The Signal, 1907-9-19, Page 2I
We ' AOHESON d ' SpN
We are now showing new goods, and to make rooln
we offer eztroardinary bargains for the next few flays.
l,, i 5
ta. 6
CARPETS , •• :.
lsaglish Tapestry Carpets >h inches wide is a treat variety of Patterns and
eolormgs, suitable for any room or hall, regular Oce be floc aand
yard' ttsillag at Per yard
.................... I...
....... 3x to 45c.
Carpet n 36iscbtks wide and ..
at per yard........., v*rrablks. a good range *f patterns clearing
TapeJIV. 35c and 4a
stry..Brussels and Wool Squares a Rags• luW 3=3. 3;31. ia4 special at
from .............................................. 43. So to jss.00.
Liall"ats and Oil Clothes s, 3 and 4 yards wide, at par yard A 45, yo and c.
ooisfir to the liquor trathe in thrid A mail call min It store without ad
midst, wt', in this district meeting, de- rertiaing and he eon wink at a girl is
sin• to express our entire confidence, In the dark- but what's tate use?
the meal option law and heartily con- Boole sten got an much aatidaclion
mend it G1 the most heart), sympathy out tel w olitical ram
vo-oileratiun mud local support of our 1 a an snout'
people in the comutg contests in con- woman get out of a church revival,
stituencies where such campaigns may A gotxl printer ,n a man of the
in the future liecarried on• highest type. He attends to bis own
__ _ case and makes, it a rule never to lie
A Dark Secret. °'a'� out of aorta.
"Give us a marl whit sings lit his
news anyone know where the dead work," says Carlyle. Yea• deliver
of night is buriet'?--Chicago News. him intA, our hancle and we'll Kindly
do the rest.
If a women should trim s work. The striking sermon is the one that � I
iwaket and wear it a bot she would hits Lilo simaer hard. a
attract nu ryp,wocuhar attention. People who have sympathy for �'
-Atchillon lilulwr' h)unanity are not sighing for heaven.
--- _- - -- - - - - -. - -
roc. 7C
Soo remnants, white, pink. navy and red shaker Asinnd. �,c,11
� l'
Ito remnants table linea. $ �, *•
]0o remnants linea towelling.
oo pain Corsets, wzes statute and drab, sitil to 30• nude of geed jams, very
full hip and bast, well shaped. with books mppcm . See what you Can at 75c.
Then are this line and you will buy it. at per L>+or 4k•
Wrapperette Waists for 311,11C.I
New Muslin Waists half price, 75c for ate. $1.0a for Sac, ;,._%for 7v.
I r t,
t. , � '!t. ALWAYS BARGAINS AT 4
•, i
, � Ahad others to suit the people. '
Manufactured by Burrow, Stewart & Milne Co.,
\ Hamilton, Ontario.
sae -l_-.
Geoff Beckett, AGENT '.
Hamilton at.,Galerich.
liarlwn`re, Furniture and stove%. ,`
V an ( IA (1 s II119E In Iml Ilia pout nn a Hritimle a iRLPs t r) cur (•hrlrgl hale ten h-11.111, p,as.rd s rt'«ulutlnn en lorniox viltlr. '
quickened development and inrreasrd AfnlPsnw",
rmixed n greal. deal rerrntly. _ hr tlif• fnrwxrrl mot'rutent of Ihr (docs- — - ' '
S i TaolanA'f, ssptellobw 19, 1907 ... THE SIGNAL: GODERiC11. ONTARIO � . '....: '
churches would withdraw, leaving the the griof of the frugal natives when MR. CURRY'S VIEWS. r
they haw A drat of Ili h- bice(\ hi uor - i 11 Ift4kt book &I// stoop.
work in our town to one deuuw)'1»• t K � I
tion, fu a second town to another de- Kloing tuflv,utr. Liberal Leader (or Ontario Mot Have A oigok bond d Will turn Wk/te.4
Borden aid A lesworth. a Missions
uuuk:Ru•H.uVTARIU, nomination, and @lltat Y Tltla'wuuld 1 ''-•8kCkfpOY/M•
PUBLINHRD F.VBRY THURSDAY her tetany churches from heavy an* ntrwttool Nutri,. Toronto, Kept. 12'•Tu surtewfully
By unnecessary !olds M, and would lektlr Neither Mr. Bwdvn nor Mr. Ayles• lead the littoral party in Ontario a
,VANATTDt t ROR ZRM.14 worth IN Ax butt n, they paint rach illicit euuxt Iw prepared to realise the �����
Tolepbwle t'a11 Ne ai wen free for the new placer where ()t her. Moth aur very decent men, truer suing of P.ilwrnlisue ; he nlual
,Term. wt autteerlalleA 1 there is such crying need of pastor's, and if 'Jur. H111den would talk less h,lyen -a s„uuething to Acco1-
It would Man give immue Ilea of hoe almhll lilt' 1`1 i1 ()then the pn11lir plimh for the iwnrHt of the 11 bill
■.tlParannuellitaavanaVp. utighl have fihkvi culHdent-t in hila. ()()nilly, for �f�e
! x oconth ,.'ado; Three wwatha,•ALt union would work Iwfure it should Iw Il iN au ill higu in x polilirinu, as in » '•Ile nul.t ism prepared lI 4ulain RL ' y+
l'nsed stwa•. nlbrribens $1,511 a peAr irrevox•nbl decide! upon. 11ltsiuems ulna, when he can Hood nuth- his 110 -It until Itis part relievem him of
Wtr(etlyInadcantel Y o 1 party �'�e
sabsodben who fall to taealvs Tax SIGNAl. The urgutiation-tl 'ot; tilt- union of ing goon to hay of his riv,Its. i1A own motion. rue Providence relievre '
regularly by soil will stouter a favor by as hila by IrlthlY ing hint lu soul her
consenting us or the rant at a■ early a date at' he Methodist, Prembyteriau Rud Con- Honoring an Agreement. sphere. "j • - r;'
When.chartpofaddrelwledmdred,boththe rrgatioual bodies )'live been Ad- IIan10to, Hro,l.l, "The man who is tiling U1 accolll•
ekl and the slow addrwIshould begiveo. .incest by a ut(eling held during the Lala trouble. would Iw far Iemm fur- IIINh intent feel that,( ltrte i�/u work to when res n
Adwruatng Mate: tat week at Toronto. 'clue Haplists lit' i( rwplovrrs ,and wtn•krr•s irrn• 1w dune and his hetnntealla• in il.c P
land (-I her dmller adrertl+eltaenb,, for I we definitely d/•1'l,llel to Ptllll• Illr alw'at'N its I"yal tU ngreeluellth rlN illi• IIllttle hlkeke J. Walter furry, K. s t r e n g t h Will faiie
Y rxrrutill• .d ehr coal euiurr+' union l•., ex -frown altorury rued I.ilwral
MnU net at IIIA lunerticme and o per line b fw I pitied union. r() .1-d ilst•If to Iw ill a recent case, t;audidate for False York, in cul Inde'
sewyutrkpa.nt lleaerl.leu. kferkalen by x i• ^I s h a k e s p e a r e know
sflrnd Waiveliuealoanlnch. _._ -. - _ �'hr.•e hundred "tilers at. Suwroit. 11- view this utorning when naked cup. his world He knew
Hurinwoud.of ills lines and under. O pre diann, went lilt Ntrike without Im•inK ceiling the party oullok in Ihr •
yArAveKlsemen`,Iotl.ost,F ssd,Htayed, sit ' EDITORIAL NOTES. anthorireil by t)'e. Miler" extrutiv 1() 1'nlilice. that advanced years
uations Vacant, .Ruatoos �wted, Houw+sfat - -- do «I. Israel in violat ion of an n ree X r. Curry. however. is anxious
Kale or to Hall Farms for sale w to Hent• Well, Thurwla warn tkxl start in uwnt wills Ihr rultlwlty. The Ioth in the Dominion and 1'a()•
IAriolel• for Bale. eta. not exoeoding right. Y fl inuar lel Ihr mlrikr nam the rt'- vinrinl oleoma lDo ',st•(• 111r Lib -
In a man
Has, circ each Insertion ; #1 for ant ewsth. 31► t)'r Process of getting atvivainlwd with 'w�
ter each.ubacquent taontle. lArger Advertiser- �k fu s„1 of the vouquitiy to discharge e1'al octet)• Ineastlla• 1111 to tier stature lessen his eReetive-
mant.inpropition. oornew neighlorl• the aline boar. The company or its (saditions. Thr innueliale
Asenounotalosat. in ordinary read)ng type ten - nesse
oentaimrtlew. Noewtimiamtaan! --- ap{x•alett to the union exrclttivr. duty Iwfure tilt- Itousiniou l;oye,p_ While you are
Any.peolwlnotim IMollieclof Dish I. the Goderit•h will have to Bober Iwat to Phich, after inv"tigallall, drdrrtud lure,(, an kir. Curry sees it, is flit rx you should
some t n
benefit r any sadly rte or senor . , -urn the compliment when the pro• the Ines to go Iwck to work, Hned rupriuliuu of lilt- U•tutk tele hone young
to be to le owls Wend an advertlaement and r P
to beobar'ged ncendingll•. ,- deed excursion froW t4im end of the them n dull:()• a dn)• .•nth for tier richt lues. 'Thr telephone service should lw thunk Of the days t0
me�etiwlllb�gliena�anydplbtoet advertise- AG.IinrtothrHuynl l'elyixheld• da1•mthey Wrre()Iil, and handed the idrotilledwith the loostofHce servirr.
_ nuenr� over to Ihr wine ()wnrlr• The lrl(•glay6 and irlrphunr are uulyCome. It may be
A4drooallcominaninalosto The Liberal Leader illyloveolents on file old st)'le „f
VANArrXR ft ROHhbRTaON. I7te Tominto News declares that comparatively easy
Tag &ower. "the relrner that 16r \Yhitney Gut• \\'aut.r«k �tutinel Itcliew. w'rlllrn nlesiager and Aught robe pn it
/laLerlth.(Mt. P of tbal mysteuu. It is the only way in
_ __ -rcrnment )I" taken lite license tinct+- Some e..geenlwt rootemporaries aur which the public t. .in Ise properly t0 earn money nOWs
GODERICH. THURSDAY. aRYf. 4, far,. tion out of lolilics is 1I sham and a new
the dyeralfun lip im-r the 1et.le,p, It won't be so easy
nrw LfinetoJ!a(1rr hole Iw Nrlror ••I still informed,"
__ ---_ _ _ _ humbug." cannotThe Nrws tell e6r 1i)• lilt• i%eutwrra lir the Leerty. It
e- ••Ib Iknts of ap,-oeuls �e, llleu t': then.
A MEMORABLE DAY. lwople something Ibey don't know' ? li a caucrntiit ()f the leery, It de- P, I Ute \feat ale snotherd."
ponds me what Ihr new*leader is Itr. rreug to Previnrial mlfaies kir. A small part OfyOYr
\ Thuiwt») tart, tier 12th of Eieptem- The inlaldrtr+ silo (rh well, say u1- wanted fur. If Ile i« w;ulte d oserel)" ( 111.1.). r (ta.d he was not i1 Gtvur of savings put aside and
cowfurtable, on lite Greyhound Lssl to Irad the Oplklsilion in Ihr• Hu1wr. (•'I'lulinafunrr Starr'• muggesliul to i
r, was •a memorable day if tier nu- 'i'hurwlmy hhuuld nut Iw dim(()uragr,l, tier cbuire should Ike left to tier Lilwrxl plar•e the license mystent under a d',ml- invested In One Of our
na u( tier town of Oo dorich. The , , luefol'PIN. Hut if A leader i.e wit 1141 ulimSion. i s�
IheyAhouldcorue agaulswt get o'er '()dile htrfv,surely Iii• ku•ly sha11ld Reserve Dividend
off! ' I r.I., tion If tier oprninKlef t "Chrpreewnt my -dew of adwinisIra Policies" will make
the uelph er li<n rich branch of the tit till- water. 4niling oo flit Inky is a have a say. It might Ile that the tion elf eriellinal justice Is away Iwhiod
line Ihillg whelp it ngl* q wi411 Done. rhui.-p or stir ulrmlwtw would readily the times,• furfhcr rumluruted 1I r. your old age a time of
IAtnad' n PaciHe Railway marked the Iw(•ouie the r•huice If the leapt)-, As lens Purr "nt,or :are It
fulAllme t of w hula that l,Id Ikon It' ortwl that Ihr C. P. H. in- w1 in tier rase of Nr. (:rmlvm11, bat ) great 'I'm") comfort and safer
ie'"1 bnwrhrs of Ihr Lav wbirh weigh .Y
cherished for many years by the trnjs making much lulditionm to the thermos a lossileilit.)• Ilia, it Wight not heavily un lbr emsouuu 1ks,pdr which Instead of a tlme Of
Ir of t ix tuwu. A loll writxl ,•hi lit facilities at Flirt William As work that way. Aad it dikes Neeto receive slate considrr,LLiorl from tho-r
d>roP K 1 pp K that the plltyisrulitlwl torht " its unCertaint • Write
bah alas t m1 cr tier mea tot con- will wake it tier Hnr. t int lid •hi l lin 10 chargwl with tier +11lwini,trxfion ..f .y
pe( prospect I { K own leader, and not merely to the the law• for details to
nection with [ e C. P. R. was Hrst tort in the world. This i« of mp e6al privilege of endorhing the choic� of "('evil law and prtp'whur should Iw 1 * -••.1
held out W the itizens le( tioderich ; interest toGooterich in view' ()f the nrw "snit' tine rl«e, siulpliHel and made Iess expensive.
Not the leeriod of iting has passed, C. P. R. connection. No Compromise with Hoodlumism.`\1 bat It Inquires• who appre- �0��
N.uai'tose 'Time•. .,late. tier hardship, un Ilse lkN,rel' ON
tier j� \ i+ rlenlplr and we look The ro cooked rh;ul a of Tluank.- fm. ple ale Iw democratic enough (I
nowiller lite result that may lee 1 1 K Thr plain Girt., thaappt
o d to all , te'e r mkt' Than es suMrirnll • sweeping lu
giving list
slay 'nem 'I'hurse is CVi Werkon- enforced nrr, that leve ()hint Iw tt R 3 t K I FIS
exlxrOVl fu follow tier l +wing of our ata)• i. mavVecatwl Iwc:IIN• n mid-w•rrk enfrnrwt and that whatever »n•RnKr- NF"1µp1 sit »uy lwruaanrnt lir uuurl-
town in diorr•t cowluul »tion with ())'cats Ina) Iw luxde as to Ir nl+u inn K
III)'day •'(Ilhor•ganixfy leltminemn,' (live Il ••It\. should be drereed fl statute
one of the greatest Ira po"t.o,, of iuwtigrUion uu move roost Ike Y
KMNI 1'Yaallll fur rrfu,ing bl make tier made that in tier ftlfxhtrst rrw•wblrs that xr1)•txxlp aulw•ribing to ,olitical Insurance Company,
systema of tM• world. change would Iw II drlloli-trmte that toltre«siult to the evil elemenlm that ' Rntp»i a fuitdr should Iw conprllwl tis
Ther• ran tee no duulet Iha the C. s,.,, to file a et:aUtnory de•'htl'atit'll with Ihr
husinrhs i+ rant tier only thing to Iw k tDo ()The thri,r influrnrr felt h) pb� t.OndOns CaBadse
P. H. intends to Neild a huge •-flue rioting. The ht',Nihlu rlwurnt het+ clerk of t e pta,rr in his own�tleual)•
rlensi,iereil' Iwfore• dont nuu•11 iu 11I•y t.e Hrit ispe +as (" Ihr a`tn0 it hu l,s/•rllksl xnJ lie W. It. ROBINSON. General Agent.
over the new liar, with ubafou ad• 1 Whoul-It 'A 4 id. Anyone receiving
I.vid.•ncr is now reported to Ie ('•,Innlbia : it lttusi filet hr allowed to )' K
vantages to our town in fnrrea. d { e' aI-roil lite Dmoinion. If British Cill- auoultth shun \»Iso Ike rwpuired to file
e o t uisaia
trade; bet this in itself ih not ,dl til. f IthrV ming to tier rffw t that H ,,,,,11ia can not, or will not• enforce a dreLarati�n as to [he auounls, le}' Mr. Rogers, that in cunsidrratiun
the completion of (be, (iuelph k (itkh•- „till#' tier Pacific coati► territory fltow file htwv ;Ind pauper NII within its lore from w'hletn and when urricwl, Dou,p of the very distinct IwnPflts ase Iw dr -
rich Railwa • should menu tie (idle. ,mpriNe" in Alai•ka. The episode in dens, the Dominion must are. Japan til#' Psn'lhlsrs to \Willi h they wrA ria rd (row the IN'NI ()puller Law and
show's n ronunendable wilhu nes d, aPPliwl. the very gratifying repkortm frau,
rich. [nrrmmerl ubiliti m. tin bring w irhl eorigversfanrflgnnd wa-,nnt, 6 ou,d' preparation V tier voter,: lists Iocwlitiesw•here it Is now in o ratiory
(•a opwrrur in rrgnlnting the rmigrx- (x`
inerena(d rrwpknt,ibil,Iirx, and the tier thrnriginul AlRskx s1Pa1. tion of its xubjrrls; and note)' ()f IhP should Iw in tier hon uta well 11aiJ ronvincing un that it IN nuccwlrfulty
people of Owlerich should lie prr{wred - ph llhrt talo(\ :alk,ut the question lin, usolliripnl officer, who s No
Iw usade rnl()n•el, Ihutigb wt' desire to exp
Ths waN a NPlrudict Aprw'h which firth Use "ied ' of t'he Its and tier prpti,,,•Illy rrmp.efi.fblr q• fine rend 11111. glrat regret that the input sof
tat Prw-a- Ihr- itdyantngr which tier R. Hugh G thrix• kl. P., 4 ehvercti at the Inisre IrPNeDtalion of the et•it rlrulrnts 1'ol'tisonutent in came rotil� allies (vrrl. tbethlrr-Hfthsniajuritydrtuandfixists•
P. R. conne•lion gives (o this town in I,anyurt h t 'I'11ura(I+y. His brief but in for I'tUCiuCP, Dicp•iAl and FFx,I.e-rsl, left off for which he is unlah,l - to give leaking it exro-edilgh dif leult'tu me.
advancing its position as an Indust ri,sl This country iv not going to Iw over. all explanation Nui-,fart"'. to t)'e carr tier pnsh►gr lel -the law,in (1111-
rouµlrhrn-, yr reyirw' of tier history county judge of him rleunI) Party munitirh which aur twsentiayly xntnK-
and rlelllllo get centre.
ailw Un tier line „(Hein.)' Nn h Amerir:t was Iulmir. run wflil '•yellow men' or ••brown revision should not Ike px•rnitit•l`,
of the two great railway m)•stemm lel turn," *nil Ihrrr is not any renm/n (lir
. able, and will 1 long r•rluemlk•red Ly real lug such an invasiuu. We Are in - •
the country and with its splendid fhosewhoheard far greater ,btngrr from Meme white GODERICH DISTRICT MEETING. IALNA UDIES' COLLEGE
position an a 1»ke port, Godellirh is _ elements that Hritish ('olunsbin rnn`Id
now so favorably militated n« 11 evi- 'Thing. are not ( witted evenly Ill well «I Am- Methodist Church Representatives Meet tri ST. THOMAS, "T•
tably to command the attention of this world. l'arnegie Ili%maremoney at Clinton. titer t ISO
manufaetun•rs making A 11s•:ttion, And Ibon hr know, what II du with• PULITICAL NOTES. Thr Hnanci,d mrr►i"{[ ,if the (l,klr-
in a few years it shoald Ise in the while the n•Nt of lts have o ad vertisP _ rich divtrirl of the Mrehnedist church
u'+w held in Ontario -,(rept chun•h, M
front rank anemg the prosperous lake fur if. In F:amtern Citaad, there are The Lilieral ntenitwr, of the Login- (ItA h a
Chilton. on 'Tuesday of last week. sees_ n
Iatlllf al'#' ale Islet's elf Toro to Iolool'-
townn of Ontario. 'I'Iw advent of Ihr ant enough men to da tier jo while Thr (allowing rllisistrri:d and lay � _
rU%% whr•is Ihrglrntiun of the rhos- mt•wlwrs were e f �•.
4J. P. R, Chun hringft U, elm ritiuYlm the out. un the ('least • they n Icy- 1 ~111t : 1[rv.N, to. N. t
ing lel x Iradv - to "It -P l Ihr Hun. Hnzrn, Ii. A. f111nirwnur, Healon
responsibility M slaking tier twat lxs'• ing to rhnse workmen out V tier Grurgr P. "41"I m will 41 dash' Iw aldlyod, Won. .1. Jut)'tolle, H. C. wo `
sihle use of Ihead ynntxgrs which our ruunU' And Iowa in New Hr ns- draft With. IosinN ()''tear, lYrslry F. Krr'r, Un1 id
town manifestly ponmenArs,No that the wick they hoer much a frems-ndo h "One. rsandhett-+uhuy-inlereating Iteegeim, Ilelry 1). Newroualk•, (ie.o•ge Yalwn/t affiliation, Music, finerA
•s crop Nditirl 1 v o4 ie
cit • of tier eu h, rum. c (late- ' rt' of o tl e n 1 xtia is •N " 31
mn sat Its hUVws t r 'hese dx f I in ' a
Y P { that they errant hl►r 1 I K ) KK 1 h lush .1. Snowdon. N. A. y � ria
distinct advancement fnan this year rare lel them, while lip this any'herr ons the I-Psponse of Premier Whitne y Aoderson Itinnurial w•clrinryr, Win. Fiofttion. Physical Culture, Commercial,
hen »skeol the other da)- fur his A. Smith, ('. K. Durrant, Alfieri F. Iels�eflo science. For year busk writ
1>IIYi. are )'telly V•nnugh for the hired Iron. rt wN its t() tier nuggPstion !hal hr lanes, Messrs. A. J. '1'ynJ»II, A.
It is- all( _ —
ether right and duet a
Mt K that mho Id "".ep the F'wlrrul arena olid tea•- ifco,wr, N'nl. (,toks, Jrsw (itr33, PR PAL wifMfi ..a
the people of (i(hlrrirll should irmPnu• The Hight 1[V•crrernl Arthur Nein- rleulr I HI. , loc iuG•nnnt to Iles lAnrlrn John Young. The chainunn, Ke1. (i,
ningtnl Ingnuu. IAlnl Hfsho a of iA)" in his •rsent Valu Ili n. "SPr•inllmly," Y. Harr(), ler lialerich, nwaidwi. - - - -. -
ber with gratitude tier efforts which 1 1 K 1
dais, is visilin Canada, and bun 11en 6e,uldc, • 1 seeks still pMfoundl) iur- Thr ())'•cling nam o1x+n,sl With dt
have been put forth by tier pwuPlelf K K plrsswI 1 'til t11P annnmt ()f :ofin,l, lohnnnl exrrrisemcondurtwi b KP V,. Humlreds of students Of file Popular
x nuntlwr nil Addrewcem which hare Y and successful
Guelph especially Glwmnln theswtur• effective nl 1 ls•rltlnnent work which W. F. K,•rr,.1. (irernrtitld I). Roger..
ing of thin new opal. Not only did at► "Cleel Nide ,ttlenlion. Slwaking enRy 1w dune 'l1, tit.. Prcvinvial IA•KIN- %%'lilt the,,•x.-eptioo orthe f/llowing oneny of the prwninent., ( iYxns ap lk•foretheaCnimili+an ('11111..' To,onIo IRtnres." Platt." missiulutry nlw•lingh weer Irft4iR
on'•Thr Nr(rrfmofRkion', Influence -•'- \�l t..bN•al nerangrmenlN: Ilecelutk•r 8thGuelph Dox their inHurncr and ru- NemGI•th, Rev. ('. It. Durrant : heo-
f)vrr HiN F'rllnwN." he gave n. t he• Hest Where Muaici aCan Get Mone miller, lYallon Rnd Hulnit•h1•illr, Fit•v.ploy their energy perrwenally in per- PY•wading the l'. P. H. to slake the ex• element ltlwdtutr Ntrlighlrkp,om in pri MonStar. D. Hnvery : Hlyth, Rev• A. P. Junes ;'j;
carr and in public life; srrond, tier fhtP cu't'er nF fic roily ill money 1)rtngannml, 1[r1. 1 R.' i)urr»nf
tension to Gemirrlch, but the city lie w i, ""till tier keP u•nl of nulnl \ucruslwr UNh -Auburn 1{P1';' lis V, HNyr .Prwrsl fomUlann this year.
whole maple s heavy fn1•e+talent in a1•Ifdanrr(if "side," ter ••frills:" thfnl, 1 �
the quality of ft)'ugwthy ; fourth• a iouniripDol rnfew . is in neither Hazen, Demand in far greater than the step-
the building of the Guelph Junction An unluixtsl g.hor A unulixwl Moved by W. E. Kerr. r.rcon leol by Illy. FAlucate for business p ookitioum
Railway lie a Atte toward, tier• dexilrsl w nsr of hluh•r: and lift)', faith. roil. \\'herr tuenirip ity is in• '\'ills. .(, Nnuwdon, that tilt rdur,a_ and you will Krf thous, but the wl-
end. True, these efforts were put That into pretty K.mkl.Ailiug chair. eliord to go ahIIo ram( in Ikor- tiunal oteelings Iw/left to lral or. tlCation must FIRYT•CI.AS,V. Stud -
newel 1h,nep - ,ntreal wn Nowt' uDongrmt•nln the retary to notify admitted lit tiny tin11•. Write fur
forth far the iwneflt of their own city, Thr klonlnal Nrxr (('onH•yvnlivel lrars,agl hrforeIwr wAm I t up mlMrnt rnemhrn U1 thea rffert. CRp. etttKlognt•.
but without 1hP uncrRxing vigilance 1t'+uu1�) rndnrNx the "eruirely clrrer( i') tier IAgislatthen it will m riPrl•('lir. YlenKP and AlPxnnderl9ln.
and the hPRI'Ly en•lepxrnlinn of Ihr Rrhh1 thing d1 hoilt money-Irltdt 'n Mavw1 by �1.- I. .lolliffe that tilt•
attiludr" of Nir N•iltrid LAnrlrr ap apply auhnuufirtkw, But whet ttllpwrnnrr. p �1ltilrition,wd moral re.
Guelph lieople the meal would not ,be. Inpnnese question, and points (wilt the titnnitifiality resallY rwpnfrem more form marlin Iw left to Ileal Arrange- W J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
now Ike built. Gnnlph is bend to thlt it, rpfnming (a Ike swayed from and IN•ner equipruent to meet the (1e- rnoN, tier •rn•txty In notify alharnt
prosper tmrn til! incrcrtawl tr:ulr that hi, duty nN an lugwrial hlwtrsltuut 'hr u"an(j.- of the growing limp," if ()hal w raises.() this rffetL 1',u•pi.d. GODERICH
will crow• to it over the new liar, :od rujuy, the unyllNliHw) xupgort lel Nie 'rnq lrp•IIP(I it,goInjury it to he k cw) 6) N. A. Anderson,'"' Her•undetl
1 K h) 11, Idogrrs, that Hrr. It, klfll)n•rl BUSINESS
tier. trneHtN whirhit will rrtivP have Ili11lwrt Tltplwr rt l'onsrrcmliy,: ex- In slur)' a ecus, it iv d()nldful ul(1 .1. It. Million together with the
been well Parnwl by file forr-,ighl Hurl Minislrr, w)'I lin. livt•d for yenta in w'11rlhV•r wont muniripnlfliV•s might rh+girt n If tier district Iw n roilmil. COLLEGE
faith and energy of its ritizenn• Hritish Voluu,l,ia•" -It is rt•aNDillr- not get enough money lel Ko on with tr• t 1 vi ' walk circuits with tilt-
il! will Ike openwl won 11y n uennDogrulrnt
G(tderieh arts honored in Iain ill from thrix own riiizrns, ,Doul Ira the ver of incl 'sling udnintrriDol sup(xert,
K K• w1 )'Di '1'111• Star, ••111 have a man t(lrofeosional finmovierm ••gee haeog. I 111 A `"Itet•111;( aw fit" An losalble the wilt, Irmilln more young people a@
choern am the place for the olilpial at the head lir Ihr Government who Mafiy of the lwople who live in rhea s slentalion fund of oar rhlr•lu, Hemik•kPerlerm• FHenographerm ,tied Tel.
celebration of the opining elf the feelm his rpsnlnlsi11ilities, whose virion towns nap rilies and r•nuttry di:,trimet Girlie d' egraphen than any other ,n Wentet•n
road : it ora further honoml by the carries beyond the Iimitm of the votinghave moat)• in the b,pukDi %which i, The following tewdut,on arts intro- Ontario, ir)'lividnal inxtroclfun.
drxw•ing Uel- lonlh• rate of ttim-p ,we* dnrel by Rev, 1\'..1, Jolliffe and .,call-
presele" of no "'tiny of the lw/Ple of cnnslituenciek of ('anadu► and who cent. The leank(V Nye Ilial. Ihry cel - lorinl I,y Rev. K. ktillyanl : "Wher- (irndtrittex idaced in Ktkxl mitu,ilirmx,
the varions towns along the lino. mrrl popmes.w•N tilt. roust ip and the nal afford to rhise Ife rote. nllht'u 1, a, uor annual ronfrrrnce lov, very Day And night, r•InANrn. tinier• any
its cifizenx look forty
ore Kp(ell InK ""It'll man• : but 1 e) le•11 Iional society, which teseni , ran ,,,I. For Catalogue write
prosperity for the will district front -- -- _ _ _ _ - us ehhtt they can
cannot give ueor hlrgetl ineoh•. lieit rt'*ellwl shat wt',
• Guelph to Goderleh, with empe(IfAlly Very well. Why mhould 'not tilt, the nlrll Iwrs of thiDi ew. "pl ';It wfe, GEO. SPOTTON. WINGHAM.
n fervent hopes for their own g.Nkl Song of the Moorland Lovtn. J
munfctilalitie.. b•I•low diee�f•fly (roll mtPti"g, fully npptccinti"g this work
town. IM fslrir- Ilre "day lhrir ow•it cili•r.,•nm, amt gift- them :al If thest k•iet)•, pro"eise U1 dI our iwNt
• ilk•-pnelhPdn-1 ofha.trf z+ e , It•;wl Itlwtter rale tial lite hulk+' Hiner•n.PthPfn"dninhruueunY(vi[h •o*N�N00.#�NN�40 /4
AY. fair{..dnnrc I ktnY shire per real.? Of rout *P, the Citi- the req"P,ts of the sw•ret,ti•y of edllea_ Z We peach* Telegraphy
CHURCH UNION. ,, a, fliahlip the nlnnrlandwaste. lens would have to withdraw Ilii+ lion.'• CENtAAI
. . Their cont. are Krivoi,Iheirfeetarrnotht money from lilt- I la« in order In In arrordanee with theallove re-
TheCana,li:ol •\lap(azine for Nelatem. As wing.or-wallows taking flight. lend it f the faun ,polity. S11ch ro solution it Is hoped that ever)' rirrnit
Polley world wilt i reA,e the volo lie and station on the dirrs►irt. will do its("
Iwr has lit interesting nrlirle nn Are fairtwplAyinxyel. of money, It world lemaen Ihr power utmost in raise the following Aug- .
chore)' halon, showing white Dieppe Thm,Kh men-wrt hale f(wgoW t of flip flanks to lend -Ir it might have genteel amount«: (4aderich, North STf1ATFOftO. ONT.
have been tnkPn ftp til dill(• by the %mr- Ay, talrlr-1Aaah at fief the aliPri If irnlliving our Canadian sttrel 11111, Victoria turret SM"; ('tin. �l r• uratic three departments:
\I'hihmrnpowmenoand rnkl. Iemnita In hr, home Hntee of Ihr it'll, Wesleylli 1, Ontratin mtree•f ;.ice; 1'Irmnrn•ial. Short
ions rhlrchescuncrrned. marl the per•,. money They /�,o kindly lending t" Senforth Ijt-en, Halnlrsville sten HI1 rh
entetaleofIliene ItiAl,onn. Ofrlsrrw Tht•irhPlnrPlyrM.UlPtrevNtinAroKrrrn, g ii s 1, I)nn nonan >fo Nile ., lye Telegraphy. We employ the
Viso know Them by their '(re'e'l neer. hilt fl wonld•nt nil rycnlN K 1, g; P Y
gMmorwt.aerAt. do two f n Iw-,t, temr•heps that. money can
three are difnrltlti,•m in the any, bN lyf gw: it would give Ihr miller Jd'tL, Alhurn >A:ii, \Vnlfnn tl:k hire, thlr rmn•wes arP thtmerlpth
they do not nt•Ptu tee In- insurnount- Ion fairlPaHesotackiness I momiripn/ lies noney which they Loride,ioro $:M1, Hnytiphl *IN, Yarns
std know. Ifeet, nevrrdeaA. Aerially rlPrd f/ Ko In with, and it ;dlf• A :111(1 prtrlirnl anti we mxesixt war•
able, and filet- ndlnnfnKra to Ike gained ('meld -aril n faun IakP ( P,` shy Ntudenfn In pk1ni111nA. Those
h unlrnt are right Would /Rive Ih.•h rilixrnn n fairer In harmony with the motion taken Who wish to Ket. n money mak-
y great. enough Io make Whilr•gmmmsmmnmeetathebriars ahll•r nl the prolltn I( the '•dent. at the lamf(ieneralCotiferrwrto ploy Ing winratiortmhouldget thebeat
compromiser, adviaalelp. It, m11ut lest Their resat. ale anrn. their fact are swin I '"o'"p• 1k•rithl" \ )'lough which we n, - off t )'e Ihtlarlee no ill due nn the Inion Write- for nor new ratAingtee
thatwe ptssili . Thr. V Di
nee little I hen ori 1• vl I
t m w , ht ilk• ,,,,Ili,. 1 lir. h rt' ie
ill lw ., If will IIP A. sled. that blow when nln•tMed. hes. � K K iu I f fend daring til(• pr•ew•nf and Rot part irnlnn. This ix
iketter that Hone finer should ,wail, lie. - Hallowell awtelitft. Ir• Dihort ternN we DoN til enable the ofundrennillnet ,ltd fhrthernlore in lie- the lees' I IMP of Yrar In calces
t ulieipnliiirn In rwlerm silent- w'iIh rorrl with the derision of the Inst ELLIOTT St McLACHLAN,
torr union takes glare, an in such seri- 1Pnper fnnnev when the rhralwIt. annual runfer•nre held in Wklerieh til
oto matter every move ahould let FROM OUR CONTEMPORARIES. money rool•s, raise the appr,prinlion during the I 11riw1real..
well eonsidI Tod. :I'Prhapem while lite -- -- en *•nt rnnferenr.• Year. it WAR novwd i LiSdo"dit"Offe-ftsid,#404644044601
church" wa{t far union ro 0 4. The (ier•innn pnevPrh ,n)'s that „Y Mr. Jollii�e•, s.•rnndwl by Mr. Kerr, 1
W;rat,on % I The Sable Spirit. - - -
Sprro "' ttwenev hone i, liltle lonl hon„ • I that we weft f the. Ae 1 f
might he enstifmlect and Aepve as ,t
stepping nbmr to that end• lift fn
almaidy being tried to cologne extAgt in
the dom"tie. nt,coeion field. It might
profitably he brought nearer home.
Ther+ are numerous small towns and
VUIWea wdtle mote churches than the
inhabitants can atmfortably support,
lio try to support three or four
Aurelius where use sits* would be
eelSoNst Why "Gnat ,oum agree
®oat be ode by which stow of the
r-,,bt, `Fry a..J.�rIi ....e r _id,... lf'� r '
IANNttln Adveltleer.
Rmssinn moles are killing Jews at
IAklx : the Mfwu•A Are warring In for-
eignen, anti ('mnndiRnx mfr rioting
the Japaneme, isn't the spirit hehin(
these outhrraka the same Ip all three
cases t
Grist at Gold
Toronto Tel grhar.
Guelph oppt-@ Ad the Tees railway to
Gudsrich !syn nfMcially breaking a
hots@ Of ebRmlingTie on the track, In
frost of Its log atallom. Thus the joy
of a fmtivv (le.a im wan revere" by
I mar 1
brat• hof. hrnrt hint iN all Inst,
"Thal, handcoon a K11'1 1 her • rtlade n
frktl of mP two yrAr•m nga" "1 felt.
noire that something had a ...P(. in
yonr I1RAt Ilft fila' tion hA1t never Kot
[.sale Willice-"I ,syn Pa, wh•It in mn
empty title?" Pa -,.An empty title.
my eon, isyour mothers way'of tit•
tarring to me an the head of the house,
when there gas vialtome present."
Ooatsion ally a man balks at doing a I
charitable deed hosause .osteone b.
dislikes expects blue to do It.
p rn in a Doppler-
Uoned to our different eirroiletAled
mrommlend our g11arterly lomrds tr
awluf(•Ace in the name, and that, nn
effort be male to raise the whole
amount b•forp -the c]Os@ of the year.
Following mfr the amlonts to he
rallied • -- O(detich, Moke th ntrret
s itirk Victntla street $11.2&; Clinton,
W0611 -y •lu, Ont rin street $17.iMt, 1
Somforth $19, Hal.. Ville 1112Y6, 1
81 111,11 11114.23, Dungannon $11.2&, NII@ i
�l Henmlller, •11.4(1, Aubtrn
fid. 14.:t1. Walton \\lose, LnndleksloT4
91AH7. BaytkaM $I(L a, Vasss $11tIf5.
Moved by Mr. tirtowdon, se@ntded
Men's New Fall Wear
Our new fall stock of Clothing and men's Furnish-
ings are now ready for your inspection. It's wonderful
the advance in'Clothing each season, shown over the
preceeding one. This season we a.e showing a beauti-
ful range of suits in all the leading shades and splendid
quality of cloth, while the tailoring and general style of
garments are the height of the tailors crap.
t , 4 COME AND SEE THEM 1,11 4
tw 44.
Our (,nothing is good, our prices right �;
Bs' Cohing�-
The boys' clothing that an be relied ()port gad will staid ties bast most
boy's teat their clothing ten we rscoot fire Saderd Clefking. thig have
justly earned the reputation of Irav1'ng the tot boys' dethiag in Canada.
Double brm"W amts ale Nerfonr tiff. win be the popular styles,
, A'„ NEW FALL KING HATS. , ,»t,,,t=.
They we bsaatiM l t t '
T4 Might !lees t* bV lift's Clgelrhg lid Issrs,s Igo