The Signal, 1907-10-24, Page 108 Taunimv, tkGolier 24, 1807 REPLY TO A. E. L. 't'o Ike Editor of TW Itipu.l. DEAN SIK. -May I be AHOWea mptWe in yourpalate W reply lu the t•rmat•kN of "A. 6 L to your issue of the 1711 1 quite agree with illy unknown friend that to this naonte lou% (Iota• tiu11 there is more than our side, at indeed isetrue of all delatablr sub - jowls, bill I wish to point out What Berms to file defe•tiv w reamoninK in the reply tial the urigival article as well as to Mid other teaNtona in support of any posit ion. Ik, tilt- Japaulese come to Camalha to, crake a wrnporar? staty, u: ••A. k. [." "ugp{r.t., lir IN their w,juuru ioernt&n<. rut r A -e'oud question will suKRra1 An a nswei ta, file first. Why did JApau fnn•r %u d IN11clwlrly the httA- wear wit It 1pussiA 'r If we tw11aider that fifty millions of souls, with .t yearn iuerrttsrof three million, are ha•inte un An arable arra little larger thou Huron county, we can more easily understand the dice emergency that goaded Japan lu desperation in the holding of Korea ; and is it plubabl, that Japanese immigrants to L'ana& will go back to the nwtricted ureas of their native hand whet the almost H limitable expanse top um• (lam dpae Prairies lies open ? 'rbc ,pup" aren't out on a financial trip alone. The) come to slay. Again, 1ega1di11K assimilation. %%'halt is late- guide in surmising the• future: IN it present lirpllpt,experi- enLe 2 Nu one can (it•fly that we can only exact what experience has taught. Hiatuc•y has repeated itselt burl- and again, is repeating itse lf. and will repeat itself as long as time endures. [to the Japanese with theii heathen doctrine., strange custom and Oriental dim tions seeut mort, repugnant to us than did the uncouth, ravage Saxons to the refined taste- of the cultured Normans And y'rt they Assimilated and each nation found an agreeable surpri.le when brought into closer lelatinns with till- other. We could quote other ex amples but further int tante is suiN•r fiuous. Neither CanadianoorJapane•se suciefy has evolved the highest per- fectiuL. and the time element sal nir•essary for tiny natiumil develop- ment must pr u oluce fav, aL lr ssinti- Iative conditions. Once more we quota. the wordsuf "A. F. L's ­i article : ,,If we welcome (lie Into, how &Input the Chinaman % At the present tittle. Japan is able, owing to her position am at world power, to prevent art)- dis- crimination against bar No'bjects. ('hill& is out. But aha k rapidly awakening to We-tel11 idra.., and intoy moon be In a position to enforce ie- •tl s t. And when rile time a trie t a, their is little doubt it will, when Clain:t demands etual rights With Japan. Zwill Canaala fir ;n a Im,sition t4. m- me : Now. sir. to coy mind these very words pre rent tine of flat- most weiKh- ty reasons why Causula should throw askie her premest :antagonistic sruti- ments towards Orientals. tram Can- ada afford by her frigid exclusion to estrange a people who in n me6e air- cade hence shall from the heart of her- hitherto erhitherto cotularativeiv unknown do- minions he able to per out wppon I hr white Tuxes of earth, tinder the leader- ship of her capable, experienced slo t)- dauQhtrr, Japptaan• from two to pier millions of lire lest soldiers un the globe. the fully awakened, educated, brain yy hosts of China i It .rents to Rut -,Mr. Editor. A must ramp thing, i11 view of the extreme probability of much a contingency, fur Pani It adopt mrnsurrto which mllst'wi ut doubt foster .vengeful deeiries in he minds of much intellectual heathen as actually exist right now among the better class of Chinew• and Jiapanew• =society. Strung in our hoastt1l midi• sm. confidant in the superiority of our twentieth century scientific lore. we are inclined to scoff at the thouKht of danger from the Fast ; total fai ts, hare, bald farts, which Are at hand as we write. are daily proving their. to 1 he white races of earth, with file guilt of their past injustice to the Fast %till 4.n their hands, the yellow peril is it dead- ly Menace, lu which we in Canawla have hitherto been stubbornly blind. When, however, the p--milde cloud of war rolls up alonK tour western hot i- zon and the tripir-forked fiashrt and mutterinK nrvrrberatLiutls of the wrath of torn• hundred trillion inen is evident, then perhaps we will realize the mMl folly of our present pr4.- judice, Abhorn•nce, of a aloe so nfltni- festly our waual% in the light Of ttre•tr opppoortu n i tire. Nrilhrr liner aur sFjaura Fwrfilit rot• further dim mission of I, us sit ojecl, and, while in sucorl with swine• of "A. I., ­ L's" sentiments. I ani still if the opinion that. Canada can ill afford to exclude and bent., ant aagqonizr tura races of people whom- parxim itlitiem for achieyemelt in any direction rtibarave• infinity. yours troll •. WMHT1lAN. CHURCH NOTES. Hey. .1. 11, Anderson, If. A., of Beatlharnuis, Que., will conduct the service in Knox church next Sunday evening. Annivrrwary service. in cuutlerlion with Victorin mtreet 1let,hiali•f church will tae hold nextLSuullAy morning -told evolving. Into- pastor, Rev. It, %%'. Milh•nnt, will pwnch ofn IN -11, occsaiocs. A recent ninnher of The C AIgary .News con11rin. Ian mc•coont of lin- induction of Ke%'. Albert M ahaffy, bat- "of Port Elgin, Ihll., its pastor of St. Andrew'- ehticrh, KIM C'algnry. Mr. Alahmtty is A fort Albert old IN -y. A thanksgit ing-ervive will be he•hl in Northmtt•-el Methodist chor.•h on the morning of ThnnksKiting Doty. Thursday, OC IAN•r 31-41, cunmienciog AI 11 o'clnl'k. It it ext rdrd Ilint Ife%. J. C. [laid, of N1t•, W I deliver rut ap- propriate mein oil on.l hat orcnl,ion. 'rh, congregation of Knox church had the i/leaamutr in sp lidav evening of hearing Re%. ,.1. 1►. Anderson, of H eAuhnrnoim. Qtminec, ,1 brother- of the riator of til, church. A nolo, "The blican," was sting daring the ser. vice I'y All•.. ih►w•, who pros•awet A beantifll voice and it %,err pleasing manner. A Great Methodist. The MethoiliNlrhtn•h of Canada lost one of its strent(•mt figures last week in the death of Ito..1ohn Putts, tIII- edocot tiontal tweretnry of the ch11n h. DI'. Potts. Will)I1Ml IN•erl'-tiling for Wattletime, diel at him bume in Turunn on oloattednewIlay nllorniDg. D'. MAIN was la►rn in cotmty FernlAnagh. Itelatlil, in lkfl, and was only seventeen year; of age when fit- einivinlel to the United Staten. He Afterwardio nla.le his way tel conadaa and it, WAN in HaM- ilton, under the preaching of the late Charles invFll. that he received the Impetus, towards entering Ministerial work. He entrtael Victoria College twit as the tyro of twenty-three as- -nroed his first charge ,as aaaho(Ant piwtatr in London. After thin he filled iner•AaainglyS imiwsrtant pastoral charge" and In 1Mt he wam appllntel RrIAVIS1 rut trtxry of education for Ihr• church. This piaMons h• filled until the, time (If him death, with R"At distinction and with marked beuellt fo Ihr rdiwAtiu11lLl intemats all Meth- a"tisnl. 'tilt- funeral Um,k ,lkre• oil 1'1•idny and w al. otle of t l.• roue4 impVeA"I%e rrer wt•n it the oily u( rur o. It is uuderatuoll that J. W. (jrabittil, 1•el'rnlly ap puinted AmAstaul aupsriutendent of Ftivacation. will rile- verl Dr. Pntte. PERSONAL MENTION. Howard Elder spent Salwtay at Iris hoiae in ; Aertill. Miss karr'lyr rruu'netl its AtawlaY irow A .south. rL.it fn Turotto, Mrs. Vllen S lbw- lett this v,wkfur lAoillou, wuerr.ht• will 'pend the winter. 3.16, Iteta Salkeld Iws roaru«t from a wrek'a %trot at :aeatorth land vicinity. Woat* +orry It report Ihat Rev. flenjundt Volt i• still in it, %cry week Condition. , Mn. Wer.l 1. H. Waliwln, of In alms. has hen apxnulloot it few dAys It town [him week. allw. Iluuarlas Iws n Ioaruvat to IUs I., a flue -I at the home of Mr. and M's, ll, .A. Hukerlauu. THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, 0NT4R10 The Sovereign Bank of Canada NIA'- 0riaCa-TOnON10. Potato VI C.Al.al a- Ie..rOO.Owe. lk"u aS Y 1 t,10Y f .. y la, 3181111, q. - 'TYL i/l N.nom ra yl.1L314 D,ItaMy.'st-rrrb.l IA. A. ALLAN, Jiq., - r,./Ylerrrt,ei..l L. YclhuAx AYt&. 11YIea LL, IL)r. A F:. Uyrtut. $q, .y IIL. Yat as Ilcl,aaaa, W. It. arc Naooar, Iraq— M r. Aar:. aarca, $q., Z.C. P, I, t.YaaLT. - C%r.r kAfM A(ra R CAuat.. - A.M. ti--i-Af--49W Savings Bank Department , law.& w hcM curtest at.. Paid y,eaoWly. li mtv nIt Ilnulcli A. PlllrITH .ltuutllrr. %%,, ar" atmet. J W. 11mirrick. of Wnduu. was it, low it the - work. Hof+;at F.Ca-rat IooLirl& Ana•rhi- ku.b NEWS OF DISTRICT. uses- lateral.!. At Faeter. W. and Mr:. AI rt K. I oa uud +oil, of It.N,fhlon Al lens. Are 'L'umfi Air. toss _. assn teat, Afn.. atatuurl Cast. _ .I .hal Nur unroof. of St rat ford. is alt Present nn .%1 r. Itaukiu, of N ingh•ut, %% 11.1 balm . , ,sit to hl- wain, law and dauirlel•r. AIT. Alta I sryielely in jur&d by cul Alto wtille cul• ii,.. J. 1. Mts,m. Eliot dr""t, title wotal risently, it; improving. J wdlla Ik,ylr was it, Seiforth leste"I&Y rout ,Ir'ioa the Meru -a of the osourt a( mrlrluu. .James, Brown, ex-Reeve of Huron Procto were IMappal+to IN, ll with. township, will. wens badly sh:ake11 alp ora Philip H. 1116nou. 0,11hu•livillr, is 1.t• a fall from his barn, is gradually -d Dyl het W,nr,t., Ms. and Mrs, Will. Arhr ifultr,vin K. `N r. ►tortes, w,w hem for a flew day. Ihis .k.Joseph Clegg, kill- well known cattle ur...'1'r t 4i WAtsua. oI +trailed. W,au luau of Hrnasrls. died Mail Friday „ AoNi kn her sou, Horace. -Intl daugroler. niKhl :&flet- a short illness. He was lalY:u,•t, is %renins at the huuN• of her -Wer. Ilrs.l. 1. Motarv. yat.l s met. au suit, Iraident of Ihr lotrdit,V. H,_ Mn. J..a. Naftrl. of'1'wvauu. .,.ad Mac HNide,+ his wife-, two sone and a dunh- d AI K deur t Ur. were u, 1..1, 1-3 %- . "A PC tel- sort ivr him. herr byy Ila - death M their sister• fili.s Naftel. Its. 'Xrtdal,r was a.n,lwniett hyher eh(1 Death of Blyth Resident. , I r•tls Mr•..1, Nothard hes Iwururd home after a oil 1L,tdav, file Ipth iusl.. Alun 't,ur also . half monde• %WI to Huston. Nrshit, beloved wife of Alex. Me - i arr"t, %a rater Hill and %I,w•h1Ar. Mr. while t'leighl, O( Htyl h,pAllsed itsfile (.11 -al -•," w.tsait'.a) he Half m Iertd short Irip• Wyant. after al Illneeas of x week's I hr areae.: Frank Hl -hop. who re•run) ulwt•r wool&' sue delt•at"toll. Itwre:awed, Who wam in her •moralism, L,r Aytlendecil i. At Ale.andra ho -pi nevput%sixth veal', was It native of t .1, i+ pmgims-tot very fa%orably Hi- "a+e Irrla11al. For• soul• veers prior to her ,,a,, a %.I$ •ritr,d oil,. uud his Iriruds am I..neh vl"a•«t at h;- s,"al a", oaery, murriaKr she resided Willi hot- parent. It. 1.. Abaa :'sinal,. prim -trial of the liashwual in 114.1'1'a,. She was :I woman I,( ster- rublir school. writhta to renew M4 'atw•rip• 11"K apunlilirand was held ill high t to The signal. wvs: "It,,ad reank&rll' And s eNtA•l-ln b%' I& -large cilr•Ir to( aelhlain- I,i.edl) ray h.i--nr ,utd Ball rau;n ta•ma.d in the to fleet. IfrNidr. ilei• Luna old. otr old town. to w'hit•h I .•%I..rt to mount after New Vawn to re+uulr sl twin ;it the farNutriadaughter and Once sous, two brothers. I;. t. 1. -­----­-- lohn Nesbit. of Purl Hole•, all Jana •s Cost of Transportation. I.Neshif, of HlytIt, all-vive. I - ••Ify sea frights 1•hk•. IN•, tun per I mile. Conlon Moral -keeper Fined. ,ant- railrhuls It-. Iter loot Joel- afaile. Cliulon. Ot.l. '_'.l--liefole Police ••Hy- goo4l IraMIM Joel- I0u per MAKislrate Andrews here today feu - mile. lieu (irahai n, top the C;rahaiul hotel, •'Hy ordinary erallrilry rutalm--'LM•.,%%a. rho gmt with selling liquor after per toe her utile• hour- (i,rahaun plendel not guilty. Ninrto parr cent. top ever-)- haul by hill after hearing Ihr e•vid••nre the .Ir:ualsbi o, railroad airexpre,,m nitlmt. hr I uolgistalle itopose1 Jt tine of $1101 and atar'ld Illy wagon lir trucuk' overt aiytists. it iwingA ec sond otleni.e. Thr hiKhw:ay, It rusts file falle•. of Ihr cumis were $Il.lki. .t'trlwr Attorney United Slvtrs 11ratl_y three time" Seager, of (hoderich, neleol for the note lh:ala those of Furlpm• Ito market I., 4.11tiun. not tela d tonnage of Laron presllucts." The alKovr ilrntK priutrd un the stn- Runaway at Seaforth. li-lie ry off It. %%-cud King. floc in- %ent4oflbe split -lug drag, emhra,r. `ieaforth. Oct. '=1. -A rather Nab Ihr pith of It dozen xeruton% toil lbr -plash-up etecurril on James strct ne•esmity for more prat -tical Attention V"Ioratory ,/fle•rnatan in Io Mrs. lier, of re to rural ted imptraveuent. Think l"Killop ltownship. and het- two little over. then. !stir up voor Inumeipwrl Kiril-, who wale driving I111011,A the i and Irgi.httivr replrtwntalivrA on the street on their Clay home frau town. subject of itrtnerlinte road imprlve. 'rh. hop -a• bc.-ai nr frightened and ran talent. Farinpr's Advocate. ;away. All three w•e•e thrown out and one of the girls was quit.- w•riotsl' in. 1 '1'h 1 I' If f• h An ,. ntaughl Cow. Irown on it .tellNltbf•1'll plantartiu11 file daily hands Were *is istouarl to do. the milking winaltin_g down in a jwun- itia'e ta.hion, until the owner inline ducel Milking atools with other itl- proveortls. Halt the initial rxprri- ill,eul with the billovation wait not -ex - .telly it .urr,•s- The darkv who first 'alliedfullh with flat. slot.), IvIlit-lied hooked »Fiat buttered :Ind `with an efilply plait. `, 1•1 done any last, sail," If-, explained. "11141 stood 14N,ked :Ill right Iti 111 but de hlaurel cow mbe won't sit un it - Woluada Huns• Companion. Preferred the Obstruction. An ex••rptinually pretty girl tvil,11 an EviKlimh thaw Iieuteenmint alt her side WAN stranding on a vhair un the pier earth• ing the roaring at tau English regatta I ecently. On it chair behind were twit Frenclanion. Thr Indy turned [.island and said in French : "I hope 1 ,to out ohstru.•1 vote view." 1lndrmniwellr," quietly repli.tl one of file lnrn, "1 nulch.1prefer the n1.- .1ructiun to the view." ' Can the entente vorliale grow it floor flower of vourte"ir than that, Pretty Close. ,;Total." said flat- voting wife, "flu nfl•aid you 4111oke If". much. It's vnp tiny' your cigar toy the hundred- weight eSannrthing like that'.- any dear." te- F4 diel the mam--line eod dof t corn. Dine. ••1 tiny then iry the hundred and flat- noun waits fur flim Money." Similarity. tltubh "1't-., Ihr .falley Knrdener trial, namel hi..ppf•ial rmdimb after his sift.." Penn "Itathol' it Wru•lt (•alta►pbi- Ment. Did he ray why he did No Stuhb •'Yrs, hr avid they nev.•I' agreed with hilt." Naturally. •• What, as dollar• it ranlntl fur tet !" excbtiniel the• customer. "Isn't that too strep inn'slnb" a hoovered the ho11r%1 grmr•ry►nnn,"aall telt in to strep." After all, the Grote thmt comes; to III.• no,efmge loan is but it 11111.1.14. cAusel toy blousing hilt own horn. jol•e . 0 lir-t 111.0 Its• 10111 t r bugKy and similar all Ihr harness soft(] ftonnd ill way home. Fire at Kincardine. Kincardine. Oct.. '2:t-. -I'hr I:argr frame• building on till- north side of Har►lrn• st'e•o, known 1w the Hi fht- un-yeri.all nlN•k, was hotu... I to Ihr ground last flight and rite w,a1.•houo.e on list. opposite side• nr the slower, wits Iwoolly s"n-ched. The works were built early in the seventie", with is view to sopplyiuK the American r11al•- ke;, I. Mr. itightttneyer, at mail of ronsiderible wealth, who came here front New Turk. lilt was shipped by boat fill. Monte years tis Chicago, hilt owing 1. a change in the tariff the arks err• chased. and have been c est a ntl11ata•r alt veuro. It is not to wn whether thele wait any ins lr- an1•e "r nit. The office of flat, bomber vointia nv was alae burned. The f ,son why Wolse•II'm stoves :u•r Ihr ours li I,uy this' aretile best. ','hitt'. a'hv. IGuy Brost, Minstrels VICTORIA OPERA HOUSE Wednesday, Oct. 30 30 PEOPLE 30 1 grand Electrical Effects. Elegant Costumes. Finest Dissolving Picture Ma. hine eves seen. 20 Expert Dancers 20 10 Big Vaudeville Acts 10 15 Solo Vocalists 15 DONT MISS THIS ONE. SECURE SEATS NOW. Plan open Monday noon at Harry Edwards' Restaurant PRICES, 35t, 5oc. CHILDREN, 25c. Whole Gallery reserved at 5oc.- Reliable Shoes for Work innn Men if you want it Kook solid leather pair of shoes for work come here and see what we have to offer. Our experience shows it,, What shoes are worth. -It prevents us paying too pouch for them, so that charg- ing too much is not at all necessary. WE HAVE YOUR SiZE OF SHOE We have the shape that tits the foot comfortably, and never ask you to }pay any more than the very lowest price they can he sold for. REPA1 RI NG. Downing & MacVicat North 111(lie of Sgiiarc, GODERICII: 2 -OCTOBER BARGAIN DAYS -2 SATURDAY and MONDAY, the 26th and 28th HERE is a list of thirty-two bargain specials for next Saturday and Monday. Not one but is a genuine bargain and a money saver. Broken lots from a month's brisk selling and special purchases, bought under value, .must go out Saturday or Monday. We have made the prices low enough to tempt economical buyers. There will be other specials that we have no room to tell you about here. Come any time you can Saturday and Monday. Pillow Shams, 25C t du%ell Swiss till -1111 Pillow `trails, all inches wpuale, nicely elubrtidel el. Haegullar ilk• I., 'Aro-, special. bargain days. your 25c r1101ce each ......:...•. DrliLsrr t(•lal:w to nultch,l#x C, in., reguinr t4•,bargain days ........... ...... .. 25c good violate it Ihat. Ha1..10c gain days. IN•c yurd.. . .. $3.75 Underskirts, $2.90 ladies' silk linishel Muirelte Petticoats, cut very full, exty wide frill 1411.1 runic. Hvic al I 2 (k(k K11.75. sale int fur lar. $2.90 g.tio dao-. ...... ..... .90 1 -fl I . that ever ciruasd our counters. W and hoc Dress Goods, 35C Nenriy:001y'atrlNalltold. F':oly tweed suitinRK. colored I)e,- liexals 4.ryarinnK kinds and wam• fancy blacks. A clean-up of Hues that sold lit alk. Iaor and per' yArd, choice bargain days ... ...............- 35c - - 7- Fancy Silks, 35c Perhaps about 175 varls in thi-. Odd ends of fancy sills and plain shaules. Lengths ran fulfil two to Ilse Yards, regular i:ie to $I ill vhnice ioorgain days, per 35 I2' --c White Cotton, 1oc 1111 yards extra quality English %%'hill- Cottot, full yarl wide, lice, mood, even Ilurad. cumbi is finish. A special lot bought direct from the maker, regular 1'2t,c and good violate it Ihat. Ha1..10c gain days. IN•c yurd.. . .. T1-"""` chnicr per yatad.......... 9oc Dress Goods, 55c %%'c are waft• in saying that this Is flat- het Drs O(aKiN INlrgaltl that ever ciruasd our counters. About -NMI yanlm all told. Filly rpuaality, all wool. matin cloth, goo K1 weiKht, lustrous finish, 1"ought direct from the formal who iniodt- them. Sold everywhere at Irk• to $1,101 Joel' ya►nl. The utrlivarp whole•side prier would Imp higher than What We Are asking for thelo ti:u•gain days. Navy, Klan. revs. brown and black. A very special latgain Saturday anti Mundaay, pier yarl........ 55c 1,11Nrllesm has It -ft 1111 With a ht If IT American Batts, 2 for 15C Nearly 4191 of thein, large size Anieri(vtn cotton batt.. Just the thing for quilts and comforter fill- ing. Regular like, our special for Saturday and Monda2 for 15c y .......... thew is ion end in the lot you can I Yard ... c I- 15c Wrapperette, 1oc .lust flop lir mix patterns in this lot. 011od quality Fuglish wrap- petette• suitable for waists. child- Veilings, IOc ren'sdresses, wrapperst, our. Neat patterns, all new, regular lac, special Satunlay land Mon. 1 OC IO or 12 patterns in silk net veil- day• per yawl .......... ings. blurs, browns. Krays and blacks. Regalia" L'x', 3le And Mic. choice (of this lot larg•tin 0c I days• iwr pair .. ........ 1 Dress Shields, 9c .'At pair•. extra atuiality Stocki- ortte Dress Shield.. Sold all over. at 124c, guaranteed perfect in every wav, mpecial hatgain 9t- days, per pair ............... x7 Lace Collars, Soc. 'L15 only fnn"y Isar• collaar fol ladiem' And rhililren's w4.Ar. Inst tin" of variium lines !hilts ld :.t 77x• and $1, choice bargain 50c days, t-Mh •.. Linen Collars, 5c Indira plain and fnnry linen "olhors. all .izc•. in Ih(. Int, ball iol of Italy one kind. Regular 1.'N• And bks, choice hatgaill 5t- day. Moire Petticoats, $1 V, ladies' lthwk Moire Peltiroalm, 11tMle very full with de•rp frill and "ounce. an exceptionally KINNi Karnl•nt, very special for $1 Ilau'Kain days, eaa,l) .... . Tinted Novelties, 19c ('la•aning alp of oar evil it-,- tiile.l rinvpltiem fill- embroidery. white, natlrld and lahle linen groan( N. GC2 and III inchs1Y.ep, regolar :Aro•, fie and 7iior, clearing Nor - gain days. each........... 19C Fancy Pieces, 25c A11 a.sorteneol nr l• huy glove. 11•iliog and handkl•rrhief holders• aunt of thein list nd-w(witel. Reg. olio• tall•, clearing oat Sat- urtlay and Monday. At tach 25c Costumes, $7.50 I only IAdiem' tweed and `lain lothotilormatlecontumem, Rvrry trnNlent man fmiloreci. Worth in I regular wily liver double their priep. We want to dear then out and do it quickly, mo on Satur. day yon can take your .D7•50 cholee for..... ...... Black and Tweed Dress Goods, 48c Lees tha o :la1 yards in thi% e u - lire tut, skirt and muit lengthm. fancy black dress nlaterialm and tweeds. Regular $1 to $1.50 per yard. %%r want to Intake it (leaf- ing oil, of Ihim lot, Mo on bargain datvm you can take yourQhs 48c chnicr per yatad.......... 35c Hose, 27C 75 {Fstirs rilthel cashine•re home, 25c Handkerchiefs, 2 for 25C lien• is idle of the bent iutl'KIa Ills -f Iheday. Over llo0)lMlies' fancy yw•1.m enshrolderd handkerchiefs, itsplciatl purchaw• from one of the higge-t obbei-m in the balminess. lteKulalr3kand '..'^Mgood". Choice of Ihr entire lotnn tuft•• gain days, 2 for.... .... 25e ak, Old Kull, green, while, 1n•alu I Remnants Two months' extra good fall 1,11Nrllesm has It -ft 1111 With a ht If rennantm allt:dl kinds, especially in utters goods. Walt have IrMI thein Al nla rked and gathered tlp Allot plot oft IL IA►rKain table. )'(-if will flood it at the IsM•k of the store with nil reninanl. ivarket at prices that are very lit I], - More than half their worth. If thew is ion end in the lot you can Ilse. you can buy it at it price thAL will undoubtedly ewe you money. Heavy Bleached Table Linen, 28c All Wool Carpet, 43C Regular hoc. All wo(.i carpet., roll r'ate'd wide, I eversl hie patterns, good weight.. Four designs, colon of rel, brown and green. Quality thAt will wear well. A clearing Int iNurght very much under value. HeKtdar floor. Bargain daym we pamm it 43c along to you at per yard Hodgens Bros. Direct Importers GODERICH, ONT. Phone No. 25 $1.5o Flannelette Gowns, $I.19 Ladies' Flannelette (;owns, Mule from K(NKI quality F'nKli"h f arinel- ette. white, softfinish, every Kit' talent cut full. No skimping nny- whelr. IteKulAl• $'-rill, Npein ial for bargain days • 35c Hose, 27C 75 {Fstirs rilthel cashine•re home, do11111r It face. very mlrong, suitable fill' lMltrs'. lllieel, all- Nova"wear. sizes Si, 11. 111. 11). HrKul I. 27C Xw. special per pair. I i I 18 Yards Baby Ribbon, 25C ilaa adds pore Wilk luny Hildmlle, pl'u'lII'AIIi' 1•10'el'y- w'ILote•d "hl"le, sorh its ;/talk-, light blur-, rardin- ak, Old Kull, green, while, 1n•alu and black. Hsitar :k w yard. One hundreal fu 1 endo, to sell, IN y'ant" in each, choice bar- 25c gain days, perend........ -T Fancy Trimming Braids, 5c :01 yards plain and fancy triui- ailing hraids, (aid ends and broken lots, very put ulcer for trimming this season. Ilegtalar lilt• to :til•, bargain days, choice later5t- yarf............ ........ --7-1 Heavy Bleached Table Linen, 28c U(NNl quality half bleached table linen, new patterns, good weight, string weave, will give splendid wear. `special for bargain 28c days, per yard.......... hoc Table Linen, 48c Facia, artily hal( blrowhel puree linen tah I. damask, regular stand- ard fill•. quality,; one that will give it,, end of hand wear, ape- A QC bargain `DC7 vial for days..... 15C Towelling, Ioc 1101 yards only pure limen towel - Jill K. splendid for hand towels or dish towels, reel border. regular l:x•, botrKain days, yang OC choice• per yard.......... Ioc Crash Towelling, 8c :001 yartim in this Int. Irl -inch Haven crash towellinK, fnnrv, bnnler, good weight, nnakt-m first- class drying towels. re•Kllittl• Ilk-, largaiii lays• yartir choice. 8t- per yard ... ............. 7 - Fancy Collars, 5c 31 ill• •Ll ladies' fancy silk and wAimh collars.' A clean up of our 'laic lines before Christman Kncab arrive. Choice bargain daym. 5t- eAell................ ....... Plush Door Mats, 79c A dorwn extra quality 1'lumh Ings Mats, in colon if green, gold, rel And blue. Refs lar $LfOn. special for bargain Hays, 79c each ........ ... ... ... I Wide Shaker Flannel, 9t- Heavy Shaker Flannel, splendid assortment of fancyy stripes, fast colon, 34 inch" will". heavy cloth for winter nae. Special bar- 9C gain days, per ard.......... -FF- Cloth Skirts, $1.95 w e .rt- Mond to rhawn .Il the• r total skirl. not to the ia,t ant_ I_ ro.kin[ Nen^ raidtooll eh anew. In departanestfair nett tee.enn. flaraain Aar - you ran take jemir rhMaa M T to vs fen rt- tossed ails cloth atilt. th►1. said at torten $$AIn $4.10 for the very amara esAof ....................... ... 1