The Signal, 1907-10-24, Page 64 Tuut:anay, (Lktobw 34, 1807 THE TOWN COUNCIL. TROUBLE OVER CLOSING OF STREETS AT HARBOR. Proposal to Send Deputation to Ot- tawa to Seek Harbor Improve- ments John Ransford Complains of• Wharfage Charge Another In- dustrial Proposition—Thanks from Guelph. The regul.0 weelino of the loNu council wa4 held leu Friday night lass with kill the tormllrrs ill their pdaee:. streek Insksctor sande reported tl,- urw sidewalks not properly lutuk%. and a statentent faun the contractor'• Mears. HaIN•1 It Iduramrl, of 11, amount due was referred to commis ter. 'l'he coli.-ctaor tv-p oriel als,ul 021 INK) of lf1(Yf taxes collected. Thr trintunner tw{{1ulte, the 11•au• fe•lence of $5.21'L.Ol frau the lost acclatnt to the water and light caul misafou, and this was flit- occasion f,.l some further diactissi,u of the p Owe, of the costamiasion in the way 4. apruding nlsonry. sunlr of the• Cuuu elf thought the cotumiwiun should g - to like eouncil la,tore spending +lel) money, while others cunsidertl the tleasiiWr was out to Irliurse tint thotight the placing of a sunt in the elotiutates for the water and light coin mi,N[On wall tantautoont, tie Ilacin that amount At their diest"t. Mr. H.xto11's «muunnicatiou was flleol .toil tbit council a n paws -c 4 rweolution that the Uranus W be. instntetel to pay nu fttl•thr money out tell cuuleulAsiun bu4ines without the instruct ion of 111'. hr dl. A letter Containing a copy of A ors olutiou of the Guelph city coup il, thanking'the Goderich council tut• the excellent nature of the entertainment given the• rrpreseulsCivrs frau, liuelph at the fonual Il wninW of tier Guelph de Uoderich Railway, tutu+ referrel tie the rp/cial connpilte•. This was Ihe tueeting at which, in accordance with the notact-s fxostsed up as trafuired by law, the• council was to prr:t+el to plass the necessary Maw s to'cloew up cert sill stteet.h a1 the ha$'- hxor leu necomlt of Ihe ehange•s inside by the C. 1'. H. and U, Intel) kill Witter lane in place of flit portion ,f Harbor lane r closed. 4 Col. e•- 1 , )teiled is; cl aVe 1. M las DDon old was present on behalf of the railway ,tympany to,," that whatever waw dune was dune in tale ntrietly legal form and during the i)lrOgr•ss or the meeting the town solicitor was rent for. Capt. Babb was ml' -if to protest against the closing ery certain streets. Then- were letterer frau threat feat ties protto ting against the ClnsinK Of the streets and ntatinK they would b e fill- dna - huld the s r,sl 1 1 cows re ft- ages if the street" were closvil. Tilsit Hratwas front Capt. Hahlis solicitor, L, F. Dancey, who prrmiset to lake action to set nsiije the• pnort"hogs, should the council Nass the• byelaw. The next wow P. Walton's, for the Goderich Mineral Water CO., Who claimed that the closing of the streets would prevent hiru from having Access to the spring, which lir refuir ll nearly every day. The thirst was from \lira. Evangelua Hawley's solicitors and was a long do•nmet claiming that r iter of Ir access to I until ,ts u large e • e It own b • sou lie n to 11141 % txl y her. Id f , the classing of the streets. Capt. Babb was presrut las (sack lite his protest in pPt•w,n and he claimed that he would Ise preventeil voilvelli- etlt comrnuairation between his hotel and the C. P. R. station, and that. his gue"tn would have to ggte Nick up [be - hill and over the brittgP tie go from one to flit. tithe'. ('ill. Mr Donald. thought the Captain's grievance was an imaginary one and said tits railway «omfxsny hint plaid him --ler rather Mrs. Babb, for it won she they hael had t., e[o with- $2.00 for any damages, in addiLion to moving{q[ flit - hotel at their own expense. qN Io Mr. Walton'. complaint Mr. Dickin- son &aid he thought he wits laboring it • under a mistake, 4w he did still Ili Ik the portions of streets they were elon. ing up would rat off his across Ile his pm foert y. We desire ,f the 1.011 IIIaII tip IN• Ir• lieved of having to deal with any fors- sible actions for darnawps cause out in the motion of the Reeve to give lite, railway the street++ gratis, instead of charging them $'7011, if the railway cumpsany would assume all reNfsrtisi• bility in actions for damages. 'chis Course, it app eam however, Ca11not Is• adoptad, as the insertion of such a clause in the• bylaw •would, fur, rding to (1U1. McDonald's information, ren- der the hylaw invalid. A motion to leave the. -whole butler ,oyer wit4 brought, forward. lost later With- drawn, As notire had toren K!'veu flint the matter would tot dealt with tit this ine•ting. Finally lite hyla%%s were given thrix first And second rending+ Land those objecting Called tlfsn to "tact• their tebjPetions. Capt., lAlhh wit•. the /only one of flip three pro- testers present. The ulxtfer'will come upagai"at the next Meeting of tilt - council lint the third rending of I he by- laws may not. IN- Kiven then. It appe-arm that although fill• railwray. commission Ina tits• power lo.direct theexptnpri;alto of the hands Of the streets the bylaw of the flown is neve•,. Wart- as a ferfliminary. Couiinenting to lay before the council. It war Ar nYaaged that he should Inert the vQw.lal Cummittw• on Monday night l[r. Iksrlittit•'is Ilur i. Npe-cialUes it wood. F. C. Brandt asked n► las what sewer, connection he Could get for the Wheel Rigs factory. Helt-rnd to publi works Cumuliater. Mr. Brandt Nlalw he exfeeetet to have the faetory ret/l, to volinnPne e a loeratilons let' .Ianod1'; let. Re•outlneudatiolls of the VILA 1•41111 mitt". to flit- effect that tlto C. P. R be asked la, put I hl• profov1 y at ane around the• ha rlsor fau•k in profs- Ahapt- and Ihai ":I assistant lie gas ha %ir. 1\'at &1141 flit- Ile•, kill Ili ,•heel Is• prullel. Wer• adopled. 'rhe qu..stiou ler tlu• Chopping will n Victoria Park estate tlp next. Ih %layor staling that hl• had taken i I ki►Nna hitilwIf las rfi%V prrtltisri;iln fu I fee placing of t he e11Kiue• on Ihe- panel nail lite Council should mewl. It wit derided to notify the owners of ill grai11 warehouse un the Corner of 1 1)1rk that they would lie eltfrcla4l t las eve it away when Ihe• present feat, ex ared. which would toe next Any n lest, and Mr. Habel was gicr11 perulio hi,nl to Cu11tinue the pr.,vot nrratiKv owlets fur his ehoP11ing Mill Ihere ,n lit this hest expires. 1 The Special committee. 1•t- it 11 the h otwial Coulntille ,I A las L ,K f it 1 1 • 1 , held 11 el . I I the town council wx. I l l n AI u I .•ay night last tie deal with two int f ,lurtatlt clatter. Ulu• Na, the prop wition froul S. I_ Doolittle for Ihe els ratoli,Wnelet of an industry here arc K Lbe other wits the tiue•stiou of rend ing r. 1,•pulatiu11 las llltaw•ta las iutet %i..w tit,• Minister of Pnhlic Work i ,with iefetenee to the uutaide break - tvalrr and hst•IN)r irupliovenipnlN. r Mr. Doolittle eeours fr oan Montrea s old se•CUlel eloplo)•unrul with lel Iirn,itigLon F111-11ittie factory for a o I. -v% week, Whitt- to ►ftlK a rtiond Is, ,w %lint airung•-mrnl, lie could uiak, :,,r hie 111Ulseit4l f.wtory. He• has se ,1u1e.l an option oki Ihel'hry,lal I"dlel I'ietor) I-mleliug :oldpnlpelsew to India ofavin a Is r:key -ltCks and aur roe •dher hauudles. Hrieflt• Ili, prolNwal It Ihe town is Iha(t lir should Ise given : dra41 t o .a oata•row ski ip of Lind auljau rM t o t he t . y,t tl propert% %%Lich the f owl aceluilml when tit. Ifavid's ,11.14•( wit, ope-ned 1 n nigh I(, she slat ion. the cul 'pnlclla,441 at that little Is•inp waderthan walla reeiuirol for the rfleef : Ihnt he• sliould he 04`11 cx• enplinl Ililnl Inlintion, exerpl sit -hod tax. fur a Joel iod of 16.11 yPaus Ills Wheat' ere Ir sr t IIr N Arts With Alid till exrulpliun fur len Vest/•., int Italy futllr• extensions ; that he should lir given free healer and ;t loan of V),11101 for ten years rupd,oabr N'itIt interest A what• ever teat,- Isle toad woohl have 111 pry. Mr, IlleulitIly slateil he w -as prepared to bring llt4c 111 111 his own Capital in - 11 fo 1. rt- r • i 's• N III N old Carl w -tit h ill 1 rl 1 A 1 it pay -r.11 of allont fifteen. The slow. tai rnollaitle• tlrcidel las re:unutlen41 tilt• lost sition (n tilt- council, \Ir. L is Cu 1 l shit IN fuuu.luu tilt, w nolle• I K with a list of references. If Ihe cuun. ell a Ipnlve,. is Vote UII tlul' pn)fNl,al wifi ikely Is• taken :it Ihe municilel eleetions. On Ill" question of Ill.. sending kit :t de11uta tion las Ottawa. [lie vou&tkiitlee• decideil Lee n4grnnnead it, the derota- lion Ler consistof two owailrels of list• flown Cu1111rt1, It tnelnlN•r of tine Nlalld of Tl:ule•, together Willi W. Proeld- fod, K. C., W. L. 1lorton ;laid S. A. Mclfaw, acronlpaniwl by lt. Holines, ,if Clinton. It was par ed le eor. respoto will, t;nelph wit seI the idea of +a hnviu th6• IGo al l'il alonecul a K Y ) drptltAliun tit join with the• (ollerich Iwpn•se•utal iver in pro sit it fur I he iuuiso -ellit let of tit.. it A. At liole- tI'llI The Guelph lepte"rnlnfinn would leu doubt include Azb Uuth- 1 ie, \I. 1'. 11 . waw felt, l Kit. on the ; - 'v't • o o : t fit., i •tree• a tl 1% f the 1 was a l nt t time- in pressing for harbor iolplove- talent depends in mean-- u11•nsgaup the exG•lit to which the 1'. Is. It. will l onke law• of 1164 port. Depth of Water on Great Lakes. Alany frerple• do not redir.• that navigation leu Ihe Great. Lit ke•s is very difteient fruln 'that ufx,u the Os-,-Ito.still INcauae• of tie,- linkers Icing hash water nn41 Ihe• absellve of tides, al- thOnKh there i, a slight. Iidal inflame• in [.like Supoerior, hill Iacau+Ne of the deft-Patswl depth of water Aftr-r at dry NUmnmr, 111 wlll,th r•ilpect, Lite fakes le• setnble rivers. This sutunier has not Innen as pa4•tictdarly tit-)- one. yet Lake Soleerior wits tier only non- of the (creat Lakes which did tile( (all dur- ing flit• month of Angnst. fairing the leunth it rose two and it gnat•- let- inches and has now pprnctieally the wine level a" it haul during t he cor•- res{ondling uunlh of each ler till• hast, three yeals, butit is nevertheless a foot lower than it was in IlifiHau the• acme forrial .d the vent. 11n1•ing Aug- ms1 Ixke•• MichiK@ati and Huron fell it little more. than an inch -and they are likely las fall two inches this month. At the wreko l hire tile)- are tooth utore than two fret luwrr than Ihe) were in \Min. Like hair fell Ilu•re and A half illell" dill inK 1110 114'•1 ul,ntji, least is stiff five owhe•s higher 11a., het het %eat•• Uyealy inches hiKIIer IM11 in We. anti Ihirferli inclitts Inwer thou Ile IM711. Ihlring .fah• and Angnst Lake (Ontario re -11 three ,,all it half inchr", lent is six inrhrs higher Lhan last year, thinly ini•hes higher than in 189.0, and fotit•teea ileCh/-4 lower than in PGO. shipping I1h141raled. SHAKE IN A BOTTLE. on tilt- "luntlon.Col. Mclknald s 41 the street ('apt. livable wits bjw•ting to A NEW DISCOVERY FOR being closed wits total- kin w•hni. i n houw• Advice of Noted Authority Also Gives a 1 was located which .-oodd not Is• re. Simple Home Prescription. Moved it had been there "o long. ()n(- bylaw'A'As tar VI(lfe 111) And se -If Ce rinill Now• i, the tier when the dolor AtrtetA, another• wits Ili elo— lap at Nn- Kt• Kt -t4 I.las, alill the patelli Illeoliville. ulAuufin•iur•r" \•ego Ihe• nn - On - lion of 1lnrtsn bloc, ,old flat-Ihire 10 •luu'c••sf, lens great carp is taken to dro.4s open lap Water I•011e. warmly 4titil keep flit, feet sI•y. 'rhis N. Dietrich k son wrot.•, asking fur is the advice Of an old e•mioent. a rehate in taexe,, owing to their plan authority, who says lhnt. rhari nlAlinto ofl@araineetAba%ing la•en desiroved 1»' and kidney lroliblt- weather is herr, fire. This was referred lei the coor► of and also COIN -hat, GI do in (•as• of an revision attack. P .o 1 Ne' "vel a The C Inn 'iI II 11 d til a/11\'14+1• ( (ie• from f I 111 x111) Ie1Nl 1.4r"1"' 'e K ft not n hility of sending d depolation to pharlea.-y une•-h"If ("Ince IFlnill' Hie - Ottawa to interview Ihe• new Minister trot I►andelion, one ounce Compound of Public Works with reference GI Ihe Kargon, three,liners (=irk need of harlots• improvements at Wynlp sm•snpnrilhl. Mix Icy Nhnkin9 Goderich And to ac.pl,tint fb,• Mini"Ier in n bottle anti take at teaslNtoll (II with the cone[ition of the breakwater after ioonls and tit lo41tiale. here. The mater %vas referred to I lit- •fllst try Illi" simple hrn11P•nnule %pecialcommitt'c, {f lesugge•stionporsing mixture at file Hrst sign of rheunua- made that the Goolph mernher nigh( tism, or if your• bark Itches ler you be Interested in the matter oils", now feel that the kidneys are tint acting Ihat the connection with (;nelph by C. jun. right. This is said to lie a aplen- P. R. was complpfe,l. , did kidney regulator. and ahrowt Pere A letter from .Cohn RAn"I'mY) ."'the tain rossine5b, for af) fornii of rhnprna. Iirelat-1 ef'1'r•@adtphad IN•pll passel on to .ism, wit tie I-olswl by uric Arid In the rontlrH fot• ronnlderat it No. The tile bolo which tilt- kidne•yes fall Ill letter complained of impro N•r whm•f• filter onit. ,An.vone /'all eased pre- . ago• rharq- nt. (roleric I. no ties. parts this At. lunneAnd at tonsil cot►. resn11 "f which he hAil for n obligwl to Druggist" in thin town and vicinity, bring UK, head lei Cattle In by wny of when ahoWn the prescription, stilted Owen Round insfeeul of (todi•tich, Is•- that they can either sappl these in. clauAp Mr. ls•e claimed n wharfngp wraidienta, or,. I "wt- resident prefer, charge of talk, it head if they came in 4 they will compound the mixture fru• bete. This matter wAs refund t , the. m the finance cotnluitte• to ronnu I the e solicitor. f y. wri6rlif - "Ili her acting net - Mr. Dlxdittle, whole at preneut in I ora?" :Manager Ipnthasinatienllyn - town, havinRwell" it tempnratq 1- titin with the Kennington Furniture- "Natural ) W'hy, when she Appeared dying a(tenpany, wshsl fol• Lhao appoll tura. a♦e the m"thot last night, An in; ra+anre agent who haat her life in. elf a oomrnittw• with whole, he• night I dkounaanindustriafprtlpoaiifouhe erred fur X11,fIfin, and whit was in the f ad audience. M•lllally fit in Led.' 'PHE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONTARIO 7 I INhuul. Thin is, a gr•iet undertaking NEW YORK'S tilt► will over It Illlmlaet Inil►inn BUILDINGS. 'lollaarl. , - The ilecept bridge disaster at Qnt•- lie(• Cakiler/l little Nrusalion here, none HUROW rE'S IMPRESSIONbUF MET• of flit- papers having morj than u col - I ROPOLITAN ARCH11 ECTURE. n,on in reference to it. Only las nue ler two Instances wan mention uuule of flit- tact that flit- work wait in Chnege of United statese contractors. Behind Ontsirio in the Use of Cement A similar euglneertug feat is Using Goderich Has Better bidetialks va mel un ill New York lit present. I than Eastern U. S. Clhes' Latest eoulleel ion latiug inane• . Aa•r sse f lie 1Slist River with I'll list 114JAMI. Al" Additions to New York's Sky- ethotlgll lite bridge %%'ill least Is- of flit - scrapers The Pennsylvania Flail. Cautile%er NIyIP, the pri Ici{olr is alsAo aloe Tunnel and Other Gre Ihe•u wue, except Chat tie greater lor. I Undertakings. I WI» ri..l r.H ra••tN11u1r.uY• ler Thr ,r,lrm lJ w \etc York, Ih•1. 11. Althungh Ne York it us i ally countel as twhig rig up to tilt, lick sit farm. bnildiug upas i tons nIw eunee•nel, still herr devil r te•ct4 Aud builders appe"r to Nov. h•u live to artl )rats twhold Ilse sinless i the east• of celut•ut lel sums lint - Until A )ear -tar leu logo, %t-ly fe butidinEh were constructed lel roil forethl cenie•ul, tune[ even t,Nlay til class of constrticlio11 is coInparativel rare; Iain{; used nearly altogether f ••loft" buildings, designett prirunri fur• alanot'rt-uge'ing 11urfNAie-s. In regard tie prtaaLe tlwrllingN 11 diffe•Iwuce leetwaru New York at- (Irl Ill IN r%t•11 Isle Iw 1111/111 Ire 14 i f lit lel ICI )va1'1e Ago is Iuuse wits hili in Auburn of cement. while t cement bricks anti bdo•ks are• urtd e i terleti)rly all liver tlutario land t Middle StAU-N. In New York ovitie iuclnder Hrooklyu, 41141 the oth f hurutlgheh where houses lire Is•in hutlt b1o:k after block, suite afLe•r ail 1 pra-ti.everything within flit- Ht limos i, of bthrk or stone, woal sarin use4I I.q.detached o I house's. In one• silt orb Nithin tier past two year, uv flat-.-.- hundred lwm ew leave Is eii hail Of tori, noudN•r crus "lit fur walls w user leu nilly Uvoor shave, brick on t wan) usurer, tilt leolaining two lint street and uinely old ls•iag of (I -Ili, eonstkietiou. flwr • house•, t)crr let cheap. IleinK built l0 44.11 flit. frnr Thr .our ratio 1 twerp rvusent told woollen haus holds gINNI in findctil-adh' all she sill ur•lyan dist-ielh. Another uoticrable tealww is Lit al,se"ve lel central • sitirwalKs refer rile oo • N ' •1 , soon. u lel Ilurh u the borough K { other than Alanhatt: it i \ew York tit plotter). Until rwtentl% venient wn usel.-ollnfru;uively little, And ecru t day flag sidewtdkN are Wiy,, ►Aid; unit sfter milts. Tilt- reason for this i hard to explAin, for flit- H:Igs are by ill nleun4 %all,fnclorv. Sidewalk4 oye her" .- r annul. Ix• Cuwp+arel at All favor• :ebb- with [[time in towns like Guide rico And \Vtnghaul. New Brunswick a rlty n IKsI 1 .-i Ihi t • u - •s \ i ata from New Yoe a particularly 1, has 1 .11 tl't11A1'ly' fNNll' a1l1NN':11kr Inside of a bl,h•k or tau luny- Ile flee several varieties -ennerele, brick, Hag cluder @anti rery often A strelrh le uuul. In nn town ler city "n this silt of the line jilts the N•ritrr seen INeltp oi' more counu(alious sidewalks data Hauer in bort-rich. r The ironwork "n the singe• build ing, fury -one stories Ilii•_' ftwll high N orneliendly Hnishrd. This is tilt latest imiditima tit the 4Lyseralorr,, ;tats overlooks all others. Jndgtng fnat pictures rnblishwl, its Lop du add IN• II till' 1• .,Ill N ),tit 1 1 , t after till it 41,wh UUI serest in, very high. Skirl-r111del by I score of building, nearly A, tall• i height is leu more iw nY•Nsive than that of the Flatiron ,a-' mps buildings which have cnutfoaratively low neigh Nine. P f t After :111• tier Is•. [ wily in which to get nn ulNa of linty buildinK, heiKht is to :ato•enil to its top HIN,r lint] look down. \ glimpse• front above i. A huudiedfuld most- imprexsive than ally :.I Irrupt to gang.• iMI height front Let Ili, Byrd. A %I ill higher building it, now ondrr 'ronntnctiun. :old archi. tects Clailll It is possible to brild a (one. hnr,drel-'tile[-fifly•Atury h o i I d 1 n g, moles than a third ora mi;e high. I'll,- nuiimity of the sky.e•ratpers the bleilt in tilt• busiest wcliinuN (if the City. 4111-1 seldolll i, 411.eet Iruffle ser- ionsly iulrifetel wills by the so -•kin- strial ofN r:atians. 1'rugsn:u'y coveted bridges span 1 he exciavatious, while :all material is IAid out on Chr• l,remisi•Nlet• in the rot let' the bridge. 1'hr iron pillars *till Kirler4 carry flip weight of list- HrNrl's, the outside, coveting of stone :111,11 Irick being only for the protection let the interior. The Willi% of the different Hors art tudepelidrnf. of c;Lc•h other and the hricklayers and Ntone• nla tion, some. fillips letall ola'ratio n, nn the sixl h or tenth slury. working either up ler down. No outside sl•affolding is now► fl th) tlianw"rkrl-4: file dercieko phi•e• Ile Kirlet•n fill- each Horn•, :Ind Are Ihell 4hift0(1, Hou• by HINn•, to Ihe fop of lite building. •Thi• scaffolds fur Ihe lniekla)ers, mulsonN, ele., ort- "ll,pelidi•d (1-,111 the 110017% altiye, 11,1 elal,iglllh' woollen a•atfirlding exl..ud- ing from the ground up. Vi,ilnl, to Ihe City ae. A"ati'tlle. rather disiill olinteol, with the build- inws. Nie rill' ,am private rw"idenres lar• Cnncw ge141• AlonK. npfo•r 1 i t t h aTeleue MAIU• rxpe"t las Hud hiuonial '.1-11Pie And fairy pahlle4, snrronnded 'hv I"enitifnl gArden,, lawns nnd shnllttery. front lilt at--hiteeto•al slam) orint flit- boildings rally Ile- nleat INellit iflll hft'1111urew, total Ihe)' all lark lite 11we4ury Nettie►( lar giet•I Lawn lend shlnhdrr)-. The bonols art•, as It rah•, vel y narrow', built close o each 01) i• % . l n t, %aUl psnrhe" and ,top, oxlrndinK to Ila• sorrel tiger and N'iltt no touch or gr14.11 ill ,e%eral hlnCk, t" relieve the naonulon)-. Thereart. two Ilote,vorthy exreptiuns the 1'nrnrKit• nutal"►on, snrronoll d b) la-auliful I twit. nand (res, o laying the gr•at- 1•t• pintiou or to etty block, std n IN•nufif ll hone• leelong rig to one Ilf the Vanderbilt.,, whie•li Ino a Ilior ganien, lent a big, forbiddi"K iron fence. Taken hokiW f.rr house. there are thounnnd4 of comfortable homes in rhr enlomr•Ire Ioetter adapted fill- h:ab- italion Ihan the Nferage home in Millionair6•'s Ilow` Willi till- exception of flit- Nett York Ceent•al none of the hig rai6 Nays Irailromin they cnll them over heir► have flivir' t0rnlinalA in New York. Ten or Twelve of Ihe fr(nik lines Mill to .ler-ey CRY, lrnnsferrinK by ferry, neroon the Hudson. The I Veransylvnnia Railroad• however, Ilse neemy rogelidelld two 1n11nrlt undo. Ihe Ilodson, nnd i. now hanf At w.•rk "t Whitt will IN, tilt-. laargwit terminal ,Minn in the world. Thirty-Hvp aeref of holtopA, Ntorel, and fac:torips have been torn down, and where they once at(otd yawns A grant exca- ottion through solid rack In plaeea 4ixty fret dt•rp. -4team drills Ily the Icon!, dinkey locomotives, with their e.ck-laden trains. wrest derricks. htlge hone-cnlnhers And cement-nlixtnK nAchines give to the work the tap• martnC of a great mining camp. rhe lunnein rstend acnat JfailbattAn iud tinder the Fast River to Long at lion of the weighs will lie catl•rie by the saw•\' Isels and links which retch to flit- lop kit Ilit• towers. I'll" India tower is toil an island ill the river. and lite work is Inking pushed %v ont ill tither direction. A hundred hl. eine[ fifty feet al"rye tilt- witle•r Ihe• ironwork extends fur n thousand fret w out fr lel The pier with leu support. let And p lowertb)• woulder how sit gleal It a luass ler droll and steel .-all Is• thrown across Ihe river with nn w underpinning of laity kiod. N' 1.4 Another bridge, p,t1'idlel with tilt - y first Brooklyn bridge and nlsout three ler buudnd valdn away, lids he•u Co111- ly uleneel. Brooklyn's thokisituds N•hu ial a roan , ll 11 I t( Now Ykil'k will have t a n• splendid opfientunity to watch day- by ill tidy progress ml the new eitn1vtore. The ie , d. 7 1 piers rs tie enmplrfc4l dud work taw It. jo,t Isen volunneelced on the great .slay to WC11A which will c:u•t') Clic• rablr+. x- \ new oArewl is heing I.11t through h.• lir4N,klyn'N downloN•it district h, `nra- h %ide:in approach to this urw bridge. rt- 14vo es of houses and stores have IN -en g pulled down. and M present then, is r, a dreary sorters I. ve•ral i nfles long. I'he neN steel ran. leu a Niue. and it g is .141e•r to ere a corner whopper Illy a h- building herr, white just across tbt• rr way Only n sulsll triangle Of a huild- t. ill►; is left standing. A, Perhaps title nowt interesting feat late i4 in runne•liou with the els-ning tet this 1. new steel is the re•naet•al of [Ile Munlank theatre. The city paid It SkKI,IKMI fell• the building and Ihe4n soler u it to a clic lee of ps,htruuns kir distant et-- $15.1yy1, II is n«w IH ing tu•ne,1 balf- r+ wily ronod :Ind shifter fn Another r- -its. It is n large hkiilding, three hlendred frit long. A handsel bet wide nulleighty feet high: 1*011- "%t'y stet of hrick. steel idlers date " used 1e u Like m .tug Is•iuK dune by jacks which an- Utruel• just loo far at file fovvinan', uhintle. If. T. Urnnnp - "loo You,(- all thin steak fit ,• fur a l'hrihtinn 'til'- eat :" ♦V"it er— "W" hain't anxious aloout de leligiun of Onr.-n,tolen•I71, loose." srhctel. M M w 1 M1 ions t Of "' d's Kidney PilLs are l legion. The box is imitated, 1 the outside coating and shape of the Pills are imitated and the name—Dodd's I Kidney Pills is imitated. Imitations are dangerous. The original is safe. Dodd's Kidney Pills have a reputation. Imita- tors have none or they wouldn't imitate. I So they trade on the reputation of Dodd's ' Kidney Pills. DO not be deceived There is only I one i DOD a Y D'S. Dodd's is the f« or'igi—L Dodd's is the name to be care. j 1 fill about— S KIDNEY PILLS A SPECIAL FINISH, which will not tarnish, is a special feature of this set. Our Oataloau• will be cent upon receipt of your name ane) add rose. R R I le: BHON.. Limited 134.133 Yongte tit. TORONTO tM a &I MC -41 25 ft" Un 1.INIMENTCO - LIYI D won rn r t W(M Mia —9 2=BARGAIN DA VS=2 SA7URDAY, SEP7EMBER 26th, AND MONDAY, SEP7EMBER 28th. These are to be the two greatest Bargain Days this store has ever offered. Nearly a whole store full of goods at sale prices. Try to get here in the forenoon and avoid the after- noon rush. If you want goods be sure and come. Lots of money for you these two days, Saturday and Monday. Bargain prices must be cash. COA TS Do you want a coat ? If so, come here. Nofancy prices, every coat at rockbottom. All direct from the makers and TAILOR-MADE. 'Thou'' . H. Co'fIF•: sal':\kl•: J i 1bo LLJO rn e (iUUI':Itl('ll. AreYoulMaking • We we eeaeyo Money? a c..ill h Etu" none and Val—hl, Priors for each subscription ercured. Noor .l Ihe prues we coulpelda%e. You can find out how you can do tow by writing to the METROPOLITAN MAGAZINE I.,r perteculare c a great Subscription 4'ampaign end Ik rmenls which are 1-ulg oEered to Represeauoves. Equally ince-eating to old and young. A,idrem The METROPOLITAN MAGAZINE 3 Went Ttresty-aratb $been + Naw Yoh Cry 1 1I WONDERLAND' THE ELECTRIC THEATRE GODERICH The Biggest and Best :1c ShoN of the flay. liiRh-clasein JEwEL STOVES AND RANGES ARE AT THE FRONT. Stove Pipes, Elbows, 'l Stove lioar(ls, Stove Oilcloth, Stove Pipe Wire. Cow Chains, Guns anll Rifles, llardivare, Furniture, etc. You will have money left in your purse when you (tet your supply from every reslfect. THE A NEW DISCOVERY FOR Moving Pictures, a w,ih w►iwr, ut►wwu,u.w wWwww, Ww IllustratedSongs GROWTH OF HAIR GOOD SITUATIONS Warrapted to Plfect giant tesllts in All wI1Pr' Lhe. trete Are not aboolutely de4trovel. Iteulnvef dandruff, stops ONLY the falling of hair send brings a new CONTINVOCS Pita:hUit\1:1X('1{ growth on bald hends. -- ` VACANT HAS BEEN TESTED Complete change of Pror,,ram -I BEWARE Villiers if little renlurwl growth of hair eVOry '1 11eSllay, Tlltll'Sllil ' j = We purpose ranking further exlensiunoi to our business next 1 Is R E alt(\ .lilttl rtlily . i mo nth and will t• n' t have it Ixliuns for a mindoer of enlist girls to "p- tC NOT SOO.N liive it a hull' 1'nn %%ill M• pl.•As•d. mate sewing Indichllle'N looth Ill Ouderich and Clinton. Experi- enri4l uforraGrrs but to In -ginner will tc COMEM' 50 CENTS A BOTTLE pl-•A•rre41, wt- offer girt MAnnfartlred And fold by • BUT NOW J. F. LAWR inducennrnt by paying Kosl wAAges, Input conuuencetnent still in. TeIIlorlal Parlor, Bedford Mork. GODERICH, ONT. "tractions will Ike given by an in-structor fur the purprofe of more speedily advancing Kirin t" fN,altion of piece -work. Our piecework litters lore satisfactory to our preownt staff u i'I'll smart girl% are eearniaw g/NhI wdge", ff+ Hours fur w.,l icing ate ,ensonabe auld fay tiny every two IC 1 %veeka. j Perennial application preferred, but mail applications will be answere(l promptly and fall information &riven, xgo' '' j The Jackson Manufacturing Co. CLINTON GODERICH = Fir i1tle 0.11mT Or hit, fill ^h hil hil hti ry%It,o" w"!P!P 0."0.I1 nr0."0"1 04 SWI:I:T SIXTEEN AND HI -R MOTHER it-,• Kerlelall)• g,Hsl illdg'-s of FINE CONFECTIONERY Hive lbr`m :1 rluan.-r to taa"CeteUl•s,unl olio- the smile•A yorill will for it. 111Prr• was it time when you were ne•11' Kenerons ill leriuging a loox "f :Indy let :I Certain girl. But now that 11.1• to onllrl's A hit old-fashioned, yotI,ve orgotten the go,J habit. X.-vel.Inn ale to mend. Take Illegal.. n Inn of mss delicious Bon -Bons or Caramels and icing latek her moile,6ue of yore. 'his Werk Special Mixed Chocolates and Creams, i5c a pound, two pounds z5c. Mixed Nut Taffies, roc a pound. Extra Select Oysters to take home. quart or pint. Ill :11 Ilw Olympia Cafe Lawr's Hair Grower THERE ARE STYLES AND GOOD TASTE IN STATIONERY -and there should lie. I;r•tter pafoPr and envelopes are your repre- sentatives. They nhould look its well an you do when you make a,- vall or pay it visit. Our high -grads Stationery will remind your vorr4,pendents of you in yr,ur hest attire. It does not cost ole unto ji either. (lord tate in ftationer% IS NOT EXPENSIVE. There is correct taAe and Iita•st style in our line of linen papers and THEY COST BUT 25c A BOX II'nl»•r .,lad F;nt slur N•.a at F. J. aButland's Drug Store, The Store that Pleases. GODERICH A Newspaper Bargain THE SIGNAL ANI)— The Family Herald and Weekly Star $1050 OF MnNTRF;AI. Thr signal will furnish Yen with everything of interest in this local tNrri- I lily. Every battle in this district should receive the local paper. The P'Amily Ifersid and Weekly Star of Montreal is the acknowledged he'"t fancily nnd farms patter in Canada. Its magnificent news service; its notneroos special departments; fta interesting magazine features ; its great seriAls and popular lar s o rt ste ries, snake it the KrpaG•ft dollar's worth to be. had. The combination of The blignal and The Family Herald and Weekly RtAl' l!,rovidea the greatest amountof wholesome family reading and reliable news fronto all parts of the world. Send your subscription to THE SIGNAL, Goderich, Ont. Is farming Your Business ? If no, THE WEEKLY SUN the Farmer's Business Paper, will each week be of 4pectal interest to you. Subscribe NOW for The WEEKLY SUN to lot Jan., 1909, IN cousinliTt" W17Y THE SIGNAL Only $.70. Address: VANATTER 8t- ROBERTSON, THE SIGNAL, GODERICH, ONT. THE A NEW DISCOVERY FOR RESTORING THE ORIGINAL GROWTH OF HAIR ANDrALL-a Warrapted to Plfect giant tesllts in All wI1Pr' Lhe. trete Are not aboolutely de4trovel. Iteulnvef dandruff, stops ONLY the falling of hair send brings a new j growth on bald hends. GENUINE HAS BEEN TESTED --- -.- -.-.-_ with VX44•I11•llt Ii•h11I1,. I earl Nllow BEWARE Villiers if little renlurwl growth of hair After 10111 1, total baldneon. easily OF and rea(lilt' applied. IMITATIONS 4arranted free from any harmful ingredients. SOLD liive it a hull' 1'nn %%ill M• pl.•As•d. ON TIE \Vill he fent by snail on rereipt of prire. M F R I T5 50 CENTS A BOTTLE OF MAnnfartlred And fold by KINAYRD'S J. F. LAWR LINIINENT I TeIIlorlal Parlor, Bedford Mork. GODERICH, ONT. THERE ARE STYLES AND GOOD TASTE IN STATIONERY -and there should lie. I;r•tter pafoPr and envelopes are your repre- sentatives. They nhould look its well an you do when you make a,- vall or pay it visit. Our high -grads Stationery will remind your vorr4,pendents of you in yr,ur hest attire. It does not cost ole unto ji either. (lord tate in ftationer% IS NOT EXPENSIVE. There is correct taAe and Iita•st style in our line of linen papers and THEY COST BUT 25c A BOX II'nl»•r .,lad F;nt slur N•.a at F. J. aButland's Drug Store, The Store that Pleases. GODERICH A Newspaper Bargain THE SIGNAL ANI)— The Family Herald and Weekly Star $1050 OF MnNTRF;AI. Thr signal will furnish Yen with everything of interest in this local tNrri- I lily. Every battle in this district should receive the local paper. The P'Amily Ifersid and Weekly Star of Montreal is the acknowledged he'"t fancily nnd farms patter in Canada. Its magnificent news service; its notneroos special departments; fta interesting magazine features ; its great seriAls and popular lar s o rt ste ries, snake it the KrpaG•ft dollar's worth to be. had. The combination of The blignal and The Family Herald and Weekly RtAl' l!,rovidea the greatest amountof wholesome family reading and reliable news fronto all parts of the world. Send your subscription to THE SIGNAL, Goderich, Ont. Is farming Your Business ? If no, THE WEEKLY SUN the Farmer's Business Paper, will each week be of 4pectal interest to you. Subscribe NOW for The WEEKLY SUN to lot Jan., 1909, IN cousinliTt" W17Y THE SIGNAL Only $.70. Address: VANATTER 8t- ROBERTSON, THE SIGNAL, GODERICH, ONT.