The Signal, 1907-10-24, Page 3THE SIGNAL: GODERICH. ONTARIO ----- - - ' — - for western uietropldlr. Besides her of the Ststriet.latents rhe (raver tau brul11rrr toXemsace ne ( her rntly Reulval fruw fila sx•ne of lift. - ------ A Clinton Octogenarian, Ur. and 11rra• Vannortnan. of Bel- last week 1,/) Robert Pirie, of 151,1101, John lrayt+,n, At, Aged rehideot of c Kpaee, recently celsbtwted their golden tot- the. ruin of $40). Clinton, departed this life tat hirlrsrlt0 ti wlxldiog, Rev, Kenneth J. Rexton, formerly in that town out 8nnday, the kith r. lure h ASawt, o. \Vingltyul, last of WhitAechurch, has'won app)jnt'd just, 1)eceasd. who was born in the ft pp old Country eighty-two years lift), week iiscunrel laevrRol of hit riles by M Chow$ t whurch. Toronto. PuruL ealue to Clinton as a young luau. f 1. falling from is wagon' ?tile, x( Ernest Elligsos, of Leladhury, ham ert Bary stuoil ff 111i.14 Lizzie Stev eli Olt, bisto oly xm Heel, 1 lit uu lv4iliug from li uuv haravl the Saw 1.r farm of ft. A. two rmtreuirtl ResidrntN lit KLhe1, acLuve ife twit years '&Kit he Islas et et 410ill of Orey, for $'2.11111• twit tell a ILIaLI1111 resit alli,fllee, the widow of the hate Alex. Millin, of AL. uuS \lei. t1,. Philip. of Brttsmelm, ('lint n, N'ho survives hili, and Again u have reuloved to Mount Forest, where daughter Allargart, F. C aarll, !I! elifoith, 1, "Idesttook op hix Rtsidrure+ is t,wu. 1t,•- t,, they will r •skis in future. daughterof in TOIYplltO, un t4ululrbty, clamed was it fillies, osostestaatiour a Kev. F. Se huelke, of %urich, into -old" t,oul, est, ewed by till who knew hills. p ``pthe 5th just.. lit Jaufell D'Arcy Ma- N( leaving tan• HeiJellerg this fall. A ger, of that city. Might Have Been Serious. It succrrwn Far not yet leen ar(uovYl. On Monday, Ilie I Ith inst., Rev. C 111 r. mild MIN. W. J. Ford, of 1'm - John McLeod, of llowjck, has Pur- I h chased Win. Baines fift•vacre 1`111.111 on It, liunur, M. A., of Cliutot,, tied the lone, 4iju n nit r ti -MYLPr 'rout t• the 4th eot,e0reiou of that Ur•aOrhlp uupliRl knot between Umngt• Ihln- w•rItlux nR uty is n rwluwuyy ....`Went tar 41.:)(X1. cock, of that tows. unit :Hiss Estella tit, u very flask niK I receutlj. \Vhile 1, Forsyth, lit \Vinghuw. they were driving house from Exeter 11 1'11- David Dunbar (tarns, os lot :i: of the bit nn the bridle broke•, (raving the 4th concession of ($ley, wiarMdd John Kale whohxtlhn•ui►tYspcttad f lesideut of Seufurth for many years, thr11i +1,t the mercy uC x spirited horse. m left last week for Detroit, where he lulma+diutely atLeI Mr. I ofe had got c has secured ruore lucrative ell! Ili - out of the rig the beams, dashed off and ,a r l'se Shiloh's Cure d Mrr. Ford was carried from one side Shiloh s mens and; where he will rem$ e n c "Ir the worst cutd. future. lit the cher 1,u the other, ger, of being in t w' thesharllest cough While lowin lust week Junes the, ditches, in Kpi),rat danger^ u[ sthe t plowing SashteS W death. Evrntuplh•, sol the Cure --try it oil ugtiar- Evans, (it, 7th line of Morris, liml itsyyffv upset• the seat lwcxnle de' a n t e e of )Our the mirfottuue 1,u fracture two lit hit taehe(1 frum Life box, and Mrs. Ford ( money hack if it rills by being struck by the handle of fell to the ground with it. only slightly Cures d,rsn't actually the implement, tas,the result of von. injured. CURE Iuitkrr t.ai:twith at large ptohe. Coughs A. F. Fn land's two large xtaer, Grey Loses Old Resident. than any' ong you g K rver trieol. tiu[e fo the "Bee Hive" at \\ringhano and him On Monday, the 14th inxt., Alex. tak*,-nothing in general store at River•eulwn, were McDonald, x11 old and rerlyeetard aai• w it to hurt even a placer) jet the hands of the National dent of the 4th concession of Grey, c and Colds Salvage ('4).. of Toronto, last week. answered the great clan. De - baby. 34 years of 'rhe st(nk is bring rapidly disposed of. ce:ared, wilt) war fifty-seven years of QUICKLY rltrcess commend Che 'uuarri:agr n1` Atitea 1:vA Culr, xKr• stwx A uxljve of }nvrrnPsx11irr, tihiloh's Pure-- Saughterof \\'rat, Cole. of Flint. Mwb., Scotland. Forty years :ago hr UNA 26c., 60c., $1. 11116 formerly of Clinton. and Kranddaugh- r)p his residence in Orey and is hitt.$ , ter of Sail Cook, of that town• to he was married 'to Mise Anne Jane 1 Will. ('ole. c. E.. of Detroit, tock MCIAtichlin, who survives him. A Menesetung linOrSI Water place is the first•mentionedl oily re- roan of sterling integrity and remark• 1 - -- - _ trolly. able intelligence, in religlorva staunch f I t•exbyterhan, and in politics 11 loyal fI1HE OODEKICH MINERAL WA. John 11. Uxlbraiih, of Brussels, And Liberal, he had n large circle ofac- t 1 TF:K CO.. uwnutM•wren or ••Meese Alisx Ida Howmnn, aecond duo hter t uaintances fl whorl he wall held in f °ry l,lam' ' am- {prepared to della er W x11) Istel Of t Y the town Faelfr.t Ulug! r Ale /n pint. and of Mr. and 1 rvl. JAnles 1.w- high rxteew. Besides Fir widow hr q,uq.. also Mineral iw-aler f•. three .la•. slat,, of Morris, were married it, Tm•• leaves three suns unit four daughters a,plitti pinlw -ad Aurri.t Aeltwr Nater and ItntO, un \V rdnerda)•, the 1,11,11 inst. "IsIll. •finds Thaw wood+ aro made from \l r. and Mro. l::albrailh will reside jet w mourn bis drpxrture. I nataral mineral water, and sm lhemfore freer from all tnapnritles. P. 1.. WALTON Man Brinsne•la} The Latt Mrs. Newton, Lucknow. After. Phooe dA• Warren IT. Koss, a former well- After a nine yearh' illness, Olive known Exeter boy, sun of D. A. Roam, Rivett• beloved wife of Dr. O. A. J1 ane was married in Jonesville, Mich., ) Newton, of Lucknow, was released - - - - -- Thort(lay, the 111th inxt., to dlias Gum her sufferings, on Monday. 1110 MUSIC' CLASSFS. I AM PRE- Floren(-'1'x Int Oafge, of that town- 7th inst. Deceitse(I'm illness was ' 1'ARICD to reoalra vu dl- for Irsr,n- ill r. ail I . Kurt will reejde At Iut•Keh• due n dose of Alkidinr utix- i \fano and t heory. &loan the Ilurmkawh+ unit-icml Grand Folks. \. 1). kfnderaarU:n . tuethod for youotc children. Gus, which exulted a ns61t e: of tale Ten , and other inforaution Italy lie had at W. M. Govenloek, son of Robert tishnela soil ou:ule'.her unaGlP to swxl- Thmn—I s music ,core. Uoderieh. KMMA A. liovrnlek, of SrxGlrth, who has been law solid Gad Suring the long years. AN Wtkw'S. 1`f• --- • a ineutlrer of the staff of the London Slip Is)re her trials with ('hrirtinn A. ROY ADAMS ('ollegiat.• Institute for heveral year,, fortitude and until the day before her Tuenra lir Pusu hoax traifned iU auvept a position in death was able to discharge hl•r Studio in Bask of Montreal Hlork. the heaul office of lhr Northern Life domestic duties. Mrs. Newton, wry Insurance Company. of London. was forty-nine years of a -w,, was u -----------lilt Tutslny, [hr 15111 $not., the daughter of S. Kivetvl, Irl "ree.:water. Jued1Ct11 hums of Mr. find \Irm. I.Ixrih Small, of Sar wmi beloved by W large circle of _ - Winghatie. wax saddened by the acfioaiMLaso"' . Beajden hrr 11usho)nd jIR`l, FMMERSON k TURNBULL. death of their daughter, Mary F.IiiY• three •oils are left to uronrn her. IDbeth, beloved wife of H A. Tay- Young Man Seriously Injured. A. T. Katnxxt,„x, M. ll. lore Deceased, who was in her thirty- , W. S. TrAsmrtl_ M. It seventh year. had leen a stiffener for Ernest Dinner), ,f young man who nice-, Harailton Streo. '\'hone at,. ) resides near LUlliley, met will) a Ira tlnmtetwnn'm ressidenle, fit. David'- mtreel. rPverAl Illonths. peculiar :trill painful accident as he t Victoria ,c1` rhurrh ' shm]r IRK Oppo-nc Ictorlx to t The remidenre of Jaulrm Hamilton, I Lr. Turribnu'41.o-idence. Montreal .treet. druggist. of Blyth, was the scene of a war` IeulrninK inno l'hierlhur,t te- Phone rat' pretty wedding on Wednesday, the cenfly. As the wind atilt rain were ])K. F..1. R. FOItSTER EYE, EAR 10th in%t., when his only daughter, in his face he hall his head 1P. -fit fill• - Strafford. (het. Miss Etelka. was united in the bonds .Ward +old in Llte (lxrkurss failed to Now and Throat Doli-. met• lir hear a rigenusing towards him Hou,o murgeans New York Ophthalmic and of nlatriniony to R. N. McKay. Aunll Inalltute IirN-Its ('lanh"tl aa,i..txnl kAr' Blyth'm popular yo'lllg jeweller. He,. and he ran ag:aisat the hrr--, lie \n - and Thnmlt Hospital• amdwn square•, surd was thrown backwards on the hand. leoyal London Ophihalmn• IMonreeeld Eyes J. I- Small. IT. A., ofllciated. toad with much force that eonemssion If -pi London. Errs. Dare Albert street, An jnLr -sting event took place aft of tile brain was fpnRvrl. The horse Stnitfur,I. .opraitw \v indsor hotel. Houm: ylza.m.3.ip.m.. ;ttp.m. TelwphooellG. the hoplr or Mt. and Mrs. John Doug- twits($ into the ditch, but the driver, ___-___ _ _-_ Fax. u1` Morris. nn Monday. the 141.11 Mr. Morris• fortunately escaped in- Le Ylt inst., whru Rev. A. C. Wishart, B.A.. jury And speedily ran to the laid(. Of of Brusselm• united in marriage their the tinvolus.ilnls young tilos. \Vbile ____ = =_ _ _ _-_ it liter. Miss Sophis It., and Victor ilt• w•an securing light and further as- ialaiIAMFRON R KILIA)RAN• If K- G. linPPs+aporth, ti( IhUvpit. Mr. and mistnnce at 1110 nrast•@t hona•, Mr. ltonst.. ItIATKRS solicitom.nolari.w,err. (Mice. Mrs. Itapaatporth mail shortly fur Lon- Dinner evidently revived and con• third door front ayuarr, Ooderirh• Iron• EnK•, whru Lhpy will make thrixrot. At. U. I AMXRON, K. U. J. L (Cit. 11olne, firmed his wily. A[ tie door of his IAJILAN. house he :again lapsed into silicon- YROFUF'OOT, HAYS k BLAIR. On Thalsdar`)• Ihr 10th inst., Alex. mciuuaness. Hopes ,fr- entertitinell kAT ten, wllicll H matarir.public lin Kirk, tine of 141 most respected pion• fur his full r•coverv. •lmInllaeMaritinall'ourttetc.Oelew,I.-1.We vermof Kirkton. pxmoced :twat'• fat .the of Robert Leatherand. liq oars, next Auq ('. A. ^ afrnmgre]m•ry. P age of ,fight y'•xjx year+. He Is laUt'- rale fundm to left d at (twist MUM Of lotereml, vived h • ilia aged partner -in -life, who on Tuet•day. the 15th inlat., the W. PRC(' w(sowT.JL. ('. R. l'. HAYS. G. F' d1.Alit. 4_; lira x1, the point of death, live X/lila all(\ Mxlater'm (ell c:imr with little warning tour daughters. Among file children to our Of the must, reaprctell residenta MISTERS. A OAKROW.' HAR- are Joseph and Mrs. Ed. Shier• in of Tnckersu%ith, in the person of Roh- HII)ICRS, aUorneya, molicitars, etc. Kirktaln, Williafil Wed Mrs. John Nan- ert Leatherland. The previous even- (:oderich. M tole wt lowest "A' K nil, in I'mlorne. ing Ile had "tuned to be in excellent. /: Ow. I.LH ) (.ICS ARR 1. 1.111 KINBU.. BAR health and unnsnally cheerful, 1`u _ F. H. Clubine, . of Lucknow, last - week tweived the maA and shtwking 1`h- morning brew he compim(la ll of ehort- inilarlltlieee LOpn/. etc. ossa of breath, and hila daughter, ie- _ - news of the sudden death of his rrnujn nlatvl/rl, called her brother, YOUNG k ROBERTSON. REAL 'Infighter• Lf beloved l ask. of T. K A. Miller, of 1leyrnosnt, Sask. 1)1.- who w•ns lit the barn, but Ix•hyn• he It -we and Ix.umnc,• Arent.. Iteal r. could relief% the house the vital Npnrk tale for •tale or 10 lel. I'mpertle+ handled in retta(rl, who R'tU1 tN'-nly yPnrs of ate. Maypart of flat• www, &nd termly. Flet 119,11 (IMI been married but to few months. bind fled. [k•rra(Ie(1, w•ho tuns corn in ife imm rance, money to Inas rte. She had been in her o+nal health on Kingmton eighty-four years agk,, :uue Lhe day of her death and am Pile was to H11ron in iS7i Wall pillrhnspel rnln JOHN W. CRAIOI'H, LIFH, FIRE the lift#• Mr. Murray the farm upon • and meideal Inauranre. Agent furle.ulin wAlkiuv with hrr husband fell Sead, which lit- hall hinge resided. Him 111-11111Ne ill & ons sal 11od-Itakroatainles. The Jackson Mannfacturin'K COM- nubility of character and kindliness Ifo.•. `1r.1.•ll lel I -Mt plana and at lowest rate•. ( an at om e, c(wner Kwan Street and Square nal)•, of Clinton, luny establish It of diap a,itout, won fol' him the esteem or ,Ntdre.. J. W. CRAIOIK, Goderieh, Ont. ,ranch factory at Exeter upon the ;arid affection Of fell Lwho knew him. r, le daua.rri condition Ihat the village guarrultee a 'though differin widely in politics, cK11a1+OP MUTUAL 'FIRE IN- loan of $.i,(XX) for a tern) of yenim, the ;tit-. I,eatherls,h(1 w'av in early life a mAteItAN( R t'TUALO. n soil I nlar,sl Inlnlpxny to pay interest ,full begin to w-arin personal fljr- of Sj_ John A- lown properl inanred. Valise M prat/,; in- pay (rack the principal within n few AIPDo11nld, Onr mon x11(1 sPven dafigh- .ured Up to an. ItiA over 41twoo.iul. (in rera months after commencing operations. terx are left to mourn his demise. and directors: -J. R cl.onn. res.; T. Frrtmer. The factory would employ about thir- vice per..: Jw. CoonoOy, U. Ypale, Mr. <Tte-- 1,y hnhds all lilt year rounS. The Late Mrs. Thomas Farrow. ney,J.whit•Jaw. Kvan-,J.O.orieve,J. tiennr 1)11 Saturday. the 1'1111 incl„ the art..din•ct,,,;T.KHays,Scaforth.s -rrt&ry. A pretty and interesting hymeneal , trea.umr ; in*Imrtura, uoN.remt director w loss. event warn va,lebrated at the I' sidera, death angel viNitasl til(• home of i ost- J. N. i'eo. Ifulm•erille, strut for West , master Farrow. of Brussels, and muni- Hmm . 1•olby holden, con pay a;ri,i,entx of .John Sherritt. ex -M. 1'.. of Hnrpley, and lel their Tarda t•wretfs p&1, Mr. Ca&a'. oil Wednemdnv, the ilih inst.. when his Illoned him il(•Invrd wife 1,r her eternal ciintoo, n1. at McLean Knox.' 1 alam l lot'ng' deughtrr. Miial Pearl Kelero•n, lecnme home. Deceased had been ill fol- n Store ul/derb+h is time and during the past few the bride of John Linwood Arnow f K ____- __.--_ ._ _ --- . s BrinNley, The ceremony was per= I onthm had been gradually growing SIATOG PARLOR formed by Bev. F. ,1. Suteliffe, of weaker under the InPldions workings (:rand lit -lit the presence of over of dialetrx. Mrs. Farrow, who was in SHAVING AND HAIR•i)RFHSIN(i five hundred guests and was followed her sixty-serond year, was a daughter 1 PARbOUS. - The beat plae,e in town. by pleaxatrat festivities. of the late Sxnurpl Partly. of Imndon iRonlpt-rn•Ix; rvrrythrow ,leen and sant- township. 'While quite .voting she tmry. He, and cold Mt hs. N•M. IIAVIS. •One Hundred and One Years Old. Hritlr.h Kxehange Hotel Bissell tsnocessor to wile warl'ie(i fo .lohn Quxttcp, of that Jas. Frlt>dey1. At the grand old vge (If 101 years lacatity, by %•horn she hold one son MAward Switzer, of Kirkton, entered who) died Is childhood. Fur several Lttriltge 1.l0enie$ into test on Tuesday. the 16th ills¢. years after the death of her first part- -_--d _ _ By his death a lineal chain of five nee• she resided will, hermister. Afro. ALTER - KELLY, generations has been broken. Until a Frank McCracken. of the till line of GODKRICH, ONT. few weeks ago the deceaaa d had en- Morris, at whoa(• home she. assn mar - Watch maker• Jeweller and Optician. joyf•(i remarkably golA health. rigid to Mr. Farrow (eighteen years tosser of MwrHage IAown-As. Going Chjna agn. lhceaawd'la uneel sh ('hristian life and lovahl- diaax,ait' m endrarrd WLANE, ISSUER OF MARRI- The marriage of I'rrr Nti'eatnwx), Ryer to All with whom she (tae jet (on - . AGE Ilosnaea,Goderich.(Mt son of the late S0,13111P1 Vestawav, of tact. The remain- wtire to n for ill - Exeter, to Milan Mabel Moore, of l,on tennpnL to hrr former ho a near Auctloneering don, took place in the Forest City on Thorn dale. -. _ ___ _ Wednesday, the 16th inst. After :a --- THOMAS GUNDRY, LIVE STOI'K brief visit to the gr(min'm sister, Mtn. AN IDEAL INSTITUTION. and ggeeneral &nctionorr. Oaleem on month A. J. Ford, of Exeter. the young St rn•t, whets be will be found at all donee, couple, leave for China, where they when n rylpg-I-- T,!; -m re&monaMe and will Pllgxgr in mjaajonAry wort. Whit the Young Men's Christian A w very a li _sled to dve you matlat. Ion, 'Phn11e•n• Bluevale Man Nearly Suffocated. seciation Seeks to He. Robert Musgrove, of Bloevale, hatl yigh grade, low cost, young nler a GEORQE BECKETT a narrow escape last week. Aa he ell' L General Auctioneer. was engaged in putting A cement wall An athletic organization that d(lell New System of Tickets and Catalogue, under the hotel a hank of earth ,%boost not use men to promote athletics,/hut OFFICE, HAMILTON ST. seven feet Filth fell down spm him uses athletic@ to develop men. P.O. Box 1.s} and hurled hill% face downward Is•- Rork IRhday.mol for young tits who Death two feet of earth. Thos. Nes- Y - - - -- - bitt, who was working with him, was A home for young risen a y front alao held fast by the earth. For- horse. TO CONSUMPTIVES' tunafely heli wall near and the men is its eight thousandlacesin we" rescutx a few moments before North America and thro hoot the Mr. Dluagr•ove must inevitably have world, and open to all y Ing risen, of The undaraigned hAvbng been r1. ILi, faiths or no faith. R4 1,r health by simple means, atter died from suffocation. HP was badly pt. means to the o1 mon home bruised, but Is recovering. y' g suffering for several years with A nev- comforts and ros. unship, "crea- ere lung affection, and that dread Died at Winnipeg• tion, intellectual cult 1.r, phvaiaal tit. disease Ceswsglks, is anxilnrs to make The Phil intelliRRenrP was rtcpived neat, npjritual grow known to his fellow • ifferpra the last wl4k of the Sesth in Winni try),, it nf(•ans to the "'Pl cr increased means of cure. To those who desire nn Thursday, the 111th inst., of I1M efncican, through paeclalixpad training, it, he will cheerfully hend (free of Martha .1. Kydd, only daughter of honesty, sobrietyp iovnill•. charge) a copy- of the PI•plarription Mr. and Mrs. OPorge Kydd, of that t It n raatrs to Lhe, chafch earnest used, which they will find a mire rues, city. Gartneritv of Hensall, and gfaod- member, trodmil worker. Bib]* for Gasssytba, A@Nlaa, Catarrh, Bros- (laughter of lwrll. Sellery, of Mconforth. scholar, nlininter,ot inissionnry. CbItls and all throat. and lung f4stalks. She wan stricken with typhoid fevgr it means to the city goo ritirxn He hopes all a iffererm will tr hill two wvepks ago and gra naily it w ship, honest adininist ration, wise Remedy, ws it in invaluable. Those weaker until death trccurred. ile- legislation. desiring the prescription, which will reacted, who was horn in Ushorne it menet to the futurewife A hu• roast them nothing, and may PrOv a t,wensty-live years Ague WAS A partieu• hand with the faith of a Christian Meaning• will ralense addrosa I Iarl f Fright and Promising young the brain of a scholar• Ole ba. sc, of At Rh• ERWAt1 A. NIIISON, irNtlJ11, N•1, being one a )n the disitinction (if I best elocutiooiste in nets, tyPd the uaunen of a gentle - - TGuluttf.CY, October 24, 1907 ,a MUCH CO1lfCERN FELT. I Or amt ie-1Ily to plan. , — oN `o-------- --- ----• 1 N a> r Methoda for TreatingCatarrh `' . I Unsuccessful v V D. M I L LA F " v Kecest statistics showing an In- heave the cot,- 11 S& O1 Me 5 r•rteae in catarrh shaket, ( V V dat,er u1, medical lora in the usual ptvr , options til xafYKuulYl huruun hr Ilth -Ulu the of this dimease. i -1 . ♦ g P O Specials for -- - - 0 9 ravages \\'11rt, stowxeth dosing proveelltn- it na-111. J 'rut' It ),.life 0O aG co PP 4 r Shoes was li i ,ale ouu•r tlrallN•111, auS it is1a+- tact °c ` Aspecial purchase lir O / 41. / c eved that in llyunN•i au absolute lie fat• all vaWLI'ehal troubles ham at lero Betgifilla•d through A V. Ihells lit tilt• moderate pr^ o1`, Okyr 4 U°cO Liner. Scotch Manufact' C / / ♦ `ocb Poe A touud. eat pocket inhaler. its healing ulydi- there .pedal, 111.:111 {ler doze fir 4 d ; c+ e , OvAP ' a4 / ll Solll{ Wt'al' and real ey c g ° ill Men's cePO.1a ltion reaches every spot where 1,r c+Uutr11u► germs, destroys thrift. )1'1. our •LO POJ ` °moo ,ti; rrvents their fooire growth, and K o • oQ .A4 Qd the irritated oulcour otelli- -ane sit that relief is telt aluroht in- We have ,f great vol of .4 e1. }vet? T TO WEAR -it, frost ttjc. yd. do 1 `c.1. , .1," tuslly, whit(. baxliuK cure is Prac• sure 1U follow. saes Blruchrd Table Lit, -u,'2 tco `a-Q1. `,r ' td Ills) walking y. , o .amt , ow The,comi-tete Hy'onyei outfit costs 1.J' BleaelledTable1,j1 n, "all lilt. 'G a1.+'$" Ns' $ *- will certainly uC$6011, and is Mdd IIV JaN. \Vilmlu nder ata absolute ,fgrrrurrnt to 1.r- t he looney if it dues list Klve l'nbl-:uheYl'1'nhle, .$urn at:Lk., ►, \e .,% % ,,:, V 3 w * ICC when )'Olt it 'v Table CluLhx . `` xllm(x1'LN/11. It it, tilts Urily 1'lll'r itis A Inrg . range t -" Vl -';? Q'I ,it -signs; front the idexpensive to the ,is ; % ?1 ,,2 N; e `e atarrh that him ever been sold under it filed Dinner Napkins. only ten dozen jM t A a 1,r, makes, in guarantee to coat itothing. unless III -em, hot ins. Wilson has mo much yr ,wfa+ `,-tt Douhre-width Flannelette Sheeting, whitens\ ,Z e`,5 ., " ` 3't ,glZe3 and with in its power to cure all catarrhal Double -width Union Sheeting, white and grey., } e% o ",1 ronbleS that he is willing to take the $lake au if Hyrnsei does nut help you _,e-,'y ` 0 Shaker Blankets, hest quality. frour 111.00 per pair , ++ tee . , N i ' - 0t• Easy here will not he a prnny'A expense. let an outfit at once on this liberal Site( i,al pure haM• in \Vaal Sazbny Blankels, bought t- o delivered this week, size W" x 7H•', ribbon b)un)it `eO. J't.pIt o4,Aard to _— --- - 1. :ing, blur butlers, special price. $12.75 per pair. \.\ P' O'`,Ja o•t'• A Uefinitlon of POlit;cs. All makes in Union sad All -Wool Blankets at moderate prict o , tea• A politician who is a great walker r, .1,''S. Special Aine in Oilcluths, just the thing for saving the carpet ahs 'R S TT , ll`ryrd. vas recently Out for as tramp along ^ whru, after going a few uu try to ,l d. ni1.l, rat xaljt we askwl x gcxxl- putting nndet• the stoves. Special price 25c. per square yd. 1 `1 r9 ,` , ! MILLAR S SCOTCH STORE t r #Liar fatales drrulg that way. -I han sun." IY lapufidlrl Al 1'. 1•nl'I- ser, "I •Il uvnil nlyM•If of your kind : /ffev." the'two a in silence fur awhile: _ -T 'rew.ntly th . teamster asked : "Pro- essiofiai Retail ." "Yrs." aulswe Lorimer, who wilt, hinkisg of x fail he hold (rending b•- oRe the 114) . Atter another ing pause. the faroser observed d : " y, you ain't n , • awver n1. you'd Is to kin' I you ain't Is doctor, 'eAnte Yost ain't gut no satchel, and pal shore ain't x I Parnell's Broad preacher, from the looks of You. Every ane who has tried 6% at is your profession, anyhow : it will hay. to" "thea. 111 non it politician," replied Lorimer. Ba. . nutty, palatallle. The farmer gave a snort (If disgumt. .hole wheat ft.— 'POlitira ain't no Orofesxios . poliuce tn,t ;. peo,laady its a a dimorder."--Fxchange. ow SUITED HIS CASE, 0 at same i. labelled oa •, ery loaf. Dodd's Kidney Pills Quickli Cure Prom- it re that seer's. Pend.loom • 1,h• Inferior Kind. inent Business Man's Kidney Troubles. p • T. DEA N Welland. (.Int., Oct. 214. --(Sped Al.I YOUR POPULAR UR0CER9t AGENT - • lir a year or more 1 haul kidney tiYpble in all its worst layt,tptUnits. savx Mr. J. J. Yokont, ons of \Vel- Mild'%le•mt bl)ainess nie•n. -'fly head Wits had, 1 foul no appetite and i lust weight fast. At time. I was en- tirely incapaaeitated. 1 doctored with a phytijejan of wile experience but got no good results. '•i hecalse despondent of ever bein well again, when. bg y g,Nxl luck. T ,11fTMMI!1? ITMTMM"ImM"", r►tttttmmnrnmtm -1chanced to try Doold's Kidney Pills slid from the very Heat they just seemed to molt tel))• tame. Frye bN)Xetl rell'ell 1110 ®ff erscompletely." Specialit is cores like this that host Klven Dodd's Kidney Pills their reputation. S::: They cure All kidney dimeaase@ tram I= have nee to Bright's disease. They THE GREA TEST EVLR I hat•), never yet failed 1,O carr rlir.uu%x- tissl. _____ --- STOP THE STRENUOUS LIFE. The Signal Weakens the Tissues and Lessens Or. and I game Vitality. Tllife in b and t, &til of the atremr I The Toronto ops lit- in Loth city and country t•udx loFive` peopcllle lrtodey. Weekly Globe — 1•'ivr le•tr Ir muffrr UxlAy where Our did ten yeaars ago with mi headache. dizziness, flatulence• distress after -tat- will be sent for a vear for jog, specks before the -yes, bloating, n-r•votumens, sleepleasne•ms and the m many other symptonot of indigestion. 2 All who e sulfering avith'stomaI$1ch eV 0e _ I 1,tYUhIla sil/l that I lte IIs ill least twit To new ye+uly xubxcrilet•s, loth p+1,`{lels will Ie meet free for out of three in (ioderieb and other j.the halanve of 11Xq. That jay, n new mnlrM rilm•1 molq hove both towns, should ole tri -o -nu latowncb papers until 3 tnuary 1st, i1XM►-fourteen umnths--fnr the small tablets. Nothing else is as safe, art t 1 e•tfective : nothing el:s• can Ie so thor_ Mat of $1.3). oglily relied 1,/a relieve till SUBSCRIBE NOW. nrouldes from indigestion 0t, Mi-o-nn.3 It is visit it nie•re digestive taken 71. 2 After the food is paten, hilt it trip =7 Address--VANATTER & ROBERTSON, tonic, latinnrl:ult and strengthener Gm The Signal, GODERMC,H,. ON7. I the Muscular walls of Lite stomach. in- , ce-aiming the• How t/f digestive tiuids and putting the stomach into such condition. that it thaw til- work A Good Combination ANOTHER BARGAIN Nature tapeta of i1.. 3 Flo reliable is Mi -o -eta in its cnr•ative THE SIGNAL THE SIGNAL action that Jas. Wilson, with every i 6l)•cent.box he sells, gives It guarantee alld anal it) refund the rnonry finless the THE WEEKLY SUN The Family Herald and' remedy deem all that im claimed for it. Z: iToront"' Weekly Star To New Subscribers to )Innen•„ 1 Flsie "Who gaVe, you those cho c- January 1st, t9oll, To New Subscribers to olntes F' ,lack -"i bought them Mn•+elf January tat tgo8, I the inssno•y Uncle Tom gars elf•• for 25 Cents for 25 Cents A (Ant weak." Elmie-1111nt fatties' said — The Weekly Sun is tilt- The Fancily Herald and you should save it up fora rainy dray."' = great Farmers' Weekly of \Veekly Star im known front .Tack- Yet, : Intl it rained thin morn- Cat,nda. Every fnrnn-owner ftalifax in Vancouver•. It I ing, Po I spent it." U_ in Huron County mhonuld r•(•nd givPt, it inams n( general read- ­- -- - it. Address: VANAITER fl; ROBERTSON. THE Sit:NAL, GODERICH fits / eiiectly• because /arch garment / is made to fit an individual type of figure. Aker it is finished and goes to the laundry for its final washing, each garment is tested on models ranging from 21 to So inch bust measure- ment. 'Thus the size is determined accurately. Anil the size as marked its exact, and JlayJ so, hecause Stanfield's Under- wear can't shrink nor Stretch. Ya1r draler will likriv have sill .nn and ,erighta. if not, he ran if r them for yrnl. 138 la lei! - 1,f& Ili& ing platter every week. Address: . VANATTER & ROBERTSON, THE SIGNAL, GODERICH The Signal and Toronto Daily World To New Subscribers For Four Months, for 50 Cents Your 1 oca 1 W eekly and the Best Newspaper and Agricultural Daily in Canada Almost Given Away The Local Newspaper 617r! of every hofisl•hold. It in your friend and benefactor. In fart it in part of every home. The Daily Paper frorn the big contres is nee-ssar&to the man who wants to la, Abreaat of the till) -N. All the men inve the (All farm, its stock, its bruit, its veget- ables, its dairy, or iia forexta-tet fact, a love of the farm lien deep in every heart. The World easily leads all dailies its the Fatal Daily. Special pages are given to Agricutture twice each week. Subscribe at once anti DO IT NOW Address: VANATTER ,k ROBERTSON, The Signal, GODERiCH The Signal and The Toronto Weekly Mail and Empire to New Subscribers to January I st, 1908, for 25c. Address— VANAITER & ROBERTSON, The Signal, GODERICH, ONT. ,Ph. q at Funnitun 'PIIONF:S: 'H,. Nightcallm:.'It real,. — road and . J. BROPHEY & SON - 7HE LEADING -- Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orden carfully att.na.d to at all hoop, night or day 'PHONE 15 4R 24 Warehouse ('Co. went ashen You want and Y&M. street and Tit ICIgST' at Dock :(Quare COAL ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND ArAll Coal weighed on the market males, where you get 3.000 Iba. for a ton. WM. LEE. Orders loft at C. C. LEES Hardware Store ,•:wL side Square. promptly attended to. I GiJ:vi,xY BROS. Livery, Hack allo— 'Bus Stables GOOD HORSES CARRiAGES PHA ETONS —1`i T C., A T— RKAKONABLE —R A': E S— . Nell -appointed Hacks and reli- able drivers in charge of (the Buses, which will meet all train s and steamboats ALL CALLS ATTENDED TO PROMPTLY FROM HOTELS AND PRIVATE HOUSES GUNDRY BROS. SOUTH STREET PHONE FIFT' __114- SYNOPSIS OF Canadian Northwest Homestead Regulations. .call) even nundlered section of Isoininion l.luaolm in Manito a. Sa-katchowan and Alberta. exceppt flm acid Z. not temert- d, may be home - IN' Is) any person who is the mole head offt family, or any male over layean, of ago, to the, extent of ono-gnarter section of nun acre-, more or less. Applilwtion for entry mumt tle made In person It by the applicant rat. a Ibminfon fund- Agency or Sub -agent , for the district In which the Iwtld lotAtuate. i -.rat ry by Proxy may, however, foil, mule at an Agency an certain conditions by the father, moths, mon, dallwhter, brother or Aster of an intending hnmemteader. Tho home,tteader is required to perform Isis, homestead duties under one of the following plans: 111 At least mix uronfhm'remidence upon and cultivation of the land In each year for there years. 4Y) A homestelider may, It he so de -fres, per. form the required residence duties by llving or, fa filling land owned ,anmly by hill], not lags than eighty pen acre- In extent, in the vicinity of Ah- homl•+tead. Joint. ownership In Isms will not oneat this regnlrement. IM if the father for mother, If the far her s.t1e- emasedl of a honlsat.elader ham permanent rens Bence on fsrminl1fr land owned -olely by him - not le-- than elghtY iasl nett•- In extent. In tM• viclnstyy of the eltn -tend. oY opon ahommtemt m ,tem,l forhy hlna in the vletnity. much bons, trader nu)• {erform M- owl, r,ddenee dude by Ih'mg with the father (or nanther). III The lean -vlclnity' In the two preeedine Imtragraph- Is deflrlM a- mean$eRR not more than ninr inllem In adlrfom Iine.lexe, umlveaf taro width of road &llowance,c ,rammed In the me&murem^ni. stn A home••tosoor intending to 1wrform him re -krone, dutie. In accordane.• with tlw abnvn while lla inlRf w-itk pwrenta or on farwlnit Islands by hlmwlf nramt. notify the &rout for Lha, df., riot of much intention. Ali nronthm' notice in writing mnmt he glvsn to o.he Lloalmi—i0ner M ftomininn Lands at Ottawa 0111intention to apply for patent. W. W. c(My. lrepuly of the Min1.(er of the Cstamw, N.R. I.ma ithori,ed rombllrwtlon of LW ad. vertiaolsi st will not be paid for. .