �•i.aliord lMvu•oll. • S.• p p
'I he Alegi--Saxoncl:linl" Ihr Ii hl las 211R1111111at�♦4♦♦♦♦••9440♦
K .4,e1h•I1 ib,• lu.loorrverydhin,r, hl Slrntrrnd we h,lve ritIise rnr grnI- % Show you the newest
MR. CANTELON'S LETTER. ,ea,ule (h0. w'It4110- wand avrl'. In f11r-I %%'lin.• Ill• I. -u" 1.11, dl.'nwlulr. ittak• in Ilse fart 11i nt still. pulpit" nor
Ti--.." hr 11111st rmlrr-1t- fill- . 1 e .. I � miutr14Y1 fav- Initralc e I �.
w w right - H I .. milllNh.ton In 111, t ulahm 11 risen There a sm n lit ICS In S t d
Weare Kind to IN- nh,t- tit Pnhlisl,
. wKa
,Int-. �� ' /
tun• ring' alm,ot: their ',11111 oily ;ill -
(hie work n Ir11-l. frynu one, fanner
IY1i" is n 11nliasnll gnesti(0u' Int] nn"
drrsars, ;trial the b1 -k nf-verything
1'111'n'w";Ind hig"lei wits Yet r"nsllil•-
%cun9lownsm:yn Wait. A. Ciintelon.
which 11111"1, Is- hettlud by -flit ,I '11)11
In,uN. !Then I.,) n111•fa is iwing said
flow of lo'nnrouver. on the 1111101 Moo-
n4a. (thole. While British Cohimbir,
Tell This in Wall Street.
(thow ,xditi(•,61 cot•ngltion, Milli •when
putel elimotti"n of Oriented fnu(ligra.
is m,•"t divertly affected, the votwap-
the 11"u, ,Ir. Foster wnxe•A Phnioent
tion. F'MP Anil h,Ink di. Ilmsion of
•1,14•'14'1'" 41f unr netil)n in denling with
310. 1'oekshutt weaflld hn4•r 1'nna-
level. the mf till- I.blwrnl Cah
ilwt at Ih.Imwn, it is rerlainly ivh„sh-
the Ale.
11 1 ill fnl 1, h v
p u 611 idea i. 4.o Iw
s '
fill, 1 t. ,e 1
t 1 q 1 U n wall a tinlfonal in rITrP6
-1i,4n-. Adopt afar 1'ttit"Il Slnt1•" Itu•i11 lea
inK fl' fawn• ntrn w'hn h:Ic,• lived in
welcomed, ;hill it Ira 3 KINK] 411110-11 for
:111-1 IO1y imh...11 have ;► very fill.
At Ineatlm of prevenrinw Hnancin, (r•i++em.e
i)ttlat\•;l derhlre, as til• Rev. (all-,
twill, vmintry� »'hell the %lung men
Ivaebing nwult in delermining our
PIIna1• 6141st'1 PrPrvlKKly laugh !
Stilton did. in his AJJ1ess, that hr "taw'
take ah ,4011'4. Anil mlelligrnt inters(
fntn#r Irbtli•n1N w,i11t fhr Ori-ntal lea
AGUttdgted Profession.
s l nnira of the family eaf IUP or Si.
Wilfrid IAtanie, "Till INmnrh of 111'.1
fn nntiunll nftairm. Air. Canlelon
limns, which nrr( jest stw-akening law
IAlnlon F.... 1111,-
neahility, that lo••!Itrv.•Saltonlrootd
mdyocatem very nhty tier• excltlalOni,t
ole IeAiiZAt(In tar their {xlwer• Atilt
Me'nof furllll)e will) Plana lt/ traitl
meenoenrruptian. Have the I.ilwr,lisI
midi. of the itpnnigratiost ryaPation, rand
possibilities. At, the• 4tnnr tittle, the
for a life tat the high"l, its"fidn"wo find
of the Dontlninu not nnrlther lenmmi
the rnKr whi,•1 he presettim i" pn'l4al)lf
1N`aPIP of h:a-.1(•t'll 1'tulad+► tralirc their
indep•ndenre now l a)k to the fnrm
l.a11Pl. 111,4,1 th1• f c-t„ry or the forofes.
far thalkagicin¢ tat having as
Ion ler n )anti ImisOw-Ym'llg %,(+,1 arhnr-
as "tiong ms run M• "fall,- out tmnl
daily of ay11tixat.ity ail (her%- will' eon-
sillrv. It is n reueer in winch Ilr1
liter? •
theft Nlnnt]pl)int. We tlulht not, how-
.ider theinseltes agglievMl toy Lhr
+nifloi,nt of rawmiwlition run dnw•n A
This Editor Wants To Know, You Know.
eve', n,lstw b, Raw mlrhnllengo4i the
presen1-r 41f Ihe• Oriental And waulll
1°'111• l'1' Mrve hila to a faster Prive
thall IIP 1•IIIN mil,.
1%n..1.1M 1, sentinel Ito•, ICN'
y UI S an
Overcoats for Fall and
Winter --- every gar-
ment fresh from the big
� ' /�
tailor shops in Toronto.
They are full of quality
and style ---the kind of
"ogatrstion filial, h.a,trl.ners are not ,in welcome a molnlil'n of Ihr gnowtiun Alt-. Keir 11,41,10., ariUn of ilia - � � style that lasts 9tf long
a {Klsitiadl to judge arm to the Nitlratitln Ihnt cmild be rest•bwl h1• otlwt' Whit the Liberals Have Not Done. (' t'rn R 1
in I1tiLbmh Colllmllla. Tho"e on the
witl,ide of the gale often ser mute
clearly than the players thetilselvem
what is going on; and it is not as-
auming too ulueh to aupPone thAt
people in Eastern CanNda having
aCrPa11 to many ..,ewes of reliable
Hrmt-hnnd Inf(ItxnAtirn mitAsding con.
ditionm in llrtlish Colnnsbin Inlay have
finite as thorotaRh a grs"p Its the settle.
ation am 01011" wltaw, Ihoogli lining in
the district tn('st IwAIIv aliened, tatty
inenin, 11,111 thnt or hrute rot•re, whirl'
iA not roomimtetit either with the
idealm of Hri Limit freedom or with the
teachings of Chrintianity. The new
President of Toronto university snid
hignillcantly the- other day: • Wt.
(Ind that Men are quehtloninR tilt -
light of peoples to live- on errlain
iia of the earth's xurfm-P. other
nations may larihe who hl tiorn nay
cloc11tir'tl nor right.. If thesr queAtJ4xR4
are rort in the spirit., of selHshners
Hnudkrrd ENlarwi a.
Wit;y iniinense expenditlln•m in per.
feeling water and nther tranm{x,rta-
tifn facilities', and RPnel-Ally imPn,v•
ing the Position of the proper. the
Libernls halve practirmlly not ad(leo(i a
dollar to the• nehlir drl't of ('..nada
The aoir rrP(�It of that groat enter•
print- iw1ong" to the tlonmervatives.
The West is Not Elicited.
Moose JAw Titers.
Thr audience which Rr'eeltem) 11). 11.
1.. Ila'.h•" IAnL night In Ahs.", .flow
Water InlNleately larga, but not eveu
Inn, 11 1 xlwnPtirws, sa)m tttel.e wit,
nne (Art float grellly m11rpris(YI hien.
Thiswns that the F:nitlishiHmmtigrnnts,
es,wvially the lowndonera, nue n41t
,x)ptllnr in Cariadok lar nrl•nir.s
I het him visit wlt.l 1 O 11uM•iP41 to Per.
mit hili( to dogmatic". it is a pity,
therefore, ,link he did wot atav Inrlg
enough in IhProunlry to enable him
not only to cet ify his firm( int n,•hsieana
)"Ato get. tat, the ova. on w'Iv the
twol!,le Me till{N Pnha'. &-()I(! hone",
\ N.1hm1•n, IrfX,m.n And t+kandinay.
iAn,,, he Nay., atte the Nvnfites in the
111 dry- na'lteol. Thr IAln.1111 a IPrsrl
t11 Ile Among the ...]Kraus. But W]
as the garment lasts.
We guarantee a perfect
fit and full satisfaction.
$15.00 to $20.00
t.o Il....l..lit. �