The Signal, 1907-8-1, Page 818 TrosnDar, AUJUI& 1, 1807
go down with the boys and T
bring Live honors for the district r
llaiflsod ��� Dir at
least lack with thous. The Si=d
bland will likely ttcanupu=) t
eusead at Court House. the
excursion. Everybody ter Heat- u
Thr public meeting called try the forth
on Tuesday ler Wednesday of t
Maiftl.nd River Power Company for next
last night for the purpose let disctwr-
week' r
Two Ciao" with Styth• `
log the bylaw to too voted on next
Two tealur from Blyth played bar•-
8siturday war fairly well atttendod. tall
against the Oo dericb mentor tea=l, i
The Mayor took the chair and matte and
a piekt+d-hp train here yesterday.
as enthusiastic speech in favor of the for
junior visitors winning the timl D
bylaw, pointing out the advantgyyc�r it
gtuur (1-Ulo the, •'*erutst," which WHY
would be to the town to hair 24-hour
played in the afternoon, by a score of b
at the watyrworks and ole•tric p
to 8, and in the evening the seniors
Ight plants, the nadvxntage electric front
Blyth being ahr+ul at the end- of
ranwa)+s would to and the groat in-
duce>lnont electric .&l ower would to to
the sixth innings by 4 to 2. The latter
same wits father poen• exhibition of k
manufacturers t, locate heiv. 11e
baseball, many errors being. made by t
bad a proposition which would be laid both
trans. At the rod t)f the sixth
before the council cue Friday for for iwoogs
Illyth refuetel ft) pl&y On- not- t
location of an industry here and one
witltsutodinw the vigorous protests of 1•
of the questions asked was ate to ole•-
the Oude•ich team. The double unn-
tric power. He accepted the stair-
pine aystelo WHO worked, Iligginwotl
went of Commissioner Doty that the
and FolTemter doing wtsst work. The
town would tit+ making a gotxl iott•ppliu
In ateries were Tait and iAutll fol'
to get hr power At the price nalne+tl.
lioderich and Hoaoes ma=id MCArtter for c
Jas. Mitchell was the next speaker.
Blyth. Only two hits iv filet oft i
He re to his ex{erene0 on the
the htttel-, while the visittots slid out ,
Board of Trade in dealing with induN-
get any otf Tail, owners letting in all
trial propositions and in connection
the r=uts.
with the proposal for the building of
electric mads. This was the only
time they held had A chance of ggrating
electric =•Ads built out of Ooderich.
Sa Heaton, of Toronto, is in tuwn-
He intended t, vote for the bylaw.
Mrs. J. Lneww)ll leaves this after -
Dr. Holmes reviewed the mops that
noon fur Ilitroilton.
had been taken by himself and others
Oeagc e4cou isup fruut'roronu) un i
in getting the charter for the Mait-
& fur•tnight'N holiday.
land River Power Co. and in getting
Johu Yates, of ('hi, -ago, is visiting
the beet hydratilic engineer available
his mother. Mr•r. S. Pate-,.
to snake an exhaustive investigation
firs• W. 1). Vim and Gamily, of Leam-
sod report an the possibilitito of the
llaltland. The preliminaryexpenses
ingtofi, are visiting in town.
bad been borne by himsef and the
Mrs. J. K. Kerr, Toronto, is the
other gentlemen interested and, No tar
guest of Mrs. Frank Macdonald.
oa he was concerned, tae wait willing
Afro. Jlacklin has tweet called to Ot-
to go without being =rimburred. In
bylaw bring
tawa to we her father, wilt) is sick.
the event d the vote+l
Mise }la=th Rastall, of Braletforti, it
down on 13aturday the old iryylaw
visiting at the resi&oee of J. S. Tait.
would stand, and this was considered
sot op tavot•se to the town. Pow
Mrs• Allan hhu ke rats, of tires fork,
Is visiting her ruwntN. Mr. and Mrs. J.
dam would he hail[ sourer ler later
L. /)rant.
but it the present bylaw were voted
Mrs. two. Sharman, of Yorkton,
down the company would have to
look further for the capital needcxl.
Sank•• is riniting relatives in Clinton
He still maintained that the rust of
And Goderich.
coal sed at the town waterworks and
Rev. %v. W. Htoddart, of Fulton.
electric light plant was conniderahly
;flu., is slwndileg x fort Blight with his
mon than the i6,b(X) given met by Mr
parents let town.
Campbell and othern. He +touted
Minta Nan Killoran, or Seaforth, wait
from the hydro-eleclrie commimsion'a
visiting her brother, .1. L. Killoran,
report the NwulrM given out to the cunt
during the week.
of electric power At the various towns
pt,.\. Jit+ WiltMtn &feet Mrs. 1Vilsm,
In Western Ontario developed front
if lbmfeto, are spending holidays in
the riven named in their report as
town anti vicinity.
the proper source tot power for the
J L. Kerr, editor of The Blyth
various localities, showing that file
Stant{&rt, was in town yemterelay and
cost of electric power developed tat the
c,dlel on The Hignal.
Maitland delivered at Goderich was
far the cheapest, placing (ioderich in
Mist Fleming, nt Brendon, Mon..
the forefront of all the towns in
is tike guest of Me.. and Miss Bit -
Western Ontario an Gar am power wits
chanan, l'hureh street.
concerned. The Doctor e0m) referred
\ins. J. G. Keeler. ler Nt%rw(%KI,
to producer gas. al,yut which there
Onl., iv visiting lire- sister. Mrs. A..1.
waw so Bunch maid as t, it« cheapness,
Paltridwe, Elgin avenue.
and quoted front the hydro -electric
Mr. and Mrs. R. %V. Heid and child,
commission's report to show the relit'
,or Hnwklyn. are visiting the laly's
Uwe cart of ele!trie lower from the
parentis, Mr. and Mrs. A. Farrow.
Maitland, of power from producer is
R. H. Farrow, wife slid daughter, let
and of stearal power, showin that
while prclucer gam was considerably
Ottawa, Are visitingg at the neeidence
cheaper than strain it. was greatly in
excess of the cost of electric power
of Mr. Farrow's unt•Ie, A.
Mew. It. S. Hulwrts,n and children,
from the Maitland,
of Stratford, are visiting at the retti-
J. =i. Tom was glad the changes
deoce qr \V, R. M)lertmun, NrAgate
defining just what power the town
was to get for the g7,a111 and making
Rev. Dr. MpWn.In was in I,ondun
it plain that the company were leo
•os= Monday occupying one of the city
Next sit nday hr preach
supply any machinery, inelndintw
{,t=IFoils. will
pumps, necessary to maks owe of the•
n, )etmit.
power. had been rnade. It a chaugr
\ion. Merrett and Miss Rose Merrett,
could have been made r) that the rate
of isuldon,. visited at the hove of Mr.
the town was to pay would not he
&fed Mrs. John Salkeld, Bayfield nAd.
Qxed�or thirtv years he would vote
over .yonday.
for the bylaw.
Mrs: Will Fritzley baA gone to De-
expressed hints•It briefly
g P y
trait for a visit with her Misters before
an in favor of the hvlaw, He w•u
]raving for her future home. Prince
content to take the statement of o,x-
Alberta, Sack. +:
parts in engineering to to the avail -
Al". R. Foley left on her reUlrn to
&We power.
Camptwll m=ule A lengthy
ahtart all the objer-
Chicago last week er visitirlp{ her
parents, Dir. and AIV John Kelly.
address covering
tions that tiara Bern male to the bv-
Church eetrret.
ern. Jones and t.hrve children, of
law. He went into liglimn again to
prove the correctnem of his statement
Dotart, ate here for a month's visit
as to the cost of canal for the town
with the buly'M parents. Mr. and Mus.
plant, read the repo=rt received by the
.1, V. LPTouzel.
town from file hydro-ele•trie commis-
Rev., 1). N. le(:Antus And sons,
Sion, claimed that the of
NVilliai n and lAwrence, of Ldnttwel,
the power company'% IBenitlit wtennld
ace the guests of the forener'n CeoUNIII,
injure the town's credit. and dealt
John L Aitken.
with other matters which are pretty
Or. W. A. Hackett and hill brother.
thoroughly cover.,{ in the letters on
Walter L., were up fl-om i>Ptroit last
the subject publisbel in this i.NXge•
week iwr nufoni obile. Dr. Hackett
In answer to Mi. ('Iun1,IwII'n remark
re.turnel t)n Friday. s
as to the towns credit the Mayor
Mr. and Mrs. F•'rsrl Naftel and chil-
stated that in a look publinhed giv•
toren, of chathan=, me- visiting Mr.
Ing the attending of different town"
Goderich was ptacel at the heal of tote•
Naf -I'N parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. S.
list. The reason why the town's de-
NAftrl, }�nylield =•fwd.
bentut•es were hand t.o sell wan the
Miss Felna Nelson, of Hidgetown,
sfrigerecy of the money market,
and Mist Jit -an 1e•nnentine, of Maphe-
to==o leave liven vit=iting rdative•ee in
Mr. Moyes' Arae the but npaker
and made the most unqualified state-
town and at Port Albert.
Monts as to the amount ler power in
H. lirnson (finest, who haA returned
the Maitland. 7lie hydro -electric
from %Vinnilieg ho resume hit join -11 -
u i
nes rt n the Det Island
commiaslo report
'x '• ler o n a Te r int o h
all ht work Th
River power, he said, to Itis knowl-
spent Huntbty Ittst in town.
edge, wait male on an eight honrw Px-
Alm MrLnughlin and grnndd&ngh-
amination of the river, and no en-
ter. of Detroit, rourne) honer oil Sat-
gineer living could do justice, it'
111•ei,=y 6101 after visiting MI -N. Mr -
the river's p,aaibilitiese in wry right-
IAughlin's cousin, .Bohn I. Aitken.
hour examination, nor in an righty-
Mr. avid D{r+.,.las. Fritzleyy :and child
hour rxaminatfon, nor anything like
left. hist work for Ninga Dlun., where•
it. The storage teat riots texture of
Ihry will visit Mrs. Fritzley'n old horny
the proposition, with which the conn.
mission had not dealt at All, could Iw
IN•for•r p1• ieveding to the ('eatst.
developed to the extent of 7,(111) h. p,
Alm John L. Aitken, who haul been
A cubic foot of water falling a foot
visiting her twin%, .Bohn L. and Jaine•a,
Huron Old Hcoyn' excursion,
praluerd .11 of a h. p., but droplX41
from rho height, of the darn pr•olooswd
sin ce• the•
re•tlrned limoe IoTorontoon Monday.
would produce Nl h. p. Hr hal Alt-
Mrs ' %\'let. Itoss and sin• Charles,
solutely accurate drawing" of the
ars visiting at flip ho=ne or Nr. %fill
topography of the country fetid the
We,. "'or -A-11, Victoria Ntreet, and Pit -
river's mouth np to Wt, Bennliller
pwct ft) ivtoro to their home in Idaho
and the data on which the power weiN
figured were aboolut• fxrtie. He did
Misty Aggie Knox, who hal i%•en
not see that there should iw any oh-
visiting at the old home, returned to
jections tt the thirty-year tern=, nN
'I'omnto on Mondav. aerompaniel by
the controllinglet rates wtam in the
her mistel, Miss Mi who will remain
hands of the hydro -electric ronlnnis-
in the city.
*ion and there was no appeal from its
Dr. M:tvklin a i"hos to Announce
decision, and this provi"ion of the hy-
float he will IN- lent of town during the
I&* was nothinp� nitot•e than +t fhtrly'
Inon11 of Augnsf. Hr intends tomlwnd
�ear franchiw•. f the carrie''t
the nu,nth in file study of Nryrgrry and
P intended coming to Ihe• town conn-
speriml work in Chicago.
cil right awny &od Applviug for it
franchise for the eje•ctrie mals for
Mrs. and Mr-. J. Kelly Iehlrned
certalrt of the Ativet.A, beet there world
„tt Fridny Gv stc:un.•r King Eetwnrl
to the town form-
.1 Cwt) Neekd yoe Allb rt'K.IwAIrl
it HAmlwi,•itand Detmil. Mr. Kelly left
dstance to fileelectricmauls. Thpie
was no graft in the scheme : lie was
eon TnrsJay.Io nitend to his mining
not a premotor but a builder. if I lie
busts• s m ('otN1Jt
electors voted yen oil the bylaw the
EX -Mayor Tilt h-avtw next Hattlrlay'
development of the Maitland would
to join his family nr Detroit, We are
be made, but it nay, so liar an he and
awry to Lose -o, h a g,NNI citizen ns Nr,
his friends were concerned there
Tilt wool our Inyor that Nene JAy he
wmnld ie no development. The
will wainic= hack ngAin and make his
figurtrt he had from an electric
home• once nun ,• lee O,Nlerieh:
machine company on the Machinery
Dlrn. J. (i. K,•o.G•1, of Norwood, whn
the cmn txny untended installin• were
has loom vlsitiow her slater, Mrs. A. J.
over �IX1.tv000) without inclu.,IngA
PAItlidge, for the pad two we•kA, left
dollar for the data, so that the town'A
Wcdne•Ntby hr-teatoer King( lodwarel
security was ample.
for SArniA. ncconlpnnied by Mrs.
The meeting was brought to a close
Paltu•idge and dtit ghter Margaret.
at a late hour.
Mr. And Mr -A. J. 11. Hmw1t, r., m-'
turned to Regina this week. I'eaysnp�
on Monday. They were ttccnrnpanity
by Misa Minto IA' -itch. of Chariotte-
sversatldy ter Seaford
town, niece of Alm Brown, who is on
The secntar� nt the Goderich la-
her way t, join he•niother at Regina.
croese club received word on Monday
The Signal received a friendly call
that the Same with Win hal" for the
today from Frank J. Mdntyre. who
ejamplonship of district D, Ietermedi-
ham been with the, W. J. ()aqo Co.,
oto O. L. A., was to be played off in
Toronto• for the post eight years. Mr.
McIntyre is now travelling fro• Young
fssafort6 Tulandety. August
jyd f}odariah elan ate trying to have
Brer.. Toronto. makers of souvenir
tis data of the game changed to
and fancy goods.
wedeosday, August 7th, an this is the
Mise Oortrtide Row Wt sty str.
dvto hdida her+, but" at the date
Huron for Detroit on eaturflay
her frier
iNa tet nitelr hoer eo.
sprt.ding I've weeks with
Mrs. W. Fritsloy. After visiting
La Mort will he non frown
tea is ell probability and a Wg crowd
in Detmit, the will go 90 Hamilton,
oronto, London and Toledo,• before
rtnrning to Indianapdis. Indiana.
lit L. P,arsems, Harry Sturdy, Wei-
r Kelly %led Dr. Turnbull, who wet•,
p� with the Main Htatiou {Arty, re-
uruwl to town 4111 1'tlesslay nipp Mae unnina by rail from Port Flgirl.
e tainder of the party will return on
Ito, North Pier no sole as the weather
r fi&vot;ahle.
Mr. and Mrs. Hobert binnith and
limb \vinryir Ymith, of Winnipeg,
accuu,panird by Misr Gertrude White-
ead, of Toronto, slwnt a few days in
noun during the week. Mr. and Mi"
Sulith are wire and daughter of Mr.
and Mus. it. H. Smith, former well-
feuwn residents of (itederlch who re -
loved -five ea b
tw t t
it ft) winml>eK Y Y
go. sled they were warmly welcomed
,y old friends of the family who still
esicle in OoderichF
Another "Midland" Boat.
The Midland Navigation Co. have
purchased another lake freighter of
anal size. The rtemoer, which is yet
n Hcotland, is of the 31X11) tons class'
end im in appearance somewhat like
the Winona and Midland Queen.
Uaptain Fiestheretonehaugh, shore
eapt%in of tole companyy s rapidly
growing fire't, will leave alwut August
1st for the Old Country, '•►vturning
with the newly porchtussl strauleer a
few weeks later. The strainer will be
named Midland F:ntprest, this being
it f the
nth r mtea ie is othe g
f the line
King, MMi
idland Queen and dland
Prince. We are informed that the
company are 61st= nerggotiating with
the Cantwlian shipbutiding companies
for another steamer of the 111111 -feat
clans. The Midland Prince has
proven so mttisfactory that the com-
luenyy, we undrrvtand, has derided to
duplicnate it. The designs and plant
are already about agreed uptn and it
is expected that the contract will he
awanlel that
Collingwotd Butte.
The Sovereign Bank
of Canada
Pero Up Ca~8 aB.oewoM
BB.r M ttlrL7er=
Snouts Jarvis, lou.. - '►.+lay
K&xooa.►a MACDOrA4a. flak:{ VOOPMMLAYn!
A. A. ALN. rice.. -
How. D. MCUIU Aw
AGCY. CAYaaaLL, M.r.
A. X. DIN NOT, ire., -r•
HON. raTsa MCI.Araw, 10,
W. C. MC144*eaT. Ir t[.?•
less. Banca, iaV.. L
►. O. Jarman, - - C.aneKllaayw
a. CAsaais, - AMC Gaaer"AftAlw
Savbp Rauh k"rumm
Ishn a at ►aa atarrst law pail gastlttb.
U tdoomh tlraeN•.h
A. I1OHTItK - - Manager
Before acting on tree advice In-
aeNtigate the motive behind it.
Get Rid of Indigestion and Things Will I
Look Brlgbt and Joyous.
}everything lewkx gloomy and dark
to the. person suffering with indiges-
Until the prescription known Am
Mi-o-na stoutach tablets was put up in
popular form as a safe and effective
cure for Nick hetulache, indigestion
and stuutach trouble.. the "blue
devils" m=ule everything hook dark,
gloomy .end dl pressing.
Atter a few daJ e' new of li o na the
mirk headache, dizzy Grlir dnowsi•
nes+s, lead taste in the mouth distiva0
after rating NII these 8ylopto to of a
weak stomach - will t kaplw r, and
with perfect digesttion there w 1 IW A
jt)yuuM tuul Iw•autiful outlook.
Mi-o-na stomach t+tble(N are old
only in a next metal lox convent nt
for the vest IKlcket and cost 30 cru
.law. Wilson ham seen too many cure
nnalP by Mi -o -ma NtomAch ttblets that
hr will give it gu=arantee with every
fox that the money will be refund,.,[ I
if the remedy fails to give maLisfaction.
Cool off
these warm evenings at
The Olympia
The coolest spot in Goderich.
Electric fans - and most
up-to-date every way..
Our lisle is the most
complete we ever
had. Grays, browns, .
steel grays, etc. An
easy price at 11
50 cents
Our stock of two-
piece summer suits
is nearly gone, but
what are left have to
go, if we have to
give them away. -:,, r"''1
t Fancy So!
Fancy Vests 2
White Duck Trousers
Reg. Black
R ter
I beg to announce that I have sold
out my Drug Store business to Mr. F. J.
Butland, of Toronto, who will conduct It
• in future. I take this opportunity of re-
turning my sincere thanks to the public
for the patronage I have enjoyed, and I
heartily commend Mr. Butland, my suc-
cessor, as worthy a continuance of the
41i�1. Sincerely yours,
C• I oaf , H. W. THOMSON.
t �•
tl„ In connection with the above an- q
nouncement I respectfully ask a part
share of theppublic trade, and assure the
people of Goderich and surrounding
country that it will be my aim to serve
them to such a manner as to warrant
their confidence and entitle me to a con-
tinuance of their patronage.
,seatatA as"gi?lfy&� ,
Faithfully yours,
it; f,a F. J. BUTLAND.
1 have arranged for a return visit with
•x}71 ,
Taube• & Son ..r
r s1$I -lo be at my store
Thursday and }rfdaff, August dtk and 9th
and will be glad to have all those troubled with defec-
tive eyesight call and consult"there.
They have floss established in Taroato since Is7i and during that time
over imoo0 uses have been successfully fitted by thea. The advantage
they have over indoors is that they [rind their own keen and by so dein
seat an error in the too m r s a kine making. The new ELECTRIC
OPHT ALMOMETROSCOPE used in stalking W esasieatless. Ali
work guaranteed.
H. C. DUNLOP, �-
Bsdlhrd sleek, - — - GODERiCH
70Horses forSalel
70 sfRer-oLAsa
Draft Horses
Weighing 13W to 14110 Iles.
an Nwft Isrsw Will wagIN1111
Just released from completing
Guelpph and Ooderich railway work,
will be told without reserve at
Stratford, Oot., Market Sq.,I �
Saturday, Aug. ll, '171
May be inspected at Stretford on f
two previous dava I
The stock of M. A. Pigott A Co.,
Contractors, Goderich, Ont. Head
Office, Hamilton=, Out.
Hammocks ranging in prka from
=r.00 to f6.00each.
Special close woven Hammocks
with valance, and pretty bright
colon. $2.50 to $3.50 sack.
N#4_ Croquet mwro
4 Ball Croquet, and Quality, 75C
per set
4 Ball Croquet, test Quality, $1
per set
6 Ball Croquet, est Quality, =I.So
PK set
8 Ball Croquet, est Quality, jt.65
per set
Special. 6 Balls, large size Mallet,
IPro(sssional), ;2.25 Per set
Geo. Porter
Telephone No. too.
Court Howe Square, - Goderich.
THERE'S NOTHING so comfort
�• able for a summer shoe as a ligght, '
cool and dainty Canvas Oxford or Tie
Our assortment of these shoes awaits.
your inspection. It includes many new
styles in the different colors that w=ill >,
" give you pleasure to see, and even
greater pleasure to wear.
STYLES. y y s
Downing & MaeVicar
North side of Square, GODERICH.
Brushes and Combs
We carry in stock and are constantly selling very
varied lilies in all kinds of Toilet Brushes and Combs.
)poste ver) nice .hate+. and +trim,, and routaing in prim W
ale war hen 25t: to S&00 -
in Itubber. Hort. Cetlulold. Aluminune, etc.
S. E. NICK, - w= Centra/ Drum Store
UuUk1Ut'If• - — uNTAHIO
Fame is so awfully slow that when
Laird—"Well, Randy you are get•
bent. Why eioet't stand
it finally does come to the average ting very you
man it in compelled to roast on his straight up like
Sandy—'gh. mon, do ye sea that (I'd
instructor in Public Speaking.—
geld o' corn over then F' ;
Laird—'•1 do."
"What is the waiter with you, Mr.
Brown? Can't you sltetak any tendon
-4"dy—"Weal, yell notice that the
He more PnthusiArtuc. Open pour
mouth and threw yourself into it !"
tuft leo steads down, an'the empty
Selling time is nearly over, but there are three months anyway
Brushes and Combs
We carry in stock and are constantly selling very
varied lilies in all kinds of Toilet Brushes and Combs.
)poste ver) nice .hate+. and +trim,, and routaing in prim W
ale war hen 25t: to S&00 -
in Itubber. Hort. Cetlulold. Aluminune, etc.
S. E. NICK, - w= Centra/ Drum Store
UuUk1Ut'If• - — uNTAHIO
SQUARE. O�• 2_r- i
_. ..,,
it can=uWeek
IT�, Out Go the Cotton Dress Goods
ARE GOiNG TO MAKE the week commencing Saturday,
WE August 3rd, a regular Bargain week in Cotton Dress Goods.
Selling time is nearly over, but there are three months anyway
of wearing time ahead of you yet. We have Soo or goo yards of all kinds
in stock. If they are not sold inside the next week or two, we will have
to carry them over. That's the one thing we won't do, for there must not
be a yard of this season's goods here to greet you next season. There
won't be either, for we have put new prices on them that will clear out the
hole stock. For easy selling we have divided it into five lots. if you
w t Cotton Dress Goods of any kind, come here Saturday or next week.
Yo can save some money, for there will be many a bargain on our
coup rs.
At i o ' a rd
ya W r
At 25c a yard .• h
Regular i to 18c t
Regular 4oc and 5oc
MI vtanls cttt,n Dress tnateriats, (ting-
haniN, Chanab Be. MnNlinn, etc., blues, pinks,
251) yards of fine French Organdy, Muslins,
etc., Rome extra good fancy Cotton ])two
reds, strips ans .heeks, choice of this •d OC
per er yArd, corn encsgSaturday... . 1
materials in the lot as well. Draw lengths in
must of these, regular voc and Se(k, choice
At I lac a ya o ^`a
of this lot, commencing tiatutday, at 25c
flet yard ... .
Regular Zoe to 25c ± i
At 30C l
21X1 yanill It Ay in t A pct, OdngbatnN,
Fine %rphyrs, 0.h.n, Cn n Voiles, etc.,
Just about 150 yards in this lot, our finest
dozens of Atternn, lengths 1 enough for
waiatm or rresse'a. A cleat) -up our S)c And
and best French and Imported Organdies,
beautiful designs, extra fine colors, suitable
tic qualities, choice, of this lot, om- Ifor
nlerecing Satimlay, per yard ...... .. 1220
summer or evening dresses. Regular
00c to fisc. chndce gaturday, per 30e
At ><8c a yard
yarn .......................... ...
Waist Ends 50c.. ���
Regular 3oc and 35c qualities
:01 yardN of line Fancy Good DteeerMoL r•
iAls, Cotton Voilon, Printed Organdles. etc
25 to :foo waist lengths of Fsney Uottan
Drees Waistinga, mostly white with small
waist and (from lengths, our regu=lar -Inc an
3fec linea, choice of this lot Saturday. Q
neat design, regular price, 20c to We per yarn.
3 to 31 yards in AarlI end, choice, cum- 50cat
per yard ............................
mencing Satl=rday, per and ...........
The "Quarter -Off Sale"
Special Fur Exhibition
will cot ltinue until all are sold.
We open our Mid onmmer F,XhiMtion of fine Furs, Thurrlay.
very -garment in stock in sel-
AuguNt lith. in r„=r Apaciona up -stair show roots. Thpre will be
1i at, one-quarter less than
snore faro and better tura : than we have ever been
its pilar price. We don't
Ahle to show you. By special arrangements several of tho
want One of them old hand
leading manufacturing futrrien have sent us several thousand
dollars' worth of high -claws tura for this midsummer display.
next ,q ing. That is the only
reasotL this "Quptrter-o '
Many are sample garments of exclusive styles, higher-elw goods
O urge aortments
gale, ss
than we rAh carry in stock thrmigh the season. if yet have any
are nort to pod as early in
thought cif fur la=ying the coming season, we are uttisfied it will
the sea 9( n, st i there is a good
be to your advantage to took this collection over, Whether you
variety le& are well made
have or not, we cordially Invite you to eame and sea what is
from g1)Od mate s and nice -
beyond question the finest collection of fun ever brought to
ly trimmed. At t it regulu
Goderich. No used to feel nodes any'obligation to buy. The
tun will he hen and we want to sea tlMm. Oome
prlhea they were \splendid
you any time
YalUs. At Off
you nod it oona•tlent. -M, • �
them as not one but\s a
decidet 1 bargain.